2A 5IVSTEBZt0DUPCFS THE HAWK EYE !"#63-*/(50/*08" Winners Lottery drawings for Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014 Iowa XXXUIFIBXLFZFDPN IOWA & ILLINOIS ‘I pledge allegiance ...’ Iowa & Illinois digest Midday games Pick 3: 2-3-4 Pick 4: 2-1-5-0 All or Nothing: 1-4-5-6-7-9-11-13-17-19-21-24 Evening games Pick 3: 3-1-0 Pick 4: 1-8-6-1 All or Nothing: 4-6-8-9-10-11-12-15-16-17-19-21 Associated Press Hot Lotto: 7-10-22-30-35 QUINCY, Ill. — The Adams Hot Lotto ball: 4 County coroner has identified a Illinois body pulled from the Mississippi Midday games River as a barge worker who went Pick 3: 7-0-4 missing two weeks ago. Pick 4: 4-4-8-1 Coroner Jim Keller said the body Lucky Day: 11-20-25-34-39 is 20-year-old Jacob Climer of HenEvening games derson, Tenn. Climer went missing Pick 3: 8-9-6 north of Canton, Mo. Keller said Pick 4: 4-7-9-4 the cause of death is drowning. No Lucky Day: 16-31-38-42-44 foul play is suspected. Crews found the body Monday Missouri afternoon on an island in the MisMidday games sissippi River near LaGrange, Mo. Pick 3: 4-7-7 An autopsy was performed Pick 4: 3-2-3-9 Tuesday in Bloomington, Ill. Evening games Authorities said Climer fell Pick 3: 4-4-8 overboard about 11 p.m. Oct. 8 Pick 4: 3-4-2-0 ShowMe Cash: 11-13-24-27-29 from the tugboat Charlie G. It’s unclear why he fell. Lotto: 3-6-11-13-14-23 Body found on Mississippi River island identified Powerball Numbers: 29-30-40-42-50 Powerball: 16 | Powerplay: 2 Iowa art museum will be near music school Corrections & clarifications IOWA CITY — The University of Iowa said its new art museum will be located in downtown Iowa City across from the new music school. The university announced The Hawk Eye welcomes reader parJohn Badman/Associated Press ticipation in its effort to provide accuWednesday it has selected a local Tim Barnes, left, and his wife, Christine, put the finishing touches on the letters of the Pledge of Allegiance they were paintrate news reports. Readers may bring development group to build the errors to the newspaper’s attention by ing Wednesday into the stripes of the American flag on a barn in Bethalto, Ill. The couple, from Barn Painting and Advertising calling (319) 754-8461 and asking for museum in a public-private partInc. in Hanover, Penn., travel throughout the country painting barns and signs on barns. nership. Dale Alison, the managing editor. A 2008 flood of the Iowa River severely damaged the old museum, which featured one of the nation’s largest collections of art. The Federal Emergency Management Today Agency ruled it would not be elitSoutheast Iowa Regional Planning gible to be replaced with federal money because it was less than 50 Commission, noon, 211 N. Gear He said there’s no requirement percent damaged. The university’s *OJUJBMMZBCPVUPOFUIJSE ning it is expected to be about vides local officials control of Ave., West Burlington counties use the new system. how and when to issue emer$300,000. collection has been displayed at PGTUBUFTDPVOUJFTXJMMCF On Tuesday, the system gency and public safety notifi- Iowa residents can select various locations since then. University Provost Barry BCMFUPVTFUIFQSPHSBN was used for the first time at cations to residents. Counties which types of alerts they the Iowa Homeland Security already using other systems can want to receive, such as severe Butler said the museum will be Conference, where Gov. Terry opt to use Alert Iowa at no addi- weather and 911 outages. The located on Clinton and Burling- Associated Press tional cost. alerts can be sent to a variety of ton Streets, near where construcDES MOINES — The state has Branstad sent out a practice message. A chorus of cell“This is a powerful tool and electronics, including landline These public notices can be found in the tion of the new Voxman School of launched a new emergency alert phones chiming soon was a tool that I will trust will give telephones, cellphones and fax classified section of The Hawk Eye today: Music has started. system to warn residents of tor- heard in the conference room. us a lot of additional value in machines. tDes Moines County Auditor nadoes, chemical spills or other “We believe it will be a tremenAbout one-third of Iowa’s 99 warning citizens of additional First lady gets Braley dangers. counties initially will be served danger,” said Mark Schouten, dous asset to the state of Iowa The Legislature approved the by the notification system. All director of the Iowa Department and the counties and cities that right; email has error Alert Iowa System earlier this counties later will be able to of Homeland Security and Emer- use it,” Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds said. DES MOINES — The official year. The annual cost of run- access the program that pro- gency Management. Holy Trinity school transcript of a speech Michelle Obama made Tuesday on behalf will celebrate vets of Senate candidate Bruce Braley mistakenly referred to him as The Hawk Eye a candidate for governor in the WEST POINT — Holy Trinity email subject line. Elementary School is inviting all The transcript was sent by the veterans to a Veterans Day cel- White House Tuesday night after 4PGBSDBOEJEBUFT was approved, which was a houston University in Omaha, Neb. ebration. His platform contains “four ing project that abated property Obama appeared at a rally in Iowa A ceremony will be at 10 a.m. City. The transcript accurately said IBWFåMFEUIF taxes. principles,” he said. Burlington Nov. 11 in the West Point gymna- Braley is running for Senate, and OFDFTTBSZQBQFSXPSL “We should have offered that “First, provide essential sersium. A free lunch then will be Obama got it right in her remarks, to the whole town,” he said. “You vices, the key word being essenCity Council provided for veterans and their but the subject line of the email said By KATHLEEN SLOAN tial. You do this by operating or should always consider whether spouses. Additional guests may Obama was at an event for “Demo- ksloan@thehawkeye.com Sandell has been active in city contracting for department ser- you can do it for everyone when purchase lunch for $3. issues. cratic Candidate for Governor approving a program.” vices,” he said. John K. Sandell, who was BurlTo make lunch reservations, Bruce Braley.” The White House “I led the election to reject the Sandell said he’s against rais“Second, get debt under conington’s mayor from 1996 to 1997 call (319) 837-6131 ext. 106 or later sent a corrected email. franchise fee,” Sandell said, refer- trol and reduce debt,” he said. ing taxes or fees. email eileen.medland@holytriniTwo weeks ago, Obama visited and was on city council from 1990 ring to the 2013 special recall “The city has plenty of rev“Third, the effort to control until January tyschools.org election, demanded by citizen spending must be an ongoing enue,” he said. “Its tax base Des Moines for Braley and repeatReservation deadline is Sun- edly got his name wrong, calling 1998, is running petition. effort by the council, not a one- increases every year.” to fill the three day. him “Bruce Bailey.” The Alliant Energy franchise time thing,” he said. “The key word If elected and if he is part of Braley, a four-term congress- remaining years fee that would have charged is ongoing. The council should budget talks, Sandell said, “I’m on City Councilman, is in a close race against users on their electric bill would always be looking to reduce not in favor of cutting any departRepublican Joni Ernst, a state woman Becky have added about $800,000 the spending. They should look at the ment if it is run efficiently. But Shock ley’s lawmaker. first year, and more in succeeding needs of the community and then they will be asked to prove why term. Shockley years, to city coffers. at what money is available and they have the number of people resigned Sept. 8. 6414 The successful effort to quash budget accordingly.” they do.” Man warned to stop *TTVFETJODF He joins a the fee left the city scrambling to “Fourth, each citizen should Sandell Since he’s against tax hikes CZUIF#VSMJOHUPO)BXL&ZF$P cut spending and fill the revenue have the ability to participate in saying he’s a doctor field with three Iowa’s Oldest Newspaper and fee increases, Sandell said he void. other candi4.BJO4U10#PY any city incentive, such as tax would investigate “cash drains, DES MOINES — Health offi- dates, so far: Jim Davidson, Tracey He has served on the city’s abatements. Always treat every#VSMJOHUPO*PXB such as Memorial Auditorium. cials are telling a Des Moines man zoning board of adjustment for body the same,” he said. Watts and Dan Wischmeier. That costs the city’s general fund to stop telling people he’s a doctor, Telephone: The last day to file for candi- the past 10 years. Before that, he Sandell said he was on the city about $85,000 a year. How many or he could face jail time. PS served on the riverfront advisory Fax: council when the Pheasant Run policemen could you pay with The Iowa Board of Medicine dacy is Nov. 7. commission for six years. Online: UIFIBXLFZFDPN The special election will be tax increment financing project that?” sent a cease and desist letter to Sandell owned and operated 60-year-old Jorrion Belinsky fol- held Dec. 30. A primary to nar- a magazine distribution comMissing your paper? lowing an incident in June when row the field to two candidates is pany and a chain of stores called he told a West Des Moines police Dec. 2. Newsland, which he sold about 15 officer he was a psychiatrist Sandell filed his affidavit of years ago. *GZPVEPOPUSFDFJWFZPVSIPNF whose public argument with a candidacy and a petition with He said jobs held since then EFMJWFSFEDPQZPG5IF)BXL&ZFCZ woman was a doctor and patient 62 names with the Des Moines “are nothing significant,” and he BNPOXFFLEBZTPSBNXFFLFOET interaction. County Auditor’s office Wednes- retired “a few years ago.” BOEIPMJEBZTQMFBTFDBMMbeforeOPPOGPS Police reported the incident to day. SFEFMJWFSZ0VUPGUPXOPSSVSBMDVTUPNBorn and raised in Burlington, FSTXJMMSFDFJWFFJUIFSDSFEJUPSUIFQBQFS the medical board. Their letter “I just think I’d do a better job UIFGPMMPXJOHEBZ:PVSDIPJDF states Belinsky has not gradu- than anybody else who’s signed Sandell graduated from Notre Dame High School and earned a /PUJGZVTFJUIFSCZQIPOFPSFNBJM ated from an accredited medical up so far,” Sandell said. “That’s Bachelor of Science degree in busit#VSMJOHUPO8FTU#VSMJOHUPO754-8462 school and does not hold an Iowa ness administration from Creight0VUTJEF#VSMJOHUPO1-800-397-1708 medical license. The letter also not conceit talking.” Public meetings Iowa launches emergency system Your right to know Briefly Former mayor running for council t&NBJMDJSDVMBUJPO!UIFIBXLFZFDPN Want to subscribe? t)PNFEFMJWFSZJTQFSNPOUI t.PUPSSPVUFNBJMBOE*OUFSOFUSBUFTBSF BWBJMBCMFVQPOSFRVFTU t"TLBCPVUPVS&;QBZTZTUFN Subscription renewal policy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e will never charge your card/debit card without notifying you first. Member: 7FSJåFE"VEJU$JSDVMBUJPO Postmaster: Address changes should be sent to The Hawk Eye, P.O. Box 10, Burlington, Iowa 52601-0010. Periodicals postage paid at Burlington, Iowa Printed with soy ink on partially recycled paper said a civil injunction or felony charge is possible if he doesn’t stop portraying himself as a doctor. A public number was not listed for Belinsky. Telecom gets federal loan to expand DES MOINES — An eastern Iowa telephone cooperative is getting a guaranteed loan from the federal government to increase its fiber optics network and make system improvements. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said in a statement released Wednesday it has approved more than $190 million in loans and grants for broadband and other improvements in rural areas in 19 states. North Liberty-based South Slope Cooperative Telephone Co. is getting a loan of nearly $14.7 million from the Telecommunications Infrastructure Loan Program, which makes long-term direct and guaranteed loans. A boo-ti-ful time for families in Nauvoo "OOVBMFWFOUXJMMTUBSU BUQN4BUVSEBZ By SARAH TOMKINSON stomkinson@thehawkeye.com NAUVOO, Ill. — Nauvoo, Ill., will be lined with pumpkins during its annual Boo-ti-ful Nauvoo Saturday. The event, starting at 2 p.m., is a family-friendly Halloween celebration and begins with a showing of “Hotel Transylvania” at the Kraus Theatre inside Grandpa John’s Cafe. After the movie, more than 500 pumpkins will be set up along Mulholland Street for people to observe. “We are in the process of handcraving the pumpkins now,” said tourism director Kim Orth. The pumpkins the town uses are locally grown. Starting at 6 p.m., a three-block parade will allow people to show off their costumes before the big day next week. “I know a couple from Mount Pleasant will be coming with a ‘Ghostbusters’ car for the parade,” Orth said. After the parade, Mulholland Street will feature fortune-telling and face-painting activities. “It’s just a fun family event to get out and see all the pumpkins,” Orth said. Food vendors will set up along the street. From 6:15 to 8:30 p.m., musical entertainment will be at the corner of the Nauvoo C-Store.
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