2014 SHEEP & FLEECE SCHEDULE 22 – 24 October 2014 Showgrounds Hawke’s Bay Hastings HAWKE’S BAY SHOW CONTACTS Hawke’s Bay A&P Society P O Box 349 Kenilworth Road Hastings Ph: 06 878 3123 Fax: 06 878 3121 Email: events@showgroundshb.co.nz Web: www.hawkesbayshow.co.nz General Manager Brent Linn Ph: 06 878 3123 (ext 701) Mobile: 021 868 643 Email: gm@showgroundshb.co.nz Event Manager Anna Hamilton Ph: 06 878 3123 (ext 704) Mobile: 021 244 0673 Email: events@showgroundshb.co.nz Administration Manager Carole Masters Ph: 06 878 3123 (extn 700) Email: admin@showgroundshb.co.nz OFFICE BEARERS AND COMMITTEE President: R Chambers Vice President: P Penman Hon. Treasurer: R Loach Executive Committee: Mrs M Gourlie, M N Morton, PJ Penman, J Roebuck, D Wilson Past Presidents: H S Logan, B L Pattullo, D W Hildreth, P R Holden, J R Renton, H A McKeesick, M G Lester, N R Chambers, S O Nelson, P.E Tod, R B Pattullo Honorary Life Members: H S Logan, B L Pattullo, D W Hildreth, P R Holden, J R Renton, R Lee, H A McKeesick, M G Lester, R W Klingender, E H W Hayes, N R Chambers, D R Nelson, S O Nelson, P.E Tod, R Alexander, R Duncan General Committee Roger Alexander, Tim Aitken, Ann Bary, Simon Averill, Tony Connor, Bob Bruce, Sarah Busby, Richard Chambers (Executive), Simon Collin, Ross Duncan, Richard Edmunds, David Evans, Maria Gourlie (Executive), Doug Guild, Dudley Hammond, Kevin Hansen, Doug Laing, Regan Loach (Executive), Mrs Flo MacEwan, Tim Macphee, Duncan McPhail, Don McLeod, Peter Margoliouth, Max Morton (Executive), Dave Nelson, Peter Penman (Executive), Tim Redstone, Graham Revell, Jason Roebuck (Executive), Sam Russell, Leon Stallard, Jack Tarrant, Sue Thomas, David Wilson (Executive), Les Vesty. 2 22, 23 & 24 October 2014 HEADS OF SECTION SECTION SECTION HEAD CONTACT NUMBER Cattle Sam Russell (0274) 954 127 Sheep Nick Sullivan (06) 856 8585 Alpaca Sarah Busby (06) 874 8086 Horse Maria Gourlie (06) 874 3165 Dog Trials Bob Bruce (06) 857 5132 Poultry Geoff Burton (06) 870 0718 Home Industries George Johnson (06) 878 3384 Privileges Peter Margoliouth (06) 877 7565 SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP The Society is a membership-based organisation with annual Membership running from 1 April to 31 March each year. The benefits of membership, which centre on the Society’s Annual Show, are detailed below. Membership of the Society provides you with the following: MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION SHOW ADMISSION TICKETS $75.00 (incl.) 6 entry tickets The above provides a 33% saving on public Show admission prices. Contact the HB A&P Society Office if you wish to become a member of the Society - or you may visit our website for an application form. www.hawkesbayshow.co.nz 3 22, 23 & 24 October 2014 SHEEP Hawke's Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society Showgrounds Hawke's Bay P O Box 349 Hastings T: (06) 878 3123 F: (06) 878 3121 E: events@showgroundshb.co.nz W: www.hawkesbayshow.co.nz ENTRIES CLOSE - 12 September 2014 LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED UNTIL 13 OCTOBER 2014. THEY WILL BE SUBJECT TO A 50% LATE ENTRY FEE. Disclaimer: Please note the timings in this schedule may change once final entries are received and the catalogue is produced. ALL CLASSES ARE NATURAL CONDITION UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. DECLARATION OF NATURAL CONDITION ON THE ENTRY FORM MUST BE SIGNED. Run under the by laws and regulations of the R.A.S. This is a natural condition show Monday, 13 October 2014 8.00am Prime Lamb Hoof competition Tuesday, 21 October 2014 9.00 am Fleece Wool Judging 9.00 am Black & Coloured Fleece Wool Judging Wednesday, 22 October 2014 All day, Fleece Wool Display (Under Grandstand) Thursday, 23 October 2014 9am Breed Judging and Interbreeds 9am Black & Coloured Breed Judging 4pm Presentations (includes Fleece Wool) 4.30pm Royal Event BBQ to follow Presentations – The Beehive Friday, 24 October 2014 8am Shearing 8am Wool Handling 9am Local Junior Judging – Sheep (Sheep Pavilion) 9am Local Junior Judging - Fleece (Under Grandstand) 9 am All Breeds Judging 4 22, 23 & 24 October 2014 All cash prizes will be paid out after the show into a nominated bank account. Please enter this on the entry form. This will be done within 30 days of the final show day. Non cash prizes will be available at the conclusion of the announcement of results. Each exhibitor must supervise and control their animals at all times and shall be liable for any hazards created or accident, illness or damage caused by the action of themselves or their animals at the Showgrounds. Exhibitors must comply with the appropriate animal legislation and the health and safety in employment act 2003. General Conditions: 1. Exhibitors must check their entry acknowledgement / Tax Invoice carefully. Once entries are catalogued, changes cannot be made and cannot be penned, unless the error originates with the Administration. 2. Entry Fees are inclusive of GST. 3. Sheep must be un-shorn unless otherwise stated. Date of previous shearing must be given when entry is made. Age to be declared in every case at time of entry. The age of sheep must date from the end of the third week after lambing commences. 4. In all ewe & lamb classes the quality of lambs is to be taken into consideration in all judging. 5. Ewe and her Lamb: Exhibitors are asked to note that in Ewe and Lamb Classes, lambs must be her suckling lambs. 6. Imported sheep lambed in April shall be deemed to have been born on the last day of the month. 7. The Society reserves the right to divide existing pens for the purpose of penning exhibits, should the entries necessitate such action. 8. Exhibitors are to have sheep penned no later than 8.30am on the day they are to be Judged. 9. Definition of Hogget: A sheep born after 1st July in any one year shall be considered a hogget up to and including 31 December the following year except in the case of the Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset sheep when 1 May should be substituted for 1 July. 10. Hoggets are eligible for Championship Judging. 11. Sheep must be exhibited in the class entered – no changes can be made. Natural Condition Sheep Rules: A declaration must be made on the entry form stating: (1) The actual date the sheep were shorn (2) That they were shorn evenly and close to the skin (3) That the wool has not been trimmed or locked in any way since (4) That the sheep have not been coloured or oiled, other than by dipping in a standard sheep dip preparation. No dipping or bloom dipping will be allowed within one month of exhibition. Sheep in natural condition must not be housed except in transit or covered for more than 48 hours before judging. All sheep in Natural Condition Classes will be examined by Inspectors before judging. They shall disqualify any sheep which they consider do not conform to the term natural Condition. The Inspectors decision shall be final and not subject to appeal or objection. 5 22, 23 & 24 October 2014 Bloom Dip and Artificial Colouring: The attention of Exhibitors is drawn to the provision of the Stock Amendment Act, 1963, Clause 4, which states: (1) No person shall sell or offer for sale any substance or preparation to be used, or purporting to be suitable for use, in the artificial colouring, blooming, or conditioning which results in colouring, of the wool of sheep. (2) No person shall use any such substance or preparation on any sheep or on the wool of any sheep. (3) No person shall sell, or offer for sale or bring or cause to be brought onto any land or other place at which sheep are offered for sale. Or exhibition any sheep the wool of which has been treated with any substance or preparation to which sub-section of this section applies. (4) Every person who acts in contravention of this section commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $200. Brucellosis Testing: All exhibitors must sign a declaration stating that rams entered for the Show are either: (a) From a flock currently accredited brucellosis free. Or (b) Have no palpable lesion of epididymitis and have received a negative test for ovine brucellosis. Copies of the accreditation certificate or the test certificate must be forwarded with the entry form. 6 22, 23 & 24 October 2014 Fleece Wool Entry Fees: $10.00 per entry (GST Inclusive). Prize Money - 1st $30, 2nd $20, 3rd $10 ENTRIES CLOSE AND FLEECES ARE TO BE DELIVERED TO THE SHOWGROUNDS BY 10AM TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER 2014 - NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED Judging will take place at 9am on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 All Champion & Reserve Fleeces must be available for entry into the National Golden Fleece Awards. Exhibits will be staged Under the Grandstand 1. All Fleeces to be shown SKIRTED without bellies, neck fold or heavy conditioned points. This allows the selection of the fleece at the wool table during normal shearing procedure. 2. Each fleece must have the name of the Exhibitor and Class number attached thereto. 3. Exhibits must be the property of a bona fide farmer, but it is not necessary that the exhibitor is the breeder of the sheep. 4. All Fleeces must have been shorn within the preceding 12 months and must not be more than one season's growth of wool. Wool with Tupping Crayon on it should not be skirted out. Fleeces will not be discounted for this. 5. The Committee reserves the right to change the Classes or conditions from time to time. 6. The judges may, at their own discretion, change Fleeces from the Classes that they have entered, into their correct Classes without prejudice to the exhibitors. 7. Points for weight to be on a clean scoured basis and allocated by reference to the specially drawn up table which converts the greasy fleece weight to a clean basis, by incorporating both the yield and fibre diameter quality number with the greasy weight. Exhibitors should notice little difference from the Standard weights which previously applied. Optimum Fleece characteristics - Weight: Points allocation on a clean scoured basis. Evenness: Uniformity of quality over the fleece; fibre diameter along the staple; staple length over the fleece; fibre length within the staple (includes tippiness). Soundness: Possessing adequate tensile strength for best manufacturing results. Colour: Penalty is in proportion to the degree of permanent discolouration. Crimp: Even and well defined crimp throughout the fleece. Staple: Should be clearly defined, free opening and typical of the breed. Length: Desired length for quality. Hair and other faults: Freedom from hair, kemp, pigmentation, etc. Handle: The desired handle in relation to the breed which will give best results in manufacture. Lustre or brightness: Reflection of light in a manner characteristic of the type. 7 22, 23 & 24 October 2014 As a guide the following weights are recommended:Classes 4114 4111, 4112, 4113 4110, 4117 4119 4116, 4122 4129 4115, 4126, 4121 4120, 4123 2.7kg 3kg 3.5kg 3.7kg 4kg 4.2kg 4.5kg 5kg Champion and Reserve Champion Ribbons will be awarded for the Hogget Crossbred, Mature Crossbred, Hogget Fine Wool, Mature Fine Wool, Supreme Champion Fine Wool & Supreme Champion Crossbred. Trophies for Section C J Baker Cup The D Butler & Sons Trophy Will be awarded For the Reserve Champion Mature Fleece The Douglas Mclean (Perpetual) Cup Awarded for the most points in all sections The Oakbourne Cup Presented by DC & MH Canning will be awarded to the Supreme Finewool Fleece The W Tucker Silver Entrée Dish Donated by W Tucker Ltd will be awarded for the Champion Hogget Fleece. This Trophy is to be won three times in succession or five times at intervals before being won outright The Whanawhana Trophy Presented by M G Beamish will be awarded to the Reserve Champion Hogget Fleece. To be won three times in succession or five times at intervals before being won outright. Under Grandstand 4110 4111 Fleece From Crossbred Hogget, Shorn As A Lamb, 39 Microns and coarser Fleece from Crossbred Hogget, shorn as a lamb, 33 to 38 microns inclusive 4112 Fleece from Crossbred Hogget, shorn as a lamb, 32 microns and finer 4113 Ewe or Wether Fleece, crossbred, 39 microns and coarser 4114 Ewe and Wether Fleece, crossbred, 33 to 37 microns inclusive 4115 Ewe or Wether Fleece, crossbred, 33 microns and finer 4116 Ram Fleece, any breed, 39 microns and coarser 4117 Ram Fleece, any breed, 33 to 37 microns inclusive 4118 Ram Fleece, any breed, 33 microns and finer **** **** **** Champion Hogget Crossbred Fleece 8 Reserve Champion Hogget Crossbred Fleece Champion Mature Crossbred Fleece 22, 23 & 24 October 2014 **** **** **** Reserve Champion Mature Crossbred Fleece 4119 Fleece from halfbred or Corriedale Hoggett, shorn as a lamb, 31 microns and finer 4120 Fleece from merino Hoggett, 25 microns and finer 4121 4122 Ewe or Wether Fleece, halfbred-Corriedale, 33 microns and finer Ewe or Wether Fleece, Merion 25 microns and finer 4123 Ram Fleece, Halfbred - Corriedale 33 microns or finer 4124 Ram Fleece, Merino, 25 microns or finer **** **** **** **** **** **** Champion Hogget Finewool Fleece A Special Prize of $50.00 to the Champion Crossbred Fleece Supreme Champion Crossbred Fleece Reserve Champion Hogget Finewool Fleece Champion Mature Finewool Fleece Reserve Champion Mature Finewool Fleece Supreme Champion Finewool Fleece A Special Prize of $50.00 to the Supreme Champion Finewool Fleece Black & Coloured Fleece Entry Fee: $10.00 per entry (GST & Penning Inclusive) Prizemoney: 1st, $15. 2nd, $12. 3rd, $10. Under Grandstand 5010 Black & Coloured Mature Fleece (31) Microns And Finer 5011 Black & Coloured Mature Fleece (33) Microns And Stronger 5012 Black & Coloured Woolly Hogget Fleece (30) Microns And Finer 5013 Black & Coloured Woolly Hogget Fleece (31) Microns And Stronger 5014 Black & Coloured Shorn Hogget Fleece (30) Microns And Finer 5015 Black & Coloured Shorn Hogget Fleece (31) Microns And Stronger **** **** **** Champion Mature Black & Coloured Fleece 9 Champion Hogget Black & Coloured Fleece Supreme Champion Black & Coloured Fleece 22, 23 & 24 October 2014 Woolhandling/Shearing Run by: Shearing Sports Hawke’s Bay Friday, 24 October 2014 – Shearing Shed (Elwood Road Entrance) To be conducted under the Rules as set by the Shearing Sports NZ Inc. To take place in the Shearing Shed between the two Sheep Pavilions, entry off Elwood Road. Competitors entering on the day of Show will be required to pay GATE admission charges and lodge their entries 30 minutes prior to start of competition. The Committee has the right to accept or decline any entry. Trophies for Section The Cottrell Cup Will be awarded to the Best Senior Woolhandler The HB Woolbrokers Association Challenge Cup This is a Perpetual Cup and will be awarded to the Best Woolhandler in all open events The Holloway Family Cup Awarded to the Intermediate Shearer The Hunts Ltd Challenge Cup This is a Perpetual Cup and will be awarded to the Champion Woolhandling Pair The London Woolbrokers Cup Awarded to the Junior Shearer The ST J A York Cup Awarded to the winner of the Open Shearer The Te Ua - Mohi Challenge Cup Awarded to the Senior Shearer Friday, 24 October 2014 Shearing Shed 4150 Junior Woolhandling 4151 Senior Woolhandling 4152 Open Woolhandling 4153 Pairs Woolhandling **** Best HB Woolhandler 10 22, 23 & 24 October 2014
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