Family album B2 Ruder-Roth Riedel-Hiatt

Oct. 26, 2014
Family album
Clubs and meetings
• Weight Watchers meeting, 6:30
p.m., First United Methodist Church,
305 W. Seventh. Weigh-ins, 5:30 to
6:30 p.m.
• High Plains Zen Skype discussion group meeting, 6 p.m. Contact
Liz Lawlor at (785) 798-3703 or email for
more information about the group.
Paul and Lucy (Schippers) Baier
Paul and Lucy (Schippers)
Baier, Hays, will celebrate their
60th wedding anniversary Nov.
1, 2014, with the family.
Children of the couple are
Susan Legleiter and husband,
Ron, and Jane Schumacher
and husband, Brian, all of
Hays, Mary Pfeifer and husband, Steve, Victoria, Betty
Johnson and husband, Marty,
Lincoln, Neb., and the late
Amy Renee Baier in 1990.
The couple have 12
grandchildren, 10 greatgrandchildren and also stepgrandchildren.
Paul and Lucy (Schippers)
Baier were married Nov. 6,
1954, at the Basilica of St.
Fidelis, Victoria.
Cards can be sent to them
at 1604 Fort, Hays, KS
• Hays Optimist Club meeting,
noon, Golden Corral, 383 Mopar
• Kiwanis Club of Hays meeting,
noon, Rose Garden Steak Haus and
Catering Heritage Room, 230 E.
Eighth. For more information about
Kiwanis Club, visit www.hayskiwanis.
• Open-door Alanon family meeting, noon, 410 Oak.
• Hays Lions Club meeting, noon,
• Narcotics Anonymous, 8 p.m., 410
• Meal Site reservations for seniors
Rose Garden Steak Haus and CaterOak. Phone: (785) 625-9860, Josh at
age 60 or older must be made the day
ing, 230 E. Eighth.
(785) 625-0991 or Mary at (785) 432before eating at the Meal Site, 2450 E.
• TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensi2428.
Eighth. Cost is $3.25 or contribution. For bly) No. 818 meeting, 6 p.m., Trinity
• New Beginnings open-door
reservations or cancellations, call (785)
Lutheran Church basement, (lower
meeting, 7:30 p.m., St. Mi628-6644 between 9 a.m. and noon.
level) 2703 Fort. Call Beverly, (316)
chael Episcopal Church, 29th and
755-1055, or bednasek@network- Canal. for more information
• Hays High Plains barbershop choabout the group. Everyone is welrus and quartets meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
• Hays Rotary Club, noon, Rose
Trinity Lutheran Church basement.
Garden Steak Haus and Catering
• Open-door Alanon family meeting,
• Sunrise Rotary Club of Hays
Heritage Room, 230 E. Eighth.
8 p.m., 410 Oak.
meeting, 7 a.m., Victor E. Tiger
• TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
• Support group for victims of
Lounge, Gross Memorial Coliseum at
No. 416, Hays, weigh-ins, noon, Via
domestic and sexual violence, 5:30
Fort Hays State University.
Christi Village basement. Attendees
p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church,
should use the assisted-living facil2703 Fort.
ity’s front entrance, 2225 Canter• Male support group for men who
bury (lower level). Call Beverly, (316)
have experienced domestic or sexual
755-1055, or email bednasek@
• Narcotics Anonymous, 10 p.m.,
violence, noon to 1 p.m. Contact the for more inforOptions: Domestic and Sexual Violence 410 Oak. For more information, call
mation about the group. Everyone is
Services office, (785) 625-3055, for more (785) 625-9860 or (785) 625-0991 or
Mary at (785) 432-2428.
• Options: Domestic and Sexual
Violence Services support groups in
Hays are for people in or who have
been in abusive relationships. Call for
time and location, (785) 625-3055 or
(800) 794-4624.
• Need help with addiction? Call
(800) 556-8885.
Hays Recreation Commission calendar
Elizabeth Riedel and
Thomas Hiatt were married Aug. 9, 2014, at Village
Presbyterian Church, Prairie
Village, with the Rev. Jenny
McDevitt officiating.
Parents of the couple are
Charlie and Denise Riedel,
Overland Park, and Scott
and Dorothy Hiatt, Shawnee.
Grandparents of the
couple are Leslie and Wayne
Jobe, Zanesville, Ohio, the
late Dennis Stegman, the late
Herb and Felicitas Riedel,
Diana Bennett, Shawnee, the
late Roy Bennett, and the late
Bob and Norma Hiatt.
The bride was escorted by
her father.
Honor attendant was
Katherine Riedel. Attendants were Sarah Weiner,
Stephanie Snodgrass, Britany
Riley and Stephanie Palmer.
The bride’s attendant was
Rachael Riedel.
Best man was Kerry
Cobb. Groomsmen were
Ben Ashworth, Jayson Jenks,
Andy Riedel and Alex Zimmer. Ushers were Curtis
Edge, Ryan Riedel and Rusty
Reader was Josh Edge.
Guest book attendants were
Bailey Hiatt and Shelby
Stegman. Gift attendants
were Rebecca Stegman and
Victoria Stegman. Program
attendants were Hope Schumacher, Sadie Riedel and
Hannah White.
Flower girl was Zoie
Whelan. Ringbearer was
Ethan White.
The bride is a 2008 graduate of Shawnee Mission West
High School and a 2012 and
2013 graduate of University
of Kansas. She is a bridge
engineer with HNTB in
Overland Park.
The bridegroom is a 2008
graduate of Shawnee Mission Northwest High School
and a 2012 graduate of KU.
He is a law school student at
The couple have planned
a trip to the Dominican
Republic in January. The
newlyweds are at home in
John and Karla Ruder,
Plainville, announce the engagement and approaching
marriage of their daughter, Emily Marie Ruder, to
Joseph Arnold Roth, son
of Jamey and Angie Roth,
The bride-elect is a 2011
graduate of Plainville High
School and is attending Kansas State University.
The prospective bridegroom is a 2012 graduate of
Thomas More Prep-Marian
High School and is attending
An Aug. 8, 2015, wedding
is planned at the Basilica of
St. Fidelis, Victoria.
Stork Club
Kinley Marie Bollig,
daughter of Aaron and Melissa Bollig, Overland Park,
was born
Sept. 18,
She was
7 pounds,
12 ounces.
She was 20
inches long.
parents are
Connie Bollig, Hays, the late Bob Bollig,
and Gary and Annette Trefz,
Coggon, Iowa.
Great-grandparents are
Carlyn Murphy, Hays, the
late Harlan Murphy, Jim and
Sharon Price, Coggon, and
the late Dick and Pat Trefz.
Air Force Airman Ethan T.
Ayers graduated from basic
military training at Joint Base
San Antonio-Lackland, San
Antonio, Texas. Airmen who
complete basic training earn
four credits toward an associate in applied science degree.
Ayers is the son of Julie M.
Ayers, Colorado Springs,
Colo., and grandson of Morris Engle, Phillipsburg.
Visit us at,
where you will find online registration, entry forms, weather
cancellations, schedules and
The HRC office hours
are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday (open until 6
p.m. Wednesday). The HRC
phone number is (785) 6232650.
Trip rescheduled
Those who were signed up
for the original Quilt Shop
Hop trip will get priority, but
we still have room for others.
We will visit area towns with
quilt shop. You will be given a
time limit to do your shopping before we move to the
next stop. Put on your running
shoes and get ready. Meal is
not included. Entry deadline:
Nov. 5 Entry fee: $10. Date:
Nov. 7. Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Age: 55 and older. Departs
from: Recreation Center.
Limitations: minimum five,
maximum 20.
Wednesday deadlines
If a class is full, put your
name on the waiting list. We
always do our best to accommodate everyone, so if you
are not on the waiting list and
we add an additional class,
you will miss out.
Baby T.A.S. (birth to 2)
Funny fingers, tickly toes
This class is a fun, activitybased, “hands on learning
program” where your infant
will learn by using their five
senses; seeing pictures, handling the learning materials,
hearing songs and rhymes,
etc. During this time, they
will also experience sign
language, group activity
time, play time, sensory/
learning time. Entry fee: $6.
Date: Wednesdays, Nov. 5 to
19. Times: 10:30 to 11 a.m.
Ages: 9 to 18 months with an
adult. Location: Recreation
Center. Limitation: minimum
five, maximum 10.
Tiny T.A.S. (2 to 5)
Kids, you heard the song,
and now it’s time to make
some treats for your own dog.
The activity will be filled with
a story, the song and making your own treats to take
home for your special pet. If
you don’t have a dog, make
some to give to someone’s pet.
Announcement Guidelines
• Engagement, wedding and
anniversary forms are available
at the newspaper office, 507
Main. Anniversary information
can be submitted before or after
the event.
Electronic forms are accessible
by clicking on “Society” at www.
Forms and pictures must
be submitted before noon
Wednesday to appear in Sunday’s paper.
Fees are as follows and
include one picture: $30 for
wedding; $25 for engagements;
and $25 for anniversaries. An
anniversary announcement also
can include the couple’s wedding
picture for an additional $15
• Birth announcements should
include birth date, place of birth,
and weight and length of the
infant. Also include the names
and ages of any siblings and
the names and addresses of
parents and grandparents. The
publishing fee of $10 includes
one picture
• Clubs and meetings notices
can be submitted on forms available at the newspaper office.
The deadline is 11 a.m. Thursday. They are published Sunday.
Notices might be edited because
of space limitations. There is no
• Community news, such as
club, 4-H and scouting activities
and birthdays over age 70 and
accompanying pictures, also can
be submitted. They are published
on Tuesday’s or Thursday’s Community page. There is no charge.
Entry deadline: Session 1 and
2: Oct. 29 Entry fee: $3. Date:
Session 1: Monday, Nov. 3;
Session 2: Wednesday, Nov.
5. Times: Session 1: 10:30 to
11:15 a.m. Session 2: 5:30 to
6:15 p.m. Ages: 3 and older
with an adult. Location: Recreation Center Limitations:
minimum five, maximum 12.
Entry fee: $8. Date: Thursdays, Nov. 6 to 20. Times:
4 to 4:45 p.m. Ages: 5 to 11.
Location: Recreation Center.
Limitations: minimum eight,
maximum 20.
Get registered and learn
the lost art of tatting. You
will learn the basics of how
Busy bodies
to make rings, joining and
Join the fun of making
chains. You will learn how
crafts, reading stories, cooking to make a snowflake and
projects, gym play and tumedging. As part of the fee,
bling during this four-week
each participant will receive a
session. This is a great way to shuttle and thread. Entry fee:
burn some extra energy. Entry $25. Date: Tuesdays, Nov. 4
fee: $10. Date: Tuesdays, Nov. to 11. Time: 7 to 8:30 p.m.
4 to 25. Times: Session 1:
Ages: 11 and older. Location:
9:30 to 10:15 a.m. Session 2:
Recreation Center. Limita10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Ages: Ses- tions: minimum three, maxision 1: 3 to 4. Session 2: 2 to 3 mum six. Instructor: Deanna
with adult. Location: RecNewberry.
reation Center. Limitation:
Adult leisure
Minimum five, maximum 12.
you’re not ready to go home,
why not stay for a game of
cards, dominos or a game
of dice. Entry fee: $5. Date:
Session 1: Monday, Nov. 17.
Time: noon to 1:30 p.m.
Ages: 55 and older. Location:
Recreation Center. Limitations: minimum six, maximum 15.
Breakfast bingo
Enjoy a delicious breakfast while trying your luck
with a few games of bingo.
Win a prize or just have fun.
Entry fee: $5. Date: Session
2: Monday, Nov. 3. Times: 9
to 10 a.m. Ages: 55 and older.
Location: Recreation Center.
Limitation: minimum five,
maximum 15.
Corporate wellness program
The Corporate Wellness and Health Incentive
Join us for a relaxing eveprogram offered is a great
ning at Pottery Works to make way to keep your employees
a beautiful fused fall candle
motivated, productive and
holder using fall colors. Entry healthy throughout the work
Fee: $40. Date: Thursday,
year. With a minimum of five
Nov. 6. Time: 7 to 9 p.m.
participants, you will receive
Ages: 18 and older. Location: a membership at discounted
Pottery Works, 126 W. Ninth. rate. You will also be entered
Limitations: minimum five.
automatically into our
Corporate Wellness ChalTatting
lenge. Just one of the many
Get registered and learn
ways we are helping you with
the lost art of tatting. You
your Wellness Goals. Call
will learn the basics of how
the HRC Fitness Center for
to make rings, joining and
more details at (785) 623chains. You will learn how
to make a snowflake and
Corporate wellness challenge
edging. As part of the fee,
This is a fun and healthy
each participant will receive a
shuttle and thread. Entry fee: way to keep your employees
motivated throughout the
$25. Date: Tuesdays, Nov. 4
holiday and winter months.
to 11. Time: 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Ages: 18 and older. Location: There are three different
monthly challenges, and
Recreation Center. Limitacorporate winners of the
tions: minimum three, maximum six. Instructor: Deanna challenges will receive a free
month’s membership. You
must be a participating Corporate Wellness and Health
Actively 55 Club
Incentive company to particiT-shirt scarves
Join us as we make a scarf pate in this program. Entry
using one of your old T-shirts fee: free. Date: Saturday, Nov.
(the older the shirt, the softer 1, Monday, Dec. 1, Friday,
Jan. 2. Location: Fitness
the scarf will be). Bring a
Center. Limitations: Must
shirt (one without screen
be a participating Corporate
printing on it tends to work
better) in your choice of color Wellness and Health Incentive member.
and a pair of sharp scissors.
You might also bring beads,
Youth sports
scraps of leather or fabric to
Instructional basketball
add additional details to your
This program introduces
scarf. Great for yourself or to
the basics of basketball to
make as Christmas or birthday gifts. Entry fee: $8. Date: youth in grades kindergarten
through second. This will be
Saturday, Nov. 8. Time: 4 to
a fun way to learn to dribble,
5 p.m. Ages: 55 and older.
Location: Recreation Center. pass, shoot and more. Entry
Limitations: minimum three, fee: $15. Date: Saturdays,
Nov. 1 to Dec. 13. We will
maximum eight.
not meet Nov. 29. Grade
Let’s do lunch
and Time: Kindergarten:
Break up your busy day
10 to 10:50 a.m.;first grade:
with a relaxing lunch at the
11:10 a.m. to noon; Second
Recreation Center. The sograde: 12:15 to 1:15 p.m.
cial scene starts at noon with Location: HRC Gyms 1
lunch. Following lunch, if
and 2.
Mystery evening
Sticky fingers
This class is for kids with
inquiring minds. We will
make play-dough, color sand,
paint with sponges and a variety of other things. Entry fee:
$3. Date: Session 1: Thursday,
Nov. 6. Time: Session 1, Time
A: 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. Session
1, Time B: 10:45 to 11:30
a.m. Ages: Session 1, Time
A: 2 with an adult. Session 1,
Time B: 3 to 5 with an adult.
Location: Recreation Center.
Limitations: minimum five,
maximum 12.
Tween T.A.S. (5 to 17)
Lindy hop dance lessons
Come with a partner to
learn and enjoy the basics
of the Lindy hop and also a
quick lesson on the jitterbug.
At the end of each lesson,
there will be opportunity
to dance and practice new
moves from the lesson. Entry fee: $35 full session or
$10 per class. Date: Mondays, Nov. 3 to 24. Times:
7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ages: 13
and older. Location: 13th
Street Gym, 323 W. 13th.
Limitations: minimum six,
maximum 16 (eight couples).
Instructor: Brittany and
Jeremy Hughes.
Junk drawer robotics
Learn how to create your
own robots from things you
find in the “junk drawer”
around the house and shop.
This session is taught by Susan Schlichting, Ellis County
Extension agent for 4-H
youth development. List any
food allergies when signing
up for this class. Entry fee:
$6. Date: Tuesday, Nov. 4.
Time: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ages:
9 to 11. Location: Recreation Center. Limitations:
minimum five, maximum 10.
Instructor: Susan Schlichting,
Ellis County Extension agent
for 4-H youth development.
Fun and fitness
Get fun workouts using basic body movement and gross
motor skills. Gain strength,
flexibility and balance crawling
up, down, over and through
mats, parachutes, hoops and
more. At the end of each session, enjoy a nutritional snack.
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