th Proceedings of the 17 Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 19–24 October 2014 Mechanisms Driving a Coastal Dynamic Upwelling 2 CECILIA E. ENRIQUEZ1, ISMAEL MARIÑO-TAPIA 1 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Sisal Yucatán, México (+52 988, 9311000 Ext: 7146). Email: 2 Procesos Costeros y Oceanografía Física. CINVESTAV-IPN, Unidad Mérida, Yucatán, México. Email: Keywords: upwelling, Yucatan SUMMARY Seasonal dynamic coastal upwelling events in the northeastern coast of Yucatan, Mexico, nourish the coastal sea enhancing fisheries and promoting the presence of large species like the whale shark, but also initiate the development of algal blooms, which are commonly harmful. The forcing mechanisms driving the upwelling process in that site obey to a combination of processes that are not always clearly differentiated. This study aims to investigate the relative importance of various forces capable of controlling this upwelling process through a combination of numerical modeling, using the DELFT3D hydrodynamic model and observations. Preliminary numerical results show that the characteristics of the Yucatan Current (e.g. intensity, trajectory and proximity to the continental shelf break) can determine the development of positive vertical velocities in the curved features located along the shelf break in the region; southeasterly winds might enhance a coastal upwelling due to the resulting offshore Ekman transport whereas northerly winds can suppress the process. 1. INTRODUCTION Coastal upwelling processes are extremely important nutrient sources transported with deep-water masses to the surface layers, which are commonly oligotrophic and unproductive. The sudden nutrient abundance developed generates high productivity at all trophic levels, from micro algae to large fish. In Cabo Catoche (CC), at the northeastern coast of Yucatan, Mexico, upwelling events are known to occur during the spring and summer seasons. These events enhance fisheries and promote the presence of large species like the whale shark, but also initiate the development of algal blooms, which are commonly harmful. The CC upwelling was first identified in 1966 [3] and since then, several studies have confirmed its presence and some have described its thermohaline structure and extent, but its origin and behavior have not yet been explained. The CC upwelling site is located between the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (Figure 1a). It is located in the eastern border of the wide and shallow continental shelf at the north of the Yucatan Peninsula, which breaks abruptly towards the east in the Yucatan Channel. Through the Yucatan Channel flows the Yucatan Current (YC), a deep, intense western boundary current. The Yucatan Current flows into the Gulf of Mexico adjacent to the Yucatan Shelf carrying different water masses from the Caribbean and Atlantic. The trajectory of its transit varies before becoming the Loop Current taking different shapes related to other processes such as the passing of eddies through the Yucatan Channel [2, 1]. Recent in situ measurements show that other processes can influence the CC upwelling process, specifically the wind. The wind in the region is dominated by easterly winds (Trades), which range from NE to SE (the last being typically more intense). However, during the winter, the transit of cold fronts from higher latitudes brings intense northern and northwestern wind events of short duration (3-5 days), which are capable of temporarily reversing the current towards the east. . th Proceedings of the 1 17 Physics of Estuaries uaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, conference, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 19–24 1 October 2014 Figure 1 Yucatan dynamic upwelling region. Cabo Catoche is marked with the black dot (a). Along-shore temperature transect revealing an upwelling event during September 2005 (c); data selected from the coastal CTD profiles (b) from om a wider survey by the Mexican Navy. This his study investigate investigates the relative importance of various forces capable of controlling the upwelling process in CC, Yucatan through numerical modeling studies. 2. METHODS The different contributions of the CC upwelling development are determined by numerical modeling studies and observations. The 3D version of the DELFT3D hydrodynamic model model, developed loped by WL/Delft Hydraulics in a curvilinear grid of 258 by 171 grid points with spatial resolution of approx. prox. 3 3.5 km covering the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico For this work,, the model is barotropic and does not include density gradients but 10 vertical sigma layers were set to analyze the vertical currents at the shelf break. The model has 2 open boundaries: at the Yuca Yucatan tan Channel, forced with currents velocities, and at the Florida Strait, which allows the transit of outgoing waves and currents calculated by the model to allow continuity and stability. The bottom boundary is the ETOPO1 bathymetry from NOAA with 1-minute spatial resolution. The numerical experiments were designed to test the sensitivity of the vertical velocities in the CC upwelling regions to the characteristics of the Yucatan Current, particularly its intensity, proximity to the Yucatan shelf and path followed towards the Gulf of Mexico. The first two variables were set directly within the forcing set at the boundary. But the path followed by the current responds to different processes with scales and origins, which go beyond the limits of this is study. IIt is known, however wever that the direction of the current may be in the range of NW-N-NE, NW NE, and that the coastal hydrodynamics in the northern Yucatan Sea are highly sensitive to this variations [4]. The main numerical experiments are described in Table 1. Within hin the experiments, high intensity current means a linear distribution of cero at the coasts of Yucatan and Cuba increasing to 2 m/s at the core of the current. The low intensity current increased to 0.8 m/s at the core. Current proximity is "middle" when the core is in the middle of the Yucatan Channel and "adjacent" when the core is stretched towards Yucatan. The two options for current direction are towards the NE or NW and to modify its path within this study, some numerical experiments were designed with a section of grid cells set as impermeable to prevent the Yucatan Current to flow to the NE and forcing it to flow to the North or NW follow the procedures used by Enriquez et al [4]. th Proceedings of the 1 17 Physics of Estuaries uaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, conference, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 19–24 1 October 2014 Scenario 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 Current dir. NE NW NE NW NW NW NW NE NE Current Intensity high high high high low low low low low Current Proximity middle middle adjacent adjacent adjacent adjacent adjacent adjacent adjacent Wind SE NW SE NW Table 1 Forcing conditions in the numerical experiments. 3. RESULTS The characteristics of the Yucatan Current highly influence the upwelling in the CC region. Numerical results show that the direction of the trajectory of the YC towards the north is very important in the development of an upwelling. When the current is directed to the northeast as it detaches from the western boundary in the CC curved bathymetric feature, positive vertical velocities develop (Figure 2a). When the current trajectory is to the northwest,, flowing very close to the continental shelf, the region of upwelling at is less extent and further offshore (to the north) (Figure 2b). The proximity of the core of the YC to the Yucatan continental margin did not aappear ppear to have an important influence in the extent nor in the intensity of the upwelling. The intensity of the YC has a direct impact in the intensity of the upwelling when its trajectory promotes the development. Preliminary results with wind forcing rev revealed ealed that the wind direction does not influence the distribution or the intensity ity of the upwelling but it modifies the horizontal currents. Within the continental shelf, the wind has an important influence even in the deeper layer currents. Strong southeasterly southeasterly winds promote the transport of upwelled bottom water towards the shelf to the west (Figure 2c). Strong northwesterly winds tend to generate inshore transport and promote transport to the east (Figure 2d). Additionally, analytical scaling of the different forcing terms in the Preliminary numerical results show that strong southeasterly winds might enhance a coastal upwelling due to the resulting offshore Ekman transport together with the characteristics of the Yucatan Current (intensity and proxim proximity to the continental break), whereas northerly winds can suppress the process. th Proceedings of the 17 Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 19–24 October 2014 Figure 2: Vertical velocities (m/s) developed along the shelf break in the Cabo Catoche region showing upwelling (red) and downwelling (blue). The figure includes bathymetric contours for reference. Vectors of the horizontal currents in the deeper layer are plotted for the experiments with wind forcing (scaled by 3 and plotted every 3). 4. DISCUSSIONS The pressure gradient generated by the Yucatan Current through its transit from de Caribbean Sea into the Gulf of Mexico may promote the development of positive vertical currents in a region where the upwelled water may be transported over the Yucatan continental shelf. If the vertical currents are enough to raise the Caribbean Subtropical UnderWater (CSUW) water mass, the whole Yucatan Sea is nourished with nutrients. It lies below 150 m depth and is characterized by its salinity maximum (>=37). It is known to upwell during spring and summer [6, 5]. Recent in situ observations have revealed that after a strong wind event from the north, the upwelling ceased [7]. Our results confirm the observation and suggest that while the vertical positive velocities are not significantly modified by a northerly wind, the horizontal currents promote transport to the east. This transport would return the upwelled water, which is significantly denser than the surrounding water at those depths to a region where it would sink fast and not be able to reach the surface layers. 5. REFERENCES [1] Badan, A., Candela, J., Sheinbaum, J., Ochoa, J. (2005). Upper-layer circulation in the approaches to Yucatan Channel. In: Sturges, W., Lugo-Fernandez, A. (Eds.). Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico. Observations and Models. AGU Books Board, Geophysical monograph 161, Washington, DC, pp. 57–69 [2] Candela, J., Sheinbaum, J., Ochoa, J., Badan, A., Leben, R. (2002). The potential vorticity flux through the Yucatan Channel and the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29 (22), 4. [3] Cochrane, J.D., (1966). The Yucatan current, upwelling off Northeastern Yucatan, and currents and waters of Western Equatorial Atlantic. Oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico. Progress Report TAMU Ref. no. 66-23T, pp. 14-32. 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