26th October 2014 Pewsheet No. 1101

Church Hall Booking Secretary
Pat Mitchell 01420 562331
Pewsheet Editor
Adrian Barnes 01420 562854
Church Hall Hire Rates
Hall hire £8.50 per hour or part, deposit £30.
Off site hire of tables, chairs & tablecloths
are £2, £1 & 30p each per 24h.
Please ensure copy is received by
6:00pm Thursday .
If you would like a copy emailed to you, send an email to
pew@standrews.hampshire.org.uk with “Pewsheet” as the subject line.
Diary Dates
1st Nov
1st Nov
9th Nov
11th Nov
18th Nov
30th Nov
Services next week
Tuesday 28th Oct
2nd Nov
@10:00am Church grounds and Hall Maintenance
@2:00pm Church Hall
Autumn Jumble Sale
@10:45am St. Andrew’s Church
Service of Remembrance
@ 8:00pm St. Andrew’s Church Hall—PCC Meeting
@ 7:45pm Magnolia House, Medstead
Advent Group
@ 6:00pm St. Andrew’s Church
@ 9:15am
@ 11:00am
Holy Communion
Parish Communion
Prayer requests. At the back of the church, on the table by the door, is a
book that can be used to request prayer. If you have a particular need that
you would like us to bring to the Lord during our services, please let us know.
There is also provision on our website, or you can always ask someone to pray
with you.
26th October 2014
Pewsheet No. 1101
St.Andrew’S PAriSh ChurCh
THE nineteenth Sunday after trinity
BIBLE sunday
Visitors are always welcome and are warmly invited to
join us in the Church Hall for refreshments after the service.
08:00 Holy Communion
First Reading
read by
Second Reading
read by
Gospel Reading
read by
Intercessions led by
Celebrant: The Reverend Flenley
Nehemiah 8. 1-4a, 8-12
David Rowe
Colossian 3. 12-17
Ian Jurd
Matthew 24. 30-35
Maurice Johnson
(OT p449)
(NT p199)
(NT p26)
On duty are: Churchwarden: Ian Jurd
Sidesman: David Rowe
Bells: Tony Chivers
11:00 Morning Prayer Officiate: The Reverend Flenley
Introit by the choir
409 Open our eyes Lord
First Hymn
Come down, O love divine
Second Hymn
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
First Reading
Psalm 119. 9-16
(OT p578)
read by
Sharon Blackshaw
Second Reading
Colossian 3. 12-17
(NT p199)
read by
Liz Gilbert
Matthew 24. 30-35
(NT p26)
read by Officiate
Third Hymn words inside How shall I sing that majesty
Intercessions led by
Carol Fuller
Offertory Hymn 432
Rejoice, the Lord is King
Collect for today
O God, forasmuch as without you we are not able to please you;
mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit
may in all things direct and rule our hearts;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
On duty are: Churchwarden:
Organist: Adrian Barnes
Bells: David Hayward
Clock: Roger Gilbert
Cleaning: Pam Goodall
Debby Barnes
Sidesmen: Pat & Dudley Skinner
Refreshments: Sue Stiles
Flowers: Sara Clements
Church Web Site www.standrews.hampshire.org.uk
Contact Details
The Reverend Ben Flenley
PCC Secretary
The Rectory, Bentworth, GU34 5RB
Wendy Busby 01420 564168
01420 563218
Assistant Curate
Adrian Barnes 01420 562854
The Reverend Kathryn Flenley
Patrick Busby 01420 564168
Licensed Lay Ministers
Carol Fuller 01420 562445
Charlie Shaylor 01256 381351
Wendy Busby 01420 564168
Debby Barnes 01420 562854
Ian Jurd 01420 563533
Marion Slater 01420 564295
Deputy Churchwarden
Stephen Blackshaw 01420 563937
St. Andrew’s, Medstead Musical Recital
Our third hymn today is:How shall I sing that Majesty
which angels do admire?
Let dust in dust and silence lie;
sing, sing, ye heavenly choir.
thousands of thousands stand around
thy throne, O God most high;
ten thousand times ten thousand sound
thy praise; but who am I?
Enlighten with faith's light my heart,
inflame it with love's fire;
then shall I sing and bear a part
with that celestial choir.
I shall, I fear, be dark and cold,
with all my fire and light;
yet when thou dost accept their gold,
Lord, treasure up my mite.
Thy brightness unto them appears,
whilst I thy footsteps trace;
a sound of God comes to my ears,
but they behold thy face.
They sing because thou art their Sun;
Lord, send a beam on me;
for where heaven is but once begun
there alleluias be.
How great a being, Lord, is thine,
which doth all beings keep!
Thy knowledge is the only line
to sound so vast a deep.
thou art a sea without a shore,
a sun without a sphere;
thy time is now and evermore,
thy place is everywhere.
Today is Bible Sunday. The Bible is the most sold
book in history. It is the most banned book in the
world. It is a dangerous book, but gives great
comfort and inspiration for living. It is found in
hotels, prisons, airports and schools, and can be
used for recording family history. It is the word of
God in written form, can be treated with reverence
or contempt, read literally or metaphorically. No
one can doubt its influence or its beauty; its unity
and its diversity. Bible Sunday focuses on all this
and more. On the other hand, every Sunday is
Bible Sunday, so central is it to Christian liturgy,
hymnody and life.
The signs are up and the word is out!!
Next Saturday 1st November is the
Autumn Jumble Sale. It is time to start
thinking about your unwanted gifts and
items to donate. We only need good,
clean and preferably unused items, not
junk or stuff that doesn’t work!
We also need volunteers to tidy up and
clear out unsold goods after the sale.
is on Sunday 30th November at 6:00pm in the Church.
Come along and enjoy a mix of well loved classical and light music,
performed by local singers and pianists; including music by diverse
composers such as :
Ravel, Handel, Chopin, Liszt, Mozart, Richard Strauss, Gilbert and Sullivan.
Taking part are:- Wendy Busby : Soprano; Lis Linley : Mezzo Soprano
Jean Penny : Alto; Ben Flenley : Bass; Pande Shahov : Piano, and
Patrick Busby : Piano
Tickets - £12.50 (with concessions for children) also includes:
A Finger Buffet with wine and soft drinks to be served after the concert.
For tickets please contact:
Sharon Blackshaw on 01420 563937 seblackshaw@gmail.com or
Wendy Busby on 01420 564168 wendy.busby@hotmail.co.uk
From last week:
PGS Update
A huge thank you to all who have adopted the Parish Giving Scheme
for their regular planned giving. In October we have received donations
of £640.52 plus tax of £160.14 giving a total of £800.66.
This is from 12 donors.
For those who are not yet using this method please do talk to me and I
will happily tell you more and answer your questions.
Packs with all the information about the scheme are available at the back of the
church – please just help yourself.
Paul Adams, Treasurer (01962 772392 or paul08@ukww.net)
As part of this Benefice’s Christmas celebrations we are once again joining in with
this excellent project which is run by the organisation SAMARITAN’S PURSE .
You all know the routine by now—wrap a shoe box and lid separately, fill it with
unwrapped presents for either a boy or girl in the 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14 age bracket,
include £3.00, a Greeting Card and a photo (selfie!).
Secure the lid by putting an elastic band around the box and bring the box to any of the
Benefice churches, the Rectory or Bentworth School by Sunday 23rd November.
It is with much sadness that we advise the death of Chris Oulton last
weekend. Chris was 55 and was Chairman of FOSAC for many years as well as
a regular member of the ‘8 a.m.’ers’ before he and his wife Annie moved to
His funeral will be at Winchester Cathedral on Friday 31st October at 1:30pm
followed by tea and refreshments at Medstead Village Hall. All are very
welcome—family flowers only please.
If you would like to send a card, please ask one of the wardens for the address.
This is your personal copy of our Pewsheet. Please take away and use during the week ahead.