www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab PRESORTED STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID RED HILLS PUBLICATIONS Vowell’s Marketplace circulars inside! *****************ECRWSS**** Local POSTAL CUSTOMER September 10, 2014 • WINSTON COUNTY EDITION • A PRODUCT OF THE WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL Call 773-6241 to place your ad today! PORTER ( 662-773-7145 www.porterfuneralhome.net ( ( */ %#2%0$0#0'(0'-+.'1("1$'*0-0$"*(34 (%')'%0'15( Funeral Home Our commitment is personal, family service while continuing the tradition of local ownership ( “Right Where You Are” 111 Main Street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outh Church Ave. 773-6600 302 W. Park Street • Louisville ) • • • •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ublish October 29, November 5, 12, 19, 26, December 3, 2014 Thank you Your kind and thoughtuful expression of sympathy for our recent loss is deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. From, Hall, Combest, and Mays Family D N E I R F A R E F E R E TO OUR TITL LOAN MetroCast is beginning to deliver your favorite channels in an all-digital format, bringing you improved picture quality and superior sound quality! You will notice that certain channels will no longer be available without digital equipment. 0 5 $ O T P U N EAR To avoid disruption, please contact MetroCast at (800) 457-5351, or go by our office at 110 Townsend Drive in Forest, MS, or 625-A East Main street in Philadelphia, MS. For more information go to: www.metrocast.com/dta Wednesday, October 29, 2014 the following channels will transition to 2 HSN Digital format: 3 WLBT (NBC) 3, Jackson 4 WLOV (FOX) 27, Tupelo 5 WTOK (ABC) 11, Meridian 8 WMAB (PBS), Columbus 16 C-SPAN 2 17 WGN America 18 Local Access 19 Local Access 20 WEPH (CTN) 49, Tupelo 11 WCBI (CBS) 4, Columbus 23 ESPN 13 TBN 25 ESPN Classic 12 WCBI (MY MS), Columbus 14 QVC 15 C-SPAN 24 ESPN2 26 SEC Network For more information including tips on rescanning TVs with a QAM Tuner go to: http://www.metrocast.com/upgrades.cfm We Now Loan Up To $2,500 All American Check Cashing 110 N. Walmart Dr. • Suite A • Louisville, MS Find us on Facebook 662-773-8611 Page 2, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab i s Opp e Ho s hh rr is st tm maa sO ennH ouu se e SS AALL EE !! !! !! CC ** 3 3d ayy s so ll y yALL L L JJ EE W WE EL LRRY Yi nt e e ss t too r re e ii s s5 0% % oo ff ff ! !!! da onn -A in thh 50 (the only exclusions are special orders) E n n h t d A ** Ev vee rr yy tt hh ii ng ge el ls seeii n tt heess too rr eei is sm maa rr kk ee dd do owwn nf fo orrt thh eeSS AL LE E! ! H a e y C r s ma Dee S c u s &M MO ** Hu ugg eevv ar rii ett y oo ff rii st tm as sD cc oo rr ,, too ckk ii nn ggS uff ff ee rr s& OR RE E!! Chh St Stt * e l me a i n maa h i *TT hh ee rr e wwii lll ee oo m e oo nn ll ii nn ee aa rr gg ai inn ss fy ouucc aa n’’ tt kk ee he e tt rr ipp !! bb ss bb if yo m tt * n s i a n r d a 2 f ** *B Brr ii nggt thh ii s ii nn vv itt at ti io on n ii n ff oo ra annaa dd dii tt ii oo nn all 20 0% % oo ff f oo f f OONNE E nn o onn -jj e ewwee ll r ry y ii t te em m!! ( (O ONNEEd dii s scc oo u unn t t pp e er r ff a am mi ill yy )) NNoo 100 SS at tu urr daa yy ,, vv ee m bee r 11 stt aa m-6 6p pm a d mb r s 1 m m SS uu ndd ay y, , NNoo vee mbb ee r2 2n ndd1 1p pm 66 pp m n a v m r m-m M nn dd ay y, , NNoo vee m ee r 33 rd d 11 0a am m-6 6p pm m Moo a v mbb r r 0 Deweese 66 66 22 -55 4 477 -6 62 222 00 T r o m wwwwww.. Too nn yy aa BB aa rll oww.. cc oo m TITLE LOAN 30 DAY Payroll Advance 725 South Church Street LOUISVILLE, MS 662-773-5552 We have cars, trucks, vans, & SUVs for sale! No Credit, No Problem. Buy Here, Pay Here! • LAZY U FARM • CORN MAZE & PUMPKIN PATCH 2014 Falling Into Cooler Temperatures ROLLED Insulation BLOW-IN Insulation 3 1/2 x 15 R13 3 1/2 x 15 R11 3 1/2 x 23 R11 6 1/4 x 15 R19 6 1/4 x 23 R 19 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM 5572 Elon Road • Macon, MS Make reservations today: (662) 361-0237 • (662) 361-0045 Quality Workmanship, Customer Satisfaction & Product Innovation PORTABLE BUILDINGS Starting at $64.58 per month Insulsafe Fiberglass - $30.99 CertainTeed Brand Owens Corning Brand By the Yard Come and enjoy family fun on the farm! We have added many new attractions for this year. Jumpers, corn cribs, swings, & new duck race. Come & ride the Pumpkin Express hay ride. Haunted HayRide 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm Oct. 24 - 25; Oct. 31 - Nov. 1 COTTON FIELD • SUNFLOWERS • MUMS $8 per person Children under 2 free $31.49 $26.48 $37.99 $22.99 $32.49 Red Mulch Reg. Mulch Masonry Sand Washed Gravel Ro ad Resc ue Asphalt Patch $30/YD $25/YD $45/YD $30/YD 50lb bag Green Fiber Fireproof Paper - $10.99 per bag Insulation (22.55 lb bag) greenfiber.com Depost of $250 required on machine Caulking / Sealants Rely-On $1.75 Alex $2.09 Alex Plus $2.49 100% Silicone $3.89 (clear) Lexel Brand Silicone $8.29 Premier Stop Leak Rubberized Roof Cement $2.79 Dap Insulation Machine rental free with purchase of $200 or more Fiber Cement S i di n g 7 1/4” x 12’ Textured 12” x 12’ Textured 4 x 8 Textured 8” O/C 8 1/4” x 12” Smooth $6.99 $9.99 $28.99 $2.99 Ext. Hardboard/ Masonite Siting 4 x 8 smooth $13.99 4 x 8 textured $19.99 4 x 8 textured 6” O/C $14.99 $22.49 Brand 4 x 8 textured 8” O/C Exterior Door Units I n t e r i o r D o o r U n i t s $15.99 roadrescueasphalt.com 32” or 36” 6-panel Unit 9-LITE Unit Fan-LITE Unit 15-LITE Unit $129.99 $159.99 $179.99 $199.99 Twin Units Available Starting at $369.99 Storm Doors Available Starting at $79.99 Smooth Luan $63.99 6-Panel Masonite $66.99 Solid Pine $129.99 15-Lite Solid Pine $209.99 15-Lite Twin Solid Pine $344.99 (single hung) (single hung) (single hung) (single hung) All Sizes All Sizes All Sizes Specialty Doors available for order Delivery is available on any purchase with delivery fee. Page 3, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Grandparenting Grandparenti ng Classes Classes ... because it takes more than just hugs and kisses! Class Topics Infant Care • Infant CPR • Baby Safety Helping New & Expectant Parents Educational Playtime Activities Nutrition Do’s & Don’ts www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab Breastfeeding Classes with a Certified Lactation Consultant When it comes to nutrition, the best food for babies is breast milk. OCH Regional Medical Center’s BREAST IS BEST CLASS prepares you for and examines breastfeeding infants. Take a Tour Our certified lactation consultant covers topics including: Common Misconceptions • Nutritional Advantages Overcoming Nursing Challenges Breastfeeding while W Working orking Labor & Delivery Unit • Nursery Postpartum Area NEW " PATIENT SPECIAL SAVE $55.00 • Professional Cleaning ! • Complete X-rays • Personal Consultation $79.00 ($134.00 value) # 662-634-4680 Only 6 spots left for October! Call now!! !" $$$ " " " !" THANK YOU " !# ! We, the family of Marion Jeanett “Jean” Hollis, would like to say THANK YOU for all your prayers, cards, calls, flowers, food, gifts, and face book posts during the loss of Jean – our Mother, our Grandmother, and our Great-Grandmother. Thank you for each memorial donation that was made to Mt. Gilead Baptist Church’s Cemetery Fund in her honor. This has been the most difficult time in our lives. We respectfully ask for your continued prayers in the weeks and months to come as we learn to cope with and heal from this loss. Thank You to Brother Charles Rook for leading the funeral services, for his words of encouragement, and for his Christian Biblical guidance to each of us before, during, and after the funeral. Thank You to Barham Family Funeral Home in Meridian for handling the funeral. Thank you to Pax Hospice of Ridgeland, MS for your dedication and help through this very difficult time in our lives. With God’s help we will continue to walk this earthly walk and be prepared to meet our loved one again in Heaven. Thank you again from Glenda and Donnie Hollis, Kay and Ernie Crofoot, LeNisha and Scotty Tanner and Emerald Barrett Classifieds Page 4, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 The Three-County C H O C TAW 01 GARAGE SALES B u y i n g ESTATES, old buildings and c o n t e n t s antiquesold iron. One piece truckload. or 662-312-7408. 12/17 F r i d a y , Saturday and Sunday October through 31 2 November Dishes, glassware, Christmas items, blankets, pillows, sheets, clothes, tool box for pickup, Road Island red rooster located on Highway 14 West The Willard Black r e s i d e n c e begins at 7 a.m. 10/29 W a n t e d ! Vendors for a to be soon opened venue in this area. Preferred items include antique furniture, vintage and unusual items. For more information call 662-5522625. 10/29 32 32 SERVICES KELLY STUMP GRINDING Friendly, Efficient, & Affordable MATHISTON, MS Call Randle Kelly 662-263-6691 HORTON STUMP REMOVAL CALL DWIGHT 773-6886 694-1019 We pump and install septic tanks and clean chimneys. WE BUILD STORM SHELTERS! 662-417-0111 J Used Tires Sizes 14 and Up to 20. $20 662-552-6071 or 722-1164. Angel House Cleaning. Service, basic cleaning and laundry with in 40 miles of M a n t e e . Contact Angel at 831-0500. 12-31 32 • 10/29/14 WEBSTER Land/ Homes for Sale 77 32 SERVICES FREE HEAT AND HOT WATER Eliminate monthly heating bills with Classic OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Rebate offered for a limited time. BROWN'S CLASSICS 662-473-3576 42 HELP WANTED Howell & Rawson Tr u c k i n g Now Hiring – TRUCK DRIVERS Local Haul Home at Night • 3 years experience and CDL required. • Full time Home for sale McCool MS 4 bedrooms 2 bath 1300 sq. feet, on 2 acre lot. We finance! (WAC) Low down payment with easy items . Zero closing costs! Contact Brett at 855847-6808 for more details. 12-03 Call Nicole Johns 334-687-6000 ext 18 Brick 4 bedroom 2 bath 4 car garage 2500 square foot 2981 Hwy. 397 1 mile out of city limits with new roof +4,00 square foot building 662-708-0997. Call for an appointment. S e r i o u s inquiries only. McDonalds for looking maintenance tech who can repair restuarant and HVAC equipment. Please call 662324-3127. 11/19 11/05 House for sale Eupora, MS 4 bedroom 2 bath, living room, den, dining room, kitchen 1900 sq. ft. Central Heat and Air 662-2583411 or 662-5523411. 76 HOMES FOR RENT HOMES FOR RENT 2 or 3 bedrooms in Eupora area. HUD accepted. 662-258-4644 For Rent: 3 bedroom house in Nanih Waiya area. Call 8031620. 1/05 Great Apartment Weir, MS 2 Bdr. 1.5 Bth • W/D hookups $425 dpt. • $425 per mo. Call Millie at 601-720-4684 For Rent: Commercial garage/warehouse with office in downtown Eupora. 662-552-5603. 11/12 Office space for rent: Downtown Louisville in an upstairs space. Electric, water, phone and internet included $400 Call 773-6241. 10/29 90 90 MOBILE HOME SALE FOR I PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED MOBILE HOMES CALL 662-296-5923. 10/29 • 90 54,000 Weekly Readers www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab 24,500 Total Circulation Call 662-773-6241 to place your ad. WINSTON 90 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE Handyman special: 1994 14x70 3BR/2BA single wide for sale. M e t a l siding/metal roof, central heat & air, home has good floors and good roof, needs cosmetic work only. $9,900 including delivery & set up ONLY CASH Call662-760-2120 10/29 100 MISCELLANEOUS For sale: Refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, full size bed set with frame. Call 5522394 or 552-2396. 10/29 Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-419-8291. 100 MISCELLANEOUS Full size clean mattress box and springs headboard $150 large brown leather ottoman $20 call 773-9976. 10/29 Start your own home base business FT/PT Booming Industry. Low startup cost Training Provided www.beweal thy4life.com you owe over Triple wide Do$10,000 to the IRS or 42x56 3BR/2BA State in back taxes? for sale. Home is Get tax relief now! in great condi- Call BlueTax, the tion! Vinyl sid- nation's full service solution firm. ing/shingle roof, tax 10-29 800-491-1402 central heat & air, fireplace, built on Monobabea Office space deck w/ patio social private for rent: doors, master network that Downtown bath has glamour connects you to Louisville in an tub & separate upstairs space. personal shower. Move in Electric, water, friends. ready $38,900 phone and www.monobabe. internet including delivcom included $400 ery & set up. 02/25 Call 773-6241. Call 662-760-2120 10/29 Very nice, ready to move into 28x54 double wide 3BR/2BA, total electric, all appliances, vinyl siding/shingle roof ( a must see) Delivered & set up for only $24,900 Call 662296-5923 10/29 Great shape 16x80 3BR 2 full bath, new carpet, new paint t/o, home has all appliances, central heat & air. Delivered & set up for only $ 1 5 , 9 0 0 Call 662-2965923 Mississippi Enhanced Conceal Carry Choctaw Range – Mathiston, MS Call 662-263-7775 choctawrange@yahoo.com B&B Vinyl Siding FREE ESTIMATES Bruce Barnett 662-552-0844 Brent Barnett 662-552-0119 ATTENTION MOMS 5 bed / 4 bath • 4200 sq. ft. 3 lots • 1300 sq. ft. shop Pool and gazebo Great Location!!! 938 S. Church Ave. • Louisville $349,900 Call 662-803-6162 Behind West Main Chevron Express • Louisville Behind Chevron Express Louisville BehindWest West Main Main Station W. Main ••• Louisville Apply In Store Behind Home Run Chev. •• W. Main Louisville Apply In Store Apply1ST in Store Store in Apply 1/2 PRICE MONTH 662-803-2350 •••• 662-773-2295 662-779-0727 662-773-2295 662-779-0180 662-773-2295 662-773-2295 662-779-0180 $ !! ' ' ! ' & "! ! ' ' ! ! " # % " ! HELP WANTED $% ' " MEMA will accept resumes until 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 3, 2014 for the purpose of hiring a Construction Cost Analyst in Winston County. The position will pay $28.30 per hour plus up to 25% fringe. The position is for forty hours per week until no later than August 14, 2015. A detailed job description may be obtained by contacting Edward Williams at 601-933-6390 or ewilliams@mema.ms.gov. STP Machine/Equipment Operators 10/29 FOR SALE BY OWNER: Short Stop Mini Storage WORK FROM HOME BBB accredited in Texas Be your own boss, earn income from home. Full time or Part time. • Must be 18+ www.evwahm.com/experience Contact Anna at 601-410-0964 & leave a message. 601-410-0964 SOUTHEASTERN TIMBER PRODUCTS, LLC in Ackerman, MS, has an opening for qualified Machine/Equipment operator needed to support lumber manufacturing processes. High School diploma or GED required. Previous manufacturing experience is a plus. Basic math and reading skills needed. Heavy lifting required. Must demonstrate the ability to work safely in team environments. Competitive pay rates with medical, dental, vision, and life ensurance plans plus a 401K retirement plan are offered. Salary includes paid sick time, vacation, and holiday pay. Apply in person on Wednesday’s from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. or Mail Resume. Southeastem Timber Products LLC Highway 12 West P. O. Box 718. Ackerman, MS 39735 An Equal Opportunity Employer Ads in The Three-County Classifieds run the The Winston County Journal and Shopper, The Choctaw Plaindealer and Shopper, and The Webster Progress-Times and Shopper. The Three-County Classifieds reserves the right to accept, reject, edit any classified ads. Errors should be reported at once by calling 662-773-6241. It is the responsibility of each advertiser to check the accuracy of each insertion. Bill adjustments will be made for no more than one incorrect insertion and then only for that portion of each ad that is incorrect. Ad Rates (Private Party) Line Ads - 50¢ per word (8 word minimum) Display (Block) Ads - $13.00 per column inch. (Lower rates available for multiple insertions and specific publication zones.) Special Professional Directory Ad $16.95 Per Week 2 columns by 1.5 inches Place Your Ad Call 662-773-6241 • Fax to 662-773-6242 • Email to ads@winstoncountyjournal.com DEADLINES: Legals - 12:00 Noon Wednesday | Line & Display Ads - 4pm Thursday OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM • 119 N. Court Avenue • Louisville, MS Page 5, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Rasberry Construction, Inc. NEW HOMES • REMODELING • ADDITIONS ROOFING – SHINGLE & METAL Serving Attala County for 43 years • Licensed & Insured Member of Home Builders of Mississippi since 1975 Hogue Forest Management and Timberland Realty www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab 662-803-9605 • 662.773.8071 WINSTON COUNTY WINSTON COUNTY WINSTON COUNTY 85 acres on the Nanih Waiya Creek fronting Bethel Road East of Louisville. 40 acres on Rick’s Road. 58 acres of timberland alongside HWY 25 and Brooks-Carter Road. WINSTON COUNTY WINSTON COUNTY WINSTON COUNTY License #R0002 James S. Rasberry, Owner 902 N. Jackson St. • Kosciusko, MS rasberryinc@bellsouth.net $93,500 office 662-289-1590 cell 662-582-0431 fax 662-289-4005 Chosen for 8 years in Readers’ Choice Award Best Contractor & Best Home Builder Best Home Builder 2013 Award 230 acres of cropland & mature hardwood along HWY 14 and Rockport RD. $970,000 CHOCTAW COUNTY 70 acres of 18 year old timberland on Spay Road $165,000 WEBSTER COUNTY 280 acres off Berry Rd $840,000 $82,500 34 acres off HWY 393 Southeast of Noxapater on Long Road. $75,000 $195,000 140 acres of 9 year old pine plantation off of Hopewell Road. $225,000 Louisville Insurance Agency 307 S. Church Ave. • Louisville, MS 39339 MedicareSTART Part “A” and- 10/15/13 “B” Supplement Plans ENDS - 12/7/13 Househol d Premium Discount Available EFFECTIVE - 1/1/14 if you qualify. 2014 ANNUAL ENROLLMENT MEDICARE RX PART “D” Medicare Part “A” and “B” Supplement Plans Household Premium Discount Available if you qualify. CERTIFIED SENIOR BENEFITS ADVISORS Call Bud Varner, Agent Malynda Woodward, Agent 662-773-7913 • 662-773-7900 WINSTON COUNTY WINSTON COUNTY 2 lots in the Woodlawn addition off Smythe Road $25,900 Follow us! 40 Acres off of Hopewell Road $42,400 Paul C. Hogue Timberland Realty, LLC 662-803-9605 662.773.8071 @wcjournal @ccplaindealer @websterprogress CLINICAL BREAST EXAM • DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY • BREAST ULTRASOUND • STEREOTACTIC BREAST BIOPSY • BREAST MRI For You. For Your Family. For Your Call us today for quick cash! RED HILLS FINANCE 306 N. Church St. Louisville, MS 39339 (662) 7734895 Brooke Strickland, Manager Ta Griffin, CSR Ginger Bagwell, CSR “B ES T M O N E Y I N T O W N!” Cancerous lumps in the breast can be any size from smaller than the size of a to as large as a tennis ball. The best protection against breast cancer is early detection. '. 3,0- "# )#- $,- #2 -,)#/ -. +" 0'!(. -0!(. ,*# .## 0. $,- . )#. +" 2 -" '++'+% #-1'!# &#!( 0. ,0/ ,+ ,0- 2# .'/# 222 /,) #-/!
 !,* THE CENTER FOR BREAST HEALTH & IMAGING offers the latest tools in the diagnosis and management of breast disease, including digital mammography, which takes an electronic image of the breast, allowing it to be manipulated for thorough evaluation. In addition, the Center’s physicians are board certified and members of the American Society of Breast Surgeons, and our diagnostic services are certified by the American College of Radiology. The Center is also a member of the prestigious National Consortium of Breast Centers, Inc. Our goal is to detect even the smallest of lumps with accuracy and precision because early detection is key. So do your part and practice good breast care. Working together, we can increase your chances for a storybook ending! (662) 615-3800 401 Hospital Road | www.och.org Page 6, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Subscribe Today! www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab CHECK ONE: CIRCLE ONE: IN-COUNTY: OUT-OF-COUNTY: OUT-OF-COUNTY: 1 YEAR - $30 1 YEAR - $40 1 YEAR - $42.50 (Winston, Webster & Choctaw) (Webster & Choctaw) 6 MONTHS - $16 (Winston) 6 MONTHS - $22 3 MONTHS - $10 Advertise in the Winston County Journal to ensure your business, product, or event is seen by 6 MONTHS - $22 3 MONTHS - $13 3 MONTHS - $13 NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ 99% of Winston County. STREET:______________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________________________ STATE: ______ ZIP: _______________________ CHECK #: _____ CARD TYPE (CIRCLE): VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER CARD #: _____________________________________ EXP: ____________ CVC: ______ TOTAL PAID: $_________ PHONE NUMBER: (__________)___________-______________________ EVERYDAY IS P.O. BOX 469 | MAIL TO OR BRING BY: 119 N. COURT AVE. | LOUISVILLE, MS 39339 | 662.773.6241 24 All items are Up to MONTHS on SALE for INTEREST FREE the ENTIRE FINANCING! MONTH! OR FINANCE WITH BLACK FRIDAY *See store for complete details. NO CREDIT CHECK! Subject to minimum purchase and approval STOREWIDE SUPER SALE! SHOP EARLY FOR A FREE ELECTRIC WINE OPENER WITH PURCHASE! LIMITED QUANTITIES! Call us at 773-6241 to get started! EVERYDAY IS CASH 24 BLACK All items are Up to MONTHS on SALE for INTEREST FREE the ENTIRE FINANCING! MONTH! OR FINANCE WITH FRIDAY NO *See store for complete details. CREDIT CHECK! Subject to minimum purchase and approval STOREWIDE SUPER SALE! SHOP EARLY FOR A FREE ELECTRIC WINE OPENER WITH PURCHASE! LIMITED QUANTITIES! all mattress sets on sale! Sofa and Loveseat 10/28/14 To advertise call 1-888-859-6380 + 4 piece sheet set! free sheets! 499 $ better than a boxspring + Riserfree pillows! FOLDS UP AND GOES ANYWHERE. EASY TO MOVE AND HOLDS TWICE THE WEIGHT THAN A TRADITIONAL FRAME. LGF03382ASH a service of Mspark™ + 2 pillows free bedframe! Reclining Sofa *$699 and above 579 $ EVERYDAY IS 24 BLACK FRIDAY *See store for complete details. NO CREDIT CHECK! Subject to minimum purchase and approval STOREWIDE SUPER SALE! 579 $ Sectional GAME TIME GIVEAWAY FREE TABLE WITH RECLINER SHOP EARLY FOR A FREE ELECTRIC WINE OPENER WITH PURCHASE! LIMITED QUANTITIES! ROCKER R RECLINE + E FRE $ Table & 4 Chairs Your choice of table and chair color 549 $ Table & 4 Chairs 382ASH a service 249 $ *$699 and above Poster Bed E CHAIRSID TABLE 399 499 $ Entertainment Console with FREE Fireplace Insert Poster Bed 899 $ 1091 Stark Road • Starkville, MS 39759 662.323.9640 • ricksfurniture@ms.metrocast.net www.ricksfurnitureoasis.com 1091 Stark Road • Starkville, MS 39759 662.323.9640 • ricksfurniture@ms.metrocast.net www.ricksfurnitureoasis.com All items are Up to MONTHS on SALE for INTEREST FREE the ENTIRE FINANCING! MONTH! OR FINANCE WITH Reclining Sofa 399 $ 1091 Stark Road • Starkville, MS 39759 662.323.9640 • ricksfurniture@ms.metrocast.net 719 $ Sofa 579 Entertainment Console with FREE Fireplace Insert 759 $ Sofa 579 Entertainment Console with FREE Fireplace Insert 649 $ 899 1091 Stark Road • Starkville, MS 39759 662.323.9640 • ricksfurniture@ms.metrocast.net Page 7, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab Sponsor s: •Porter Funeral Home •Tabor Drugs •Louisville Banker’s Association •Renasant Insurance •Polo Custom Products •Nowell/Massey Funeral Home •Crowson Auto World •Little Caesars Events: • • • • • November 1 Veterans Harvest Festival November 6 Santa’s Sneaky Peek – Showcasing Christmas Ideas/Gifts November 20 Ladies Night Out December 4 Kids and Carols 1. Santa 2. (Tentative) Lighting of Christmas Tree of Hope 3. Caroling around the tree of Hope After the • • • •Beck Funeral Home •Southern Conveyors •M & P Distributing •Winston Web News •Atmos Energy •Dan's Discount Drugs •Louisville Utilities •Michael Evans •Pearl River Resort • event all the merchants go on a hay ride in wagons to carol around town( pending talk with police dept)Stores want be open late so that merchants can come down to the tree and enjoy the festivities. December 8 Christmas Parade December 13 Carl Jackson Home for Christmas December 18 Cider Sipin City Shoppin Har vest Festival S a t u r d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 8 am to 3 pm Come enjoy: Ve te r a n s ’ Pa r a d e at 1 1 a m • 5K Color Run • Children’s Tricycle race • Be d Race STP Page 8, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab Follow us! @wcjournal @ccplaindealer @websterprogress MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS SOUTHEASTERN TIMBER PRODUCTS, LLC in Ackerman, MS, has· immediate openings for qualified Maintenance Technicians in their pine sawmill operation. Position requires a high school diploma or GED· equivalent. The position also requires experience with hydraulic and pneumatic systems, mechanical drives, electrical applications and metal fabrication. A written entrance exam and demonstrated skills test are required. Pay rates from $12.55 to $18.44 hour are based on experience and skill level. Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance plans plus a 401K retirement plan are offered. Apply in person on Wednesday’s from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. or Mail Resume MAINTENANCE AND REFRIGERATION TECHNICIANS These first-, second-, and third-shift (class IV) maintenance positions are for Tyson Foods’ Carthage, Mississippi, location. Successful candidates will have basic fundamental experience in refrigeration maintenance, electrical, and welding. REQUIREMENTS: s Must be able to perform diagnostic, preventative, and repair maintenance to machinery and equipment s Must be able to keep logs on items such as ammonia levels and cooler temperatures s Must be able to pass a respiratory health assessment s Must have basic computer skills TYSON FOODS’ BENEFITS INCLUDE: s Competitive wages s Excellent benefits package s Paid vacation s 401(k) s Stock Purchase Plan CONTACT: Apply at any local Win Job Center in Mississippi. Southeastem Timber Products LLC Highway 12 West P. O. Box 718. Ackerman, MS 39735 TRY Realty www.tyson.com Tyson Foods is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, national origin, color, religion, age, genetics, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or veteran status. Mrs. Spencer Ashley nee Lauren Dye 10-04-14 Mrs. Justin Keller nee Laken Morgan 10-04-14 Lynn Telano Sales Associate 662-285-7108 www.tryrealty.net lynntelano@dtcweb.net Mrs. Josh Richards nee Kayla Adcock 10-4-14 MacKenzie Edwards Adam Joiner 12-14-14 Job-Ready in 15 Days. 1-888-540-7364 • 5.1 of commercial property on Hwy 15 in the heart of Ackerman; high traffic area • 100 x 150 lot, zoned C-1 for general business but could make a beautiful residential lot ACKERMAN ACKERMAN 2232 MCKNIGHT ROAD Beautiful sprawling ranch located on shaded 1.7 acres in city limits. Home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, ch&a, wood burning fire place, formal dining, den, covered patio, and lots of parking space. Seller offering $4,000 paint and carpet allowance and will consider paying some closing costs. $149,000. MLS 14-932 MCCOOL 5455 SPAY ROAD Located in the Spay/Panhandle Community and new to the market. Completely updated with new counter tops, ceramic tile, ch&a, and new metal roof. Owner will consider paying some closing costs. Home qualifies for 100% financing. Offered at $58,900. MLS 14-219 ACKERMAN 7640 MS HWY. 15 Very affordable and a great location make this property the perfect starter home. Located just outside the city limits of Ackerman with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, CH&A, stainless steel appliances. Home qualifies for 100% financing. Listed at $69,000 - MLS 14-434 4290 S. UNION RD. Conveniently located to Ackerman with 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, ch&a, new roof, freshly painted and large covered patio for outdoor entertaining. Priced at $89,900 WEIR 75 NORTH ANN STREET Gorgeous hard wood floors through out! Home has been completely updated with modern colors offering 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fireplace, formal dining, eat-in-kitchen, new appliances, ch&a, and large laundry room. Conveniently located to everything in Weir and across from the newly proposed walking track. Listed at only $69,900 - MLS 14-434 ACKERMAN 511 BURNEY ROAD Quiet country location and close to town. This property has 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, CH&A, brick, with new laminate flooring. Owner will consider paying some closing costs and also paint. Home qualifies for 100% financing. $62,900 - MLS 13-1383 MCCOOL 2901 SPAY RD 5 acres +/- with a 4 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home. Property is located in the Spay Community and has more acreage available. Perfect for outdoor living and lots of space for everyone. Only $89,900 WEIR 270 FRONT STREET Located in the city limits of Weir and convenient to everything. In need of a little TLC but is offering 4 bedrooms 2 full baths with 2 living areas. Owner anxious to sell and will consider repairs with good offer. Listed at $48,000. MLS 14-618 FRENCH CAMP ING ND PE Shannon Chapman Patrick Bane 01-10-15 No CDL? No problem! D CE DU RE Kim King Justin Sharp 11-15-14 Earn $850 per week! ACKERMAN, MS Own a piece of Choctaw County's history. Completely updated and still contains original millwork. Home offers 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, hardwood floors, Jacuzzi, gourmet kitchen, tankless water heater, ch&a, with new metal roof. Also includes all appliances, window treatments and area rugs. $199,900. MLS 13-2309 ING ND PE Mrs. Robert Prisock nee Reagan Griffin 10-25-14 WERNER ENTERPRISES Land: ING ND PE Mrs. Davis Taylor nee Rachel Flora 10-25-14 Learn to drive for 299 CHESTER STREET Mrs. Bryant Chaffin nee Julie Lightsey 10-04-14 Mrs. Cody Vowell nee Kayely Kinard 10-11-14 An Equal Opportunity Employer DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! 4099 MS HWY 413 3 Bedrooms/2 baths A-Frame on 2.2 acres. Excellent location for hunting camp, a get-a-way weekend, or just to be close to the French Camp Academy. Kitchen completely remodeled and updated. All appliances stay, even washer and dryer. Move-in ready. Listed at $33,900. MLS 13-1979 Page 9, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab Animal Care Center Wilson Rental Properties 3 Bedroom Brick Homes For Rent-Choctaw County 662-258-6868 Louisville Mini Storage Louisville Brandy’s 662-285-7819 Walk-Ins Welcome! “Where affordable quality care is what your pet will get!” Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 8-5 • Thu: 9-6 • Sat: 8-12 Dr. Brandy M. Boykin 14010 US Hwy 82 • Eupora, MS 39744 Deposit Electricity NoDeposit Deposit ••• Electricity Electricity Available Available NoNo Available 521 North Church Avenue • Louisville 521 -North Church Avenue • Louisville Apply 521 N. Church Ave. • Louisville Near Old Wal-Mart Store Near Wal-Mart Store 3Old LOCATIONS 1/2 PRICE 1ST MONTH YARD DRIVER 662-803-0628 These first-, second-, and third-shift class one yard driver positions are for Tyson Foods’ Carthage, Mississippi, location. Successful candidates will be responsible for driving the yard truck to retrieve delivered trailers and transporting them to the scale for weighing. REQUIREMENTS: s Must have a valid driver’s license s Must be able stage full and empty trailers s Must be able to retrieve empty live haul trailers and rescale them OSWALT TREE SERVICE &;869(75/*/8<2-/ *//;9078+44=7;8,;24.261 HOME REMODELING +6.8/57./2616//.9! & REPAIRS %&' Additions • Decks • Metal"'& Roofs • Vinyl Siding TYSON FOODS’ BENEFITS INCLUDE: s Competitive wages s Excellent benefits package s Paid vacation s 401(k) s Stock Purchase Plan FREE ESTIMATES !#(%$% &#%)#(() '+44)+83&;869+: Call Mark$$" Burns 662-552-2722 ##"•"%"" CONTACT: Apply at any local Win Job Center in Mississippi. Air Conditioning & Heating www.tyson.com Tyson Foods is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, national origin, color, religion, age, genetics, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or veteran status. Propane & Natural Gas DRM SPECIAL Used Cars FONTAINE® Fontaine - Jasper Location Now Hiring Immediate Openings Welders & Painters Industrial Welding or Painting Experience Preferred Applications Available at Any Local Alabama Career Center Any Questions, call the Jasper Career Center (205) 221-2576 2017898 LOUISVILLE FLEA MARKET Antiques • Collectibles Household • Clothes • Glassware Furniture • Many Items Old & New! 500 SOUTH CHURCH AVE LOUISVILLE, MS (Next door to Fred’s) Open Wednesday-Saturday 9AM til 6PM A PLACE TO FIND GREAT GIFTS !##"!!# W]frjj`:Lk]mohaion DEK:\ano:Ndamms:Yomaao L_famh]i?:UY =HHD>:IDH@KBBF:jm:DJG@ECJH Qjm:oda:Pg`amgs?:Oen]^ga`?:]i`:S]i`e_]k Xaio]g:Lnneno]i_a:Lq]eg]^ga Fully RenovatedALL NEW FEATURES INCLUDE: '$,-*'+)%(-&' Range • Refrigerator • Washer & Dryer X]ica:@:Xabmecam]ojm:@:N]mkao Mini Blinds • Carpet • Tile • Ceiling Fans Ueie:Mgei`n:@:\]ndam:<:Omsam:Sjjf@pk Microwave • Security Alarm • Central Air and \]oam?:Yaram:<:R]m^]ca:bpmienda` Heat • Water, Sewer & Garbage Furnished ZOO:Vph^amn:]ma:bjm Oa]b:]i`:Sa]meic:Thk]ema`:jigs ZOO;:C@JBB@GJD@DDJE:=[AZL> Zden:einoeopoeji:en:]i alp]g:jkkjmopieos:kmjqe`am ]i`:ahkgjsam #/&+%#1 %%'44+$-' SINCE 1981 Ackerman, MS 662-617-2869 EUPORA, MS :=B=F?ED=5 -4,2'8B<'6KL+'.1'9'M'9H;GAJ@BB=*'79'/4314 (0'C@+'9EIH?'E>'9H;GAJ@BB='6+9+) *$""'"!,%)()# *+*-!&++ Driver - CDL/A WE PAY YOU WHILE YOU TRAIN! Earn Your CDL-A in 22 Days, and start driving with KLLM! No Out of Pocket Tuition Cost and CLASSES STARTING EVERY MONDAY! See Mr. Piano BELL’S “The name that says it all SCRAP for your piano needs!” METAL FREE hauling on “Buy, Sale, Service, junk vehicles & Rental & Tuning!” Vinyl Siding, Replacement Windows & Shutters. Available in a variety of colors. FREE ESTIMATES 662-289-9673 Cell 662-582-1966 %' $$! &'%' $$ $%$$ # %"# $% NELSON OSWALT State Licensed & Bonded Tree Surgeon #1531 All Types of Tree Work light towing also. 662-465-8895 or 662-418-4097 Fully Insured! Got Stumps? 10 Years Experience! Free Estimates! Tree Service Tree Removal Stump grinding Debris Removal Jeff Wilson • 662-722-0646 Koehn Cabinets Custom Cabinets Free Estimates Pollar d’s Hea ting & Cooling 56 Pollard Rd. • French Camp, MS 39745 Residential & Light Commercial ~ FREE ESTIMATES ~ Business Phone: 662-547-5274 Cell: 662-705-2040 Fax: 662-547-5276 We’ve been in business for over 30 years. Earl Koehn Bus: 662-738-4314 Fax: 662-738-4350 20466 Hwy 45 Brooksville, Email: koehncabinetshop@bellsouth.net MS 39739 • Suspension Work • Brake Work • Computer Diagnostics • Tire Sales (auto & motorcycle) 254 Lawrence Dr. Eupora, MS 39744 662-258-7106 Wayne Hodges Owner Real Estate Auction 520+- Acres in the Cadaretta Community, Grenada, County, MS LIVE Auction held at Taylor Auction Facility Thursday November 6, 2014 @ 11:00 AM Must be 21 years of age 855-378-9335 EOE www.kllmdrivingacademy.com Larry Harvey Seamless Guttering Tree Trimming Tree Removal Stump Grinding Brush Chipping 30+ Years Experience Property Features: HELP WANTED MEMA Established Irrigated Orchard with Peaches, Nectarines, Apples, Muscadines, Blueberry, Pine Plantation Timberland 3 year to 17 year established 2nd Generation Pine 80 Acres of Cultivation - Cotton Land Pasture Land, A NRCS Planned Farm Personal Residence, Old Home Place Structure Vi s i t u s @ t ay l o r au c t i o n . co m 1-662-226-2080 Announcements made day of auction take precedence will accept resumes until 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 3, 2014 for the purpose of hiring a Disaster Case Manager in Winston County. The position will pay $18.50 per hour plus up to 25% fringe. The position is for forty hours per week until no later than August 14, 2015. A detailed job description may be obtained by contacting Edward Williams at 601-933-6390 or ewilliams@mema.ms.gov. Online Only Auction Impressive Collection Vintage Advertising & Equipment Thursday November 6, 2014 @ 6:00 PM Partial Listing: 2012 John Deere 5045D w/Loader-523 Hours Frontier Tiller, Disc, Hippers, Cultivator 1999 Honda 4-Wheeler Vintage Store Advertising Items!!! Dr. Pepper, Coca Cola Drink Box Royster Fertilzer Sign, Pepsi-Cola Thermometer Sign Spool Cabinet, Petrolina Items, Shop Tools, Vi s i t u s @ t ay l o r au c t i o n . co m 1-662-226-2080 Announcements made day of auction take precedence Page 10, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 ‘SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE’ www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab PAID ADVERTISEMENT By Kenneth Jarrett, Minister Louisville Church of Christ “ T H E C H U RC H - - A P O S TA S Y ” N O. 1 The early church experienced a tremendous growth. However, as it grew, many problems arose which demanded the attention of the apostles. One of the great problems was that posed by false teachers. Thus, through the dissemination of error, there developed the great “apostasy” or “falling away” from the Lord’s church. Men often “sleep”; they become indifferent, unconcerned, and fail to keep a watchful eye on things true and eternal. Jesus himself said, “The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way” (Matt. 13: 24-25). The “tares” represent false teaching which lead people astray & make them unreceptive to the truth of the gospel. Only the truth can make men free from sin (Jn. 8:32). Peter spoke of perilous times which were coming upon the church. He said false teachers would bring in damnable heresies and many people would follow their pernicious ways even though they spoke evil of the truth (II Pet. 2:1-3). Heresies are doctrines which cause division. Because of covetousness these false teachers would use “feigned words” – words artfully and skillfully prepared – to deceive whoever possible. They would simply regard others as “merchandise” or objects by which to enhance their own wealth because of their covetousness or unlawful desire for personal gain. To Timothy, Paul wrote: “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (II Tim. 4:1-4). It is a sad commentary upon humanity when men love the pleasantries of error rather than unpleasant truth. Nevertheless, men often love darkness rather than light (Jn. 3:19). It was this attitude which led to the great apostasy. 59 Bond Road.......Visitors Welcome FIND YOUR PL ACE IN THE WORLD Advertise in the Winston County Journal to ensure your business, product, or event is seen by 99% of Winston County. Call us at 773-6241 to get started! Hemphill seeks school board trustee post in Nov. 4 election Jerry Hemphill, businessman and community promoter is seeking the Louisville Municipal School District Board of Trustees District 2 position in the November 4 election. Hemphill is looking to make a difference in his community by becoming a board member. “I truly believe that someone from my generation needs to come in and represent our district and help improve the school system as a whole,” Hemphill said. “My decision to run is not something I just recently jumped in to. I decided about 2 years ago that I wanted to be on this board because I believe I can help lead our whole district in the right direction.” Hemphill attended and graduated from Nanih Waiya High School in 1987 as Salutatorian. From there he would attend Livingston University, now known as the University of West Alabama, and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting in 1991. Hemphill is a father of three children – Jeffrey, Jacob, and Megan. Jeff and Jacob graduated from Nanih Waiya, and Megan is currently a Junior at the school. Hemphill is engaged to be wed to Lucresia Beamon in February 2015. For the past six years, Hemphill has served as the Area Manager for Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society. Through Woodmen of the World, Hemphill has been able to participate in community service throughout Winston County and North Mississippi. He also serves as President of the Friends of Nanih Waiya Community Park and Treasurer of the Nanih Waiya Booster Club. Even with his current duties, Hemphill feels he will be able to give the board member position all the attention and care it requires. “My business gives me the flexibility to set my own schedule for the most part,” Hemphill said. “I will be able to give District 2 and the whole Louisville Municipal School District the attention it deserves.” As the Nov. 4 election draws near, Hemphill wanted to let the residents of Winston County know his stance regarding the importance of the LMSD Board of Trustees. “To be successful all the school board members must have the ability to exercise sound judgment on business decisions, the ability to reason and cooperate with other board members and the school administration, and last, but not least, they must have one common goal- to make the Louisville Municipal School District a great place to get a quality education for all students county wide,” Hemphill said. Hemphill then explained what qualities and traits a board member should convey. “Board members must be cooperative, understanding, professional and genuinely concerned about the welfare of our students,” Hemphill said. “In my opinion, the school board is the rudder of the ship, so to speak. Once the overall goal or direction is set, it is up to the board to steer the district in the direction of that goal. It is up to the school administrators to run the ship. If things start to get off course, it is up to the board to make the decisions to get it turned around. In my view being good stewards of the district's finances and steering ‘the ship’ are the most important functions.” Another thought Hemphill had in regards to the board is its relationship with the community. “I think it is vital for the district and the board to have a close relationship with the community, especially the parents of school children,” Hemphill said. “They all want, need and deserve to know what is going on with the school, the curriculum, ratings, etc. They elect the board and their concerns should be acknowledged and fixed if possible in an open and timely manner. I also believe the district and the board members need to do a better job of building pride in all the schools. Go to school functions, pep rallies, participate in programs and booster clubs. Talk to parents of the district and get them involved also.” To better assist with this relationship, Hemphill has some suggestions that he would like to see take place if he is elected. “You have to listen to the people when they approach you,” Hemphill said. “Give out your phone number so they can reach you. Again, go to the schools and their functions. Participate in their activities. Have an open house like they did last school year and invite the public to come to the school and see what it has to offer. Talk to the students. They will really tell you what is happening. Social media and the internet, the easiest way to see a lot of what is happening. Most of the schools have Twitter feeds and Facebook pages where current events are posted. If used properly it can be a great way to get information out quickly.” Hemphill is asking for your vote on Nov. 4. Polls will be open the morning of Nov. 4 and will close that evening Paid Political at 7 p.m. Page 11, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 DAN’S DISCOUNT DRUGS REAL WORLD ONLINE John Smith John Smith • Expert on autism • Loving father and husband • Award winning philanthropist • SEC Investigation • Angry Customers • Poor Ratings Let Consolidated Credit Help You: Lower your monthly payments Reduce or eliminate interest rates WĂLJŽīLJŽƵƌĚĞďƚĨĂƐƚĞƌ FREEŽŶĮĚĞŶƟĂůŽƵŶƐĞůŝŶŐ HOW DOES THE INTERNET SEE YOU? CALL FOR FREE ASSESSMENT 800.285.0375 Take the first easy step: • Suppress misleading or inaccurate search results • Protect yourself or your business from online attacks Call:(800)381-0260 at Sunflower in Louisville 773-7847 Patri Ellis, pharmacist Faster, easier ways to save. Welcome to the modern world. Finding Senior Housing can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. after hours: 773-4875 Bridal Registry 2014 Fine Gifts and Jewelry Call 1-800-269-3703 to see how much you could save on car insurance. TRACY FAIRLEY REAL ESTATE (800) 404-7993 Not available in all states. Savings may vary. 218 Main St. • Louisville, MS 662-705-0478 • 662-705-0481 Follow us on Facebook! Mrs. Spencer Ashley nee Lauren Dye 10-4-14 Mrs. Bryant Chaffin nee Julie Lightsey 10-4-14 Mrs. Justin Keller nee Laken Morgan 10-4-14 Mrs. Cody Vowell nee Kayely Kinard 10-11-14 Mrs. Austin Hill nee Amber Reed 10-11-14 Mrs. Parker Bullock nee Chelsae Kelley 10-18-14 Mrs. Davis Taylor nee Rachel A. Flora 10-25-14 Mrs. Robert Prisock nee Reagan Griffin 10-25-14 Kimberly Blackwell Justin Redmon 11-1-14 Taylor Crocker Joshua Johns 11-8-14 Kim King Justin Sharp 11-15-14 Deidre Coleman Joshua Easterling 11-22-14 Allison Rogers Ben Chambers 12-13-14 Shannon Chapman Patrick Bane 1-10-15 Alison Lowery Matt Woods 01-24-15 Chasidy Smith Nathan Wells 04-18-15 Vietri • Good Earth Pottery Wolfe Birds • Lenox Gorham • Dansk Tag • Reed and Barton (662) 779-0098 Tracy H. Fairley REALTOR IN THE CITY BROKER, OWNER 104 SHADOW LANE $128,900 Beautiful one level brick home in the city limits. Separate dining and living room spaces. Updated and spacious kitchen with open floor plan. Roomy family room with fire place. Well landscaped backyard and patio area. Washer & dryer, stainless steel refrigerator, dishwasher and some furniture remains. Lots to see. 102 WEST POPLAR DR $269,900 Beautiful spacious four bedroom home ready for a new family. Boasts over 3000 square feet. Updated kitchen with new counter tops, Nafco floors, kitchen nook,welcoming foyer,living room,& dining room combination with a delightful view overlooking the pond in the rear of the home, Beautiful landscaping, spacious patio and deck with fire pit. Also includes an aditional 6.90 acres & large workshop 811 S FENTRESS RD - WEIR $65,000 by making one buy into three markets. Is Credit Card Debt driving you batty? Call 662-773-6241 to advertise in the Three-County Classifieds Reach over 55,200 readers a week www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab ®, 211B Ball Drive • Louisville, MS • Office 779-0098 CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE AT WWW.TRACYFAIRLEYSELLS.COM 112 ST. CHARLES AVE $139,900 119 PINEYWOOD DR $52,900 Spacious three bedroom, two bath home, fireplace, large den, SUNROOM shed, fenced back yard, sits on three combined lots, extra large wash room, two car garage. Many extras. Three bedrooms, one bath, city limits, new roof, new paint, updated flooring 615 N COLUMBUS AVE $59,900 312 HIGH AVE $55,900 Three bedrooms, two baths, Spacious home, spacious yard. This home has lots of room. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, den, roomy kitchen. Close to schools and all of the main attractions. 339 MILLER AVE 625 TUSCALOOSA ST $68,400 UNDER CONTRACT $99,900 UNDER CONTRACT Three bedrooms, one bath, Includes new refrigerator and stove. Also includes washer and dryer. Call me today!!! Three large bedrooms, extra large closets, master bath suite, eat in kitchen 411 PARK ST HWY 15 - NOXAPATER 1122 EAST AVE. - PHILADELPHIA Three bedrooms, two baths, 5 acres +/- $79,101 Three bedrooms, three baths. Inviting den and lots of space. $68,900 NEW LISTING!!! Close to the four-way by Woody’s; Two separate entrances for individuals businesses or room for two. Parking space in front. Call for layout and more details. $26,200 NEW LISTING!!! Investors Special -- Three bedrooms, two baths- Sold AS IS “CALL ME WITH ALL OF YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS”. Page 12, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab GO SOLAR SWIM AT HOME and Eliminate your Electric Bills! OR EXERCISE, REHAB, AND PLAY = 4/%1 4,!-> )2( )+ =@ 3,(.<, 7/@:0*0(5: (--030(;,+ >0;/ '(3, $50=,9:0;@ ),30,=, ;/,09 7(;,5;,+ 9(;06 664,.( : (9, ;/, -<;<9, 6- -(;;@ (*0+ ;/,9(7@ (5+ +,30=,9 (346:; F:<7,9 /<4(5G 9,:<3;: LE CITY E +31! 41% .1,4+! 04!+2 !&%38 "64, :<773,4,5;: 4(@ *65;(05 469, ;/(5 1<:; 64,.( 5+ :64, 6- ;/(; ,?;9( *65;,5; @6< *6<3+ +6 >0;/6<; :<*/ (: :(;< 9(;,+ -(;: 05*3<+05. <5>(5;,+ 64,.( -(;;@ (*0+: (5+ ;6?05: 302, 4,9*<9@ 3,(+ (5+ : *644653@ -6<5+ 05 -0:/ 1%%9%1 %23 1.5%2 41)38 4(? 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