David Bogataj, PhD Law and Real Estate Management, MSc Qualified Actuary Vrtača 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel. (Spain)+34611268225 E-mail: dbogataj@actuary.si Now available at: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (at Professor Lorenzo Ros McDonnell Catedralico Gestión e Ingeniería de Organización) Departamento Economía de la Empresa Calle Real, nº3. 30201 – Cartagena Tel. 0034611268225 February, 2015 Brief Curriculum Vitae Personal Date of Birth: November 22, 1973, Trbovlje, Slovenia. I am citizen of Slovenia which is member of EU and I have got also UK National Insurance Number. Education and degrees Matriculation, Mathematical Grammar School, Novo mesto, Slovenia.1992; BSc in Insurance Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, 1997; Diploma Thesis, Transportation Technology, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, 2000. Master of Actuarial Science (passing all exams of 2 programs: (1) Master’s Program on Actuarial Science and (2) Master’s Program Insurance Finances), Phare program at University of Ljubljana in cooperation with Faculty of Actuaries Edinburgh and Institute of Actuaries, Oxford, 2001. I have passed Cambridge University IELTS English language examination, 2010. Qualified Actuary, 2011 Fellow of Slovenian Actuarial Society since 2011 (completed all exams and 3 years of working experiences in the biggest health insurance company as a leading actuary, as requirements). PhD, European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica, 2012 (on reverse mortgage). PhD on organizational Studies FOŠ Novo mesto, submitted to evaluation, 2014. University position and work experiences 1993 -1996: Independent developer and programmer of financial functions and actuarial functions for pension schemes. Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije (Pension and Invalidity (State) Insurance of Slovenia). 1997 – 1999: Independent developer and programmer of financial functions and actuarial functions for pension products and life insurance products. Zavarovalnica Mercator d.d. – življenjska zavarovanja (life insurance) – razvoj zavarovalno-tehničnih podlag in računalniško podprtega sistema za sklepanje zavarovanj za rentna in pokojninska zavarovanja. 1999 - 2000: Independent developer of business plan and technical documentation for pension schemes for First pension company LTD, and programmer of financial functions and actuarial function for pension schemes. 2001-2003: Teaching Assistant (Actuarial statistics), University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, 2001- 2003. 2005 – 2008: Teaching Assistant, University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Slovenia 2009-2013 The leading actuary at VZAJEMNA mutual health insurance company, the largest private health insurance company in Slovenia. 2013- Docent (Assit. Prof.) European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica and MEDIFAS 2013- Visiting fellow and ERASMUS exchange at Cartagena Technical University, Spain During the last four years I was charged with the following duties: -development of health insurance, accident insurance, medical assistance and travel assistance products; -preparing actuarial analysis for the existing and new insurance products; -development of the policy wording and the general terms and conditions; -development of IT solutions regarding equalization schemes and new insurance products; - team leader of the group of IT engineers, charged with implementation and deployment of IT system and upgrading the database for the new insurance products. I am engaged closely with the engineering team to help determine the best technical implementation methods, as well as a reasonable execution schedule. - consultant for development of Android app for marketing the insurance products, which are under development currently. -development of Android application for marketing the following insurance products: (a) health insurance, (b) accident insurance, (c) travel assistance. -development of actuarial policies and implementation of SOLVENCY II procedures; -supervision of two young actuarial students employed at VZAJEMNA; - member of the team responsible for development of data warehouse for statistical and solvency reporting purposes; 2011-2012 Researcher at Mobile Assistance Technologies LTD, St. John’s Innovation Centre, Cambridge. 2012Invited lecturer on decision models in insurance economics at GEA College, Ljubljana. 2012Research fellow at Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, Slovenia studying also the second PhD on Quality Management at Faculty of organizational studies. 2012- Elected representative of Slovenian Association of Actuaries in Actuarial Association of Europe in Brussels (previously: GROUPE CONSULTATIF ACTUARIEL EUROPEEN). 2013- Assistent Professor at European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica. 2013- Visiting researcher at Technical University Cartagena, Spain. Theses: 1. BOGATAJ, David: Actuarial bases for insurance company X, Insurance Engineering Program, University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Maritime Studies and Transportation, supervisor professor Janez Usenik, Portorož, 1997, 48 pages. 2. BOGATAJ, David. Mathematical reserves in insurance bases for social security of workers in transportation sector. University program Transportation Technology, University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Maritime Studies and Transportation, supervisor: Professor Janez Usenik, 2000, 58 pages. 3. BOGATAJ, David. Pension Funds and Pension Companies, M.Sc. Study, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics with cooperation of City University London and Oxford Actuarial Institute (Phare Program), 2001, 116 pages. Supervisor: Professor Ivan Ribnikar. 4. BOGATAJ, David, Residential property in the structure of resources for social security provision of elderly people, PhD, European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica, 2012. 391 pages. Supervisor: Doc.dr. Boštjan Aver. 5. BOGATAJ, David, MODEL OF HUMAN CAPITAL DEPRECIATION AND QUALITY OF LIFE, submitted to the commission at the faculty. Current projects and programs: J5―4279 The impact of recession on the interaction of regions in the global supply chains and land use BOGATAJ, David, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka, BOGATAJ, Marija, VODOPIVEC, Robert. The impact of aging on the development and control of adequate, safe and sustainable occupational retirement provision. Nova Gorica: Evropska pravna fakulteta, Phase 2. BOGATAJ, David, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka, LISEC, Anka, DROBNE, Samo, BOGATAJ, Marija. Real estate and ERS in the structure of adequate welfare mix for older people in the network of European cities (ERSinWFMIX) : Phase 2. Nova Gorica: Evropska pravna fakulteta; Vrtojba: MEDIFAS; Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana. P5- 0398 Lokacija in raba mestnih zemljišč v starajočih se regijah: Obnašanje zemljiške rente v postindustrijski družbi (= Location and urban land use in aging regions: Urban land rent in the postindustrial society)
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