NAS WHITING FIELD OCTOBER 28TH – 31ST 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Tuesday Oct 28th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elcome Barbecue / Event Sign-up -Tuesday October 28th, 1100 -Free for NHA members w/purchase of “ALL ACCESS PASS” -$5 for non-NHA members and walk-ups -Pulled Pork & Brisket from Grover T’s BBQ -Sponsored by AgustaWestland -Opportunity to sign-up for events -Registration will be available on NHA website, LIVE 06 OCT -NHA Membership staff on station to collect money, register people for events, and promote membership *POC: LT Katie Stewart: 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Arrivals (Tuesday Oct 28th 1300-1600) COURSE RULES: -Standard VFR/IFR rules apply during aircraft recovery for non-TRAWING5 aircraft. -Standard IFR recovery is PAR-RWY32 -Standard VFR recovery is to active RWY (ATIS dependent) -Course rules for local area operation will be provided on Tuesday at 1600 after arrival (and Wednesday morning at 0730 for late arrivals) -Smart Packs provided to fleet crews at course rules brief 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Arrivals: NAS Whiting Field Rules -No Closed Field OPS -Please stick to recovery/departure windows to the max extent possible. -! Arrivals: Tuesday Oct. 28th, 1300-1600 CST -! Departures: Friday Oct. 31st, 0800-1200 CST -Armament should be minimized. 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Arrivals: PPR -All fleet crews will coordinate PPR with Whiting Field Base Ops for planning purposes -Please contact the Base ODO: 850-623-7475 or DSN: 868-7597/7598 -Reference the “Fleet Fly-In” 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Arrivals: Parking Plan -Upon landing, all aircraft will be taxied into the line environment for shutdown (parking diagram on next slide) *Please stick to recovery/departure windows to the max extent possible to help NASWF support personnel/resources 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Arrivals: Fuel -! F-24 (JET-A ++) pumped at NASWF (**NOT JP-8) -! Cold refueling only -! Fleet aircrews must bring IDENTIPLATE (white and blue) fuel cards to pay for fuel. -! Expect to be cold fueled upon arrival/shutdown, to facilitate orientation flights the next day -! One crewmember must be present for fueling operations -! Info required: squadron, DSN, and PIC 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Airfield Diagram: 23 14 Aircraft Parking 05 32 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP PARKING DIAGRAM: TH-57s TH-57 Overflow parking Civilian 53: 60 primary 53 Osprey: 53 22 22 Skids: 60 overflow 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Car Rental Plan -For fleet crews only, service members on regular TAD will be required to book their own rental cars -Cars will be pre-staged at KNDZ (instructor parking lot) -Cars will be coordinated with Enterprise at KPNS, and driven to Whiting Field on Monday, October 27th -Please communicate with LT John Geary or LT Pat Salvitti if your crew needs a rental car -Base Security protocol in progress *POC: LT John Geary, Cell #: 407-864-1776 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Crash Crew Orientation (1300-1600) -Will be conducted with KNDZ crash crews on the flight line upon recovery at Whiting Field. -One crewmember required to brief NDZ crash crews, in order to provide safe operation during student orientation flights at OLFs. -Bump Plan: Late fleet crew arrivals (maintenance/weather) will brief with crash crews on the flight line prior to launching on student orientation flights (Wednesday, 0800-0900) *POC: LT Kenyatto Mayes, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Detailer Briefings / Meetings (PERS-432H) -Detailers will make themselves available during the week to conduct one-on-one meetings with IPs -Mass detailer briefing to be conducted on Tuesday at 1400-1500 in Sikes Hall for all interested parties -PERS team: LCDR Kelly Harrison LT Peterson CDR Arthur LCDR Dave Ayotte -HT and VT IPs will be pre-scheduled for 20 minute blocks during Tuesday and Wednesday. HT-18 Conference Room. -Time blocks will be evenly distributed amongst the squadrons *POC: LCDR Ronald Dillard, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Industry Displays -Will be held during the week at Sikes Hall on a not-to-interfere basis with official Fleet Fly-In events -Vendors will be provided tables lining the back wall of Sikes Hall -Students and IPs will have the opportunity to visit the displays during the course of the week at their discretion. -List of Vendors: AugustaWestland 12 O’clock High Sikorsky Dart Aerospace Airbus L3/VERTEX Bell FLIR USAA Airborne Engines, Ltd Lockheed Martin *POC: LT Cam Bouton, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Course Rules Brief (1630) -Held in Sikes Hall, briefed by senior IP -SmartPacks will be provided to fleet crews *Bump Plan: Late arrival crews will be briefed on Wednesday morning at 0800 in the AirOps Auditorium, prior to the first student orientation flights. *POC: LT John Cadecutt, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Member’s Reunion (1800-TBD) -Held at the Fish House’s “Pilot House” room at 1800 -Sponsored by Sikorsky -Free for NHA members w/purchase of “ALL ACCESS PASS” -$10 for non-NHA members and walk-ups -Food and drinks provided -Beer and wine will be served with admission. Liquor will be available, but must be purchased out-of-pocket -Vans will be staged at the BOQ at 1730 to drive fleet crews downtown from NASWF -Vans will make laps to/from the Fish House to provide safe transport for personnel staying on base. -Return trips to run at 1930, 2000, 2030, 2100,2130, 2200 *POC: LT Kurt Laughery, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP TIPSY TAXI HT Tipsy Taxi Program Yellow Cab: (850) 433-3333 NAMTRAGRU Account #190 Duty Office: 850-623-7188 **HT-8/18/28 will reimburse the providing taxi service, including fair and tip *POC: LT Matthew Goodavish, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Wednesday Oct 29th !"#$%&#'(#)*+,!"#!$!%!! &'()*+,-.(&*/01-*.2/3'.!"#!$!%#! !6!!$!678 2/3'&'9.,3:1,4* !6!!$!6#! =2),*3.,)03*.>,&3<.?<2,.01+3.1,,&@10*A./&02+*B !6!!$!6#! =,1*5.=,3D.1&,=,1<+.2,&3'+1+&2'.?1&,=,3D:3'B !%!!$7E!! 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Gary Kling, USMC -TW-5 Commodore -Mandatory item for all HT SNAs and IPs, and will be listed as such on squadron flight schedules *POC: LT Matt Spence, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Commodores / FRS / HT-COs/ IP meeting -Interactive forum with current community Commodores -HSC: Held in Sikes Hall at 0900-1030 -HSM: Held in the Atrium 0900-1030 -HM: Held in the HT-8 Wardroom 0900-1030 -Speakers and Schedule TBD *POC: LT John Cadecutt, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Student Orientation Flights Scheduled Fly-Window are: -Wednesday October 29th, 1030-1600 -Thursday October 30th, 1300-1600 -Fleet crews are encouraged to participate in as many flight windows as possible to facilitate maximum student participation -However, crews are welcome to participate in as many, or as few windows as they deem appropriate. -Fleet crews will communicate desired flight windows to Fly-In Coordinator (LT Salvitti) and Orientation Flight Coordinator (LT Andrea Giuliano) prior to COB Friday October 24th. This will assist in the planning and coordination of student flights. 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Student Orientation Flights (cont.) -Fleet crews will bring extra helmets/ICS equipment for student orientation flights -Course Rules brief to be provided upon arrival -Senior students (familiar with course rules) will be used for initial flights to assist fleet crews with finding OLFs -Senior students will be utilized for final flights of the day, to assist fleet crews with course rules home to KNDZ *POC: LT Andrea Giuliano, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Student Orientation Flights (cont.) NAVY OLFs to be used: -! CHOCTAW: CH-53E, MH-60S -! HAROLD: AH-1, UH-1 -! SANTA ROSA: MH-60R, H-65 -! CH-53E, MH-60S will be loaded with students at home field and transported to OLF for individual orientation flights -! AH-1, UH-1, MH-60R, H-65 will embark a single student at KNDZ for transport to the OLFs. The remaining SNAs will be shuttled to Harold and Santa Rosa, where they will be cycled through their orientation flights. POC: LT Andrea Giuliano, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP HT Skills Competition -Held at KNDZ to kick-off the Fleet Fly-In -Plans still being finalized -Event will consist of a crew from each squadron (8/18/28) performing standard FTI maneuvers, which will be graded by Wing STAN officer. -Overall winner will be recognized at the end of the Ready Room Crawl, and their squadron will be presented with a trophy *POC: LT Forrest French, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP NHA Scholarship and Historical Society Golf Outing -NAS Whiting Field Golf Course -Sponsored by Sikorsky -$45 for NHA members / $55 for non-NHA members -Lunch, Golf, Cart, and Range Balls included -Food provided and served by NASWF on-base catering service -1200 lunch / 1300 tee-off -Rental club availability is limited -Closest to the pin / longest drive contests -Bump plan: in the event of weather/rain-out, lunch will still be served, and prizes will be raffled-off. Refund all money except $15 to cover the cost of food and donation to NHA ???? **Tournament fill-up quickly, submit foursomes to LT Jim Hinds: 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP NHA Scholarship and Historical Society Golf Outing (cont.) -Hole-in-one car giveaways from Milton Chevy -Prizes/trophies sponsored by L3/VERTEX -6-pack Koozies sponsored by FLIR: *POC: LT Jim Hinds, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Spouses’ Forum -Wednesday October 29th, 1700 at the Atrium -Free for all attendees -Sponsored by Hover Girl Properties -Light food and drinks provided -Guest speaker Mrs. Joy Doyle -Interactive forum with community and location briefs for IP and SNA spouses -Speakers will be active duty IPs and Fleet Aviators, whom will speak about different geographic regions and duty stations *POC: LT Kat Ogden, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Ready Room Crawl -Wednesday October 29th, 1700 -Free for NHA members w/purchase of: “ALL ACCESS PASS” -$5 for non-NHA members and walk-ups -Sponsored by Sikorsky and FLIR -Food and drinks provided -Plastic 22 oz. cups sponsored by FLIR: (*opted for plastic rather than glass to preclude broken glasses as participants walk between ready rooms) -Participants can re-trace their steps as an HT student!! -Crawl will visit HT-28, HT-8, HT-18, and end at Ace’s to coincide with awards ceremony for golf and the HT skills competition *POC: LT Matt Paul, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Thursday Oct 30th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Ǿ$-.5%1 '8-.'@&>,9&*1@&=)G=-.-=8)/ =)389&<2@&C=)38C&*).-87,&<2=4:-&1'=><&.-&?5!!/ ):.&3='>9-8',&B>>-=)4&*1@&=)G=-.-=8)/ )8&8<<=9=.2&,89=.2&>G>)-,&72.))>3&0&.9>H,&C=22&1>&87>)& 1234&56++&78'9:;<2=4:-2=)> ,=%>,&:.22 ,=%>,&:.22 ,=%>,&:.22 1.,>&-:>.->' .-'=(B .='&87,&.(3=-8'=(B&0&1234&?D+? ,=%>,&:.22 1.,>&-:>.->' 1234&56++&78'9: 1234&?D!?&0&1.,>&98&98)<&'88B 1234&56++ 1234&?D!?&1.,>&98&98)<&'88B ). 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP 5K Fun Run -Thursday October 30th, 0630 show /0700 start on the flightline -Sponsored by AgustaWestland -Free for NHA members w/purchase of “ALL ACCESS PASS” -$5 for non-NHA members and walk-ups -T-shirts, water and refreshments provided to all participants *POC: LT Jeremy Hans, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP 5K Fun Run T-Shirt Design: Front: Back: Left sleeve: Right sleeve: *POC: LT Jeremy Hans, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce Breakfast -Thursday October 30th, 0730 at Sikes Hall -Annual breakfast with Chamber of Commerce members and base leadership -Attendees being confirmed -Catered by MWR staff *POC: CDR Rob Sinram, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Community Briefs - Navy -Thursday October 30th, 0900 at Sikes Hall -Interactive forum between current fleet pilots, IPs, and SNAs -10 to 15 minutes on each community -Primarily briefed by fleet pilots; backed-up with HT IPs as needed -Speaker schedule being finalized (pending final attendee list) *POC: LT Adam Boyd, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Community Briefs – Coast Guard -Thursday October 30th, 0900 at Atrium -Interactive forum between current fleet pilots, IPs, and SNAs -10 to 15 minutes on each community -Primarily briefed by fleet pilots; backed-up with HT IPs as needed -Speaker schedule being finalized (pending final attendee list) *POC: LT Rob Wright, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Community Briefs - USMC -Thursday October 30th, 0900 at the Base Theater -Interactive forum between current fleet pilots, IPs, and SNAs -10 to 15 minutes on each community -Primarily briefed by fleet pilots; backed-up with HT IPs as needed -Speaker schedule being finalized (pending final attendee list) *POC: CAPT Wes McCray, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Community Briefs - Aircrew -Thursday October 30th, 0900 at the Base Theater -Interactive forum between current fleet aircrewmen and student aircrewmen -Aircrewmen from NAS Pensacola will be transported to NAS Whiting Field for the briefs -Speaker schedule being finalized (pending final attendee list) *POC: AWRC Steven Bean, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Senior Officer Panel -Thursday October 30th, 1030-1200 at NASWF Base Theater -Discussion on the current and future status of rotary aviation -Mandatory for all students and IPs -Moderator TBD -Panel Members: 1- CAPT Larry Vincent, Commodore COMHSCWINGPAC 2- CAPT Todd Flannery, Commander, Helicopter Sea Combat Wing Atlantic 3- CAPT Shawn Malone, Commander, Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing 4- CAPT Malcolm Potts, Commander, Amphibious Squadron One 5- CAPT Mark Murray, Deputy Commodore TW5 6- Col. Eric Buer, MATSG-21 CO 7- CAPT Clayton Conley, Commander, Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing Atlantic 8- CAPT Mike Steffen, Maritime Support Wing OIC *POC: LT John Geary, 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Aircrew Lunch -Sponsored by DART Aerospace -Free for NHA members w/purchase of: “ALL ACCESS PASS” -$5 for non-NHA members and walk-ups -Hamburgers and hot dogs grilled by aircrewmen on HT-18 back porch -Designed to provide food to fleet crews and SNAs during orientation flight windows -Proceeds go to HT-8/18/28 All Hand Fund 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Rotary ESC -BLDG 1401, BASE CO’s Conference Room, 1300-1500 -Agenda and committee members-TBD Call-in Information: Dial from any phone, 1-877-985-3011 and then enter their passcode: Leader enters code: 7831065 followed by #. Participants enter Code: 4892151 followed by # . Up to twenty callers may dial in to join the teleconference When complete, simply hang up. 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP NHA Director’s Meeting -BLDG 1401, BASE CO’s Conference Room, 1530-1700 -Agenda and committee members-TBD Call-in Information: Dial from any phone, 1-877-985-3011 and then enter their passcode: Leader enters code: 7831065 followed by #. Participants enter Code: 4892151 followed by # . Up to twenty callers may dial in to join the teleconference When complete, simply hang up. 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Friday Oct 31st !"#$%&#"'#()*+, !"!!#!$!! %&''()*+,-,'.)/,'*0%*1()#)-.$/-$*01#23#4$%56001#78*&+/ !"!!#94!! *+,-,*%()2'6*,(:,').+;27.<)*+,-,'.),';(*&)-*,),'(:,; !$!!#94!! 8()1=:*2,7;1),'1:>');7,>*&)%&+38()761 /&23)4$55)67,-8 /&23)4$55)67,-8 %&+38(&+;' 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Aircrew Breakfast -Breakfast provided for departing fleet crews -Sponsored by Lockheed Martin -Free for NHA members w/purchase of: “ALL ACCESS PASS” -$5 for non-NHA members and walk-ups -Served on HT-8/18 Back porch -Available to HT IPs/SNAs/Civilians -Proceeds benefit the HT-8/18/28 All Hands Fund *POC: AWS2 Slobozien, NAS Whiting Field - BASE MAP NORTH FIELD Base Theater Base CO’s Conf. Room Golf Course Atrium HT-28 BOQ Front Gate SIKES HALL/ ACE’s/ BOQ Check-In AirOps Auditorium HT-8/18/Porch SOUTH FIELD 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP ALL ACCESS PASS -For NHA members, pay $5 for the All Access Pass, and gain free entry to: !! !! !! !! !! Welcome Aboard BBQ - ($5 otherwise) Welcome Mixer/Reunion - ($10 otherwise) Wardroom Crawl - ($5 otherwise) 5K Fun Run - ($5 otherwise) Aircrew Breakfast - ($5 otherwise) !! Pass can be pre-purchased on the NHA Website: Or purchased at the Fly-In. 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Miscellaneous: Patch Design -Patches sold before and during the Fleet Fly-In to students, IPs and other interested parties -Proceeds benefit NHA Region5 -$5 per patch 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Miscellaneous: Base Security -Contractors will be put on list held at front gate by base security -HT-8 LT posted at the front gate to assist with escorting contractors on base -Rental cars require military ID and rental agreement to gain base access. 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Miscellaneous: Maintenance Support -Local ground servicing equipment will be very limited -Fleet crews should bring their own chocks, fluids, tow bar, blade fold equipment and aircraft servicing equipment -Special request should be made asap 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Miscellaneous: Static Displays -! At least one aircrew representative shall be standing by their aircraft during static display periods -! No APU, Engine Starts or ground turns are permitted during static display periods -! Static display periods: Wednesday: 0815-0900 Thursday: 0900-1030 -! Please ensure proper towing equipment is available for aircraft repositioning 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Miscellaneous: BOQ/Hotels: -Room block set aside for “Fleet Fly-In” -Cost orders must state NAS Whiting Field -CBQ: DSN: 868-3600, COMM: 850-623-7605 -POC: LT Patrick Salvitti office: 850-623-7188 cell: 619-203-0664 Local Hotels: !! Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Milton East I-10 8510 Keshav Taylor Dr, Milton, FL (850) 626-9060 !! Comfort Inn Milton HWY 87 8936 Florida 87, Milton, FL (850) 623-1511 2014 NHA FALL JOIN-UP Questions???? Fleet Fly-In Coordinator: LT Patrick Salvitti office: 850-623-7188 cell: 619-203-0664 *Additional details and real-time updates posted on NHA website:
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