Getting Out! IN GUNDY OCTOBER 2014 * Open Gardens Australia * Healthy Living Program * Lundavra 50th Anniversary * Kindy Dinner Fundraiser * Burning Poetry * Moonlight Carnival * Morning Tea with Melodies LUCAS GARDEN GOONDIWINDI Clinical and Counselling PSYCHOLOGIST Marié le Roux MA(Psych), MAPS CCLIN CCOUN Psychology Services Psychotherapy Medicare Rebates with GP referral Consultations: Per appointment 4671 1360 8 George Street, Goondiwindi 2 OCTOBER 5th October Sunday Lundavra State School 50th Anniversary and Time Capsule Opening See Ad page 4 6th October Monday Goondiwindi Bowls & Hospital Auxiliary Charity Bowls Day Contact 4671 3777 7th October Tuesday Story Telling Nook & Cranny Bookshop 10am—FREE Contact 4671 5690 8th October Wednesday Book Club Nook & Cranny Bookshop FREE—10am Contact 4671 5690 Mobile Women’s Health Contact Hospital 4671 6666 Yelarbon Craft Day Anglican Hall 9.30am—3pm Margie Guelfi 4675 1223 Parent's Groups: Pg 10 Seniors Groups: Pg 11 12th October Sunday Goondiwindi & District Markets Town Park 8am—2pm Roger Lee Koo 4671 1436 22nd October Wednesday Yelarbon Craft Day Anglican Hall 9.30am—3pm Margie Guelfi 4675 1223 Arts Council Performance 1.30pm @ Community Centre 25th October Saturday 2014 Kindy Fundraiser Dinner See Ad Page 5 13th October Monday Rural Women’s Outreach Legal Service in Goondiwindi Contact 4616 9700 14th October Tuesday Wriggle, Jiggle, Read & Giggle Goondiwindi Town Library 10.30am—FREE Contact June Horn 4671 7470 29th October Wednesday Community Garden Meeting 6pm @ Goondiwindi LAC Office Contact Jane 0439 026 908 Mobile Women’s Health Contact Hospital 4671 6666 15th October Wednesday Older Person’s Network Luncheon 12midday @ O’Shea’s Royal Hotel Contact Kirsty 4670 0700 9th October Thursday Healthy Living Program Starts Contact Kirsty 4670 0700 16th October Thursday Inglewood Playgroup at the Community Health Centre 10am—12noon Contact Susie on 4652 1236 or Virginia on 4670 0700 10th October Friday Ex Hospital Flock Catch Up 11.30am Royal Hotel Contact Joan 4671 1751 18th October Saturday St Mary’s Moonlight Carnival See Page 4 11th & 12th October Open Gardens Australia Garden Open Day See Page 5 for details Stage Workshops At the GSS Contact Liea on 0407154145 Care Goondiwindi 27th October Monday Morning Tea with Melodies 9.30am—12pm Contact Gloria 4671 1246 Ph. 07 46 700 700 31st October Friday St Mary’s Pre Melbourne Cup Luncheon 11.30am Contact Jane 4675 4132 Live @ the Hut 7—9pm Pauline Clyne 4671 2223 Yelarbon Dance 7.30pm Soldiers Memorial Hall Kay Hickey 4675 1127 Care Goondiwindi Association Inc. Annual General Meeting Thursday, 23rd October 2014 6pm at Care Goondiwindi. Entrance from back lane adjacent to Royal Hotel car park Contact Care on 4670 0700 for more information. 3 Care Goondiwindi Hi everyone, Welcome to the October edition of the Getting out in Gundy magazine. Care Goondiwindi’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd October 2014 and I would encourage all interested people to attend, the organisation is also trying to boost membership this year and I am really keen for local residents to become members of this vibrant and relevant organisation working in our community. Remember if you have any questions regarding any of our programmes please give us a call, send us an email or simply drop in and I’m sure one of our staff will be able to assist you. Thank you Getting out in Gundy Care Goondiwindi Association Inc. 56 Marshall Street PO Box 687 Goondiwindi Qld 4390 Funded by Qld Government. Department of Communities. Editor: Contact: Kirsty Dowling Community Development Coordinator *Like us on Facebook for your regular event up-dates! Production: Kirsty Dowling and Kellie Rice Tracy MacDonald MANAGER Phone: 07 4670 0700 E: DEADLINE FOR GETTING OUT IN GUNDY Please submit your information by Monday 13th October to for inclusion in the October edition of the Getting out in Gundy. FREE Counselling CASHBACK for Goondiwindi Shoppers Psychologist: Suzie Collins Providing support for: depression, anxiety, parenting concerns, child behavior concerns, drug and alcohol issues Ph: (07) 46714380 for an appointment Centacare Waggamba Square, Goondiwindi (07) 4671 4380 Getting out in Gundy What if you could receive CASHBACK from all your shopping?! (locally and away). Not another rewards or points system, but CASH. … on every dollar you spend. Local mum, Sheree Wright is helping to introduce something big to Goondiwindi – see how YOU can benefit contact Sheree: Check us out on Facebook October 2014 4 Morning Tea with Melodies Date: Monday 27/10/14 Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon Day at St Mary’s Parish Centre, Callandoon Street, Goondiwindi From 9.30am—12pm To include Morning Tea Great Entertainment Raffles, Craft Stall, Lucky Door Prizes All proceeds to Breast Cancer Awareness and Breast Cancer Research Contact: Gloria Cory 46711246 or Bevis Gibson 0746711242 50TH ANNIVERSARY The Lundavra State School 50th Anniversary and Time Capsule Opening At Lundavra State School On Sunday 5th October 2014 From 10am—4pm Enquiries: do-re-mi Music for Children Enrol now for Term 4 Class numbers limited to a maximum of 12 children per class. Classes available: Tiny Tots & Toddlers (1-2 yrs) Level 1 (3-4 yrs) Level 2 (Prep/year 1) If you wish to enroll, or would like more information please do one of the following ASAP: Leave a message on facebook at: www.facebook/doremigoondiwindi send an email to: Text or phone: 0403 982 402 Care Goondiwindi Ph. 07 46 700 700 5 2014 KINDY DINNER FUNDRAISER! Saturday 25th October @ Golden Age Centre. $45 pp includes meal & entertainment THEME: 1969 Love Child !! For Info ph Kirsty 0412459784 or Kate 0428456971. Please come along & support the Gundy Kindergarten’s major fundraiser!!!! All Welcome! OPEN GARDENS AUSTRALIA 11th & 12th October Garden Open Days ‘Lucas Garden’ - 59 Rivergum's Drive Goondiwindi 10am—4.30pm $8 entry “Cleveland” - North Star Rd North Star NSW—10AM—4.30PM $8 entry Contact Helen Woods for further information on 4671 1248 “BURNING POETRY” 6-9pm Goondiwindi State High School A night of pleasing poetry, daring drama, mad music and hot food. Don’t miss this sensational night of student and professional performance” Free Entry For more information please contact the Goondiwindi State High School on 4670 0333 Stage Performance Workshops 18th & 19th October Williams Room Goondiwindi State School Early Bird Rego $20 after this $25. More info call Liea 0407154145. Getting out in Gundy October 2014 6 REGULARS RURAL WOMEN’S OUTREACH LEGAL SERVICE MONDY 13TH OCTOBER (Toowoomba Advocacy & Support Centre) For appointments contact 4616 9700 and speak to Marie. CHARITY SEWING / CRAFT GROUP Thursdays - Golden Age Centre 9.30am-3.00pm Fabric, etc. supplied for group or work at home Lorraine (07) 4671 2252 GOONDIWINDI MARKETS Sunday 12th October Goondiwindi Town Park - 8am-2pm (Second Sunday of Month) Roger Lee Koo (07) 4671 1436 BOOK CLUB Wednesday 8th October The Nook & Cranny Bookshop - 126 Marshall Street - 9.45am - Free (2nd Wednesday of Month) Bev Cranney (07) 4671 5690 LIVE @ THE HUT Friday 31st October Yelarbon Anglican Hall - 10am-3pm Cost $1.00 to cover power (2nd and 4th Wednesdays) Margie Guelfi (07) 4675 1223 or Leonie (07) 4671 0778 ST MARY’S PRE MELBOURNE CUP LUNCHEON Friday 31st October St Mary’s Parish Centre Contact Jane on (07) 4675 4132 or 0401 042 041 MOBILE WOMEN’S HEALTH SERVICE 8th & 14th October Goondiwindi Hospital Phone (07) 4671 6666 for bookings SOCIAL CROQUET Tuesdays - Goondiwindi Bowls Club 8:30am - $9 to play - Includes morning tea - All equipment supplied Ann Webster (07) 4671 2738 YELARBON DANCE Friday 31st October Soldiers Memorial Hall 7.30pm to midnight Performers Platform - The Hut Cnr Callandoon & Frideswide Street 7-9pm - $5.00 per person (Last Friday of Month) Pauline Clyne (07) 4671 2223 Care Goondiwindi YELARBON CRAFT DAYS Wednesday 8th & 22nd October Kay Hickey (07) 4675 1127 COMMUNITY GARDEN MEETING Wednesday 29th October 6PM @ Goondiwindi LAC Office Contact Jane Hudson 0439026908 Ph. 07 46 700 700 7 Gateway to Training Apply First Aid – Goondiwindi Thursday, 30 October 8.00am—5.00pm Friday, 21 November 8.00am—5.oopm Saturday, 13 December 8.00am—5.oopm Apply First Aid—St George Saturday, 22 November 8.00am—5.00pm Queensland Boat Licence Sunday, 23 November 7.30am—4.00pm Firearms Safety Saturday, 6 December 9.30am—1pm Floral Arrangements—5 Session Course Saturday, 11October to 8 November 9.30am—11.30am Introduction to Excel—2 Night Course Mon, 13 & Wed 15 Oct 5.30pm –8.30pm Intermediate Excel—2 Night Course Mon 20 & Wed 22 October 5.30pm—8.30pm Expressions of Interest Cert lll in Business or Cert lll in Business (Retail Specialization) Cert lll in Hospitality Cert lll in Business Administration Computer Skills—Basic, Intermediate, Internet, Email Traffic Control Money Management Program Contact GTT on (07) 4671 2258 Are you sick of your money not lasting? Gain the skills to become financially independent with our 2 day program Covering topics: Making your Money Last Until Payday Planning for the future How can banks help Managing paperwork Join this fun interactive 2 day workshop & start taking control of your life. Workshop dates for October: 7th & 8th October 21st & 22nd October Workshops held at Care Goondiwindi Office from 10am to 3pm Morning Tea and Lunch provided Phone Cheryl Moggs at Care Goondiwindi on Getting out in Gundy October 2014 8 GOONDIWINDI RIVER DRAGONS All welcome to come down on Sunday mornings for Dragon Boating @ the Botanical Gardens $5 for a paddle Check out Facebook for further details Contact Jo Marschall 0400889097 Depot (07) 4671 1366 Manns Transport 43 Herbert St Gdi Care Goondiwindi Community Legal Service (CGCLS) GOONDIWINDI BOWLS CLUB Social Membership $10 Tuesday: Veteran Social Bowls 8.30am—9am start Croquet 8.30am for 9am start Bingo Eyes Down 6.30pm Wednesday:Ladies Bowls 8.30am for 9am start Thursday:Bingo Eyes Down 11am Mixed Social Bowls 1.30pm for 2pm start Sunday:Mixed Social Bowls 1pm for 1.30pm start + Members Draw Croquet Social Play 3.30pm Kitchen Open Tuesday & Thursdays for Lunches 12—2pm and Dinners 6pm—8pm Friday & Saturday—Dinner Only 6pm—8pm (QLD & NSW matters) Solicitor - Felix Turnbull Appointment Times Monday: 9.00 am to 4.30pm Tuesday: 3:00pm to 7:00pm Wednesday: 9:00am to 11:00am Thursday and Friday: if available Call the CGCLS on (07) 4670 0716 to make appointments or enquiries TASC Rural Women’s Outreach Legal Services Call 07 4616 9700 for appointments For All Bookings call (07) 46713777 or 0429308900 Thursday night Raffles from 6pm and Members Draw Care Goondiwindi Ph. 07 46 700 700 9 Chantal Masters Assoc MAPS Psychologist Family Circle Psychology Email: Mob: 0427 623 916 Fax: 07 4671 0495 Counselling address: Lot 5 Town Common Road, Goondiwindi I am available Mon-Wed in Goondiwindi and travel The Goondiwindi Local Charity Dance Group would like it known that Social Dance Classes are being held on the second Wednesday night of each month for the remainder of this year, from 6.00pm to 9.00pm at the Golden Age Centre. For further information contact Trish on 46713045. GOONDIWINDI PCYC ACTIVITIES TIMETABLE Fitness Classes AMEX Beginners to Winners Fifty Plus Cardio Challenge (Ladies Only) Scupt Focus TBT’S HIIT Fit Box Activities Gymnasium Mon, Wed, Fri 5.45am Tues & Thurs 6am Mon 9.30am, Fri 9am Mon 10.30am Mon 6pm Tues 6pm Wed 6pm Thurs 6pm Open Mon—Fri 6am—8pm Boxing Juniors—5pm—5.45pm Mon, Wed, Thurs Seniors—5.30—6.45pm Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs Basketball—Juniors Dance 5.30—6.30pm Friday 5pm—8pm Mon, Tues, Thurs Goondiwindi Bowls & Hospital Auxiliary Charity Bowls Day Monday 6th October @ 12midday 4 players per team Costs $80 per team Prizes for touches Dress: Smart Casual with flat sole shoes or barefoot Includes 2 games of Bowls plus a BBQ Lunch Novelty Events Multi Draw Raffle For further Enquiries: Bowls Club 4671 3777 or 0429308900 ARTS COUNCIL CONCERT Sunday 12th October 1.30pm @ Community Centre No Need to Book Please call 4671 5677 for more information Getting out in Gundy October 2014 10 PARENTS GROUPS STORY TELLING AT THE BOOK SHOP Nook & Cranny, 126 Marshall St 1st Tuesday month - 10am - FREE This month - Tuesday 7th October Contact Bev Cranney (07) 4671 5690 KINDER MOVES Running every Wednesday from 15th October until 26th November @ PCYC 10am Program is for 0—5yr olds $5 for members & $7 for nonmembers No need to RSVP More info ph Kirsty 46700700 MUSIC FOR CHILDREN Performing Arts Hut, Callandoon Street Children 0 to 4 years Parent directed songs, rhymes, rhythm and movement Contact Sue Masel (07) 4671 3300 or Benita Klowss (07) 4671 5613 WRIGGLE, JIGGLE, READ GIGGLE! Goondiwindi Library, 4 McLean St 2nd Tuesday month - 10.30am - FREE Contact June Horn (07) 4671 7470 This month—Tuesday 14th October MONDAY PLAYGROUP Family Day Care Centre, 28 George Street 9 to 11am $3 per family per week plus PQA annual membership Every Monday during school term Contact Pamela Schramm 0413 043 457 INGLEWOOD PLAYGROUP For Under 5’s—activities, morning tea & Face Painting At Community Health Centre 10am—12 noon This month—Thursday 16th October Contact Virginia Shipp (07) 4670 0700 or Susie Clarke on (07) 4652 1236 Care Goondiwindi Parenting Information Maternity, Child & Family Health Services Contact Child Health Nurses Debra Park or Antoinette Archer Ph. 07 46 700 700 11 SENIORS GROUPS Older Person’s Network Luncheon Wednesday 15th October O’Shea’s Royal Hotel 12 midday $12.50pp RSVP essential Kirsty 46700700 Transport Available $2pp OPN DATE CLAIMER: Mystery Tour 25th Nov…….!!!! Lunch at Chinese Restaurant Thursday 23rd October 12midday Pay for own lunch special dish RSVP Essential 46700700 Gundy Grey’s BBQ 30th October @ Botanical Gardens. Ex Hospital Flock Catch Up 10th October @ The Royal Hotel 11.30am And also on 12th December @ The Royal Hotel 11.30am Contact Joan 4671 1751 or Faye 0497260027 TAX HELP 2014 Free Service to Lodge your TAX RETURNS Call Care Goondiwindi Ph: 46 700700 To make an appointment Croquet—Tuesdays 8am for an 8.30am start Contact Maria McGoffin 4671 1883 Care Goondiwindi’s MEDICO TRANSPORT SERVICE Available Monday-Friday 9.15am-3.45pm (07) 4670 0700 $2 fee for transport U3A GOONDIWINDI ACTIVITIES Membership is $25 Single & $40 Couple Activities you can get involved in are: Mah-Jong, Learning I Pads, Meditation & Yoga, Basic Bridge, Wine Appreciation, Sewing/Patchwork, Bird Watching, Cryptic Cross Words, Felting, Art Group, Mosaics, Morning Walks, Croquet & Bowls, Dancing, Over 50’s exercises, Pilates, Photography Club, Worm Farming and Tai Kwon Do. The U3A group has a full list of contact details for each activity. Call Margot on 4671 4884 or Judy on 4671 1973 for more information about joining the activities. Getting out in Gundy Care Goondiwindi would like to sincerely thank the following The Goondiwindi Regional Council, The Border Women in Business & O’Shea’s Royal Hotel with their support of our event “An Evening With Amanda Gore” Thank you to all that attended & supported this great night. October 2014 LOCAL SERVICES STATE & NATIONAL SERVICES Blue Care (07) 4670 0600 Campbell Page Employment (07) 4671 8380 Care for the Aged (07) 4675 4132 Care Goondiwindi (07) 4670 0700 Care Community Legal Service (07) 4670 0716 Centacare SWQ Psychology Service (07) 4671 4380 Counselling at Care Goondiwindi (07) 4670 0700 Disability Services Qld (07) 4671 4809 Drug Arm (07) 4671 2197 Goondiwindi Community Health Community Health Nurse (07) 4677 7555 Child & Family Health Nurse (07) 4671 6423 Home Care (07) 4652 0777 Goondiwindi Hospital (07) 4671 6666 Goondiwindi Indigenous Health (07) 4671 6439 Goondiwindi Medical Centre (07) 4671 1444 Goondiwindi Mental Health Adult - (07) 4677 7554 Indigenous (07) 4677 7559 Child and Youth (07) 46 777 553 Goondiwindi Police (07) 4671 7777 Goondiwindi Police Citizens Youth Club (07) 4671 5677 Kaloma Home for the Aged (07) 4671 1422 Mission Australia Employment (07) 4671 0475 Psychologist Marié le Roux (07) 4671 1360 Rural Financial Counselling Service (07) 4671 4892 St Vincent de Paul Op Shop St Vincent's Family Support (07) 4671 2628 EMERGENCIES Triple Zero 0 0 0 13 HEALTH (Health Concerns) 13 43 25 84 beyondblue (national depression initiative) 1300 224 636 Breastfeeding Helpline (07) 3844 8977 Cancer Council Hotline 13 11 20 Centrelink 13 10 21 Child Abuse (After Hours Reporting) 1800 177 135 Child Support Agency 131 272 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Dads In Distress 1300 853 437 Dept Employment & Industrial Relations 1300 369 945 Dept Housing (SW Qld) 1800 623 435 Drug Alcohol Info 1800 177 833 DV Connect 1800 811 811 Gambling Helpline 1800 222 050 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Legal Aid Qld 1300 651 188 Lifeline 13 11 14 Mensline 1300 789 978 Parent Line 1300 30 1300 Poisons Information 131 126 Pregnancy Problem Centre 1800 090 777 Relationships Australia 1300 364 277 Residential Tenancies Authority 1300 366 311 SES (State Emergency Service) 132 500 Sexual Assault Helpline 1800 010 120 Vital Health (07) 4622 4322 Welfare Rights 1800 358 511 Women’s Info Link 1800 177 577 Workplace Info line 1300 363 264
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