MIHA ROGINA - saksofon Ţivljenjepis Predstavljen kot ‘Najboljši saksofonist današnje mlajše generacije’ v reviji The Sax, Miha Rogina slovi po svojih inovativnih interpretacijah glasbenih del. Je dobitnik 1. nagrade na nič manj kot 10 mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Sodeloval je z mnogimi danes vodilnimi glasbeniki kot Pierre Boulez in Fabio Luisi ter nastopil na velikih mednarodnih koncertnih odrih širom Evrope, Azije, Amerike in Afrike kot dunajska Musikverein, pariška Salle Pleyel, Großes Festspielhaus v Salzburgu ali japonska Izumi Hall. Miha Rogina has been a professor at Ljubljana Music University, at the same time he has been concluding his studies of orchestral conducting at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna. Študij saksofona je začel v Ljubljani pri prof. Matjaţu Drevenšku in ga nadaljeval v Franciji pri prof. Jean-Yves Fourmeauju, prof. Vincent Davidu in na prestiţnem CNSM de Paris pri prof. Claude Delangleu, kjer je diplomiral z najvišjimi odlikami. Študiral je tudi na sloviti Eastman School of Music v ZDA. Kot aktivni komorni glasbenik redno sodeluje s koncertno pianistko Sae Lee, s katero nastopata po svetu kot Duo Kalypso. Sae Lee je rojena leta 1982 v Osaki. Po študiju na Tokijski univerzi za glasbo Toho Gakuen, kjer je študirala pri profesorjih Kazuhiko Nakajima in Etsuko Tazaki, se je izpopolnjevala pri profesorjih Julii in Constantinu Ganev. Leta 2007 je diplomirala na Conservatoire National Supérieur de musique de Paris (CNSM de Paris), njena profesorja sta bila Michel Beroff in Eric Le Sage. Od leta 2004 se izpopolnjuje pri slovitem UNESCO-vem nagrajencu Sergeju Markarovu. Trenutno je na podiplomskem študiju komorne glasbe na CNSM de Paris v razredu profesorja Laszlo Hadady-ja. Je nagrajenka večih tekmovanj. Prejela je 1. nagrado na mednarodnem tekmovanju Kobe, 1. nagrado na tekmovanju Raionkai, 1. nagrado na tekmovanju Kougakai in 1. nagrado na Japonskem tekmovanju. Prav tako je dobitnica 1. nagrade na mednarodnem tekmovanju Citta di Padova (Italija) in 1. nagrade na mednarodnem pianističnem tekmovanju Albert Roussel (Bolgarija). Kot solistko z orkestrom jo vabijo orkestri kot Filharmonija Kansai, Osaška filharmonija (Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra-Opus), Sofijska Filharmonija (Sofija Philharmonic Orchestra), Plevenski filharmonični orkester in simfonični orkester mesta Kojima. Za seboj ima recitale na mednarodnem Yamahinem glasbenem festivalu in mednarodnem festivalu ″Piano à Enghien″. Sae Lee redno vabijo koncertirati po Japonski, Nemčiji, Andorri, Avstriji, Bolgariji, Španiji, Franciji, Grčiji, Italiji, Sloveniji in Ukrajini, na Unescovo povabilo pa je izvedla tudi odmeven recital na svetovni Unescovi konferenci maja 2005 v Kazahstanu. Miha Rogina je docent za saksofon na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani, hkrati pa zaključuje študij orkestrskega dirigiranja na Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst na Dunaju. Described as ‘The best saxophonist of today’s younger generation’ by The Sax magazine, Miha Rogina is accredited for his innovative interpretations of musical works. He has won 1st prize at no fewer than 10 international competitions. He has worked with today’s leading musicians including Pierre Boulez and Fabio Luisi and has appeared at major international concert stages throughout Europe, Asia, USA and Africa such as the Musikverein in Vienna, Salle Pleyel in Paris, Großes Festspielhaus in Salzburg or Izumi Hall in Japan. He initially studied at Ljubljana Music University, and continued his studies at the prestigious CNSM de Paris, where he graduated with highest honours. He also studied at the renowned Eastman School of Music in the USA. An active chamber musician, he performs frequently with concert pianist Sae Lee with whom they perform Worldwide as the Duo Kalypso. SAE LEE – klavir Ţivljenjepis Dodatne informacije GSM: 00386(0)51-430-599 www.marjanfegussp.si email: fegusmarjan@gmail.com Born in Osaka (Japan) in 1982. Sae LEE began her musical studies at the age of four. After studying at the University of Music Toho-Gakuen she continued her studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris with Professors Michel BEROFF and Eric LE SAGE. In June 2007 and 2008 she graduated with the highest marks of Piano and Chamber Music the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. She was the prize winner at the the All Japan Students Music Competition, the International Competition of “Citta di Padova” (Italy, 2006) and the 1st prize at the International Piano Competition of ″Albert Roussel″ (Bulgaria, 2008). In 2004 she started to play with a saxophone player Miha Rogina as Duo Karypso. Duo Kalypso is a prize winner of International competition for music of ensembles ″FNAPEC″ (Paris, 2008). They have also won the 1st prize at the International chamber music competition of “Carlo Soliva″ (Italy, 2008). She appeared on radio and TV programs in Japan and also in Europe. She is regularly invited to the music festivals and gives recitals and chamber music concerts in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Slovenia, Spain and Ukraine. As a soloist, she has played with Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra, Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra and Pleven Philharmonic Orchestra. Kazakhstan government & UNESCO have invited her to perform a concert at the international conference against nuclear weapon that was held in Kazakhstan in 2005. GLASBENE STORITVE MARJAN FEGUŠ S.P. PODLEHNIK 5D 2286 PODLEHNIK TEL: 00386(0)51430599 PRIJAVNICA ZA MEDNARODNO POLETNO ŠOLO SAKSOFONA 4. 7. – 11. 7. 2015 ROGAŠKA SLATINA MIHA ROGINA Ime in priimek udeleţenca _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Datum in kraj rojstva _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Naslov _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Telefon _____________________________________________ E- mail ROK PRIJAVE JE 31. MAJ 2015. Ob prijavi je potrebno poravnati 100 EUR prijavnine. Prijavnino nakaţite na IBAN: SI56 6100 0000 6798 689 BIC/SWIFT: HDELSI22, Delavska hranilnica d.d. Pri plačilu navedite sklic: SI00 471172015; na naslov: GLASBENE STORITVE MARJAN FEGUŠ S.P., PODLEHNIK 5D, 2286 PODLEHNIK s pripisom »MEDNARODNA POLETNA ŠOLA« Predlog programa (navesti naslov in avtorja dela) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Podpis (mladoletnim podpiše eden od staršev oz. skrbnikov) _____________________________________________ Cena poletne šole: aktivni udeleţenec 250 EUR pasivni udeleţenec 100 EUR Program: Composer (first and last name, Title) _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Parent or. guardian′s signature _______________________________________________ Ostalih 150 EUR se poravna do 21. 6. 2015 Mednarodna poletna šola se bo izvajala v prostorih GLASBENE ŠOLE ROGAŠKA SLATINA, Kidričeva 26/a, 3250 Rogaška Slatina. Moţnost ugodnega bivanja v neposredni bliţini šole. Dodatne informacije GSM: 00386(0)51-430-599. APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL SAXOPHONE SUMMER SCHOOL 4.7. – 11.7.2015 ROGAŠKA SLATINA MIHA ROGINA a) Ţelim igrati na zaključnem koncertu b) Ne ţelim igrati na zaključnem koncertu a) I want to play at the final concert b) I do not want to play at the final concert Competitor first and last name _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Date and place of birth _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Telephone No. _______________________________________________ E-mail _______________________________________________ Dodatne informacije GSM: 00386(0)51-430-599 www.marjanfegussp.si email: fegusmarjan@gmail.com APPLICATION AND FEE active participation 250 EUR guest 100 EUR Application sent no later then May 31, 2015 with proof of payment of 100 EUR – application fee, to the following address and account:: GLASBENE STORITVE MARJAN FEGUŠ S.P., PODLEHNIK 5D, SI-2286 PODLEHNIK by adding »INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL« IBAN: : SI56 6100 0000 6798 689 BIC/SWIFT: HDELSI22, Delavska hranilnica d.d. REFERENCE: SI00 471172015 The rest of the course fee 150 EUR has to be paid till June 21, 2015. Facilities for practice: Music School Rogaška Slatina, Kidričeva ulica 26/ a, SI-3250 Rogaška Slatina. The possibility of good price accommodation is close to the Music School.. Information: 00386(0)51-430-599
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