Updated: October 2014 UBS KeyDirect EBICS – connection parameters Parameters for the connection to UBS KeyDirect EBICS URL https://ebics.ubs.com/ebicsConnector_web/ebicsRequest Host name UBSEBICS Port 443 EBICS version 2.5 (Schema version: H004) Keys accepted by UBS Authentification: X002 Encryption: E002 Electronic signature: A005 and A006 Client ID Corresponds to the KeyDirect ID in UBS KeyDirect agreement Participant ID Corresponds to the KeyDirect ID in UBS KeyDirect agreement For UBS KeyDirect connected via EBICS, the client ID and member ID are always identical to the KeyDirect ID stated in your UBS KeyDirect contract. Each EBICS access at UBS always contains exactly one member, who must be authorized by sole signature. Payment orders submitted by this member will be processed by UBS immediately. No distributed electronic signature is supported on the bank’s web site. Hash values for public keys of UBS AG – EBICS Version 2.5 (H004) Authentification Key (X002) Encryption Key (E002) 1C 1F AF 91 4A 70 7B FF DE 2A 1D E3 E2 76 20 C4 EF 4D 8C 37 FC 79 F5 B3 99 9C 6A 89 40 5D 11 FA 8E 89 03 8E 9A 8D 22 03 D0 A9 0A 30 1C 4C 82 55 66 22 13 34 F5 03 B0 B7 9A E6 37 F6 81 ED 66 FE The data above represent the valid hash values for the public banking keys used by UBS for productive access to UBS KeyDirect EBICS. The current keys can be queried at any time at www.ubs.com/keydirect or via the hotline. The keys are used by a client to verify that he/she is actually communicating with UBS over the Internet (EBICS). Clients must always check this to ensure that they are not exchanging sensitive data with an unauthorized third party. The hash values above have to be entered into the client software in order to proceed with the next steps in establishing connectivity with UBS via EBICS. A prerequisite for the transmission of orders via EBICS is the download of the bank key via EBICS using HPB, followed by a verification of the bank key either automatically within the client software or by manual comparison carried out by the client. Within your software you will need to retrieve the UBS public banking key using HPB. After the UBS public banking key has been downloaded, your system will calculate the hash values of the UBS public banking key in order to allow a comparison with the UBS hash values which have been previously entered into your system. Once the comparison has been completed, the EBICS connectivity to UBS is established. If, however, the hash value comparison is carried out manually, the user must confirm the positive comparison in order to establish the EBICS connectivity with UBS. Order types Function Category Description HPB Receiving Transfer UBS public bank key PTK Receiving Client protocol UBS KeyDirect EBICS – order types Standard order types EBICS order type UBS function Category Description CCM PAIN01 Sending SEPA payment basic (individual payment) CCT PAIN01 Sending SEPA payment mixed/single (individual and bulk payments) DKI FX22 Receiving UBS Quotes FX spot rates CDD PAIN08 Sending SEPA direct debit RFT KD101 Sending Individual payment orders in SWIFT format MT101 STA KD940 Receiving Account balance incl. value date series and booked transactions in SWIFT format MT940 VMK KD942 Receiving Pending intraday account transactions in SWIFT format MT942 C52 CAMT052Z Receiving Bank To Customer Account Report in a Zip archive (ISO20022, camt. C53 CAMT053Z Receiving Bank To Customer Statement in a Zip archive (ISO20022, camt. Category Receiving Receiving Sending Sending Sending Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Sending Sending Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Sending Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Sending Receiving Sending Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Sending Description Bank To Customer Account Report (ISO20022, camt. Bank To Customer Statement (ISO20022, camt. CSV payment (CSV) DTA payments without electronic signature DTA payments with electronic signature DTA processing protocol Event-based provision of intraday debits in SWIFT format MT900 Event-based provision of intraday credits in SWIFT format MT910 Account balance incl. value date series and booked transactions in SWIFT format MT940 Pending intraday account transactions in SWIFT format MT942 UBS BESR feedback Customer Credit Transfer Initiation (ISO20022, pain.001.001.02 or 03) SEPA Direct Debit Payment Status Report (ISO20022, pain.002.001.02 or 03) UN/EDIFACT intraday credits UN/EDIFACT intraday credits UN/EDIFACT intraday debits UN/EDIFACT payment files (e.g. PAYMUL, PAYORD, etc.) UN/EDIFACT technical status report about receipt or receipt and syntax check UN/EDIFACT intraday credits UN/EDIFACT intraday debits UN/EDIFACT account balance incl. value date series and booked transactions (end of day) UN/EDIFACT bank-specific status report UN/EDIFACT PublicKey and certificate management Submission of LSV file with electronic signature LSV+ direct debit order (extended records) LSV+ direct debit order (extended records) SIC AG’s recapitulation and error list Notification of incoming LSV payments Pending intraday account transactions in SWIFT format MT942 Account balance incl. value date series and booked transactions in SWIFT format MT940 Pending intraday account transactions in SWIFT format MT942 Event-based provision of intraday debits in SWIFT format MT900 Event-based provision of intraday credits in SWIFT format MT910 UBS BESR feedback e-documents (banking documents in PDF format) Reply/confirmation file from FT61 files Reply/confirmation file from FT62 files Reply/confirmation file from KD101 files Reply/confirmation file from DD01 files UBS Quotes FX spot rates Functions authorized for the contract All existing functions Functions with accessible data for the current contract BIC/BC reference table (CH only) Communication test function UBS-specific order types EBICS order type UBS function Z52 CAMT052 Z53 CAMT053 XC1 CSVPAY XKC FT61 XKD FT62 ZD1 FT63 ZK1 KD900 ZK2 KD910 ZK3 KD940 ZK4 KD942 ZK5 KDBESR XE2 PAIN01 XE3 PAIN08 Z01 PAIN02 ZE1 CREEXT ZE2 CREMUL ZE3 DEBMUL XE1 PAY ZE4 CONTRL ZE5 CREADV ZE6 DEBADV ZE7 FINSTA ZE8 OUBANSTA ZE9 OUKEYMAN XL1 DD01 ZL4 DD10 XL3 DD11 ZL1 DD02 ZL2 DD03 ZB1 BD16 ZB2 BD21 ZB3 BD25 ZB4 BD26 ZB5 BD27 ZB6 BD31 ZDF ES01 ZN1 FT6101K ZN2 FT6201K ZN5 KD10101K ZN7 DD0101K ZX1 FX22 ZZ1 SY01 ZZ2 SY02 ZZ3 SY03 ZZ7 SY71 XZ9 SY99 © UBS 2014. The key symbol and UBS are among the registered and unregistered trademarks of UBS. All rights reserved. 479202E
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