Sponsorship Reply Form ___I/we would like to become an event sponsor at the following level: ___$10,000 Lead Sponsor: 10 tickets, opportunity to speak for 1 minute from podium, full page program ad inside front or back cover, listing in printed program, on signage, and on Facebook page (130,000 followers) ___$5,000 Upstander: 8 tickets, full page program ad, listing in printed program, on signage, and on Facebook page (130,000 followers) ___$2,500 Benefactor: 6 tickets, half page program ad, listing in printed program and on signage ___$1,000 Patron: 4 tickets, listing in printed program and on signage ___$500 Friend: 2 ticket, listing on signage ___As a Sponsor, I/we will be using ____of my/our tickets. ___As a Sponsor, I/we would like to purchase ____ additional tickets at $200 each. ___I/we am/are unable to become an event sponsor this year, but would like to: ___Purchase ____ individual tickets at $200 each. ___Make a tax-deductible donation in the amount of $________. _______________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT/COMPANY NAME (as you would like it to appear on all materials and at check in) _______________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP _______________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PHONE E-MAIL ___My/our gift is anonymous. ___Enclosed is a check made payable to the Tyler Clementi Foundation. ___Please charge $ _________ to my: ___Visa ___MasterCard ___American Express. _______________________________________________________________________________________ CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP.DATE SECURITY CODE _______________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME ONE CARD SIGNATURE Please return this form by email to rsvp@tylerclementi.org (subject line: Upstander Event Gift) or by mail to The Tyler Clementi Foundation, P.O. Box 54, Ridgewood, NJ 07451-0054. Questions, please contact Jonill Mayer at 646-588-1248 or at rsvpclementi@gmail.com. For ad specifications or to purchase an ad or tribute, please see reverse side of this form. The Tyler Clementi Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization. All but $75 of each ticket used is tax-deductible to the full extend of the law. Journal Reply Form ___I/we would like to purchase the following ad or tribute: ___Full Page Color $1,000 (7.5” h x 6.25” w) ___Full Page $750 (7.5” h x 6.25” w) ___Half Page $500 (3.75” h x 6.25” w) ___Quarter Page $250 (3.75” h x 3.12” w) ALL TEXT AND ARTWORK IS DUE BY OCTOBER 24th, 2014. Please email the final file to rsvp@tylerclementi.org (subject line: Upstander Journal) as a TIFF, PDF, EPS or JPEG without bleed at 300 dpi. Journal ads will be printed in grayscale unless noted. ___In addition to/instead of an ad, I/we would like to: ___Purchase ____ individual tickets at $200 each. ___Make a tax-deductible donation in the amount of $________. ______________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT/COMPANY NAME (as you would like it to appear on all materials and at check in) ______________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PHONE E-MAIL ___My/our gift is anonymous. ___Enclosed is a check made payable to the Tyler Clementi Foundation. ___Please charge $ _________ to my: ___Visa ___MasterCard ___American Express. ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP.DATE SECURITY CODE ______________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME ONE CARD SIGNATURE Please return this form by email to rsvp@tylerclementi.org (subject line: Upstander Event Gift) or by mail to The Tyler Clementi Foundation, P.O. Box 54, Ridgewood, NJ 07451-0054. Questions, please contact Jonill Mayer at 646-588-1248 or at rsvpclementi@gmail.com. For Sponsorship Opportunities, please see reverse side of this form. ALL TEXT AND ARTWORK IS DUE BY OCTOBER 24th, 2014 to rsvp@tylerclementi.org (subject line: Upstander Journal) as a TIFF, PDF, EPS or JPEG without bleed at 300 dpi. The Tyler Clementi Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization. All but $75 of each ticket used is tax-deductible to the full extend of the law.
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