Enter the Singapore Solar Boom SIA Professional Knowledge Series: EVENT DETAILS Synopsis

SIA Professional Knowledge Series:
Enter the Singapore Solar Boom
Rooftop solar installations are on the rise in Singapore due
to the rapid reduction in the price of solar power combined
with the Singapore governments push for large solar
deployment. Solar electricity has now tipped the scales to be
a cheaper form of electricity than that provided by the
Singapore grid so the market is poised for significant
growth. Understanding how solar integrates into a building
is becoming more important for designers, builders and
architects whether it be for immediate installation or futureproofing.
Emphasis will be on the roofing solution to receive the solar
How Solar Works
The production of solar power is an electrical system fuelled
by sunlight. The efficiency of the entire system is dependent
upon the access of sunlight due to orientation of the panels,
avoiding shading obstructions and using quality equipment.
Understanding the basic principles of what drives good
design and the features of a project that makes solar a solid
investment will be uncovered in this session.
Practical Implementation
The second stanza of the evening will give an overview of
project examples in Singapore and abroad, of PV integrated
into buildings.
: 13 November 2014, Thursday
: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
(Registration will start from 6.30pm onwards with
light refreshment @ Level 4 - Y Terrace)
: YMCA International House
One Orchard Road, (S) 238824
Tan Chin Tuan Function Room 2 (level 4)
(Nearby carparks:
BOA-SIA CPD : 2 CPD points
Seminar fees : SIA Members* (Complimentary),
Non Members ($65.00)
(fees inclusive of GST)
Closing date : 06 November 2014
* For SIA Members whose registrations have been confirmed, attendance is
compulsory. Absentee/Cancellations 3 days or less before the event will be
charged at $20.00. Verbal notification of cancellation is not acceptable.
** Registration for attendance of seminar shall be closed 30 mins after
the seminar commences.
Registration with Light Refreshment
Presentation by Mr. Nick Rose
Presentation by Mr. Felix Tan
End of event
For more information, please contact SIA (Ms Jacey Tay):
(65) 6226 2663
Jointly Organized by:
GST REG. NO.: M9-0001281-J
G.N. No. 565 in Gazette No. 27
SIA Professional Knowledge Series:
Enter the Singapore Solar Boom
Speakers’ Profile
Mr. Nick Rose
Technical Manager, Asia Pacific
REC Solar Pte Ltd
A University of New South Wales graduate in Photovoltaics, Nick has had ten
years of experience in the industry. In his previous role as an EPC provider, Nick
collaborated with the University of Queensland on energy performance
prediction software to differentiate PV modules from one another. Nick
combines this engineering skill with his Masters in Finance to perform project
feasibility and projected IRRs based upon accurate yield predictions. In his role
as a design engineer in EPC Nick has had experience with thin film and silicon
modules for projects up to 100MW.
Mr. Felix Tan
Business Manager
Sika Singapore Pte Ltd
Felix has been in the construction industry since 1985. He is equipped with
technical competence in civil engineering and has site experience for more
than 6 years.
Experienced in Waterproofing, Flooring, Roofing, Concrete Repair, Fireprotection and Facade Sealing & Bonding.
GST REG. NO.: M9-0001281-J
G.N. No. 565 in Gazette No. 27
Application Form
[SAP Code: 2PK-4201050-050]
GST REG. NO.: M9-0001281-J
G.N. No. 565 in Gazette No. 27
: [SIA Professional Knowledge Series] Enter the Singapore Solar Boom
: 13 November 2014, Thursday
: 7.00PM - 9.00PM (Registration will start from 6.30pm onwards with light refreshment @ Level 4 - Y Terrace)
: YMCA International House [One Orchard Road, S(238824)] - Tan Chin Tuan Function Room 2 (level 4)
(Nearby carparks: http://apex.sia.org.sg/xshare/YMCA_Carpark_Nearby.pdf)
BOA-SIA CPD : 2 CPD points
Seminar fee
: SIA Members* (Complimentary), Non Members ($65.00) – fees inclusive of GST
Closing date
: 06 November 2014
* For SIA Members whose registrations have been confirmed, attendance is compulsory. Absentee/Cancellations 3 days or less before the event will be charged at $20.00.
Verbal notification of cancellation is not acceptable.
Please fax / email the completed registration form to Ms Jacey Tay:
Fax: (65) 6226 2663
Email: cpd@sia.org.sg
And follow up with cheque / cash / online payment to Singapore Institute of Architects.
Please tick your mode of payment:
[ ] By Cheque
Bank/Chq # : _____________________ Amt S$: ___________
Local Cheque (must be drawn in Singapore) should be crossed
and made payable to “Singapore Institute of Architects”.
[ ] By Cash
You can drop by SIA office to make cash payment between
9.30am – 5.30pm on weekdays.
Mail to SIA address:
Singapore Institute of Architects
Eunos Technolink, Blk 3 Kaki Bukit Road 1, #02-01, (S)415935
Please indicate your name, company/institution and course date/title on the back of the cheque.
Participant’s Detail
Organization: _____________________________________________________ Contact Person (if any): ____________________________________
Tel: ____________________________ Fax: ____________________________ Email: __________________________________________________
Receipt Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ S (
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HP #:
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Non Member, BOA # (if any): [
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Non Member, BOA # (if any): [
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HP #:
SIA Member, SIA #: [
Non Member, BOA # (if any): [
**Please take note that all the above fields are mandatory. Incomplete form
will not be process.
Cheque payment for this activity should not be combined with payment for other SIA
Fees paid are non-refundable under all circumstances. Replacement of participant will
be allowed only if written notification is made at least 3 days before the event.
Where a Non-Member replaces a Member (must be from the same Org.) the fee
difference will have to be made good to SIA prior to the event.
Registration for attendance of seminar shall be closed 30 mins after the seminar
Registration will be on a First-Come-First-Served basis and will be accepted
upon receipt of registration form and payment to SIA. Registration by fax will
only be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
Registration Confirmation No.:-