MAT389 Fall 2014, Problem Set 6 (due Oct 30) Conformal transformations Suppose f (z) is conformal at z0 —that is, it is holomorphic at z0 and f 0 (z0 ) 6= 0. Recall the setup: we take a path C : [a, b] → C in the z-plane, and its image f ◦ C : [a, b] → C in the w-plane; a point z0 in the z-plane that C goes through at time λ ∈ (a, b) (i.e., C(λ) = z0 ), and its image w0 = f (z0 ). Then the tangent vectors to C and f ◦ C at the points z0 and w0 , respectively, are related by the equation (f ◦ C)0 (λ) = f 0 (z0 ) C 0 (λ). This is a rotation by an angle arg f 0 (z0 )) —which we call the angle of rotation of f at z0 — and a dilation by a factor |f 0 (z0 )| —the scale factor of f at z0 . ∗ 6.1 Determine the angle of rotation at the point z = 2 + i of the transformation f (z) = z 2 and illustrate it for some particular curve. Show that the scale factor of the transformation at √ that point is 2 5. 6.2 Show that the angle of rotation at a nonzero point z = r0 eiθ0 under the transformation f (z) = z n (n ≥ 1) is (n − 1)θ0 . Determine the scale factor of the transformation at that point. 6.3 Fix some x0 ∈ R. Consider the M¨ obius transformation w = T (z) = z−i z+i It takes the real line to the circle of radius 1 (see Problem 2.11), and H to D. Let Lx0 be the half-line x = x0 , y > 0. Since it is contained in H, its image is contained in D. And because Lx0 is contained in a line in the z-plane, its image T (Lx0 ) is contained in a line or a circle in the w-plane). We do know two points in (the closure of) T (Lx0 ): (x0 − i)/(x0 + i) and 1 —the images of x0 and ∞. Explain why the fact that Lx0 is perpendicular to the real axis in the z-plane is enough to determine T (Lx0 ), without having to compute the image of some third point in Lx0 . Critical points 6.4 Find the critical points of the following functions. Can you draw how they behave near those points? (i) f (z) = z − i, ∗ (ii) f (z) = 1 − z 2 , (iii) f (z) = z 4 − 2z 2 , (iv) f (z) = esin z . 6.5 Let k be an positive integer, and α ∈ C. Find all the critical points of f (z) = 1 z k+1 − αz, k+1 as well as their order. Hint: the cases α = 0 and α 6= 0 are radically different! Challenge: to see how f (z) looks like some z m around a critical point z0 , use a computer algebra system to plot u = u0 and v = v0 (where u0 + iv0 = w0 = f (z0 )) for some concrete choices of k and α. The case k = 2, α = −1 is the one I showed in class. Double dog dare: true, hardcore engineers don’t use computer algebra systems: they code their stuff! Take on the above challenge using the python library matplotlib ( —and let me know if you do. 6.6 Find all the critical points of the function f (z) = cos(z 2 ), together with their order. The exponential 6.7 Suppose that a function f (z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y) satisfies the following two conditions: (1) f (x + i0) = ex , and (2) f is entire, with derivative f 0 (z) = f (z). Follow the steps below to show that f (z) must, in fact, be the exponential function. (i) Obtain the equations ux = u and vx = v and then use them to show that there exist real-valued functions φ and ψ of the real variable y such that u(x, y) = ex φ(y), and v(x, y) = ex ψ(y). (ii) Use the fact that u is harmonic to obtain the differential equation φ00 (y) + φ(y) = 0 and thus show that φ(y) = A cos y + B sin y, where A and B are complex numbers. (iii) After pointing out why ψ(y) = A sin y − B cos y and noting that u(x, 0) + iv(x, 0) = ex , find A and B. Conclude that u(x, y) = ex cos y, ∗ and v(x, y) = ex sin y. 6.8 If w = ez is purely imaginary, what restriction is placed on z? In other words, what is the inverse image by the exponential function of the imaginary axis u = 0? 6.9 Describe the behavior of ez as (i) x → −∞, with y fixed; and (ii) y → +∞, with x fixed. Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions 6.10 Show that eiz = cos z + i sin z for every complex number z. Hint: start from the right-hand side and work your way towards the left-hand side. ∗ 6.11 Show that sin z = sin x cosh y + i cos x sinh y. Deduce from it that the formula | sin z |2 = sin2 x + sinh2 y Note: in class I tried to prove the latter formula by brute force because I wanted to reserve this method of proof for a homework problem. 6.12 Use the identities sin(z1 ± z2 ) = sin z1 cos z2 ± cos z1 sin z2 , cos(z1 ± z2 ) = cos z1 cos z2 ∓ sin z1 sin z2 , and the relationship between trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, sinh z = −i sin(iz), cosh z = cos(iz) to deduce expressions for sinh(z1 ± z2 ) and cosh(z1 ± z2 ). 6.13 Let f (z) = tanh z = sinh z/ cosh z. Find the domain of holomorphicity of f (z), as well as all of its zeroes. 6.14 Find all roots of the equations (i) cosh z = 1/2, ∗ (ii) sinh z = i, (iii) cosh z = −2. Hint: notice that these functions are linear combinations of ez and e−z . Letting w = ez , we have e−z = w−1 , which yields quadratic equations for w —and you know how to solve those. Once you have solved for w, solve for z. The transformation w = sin z The next three problems work out the images of vertical and horizontal lines in the z-plane under the transformation w = sin z. Once you know how those work, you can find the image of any (possibly infinite) rectangle in the z-plane with sides parallel to the real and imaginary axes —for example, that in the last problem. A hint for Problems 6.15–6.17: use the formula in Problem 6.11. ∗ 6.15 (i) Show that the inverse image under the transformation w = sin z of the imaginary axis v = 0 consists of the following collection of lines in the z-plane: − the real axis y = 0, and − the lines x = π/2 + kπ, where k ∈ Z. (ii) Show that the inverse image under the transformation w = sin z of the real axis u = 0 consists of the lines x = kπ, where k ∈ Z. 6.16 Show that the image of the line given by x = c1 for some fixed 0 < c1 < π/2 under the transformation w = sin z is a branch of hyperbola given by the equation u sin c2 2 − v cos c2 2 = 1. Show that, if π/2 < c1 < 0, the image of x = c1 is the other branch of the same hyperbola. 6.17 Show that the image of the line segment given by −π ≤ x ≤ π, and y = c2 for some fixed c2 > 0 under the transformation w = sin z is given by the ellipse with equation 2 2 u v + = 1. cosh c2 sinh c2 What happens if c2 < 0? 6.18 Find a conformal transformation w = f (z) that takes the semi-infinite strip 0 < x < π/2, y > 0 onto the upper half-plane, H = {z ∈ C | Im z > 0}. Hint: start by considering the image of the domain given under Z = sin z. Do you know of a conformal transformation w = g(Z) that takes the resulting domain to the entire upper half-plane?
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