1 CHIEF: CHIEFTAIN: PATRON: RUAIRIDH DONALD GEORGE MacLENNAN of MacLENNAN GREGORY SCOTT MacLENNAN OLIVE MacLENNAN NEWSLETTER NO. 77 PRESIDENT: VICE-PRES: SECRETARY: TREASURER: COMMITTEE: EDITORS: WEB SITE: MARCH, 2004 Max McLennan, 45 Rhodes Pde., OAK PARK, 3046 TEL. Bob McLennan, 13 Lamart St. STRATHMORE, 3041 TEL. Patsy McLennan, 13 Lamart St. STRATHMORE, 3041 TEL. Geoff McLennan, 11 Gleeson Dve. BUNDOORA, 3083 TEL. Mary Cooper, Enid Macfarlane, Bruce McLennan, John McLennan, Marion McLennan, Mary McLennan, Leonie Michailidis, Kath Nicholls, Richard Van Eerden, Heather Vickers Mary & Max McLennan <max_mary_mclennan@msn.com.au> <www.clan.maclennan.com> 9306 7948 9379 2425 9379 2425 9467 5410 !!! WHAT A GREAT TIME WE HAD !!! Dear Clansfolk, How do you start reporting on our Silver Jubilee Celebrations which were so chockfull of outstanding highlights? With great difficulty!!! – First and foremost I must thank each and every one of you for your outstanding support and participation during our 25th Anniversary celebrations, together with those from other Clans and the City of Melbourne Highland Pipe Band who all added to the pageantry and entertainment. – Your Committee did you proud with their fine organization and implementation of these events. – ‘Well done all of you!!!’ Throughout his visit our Chief Ruairidh stood out as a fine young man who is all that you would like him to be as your Chief, performing his duties and all that was required of him during these celebrations with due dignity, humour and good grace. - To show our appreciation, Ruairidh was presented with a Silver hip flask engraved to mark his attendance at our Silver Jubilee Celebrations. Our Chief started his trip to Australia when he flew out of the United Kingdom on Sunday 2nd November, travelling via Tokyo to arrive in Melbourne on Cup Day, Chief Ruairidh Tuesday 4th November, a journey covering 32 hours. - On arrival he was taken to a welcoming lunchtime BBQ with the committee at John & Sue McLennan’s in Caulfield, following which he was whisked away by Jeanette and Brian Jasper to spend a very pleasant few days in Rutherglen and the surrounding wine growing region of Northern Victoria. - Refreshed, our Chief Ruairidh was at our Family Picnic Day on Saturday 8th November, at Woodlands Park, Essendon where a most enjoyable informal and relaxed low-key day was spent with our Chief by many of our clanfolks families. On Sunday 9th November, we had the crowning glory of our Celebrations, our Silver Jubilee Gala Luncheon at the Sherwood Receptions, celebrating our Association’s 25th Anniversary. – There were over 200 attending (including 30 from other Clans and Societies) and I was absolutely overwhelmed by the warm clannish enthusiasm engendered by those clansfolk. It was certainly a day that will live long in the memories of all who attended. I could write much more on this great day “waxing lyrical”, but I will leave it for others later in this newsletter to comment, particularly the articles from the Clan Cameron Newsletter by Donald Cameron and The Scots Link by its Editor 25th Anniversary Cake Glenda Dickson. A RED CROSS MEANS you are unfinancial for the year 2002/2003. Please forward back payment with your 2003/2004 Membership Fee which was due on 1/5/2003. Your 2004/05 Membership Fee is due 1/5/2004 ANNUAL FEE: $22.00 LIFE MEMBERSHIP: $250.00 Plus Voluntary yearly levy of $6.00. 2 Of the many highlights on that day none was more emotive than the appointment and presentation made to our Olive MacLennan, making her the Patron of our Association. Together with the late Elsie Smith (nee Logan), Olive was a co-founder of our Association on 9th April, 1978 and until this appointment as Patron she has served continuously on our Committee, having just reached the age of 92 years on 23rd January, 2004. A framed A3 sized “Illuminated Appointment of Patron” was presented to Olive, together with a crystal mantle clock suitably engraved showing its presentation to her by our Chief Ruairidh. “Olive, We Are Truly Proud To Have You As Our Patron.” On Tuesday 11th November, Chief Ruairidh was the lunch-time Our Patron Olive speaker at the Rotary Club of Carlton, whose members were highly impressed with his high calibre of presentation and informative address. (We can be very proud of our young Chief.) – Following the luncheon he was hosted by John, Sue McLennan and family until a farewell dinner was held at a restaurant with our Committee on Wednesday night 12th November. An enjoyable and relaxed day of sight-seeing for Ruairidh visiting the Queen Victoria Market and Shrine with Mary and I on Thursday 13th November, as well as a short visit to see Jack & Marg MacLennan in Williamstown. (see article later). Our Chief then flew out of Melbourne on Friday 14th November, being due back at work in Banchory, Aberdeen on Monday 17th November. - On the 22nd April, Ruairidh will be 27 years of age and his sister Kirsteen will celebrate her birthday on 23rd April. – We wish them both a very Happy Birthday and I’m sure they would appreciate receiving your good wishes. Our Silver Jubilee Special Fundraising Effort was drawn on 9th November, 2003 at the Luncheon and the prize winners were: 1st Prize – Ticket No. 18, Heather & Wes Vickers, Macleod; 2nd Prize – Ticket No. 209, R.F & M.K. McLennan, Romsey; 3rd Prize – Ticket No. 1359, Donald Fraser, Point Lonsdale; 4th Prize- Ticket No. 1509, George McLennan, Pakenham; 5th Prize – Ticket No. 665, Peter McLennan, Broken Hill. Our grateful thanks go to the prize donors; all the members who generously supported this Special Effort; and for the many donations received which financially virtually resulted in our “breaking even” on the Silver Jubilee Celebrations and our Chief’s Visit. We will think we are smart when we reach our 26th Anniversary on April 9, 2004 but we have been reminded recently that our Grafton (Australia) Clan Association is 5 years older, having been formed on 6th July, 1973. Congratulations Grafton. Great News Again!!! The NSW/ACT Clan MacLennan Association has decided to resume publication of their own Newsletter and therefore, at their request, we have not included their news in this issue of our Newsletter. This augers well for their revitalization and future expansion. – We wish them well in their endeavours. (As a consequence, this current issue of our Newsletter will be the last copy we send to the NSW/ACT members.) Our Clan’s Perpetual Trophy for Piping which was competed for in competitions during 2003 (run by the Victorian Highland Pipe Band Ass/n.) was won by Bradley Saul of Maryborough. – Our congratulations to Bradley on this achievement and we look forward to hearing him pipe. Unfortunately we have just heard this result from the VHPBA and have not yet been able to contact Bradley; therefore, we will report more details on him in our next newsletter. The winner of our Perpetual Trophy in 2001 & 2002, Julian Bellamy from Warrnambool, gave an excellent performance of piping at our Jubilee Luncheon. It certainly makes us all proud to have encouraged these young Julian Bellamy pipers with their development and to see them turn out to be such first rate pipers. Our next Gathering is on 28th March and will be held in conjunction with the Annual Ringwood Gathering and Games at Jubilee Park, (Melway Map 49 J10). This is a great family day with a real Scottish flavour, providing plenty of entertainment or participation if you choose. There are competitions in Highland Dancing, Pipe Bands, Games and many more carnival events, with lots of food to try. Wear your Tartan, rally at our Clan Tent proudly displaying our Banner, for a “cuppa” anytime during the day between 9am and 5pm. Ours will be one of the many Clans gathered on that day and your attendance will help make it again one of those with the strongest representation in the Grand March Past of the Clans. (Marshall at 1.10pm.) The 10th Anniversary of The Scots’ o’ the Murray Annual Dinner will be held on Saturday 1st May, at the Tuilleries Restaurant in Rutherglen and as usual a number of our members will be attending. This is always a great evening, evidenced by our Clan’s contingent expanding every year. You would also be most welcome (Contact Alister Chisholm Ph. 02-6032 8328 or the Editors Ph 03-9306 7948). 3 On Sunday 2nd May at 12 noon there will be a North East Victoria Gathering for any Mac/McLennans, Lobbans. Logans etc. to get together at the home of Brian & Jeanette Jasper, 5 Indigo Court, Rutherglen. Please come if you can but bring your own meat and drink for a BBQ lunch. (Salads etc provided. Please advise Jeanette Jasper Ph 02-6032 8231) Our Second Gathering for 2004 will be on Sunday 20th June at the Burwood Heights Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. Burwood Hwy, and Blackburn Rd., with a basket lunch followed by our Annual Meeting and Ceilidh from 1pm – 5pm. (Please reserve this date in your diary.) Mary Cooper is organising the Ceilidh and would welcome any volunteer performers. (Ph. 9802 5453). – Writing of a new constitution for our Association to meet the requirements of incorporation is progressing, and it is hoped this will be ready in time for adoption at our AGM on 20th June. The Kirkin ‘o’ the Tartan Service organised by the Council of Clans, will be held at The Scots’ Church, Melbourne on Sunday 4th July at 11am. After the service all Clans will meet in The Scots’ Church Hall (upstairs) in Russell Street, for a BYO lunch. (Tea and Coffee provided). Our last Gathering for 2004 will be on 28th November, with our Annual Church Service at The Scots’ Church, Melbourne, followed by a BYO Picnic lunch at the Fitzroy Gardens. (Please reserve this date.) We have had numerous enquiries for a copy of the tune “Return to Kintail” written by one of our members and performed at the Silver Jubilee Luncheon on 9th November; also whether there are any copies of the video/s taken on that day. – We will endeavour to produce a CD of the “Return to Kintail” and we have obtained approval to also include on this same CD the six winning piping tunes in the Clan MacLennan World Piping Tune Competition of 2000. Also, we will try to have edited together a reasonable video record of 9th November. (For production quantity purposes could you please advise us if you are interested in purchasing a copy of either or both of these, the price of which will not be much more than their production cost.) I look forward to seeing you at Ringwood on 28th March. Sincerely yours, Max McLennan, President & Chief’s Lieutenant. MELBOURNE CLAN MacLENNAN AGM & CEILIDH, 2003. – A RHYME. This poem by Denise Gaston was printed in our last newsletter, but unfortunately a number of alterations had been made for which we sincerely apologise to Denise. With this apology we were prepared to reprint the poem in its full original text, but Denise advised that we need only print an appology . – The Editors. NEWS OF OUR CHIEF AND FAMILY. E.mail from Ruairidh, 18 November, 2003…. Quick message to let you know that I got home and in one piece. First day back at work and feeling quite jet lagged! I’ll be in touch when I recover. Hope you are all well, Regards, Ruairidh. E.Mail to Ruairidh 3 December, 2003…. Many thanks for the e.mail advising your safe arrival back home after your brief but enjoyable 10 day visit to Melbourne. - Sorry for my delayed reply, after we saw you off on the 14 November, Mary & I “fell in a heap” and it took us a while to recuperate and return to normal. It was a wonderful visit, which was greatly enjoyed and appreciated by all of our Melbourne Ass/n members, many coming from other parts of Australia. – We have received many congratulatory letters, emails and phone calls from not only our Clan members but from members of the other clans, who thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the functions we ran and who were also most impressed with you and the manner in which you so ably conducted and presented yourself. – The highlight of course was the Silver Jubilee Gala Luncheon on 9th November, with over 200 attending, for which we have been highly praised on the running of such a well organised event and for you on your excellent address, which has brought much honour to our Clan MacLennan. - This is a great way to promote our Clan and attract new members. – Well worth the effort for all of our Ass/n’s to do themselves occasionally. We very much appreciate your visit here to help us celebrate our Associations Silver Jubilee and Thank You Most Sincerely for contributing to a most memorable and rewarding occasion. Letter from Lorna MacLennan, Dores, 24 Sept. 2003…Thank you kindly for my birthday gift. It fits perfectly and I do like the colour. It was in fact my 29th Birthday not my 30th!! Trying to make me older than I am. I had a good Birthday, a crowd of us went out for dinner to celebrate. Kirsteen has been on holiday this past 2 weeks, with her boyfriend James to Italy lapping up the sun. I was in Crete-Greece recently for a weeks holidayvery nice it was too! I keep myself busy with my nursing career, in between I enjoy holidays and socialising with my friends. Ruairidh is also well, although I haven’t seen him in almost a month we talk regularly on the phone. He is home Lovely Lorna this weekend. 4 It is now officially Autumn and you can definitely tell the difference in the weather - snow on the hills today. I got a telescope for my birthday so I have been busy looking at the stars & planets. I always remember the sky’s in Australia – quite different to Scotlands visibility. You will be coming up to summer now! Do you still have your Jucuzzi ? I often think about the hours spent in it!! Not quite the same heat in Loch Ness. Another thing I was thinking about – do you remember the bat flying about our house in Dores when you were visiting? I hope you are both keeping well. It seems like a long time ago since we were in touch - sooner the next time. Maybe you’ll be lucky and get a Christmas letter and some up-to-date photos!! Thank you again for my present – it’s so exciting getting parcels in the mail. I have worn and still do – all previous tops and handbag-purse that you have given over the years – much appreciated. Take care and Cherrio for now, Love from Lorna Louise, xx. NEWS OF CLANSFOLK BOTH NEAR AND FAR. As usual we received many cards and letters from clanfolk both overseas, interstate and local, wishing our Clan and members the compliments of the season & all the best for 2004; and the following are just a few Cards from: Kate & Gordon McLennan, Canberra; Hugh and Hilda McLennan, Vancouver, Can.; Ross & Vivienne MacClennan, Hamilton, NZ; Chieftain Greg. & Annelle MacLennan, Green Point, NSW; Sally Jo & Bob Truhlar, Texas & Nebraska, USA., Malcolm & May Lobban, Pooraka,S.A.; Helen McLennan, Newborough, Vic.; Roddy McLennan, Plymouth, Eng.; Harry & Mairi Dale, Thurso, Scot.; Leon & Barbara Vance, Kingswood NSW; James McLennan, Glasgow, Scot. – Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and New Year. I read the Clan Newsletter with interest. I’m mostly in the house now – too slow at walking. Please pass on my Good Wishes to all your Clan Members. Mary & Smoky McLennan, British Columbia, Can. – Seasons Greetings and all the very best to all. I trust you will understand my multiple addressing, time is at a premium these days. Even though we have home support people come in twice a day, as the primary support provider, I am kept hopping most of the day and night. It was a real pleasure to read of the tremendous success of your Silver Jubilee and the impressive contribution Chief Ruairidh made there-to. - Our news is of a much sadder vein. Two weeks ago, Mary fell and broke her leg, her doctor had forewarned that her bones were fragile and to be very careful. Careful or not it happened and she ended up in hospital. She came home yesterday and is pretty well bed-ridden, only up for meals and ablutions. Anyway she is in good spirits and looking after her is so much, much better than hospital visits. Our Christmas will be a subdued affair but we truly hope you all have sufficient energy left to celebrate a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Joy & Derek Gibson, Lilydale, Vic.- Our warmest thoughts as we wish you all a happy Xmas and all the best for 2004. With Xmas fast approaching, Joy and I thought you might like an update of our activities. The year 2003 has been satisfactory from many respects. Although Joy still has a health problem with asthma and osteo, she has kept out of hospital. However writing is a problem and she finds it very difficult to write letters. We had a minor flutter a couple of months aback when she went blind in one eye due to a blood vessel bursting, but the condition soon righted itself and she has had no trouble in that department since. We have very good doctors in the husband and wife team and one or the other visits Joy every week.. I was off to hospital the first week of December, for the removal of a small tumour and early in the year I had key-hole surgery for removal of my gall bladder. These days things take a little longer to do than of yesteryear. There are more pauses when Joy or I are doing something, whether it be gardening or cake making, but that’s just us ageing a bit. The odd game of lawn bowls also features on the itinerary. We are awfully glad that we came to this Retirement Village when we did. We still love living here and have made many friends amongst the other residents. The Village is full and there are 200 homes and 300 people. It’s a pleasure being here. We certainly couldn’t have managed without the ever ready help that is offered us. If I have to be away from the house for any length of time, there are neighbours who are only too happy to come and sit with Joy if she needs them Mostly she doesn’t…..A group of residents have formed the Tudor Village Players. They put on 2 shows each year, a couple of comedy plays during July and a pantomime or music hall at New Year. I get the job of writing the scripts. Last New Year’s Eve we did “Jack and the Beanstalk”. It was a whole lot of fun complete with a comic cow and a golden hen to lay golden eggs. The Village Manager who is 6’6” tall, took the part of Jack’s mother, the Widow Twanky. In true pantomime style, Jack was a girl. This was purely for the pantomime. Please don’t think that we indulge in cross dressing on a regular basis……That’s about all for now . We wish you and yours all the best for 2004 and onwards. Joy & Derek Margaret MacLennan, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Can. Blessings on Christmas Day and a Happy New Year..How quickly this year has passed but I am keeping well and so ought not to complain. Weeks ago we had enough snow on the ground to make it white for a few days. We thought perhaps winter was here to stay but it disappeared and we have had a mixture of sun, cloud, rain and wind but so far no more snow. Our Church, St. Andrew’s United have decided to have a Celtic theme this year for Christmas and is encouraging clansfolk to donate or send some kind of tartan. I’m sure I can find a bit somewhere in the house. It will be interesting to see the result. Family visited from other parts of Canada at various times which was very enjoyable. My eldest, Kish, plans to retire to the mainland of Nova Scotia next year and so will be closer. If I don’t already feel my age, 82, attending the high school graduation of my 5 great-grandson last June brought it home to me. It was nice though and a chance to see family members and friends again. I’m alone here as Gwen now works in Country Harbour, a rural area on the mainland of Nova Scotia. She is renting a trailer home and finds it a bit lonesome but is just over a 3 hours drive to come home or drive 3 hours the other way to visit her sister in Halifax. As she drives along the country road she sees deer, porcupine, racoon , rabbit, partridge, pheasant, other birds and also has seen several coyotes. So she keeps her little cat indoors. My daughter, Sheena, gave me my gift the other evening when she treated me to a performance of the ballet, “The Nutcracker”. It was playing for only 2 evenings, hence the early present. I had a couple of attacks of gout, which I mistakenly supposed to be a rich person’s trouble. No mistake about the pain of it, but the pills the doctor prescribed are magic. Just have to be good and watch my diet now. I also had a cataract removed and a bit of eye surgery on one eyelid. I can still read, watch a bit of TV, listen to tapes or radio and talk to the family each week. I am not a computer person so do not have e.mail but I always hear any important news from the family members who have. I send best wishes to you and yours and all clan members for the holiday season and the New Year. As always Margaret. Peggy Leonard, Piper and Dancer, Henley-on-Thames, Eng. – Happy Christmas and lots of Love to all. Thank you so much for the lovely Calendar, you are so kind to think of me every year as you do. The birds are gorgeous and must be beautiful to see them flying around wild. This last year Red Kites, birds of prey have settled in this area – they are wonderful and have a fantastic flight as they ride the thermals. It has been a pleasant year for me, though not for many with the war worries. We had the hottest Summer I ever remember and I didn‘t like it! A beautiful Autumn, the colours the best, so far a mild winter – things are changing. I didn’t go away, my highlight was luckily acquiring a ‘Rolls Royce’ set of pipes, belonged to a top piper who sadly died 3 yrs ago. One cannot just go and buy a set of pipes, usually have to wait for them to be made. However I was at the right place at the right time to get them. They are lovely to play but it’s taken me a long time to get used to them, they are so superior to my original ones. With my trio (two pipers and a mandolin) called ‘Hopscotch’ we are playing in concerts and various events, wse recently helped to raise E.500pd. for the Mentally handicapped. Had a lovely audience who sang along with us at the tops of their voices. The dogs are fine, Piper now 13 _ yrs old, but although he takes life slower is pretty much himself. I had Dancer in the Halloween fancy dress again, this time went as Wimbledon. He had a green jacket with the tennis court marked out on it, cut out net, racquet, ball and photo’s of the tennis stars around and a real miniature silver cup – just like the real trophy! How daft can I get? – but it’s fun. My garden suffered from the dryness and heat but now having some rain it is recovering. I hope you all have had a good year and thanks again for the Clan news. Peggy. Doug. & Elva, British Columbia, Can. – Season Greetings. Time again to rejoice, give thanks, celebrate, exchange gifts and return a few – too small, too big or wrong colour? You have heard about our fires, floods, ferry strike, all we need now is an earthquake. Actually we have had 50 in the last two weeks! The nearest at Duncan on the Island. Fortunately, none of the above have affected us. Over the 15 years we have been here, we have felt two earthquakes, both very minor. Experts say the BIG one is coming, and we will all sink below the ocean? A fairly normal year. The highlight was family visit. ….We also made it to the Fergus Games and usual visit with families, Elva’s aunt Edith Davis over 100 years old……Jan. 1st 2004 I go into a new age group for Masters swimming 80 – 84? If I could just get rid of some buoyancy I might go a little faster – or sink trying. Many thanks for Newsletter – seems Aust/Can. only ones going out. Now for the real meaning of Christmas, if you have missed Charlie Brown on TV, read the second chapter of Luke, Verse 11 if you don’t have time for all of it! Yours Aye, Doug and Elva. Jimmy Mac & Sandra, Peterhead, Scot. – Greetings from Sandra and Jim to all our friends in and around Melbourne. Thanks Patsy for your letters, tell Mary not to lose sleep over pronunciation – I am continually telling local people our street name is BAL-US not Ballas – it being of Gaelic origin the former means ‘place by the waters’ the other ‘God only knows’ and so far he hasn‘t told me. I sincerely hope you all had a wonderful time at your Silver Jubilee here’s hoping some of your enthusiasm spreads so that we can become alive once more. …I know your concept of distance varies quite a bit from ours, and though only a few hundred miles away Shetland is well just great, their dialect is a pleasure to listen to, being on the whole seafarers weather is important. I think they have about seven kinds of rain – we have just two – rain and ‘hail watter’….We had a new boiler for our central heating installed which meant a new fireplace which has real flames “gas” then not having a hearth for over twenty years things had to be bought – need I go on, still “Sunte”, our pronunciation to rhyme with Bunty, will be at long last come “doon the lum” I still think he should come on Hogmanay as he did when I was a lad. Oh so long ago!! Yours Aye, Jimmy Mac. From James (Jimmy) MacLennan, Mintlaw, Peterhead, Scot… 13 Oct. 03… Kindly convey my sincere thanks and congratulations for a wonderful newsletter and I sincerely apologise for not acknowledging the Spring edition. I was a bit under-the-weather health wise but glad to say “hale and hearty again” all things being considered, so no beating about the bush this time hence the speedy reply. I find your newsletter a great link – it is wonderful to read about all the “goings on” world wide of our Clansfolk. I was pleased to read Prof. Hugh McLennan had managed to visit the Outer Hebrides. I am ashamed to say I have only seen them on the horizon from Wester Ross, but ‘one day’. I am off soon to the Shetland Islands for a short break, they are at the extreme north of Scotland in fact they 6 are nearer to the Arctic Circle than to London and almost as near to Norway as to the Scottish Mainland and have strong Nordic connections. I shall be meeting quite a large number of Shetlanders during the visit – here’s hoping I might meet at least one MacLennan. I hope you have a happy and successful Silver Jubilee and give my regards to all. It is nice to hear of the co-operation with NSW/ACT in the Newsletter. Oh for a little of your Australian magic in ‘Auld Scotia’..……Sandra also sends her regards, her walking is much improved since she got a stroller - a walking aid with wheels and a seat, so her motorised scooter has taken a back seat. At least we can get about locally – up daily to the village for our ‘errands’ daily supplies or provisions – call it what you will - I still call it going for our messages. Thanks once again for your kindness in sending the Newsletter, sad to say it has become our only link with the Clan. Yours till the seas run dry. Jimmy Mac and Mrs. Mac. BEST WISHES!! - Saturday 20th September, 2003 was the Wedding Day of Colette McLennan & John Grigg at Delwood Beach Manly, Sydney. Colette and John’s nuptials were conducted on the beach at Manly and it was a beautiful day; the Reception later on was at the Bullfrog Restaurant in Manly. Colette is the second and youngest daughter of Ian and Ann McLennan of Donald, Vic. (Ann’s maiden name of Grigg has been kept in the family as Colette has now become a Grigg.). We wish Colette and John our very best wishes for a long and happy marriage. Another Celebration took place in the above family – Simon McLennan, the oldest brother of Colette celebrated his 40th birthday on 8th November at the Holland Park Bowls Club, Brisbane, Q’ld. - Congratulations Simon!! From Malcolm Lobban, South Australia…. 9 October, 2003. Just another few lines to keep you up to date on our situation with the Immigration Department. Yesterday 8th Oct. we had our visas renewed for another four weeks. Meanwhile, we still wait for a final decision to come from the Minister in Canberra. And, as you are probably aware, this is now a lady (Mr. Ruddock having been moved to a new post.) However, I feel that the change in leadership will not immediately affect our situation, which I Colette & John think only requires finalisation. However, the upshot of all this gives us some hope that they are thinking along the lines of our acceptance. Our Visas are due for renewal on 10th November in Adelaide. So I shall have to forego the Clan celebrations this time. In any event, I really do not feel much like socialising until we are all properly settled. If we get word within the next four weeks, we shall be too busy getting our lives in order. I hope you will understand, and please pass on my best wishes to Ruairidh and the Clan. Otherwise I have been keeping myself occupied writing various things, including an extensive family history and some articles for The Scots Link. Editor, Glenda Dickson has been kind enough to publish some of my scribbles in the past few issues of her magazine. All this has kept my mind busy and away from immigration worries. That’s my news for now. I hope this finds you all in good health. I feel sure the coming celebrations will be a huge success and we all wish you the best of luck. No doubt we shall read about it in the future newsletters. Take care for now. All the best, Malcolm, May and Family. (An e.mail from Malcolm Lobban on 23 Dec. 2003 ends with – “I hope you all have a nice time over the holiday period. Our situation is unchanged, although the signs are encouraging.” Malcolm.) And - Dear Freens aroon the warld! ….17 January, 2004. Be it kent tae aa an sundry, that ‘Malky’ Lobban (alias Calum Curamach) has splashed oot, prized open the sporran and spent a wheen o’ siller tae jine the great horde o’ Internet fowk. Frae this while oanwards, ye can aa drap me a wee line or twa direct intae ma ain wee hoose at lobban@kern.com.au Meanwhilst, Ah’l be lookin furret tae hearin yer chaff. Any o ye wha micht be lookin for financial support – jist haud y0er wheesht, an mind ye ain business! Guid Luck throughoot Twa-thoosan-an-fower. “Malky” 90th BIRTHDAY PARTY!! … 2pm on Saturday 11th October was a big day for Clive McLennan – it was the day for his 90th Birthday party. 110 people turned up at Eastern Beach, Geelong and everyone enjoyed the good food and Champers. A first cousin of Clive who had been playing Bagpipes for 60 years turned up in full Kilt and two of Clives family (Roger & Jan.) did the Highland Fling to the music. There was other wonderful music also – a chap on the squeeze box and Clive’s twin grand-daughters one on the violin and one on the piano. All up it was a wonderful day. - A Very Happy Birthday Clive. (Clive has been a long time member and it is just recently that Clive hasn’t been able to be present at functions – Congratulations Clive.) Clive McLennan. From Andrew MacLennan, P.A. .USA.,..October, 2003…. As the Fall Colors are changing, so has my Parents living status. Please let me take this time to give you an update. - Over the past Spring and Summer my Mother needed to give up the Independent Living Apartment she so enjoyed and began a rehabilitation period 7 in the same Nursing Home as my Father. Though she toiled to regain more independence, she needed the extra care that Westmoreland Manor provides. - Now, they have been re-united and relocated into the same Room, C 211 & below is their current contact information: Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. MacLennan, Westmoreland Manor, 2480 South Grande Blvd., Room C211, Greensburg, PA 15601. Phone: 724-837-1558 All is as well as it has been in a while for Donald and Dorothy and things are getting more stable as the days progress. - Please update your address books accordingly. They’d love to hear from you. Thank you, Andrew ANOTHER BIRTHDAY!! … Saturday 11 October brought another birthday to a member of the Clan. Gwen McLennan of Wheelers Hill was given a Breakfast Surprise 80th Birthday party. And it was a Surprise!! Gwen says she didn’t have a clue it was happening and it was quite a shock when all the folk arrived so early in the morning. Anyway a good time was had by all. A Very Happy Birthday Gwen. From Jack & Marg. MacLennan, Williamstown 21 Oct. ‘03– Just a short note to apologise for the 25 year function. We would like to be able to attend – but we are just too old. I am now 89 and not very active. I have a walking frame and an electric scooter for around about here. We surrendered our driving licences and disposed of Gwen McLennan & G’son Matthew our car. Health wise we are not too bad – I am still an outpatient of Alfred Hospital – over 4 years with ear infection – have lost my balance and am deaf in one year – but enough of that. I am enclosing cheques for the Special Effort Tickets and for my fees. We have pleasant memories of our early functions in the Clan and of course our trip to Scotland and Inverness back in 1981 where we had a very enjoyable time and attended the Clan Parliament. Hope you and Mary are keeping well and thank you for your years of service to the Clan. Yours truly, Jack MacLennan. (The Thursday after the Luncheon we took Ruairidh to Williamstown and visited Jack and Margaret. They were thrilled to have a talk with Chief with Jack & Marg McLennan Ruairidh and we all enjoyed afternoon together). E.mail From Smoky McLennan, British Columbia, Can… 23 October, 2003… Best wishes for a successful Silver Anniversary, we are sure it will be a super celebration! Have never been much on Si-fi but if there was a rocket flight from here to Melbourne I’d sure want a seat just to join in your fiesta! Another splendid Newsletter, you never let us down! Lots of Clan news and photo’s (Note: those beautiful five “long stemmed” lasses on Page six would do credit to any publication). Pleased to read the note from Malcolm Lobban and hope his optimism is not misplaced…… In closing, thanks again for sending “our” copy of your Newsletter. - Yours aye, Mary & Smoky. (Smoky it certainly would have been wonderful to have “The Three Musketeers” from Canada with us – we realised it would be impossible but we knew your thoughts were with us on the day. The Editors.) From Linda, Terry, Robert and Sarah Bennett, Malmsbury, Vic…. 25 October,’03…. We are all well, we are very sorry that we can’t attend the Silver Jubilee Luncheon to meet the Chief but Terry and Robert will be there on the Saturday. Sarah had her competition at the Bendigo Show on 25th October. Her first time in beginners as she turned 7 on 29th September and she jumped a grade. She got three gold medals and a sash for Highland Dancing in her age group. Her next comp. is at Whittlesea on 1st November and then the 4th November at Bacchus Marsh. She did very well at the show, very close between two other girls. We have told Sarah that now she is in Beginners it will get a lot harder but to do her best and enjoy it. We are trying to teach her that if she does not get anywhere it doesn’t matter and that she has tried her best and that is all that really matters. I think she understands this now. Regards, Linda. We heard since that Sarah won 4th place in her Fling and Country Dancing and third place in the individual Fling at the Whittlesea Show. At the Bacchus Marsh Show she won 3 medals(all 2nds) and one trophy At the Ballarat Show on 9th November she won 2 more medals and one trophy. At the Kyneton Show on 15th November she won 2 Gold Medals, one Silver and one Trophy. She went to the Lilydale Show on Sunday 16th November but didn’t do so well. They were only paying first place because they had only three dancers – but she tried and danced very well. Our Sarah Congratulations Sarah, and well done!! 8 From Duncan MacLennan, South Tweed Heads, NSW… 1 st December, 2004…Just received ‘the book’ for which we shall be eternally grateful. The Chief’s address has been passed on to Lewis who is currently serving in the Middle East as a member of the R.A.A.F (Fire Service) and his duties also include playing Bagpipes on appropriate occasions, thereby allowing him to follow in the footsteps of his Grandfather Duncan Munro MacLennan, his Great Uncle Lewis MacLennan and his Great-Great Uncle Lewis MacLennan who each variously played pipes in that part of the world from the late 1800’s to 1942. Enclosed is a photo of Joan and I who renewed our marriage vows at the Tweed Heads Lions Club several weeks ago. We have been married 44 years and I have been involved in the Lions Organisation for 31 years so it seemed appropriate, particularly as the Club has a Minister among it’s Members. I will, on Lewis’s Joan & Duncan MacLennan return, forward a photo of 3 living generations of Pipers playing together viz. Self, Son Lewis and Grandson Cameron. Fond Regards, Duncan and Joan. Early December, Pat & Bruce McLennan moved into their new home in Doncaster Retirement Village with a lovely view over the bowling green. They have settled in well and we wish them much happiness in their new surrounds. Bruce had recovered sufficiently to celebrate his 80th birthday on Dec. 31st. Congratulations Bruce. Unfortunately for their daughter Brenda Van Eerden, Christmas was ruined when she suffered a severe attack of gastro-enteritis which saw her in and out of hospital and with a weight loss of 8k. Happily she is now fully recovered and back on track and not at all concerned with regaining those lost kilo’s. Our congratulations to committee member Kath Nicholls who retired from secondary school teaching last December. Best Wishes to you Kath for happiness and fulfillment in your new life. We hope too that Ewen has adapted and is coping well!! Our Patron, Olive MacLennan celebrated her 92nd. Birthday on 17 January, 2004. A lovely afternoon tea was held at the Sofitel Hotel, Collins Street to celebrate this wonderful occasion. Congratulations Olive and many, many more Happy Birthdays. Those in the photo are: Back Row L-R. Max McLennan, Son-in-Law Ken Elliott, Son Graham MacLennan, G.Son Ashley MacLennan, G.Son Robert Hamilton, D-in-Law Frankie MacLennan. Front Row L-R Daughter Barbara Nash, Olive, Daughter Faye Elliott, G.Daughter Kirsten Nash. From Sally Jo Trulhar, Texas. USA… 11 February, 2004… I was watching a video last night and admiring how gracefully you danced together. I hadn’t run those 1984 video’s in years, Family at Olive’s 92nd Birthday Party but a neighbour wanted to see what the MacLennan Tartan looked like and some of my video of Scotland. I took my Tam and Scarfe for her to see as well as a 1 hour 50 minutes video on the highlights of the trip that I had put together. She really enjoyed it. A couple of days later I got the original tapes out to watch myself. I got thru about half of one tape last night so have lots to go. I’m amazed at how may names I still remember, although you and Doreen & Jim Weber are the only ones I keep in touch with on a regular basis. We are doing fine, just getting slower. I don’t ever seem to catch up. My leg is a little better. I finally got in to see a Neurologist last January, only seven years after the accident. I could never get the Orthopedic doctor that operated on my leg to refer me to a Neurologist. He would always insist that only the muscles were damaged and there wasn’t any injury to the nerves. My lawyer got me in to a friend of his, who is a Neurologist – before we settled my case. When I told the Neurologist what my symptoms were he said right away that the little nerve that comes down the outside of the hip and leg had been injured in the accident and was sending false signals to the brain, one of which is to tell the brain to turn the leg off. That is why I fall down for no obvious reason, and have all those crazy sensations in my leg – including the extreme pain. He started treating me with 100mg Neurontin twice a day and has worked it up to 600mg three times a day. Some days I can walk short distances at a time for several hours, if I’m on a soft surface. Other days and on hard surfaces I don’t do so well. I can’t stand in one place for any time at all and I am still falling down. I had a bad fall in August – flat on my face on the sidewalk at home in Lincoln, banging up the right side of my face and breaking a rib on the left side by falling on my cane. My right eye still bothers me some and there is still a small black spot on my right cheek bone that hasn’t completely gone away and is still sore to touch. I fell down the steps shortly before Christmas but other than breaking the nose pieces of my glasses, didn’t do much damage. I had just put large carpeted rubber mats down from the new porch doors to the steps, the day before and they softened the fall. We had a nice Thanksgiving and Christmas but there are so few of 9 us left that we only had six for each holiday meal. . I don’t know what we will do next year. Our son Bobby came down from Nebraska the day after Christmas for a week. I told him to get a friend to come with him as I didn’t want him making the trip alone in the winter. We got them back between snow storms thanks to our local TV weatherman. He made us up a special forecast for the three day window they had to go back on. They didn’t hit any bad weather but it’s been snowing and freezing ever since they got back. ……they are saying that this is the worst winter in the US in 30 years. We have had cold and wet weather here since the first of the year. Had over 6 inches of rain so as from Sunday and it has been raining off and on ever since. ..Our high today was 45 F. and that is supposed to stay steady thru tomorrow with rain. It will freeze again tomorrow night. We should be getting into planting time for corn and early vegetables like carrots and beets. I’ve had my onions planted since early December but they aren’t growing much with all the cold weather. Even the trout aren’t biting like they should…….My cat, Tommie Boy who was the runt of the litter and was so small that we used to call him Tom Thumb…..saved me from stepping on a rattlesnake the Sunday before Christmas by charming the snake…… Well I must sign off as it is about 1am our time. Love Sally Jo and Bob. We Are Sorry To Hear That Olga Taylor has been in St.Vincents Hospital for a Spinal Operation and has now been transferred to St. George’s Hospital in Kew for Rehabilitation. Also, Olga’s husband Teddy has had to have 10 days treatment in the Peter McCallum Hospital for skin cancer. Best wishes to both Olga and Teddy – we hope you are both improving every day!! VALE – NANCY McLEOD . By Geoff McLennan Last October, the Clan lost another of its nonagerian members in Nancy McLeod who died just 10 days before her 91st birthday. Nancy was born at Caulfied in 1912 to Alexander James McLennan (from Peterhead, Scotland) and Ruby Helene McLennan. She had two brothers, Jack and Rex (the father of Treasurer Geoff.) Nancy spent her early years living in St. Kilda and Black Rock. She became a high quality seamstress working in The Block Arcade, Melbourne. Her father and brothers moved to the mountains behind Yarram clearing land and it was on a visit to see them that she met Edward (Ned) McLeod who she married and became a dairy farmer’s wife in Yarram and later at Newry near Maffra. They had three children Jim, Barbara and Mary. After years of hard work on the farm the family moved to Tyabb. After Ned’s death in 1973, Nancy moved to the Baxter Village where she enjoyed the community for 30 years. Whilst at Baxter Village Nancy became a committed and active member of The Full Blessing Church. She had 6 Grand Children and 6 Great - Grand Children spread from Cloncurry and Brisbane in Queensland to Frankston in Victoria. Her village and church communities paid her Nancy McLeod many compliments for her commitment, friendship and loving nature. VALE - ELIZABETH NUSKE, 1945 – 2004 By Mary Cooper After a long battle with cancer, Elizabeth Nuske died on 4th February, 2004 at the Murdoch Community Hospice in Perth at the age of 58. Her funeral service was held at the Bicton Presbyterian Church. Elizabeth was the youngest child of Norman Nuske and Jessie McLennan and the sister of Jim Nuske and Mary Cooper. Her childhood was spent amongst the mists and tall gum trees of the Dandenong Ranges on the outskirts of Melbourne. After leaving Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Elizabeth completed General Nurse Training at the Alfred Hospital and Midwifery Training at the Royal Woman’s Hospital in Melbourne. She then began her life’s adventure, working her way westward across Australia, nursing at country hospitals in Victoria, South Australia and West Australia. As Matron of Boyup Brook Hospital, 200 miles south-east of Perth, she married Walter Treloar and together they developed a productive farm on the banks of the Blackwood River. Their two daughters, Katherine and Christina remember with pride and affection their mother’s energetic contribution not only in rearing poultry, pigs, sheep and cattle on the farm but also her involvement in local community affairs from serving on the local council for many years, acting as first-aid officer for the Boyup Brook Football team, contributor to the Blackwood River Marathon, Girl Guide leader, golfer, maker of memorable lemon meringue pies and chocolate cakes ….the list goes on and on. Elizabeth returned to nursing and made a deep impression with her belief in high standards, her skill and compassion, her zest for living, her wit, feisty spirit and keen intellect. However, her greatest talent which is remembered by everyone with whom she worked was her boisterous, outrageous sense of fun which probably did more good for the well- being of her hospital colleagues and patients than conventional medicines. Elizabeth Nuske Long may we remember Liz’s laugh!! 10 McLENNAN/McINNES RE-UNION – CRESWICK 5 OCTOBER, 2003. The McLennan/McInnes re-union was held at Creswick on Sunday 5th October, 2003, with many members from different branches of the families attending, including descendants of the five McInnes sisters, the McLeods, Geddes and the McDonalds. The re-union was the thought of Doug. McLennan from Kangaroo Flat, Bendigo and with the help of Doug. McLennan of Marnoo, it got underway. Doug. McLennan had been interested in finding out more of Spring Hill, near Creswick – where his G.Grandparents, Neil and Barbara (nee McAlister) McInnes had lived in 1852 with their five daughters. The feeling was, that if a re-union of the families could be organised, it would be a good way to Creswick Re-union get some of this information. By using known relatives and asking them to inform their wider families and many phone calls – it all fell together. The Creswick R.S.L. Hall was decided on as the venue for the day. A Visitors Book was set up for signature as people arrived and members of each family were given a different coloured ribbon to wear so they could be recognised as belonging to a particular family line. It turned out to be a cool but sunny day and by lunch time many people had arrived (Over 60 descendants were there.) – some bringing with them old photo albums, family trees and family scrapbooks – some having information on the McInnes side of the family and others information on the McLennan’s. (Three of Neil & Barbara’s five girls married McLennan brothers.) After lunch, Doug. spoke to the assembly and introduced Jack Sewell of Creswick – the number one historian on the gold mining days and Jack invited anyone interested to visit the Museum. After the museum visit many went on to the Cemetery to visit the graves of Neil and Barbara and their families who had stayed in the area. It was suggested that a metal plaque be added to the headstone to make it easier to identify - all thought that would be a good idea and it was left for Doug to organise.- A surplus over the costs for the day, from donations and a special effort run by Isabel Anderson (a sister of Doug.), amounted to $90, but the expected cost of the plaque is at least $450 so it looks as if the hat will have to be passed around among the descendants to make up the short-fall. The day was voted a huge success and many thanks were given to Doug for his forethought in organising this great re-union. by Mary McLennan VISIT OF RODDY McLENNAN, PLYMOUTH, U..K. 5TH – 9th January, 2004. Early January we had a visit from Roddy McLennan, who was staying with his Sister who lives in Port Macquarie and Roddy had been there to spend Christmas and New Year with her and her family. Roddy was a past President of our Clan in Scotland until a heart attack interrupted the Clan business and his work in London. After retiring he has moved to a quieter lifestyle in Plymouth. He arrived on Monday 5 Jan. 2004 and after having to wait for another plane to bring his luggage, we set off for the city, mainly South Gate where we enjoyed lunch together then across the Princes Bridge to have a look at Federation Square then back to South Gate for dinner. Tuesday 6th we set off early for Port Campbell and all the sights on the way. After a tour of Torquay we headed along the Great Ocean Road for Lorne and Apollo Bay – stopping for a stroll through “Maits Walk” in the Ottway Ranges and it was certainly worth it! As we still had a long way to travel and needed to arrive at our Motel at a reasonable time and as it was starting to rain we were off again heading for Port Campbell. After a lovely dinner and a bottle of Red it was bed time. Wednesday morning we did a quick tour of Port Campbell then off back up the road to Loch Ard Gorge and the 12 Apostles. By this time it was not only pouring rain it was also blowing a gale – but we stuck it out and saw all the sights then after drying outselves off we were on the road again to see Warrnambool. We spent the day (in the rain) wandering through the Maritime Museum and watching the film of the ‘Ship Wreck Coast’ - all of which we thoroughly enjoyed. By late afternoon we decided it was time to head back for Melbourne and home. Thursday dawned and we were not quite sure where we would go, thought of the Queen Victoria Market – no – then maybe Roddy would like to see our Zoo – “yes please I like Zoos” – so we were off again. We didn’t see any “relations” at the Zoo but we did spend quite a bit of time at the new Elephant Trail. That night we enjoyed an Indian Dinner at a local restaurant with Patsy, Bob, Marion, Geoff. - it really topped off a delightful few days with Roddy. 8.30am Friday we were off again but this time only to take Roddy to the Airport in time for him to catch his flight back to Port Macquarie and his sister for a couple more weeks in the sun. (E.Mail from Roddy McLennan, 15 February.- Just to let you know I have not forgotten you all. I arrived back to a raging blizzard!! I have just come out of hospital after an eye operation. I am off up to Glasgow in a few hours as my brother is Roddy McLennan terminally ill. I will be in contact again on my return. Regards Roddy.) 11 “LEST WE FORGET” from Isabel Anderson, Woomelang, Vic. On Friday Febuary 6th 2004, we left early to travel to Ballarat to the opening ceremony of the Australian exPrisoners of War Memorial. The Memorial honours the prisoners of war of the Boer War, 1899; World War I, 1914 - 18; World War II, 1939-45; and the Korean War, 1950 – 1953. Altogether 35,000 names are engraved on Panels 130 metres long. There are also two blank panels to record any further names that they are given. The Boer War had approx. 200 POW’s with 4 deaths; First World War more than 4,000 POW’s with more than 300 deaths; Second World War more than 30,000 POW’s with more than 8,000 deaths; Korean War 29 POW’s with one death. - It has been a difficult task to round up the names as no accurate records were kept. However General Peter Cosgrove, AC, MC, Chief of the Defence Forces, who performed the official ceremony, stated that this will not happen in the future. The idea for the Monument started nine years ago with the Ballarat R.S.L. who were going to commemorate their own local names. The project grew to an all Australia memorial and it is now a fitting tribute to those who were taken prisoner of war and especially those who died in captivity. There was a huge crowd present…..nearly 10,000 – including the Governor General and other dignitaries. They came from all over Australia. The Australian Army Band was there and the Welsh Male Choir who gave a moving rendition of “Be Still My Soul” interspersed with the Last Post. After the ceremony we went forward to find the names of those we knew. My Brother, Collin McLennan – who died of Beri-Beri as a prisoner of the Japanese inThailand on September 30, 1943 and also Brother-in-Law Keith Fletcher who was captured in 1942 and interred in Changi for 6 months and on the Burma-Thai Railway until the end of the war. Keith passed away in 2002 aged 100. Unfortunately because of the crowd we were unable to see the whole monument but we will have a closer look next time we go to Ballarat. We have since heard of others who were there the same day but we did not meet them. A JOURNEY OF HONOUR, REMEMBRANCE AND HEALING. (Extracted from the pamphlet – “Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial”) The Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial is a dramatic and highly symbolic tribute to the sacrifice made by more than 35,000 young Australian service men and women in four theatres of war. At the heart of the monument is a stark, 130 metre long, highly polished black granite wall, engraved with the names of all Australian prisoners of war. The names on this ‘ honour roll’are listed in historical order from the Boer War in 1899 through to the Korean War in 1953. It is a testament to the contribution made by so many. Standing sentinel at the centre of the Memorial are six huge basalt obelisks, etched with the names of all the countries where Australians were held prisoners of war. The obelisks stand in a large reflective pool, set back from the central pathway, symbolising the distance that separated Australia’s prisoners of war from their homes and their loved ones. Opposite the pool is a larger obelisk flanked by flagpoles and a ceremonial stone on which to lay wreaths. The central pathway is itself symbolic, with each of the paving stones cut in the shape of a railway sleeper. The pathway defines the journey taken by the prisoners of war and the journey visitors take around the monument. At the end of the granite wall where the pathway ends, visitors face a large stone - engraved simply ‘Lest We Forget’. Water flows from beneath the stone, along the base of the granite wall and into the reflection pool in which the obelisks stand. This cycle of flowing water, symbolising spirituality, healing, cleansing, birth and rebirth, guides visitors on their journey through the Memorial. “FOR THERE ARE DEEDS THAT SHOULD NOT PASS AWAY, AND NAMES THAT MUST NOT BE FORGOTTEN” LORD BYRON. MUSO’S NEW RUSH (Moreland Leader, Dec. 8, 2003. - by Rick Edwards) Ross McLennan (son of Patsy and Bob McLennan) is enjoying being out of the limelight. After 10 years as the frontman for well-known Aussie indie band Snout, the Coburg resident slipped out of public view late last year. “The whole attitude to get somewhere was the stressful thing.” McLennan said. “We were kind of obsessed with that at one time.” “But to pull back from that frame of mind – to not see myself in that game anymore. I am really loving it.” Such is McLennan’s contentment, his only Gig in 2003 has been as a member of the Sydney Rd. Community School Band – where he works as a teacher’s aide. But McLennan‘s undoubted talents are not going to waste. Many late nights have been spent in his home studio working on his first solo album. “Hits from the Brittle Building”.He will return to the stage at the Rob Roy on Thursday nights, not consumed by the thought of making a million-dollar record but happy with the 13 tunes on his album. “I am really happy with the quality of songs and the way I have recorded them,” he said. “I had a lot of friends come into the studio and do things for me. I am more happy with this than most of the things I have done.” McLennan, who said “Snout disbanded after a couple of years when we didn ‘t enjoy each other’s company,” is looking forward to revisiting the rush he used to get when playing live with the band. “That adrenaline I got on stage – I miss that aspect of it,” Ross said. (This CD reviewed by D.O’D. of the Herald-Sun on 12 Feb.’04 gave it 41/2stars out of 5) Ross McLennan 12 SCOTLAND ISLAND N.S.W. & CONVICT TO CHIEF MAGISTRATE. “Scots Link” Nov. 1987 Scotland Island is a small island in Broken Bay, north of Sydney in Pittwater. It was so named by Andrew Thompson (1773-1810) a Scot who was convicted at the age of 17 for housebreaking and burglary, transported and arrived at Sydney in 1792 in the “Pitt” On arrival he was appointed a constable on the Hawkesbury River which flows into Broken Bay. Having been entirely satisfactory as a constable he was given an absolute pardon on 17 October, 1797. He built the first bridge over South Creek at Green Hills which Governor Macquarie renamed Windsor in 1810 “from the similarity of this situation to that of the same name in England”. He was allowed to charge a toll on it and thus acquired sufficient money to found a brewery at Green Hills (which later became the Windsor Hospital) and to sell alcoholic liquor. Andrew Thompson the ex-convict, became a shipowner and his vessels traded even as far as New Zealand. In 1809 he was granted the island in the Pittwater that he named Scotland Island. Here he dried out sea water and sold salt, and buit small vessels for coastal trading. When the great Hawkesbury River flooded the whole countryside in 1806 he rescued around 100 persons and in 1809 similarly rescued many persons. Governor Lachlan Macquarie (1761-1824), born on the island of Ulva in the Scottish Hebrides, a cousin of the last chieftain of the Clan Macquarie, admired Thompson and described him as the real founder of what is now the notable municipality of Windsor. He made him a justice of the peace and the chief magistrate of the Hawkesbury destrict. Andrew Thompson died on 22 October, 1810. He left a quarter of his estate to Governor Macquarie. He was the first to be buried in the graveyard at the historic St. Matthew’s Church, Windsor and it was the Governor who erected the imposing tombstone at the grave. Thompson Square in Windsor was named by the Governor in his honour. This is the story of perhaps the first lowly Scot who attained distinction in the great new land of Australia. GOT A QUESTION??? Ask the Group!!! - Simply log-on to: www.clan.maclennan.com – Look for the link to “Discussion Group” What’s on?? -All dates are also listed (and updated) in the Clan Discussion Group. Simply Log-on to: www.clan.maclennan.com. And look for the link to “Events Calendar” Join this Yahoo! Group – Free of Charge! FOLLOWING OUR LUNCHEON ON 9 NOVEMBER we received many messages of congratulations : Clan Cameron Newsletter: It was an uplifting experience to meet Ruairidh Donald George MacLennan of MacLennan the young chief of the Clan MacLennan at a Gala Luncheon on Sun. 9th Nov. 2003. He conducted himself with great dignity as we learned how he had carried out his duties as chief with due gravity. He spoke well, with a cheeky but well modulated Scottish accent. He was down to earth and was sufficiently self confident and mature for everyone to realise that he was all of the things that a clan chief should be. The Clan MacLennan celebration was attended by over 200 guests and was extremely well organized, incorporating pageantry and tradition, including a parade of Clans and Scottish Associations, an Address to the Haggis and some wonderful piping from the Melbourne Highland Pipe Band, who wear the MacLennan tartan. The Chief honoured us by performing some bagpipe tunes, a skill for which he is well renowned. He is a piper in the Officers’ Training Corps in Aberdeen. The afternoon concluded with the playing of a wonderful Clan MacLennan song called ‘Return to Donald Cameron. Kintail’ which was composed by local Clan Member, Ross McLennan. Clan Graham: I have just returned from your marvelous Silver Jubilee Lunch – may I heartily congratulate you and your Committee for a fantastic time. Your awarding of Patron to Olive was such a delightful touch. You obviously hold Ruairidh in high regard as your Chief and his sense of duty and devotion to your Clan certainly came through. It must be of great cheer to belong to such a small clan whose sense of belonging comes through as a great strength. It certainly beats my clan (at present that is!) which is perhaps a little big and therefore (possibly) its members do not regard themselves as “belonging” quite as much. However, I’ll keep trying – your event has given me a bit of a boost…..My heartiest congratulations again for a wonderful achievement, celebrated in such happy style with a delightful young man as Chief. Jeremy Graham, Australian Co-ordinator, Clan Graham Association of Scotland. Faye Elliott – I am writing on behalf of Ken, myself, Andrew and Natalie to thank you all for the wonderful day we shared with you all at our 25th Jubilee MacLennan Gathering at Greenvale. It was an amazing day and one we will remember for a very long time. Our family were so proud to be there to see Mum accept her new title of “Patron” and very thrilled to share it with our “Clan Family” . Thank you all so much for all your hard work in .bringing us all together and for making it such a memorable day for all of us. It was very nice to talk to Ruairidh again and I’m sorry the rest of our immediate family were unable to be there too Sincerely and With Love, Faye Council of Clans of Australasia: To the Clan MacLennan Association, Melbourne, Congratulations on your Silver Jubilee 2003. Doug. McLaughlin. 13 Olive MacLennan, Balwyn: I have just about recovered from Cloud 9 after the wonderful celebration of our Silver Jubilee. I would like to thank you all for the wonderful effort you all put into it. I am still receiving phone calls from folk who attended – some interstate-saying how much they enjoyed it. I don’t think I have come to terms with being a Patron – I feel it a great honour- and looking at the beautiful painting of “The Five Sisters of Kintail” – my favourite place in Scotland brings many happy memories. Thank you all for the magnificent Clock with inscription – I am completely overwhelmed. I wish you all many more “special celebrations”. Thanking you all very sincerely, Olive. Neil & Jenny McLennan, Mt. Waverley(& Don McLennan, Jean & Keith Winduss, Burwood.)… Just thought I would let you know that we had a great afternoon on Sunday. It really was an outstanding occasion. Congratulations to you and Mary and the Committee for your foresight and organization. Please let Ruairidh know that we all thought that he spoke very well. It was interesting to get the perspective of the youngest Clan Chief in Scotland. Give him our best wishes. Will be in touch later regarding a little genealogy. Yours aye, Neil & Jenny. Donald & Valorey Fraser, Hawthorn: Congratulations on organizing the wonderful celebration for the Clan’s 25th Anniversary. Kind regards, Donald and Valorey. SILVER JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS, 9 NOVEMBER, 2003 (Glenda Dickson–The Scots Link, No.66) th On the 9 April, 2003, the Clan MacLennan Association reached 25 years of age. At the Silver Jubilee Gala Luncheon held at Greenvale in Melbourne on Sunday 9th November, 2003, many Clan Societies and other groups came together as one big Scottish “family” to help celebrate this event and to honour the Chief, Ruairidh Donald George MacLennan of MacLennan. They also paid tribute to the co-founders of the Australian Association in Melbourne, Elsie Smith (nee Logan) who was the first President and Olive MacLennan who was the first Secretary and who still serves on the committee today at the age of 92years. Clans and Societies that were represented were: Council of Clans, Scots of Victoria, Clan Cameron, Clan Chisholm, Clan Davidson, Clan Fraser, Clan Graham, Clan MacFarlane, Clan MacGillivray, Clan MacKenzie, Clan MacLaughlin, Clan McRae, Clan MacThomas, Clan Stewart, Gaelic Doug McLaughlin’s Welcome Society and the Victorian Scottish Union. Chief Ruairidh was welcomed by Doug. McLaughlin, Chief of the Council of Clans, on behalf of the Clans and Societies in Victoria and was later introduced by Max MacLennan, Chief’s Lieutenant for Australia and President of Clan MacLennan, Melbourne. Ruairidh inherited the title of Chief of the MacLennan Clan when he was only 12 years old following the death of his father Ronald in 1989. Even now he is still the youngest Clan Chief - which apparently does have some advantages, especially in gaining the attention of a younger audience. The Clan also supports young people in their Ruairidh Piping endeavours as can be seen by the annual award of the Clan MacLennan Perpetual Piping Trophy. This comes as no surprise considering the Clan is noted for its outstanding pipers and the guests were treated to a performance by the 2001 and 2002 winning piper, Julian Bellamy. Ruairidh is himself a very proficient piper (as he demonstrated for us at the luncheon) and was Pipe Major at Fettes College, Edinburgh. In 1995 he won the Scottish Schools Piping Competition. He is also a competent rower and sailor, sailing on a Tall Ship with his school and in 1993, rowing solo the length of Loch Ness for Scottish charities. In 2002 Ruairidh graduated from the University of Aberdeen with a Master’s degree in Rural Surveying and was re-commissioned in the Officer Training Corps at Aberdeen as a piper in their Pipe Band. Chief Ruairidh’s home is on the shore of Loch Ness in the village of Dores. He is currently employed by Strutt & Parker at Banchory, near Aberdeen, involved with the factoring of a number of estates. Following the Parade of Clans and the official welcome, the Selkirk Grace was presented by Johan Fraser nee MacLennan (Clan Fraser), Carolyn McLennan (daughter of Bob & Patsy) then gave “A Toast to our Chief Ruairidh” which was her The Toast own composition. 14 A TOAST TO OUR CHIEF RUAIRIDH By Carolyn McLennan We welcome you Ruairidh and extend a hand to our braw leader from the Bonnie land. In spirit we join you and embrace Clan beliefs, We see now and the future with you as our Chief. You’re here with us now and it’s time for a toast – So here’s to guid times from your Aussie hosts. Addressing the Haggis The haggis procession was a sight to behold with George Cooper following on with the “Address” before the beastie was devoured as entrée. After the main course, the Chief gave his speech. Ruairidh spoke of the strength of the Clan and its loyal supporters but also of the need to look to the future. He encouraged the older members of the clan to “create wealth and prosper” (or words of that effect) but to the younger members of the Clan he suggested they “go forth and multiply”, much to the amusement of those present. At the conclusion of the meal the guests were treated to a performance of “Return to Kintail” by Ross McLennan (Composer) (Son of Max & Mary) with Frank Donovan and The City of Melbourne Highland Pipe Band. “RETURN TO KINTAIL” by Ross McLennan It’s been sixteen score years Since we lost our Chief And still you hear the cryin’ Along the Ridge of Tears. An’ since that battle few Have stayed within the Parish But now the time is nearing The legend will ring true Chorus We will Return to Kintail Take each other by the hand Five Sisters they are calling It’s time to make our stand We will Return to Kintail The many coloured land ‘cross the hills you’ll hear us singing The proud MacLennan Clan Pipe Solo and Bridge Oh no more you’ll hear the cryin’ Along the Ridge of Tears Our sorrow turns to joy! For our Chief is with us here Now we will never leave The Highlands of our home Kintail’s in our hearts where’er we roam Chorus, Bridge Chorus, Pipes Outro Return to Kintail CAN YOU HELP !! Seeking descendants of Robert Haydon Cheriton/Mary McLennan who were married in 1860 in South Australia and settled in Coolamon and Deniliquin areas of NSW. Their children – Isabella b 1861; Donald John b 1863 m 1888 Mary Ann McGrath (who had four daughters Evelyn, Grettie, Olga and Donna) ; Mary Christina b 1865 m 1896 Robert Vagg at Hillston; Susannah b 1868; Richard b 1869; Anna b 1871 m 1907 Alexander Strang; Duncan b 1872; Andrew b 1874; Henry b 1875; Albert b 1877; Hermon b 1881 m 1912 Alice Keegan. Any information please contact Judy Perkins 02 4388 1884 or e.mail perkins@smartchat.net.au From Scots Link No.65, 2003… McLennan, John b.1825 Strathglass, Inverness-shire, Scot. son of Duncan McLennan and Annie Fraser. Married 1855 in Croy and Dalcross Parish, Inverness, to Isabella b 1827 Inverness, dau. of Duncan Chisholm and Mary McDonald. Arrived Victoria on the “Ida” July, 1853 & came to Stawell area in same year.. Shepherd at Glynwylln then farmer at Doctor’s Creek near Stawell where John d.1907 and Isabella d.1912. Children *Angus 1856-1937, Duncan 1857-1910, Annie 1859-1939 m 1907 John Potter, Colin 1861-1943 m 1905 Margaret Flynn, John 1863-1920, Mary 1866-1928 and Donald 1868-1967 m 1915 Robina Paul. *Angus donated marble alter in Stawell Catholic church in memory of deceased parents & siblings. Researched by John Monaghan, P.O. Box 5048 Mildura. 3502 Australia. E.mail monaghan@ncable.com.au 15 “CLANSFOLK SEEN AT PICNIC DAY – 8 NOVEMBER, 2003.” Enid Macfarlane and Ruairidh. Max, Bob and Geoff. McLennan/Kath Nicholls, Patsy McLennan, Ruairidh, Jeanette Jasper. James Blackbourn and Ruairidh. Kath Nicholls, Grand Daughter Tracey, and Daughter Helen with Ruairidh. Jenny and Neil McLennan with Ruairidh. Frank McLennan (Lake Boga) and Ruairidh. 16 WE HAVE IN OUR POSSESSION TWO LISTS OF McLENNANS (ASSISTED IMMIGRANTS), who arrived in Sydney & Newcastle 1844 – 59 and Sydney 1880 – 1896 - including the names of the Ships. If this is of any interest to readers we would be pleased to forward a copy of the lists. (Please contact Editors.) SNIPPETS FROM THE HISTORY OF BIRREGURRA AND SURROUNDING AREAS. 1887 - Roderick McLennan opened the first General Store at Barwon Downs. 1900 - A Church built in Barwon Downs – used by Presbyterian, Church of England & Methodist churches on land donated by John McLennan. 1901 - Lance Corporal A. Ernest Ledgerwood was accorded a great reception at Birregurra after returning from the Boer War. A torchlight procession headed by D. McLennan with his bagpipes took place prior to a concert. 1907 - Unveiling of a tablet in memory of the late Dosh McLennan at the Barwon Downs Church. 1908 - Isabella Ramsay of Mooleric laid the foundation stone for the new brick Birregurra Presbyterian Church – named the Dosh McLennan Memorial Church 1910 - The marriage of Edith Wallace to Alex McLennan was the first marriage to be solemnized in the McLennan Memorial Church at Barwon Downs. 1939 - At the outbreak of World War II the Murroon Red Cross was reformed with Mrs. Alex. McLennan elected President of the Dosh McLennan Memorial Church Barwon Downs Unit. ( From the book – “A Journey Through Time 1836 – 2003” Compiled by Joy Rourke.) GLENGARRY MEN (From Mrs. Marilyn Lawler, Ontario, in Clan MacLennan Scotland Newsletter 1986) Big Rorie MacLennan, 1842-1907, athlete, successful contractor, private banker, militia colonel, founder of the MacLennan Scholarship at Queens, M.P. for Glengarry 1891 – 1900, was one of three brothers, the others being Aleck Rory and Angus Rory. They were sons of Roderick, veteran of the 1837-38 rebellion and a grandson of Farquhar MacLennan and wife Flora MacLennan of Kintail, who had settled in Glengarry, 1802. Rorie, we know was 6ft 6ins., 250 lbs., Alex Rory, 6ft4ins., and Angus Rory also over 6ft. The Chief has a picture of them sent by Rorie to his great-grandfather, also named Roderick addressed ‘from his cousins.’ Rorie paid tribute to the Glengarry men, and I give you the first lines of a statement. “There is no county in Canada that has turned out so many successful railwaymen and successful men in every walk of life as the County of Glengarry.” At a hotel meeting it was recorded the presence of Roderick MacLennan (Rory, the Mason) who was Chief Engineer on the Lake Superior section of the C.P.R.; Alex R. MacLennan (Aleck Rory), a brother of Big Rorie, the Contractor; Donald McLennan (Donald, mason), John D. MacLennan (Rory, the masons son). Also noted they were talking Gaelic at a great rate. The uncle of Alex, Angus and Rorie was Big Finnan, the hero of many a North West tale. Here is one of them – Around 1830 Big Finnan got separated from his fellows in a big hunt on the plains of the North West when the Bison were as thick as now they are scarce. He singled out a bull but got unhorsed, the bull attacked him. Big Finnan grasped him by the horns and the two struggled for four hours, the desperate man never letting go his hold. When his companions came up the buffalo was found dead and Big Finnan lay helpness and unconscience at its head, still holding by the horns. It was perhaps the greatest fight between man and beast ever recorded. “Of such men do I boast to be sprung,” said Aleck Rory. LET’S LAUGH!!!! Sitting on the side of the road waiting to catch speeding drivers, a Florida State Trooper sees a car puttering along at 22mph. He thinks to himself, “this driver is as dangerous as a speeder”. So he turns on his lights and pulls the driver over. Approaching the car, he notices that there are five elderly ladies – two in the front and three in the back – all wide-eyed and white as ghosts. The driver, obviously confused, says to him “Officer, I don’t understand, I was going at the exact speed limit. What seems to be the problem?” The Trooper trying to contain a chuckle, explains to her that 22 was the Route number, not the speed limit. A bit embarrassed, the woman grinned and thanked the officer for pointing out her error. “But before you go, Ma’am, I have to ask, is everyone in this car, OK? These women seem awfully shaken?” “Oh, they’ll be all right in a minute or two officer. We just got off Route 127”. NEW MEMBERS. We have great pleasure in welcoming the following into our Clan Family and hope we will be able to meet them at one or all of our gatherings:- Leslie Maher, Nyah West, Vic; Peggy-Ann Elliott, Hampton Park, Vic.; Terrence Jasper, Glen Iris, Vic.; James Nuske, Vermont, Vic.; Anna Gordon, Papatoetoe, N.Z. WELCOME !! 17 “OVER 200 SEEN AT OUR SILVER JUBILEE LUNCHEON ON 9 NOVEMBER, 2003.” 18 “OVER 200 SEEN AT OUR SILVER JUBILEE LUNCHEON ON 9 NOVEMBER, 2003.” 19 20 DATES TO REMEMBER OURS: 28 20 28 Mar. June Nov. 2004 2004 2004 Ringwood Highland Gathering & Games, Jubilee Park, 9am – 5pm. AGM & Ceilidh, Burwood Heights Uniting Church Hall. 11am Service at The Scots’ Church, 1pm BYO Lunch & Gathering, Fitzroy Gardens. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May June June July 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 Scottish Genealogy Fair, Scottish Hall, Bankstown, ( Ph. 02 - 9477 4619.) Bundanoon Highland Gathering, 9.30am – 4.30pm (A.H. Ph. 02 – 4883 6033) (Easter) Maclean Centenary Highland Gathering. (Ph. 02 - 6645 2881) Scottish Act of Remembrance, Sydney. (Ph. 02 – 9477 4619) Standing Stones Celtic Festival, Glen Innes.(Ph. 02 – 9477 4619) Tartan Day – Lane Cove (Ph. 02 – 9477 4619) Repeal o’ the Tartan Service, Westmead. (Ph. 02 – 9477 4619) Aberdeen Highland Gathering (Ph. 02 – 9477 4619) 2004 “The Heart is Highland” Exhibition & Collaborative Display with Victorian Highland Pipe Band Association, at Immigration Museum, Cnr. Flinders & Market Streets, Melbourne.(History of Piping & Music in Aust.) New Zealand National Pipe Band Champs., Taupo, NZ. (Ph NZ 3. 328 7262) Annual Scottish Gala Dinner, Karralyka Centre, Ringwood,Vic (Ph 03 9870 2888) Geelong Highland Gathering, Queens Park. (Incl. Australian Pipe Band Champs.) Family History Expo.10am-4pm Leisure Centre,Browning St. Kangaroo Flat, Bendigo, Vic. ( Ph. 03 5443 0706) “Settlers in the Sun” Family History Conf., St Joseph’s College, 12th Street, Mildura. (www.rootsweb.com/~ausmdgs/2004/html) “In Loving Memory” A Celebration of Graveyards. – Family History Conf. The Alberts Hall, Dumbarton Road, Stirling, Scotland. (www.csfhs.org.uk) Scottish Societies & Clans Ball, Williamstown Town Hall, (Ph. 03 9369 2014) Scottish Heritage Day, Greaves Reserve, Bennet St., Dandenong. 10am-4pm (Ph. 03 9792 1417) National Celtic Festival, Portarlington, Vic. (Ph. 03 -5241 2499) Hogmanay Australis Luncheon. (Ph. 03 9524 6244) Kirkin o’ the Tartan, The Scots’ Church, Melbourne. 11am. City of Inverness, Highland Gathering, Bught Park, Inverness, Scotland. Edinburgh Military Tattoo, Edinburgh, Scotland. Braemar Highland Gathering, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. NSW: 20 3 9 – 10 25 1-2 19 27 3 OTHERS: 10 23 12-14 19 21 21 Mar. to May Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 16-18 Apr. 2004 24 Apr. 2004 7 30 May May 2004 2004 12-14 27 4 24 6 – 28 4 June June July July Aug. Sept. 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 CLAN MacLENNAN GOODS FOR SALE: Plain Ties with Crest $15.00 Tartan Bow Ties $24.00 Tartan Ties (Wool Blend) (Boy’s $25) $30.00 Tartan Beret $36.00 Tartan Caps (Mens) $44.00 Tartan Scarf or Square $36.00 Clan MacLennan Post Card $02.00 MacIain Post Card (Logan) $01.50 Men’s Handkerchief with Crest $03.50 Ladies Hankerchief with Crest $02.50 Tea Spoon with Crest $06.50 Sugar Spoon with Crest $06.50 Small Lapel Crest Badge $06.50 Pewter Crest Brooch $40.00 Key Tags with Crest $05.50 Book Mark with Crest $05.00 Clan MacLennan Kilt Pin (Pewter) $40.00 Polo Shirts with Crest $24.00 Fridge Magnet $06.00 Crest Stickers $06.00 Crest Coasters (Set of Two) $15.00 Crest Coffee Mug $20.00 Windcheaters - Grey Marle with Navy Crest $26.00 T.Shirts - Grey Marle with Navy Crest $20.00 ( Available in Large or Small Print ) Books “ The History & Traditions of the MacLennans of Kintail ” by Dr.Jon.McLennan & James McLennan $25.00 “ In Search of Clan MacLennan ” by Malcolm Lobban & James McLennan - Soft Cover $40.00 - Hard Cover $50.00 Please add Postage/Packing: Within Australia A$2.50 for one item plus A$1.00 for each additional item Overseas Surface Mail - triple the rates for “Within Australia”. Supply subject to availabilty of stock and variation in price. Cheques payable to “Clan MacLennan Association.” Orders with payment to Bob McLennan, 13 Lamart St,. STRATHMORE, Vic. 3041. Tel. (03) 9379 2425
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