NEW ADDITION THIS YEAR TO THE TAPESTRY EVENT! It all happens on FRIDAY, Feb. 20. 2015 SERVICE PROJECT DUMAS WESLEY: The Sybil Smith House “Restocking Shower” The Sybil Smith House is an outreach ministry for Dumas Wesley. Apartments are available for women and their children as a means of having safe housing while the women are preparing and learning how to manage their finances as well as job training that will help prepare them to be able to live independently and be self-supporting. When one of the families moves out, they are able to take the linens and cookware with them to their new home. It costs approximately $300 to re-supply a unit. Our project this year is to help restock several apartments. All items will go toward restocking apartments at The Sybil Smith House. A complete shopping list of needs for the kitchen, bathroom, and household items can be found on a separate sheet included as an insert in this brochure. 1:00—4:30 p.m. Friday: HANDS ON PROJECT APARTMENT Restocking—we will gather to sort and box items for the kitchen, bathroom, and miscellaneous household items. Schedule Friday, February 20 12:30-1:00 Hands-on Project registration 1:00 –4:30 Sybil Smith Service Project 4:00-5:00 P.M. Registration 5:30 P.M. Opening Ceremony 6:00 P.M. Dinner & Entertainment 7:00 P.M. Reverend Dr. Early 8:30 P.M. Benediction Saturday, February 21 7:30-8:00 A.M. Registration 7:30 A.M. Continental Breakfast 8:00 A.M. Morning Assembly 8:15 a.m. Rev. Dr. Early 9:30 A.M. Focus Group Session 1 10:45 A.M. Focus Group Session 2 12:00 noon Lunch 1:00 P.M. Rev. Dr. Early 2:15 P.M. Closing Communion Benediction Tapestry II: The Journey Tapestry Registration Early Bird $40; postmarked by 12/1/14 Regular $45; postmarked by 2/1/15 Late $55; postmarked after 2/1/15 One Day $30 Mail registration form to Jolinda Strickland 406 Alice Drive Headland, AL 36345 Make check payable to: AWF UMW Additional information: Debbie Bracewell— 334.477.3463 February 20-21, 2015 Enterprise First United Methodist Church Enterprise, Alabama $94—mention UMW Additional Hotels: Candlewood Suites 334.308.1102 Holiday Inn Express 334.347.2211 INSPIRATION FOR THE JOURNEY— presented by Kelly Colón. Using a variety of tools and paint, participants will create a scene that reflects the glory of God in his marvelous creation. This will be a lasting reminder of the Glory of God and our response to spend quiet time with him. FOCUS GROUPS: MARK YOUR FIRST 4 CHOICES (1,2,3,4) ___GOING GREEN ___PRAYER LABYRINTH ___TECHNOLOGY ___FIT FOR THE JOURNEY ___INSPITATION FOR THE JOURNEY ( ) EARLY BIRD $40 ( ) REGULAR $45 REGISTRATION TYPE: (check enclosed) ( ) LATE $55 ( ) FRIDAY ONLY $30 ( ) SATURDAY ONLY $30 334.347.5763 FIT FOR THE JOURNEY—presented by Peggy Lukas. This is an introduction to the internal martial art of Taoist Tai Chi, known for providing many health benefits: improved circulation, balance, posture, increased strength and flexibility. Movements can be adapted for those with reduced mobility. YOUR CHURCH__________________DISTRICT_____________NON-UMW____ Hampton Inn TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL MEDIA— presented by Katie Holland, Dothan FUMC Older Adult Director. This is a hands-on session of the basics in using iphones, ipads, etc. This includes information about how to go online to the UMW website (both conference and national), visit links and gather information. PHONE #_____________________EMAIL_____________________________ HOTEL INFORMATION PRAYER LABYRINTH— presented by Patty Bodnheimer. Christian life is often described as a journey with God. Join this group for a walking prayer experience. ADDRESS_______________________________________________________ Miss Laura, as she is affectionately called, loves her family, children, and horses. On any given day, you will most likely find her wearing cowboy boots. If you hear a horse neighing and galloping inside, don’t worry. It’s just her favorite ring-tone. Miss Laura is the Executive Director of The Place of Possibilities, Inc. and has served as the founding and Lead Pastor of All God’s Children United Methodist Church in Aulander, NC for 17 years. Reverend Early is a missionary to the church’s forgotten. Passing up an upwardly mobile ministry, she chose to return to a small destitute town to work with the poor. Every worship service includes a meal because Laura understands that people cannot feed their souls if their stomachs are empty. Her stories will move you to find your God-shaped destiny and embrace your God-given call to mission. If you ever wanted to be in a worship service and experience the still small voice of God, attend one where Laura Early is speaking. GOING GREEN— presented by Beth Bond. Relevant information will be presented about being a more conscientious consumer as it pertains to product packaging and disposal. NAME_________________________________________________________ REVEREND DR. LAURA EARLY FOCUS GROUPS TAPESTRY 2015 REGISTRATION FORM KEYNOTE SPEAKER
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