CHO-BIZ Newsletter Housing SA – Community Partnerships and Growth Level 4, 136 North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000 | GPO Box 292 Adelaide SA 5001 Phone 1300 700 561 | Fax 7424 7390 | Email Director’s Welcome: October 2014 Edition Alison Kimber Contents It has been another busy month in community housing. The New Ideas for Growth projects are starting to get underway. We have continued transfers of Transitional Housing Program properties and consultation on the draft Community Housing Agreements and Core Operating Policies. Director’s Welcome: Alison Kimber .... 1 We are currently working through your feedback and making improvements to both the draft Agreements and Policies. The next drafts will be on the website in early October. We expect at that stage the Community Housing Agreements will be near final but there will be a further opportunity to provide feedback on the Core Operating Policies. We acknowledge it is a busy time in the community housing sector and we appreciate your participation and the thoughtful feedback provided. Public and Community Housing Appeal Unit Closure .............................. 4 Amelia Traino and I greatly appreciated the opportunity to chat to larger providers about the next tranche of public housing transfers at a recent workshop arranged by the Community Housing Council. We talked about the intention for a second tranche of properties to go to tender next year with transfer in 2016. Final approvals for the transfer of the first two parcels in Mitchell Park and Elizabeth Grove/Vale are being sought. We expect an announcement in November and transfer in the first half of 2015. Important Changes to PGP Financial Reporting Template .............................. 2 Operating Arrangements and Information Sharing between Community Partnerships and Growth and the Office of Housing Regulation 3 Continuing exemption from stamp duty and Real Property Act fees for community housing transfers ............. 3 NRAS regulations changes – September 2014 .................................... 4 CHCR updates ....................................... 5 Staff Updates – CPG Welcomes Rebecca and Stacey ............................. 6 Sector Development Update ................ 7 Workshops for October - November 2014 ........................................................ 8 Regular Items Subscribing to CHO-Biz Key Due Dates CHCSA E-Bulletin Own Your Own Home TIAS Acronyms commonly used in CPG CPG Contact List Office of Housing Regulation Home Standards 1 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Subscribing to CHO-Biz Visit, under the heading ‘Resources’ click on ‘Subscribe to Mailing Lists’ or contact Maria Tilbrook on 7424 7360 or to arrange to have one forwarded to you and confirm your subscription. Key Due Dates Due Date Item Due Contact Person 21 October 2014 Rent/Funding Report – including capital contribution payments, vacancy and arrears reporting Dustin Lu Important Changes to PGP Financial Reporting Template Preferred Growth Providers (PGPs) Reporting Requirements for Master Deed Until now, Community Housing Providers (CHPs) that are party to the Not for Profit Housing Provider Master Deed have been required to submit the ‘Housing SA NFP Housing Provider Financial Reporting template’ as part of their reporting requirements to Community Partnerships and Growth (CPG). In view of reporting requirements under the National Regulatory System (NRS), CPG has scaled back this template and will only be capturing information relating to Capital Contributions. CPG previously requested this information through the ‘Supplement – Debenture FA’ section of the report. The revised template is now titled the ‘Capital Contribution Reconciliation template’ and this is due by 31 October 2014. Completion of this template is mandatory for all PGPs. The template is available from the Reporting Requirements for Master Deed section of the community housing website at If you have any enquiries about the Capital Contribution Reconciliation template for PGPs, please contact Matthew Zetlein, Contract Manager (7424 7383 or 2 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Operating Arrangements and Information Sharing between Community Partnerships and Growth and the Office of Housing Regulation The Community Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia) Act 2013 (the National Law) was passed by the South Australian Parliament on 12 November 2013. The Act commenced on 1 April 2014 and replaces the South Australian Co-operative and Community Housing Act 1991 (the SACCH Act). A key principle of the National Regulatory System agreed to by the participating jurisdictions is the clear separation of regulation and funding of community housing. To achieve this separation, on 4 November 2013, an independent Office of Housing Regulation was established in South Australia to regulate the operations of community housing providers registered under the National Law. Community Partnerships and Growth (CPG) and The Office of Housing Regulation (OHR) have reached formal agreement about the operating arrangements to ensure the effective funding and regulation of community housing in South Australia. These arrangements are summarised in a communique including: Key principles for interaction Governance and accountability arrangements The roles for both parties Areas of mutual interest and how these will be managed When and how information can be exchanged Where to find further information. The communique is now available on Continuing exemption from stamp duty and Real Property Act fees for community housing transfers Under certain conditions, community housing providers registered under the South Australian Co-operative and Community Housing Act 1991 are entitled to stamp duty and certain Registrar-General fee exemptions when taking ownership of a property. Section 34 of the new Community Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia) Act 2013 enables these exemptions to be given subject to the Treasurer’s approval. Approval for continuing exemption from specific fees (including stamp duty and Real Property Act fees) for certain community housing asset transfers has been provided by the Treasurer. This advice was published in the Government Gazette on 11 September 2014. 3 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Public and Community Housing Appeal Unit Closure The lease on the office of the Public and Community Housing Appeal Unit expired in September and will not be renewed. The office was closed to the public from Monday 1 September 2014. There will no longer be an office open to the public for general enquiries. Future Housing Appeal Panel hearings will be heard at Level 3, 182 Victoria Square until the implementation of the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The Appeal Co-ordinator can be contacted on 8207 0325, or Freecall 1800 676 350 for country callers. NRAS regulations changes – September 2014 The Commonwealth Government recently amended the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) Regulations 2008. The amendments were implemented on 23 September 2014. Housing SA is advised that the key amendments were as follows: Stage 1: There will be a three month transitional period to allow applicants time to prepare for the new requirements of the scheme (ending 22 December 2014). During this period all applicants planning to change the dwelling location, style, size, special attributes or agreed rental availability date will also be required to disclose all commercial arrangements associated with the change. Applicants will also be able to change the agreed rental availability date for a dwelling in respect of an allocation. After the transitional period ends, only one further change to the agreed rental availability date is possible, and not for more than three months past the current agreed rental availability date. Stage 2: Once the transitional period is over, no further applications to vary the location or style of dwellings will be accepted (with the exception of variations to locations of dwellings necessitated by natural disasters). In both stages, applicants will not be able to extend beyond the agreed rental availability date for rent as follows: Shovel Ready funding 2013 round – applicants will not be able to extend beyond 31 July 2015 All other rounds (one to four rounds) – applicants will not be able to extend beyond 30 June 2016 Provisional allocations – After the transitional period ends, provisional allocations will be made in respect of dwellings that are not delivered by the agreed rental availability date. This means the 10 year incentive period will commence, even though the dwelling has not yet been completed and made available for rent. The dwelling, whilst subject to a provisional allocation, cannot meet the conditions of allocation, and is therefore not eligible to receive any payment of an incentive. 4 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Form of incentives – Approved participants that are endorsed charitable institutions have until 31 December each NRAS year to elect whether they wish to receive the NRAS incentive as a monetary payment or as a refundable tax offset certificate. Once an election is made this will become the default incentive type until another election is made. Lodgement dates – At the conclusion of an NRAS year (on 30 April), Approved Participants previously had two weeks in which to lodge a Statement of Compliance as required under Regulation 17. The final date for lodgement has been changed from 13 May each year to 30 June each year. The Regulations do not allow the Department to accept a Statement of Compliance after this date. For more information relating to the recent changes, please visit the following website: Payment of Commonwealth and State NRAS contributions The Commonwealth Department of Social Services has informed us that there are compliance issues with some NRAS participants in terms of these participants not meeting the old Regulations. DSS are in the process of changing the Regulations and these changes are likely to come into effect in the next month or so. DSS appears not to be authorising payments until the amendments to the Regulations have commenced. DSS also advises that they have developed an automated payments system which they are having technical issues with. DSS has informed us that payments may not be made until November this year for the 2013/14 NRAS year. The State cannot make its payment until the Commonwealth confirms that an applicant is compliant. We will process the State payments as soon as we receive the required authorisation from the Commonwealth. In the meantime, those with questions regarding the 2013/14 payment should be directed to the DSS website ( CHCR updates Community Housing Providers without NRAS properties are now able to enter Community Housing and NRAS registrations in the one process. Nominated Providers have already been directly contacted with details on how to do this. If you would like further information please contact Viewing registrations – reminder Enquiries from Registrants or Support Workers seeking confirmation about the status of a registration on CHCR should be directed to Supervisors at the Housing SA Contact Centre (Ph. 131 299), as only they have ability to search for ALL registrations regardless of the program type, status, eligibility criteria, nominated areas etc. COMMUNITY HOUSING COUNCIL OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC (CHCSA) WEEKLY E-BULLETIN To access the latest Weekly E-Bulletin from CHCSA go to 5 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Staff Updates – CPG Welcomes Rebecca and Stacey I have a background in federal government and the non for profit sector and am excited to be commencing with the Better Places, Stronger Communities project. My experience includes: working with migrant settlement services at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection in Canberra early childhood program management at the Department of Social Services Rebecca Whellum service development and improvement at Australian Red Cross. I am passionate about the outcomes possible through strong government and not for profit partnerships. I look forward to increasing my knowledge of the community housing sector and supporting successful transfers. Stacey Theologou I commenced working with Housing SA in the late 70’s in Whyalla. In 1982 I relocated to Adelaide and commenced work in the Revenue Section collecting rents and maintain rent ledgers. Since then I have worked in most of the Metropolitan regional officers in many roles that provide direct customer and tenant services. I have spent some years in the role of Operations Manager in the Western Adelaide Region before moving to the Recovery Unit to manage the Benefit Review and Rent Assessment teams. Most recently I have been part of the team managing the implementation of Chintaro for the Aboriginal Communities housing program. This was a valuable experience working with regional staff who manage the remote and non-remote Aboriginal Communities. I am pleased to now be a member of the Community Partnerships & Growth team particularly working on the stock transfer to Community Housing Providers project. OWN YOUR OWN HOME! Do you wish to own your own home? As a community housing tenant, you may be able to access a number of HomeStart and South Australian Government products and programs. These include: HomeStart Home loans: HomeStart has a number of loan products and also encourage people to take advantage of the new construction grant. For further information about HomeStart call 1300 636 878 or visit South Australian Government’s Affordable Homes Program: This program offers available public houses up for sale as well as new built home both at affordable prices. To view details about the Affordable Homes Program go to: Purchase your house: You may be able to purchase the community housing property you are currently living in if you have met all the conditions. Please refer to the Community Housing Property Sales Policy and Procedures on the community housing website for more information. See under ‘Property and Asset Management’ at - Property and asset management 6 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Sector Development Update Welcome to the October update of the Sector Development program. September has been the month for CHP’s Annual General Meetings and we congratulate all newly appointed Office Bearers. This month the program focusses on workshops targeting new Office Bearers/Sub-Committee Members and specifically, Rent and Tenancy Co-ordinators and their committees. It will also feature a number of Information Sessions conducted by Consumer and Business Services (CBS) staff (incorporating Residential Tenancies Reforms from March 2014) and the Sector Development Forum for Education Officers and individuals interested in keeping abreast of program changes. New workshops for Managing Appeals and how to use the new CBS Residential Bonds Online Service will be offered during November. Make sure you check the Summary of Workshops for October and November (over) and enrol to secure your place as soon as possible. Sector Development recently provided the following report on the program’s activity for Housing SA’s annual report. In 2013-14 more than 1600 participants (an increase from 1380 in previous financial year) representing community housing providers attended workshops or information sessions. This includes private training and information sessions delivered to individuals and groups in their agency/community housing organisation. Capacity building opportunities offered during 201314 included Organisational Health Checks for Community Housing Providers and the Sector preparation program for National Regulatory System 2013-2014. CPG also continues to support representatives of the community housing sector to undertake formal studies in Housing Management and Policy through scholarships to Swinburne University of Technology. In 2013-14, two scholarships were awarded to applicants from the community housing sector. If you have any questions about a specific workshop, or would like to discuss program opportunities for yourself or your organisation, please contact Sector Development on 8207 2612 or email Phone: (08) 8305 9459 Country callers (toll free): 1800 060 462 Email: More information about TIAS can be found at TIAS provides free and independent information, advice and advocacy. TIAS acts on behalf of tenants where there is misunderstanding, or tenants/members are unhappy with a decision, for example with issues such as complaints, eviction, housing applications, maintenance, membership issues, and appeal processes. Tenants Information and Advocacy Service Factsheet is available on our website at 7 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Workshops for October - November 2014 Date Workshop Wednesday 1st October CBS Information Session – Introduction to Residential Notes Tenancies Act Friday 3rd October CHCR for Co-operatives Monday 13th October Sector Development Forum Wednesday 15th October CBS Information Session – Terminating Tenancies, completing forms 2&7 Monday 20th October Office Bearer/Co-ordinator Roles and Responsibilities Tuesday 21st October Tenancy Management 1 Tuesday 28th October Tenancy Management 2 Wednesday 29th October Fire Safety Awareness Tuesday 11th November Managing Appeals for Member-Managed CHPs Wednesday 12th November CBS Information Session – Residential Tenancies Tour Friday 14th November Rent Management 1 Monday 17th November CBS Information Session – Residential Bonds Online Tuesday 18th November Managing Assets for Member-Managed CHPs Thursday 20th November Membership Management for Member-Managed CHPs Friday 21st November Rent Management 2 Friday 28th November Rent Management 3 For workshop details please contact Sector Development on8207 2612 or email us at 8 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Acronyms commonly used within CPG AFS Audited Financial Statements HNA AHIF Affordable Housing Innovations Fund HSA AHIP Affordable Housing Innovations Program HSCC Housing Needs Assessment Housing SA (service component of South Australian Housing Trust) Housing SA Contact Centre ASL Australian Institute of health and Welfare (annual data collection) Additional Service Levies ATO Australian Taxation Office ICT AFS BH Audited Financial Statements Boarding House IPP IT BHP Boarding House Program L&D BPSC Better Places, Stronger Communities MOAA CAT Category of housing need MOU CC Capital Contributions NAHA CEO Chief Executive Officer NBESP CEHSA Common Equity Housing SA NGO Homelessness Strategy Division, Housing SA Introduction to Community Housing Information, Communication, Technology Information Privacy Principles Information Technology Learning and Development Program, for Community Housing Organisations Memorandum of Administrative Agreement Memorandum of Understanding National Affordable Housing Agreement Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan Non-government Organisation CHCSA Community Housing Council SA NOB Notice of Breach CHCR Community Housing Customer Register NRAS National Rental Affordability Scheme CHPs Community Housing Providers NRS CO-OPS Co-operatives OHS&W National Regulation System Occupational Health Safety & Welfare AIHW CRA CROs Community Partnerships and Growth: Directorate within Housing SA (SAHT) Commonwealth Rent Assistance Customer Relations Office (unit) CWTH Commonwealth Government CPG DCSI DFC Dept. for Communities and Social Inclusion, of which Housing SA forms a part Former Dept. Families and Communities, of which Housing SA was a part HSD ICH PGP Preferred Growth Providers PH PIS Public Housing Public Information Session Private Rental Assistance Program (Housing SA) PRAP PSP Preferred Support Providers ROI Registration of Interest DHP Disability Housing Program SACCH Act DSA Disability SA SAAHT DV ED SAHT SHP SMP Summary Maintenance Plan FA GSS Domestic Violence Executive Director Dept of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Cwth) Funding Agreement Governance Support Services SA Co-operative & Community Housing Act, 1991 South Australian Affordable Housing Trust South Australian Housing Trust Specialised Housing Program SRF STS GST Goods and Services Tax TIAS HMAC Housing Ministers Advisory Council UML Supported Residential Facilities Supported Tenancy Scheme Tenant Information & Advocacy Service Unfunded Maintenance Liability FaHCSIA 9 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Community Partnerships and Growth Directorate Staff Alison Kimber Peter Stojanovich Position Director Senior Project Officer Phone 742 47371 742 47380 Email Business Services Philippa Sanderson Kerry Benson Natalie McCreight Maria Tilbrook Lorraine Newport Business Services Manager Executive Support Officer Reception & Information Officer 742 47378 742 47371 742 47360 742 47374 742 47388 742 47391 742 47363 742 47368 742 47365 742 47397 Sector Innovation and Practice Amanda Watson-Tran Manager, Sector Innovations & Practice Lynley Street Senior Policy & Project Officer Liz Hodgman Senior Policy & Project Officer Laura Cullip Senior Policy & Project Officer Mary Bradford Policy & Project Officer Monique Pringle Policy & Project Officer Frances Richards Sector Development Coordinator Kylie Brock Admin Support Officer 820 72696 820 72638 820 72692 820 72629 820 76234 820 72635 820 72617 820 72612 Accountability & Contracts Carmel King Manager, Accountability & Contracts Andy Clough Senior Contracts Manager Matthew Zetlein Project Officer Teena Hantke Project Officer Esther Caprez Project Officer Julie Stoker Assistant Project Officer Dustin Lu Assistant Project Officer 742 47376 742 47382 742 47383 742 47375 742 47369 742 47384 742 47361 Capital Programs Tim Irvine Graham Nightingale David Burnett Janithri Wickramaratne 742 47372 742 47366 742 47381 742 47367 742 47387 742 47386 742 47362 Better Places, Stronger Communities (BPSC) Transfer Project Amelia Traino Manager, BPSC Transfer Project Stacey Theologou Senior Project Officer Rebecca Whellum Senior Project Officer Julie Ashton Project Officer Gregg Ryan Manager, Community Housing Manager, Capital Programs Senior Project Officer Asset Co-ordinator Graduate Officer Business Systems & Reporting Manager, Business Systems & Reporting Yvette Stuyt Project Officer Nathan Lee Project Officer Arun Sharma 10 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014 Office of Housing Regulation Phone: 1300 700 329 GPO Box 292 Adelaide SA 5001 Email: John Herrmann Craig Thompson Vince Carr Liz Scott Carol Vu Yasushi Nishioka Claire Thomson Housing Regulator Manager, CH Regulation Senior Regulation Analyst Regulation Analyst Regulation Analyst Financial Analyst Graduate Officer 1300 700 329 742 47208 742 47205 742 47207 742 47204 742 47210 742 47211 Home Standards As a tenant of a Co-operative or Association, your landlord, i.e. the Co-operative or Association, has an obligation to ensure your home is in a reasonable state of repair at the beginning of your tenancy, and to keep it in a reasonable state of repair taking into account its age, character and prospective life during your tenancy. If you have questions about more general maintenance issues, you can contact the Tenancies Branch Phone 131 882 If the officers at the Tenancies Branch feel that your home may be substandard they will refer you to the Housing Improvement Branch of Housing SA. Housing Improvement Branch Phone 131 299 If you feel your Co-operative or Association has not reasonably attended to repairs or maintenance issues related to gas or electricity supply, report this by contacting the Office of the Technical Regulator Phone 8226 5500 11 | DCSI | CHO-BIZ Newsletter October 2014
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