Dec. 28, 1937. J. J. Low 2,103,541 WINCH Filed Dec. 18, 1935 ` 4 Sheets-Sheet 1 R l Q f". g Í -.. 'D . GX E 0 _Sé ä UD Q /NvENTo/a A .u V JOHN J. Low Arme/VE Y Dec. 28, 1937. J. J. LOW 2,103,541 WINCH Filed Dec. -l8, 1935 4 Sheets-Sheet 2 wäh: w v Ñ /N VENTO/2 JOHN J. Low ATTORNEY « Dec. 28, 1937. J. ¿_ Low ` 2,103,541 WINCH Filed Dec. 18, 1935 4 Sheets-Sheet 5 ll-llll es l* We@ «n ' Raw r. @Umfèœwww fa ÍBYD Il" ' Dec. 28, 1937. J. J. .Low 2,103,541 WINCH Filed Deo. 18, 1955 4 Sheets-Sheet 4 DH 8mm» 1T ,: A TTOENE Y Patented Dec. 2s, 1937 l ` 2,103,541 `>UNITED s'l'lirlssl PATENT OFFICE 2,103,541 WINCH John J. Low, Los Angeles, Calif., assigner to Kay-Brunner Steel Products, Ine., a corpo ration of Delaware Application December 1s, 193s, serial No. $5,036 9 claims. (o1. así-185) My invention relates to 4Winches for hoisting and pulling devices positioned at a distance thereto and capable of operation by cables. It has particular reference, although not neces5 sarily, to winches adapted for attachment to tractors to be carried and operated thereby for actuating excavating devices of roadway excavating machines towed by the tractors, and to per- mit complete control of the Winches by the op- l i erators of the tractors. It is a purpose 0f» my invention to provide a winch embodying a sheave and cable system by which the various devices to be actuated by the cables can be individually operated and a fair l5 lead from the winch to each device constantly maintained irrespective of the angular position of Fig. 2 is a view similar to Fig. l‘but without Vthe upper drum unit. Figs. 3 and 4 are enlarged sectional views taken ` on the lines 3-3 and 4--4 of Fig. 1. Fig. 5 is a sectional View taken on the line 5 54-5 of Fig.'3. ` Fig. 6 is an enlarged Vertical Sectional View taken 0n the line 6_5 0f Fig» 1‘ Fig. 7 is anvenlarged view showing the winch in front elevation removed from the tractor and 10 with the support attaching bolts in section. Figs. 8 and 9 are vertical sectional views taken 0n the lines 8-8 and 9_9 of Fig. 6. Fig. 10 is a vertical sectional View taken on the line Ill-IIJ of Fig- 7. 15 Fig. 11 is a semi-diagrammatic view Showing the winchwith respect to the device. ' in' perspective the driving mechanism for the `Another purpose of my invention is the pro-- winch drums and a portion of the power take-off vision of a winch having a driving mechanism in- mechanism. „D cluding a power take-oil mechanism which per- l Fig. an enlarged seCtiOnal View taken 0n ' mits the winch to be applied to and operated by `the line l2-l2 of Fig. l. any conventional form of tractor, and irrespective Fíg- 13 iS a» detail perspective View Showing the `of the direction and rotational speed of the trans- attaching support by which the winch is se mission shaft of the tractor, so that the rotational cured on the tractor. The winch as herein illustrated comprises a lo speed of the winch drums can be made constant to linearly move the cables at -such a predeter- lower housing H and an upper housing H1 super mìned speed as to insure,l safe operation of those imposed on the former. As the two housings are ydevices adapted to be actuated by the cables. identical in construction and the elements con Another purpose of my invention is the pro- tained therein the same, only the lower housing 3f, vision of a support for a winch bywhich the and its elements will be specifically described, but winch can be 'attached to and rigidly supported on like numerals bearing the exponent “a” have been any conventional form of tractor and with the employed on the drawings to designate corre winch driving mechanism sustained in proper -sponding parts of the upper housing and the ele operative relationship to the transmission shaft ments contained therein. «_7, of the tractor. 'I'he'lower housing is made up of two end sec, Another purpose of my invention is the pro~ tions l5 and i6 and an intermediate section Il. vision of a clutch and brake mechanism which Each end section I5 or I6 is made in two parts, permits the positive driving of, the absolute free rotation of, and the secure locking of the winch 4') drums when and as required. " Another purpose of my invention is the provision‘of a winch having two drum units and a single driving mechanism therefor so correlated to the drums as to permit the winch to be used 4; as a single or double drum unit and to -allow such optional use on a tractor as conditions Amay ?e» qllîl‘e- ' ' I will describe only one form of winch embodying my invention, and will then point out the 5o novel features thereof in claims. In the accompanying drawings: Fig. 1 is a View showing in side elevation one form of winch embodying my invention in applied position on the rear end of a conventional :Il Cl form of tractor. ' 20 N5 30 35 as best shown in Fig. 6, and the outer part of each section for the lower housing is secured to the corresponding part of the same section of the 40 upper housing by the provision of flanges I8 on the sections through which bolts i9 extend. At the front or tractor side of the housings the three sections are secured in definite spaced relation to each otherl by two angle bars 20 and 45 2| and a ñat bar 22. While at the rear side the sections are similarly secured by Ithree T-bars 23 arranged one above the other. Thus it becomes apparent that the several bars constitutea frame which rigidly secures the several sections of each 50 housing together. The frame is supplemented by shafts, to be described hereinafter, which lend such additional rigidity to the frame as to pro duce housing structures of the requisite strength.. Each intermediate housing section4 I1 is formed 55 2,103,541 2 clutch, there is provided also one operating lever With a web 24 (Fig. 6) having a central hub 25 through which extends a shaft 26. Each shaft is enlarged where it extends through the hub, and at this point it is keyed to the hub to prevent rotation thereof. Two winch drums 21 and 28 are rotatably mounted on the shaft 26 by roller bearings 29 and 30, respectively. There are two such bearings for each drum contained in collars 54 for each arm. This winch being particularly adaptable to tractors for control by the operator of the tractor, each lever is mounted and shaped to extend upwardly and forwardly from the front side of the winch to provide an elongated handle 3| and 32, respectively, formed integral with in 10 ternal webs 34 and 35, respectively, of the drum. The inner bearings are retained in place by the hub 25, and the outer bearings by nuts 36-36. This arrangement permits of either drum to be removed or applied lengthwise of the shaft 15 through the respective end of the housing. Each winch drum 21 or 28 is provided at its outer end with two annuli 31 and 38 the con fronting peripheries of which are shaped to pro vide a double face female clutch member. A male 20 cone 39 having faces corresponding to those of the female member, is movable to engage and dis engage the female member. This male cone is secured to a gearl 40 by cap screws 4I, and the gear in turn has an integral hub 42 which is 25 rotatable on a sleeve 43 between collars 44 and 45. The collar 44 is threaded on the sleeve, while the collar 45 is formed integral with the sleeve and shaped to receive and support a ball bear 55 which is positioned at one side of the driver’s seat, as shown in Fig. l. As best shown in Fig.,7, each pair of levers is fulcrumed on the fiat bar 22 by a bolt 56, and the short arm 51 of the lever 10 is operatively connected to the respective arm 53 by a link 58. The operating levers 54 and 54a, in addition to providing means for operating the clutches, pro vide means for actuating external contracting brakes, one for each winch drum to secure the latter against rotation at the will of the oper ator. The four brakes are identical in construc tion, only the bands and their operating mecha nisms for the upper brakes are reversely arranged 20 with respect to those of the lower brakes. As best shown in Figs.` 6 and 9, the annulus 31 of one winch drum has an outer periphery 59 concentric of the drum axis which constitutes a brake drum to be engaged by a brake -band 60. 25 ing 46. 30 At the inner side of the collar 45 the sleeve 43 is splined to the shaft 26 by a feather 41 so that the sleeve is free to slide on the shaft but cannot rotate relative thereto. To the outer side of the collar 45 the sleeve has a threaded connection 35 with an actuating sleeve 48 rotatable in and pro jecting from a collared opening- 49 in the housing section I5 or I6. The sleeve 48 is rotatable on rings 50 secured on the shaft 26 by nuts 5|, and clamped to the sleeve is a split collar 52 on one 40 end of an arm 53. - From the preceding description, it will be clear that the male cone 39 of the double cone clutch is operable to engage or disengage the winch drum to connect or disconnect the gear 40 there One end of this band is anchored to a bolt 6|, and the other end operatively connected to the short arm of a bell-crank lever 62 fulcrumed on the housing as at 63. A spring 64 connected to the housing by a hook 65 and to the lever 30 52 by'an eye bolt 66, serves to yieldably urge the lever to a position in which the band em braces the drum to effect a brake application. By means of a cam 61 rotatably supported in a bracket 68 secured to the lower angle bar 20 (Fig. 1), the brake lever 62 can be actuated against the action of the spring v64 _to effect a brake release of the band with respect to the drum. As the winch drum is adapted when pay ing out a cable wound thereon, to rotate in a 40 clockwise direction as when viewed in Fig. 9, the band 60, by reason of its mounting, will be actu ated by such drum rotation to grip the drum and effect a brake application. In this manner the 45 45 to by rotation of the sleeve 48 in one direction brake is rendered self energizing. or the other by operation of the arm 53. Thus the sleeve 43 is moved outward or inward on the shaft 26 to effect the requisite lateral movement of the gear 40 necessary to actuate the male cone. 50 In 'this manner the clutch is operable to effect a driving connection between the gear and the The cam 61 for the brake lever is operable to effect a brake release by the corresponding clutch arm 53, and it is connected thereto by a lost-mo tion connector C and a link 69. The connector is shown in Figs. 3 and 4 as comprising a pair of clevises 10 and 1I, one connected to the link drum. Aside from the structural simplicity of this clutch its operation is rendered positive by reason of the mounting of the gear hub 42 be 55 tween the collars 44 and 45 to insure positive movement of the gear with shifting of the sleeve 69 by a pin 12, and the other connected to the arm 53 by a pin 13. Sleeves 14 and 15 are formed on the respective, clevises 10 and 1I, and a rod 16 55 is movable in the sleeve 14 and provided with a .43 so that the male member of the clutch will be moved completely .out of or into engagement with the female member. Thus is », eliminated the 60 possibility of the clutch dragging whenin dis retaining head 11. The other rod end is thread ed in the sleeve 15 and adjustably retained there in by a nut 18. Similarly, the clutch arm 533L for each of the 60 upper clutches is connected to its cam 61n by a lost-motion connector C1 identical in construc engaged position. ï Manifestly, the two lower drums 21 and 28 and , tion to the connector C except the head 11 is dis their appurtenances constitute one winch unit, pensed with and the plain end of the rod 16a is adapted to abut a cross web 19 as it\is moved up 65 and the upper drums 21“ and 28a and their ap 65 purtenances constitue another winch unit. The gears 40 are adapted to be driven positively by a suitable mechanism to be described hereinafter. The upper gears 40“ mesh with the lower gears to wardly. _ In constructing the connectors C and C1 to provide lost-motion between the clevises, limited movement upwardly of the clutch arms 53 and 53a be driven’by the latter and to effect operation of from the neutral position is permitted before‘the 70 the upper drums 'when the clutches therefor are` cams 61 and 61“ are actuated to effect release of the brakes. In this manner the necessity of fine engaged. . Obviously, the width of the -gear teeth of all the gears is such as to maintain the gears adjustments of the parts concerned, is eliminated in mesh irrespective of the lateral movements and the operator is given suilicient latitude in op thereof necessary to the operation of the clutches. ~ eration of the levers 54 and 54“ to effect complete As there is one .actuating arm 53 for each 2,103,541 engagement or disengagement of the clutches be fore the brakes are released or applied. In the operation of any one clutch andthe companion brake, the arm 53 normally occupies a neutral position in which the clutch is released and the brake applied by the spring 84, thus se curing the winch drum against rotation. .By moving the arm 53 downward or in a clockwise direction as when seen in Fig. 1, the clutch is 10 engaged to drive the drum. Manifestly, the upper drums are driven in the opposite direction from Athat of the lower drums. Such drum rotation, in each instance, automatically releases the brake against the action of the spring so> that the drum When the arm 53 is ele 15 is free to be driven. 3 on the drum, while the sheave 8| can revolve through an angle of 180 degrees to maintain a fair lead of the cable in respect to any mechanism or devices to which it is attached. It is im portant to note that the stretch of cable between the sheaves is coaxial with the axis of the sup ports so that there will be no lateral displace ment of the cable and in order that a yfair lead will be maintained in any angular position of adjustment of either support. 10 Referring now to Figs. '7, 8, and 11, the gears -48 for the drums 21 are positively driven `by a mechanism which is characterized by parts capa ble of being interchanged to compensate for vari ation in both direction and rotational speed of 15 the transmission shaft of the tractor from which the neutral position, the clutch remains disen- i mower is taken to propel the mechanism. Thus, gaged but the brake is released by operation of the rotational speed of the Winchdrums and re vated, that is, rotatedv counter-clockwise’from the cam 61 so that a cable wound on the drum _ sultant linear speed of the cables can be made 20 can be unwound therefrom as required. constant to- operate the devices to be pulled or 20 Referring now to Figs. 1 and 10 the winch hoisted by the cables, at a predetermined speed. » `drums 21 and 21“, as well as the drums 28 and 28a which are not visible in these ñgures, have cables _The invention also includes a power- take-off mechanism and a mounting means therefor which 19 and 19a, respectively, wound reversely there permit such mechanism to be applied yto the 25 on. For supporting these cables so that as ex tended from the drums rearwardly of the winch transmission shaft of any conventional form of 25 housings they will at all times individually main tain a fair lead with respect to any mechanism or devices which they are -pulling or hoisting, and 30 to cause the cables to be properly wound on the drums, sheave systems are provided. ‘ The sheave system for each pair of cables 19 and 19a comprises two lowersheaves 88 and 8| and two upper sheaves 882L and 8in. As the ar rangement and supports for one pair of sheaves are identical to those for the other, with the single exception of one being inverted with re -spect to the other, a description of one will suf iice for both. Like numerals bearing the ex ponent "a” are employed on the dra'wings to designate corresponding parts of the supports for the upper sheaves. A' ` The lower sheave 88 is rotatably mounted in a housing 82 which is formed integral with and dis 45 posed laterally of a support 83. This support is elongated and tubular and it is rotatably sup ported at its ends in bearings 84 and 85. 'I‘he up per bearing 84 surrounds a hub 85 secured with in the horizontal web of the lower'm'ost T-bar 23, while the lower bearing 85 surrounds a solid hub 81 secured in a U-shaped bracket 88 bolted to and depending from the same bar 23. A 'I'he upper sheave 8i .is rotatably mounted in a housing 89 formed integral with a 'support 98 of , the same construction as the support 83 and dis posed -between the lowermost and intermediate bars 23. Similarly, bearings'Sl and 92 surround, tractor and driven thereby to, in turn, actuate the driving mechanism for the winch drums. 'I'he driving mechanism'is situated at the for -ward side of the winch housings to permit of its being operatively connected to the power take-olf 30 mechanism mounted on the rear endof the trac tor. As shown in Fig. 1l, this driving mechanism comprises a countershaft 95 on the ends of which are gears 96 meshing with the respective gears 48. 'I-‘he gears 96 are contained within the lower 35 housing H with the shaft disposed exteriorly thereof where it extends between bearings 91 se cured to the housing. A third gear‘98 is fixed on the shaft 95 to mesh with a similar gear 98a ñxed on a jack shaft 99` journaled in suitable 40 bearings contained-in a housing |88 bolted to the housing H. The ends of the shaft 99, which pro ject from the housing |88, are'screw-threaded to receive- and secure to either shaft end a double sprocket wheel |8|. Over this sprocket wheel is 4.1 trained a double sprocket chain |82 for connec-l tion to a similar Wheel which is positively driven to drive the entire mechanism. „ ' When the winch is mounted on the/rear end of the tractor the chain |82 is positioned to engage a double sprocket wheel |83 which constitutes a part of the power take-off mechanism. >As J shown in Figs. 1-1 and 1_2, this mechanism com prises a driven shaft |84 journaled in two bearings |85 secured, respectively in >collars |86 on the inner sides of two end plates |81 and |88. TheseV plates are removably secured to and constitute respectively, the lower hub 88 and an upper hub thé ends of a housing |89 for the shaft |84 except 93 in the intermediate bar 23 to rotatably mount where the latter extends through the plate |81 to 60 the support 98 between the bars. ` The hub 93 is » project from the housing to permit attachment of common >to the upper and lower ends, respective a sprocket wheel |83. ‘ . . ly, of the supports 98 and 901i. » ' For securing the housing |89 to the rear wall The cable -19 as extended from the bottom of' ||8 of the tractor shown in Fig. 1, a plate ||| is the drum 21 passes under the sheave 88, then up bolted to the housing and to the tractor Wall, as 65 wardly through the Support 83 and hub 88, and finally over the sheave 8|. The housings 82 and 89‘are constructed to aid in confining the cable on the sheaves, but as a further aid the sup ports are provided with projections 91|.V 70 It'is characteristic of the two supports 83 and 98 that they are__vertically alined so that the two sheaves revolve about the same vertical axis. By this manner of mounting the sheaves the shown in Fig. 12., This-plate is constructed to permit extension therethrough of a driving shaft ||2 operatively connected to `the shaft |84 by beveled gears ||3 and ||4. A pocket | I5 in the plate receives suitable bearings ||6 for the shaft, and this pocket is closed by a cover plate |1 70 bolted to the plate> | || andv which is designed‘to snugly fit within the usua-l opening provided in the wall ||8. sheave 88 is free to assume the positions neces- v From the co'ver plate the shaft ||2 projects 75 sary to cause proper spiral winding- of the cable through the tractor wall for connection by an 75 2,103,541 4 From the preceding description of my inven tion taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, it will be manifest that I have provided a winch characterized by the relationship and adapter shaft IIS to the rear end of the trans mission shaft I2|l-of the tractor. As shown in Fig. 12, the shaft' I I9 is connected to the shafts |I2 and |20 by splined joints I2I. By detaching the plates lill-|08 from the detachability of certain of its parts to form a single or double winch unit, and whereby two or four winch drums are provided to permit opera tion at a distance of as many devices by their housing it is possible to reverse the position of the shaft |04 with respect to the shaft |I2, as indicated in dash lines in Fig. 12. Such shaft respective cables; and the identity and resultant interchangeability of its parts to simplify manu facture and facilitate assembly thereof. My invention is characterized also by its adapt ability to any conventional form of tractor to reversal positions the sprocket wheel |03 to the 10 opposite side of the housing to place the gear I |3 again in mesh with the gear ||4. Thus, if the transmission shaft is rotating in the opposite di rection to that necessary to drive the drums 21 and 28 in a clockwise direction as when viewed in Fig. 11, then by reversing the shaft |04 as de scribed, proper directional driving of the drums can still be obtained. `-It will of course be under stood that mounting the wheel |0I and chain |02 on the other end of the shaft 99 is alsoA necessary utilize the tractor for actuating the winch drums; placing the complete operation of each winch . drum Wholly within control of the operator of the tractor through the clutch and brake mecha nlsms provided; and maintaining at all times a fair lead of all cable irrespective of the angular relation of the winch drums or sheaves with re 20 20 to this accomplishment. spect to the devices operated by the cables. It is desirable to drive the winch drums at a I claim: speed suiliciently low to effect safe operation of the devices which the cables actuate. Rotational speed of the tractor transmission shafts naturally 1. A winch, comprising; a housing having end sections and an intermediate section spaced from vary, and to compensate for such variation in a manner to rotate the drums at a preselected safe -speed the wheels I0| and |03 can be replaced by sections together; a shaft within the housing, spanning the sections and fixed to the inter mediate section against rotation; and drums so journäled on the shaft as to, be exposed between larger or smaller wheels as the case may de mand to drive the jack shaft 99 at that speed $0 necessary to rotate the drums at the preselected speed. - The entire winch structure and its accompany ing driving mechanism can be attached to the rear tractor Wall IIO in the elevated position 35 illustrated in Fig. l, by means oi an attaching support characterized by its adaptability to the. rear wall of any conventional form of tractor. As best shown in Fig. 13, this support comprises a pair of brackets |22 Vhaving lower ends formed with pads |23 bolted to the tractor wall I I0, and 40 I ends formed with ears |24 in which the ends of a tubular cross bar |25 are snugly re upper ceived. b - Another pair of brackets |26 have ears |21 re f ceiving the bar |25, and these brackets are curved rearwardly and secured by bolts |28 (Fig. '7) to' the flat bar 22. Asingle bracket |29 is secured at its lower end to the tractor wall/I I0 by bolts |30, and at its'upper end to the bar 20 by bolts |3I. This bracket |29 is disposed midway be 50 tween the‘brackets I22 and | that it coacts therewith in rigidly supporting the. entire winch in ñxed position on the rear Wall of the tractor. Although the invention has been thus far de scribed as comprising two winch units, it will be manifest from the relationship and'construction of the two units that the upper unit and its appurtenances can be removed completely from the lower‘unit without aifecting operation of the 60 latter, and thus the winch is reduced to a single unit. To cover the open top of the housing H a. plate |32 (Fig. 2) is provided having at its for-ward edge an upstanding flange |33 braced along its length by integral webs |34. . the end sections; a frame for fixedly securing the the housing sections, said end sections each being " in. two parts one detachable from the other to permit the shaft and drums to be inserted or withdrawn from the housing through the end sections. `. 2. In a winch; a housing; -a shaft fixed there 35 in; a drum‘journaled on the shaft; a clutch mem ber fixed on the drum; a ysleeve splined on the shaft; a gear journaled on the sleeve; a second clutch member fixed to the gear; driving means for the gear; and an element rotatable in the 40 housing and having a screw-threaded connection with the sleeve so that by rotation of the element the sleeve will vbe moved to cause the clutch member carried by the gearto engage or disen gage the other clutch member according as the 45 element is rotated in one direction or the other. 3. In a winch; a shaft fixed therein; a drum journaled on the shaft; a clutch member flxed on the drum; 'a sleeve splined on the shaft; 'spaced collars fixed on the sleeve; a gear having a hub 50 journaled on the sleeve and embraced by said collars; a second clutch member fixed to the gear ;‘ and means mounted in the housing and opera tively connected to the sleeve for so moving the latter on the shaft as to cause the collars to 55 actuate the gear to move the second clutch mem ber into and out of engagement with the ñrst mentioned clutch member. ~ ,4. A winch, comprising; two winch units in cluding a pair of housings superposed, detachably 60 secured one to the other, and the confronting Àsides of which are open; a pair of rotatable drums in each housing; gears, one for each of the drums normally disconnected therefrom and so arranged that the gears for the upper drums mesh with 65 With removal of the upper housing H1, it is'nec the gears for the lower drums; means for driv essary to remove theflat bar 22 with the levers ing the gears f_or the lower drums; clutches, one 54 and 54Il and remount> the levers 5I on the flange for each of the gears for operatively connecting |33. Also, the brackets I22 of the attaching sup ‘ the gear to the _respective drum; brakes, one for port have to be rebolted to the flange |33. each of the drums; and actuating mechanisms, 70 In Fig. 2 the sheaves for -the cables are shown one for each clutch and its companion brake by reversely disposed or inverted from the position which rotation of the respective drum can be shown in Fig. 1 -for the purpose of elevating the . lower sheave 8| to provide ample clearance for controlled. 5. A winch, comprising; a pair of drums; means 1.5 the draw-bar (not shown) of a tractor where such bar is at a relatively high elevation.r for rotatably supporting the drums in end to end _ ¿3,103,341 l relation; two gears one for each of the drums; > a shaftv having a-pair of gears Vfixed‘thereon and i >meshing respectively with the I4i'lrst mentioned gears;'a third gear lfixed on the, shaft; a second shaft having a gear fixed thereon- and meshing with 1 the third gear; a driven sprocket wheel; coacting means on‘the second shaft and sprocket ' wheelby which the latter can be secured to either end of the second shaft; a driven shaft substan-tially parallel toL the' second shaft; a Support for the driven shaft having >parts so reversible as to permit reversing 'in position of the shaft in the support; a driving~ sprocket wheel fixed on one end'of the driven-shaft so that by reversing the shaft’s position inthe support the position` of the 'sprocket wheel will be reversed likewise to correspond with a reversal in 'end position on 5 said housing at the other end;- anda single . bracket situated midway between and below the v second pair of brackets and secured atone end to said wall and at the other end to said housing. ' 8. In combination; a winch drum; driving Cl means therefor; a clutch f_or connecting the driving meansrto said drum; an actuator for said clutch; an element adapted for releasingv a brake for said drum; and an opera ive >con nection between said element and actuator com prising a pair of clevlses; and- a rod ñxedly se 1.o cured to one of the _clevises and movably secured r to the other cievis.- , ` 9. In combination; a winchdrum; a brake actuating lever; a sprlngconnected to said lever 15 for urging the latter in one direction wherein a the second shaft of the Adrivensprocket wheel; - \brake is adapted to be applied to the drum; -a a chain operatively connecting the two sprocket member operable to move the lever in the oppo wheels; a driving shaft; and gears so operatively site direction wherein the brake is adapted >to connecting the driving and driven shafts that release the drum; a -driving means for rotating _winch drum in one direction; a clutch for _ Ithe driven shaft, is rotated by the driving shaftl .the operatively connectingvthe` driving means to the irrespective of its vposition in the support. p l v 6. In combination; a substantially vertical wall; ` winch’drum;- a clutch operating arm; and a m and member flor~ a winch'containing housing; a pair of brackets connector between said actuating .the latter by movement ofv the arm, 25 secured to said Wall, extending upwardly thereof ’ -. said arm being -pivoted to occupy a neutral posi and spaced one from the other; a rod extend tion in which the clutch is disengaged and the ing between and horizontally supported by said brake applied, a second position in which the brackets; a second pair of' brackets mounted on ¿clutch is engaged and the brake free to be re 30 said rod and secured to said housing; and a bracket- secured to said. wall and extending leased, and a third position in which the clutch upwardly thereof and'secured to said housing is disengaged and the brake released, said con between the second mentioned pair of brackets. nector comprising'at least two. elements, and _means for connecting said elements to allow ` 7. In combination; asubstangtially vertical wall; movement of one element with respect to the Il. a winch containing housing; a 4pair _of Vbrackets having lower ends secured to `said wall in spaced other before the arm actuates the member so as 35 to delay movement of the member by the arm, - . relation one tothe other; ears on the upper ends sufficiently to permit complete engagement or ' .of said ~brackets; a rod spanning the brackets disengagement of the clutch before releasing or l [having its ends- secured in said ears; a second f 40 pair of spaced brackets having- ears on one end applying _the brake. A JOHN J. LOW. through which said rod- extendsand secured to 40
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