Company Captain Race Day Information Shanghai • 4.30pm Thursday 23 October 2014

Company Captain Race Day Information
Thursday 23 October 2014 • 4.30pm
Thank you for taking the time to co-ordinate your team for the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge®. Please read through
the information below and share it with your runners. Please ensure that your runners read the Runner Information
memo and receive the proper race number.
Runner Information
Please review the following items available on the website: Runner Information Memo, Safety Bulletin, Series Rules,
and course and site maps.
Race Numbers
These are sent to you in the race pack. Ensure that each runner receives the correct number. DO NOT REASSIGN
NUMBERS TO YOUR RUNNERS! Runners who are wearing the wrong number risk disqualification for themselves and
their entire team.
Race Timing
The race will be timed using the ChronoTrack B-Tag timing system. Each race number contains a transponder (timing
chip) which is read by an antenna located in a mat on the ground at the start and finish lines. Runners’ times will be
recorded beginning when they cross the start mat and ending when they cross the finish mat. It is important that
runners wear the race number pinned in all four corners, unwrinkled, and uncovered, to insure recording an accurate
All recorded times will be listed in the race results on the website. B-tags are disposable and do not
need to be returned. Recycling bins will be available near the finish for disposal of race numbers/B-tags.
The Start
The race start is in the Xuhui Riverside Green Space. This is a voluntary seeded event, which means that participants
should line up according to their expected running time. Fast runners with red bibs should follow the yellow signs at
the form up area to the front of the start. Runners and joggers should line up behind the runners with red bibs, and
walkers should line up at the rear of the field. This will ensure that the race runs smoothly and will be a more enjoyable
experience for all.
Clothing Storage
A baggage deposit will be available near the start. Please ensure all valuables are removed prior to checking in
baggage. Organisers will not be held responsible for any lost items.
Public Catering
There will be public catering available on-site. You can pre-order food and beverage vouchers for your team that can
be exchanged at the public stalls. Please contact the race coordinator at 400 8212 585 for more information.
Company Meeting Place
Company captains should designate a team gathering area for their participants after the race and notify their
teammates of this location. Gear check, hospitality tents and gathering areas will all be located at Xuhui Riverside
Green Space.
Race Day Notes
Check the website,, on race day for important messages to runners. Remind your runners to
drink plenty of water BEFORE the race. Refreshments will be distributed to all runners in the finish chute following the
race. Additional food and beverage may be purchased from the Public Bar in the hospitality village.
For the safety of everyone in the race, roller skates, roller skis, rollerblades, skateboards, bicycles, pushchairs, baby
joggers and animals are prohibited on the route. Anyone who violates this rule risks disqualification for his/her entire
Medical staff will be available in the Medical Marquee at the finish line as well as on the course. An additional medical
post is available in the hospitality village for minor injuries. Please instruct your runners to stop running and seek
medical assistance if they do not feel well. See the Safety Bulletin for additional information.
All recorded times will be listed in the race results on the website.
Following the race, Captains must confirm their scoring teams via the Corporate Challenge website by 5:00 p.m.
Monday, October 27. Each team will contain four runners: four men for a male team, four women for a female team,
and two men and two women for a mixed team. An individual runner may score for ONE team and in ONLY ONE
division. For example, a female runner may not be listed on a female team AND a mixed team.
From the website home page, click on “Company Captains: Submit Your Team Results Here”. This link will appear only
after the race. Log in using your email address and Captain Tools password.
Select the team category. Just click ‘accept’ if you are satisfied with the team assignments shown. However, if you wish
to change your teams before confirming, you can do so by clicking on ‘submit results’ and using the dropdown name
box to change runners. All runners on the teams submitted must be eligible according to the Series Rules. Companies
must have a minimum of 10 participants to be eligible for team awards and qualify for Championship.
The top five male and female finishers will be the first five eligible runners of each sex to cross the finish line.
The awards ceremony will be held at approximately 5.45pm on the main stage located at the hospitality village. The
following awards will be presented.
First Overall Man and Woman
T-Shirt contest – top two designs
Largest Participation Award
Awards for the top five teams in each category will be distributed at a later date, following employment verification of
the teams’ scoring members.
Race Results
Individual results will be posted online following the race. Team results will also be posted as soon as they are verified.
The first place team in each category will be eligible to compete in the next J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge
Championship to be held in 2015.
Please call 400 8212 585 or send an email with your questions to BEFORE RACE
DAY. Beginning at 3.30pm on race day, all questions and problems will be handled at the Information marquees on
Best of luck to you and your company and have a good time!
Mr. Adam Yu, Race Director
Corporate Challenge is a registered trademark of JPMorgan Chase & Co. © 2014 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved