2015 AZOA Januar 9 - 11, 2015 Bronstein Contact Lens &

2015 AZOA
Bronstein Contact Lens &
Cornea Seminar
Januar 9 - 11, 2015
Hilton Sco sdale Resor & Villas - Sco sdale, AZ
17 hours of COPE-Approved* Education
*COPE Approval Pending
Friday, January 9
Registra on & Breakfast
10AM - 10:50AM
Keratoprosthesis Bandage Contact Lens Conundrums/Edmonds/42036-CL
Discussion of different types of kerotoprothesis used currently and which bandage contact lenses are best suited for
ar ficial corneas
10:50AM - 11:10AM
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
11:10AM - 12:00PM
Contact Lenses for Complicated Corneas/Edmonds & Pemberton/42087-CL
Difficult and complex contact lens pa ent histories are described and subsequent contact lens treatment op ons are
12PM - 1:30PM
Lunch with Exhibitors
1:30PM - 3:10PM
Anterior Segment Grand Rounds/Lonsberry/39075-AS
The ever-expanding scope of therapeu c privileges for optometrists has made the diagnosis and treatment of anterior
segment diseases a crucial aspect of clinical prac ce. This interac ve course will examine a variety of uniquely
presen ng anterior segment disease cases focusing on pa ent symptoms, diagnos c criteria, affects on vision, and
the most current management and treatment op ons.
3:20PM - 5:00PM
Systemic An bio c Management of Infec on and Ocular Disease/Lonsberry/
Optometrists are familiar with the use of topical an bio cs in the treatment of ocular condi ons. However, optometrists
o en hesitate in the use of systemic an bio cs in treatment protocols. U lizing the latest in interac ve technology,
this course will review the major groups of an bio cs, their modes of ac on and their systemic indica ons in infec on
management. Special emphasis will be placed on the current use of systemic an bio cs in the treatment of ocular
disease condi ons.
Saturday, January 10
10AM – 10:50AM
Oral Pharmaceu cals in Ocular Surface Infec on and Inflamma on/
This interac ve course examines the variety of ocular surface inflammatory and infec ous condi ons with a par cular
emphasis on the use of oral pharmaceu cals in their treatment/management. Topic areas include HSV kera s, herpes
zoster ophthalmicus, bacterial/allergic conjunc vi s, blephari s/meibomian gland disease, and dry eye disease.
10:50AM - 11:10AM
Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
11:10AM - 12:00PM
Regular Approaches to the Irregular Cornea/Norman/Pending
Irregular corneal as gma sm is a common ocular anomaly induced through injury, surgery or corneal disease. The
condi on results in an irregular and asymmetrical redistribu on of the corneal topography o en making contact lens
fi ng a formidable challenge. Throughout this lecture will be described a wide range of unique GP and so lenses
designs for the atypical cornea. Case histories will be presented describing the use of these lenses in such condi ons
as keratoconus, post corneal trauma, post-keratoplasty, and post-refrac ve surgery.
12PM - 1:30PM
Lunch with Exhibitors
1:30PM 3:10PM
Presbyopia Op ons: Old But Not Dead/Norman & Rosen/Pending
Of the many choices of design correc ons for the presbyopic pa ent interested in contact lenses both so and gas
permeable (GP) lenses provide an excellent op on for visual and wearing success. Who are the best pa ents for
mul focal or bifocal lenses? What design concepts are indicated for the early versus mature presbyope? What
measurements are needed to increase the chance of success? How can you communicate most effec vely to achieve
fi ng success with your presbyopic pa ent? This course present a series of ps providing the a endee with up to date
knowledge of how to improve contact lens success for the presbyopic pa ent.
3:20PM 4:10PM
Who CARES for Contact Lenses/Rosen/Pending
As products con nuously become available for contact lens wearers, prac oners are forced to stay current on what
is available and what makes them different. Knowing what op ons pa ents have and providing informa on can help
alleviate some of the common comfort issues they present with upon examina on. This lecture will outline current
care systems available for so and gas permeable contact lenses, as well as provide pa ent educa on for improved
4:20PM 5:10PM
Corneal Reshaping/Walline/41618 CL
Corneal reshaping contact lenses can provide children with correc on-free clear vision throughout the day, and they
also slow myopia progression. Prac oners will learn the basics of fi ng corneal reshaping contact lenses and how
to provide informed consent for the parents and pa ents.
5:15PM 6:15PM
AZOA Cocktail Recep on in Lobby Bar.
Come have a cocktail on the AZOA and mingle with your colleagues! Drink ckets will be provided.
Sunday, January 11
Registra on & Breakfast
8AM - 8:50AM
Therapeu c Contact Lenses/Walline/41318-CL
Contact lenses are not simply for correc ng refrac ve error. Contact lenses may also be used to improve corneal
healing and improve discomfort due to ocular surface disease. This course will help you understand issues related to
therapeu c contact lens wear, as well as poten al future diagnos c and therapeu c uses of contact lenses.
9AM - 10:40AM
Myopia Control/Walline/41946-GO
Informa on about the latest theories of myopia control will be presented, along with results from a variety of clinical
trials and clinical studies. All of the informa on will be summarized for clinical consump on and presenta on to
curious pa ents.
10:50AM - 12:30PM
Staying up with Contact Lenses: What’s New and Different?/Norman & Rosen/Pending
As excitement in the contact lens field con nues to build there are more op ons than ever for managing pa ents
with various ocular condi ons. From daily disposable lenses to custom so contact lenses for the irregular cornea,
the prac oner’s toolkit con nues to grow. This presenta on will cover various hot topics of interest today such
as: custom so lenses, prosthe c so contact lenses, myopia control, so lenses for the irregular cornea, and gas
permeable mul focal lenses.
6333 N Sco sdale Rd, Sco sdale, AZ 85250
Hilton Sco sdale Resort & Villas is located in the heart of Sco sdale, Arizona, within minutes of shopping, dining,
world-class golf, and business districts. Set in the shadow of the majes c Camelback Mountain, this AAA Four Diamond
Sco sdale resort combines a relaxed ambience with decor inspired by the Sonoran Desert.
Unique from other Sco sdale resorts are our spacious two-bedroom villas that can sleep up to eight with a full kitchen
and dining area. Upgrade to one of these secluded villas and enjoy beau ful views from your private pa o, and access
to the private pool dedicated solely to villa guests. Stay connected with free WiFi in every Sco sdale hotel room.
Take advantage of the many ameni es at our Sco sdale hotel without
a resort fee. Spend your days relaxing poolside with cocktail in
hand, experiencing a BodyWalking treatment at our spa or indulging
at one of our three onsite restaurants, including Fleming’s Steakhouse.
With a great mix of social spaces, an outdoor pavilion (seasonal), two
extravagant ballrooms and mul ple breakout rooms, you can create an unforge able mee ng or event at our Sco sdale hotel.
Use Group Code: AZO
AZOA Rate is $179 a night if made by 12/8/2014
- 2015 BRONSTEIN REGISTRATION FORM Total of 17 Hours COPE CE* (Courses are in the process of being COPE approved)
Name: __________________________________________________ OE Tracker #: ___________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State:
______________________ Zip: ____________
Phone: ________________________ Email: ___________________________________________
(All CE & Meals Included)
(All CE & Meals Included)
Received Before 12/19
Received a er 12/19
Friday OR Saturday
Friday Breakfast ($35)
Friday Lunch ($45)
Saturday Breakfast ($35)
Saturday Lunch ($45)
Sunday Breakfast ($35)
# of Guests _____
# of Guests _____
# of Guests _____
# of Guests _____
# of Guests _____
= $_______
= $_______
= $_______
= $_______
= $_______
TOTAL REGISTRATION AMOUNT: _________________________________
Enclosed is my check payable to the AZOA in the amount of $___________________
Please charge my credit card:  Visa
Card #:
 Mastercard  American Express  Discover
_________________________________________ ____ Exp. Date: __________ __
Billing Address Zip Code: __________________
1702 E Highland Avenue, #213, Phoenix, AZ 85016 or
Fax to:(602) 264-6356
Ques ons? and to confirm receipt of form, email:kate@azoa.org
TO RECEIVE EARLY REGISTRATION RATE: Forms and payment must be received on or before 12/19/14. CANCELLATION
POLICY: All cancella ons must be in wri ng. In order to receive a refund of 100% of the registra on fee (less a $25
cancella on fee), cancella ons must be received prior to 12/30/14. No refunds a er that date.
2015 Bronstein Seminar Facult
Dr. Charles Edmonds received his OD degree from the Pa. College of Optomety in 1976 and currently prac ces
with the Edmonds, Husz & Pemberton Eye Center in Tucson, Arizona which is a contact lens specialty prac ce which
he founded . He is a diplomate of the Cornea and Contact Lens Sec on of the American Academy of Optometry
and an Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor for Pacific College of Optometry . He has been a clinical inves gator for
the contact lens industry for the past 39 years and has lectured both na onally and interna onally and published
numerous ar cles on keratoconus, CL for irregular corneas and instrument technology.
Dr. Blair Lonsberry obtained his Optometry degree from the University of Waterloo in 1996 a er comple ng a Master
of Science in Physiology from the University of Manitoba. He completed his residency in Primary Care Optometry
from the Illinois College of Optometry in 1997, then joined the faculty at Southern College of Optometry in Memphis,
TN. During his me at SCO, he completed a Masters in Educa on degree with an emphasis in adult learning. Currently,
Dr. Lonsberry is a Full Professor and the Clinic Director for the Pacific EyeClinic in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Lonsberry is
a Diplomate of the American Board of Optometry, a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, the Optometric
Re nal Society, and the Optometric Glaucoma Society, and is on the execu ve of the Ocular Surface Society of
Mr. Craig Norman is the Director of Research at the Michigan College of Optometry, Ferris State University. A graduate
of the University of Minnesota’s Physician Assistant of Ophthalmology program and a clinician for the past 30+ years,
he has been involved in the development and evalua on of numerous products and technologies in the so , GP
and scleral lens category. Mr. Norman is a Consul ng Editor to the Contact Lens Spectrum where he has authored a
column on Prescribing for Presbyopia for over a decade, an Editorial Board Member for the Refrac ve Eyecare journal
and Editorial Advisory Board Member of AllAboutVision.com. He is a Member of the Advisory Panel of the GP Lens
Ins tute and has been an Advisory Panel Member to numerous SCL and GP lens companies. Presently, he is also an
Educa on Commi ee Member of the Global Specialty Lens Symposium. He has published over 120 ar cles, posters,
videos and book chapters on GP and So Lens Design, Presbyopic Contact Lenses, Specialty Contact Lens Uses and
Eye Care Prac ce Management and has traveled extensively throughout the world lecturing on a variety of contact
lens and eyecare related topics.
Bart Pemberton, OD, FAAO has been in private prac ce, with two partners, since 1999. The prac ce specializes in the
treatment and management of irregular corneas, along with primary eye care. He completed a Residency in HospitalBased Optometry in 1996 and is 1995 Graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, School of Optometry.
Dr. Chad Rosen is the Senior Clinical Fellow in the Vision Research Ins tute at the Michigan College of Optometry.
A er a ending the University of North Dakota for undergraduate educa on, where he obtained a Bachelor of Business
Administra on and majored in Entrepreneurship, he received his Optometry degree from Pacific University College of
Optometry (PUCO). He then completed a residency in Cornea and Contact Lens at PUCO. He is also a Fellow of the
American Academy of Optometry (FAAO). Dr. Rosen has been involved in a variety of research projects, including:
oxygen permeability and the effects of corneal swelling with scleral lenses, difference in scleral anatomical eleva on,
line of sight vs. op cal alignment of so mul -focal contact lenses, and comparison of visual performance between
gray neutral density nted contact lenses and clear contact lenses. Addi onally, Chad has received the VISTAKON
Award of Excellence in Contact Lens Pa ent Care and the George Mertz Contact Lens Residency Award.
Jeffrey J. Walline, OD PhD is an Associate Professor at The Ohio State University College of Optometry. He received
his Doctor of Optometry degree from the University of California, Berkeley School of Optometry, and he received his
Master’s and PhD degrees from The Ohio State University College of Optometry. Dr. Walline is the Principal Inves gator
of the Bifocal Lenses In Nearsighted Kids (BLINK) Study, a Na onal Eye Ins tute-sponsored randomized clinical trial
to inves gate the myopia control effects of so mul focal contact lenses. He also teaches Specialty Contact Lenses
to optometry students, and founded the Kids Contact Lens Clinic at The Ohio State University College of Optometry.
2015 Bronstein / January 9 - 11
Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas
6333 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85250
/ Use Group Code: AZO
AZOA Rate is $179 a night if made by 12/8/2014
1702 E. Highland Ave, Ste. 213
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
PH: 602.279.0055 / FX: 602.264.6356
2015 Bronstein / January 9 - 11
Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas
6333 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85250
/ Use Group Code: AZO
AZOA Rate is $179 a night if made by 12/8/2014