letter News Term 4:

Crazy Sock Day
Term 4: 22th October 2014
Our Principal’s News
By Mark Creevey
Dear Parents,
Normally I am welcoming you back to a new term but on this occasion you have warmly welcomed me back to the
final term. I have had a wonderful experience visiting some very special Marian sites in Portugal, Spain and France
over the last few weeks. Our Pilgrimage was led by Mon. Peter Meneelly and Fr Peter Brannelly who each
celebrated 25 years as priests. It was a great spiritual journey, one that my wife and I will remember forever.
My thanks to Fran, Brett and Ellen who very capably managed the school leadership here at St Benedict’s in my
absence. It is reassuring to be able to have some personal and professional development and know that our
school is in good hands. Many thanks for all who assisted and supported in my absence. Well done!
Last Monday it was a Professional Development and
Planning day for our staff. Our staff attended a number
of different in-services for our teachers, school officers
and music teachers from the district. The largest of
these was held for the teachers at the O’Shea Centre,
Wilston. There were approximately 90 people in
attendance at the annual Consistency of Teacher
Judgement day. Teachers from Wilston, Wavell Heights
and our Mango Hill teaching staff participated in a wellorganized and professionally rewarding experience. As
well as the teachers and leadership members of the
various schools involved there were also people from
QCCA, BCE and visitors from the Cairns Diocese
observing the process and the richness of the
professional dialogue. Our teachers were very well
prepared and accurate in their assessments.
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
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Our Principal’s News continued
By Mark Creevey
Very soon (Fri 14th November) there will be a public
holiday for the G20 meeting which will be happening in
Brisbane. It is a public holiday in the Brisbane region.
It will not be a public holiday for us as we are in the
Moreton Bay Regional Council area. School will operate
as per usual for St Benedict’s.
It is lovely to be back as there is no place like home! My
reflection for this week is on prayer and I was just a very
small part of the 15000 people saying the Rosary each
night in Lourdes, France. Pretty special experience!
Thought for the Week:
“Do you think millions of people throughout the ages
would have believed in prayer if it didn’t work? Discover
the power of prayer for yourself. It is no secret! It is free;
all you have to do is try it.”
Have a great week!
This Weeks Principal’s Awards
William Milady
Hailey Reid
Jared Medina
William Cadman
Nishil Trivedi
Ava Cavanagh
Mackenzie Sheather
Rei Yeo
Emily McGerr
Zaiidyn Marshall & Jake Moss
Hayley Porter & Sharlisse Vonhoff
Isabela Ojeda & Liam Hayes
Zali O’Shanesy
Julian Llanos
Joshua Krushka & Katie Meurant
Anissa Cornford
Deandrah Ziolek
Charlotte Holmes
Tahlia Hallows
Kelsey Ter Hoeve & Liam Witalik
Graceyn Turner
Carolina Wilkin
Enrolments for 2015
Our school staffing, budgeting and resourcing all
depend on how closely we estimate our enrolment
numbers for the following year. We have students
on waiting lists and we need to order laptops for
our Year 5 classes in 2015. So, please let us know
as soon as possible if your children may not be
returning to St Benedict’s Primary School in 2015.
In our Drive Through, St Benedicts operates a highly efficient, effective and safe, after school pick-up program
(2:45—3.05pm), developed by the QLD Government, called Look Out. Volunteers are essential to the program.
Please contact the School Office if you can spare 20 minutes of your time to support our school.
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
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APA News
By Fran Burke Assistant Principal Administration
Our Talented Senior Band
Last Friday, Mr Donald Smith and Mr Anthony
Nelson supported our Senior Band as they competed in
the St Columban’s College Concert Band Spectacular. Our
Senior Band performed “March of the Majestic” and “Soul
Bossa Nova” and came third in this competition. Today
on assembly, the Senior Band performed these 2 pieces
and all the students received a certificate to present their
achievement. The feedback on the performance was
extremely positive.
Three Winners in the Moreton Bay Youth Art
Congratulations to Sebastian Lee who won first prize in
the Prep to Year 3 2D category with a delightful
watercolour painting of Banjo the dog and Ruby
Red winning a trophy and $200; Rebecca Ban who won
third prize in the same Prep to Year 3 category, also
receiving a trophy and finally to ALL Year 4 students who
worked together to construct an artwork titled Meet the
Endeavour winning the Year 4 to Year 7 collaborative art
category winning $1000 for the school's art program
and a perpetual trophy for 2014.
These three and another 37 artworks from St Benedict's
students are currently on display at the Strathpine
Community Centre until next Sunday and is open for
viewing from 3.00pm to 6.00pm Monday to Friday, and
10.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday and Sunday. The prizes
were presented at the opening night to winners who
were present but for those who were not, they will be
presented at Wednesday's school assembly. Well done to
all participants! Congratulations also to Mrs Heddy
Shears, our fantastic Art Specialists who teach our
students in Visual Arts. We are so blessed to have her
talent and skill.
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
Student Achievements
Elka Van Eden 6R entered her winning St
Benedict's Book Week story into the
'Write4fun' competition and her story has been
selected to be published in a book, 'The Text
Generation' which is an amazing achievement.
She's also through to the second round of
judging with a possibility of winning $1000 she won't know about how she does in this
round until Wed 22nd of October. Well done
Congratulations to Anissa and Bryanna
Cornford who received Bronze medals in Team
Kata as well as Anissa receiving a Bronze
medal in her individual Kata. Both girls are
competing at Nationals for GKR Karate in
November. Good luck Anissa and Bryanna.
Congratulations to Jake Brandon who will be
racing the Australian Supercross title meeting
to be held in November. This event is run in
conjunction with the final round of the
Australian Supercross which is the pinnacle of
his sport in Australia. Tickets for the event are
available through tickettek.
We love the opportunity to showcase the
wonderful outside achievements where our
students shine. Please email this news to your
class teacher or
Page 3
APA News continued
By Fran Burke Assistant Principal Administration
Staff News
Congratulations to Mrs Anita Fryer - Brisbane Families
Magazine held a competition to find 'Brisbane's
Favourite Primary School Teacher'. Hundreds of teachers
throughout Brisbane were nominated but one of our
very own teachers received the most nominations by
parents, Mrs Anita Fryer. Mrs Fryer has won a Dymock
voucher and some chocolates. One of the parents in 1B,
who entered the competition by nominating Mrs Fryer
has also won a prize - a trip away to the Gold Coast. We
congratulate both Mrs Amanda Bradford and Mrs
Michele Lund who are both expecting a baby in March
2015. We wish them both a happy and healthy time.
We also congratulate Mark, who will be father of the
bride on 1st November ~ we wish Lauren, John and the
Creevey family great blessings for the wedding day.
Active after School Program—Sailing
This Friday for “Active after School Program” will be our
first session of Sailing at the Moreton Bay Boat Club. All
information pertaining to this outside activity has been
sent home.
Today on Assembly
Today on assembly, Karen from Australasian Gym and
Dance Academy shared news about “AGDA After School
St Benedict’s Program” which will begin on Wednesday
29th October through to the 19th November, each
Wednesday. This gymnastics, ball games and dance
program will run from 3.00pm to 4.00pm in our
undercover area. The program is for all students from
Prep to Year 7. All coaches are Nationally Qualified. The
cost of the program is $49.00 per student.
Date Claimer
Next Friday 31st October:
As a school we will acknowledge and celebrate
“World Teacher’s Day”.
We also encourage the students to wear RED for
“Day for Daniel” and we invite a voluntary Gold
Coin Donation towards the Morcombe
Foundation. Please see Brett’s APRE page for
more information.
We also have our Halloween Disco that night.
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
Term Dates to Remember
Monday 27 October - 2015 Prep Orientation
Friday 31 October - World Teacher’s Day,
Wear Red Day for Daniel, P&F School Disco
Wednesday 5 November - P&F Meeting
Wednesday 19 November - Catholic Schools
Band Workshop
Thursday 20 November - 2015 New Families
24 – 26 November - Scholastic Book Fair in the
Wednesday 26 November - Yr 6 Graduation
Thursday 27 November - Yr 7 Graduation
Friday 28 November - Last Day Swimming
Monday 1 December - Prep Christmas
Wednesday 3 December - P&F Meeting
Friday 5 December - LAST DAY SCHOOL
Finishing at 12 noon
See the School Calendar on our website.
Drive slowly and safely
in our car park PLEASE.
Page 4
APRE Reflections
By Brett Kitchener Assistant Principal Religious Education
Dear Parents,
This morning on assembly following year 1B’s wonderful
prayer reflection highlighting the work of Catholic Mission,
I spoke to the parents assembled about how our school
goes about choosing the organisations we support.
I have communicated this previously in newsletters. All
Catholic schools in the Archdiocese have a commitment
to three organisations annually. These are Caritas,
Catholic Mission and St Vincent De Paul. Beyond these,
schools (through vehicles such as student councils)
choose other organisations to get behind due to affinity
with these organisations through members of the
What is most important when supporting organisations is
the learning which occurs and the links which can be
made back to the Gospel and the schools mission and
vision. We do recognise the financial support required in
order to support organisations can at times put a strain
on families within our community. I am always careful to
suggest that parents should do as they are able to and
there certainly is no requirement or expectation. I have
four children of my own who attend four different
Catholic schools so I can readily understand this context
There are two remaining outreach initiatives for 2014.
One is the Catholic Campaign and the other is our annual
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal which supports our
local community. Information about these will be
distributed in the following weeks of this term.
Day for Daniel
Next Friday October 31, in addition to being World Teachers Day, is also the Day for Daniel in support of the
Daniel Morcombe Foundation. This day is more about awareness and education than fundraising however, like
any organisation, funds are required to maintain their important work. As Mrs Burke suggested on assembly this
morning, voluntary gold coin donations will be accepted and forwarded to the organisation on behalf of any
families in our community who are in a position to do so. A curriculum on child safety has been developed and
accepted by the Queensland government and this has been made available to our staff as well as on the Daniel
Morcombe website. Recognise React and Report are key phrases in the program for children.
Wearing Red
Rather than being a free dress day, where children wear clothes of their choice, we ask in addition to the wearing
of enclosed footwear and the school broadbrim hat, that children, staff and any parents who wish to get involved
wear red next Friday to raise awareness of this incredibly important cause
Thanks to Mrs Fryer and 1B for their very well prepared prayer on assembly highlighting the importance of
“socking it to poverty”.
Enjoy the rest of your week. Peace, Brett
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
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Pastoral Coordinator News
By Helen Hickey
What I wish people knew about depression:
Parent Prayer Gathering
The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week early in
October was – Celebrate, Connect & Grow. Our
learning and enrichment of the wellbeing of ourselves,
our family & friends can never be restricted to a
designated awareness week. I would therefore like to
share some valuable words of wisdom I recently read
by Therese Borchard when asked to write on what I
wish people knew about depression in light of Robin
Williams suicide.
Our Parent Prayer Gathering will continue this term in
Week 4, on Monday 27th October at 2.15pm in the
interview room (just inside the front office door, first
door to the right).
Here is what I wish for…
I wish people knew that the soul of someone who dies
of suicide is as perfect as the moment God created it,
that depression is an involuntary shadow that hides
their true identity.
If you haven’t been able to make it before, you are
most welcome to come as we gather for sacred time
giving thanks and calling to mind the needs of our
hearts and our world. Younger little ones are most
welcome and will be absolutely fine for our short
informal prayer time. The little ones who have come
during our previous prayer gatherings have been quite
at home, lighting a candle and saying a special prayer.
Our children fill us all with so much hope and
inspiration! Please mark this date in your diary.
I wish people would offer those struggling with
depression the same compassion they offer to friends
with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, breast cancer, or any
socially accepted illness.
I wish people knew that the best thing you can do for
a person who suffers from depression is to believe
I wish people knew you could be grateful and
depressed at the same time, that gratitude can coexist
with a mood disorder.
I wish people knew that depression comes and it goes,
and in the ebb and flow are found pockets of peace
that can sustain a person for the journey.
I wish people knew that, more than anything else,
there is hope…….
Beyond every action imaginable, there is hope.
In reaching beyond the self without fear to others who
In sharing the familiar yet unique story of one’s illness
with someone who knows.
In finding purpose and meaning.
In gently turning one’s pain to love and service.
May these inspiring thoughts help us all to celebrate,
connect and grow as we live each day.
St Benedict’s Playgroup
St Benedict’s Playgroup takes place on Thursday
mornings at the OSHC (Outside School Hours
Care) building from 8.45am – 10.15am. It is
supervised by Sandra Price one of the
wonderful OSHC staff.
All are most welcome.
A gold coin donation would be appreciated to
help cover craft costs.
Morning Tea every Wednesday after Assembly in the Hall with Helen. All are welcome!
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
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Resource Centre & Curriculum News
By Amanda Bradford Curriculum & Resource Support Teacher
Library News
Date Claimers – Term 4
Monday 24th November – Wednesday 26th
Scholastic Book Fair will be here in our library. This is
a fantastic opportunity to purchase a few little books
and stocking stuffers before Christmas. Not only is
the Book Fair a fantastic literacy event, but also a
percentage of our Book Fair proceeds goes towards
earning Scholastic Rewards for resources for our
school Resource Centre.
Worldbook Online Login
St Benedict’s has a whole school subscription
to WorldBook Online. Everyone in our school
community can access this fantastic site! Our
subscription allows us to access the three
areas within the site – Early World of
Learning, Kids and Students.
They now have available a mobile version of
the website, too!
The website content is updated daily and has
topics on almost anything and everything you
can think of. It is a fabulous resource and I
encourage families to use this as regularly as
assignments or research It could also be used
just for enjoyment and a bit of fun. Jump on
today and have a look.
Curriculum News
Our School User Name: stbh
Password: st4509
On Monday, our teachers
met with teachers from
St. Columban’s, Wilston
and Our Lady of the
Angels, Wavell Heights
at the O’Shea Centre,
Wilston, to moderate
work samples in the
areas of Religion and Geography.
Consistency of Teacher Judgment (CTJ) supports
student learning by building teacher capacity to
engage with the curriculum, understand its intent,
determine and develop appropriate pedagogical
practices and make decisions about student learning .
CTJ is an ongoing process embedded in the learning
and teaching cycle of planning, teaching and assessing
student work.
Our teachers found it very beneficial to have these
professional conversations with teachers and engage
in dialogue around the Australian Curriculum.
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
Weekly Class Library Borrowing
4W, 5R,
5B, 3R,
7R, 6W,
1W, 1R, ,
2B, 2R,
2W, 4B,
4R, 7B,
6R, 6B
Page 7
Teaching & Learning News
By Michele Lund, Christina Mitchell & Pam Sweeney
Pam Sweeney Guidance & Counselling
Social Networking
Social networking describes a variety of services like
Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, World of Warcraft, Moshi
Monsters, Twitter, Skype, Snapchat, Minecraft and many
others. All of these services enable direct interaction
between individuals. Users can post information about
themselves, display photos, tell people what they’ve been
up to, chat and play games. Social networking forms a part
of the social identity of many teenagers.
Online grooming is the illegal act of adults making contact
with a child online for the purpose of establishing a sexual relationship. Often this will be via a social networking
site, but it may also be through other online services.
Stay involved in your child’s use of new technology. Set up your own account and learn about privacy settings so
you can understand how you can best protect your child. It can be fun for you too!
What Can Parents Do?
Check the age restrictions for the social networking service or game. Some social networking sites (such as
Club Penguin) are created especially for children under the age of 13, but most mainstream sites like
Facebook, Instagram and others require the user to be 13 or older.
Advise children to set their accounts to private so that only people they want to see it can view their
Encourage children to think before they put anything online. Information posted online can be difficult or
impossible to remove. An inappropriate image posted today can have a long term impact on their digital
Show them how to set up location services on their phone so they are not inadvertently broadcasting their
Remind children to be careful when making new friends online; people may not be who they say they are.
Never arrange to meet an online friend unless a trusted adult is with them.
Report any abuse or inappropriate content to the social networking site and show children how to do this
Learn how to keep a copy of online conversations and how to block people prior to an issue occurring.
For more information on managing your children’s access to particular social networking sites, visit
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
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School Related News
Finance and Fees
Term 4 School Fees are now past due. Please
pay your fees unless you are on an existing
payment plan. If you have not received a
Term Fee Statement please contact Nerrida
on 3481 4600.
Uniform Shop News
Some of your children’s hats may be turning a
red colour, this is not normal. Mountcastle will
be replacing all the hats that are turning red.
We would like to remove all the hats that have
turned red from the system. If your child’s hat
has turned red please come into the uniform
shop for a free replacement. We would like to
have this problem fixed by the end of this year .
If anyone has a red message folder (new this
year) and the Velcro has come unstuck please
come in for a replacement.
For any urgent enquiries please contact
St Benedict’s College
21 St Benedict’s Close, Mango Hill
Term 4 Sport
Our final term of Thursday afternoon sport
has commenced and is a wonderful
success, with students rotating through
formal dancing, lawn bowls, box-ercising
and volleyball activities. These activities
have been well received and engaged in by
the Year 8 and 9 students.
Free Dress Day
On Friday 24 October the College will be
conducting a special fundraising day for
Catholic Mission Australia. The students
are invited to donate a gold coin for the
privilege of wearing Free Dress to school for
the day. On the day, Year 9 students will
run stalls to raise additional funds for this
worthwhile cause.
Places are still available in Years 7-10 for
2015, with applications also being invited for
2016 and 2017. Please contact our office
for further information – 3385 8888 or
Opening Hours Mondays 2:30pm to 4:00pm
and Fridays 8:00am to 9:30am
Holy Cross Parish Mass Times
6.00pm Saturday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring
7.30am Sunday at Mary Queen of Peace,
Woody Point
9.00am Sunday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring
9.30am Sunday at St Benedict's, Mango Hill.
Childrens' Liturgy is held the first and third
Sunday of each month.
5.00pm Sunday at Holy Cross, Kippa Ring
Confessions 5.00pm Saturday at Holy Cross
Holy Cross Parish 3293 0800
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
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School Related News
Look Out Volunteers are needed!
In our Drive Through, St Benedicts operates a
highly efficient, effective and safe, after school
pick-up program (2:45—3.05pm), developed by
the QLD Government, called Look Out.
Volunteers are essential to the program. Please
contact the School Office if you can spare 20
minutes of your time to support our school.
Thank you to those parents who donate their time
to support our Look Out pick-up program!
Café Open Wednesdays & Fridays
We are very excited to add Wednesday back to
our Cafe trading days this term. We are offering
a special menu to celebrate with over the
counter specials each week as well. The new
Wednesday menu will rotate over a three week
period on Flexischools and is as follows:
Week 1: Sausage Roll or Ham & Cheese Sandwich
or Chicken & Cheese Sandwich
Week 2: Ham & Pine Pizzas, Ham & Cheese
Sandwich or Chicken & Cheese Sandwich
Week 3: Hot Dogs or Ham & Cheese Sandwich or
Chicken & Cheese Sandwich
Order via
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
Page 10
School Related News
Parents & Friends of St Benedict’s
Expression of Interest for Vacation Care
Please also find attached an expression of interest
survey for the upcoming December/January Vacation
care period. Parents, could you please complete this
survey (on the following page) and return to OSHC at
your earliest convenience so that the service has a
better understanding of families care requirements
during this long break.
By Nikki Sawatzki - Coordinator
3293 4507
By Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher
3204 8452 or 0498 393 334
Halloween Disco - Friday 31 October 2014
Session 1: Prep to Year 2
5pm to 6.30pm
Session 2: Year 3 to Year 7 7pm to 8.30pm
Tickets can be purchased by either: Returning
$5.00 in an envelope labelled school disco
together with the completed return slip from the
bottom of this note for each child attending the
disco. Please include your childs/childrens
name/s and class/es on the outside of the
envelope. Tickets can be purchased on the night
at a cost of $6.00. Tickets will NOT be sent home
this time – we will have a list of names & will
mark you off at the door on the night.
Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie
Orders are in, cookie dough coming soon!
P&F Electronic Mail
If you would like to receive all P&F
correspondence directly into your Inbox, please
join our Mailing List. No more digging through
school bags for P&F notes! Join our Mailing List.
The Coffee Van is Back!
With the weather getting a little cooler we
have organised for a Coffee Van to be in the
school car park from 8am every Wednesday
morning before Assembly. Pop past and see
Linda from Coffee with James. Enjoy!
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
Page 11
Community News
Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Our Lady of the Way Parish
Clubs in our community.
Tennis News
Sunday 9th November 2014
Mass at 9.00am
(Followed by our Golden Jubilee Carnival)
Most Rev Mark Coleridge DD
Saturday 15th November 2014
Dinner - 7.30pm
(Adults 18 years and over)
Win a free tennis racquet. Each term a free
tennis racquet is raffled. Your name will
automatically be included in the draw when you
sign up and your tennis fees have been paid. The
raffle will be drawn on Friday 31st October.
Good Luck.
Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723
North’s Leagues and Services Club
Anzac Ave Kallangur
Cost $40 per head
3 Course Meal
(Please advise of any dietary requirements)
To book please contact the parish office on
3285 6759 or email petrie@bne.catholic.net.au
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
A weekend away for married couples in peaceful,
picturesque surroundings – away from the
distractions of everyday living. Take time out of
your busy schedule, to invest in your most
precious asset… your Marriage! This is a unique
opportunity to recharge your relationship
batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love
all over again!
Weekend date: 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2014
Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre,
Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside)
For bookings/details contact:
Tamara and Scott Menteith, ph (07) 4634 3559,
Information website: www.wwme.org.au
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to
11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or
Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up
for two months and receive a free uniform. All classes
are supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card.
Page 13
Community News
Clubs in our community.
The Pine Rivers Cricket Club need more players
both girls and boys for Under 8’s, Under 9’s and
Under 10’s for this summer season from 11th
October 2014 until 6th December 2014. The second
season goes from 31st January 2015 to 21st March
2015. The Club House and grounds are at Bob
Brock Park, 243 –253 Marsden Rd, Dakabin.
Email pineriverscricket@gmail.com
Contact Richard Clay 0428 040 213
or Michael Osborn 0434 061 322
Wednesday, 22th October 2014
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