DAY 1 Questions(SMS) 1. Sisulu What will social housing fulfill in the housing opportunity target? 2. Sisulu What budget commitment (MTEF) is being made in social housing/SHRA 3. Minister what happened to the R1b that was supposed to assist beneficiaries for home ownership as it would redress the mushrooming of informal settlements in the mining communities. Thanks 4. MEC GP Thank you very much for always being accessible during "Housing Delivery Protests" addressing concerns of the communities we need leaders like you. Mr Chelechele from Indigo Kulani 5. Sisulu mv housing is not in the MTSF and will take funding away from the 'normal' subsidy housing, yet you have prioritized it. How is that justified? 6. sisulu will you ever consider allocation of stands to those who need to build their own houses instead of giving out rdp houses as the only solution 7. Why the Minister of Water and Sanitation is not part of this proceedings??? 8. Good speech by Dep Executive Director UN Habitat. on! Tandeka Gqada 9. DHS and COGTA! Do you have any new funding model that will take into account urbanization and required bulk infrastructure? 10.Gordhan: municipal infrastructure is decaying, how do we continue to rollout new developments, when current is not sufficiently attended to? 11.Sisulu: What are the plans of ensuring that a bulk sanitation grant is created or housing subsidy factor in the bulk infrastructure development? 12.Minister Sisulu,from the 1.5M houses,how many houses will be build in rural areas? 13.Minister Sisulu,To achieve the 1.5m houses target,what will you do differently? 14.Minister CoGTA,what will be your role in supporting the delivery of the 1.5million houses? 15.Ministers,How are you planning to deal with individuals that sell the state houses to desperate homeless people? 16.Sisulu, how do we regain direction and attract private & public investment back into the revitalization of CBDs, like Joburb with a 20 year commitment. 17.Sisulu : Land Surveyors are finding that between 10 - 20 % of all houses built since 1994 have been built accross property boundaries. Potentially a multi billion rand problem. Aside from the financial aspect, it leads to tenure insecurity, neighbour disputes and conflict with local municipalities anddenial of services. How is or will the department address this? 18.Minister. We are grateful of the empowerment of women contractors in Gp, but are concerned the province late payments that is tarnishing the empowerment - payment of invoices are on average of 180 days. What are the payment policies of the DOHS 19.Minister Sisulu,Do we have enough space in urban areas to build these houses? 20.Sisulu, for govt to make significant dent on HS challenges, we need leadership stability at the 3 spheres of govt, no change for 8 years minimum 21.Minister,Which specific municipalities will benefit from this 1.5million houses project? 22.Minister Sisulu,Who are your target beneficiaries? 23.Sisulu. How can you fasttrack the releasing of state land for human settlements since it has become a nightmare for municipalities 24.Mamabolo, Gauteng has been under performing (number of serviced stands provided & houses built) for the last 5 years, what is your plan to change this 25.Sisulu, can you plz clarify the matter / status and way forward of assignment of HS function to the Metros? 26.Good short speech by the HS Portfolio Committee Chair. She knows what she's talking about... she's so passionate about service delivery and she's 27.Sidulu - The Country do not have the financial capacity to develop housing for all the poor. Should consideration not be given to the concept of "sites and services" with the focus on "structuring services" and the ownership of landed property, leaving occupants to build their own dwellings over timents to provide their own housing? Should the focus not move away from providing "houses"! Many dwellings in older informal settlements is proof of the originality and capacity of occupa 28.Minister Sisulu,How are you planning to deal with the mushrooming of the slums 29.Minister Human Settlements is being hampered by poor procurement. What is it that DHS doing to procure right all the time - right firm for the right job. 30.Minister Sisulu,how will you deal with the illegal settlers? 31.Sisulu - Though the focus of the Indaba is on Human Settlements, this should not be considered without considering that 16 million people stay on Souvelop sustainable human settlement. Do the Department have a program to resolve same? 32.African Development Trust Land in the previous TBVC states without any registered land rights. Without registered land rights it is not possible to de 33.Minister Sisulu,do you have support from other departments that are responsibe for other services that are required,e.g water and sanitation,CoGTa,mu 34.Sisulu : What programs or services does the department provide to new homeowners with regards educating owners on what ownership means, the relevant planning and building laws and maintenance of ones property? 35.Minister - When are we going to change focus in our model and focus on giving people sites and services instead of building houses? 36.Sisulu - How is it possible that thousands of houses is being built on tribal land and services being provided without occupants becoming owners of the houses? 37.Minister,Thanks Minister for supporting women contractors, but when are we moving towards Women Developers? 38.Sisulu : Municipal kickbacks before awarding housing project is rife in SA. What is the department doing about this and how is it ensuring public money is corruption free 39.Minister Sisulu,will the central database of housing beneficiaries replace the municipal list system in allocating houses? 40.minister, the budget allocation set for the MTSF is not talking to the projected targets, is there any possibility of additional funding over the 41.Minister Which measures is the dept doing to ensure low energy running costs for house owners by constructing with adequate building materials? 42.Sisulu, is it possible to revisit the criteria of qualification of beneficiaries for RDP houses. 43.Sisulu When are the income bands & quantums for the Social Housing (Rental Housing) programme and that of FLISP (Ownership) going to be amended given 44.Sisulu Nu Way Housing Developments - we are in the advanced stage of planning Coega Ridge a Mega City consisting of 40 000 housing units with support 45.minister, the development chalenges and protests are lead due to social interaction being lost. Don't you think from National unit be formed that 46.Sisulu Could the Minister influence not only the rapid release of land but more importantly rationalise and excellerate the myriad of regulations and 47.Sisulu Thank u very much for a solid plan! Do u have any partnership with Mining Giants for building of houses through thier Social Plans? TC @IKG 48.+Sisulu+Sisulu Can the minister comment on the worrying trend post 2007 of first time homeowners losing their homes when they default without any kno 49.Hon.Minister what plans do you have in place to transform or change the existing riot plan, segregation settlement patterns created by the apart 50.Sisulu. Minister could you assist us by instructing the HOD to release payments as she has stopped all payments and this has a negative impact in our Company's cash flow. Regards Ruth Jonas 51.Minister, Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) would also like to sign the pledge. Where do we sign? 52.+Sisulu+Sisulu Can the minister comment on the trend post 2007 of first time homeowners losing their homes to third parties when they default without 53.Sisulu Minister have you considered using the latest technology for building of houses to fast track delivering of houses? 54.Mr Dorrestein, what kind of opportunities will the youth core provide for unemployed University/ Higher learning graduates? 55.Sisulu Nu Way is planning Coegs Ridge a Mega City of 40 000 units in PE. PE has backlog of 90 000. Why is the Metro not taking ownership of this pr 56.Sisulu+thank minister,i want a clarity on the acreditation on how its work on municipality. 57.Sisulu any new approach for mortgages? To make them affordable. Thank you 58.Sisulu. Minister could you assist us by instructing the GP HOD to release payments as she has stopped all payments and this has a negative impact i|our Company's cash flow. 59.MInister, you mentioned that NHFC has some funding available to for funding developments , our concern is Social Housing funding?? SHRA? 60.Sisulu What does government plan to do to encourage non-banking financial institutions to participate in affordable housing segment and increase activity / competition in this part of mortgage market with ultimate goal to make mortgages affordable for more people? Thank you. 61.Minister & CoGTA Minister, do we have strong measures to prequalify suppliers/service providers during procurement 62.Minister Gordhan: what is the strategy to ensure coordinate achievement of government objectives: houses delivery vs. job creation vs. climate change 63.+SISULU+ Minister how do we deal with illegal immigrants and people who are occupying private land? 64.Minister Sisulu when will the Mortsge Distress Insurance and Rental Distress Insurance be implemented to avoid evictions 20 years into a democracy. 65.Dr Kaycyria, could you please elaborate more about 'urbanisation gone wrong' what can we learn? 66.Sisulu Minister, we are currently having a problem in the Free State where contractors involved in the bucket eradication have not being paid for more than two months and activities have virtually come to a halt with potential community uprisings and threats of destroying the new infrastructure. 67.Sisulu : Land Surveyors are finding that between 10 - 20 % of all houses built since 1994 have been built accross property boundaries. Potentially a multi billion rand problem. Aside from the financial aspect, it leads to tenure insecurity, neighbour disputes and conflict with local municipalities and denial of services. How is or will the department address this? 68.Sisulu - How is it possible that thousands of houses is being built on tribal land and services being provided without occupants becoming owners of the houses? 69.Sisulu : What programs or services does the department provide to new homeowners with regards educating owners on what ownership means, the relevant planning and building laws and maintenance of ones property? 70.Sisulu - The Country do not have the financial capacity to develop housing for all the poor. Should consideration not be given to the concept of "sites and services" with the focus on "structuring services" and the ownership of landed property, leaving occupants to build their own dwellings over timents to provide their own housing? 71.Should the focus not move away from providing "houses"! Many dwellings in older informal settlements is proof of the originality and capacity of occupa 72.Sisulu - Though the focus of the Indaba is on Human Settlements, this should not be considered without considering that 16 million people stay on South African Development Trust Land in the previous TBVC states without any registered land rights. Without registered land rights it is not possible to develop sustainable human settlement. Do the Department have a program to resolve same? 73.Minister Sisulu when will the Mortsge Distress Insurance and Rental Distress Insurance be implemented to avoid evictions 20 years into a democracy. 74.Peter Opperman Baobab Developments 75.Minister,Why is the quantum of building houses differs from provinces to province? 76.Sisulu, Minister could your department regulate the relationship between main contractors & sub-contractors. We are tired of working & main contractors running away with our money 77.Sisulu minister you have not mentioned social housing comprehensively 78.We are requesting the minister to allocate more budget to rental stock. Additional functions and mandate to Rental Tribunal board for monitoring and compliance in the Rental sector. 79.Sisulu , Minister please assist Sawic GP 7 co ops that are in Sokhulumi housing project as we have been stopped working in May by the department for 80.SISULU - COMMENT: We need to rethink the housing systems and those that qualify for each of these systems and bring them in line with an appropriate 81.Venter - the drive for maximum profit must never be as the result of the exploitation of our people - this the corporate greed remains prevalent in Chamber of Mines - do you agree that you have absolutely failed our mineworkers and mining towns? 82.Chamber of Mines - the chamber of mines have absolutely no regard for our workers, your only priority is maximum profits 83.Chamber of Mines - what role did you play in the slaughtering of 34 protesting mine workers in Marikana? 84.DHS Sisulu Why are my questions to banking association and chamber of mines been asked? 85.Sisulu I have also sent comments for feedback from the banking association and chamber of mines that has been ignored 86.From where do you receive stats of protests from - example KZN 87.Minister what is your plan to work with cooperatives (SAHCA) for housing deliveries & property radical transformation. 88.What is being done about shoddy housing developers continously being given contracts? Eg: Mpisane in KZN 89.Coetzee well said.... support local business & fight for quality houses. Red Beret on its way 90.If I earn R3501 per month,can I buy a house.If yes,at what value. 91.Sisulu: Mr Pienaar; is wrong if he is saying a building collasped in Stanger; but it was Tongaat under Ethekwini Metro. 92.Sisulu: Please consider radical transformation of the attitude of the public servants in the department of Human Settlements, especially the decision before you even get off the pordium. Whilst you are assured that things are moving on the ground, as organ used business we are faced with endless resimakers that are complacent. With all the good intentions to house the poorest of the poor, they always find a dozen good reasons why things can't be don stance at implementation level. 93.Minister not much is said about Building Insulation Standards as all same bricks are used throughout the country despite the climate conditions of e 94.Sisulu - there were other questions and comments 95.Minister we as Baobab Development pledge to assist the NHBRC, DHS and SAWIC as well as the youth corps with training and learnerships from as early as 2015 at the Sedibeng Technical College. We have support from Merseta and Numsa 96.Ms Ntlangula How are you assisting families with estate succession issue? 97.ChamberOfMines What have u DONE in Marikana since the slaughtering of 34 mineworkers to ensure decent living conditions?Its been over 2-yrs now 98.Ms Ntlangula - do you offer pro-bono services to indigent communities 99.Banking Ass. when will we see a drastic reduction in the payment period for home loans? 100. Banking Ass. How is it that home loan repayment period far exceeds that for vehicles etc? 101. Hon. Min. Sisulu. The cost of formal property transfer, using conveyancers, is a very significant cost as a percentage of affordable housing values. 102. BCA : What are you doing to make conveyancing fees cheaper by way of transfer by endorsement (title registration). 103. SawicWhat is your pledge or support to DHS 104. Minister When are you going to announce the 50 catalyst projects 105. LAND RELEASE & DEBT FINANCING FOR FLISP- the government can only fast-track the FLISP by ensuring that the policy is amended to include that: the municipality allow the land availed for the development to be used as a security limited to the project as "ALL BANKS, including NURCHA" want their security in order to finance project; 106. Hon. Min. SisuluA suggestion is that houses with values below the transfer duty threshold should be transferred using a simplified, cost effective p 107. Why is ur dept allowing people to have multiple rdp houses. How r u controlling this or y is this not controlled. 108. BASAWhat is to happen to the many Ekurhuleni Homeowners who missed the Servcon rationalisation initiative 109. Sisulu why is govt dragging its feet in expropriating land so we can provide decent and spacious human settlements? 110. SALGA- Why are there bulks contributions changed for FLISP Units? There needs to be a decision to cancel to the Bulks contribution costs for the developers, or standardise rates because that's what is pushing the topstructure prices in KZN 111. MinisterMinister - do we have a sense of how many houses have not been completed since 1996 and what is the plan to complete them 112. Sisulu : Land Surveyors are finding that between 10 - 20 % of all houses built since 1994 have been built accross property boundaries. Potentially a multi billion rand problem. Aside from the financial aspect, it leads to tenure insecurity, neighbour disputes and conflict with local municipalities and denial of services. How is or will the department address this? 113. MEC MamaboloMEC Mamabolo indicated a mega low cost housing project in the Vaal. Is this not creating a slum and huge pockets of poverty without a tax base 114. Minister How much housing has been delivered through FLISP and how many people have defaulted and sunk deep into debt as a result 115. Sisulu govt is allowing itself to be held hostage by supposed 'landowners' who refuse to sell or demand exhorbant payment - why aren't we expropriating? 116. Minister How many convictions as a result of your partnership with the SIU Day 2 Questions (SMS) 1. Mister, As part of moving forwards for the next five years of implementation. Is it possible to develop some policy guidelines for Emerging Contractors who operate in the housing industry. As municipalities we face challenges when it comes to this sector especially in relation to rates being paid which is not clearly outlines on the guidelines provided by Dept of Labour , the percentage of work which can be contracted to them and the requirements for them to work on housing projects. Delivery of housing units is seriously affected by this sector in our municipality. 2. Cornubia is in a metro municipality which is also under Level 3 and makes it easier for the planning and funding of integrated development. However BNG projects outside metro Municipalities have to go through provincial DHS depts and find it difficult to integrated the different (PLS,CRU,FLISP, SH) depts to execute in an integrated model. Please assist in ensuring that the different depts supports integrated models. 3. Sisulu. How can you fasttrack the releasing of state land for human settlements since it has become a nightmare for municipalities. 4. All+: my experience as a developer is that the lack of coordination of different spheres of government is the cause of delays in roll out of projects 5. MMC Mamabolo What is the total Gauteng housing backlog? 6. projects outside metro Municipalities have to go through provincial DHS depts and find it difficult to integrated the different (PLS,CRU,FLISP, SH) 7. To submit projects Email: 8. 9. Pillay Can you advise why KZN stopped considering and approving the CRU applications from the various municipalities 10. Minister Why are all presentations silent on CRU/ Hostel Redevelopment? 11. Minister Why limit social housing to so called Restructuring Zones? 12. Taffy can we obtain a list of projects under evaluation. 13. minister. Why is ur dept allowing people to have multiple rdp houses. How r u controlling this or y is this not controlled. 14.EC HOD+ well done on great leadership in the EC province HS , your hard work & effort is improving our province 15. can we have copies of the presentations. Thank you 16. Sisulu, On presentations made by HDA they indicated that approximately 120 applications have been submitted by Province and Municipalities on catalytic projects, just want to check if there is still an opportunity to submit application as this message was not communicated to our municipality. 17. MEC Pillay-commendable presentation and programme indeed. Given the challenges of mega projects and need to relate to different products, what is the level of cross subsidization towards the capital development costs given the current limitations of the State funding model? Also what are the institutional development and long term management efficiencies for affordable rental products? 18. Taffy what process do you have to follow in order to submit a project for evaluation. 19. Pillay congratulations on Cornubia, the scale and detailed planning is an impressive model from which other provinces can learn. 20. Minister, going back to yesterday call for women to form a collective. Can we humbly ask the Minister to ringfence funds to support black associa 21. Sisulu Is it possible to get the presentations made on this session? 22. Taffy: Tenure Reform is a National Function with the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform driving same (being part of the program of Restitution, Redistribution and Tenure Reform). What is the relationship and functional implimentation role in respect of informal settlements between HDA and the Department? 23. Pillay What can be done to deal with non-performing crlls? On who do you rely on for info of protests from - example KZN
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