Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 Morphometric investigations in Kattery Watershed, South India using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques Kasiviswanathan S. P.1, Subramani T.1*, Suresh M.2 and Karunanidhi D.3 1. Department of Mining Engineering, CEG, Anna University, Chennai-600025, Tamil Nadu, INDIA 2. Department of Civil Engineering, Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology, Dharmapuri-636352, Tamil Nadu, INDIA 3. Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-641062, Tamil Nadu, INDIA *geosubramani@annauniv.edu; geosubramani@yahoo.com mini-watersheds indicating low relief and more permeable subsurface materials. Hence, from the study, it can be concluded that remote sensing data (SRTM–DEM) coupled with geospatial techniques prove to be a competent tool in morphometric analysis and the data can be used for watershed management, control of soil erosion and landslide mitigation. Abstract Morphometric analysis of Kattery watershed in and around Achanakal, South India has been carried out using remote sensing and GIS techniques. These techniques are found relevant for the extraction of watersheds and drainage networks. The extracted drainage networks were classified according to Strahler’s system of classification which reveals that the terrain exhibits dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern. Morphometric analysis was carried out at mini-watershed level using spatial analysis tool in GIS. The Kattery watershed is sprawled over an area of 137.32 km2. The study area is designated as fifth-order watershed and lower order streams mostly dominate the watershed with the mean drainage density value of 2.73 km/km2. The slope of basin varies from gentle to 52.65° and the slope variation is chiefly controlled by the local geology and erosion cycles. Keywords: Morphometric analysis, Stream order, Bifurcation ratio, Drainage density, Elongation ratio, Circulatory ratio, Slope analysis, Remote Sensing and GIS, Kattery watershed. Introduction The main focus of the study is to demonstrate the potential use of remotely sensed data and geographical information systems (GIS) in evaluation of linear, relief and areal morphometric parameters and to analyze their influences on the genesis and processes of various landforms. Visual interpretation of satellite images in conjunction with the drainage patterns facilitates effective delineation of distinct features and to evaluate the influence of drainage morphometry on landform characteristics and their processes. Remote sensing and GIS techniques are being used in determining the quantitative description of the basin geometry1. The high spatial resolution remote sensing data coupled with topographical data is a highly effective tool to understand and manage the natural resources21. It provides the real time and accurate information related to distinct geological formations, landforms and helps in identification of drainage channels which are altered by natural forces or human induced activities. The primary parameters of morphometric analysis such as watershed area, watershed perimeter, watershed length and stream length were measured using GIS, which were further used to obtain the derived parameters such as drainage density, drainage texture, bifurcation ratio, stream length ratio, stream frequency, form factor, elongation ratio and circulatory ratio. The assessed morphometric parameters were clustered as linear, relief and areal parameters. Geomorphologically, the dissected upland is noticed in all the mini-watersheds which occupy 60.72% of the Kattery watershed. Bhavani and Kattery watersheds are fully covered by dissected upland. Kattery watershed is an elongated basin with high to moderate relief and steep slope. This may be due to the high to medium elongation ratio (0.92 to 2.29). Various hydrological phenomena can be correlated with the physiographic characteristics of a drainage basin such as size, shape, slope of the drainage area, drainage density, size and length of the contributories etc.9,17 The morphometric analysis can be performed through measurement of linear, aerial, relief, gradient of channel network and contributing ground slope of the basin.10,13,15 The dynamic nature of runoff is controlled by the geomorphologic structure of the catchment area and the induced runoff is very sensitive towards the morphometric characteristics of the contributing area.18 In India, National Institute of Hydrology14 has carried out hydrogeomorphological studies of various basins and their analyses based on linear, aerial and relief aspects using different mathematical equations. Various morphometric parameters such as drainage pattern, stream order, Morphometric classification of Kattery watershed is mainly done based on the stream frequency and drainage density which actually control the runoff pattern, soil erosion, sediment transportation and mass movement. Drainage analysis indicates that the low density exists in Arayatti, Wellington, Karumpalam, Kattery-1, Kattery-2 and Aravankadu 24 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 bifurcation ratio, drainage density and other linear aspects are studied using remote sensing technique and topographical map.11 morphometric analysis was carried out using the spatial analysis tool in ArcGIS software. The drainage channels were classified into different orders using the Strahler’s22 classification system. The surface runoff and flow intensity of the drainage system can be estimated using the geomorphic features associated with morphometric parameters16. Pioneer work on basin morphometry has been carried out by various researchers.2,12,20,22 Based on their ideology, similar work has been emerged throughout the world using different techniques. In India, morphometric studies of various drainage basins have been carried out by many scientists4,7,8,13,15,17,18 Most of them have used GIS and remote sensing technique for the estimation of morphometric parameters because the results obtained were reliable and accurate. In GIS, drainage channel segments were ordered numerically as order number 1 from a stream’s headwaters to a point downstream. The stream segment that results from the joining of two first order streams was assigned order 2. Two-second order streams formed a third-order stream and so on. The primary parameters such as watershed area, watershed perimeter, watershed length and stream length were obtained using GIS which were further used to obtain the derived parameters such as drainage density, Drainage Texture, Bifurcation Ratio, Stream length Ratio, Stream Frequency, Form Factor, Elongation Ratio and Circulatory Ratio. The evaluated morphometric parameters were grouped as linear, relief and areal parameters. Visual interpretation techniques were followed in delineation of geology, landforms, slope based on the tone, texture, shape, drainage pattern, color characteristics of the satellite imagery in conjunction with drainage morphometry and collateral data. Subsequently, detailed landform analysis was carried out based on their genesis, relief and their morphometric characteristics. Study Area: Kattery Watershed is in the Nilgiri hills of Western Ghats mountains system. It is situated at 6 km from Ooty on the Ooty-Coimbatore Road, Tamil Nadu, India. It falls between latitudes 76⁰40’40”E ~ 76⁰49’25”E and longitudes 11⁰16’19”N ~ 11⁰24’40”N. The watershed comes in the Survey of India toposheet 58 A/11 and A/15 published on 1: 50,000 scale. The watershed has a maximum elevation of 2480 m above MSL and is characterized with moderate to steep slope, lateritic soils and fairly good drainage network. Forests, cultivation of potato and other vegetables on inwardly graded bench terraces was widely adopted earlier and thus problems of erosion and sedimentation down below were largely seen.6 Results and Discussion Methodology Elevation and Slope: The digital elevation model reveals that higher elevation of 2,518 m above MSL is associated with wavy mountain in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the Kattery Watershed (Figure 3 and table 1). The elevation ranging from 1600 to 2000 m above MSL is mainly confined to isolated mounds, linear ridges, dissected plateau and dissected upland. The elevation above 2000 m above MSL is seen in structural hills with wavy mountains and upper parts of this region. These areas are having steep slope. The majority of study area falls under nearly surface level (<2°) to gentle slope (<10°) and occupies about 82.89% of the total geographical area (TGA) (Figure 4 and table 3). These slopes cover almost all the mini-watersheds except the Kateri-2 and Wellington. Much less drainage density and low stream frequency are observed on these slopes. The moderate to steep slopes (more than 35°) are generally observed in Kateri-2 and Wellington miniwatersheds which occupy only 7.11% of the TGA. The Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Resourcesat-2 Satellite data of 2013 was registered with reference to Survey of India (SOI) topographical sheets at 1:50,000 scale using image processing software. The drainage network of the watershed was traced and digitized as available on toposheets and some of the first-order steams were updated with the help of satellite imageries. A few drainage lines were extended through water bodies with the help of collateral data to facilitate the measurement of different drainage parameters. The digital elevation model (DEM) was generated based on the contour values of 20 m interval which was used to prepare elevation and slope maps. The Kattery Watershed was divided into 7 mini-watersheds and Stream Order and Stream Length: The concept of stream order was introduced by Horton2 in1932. Stream ordering is a widely applied method for stream classification in a watershed. Stream ordering is defined as a measure of the position of a stream in the hierarchy of tributaries.6 The streams of Kattery watershed were demarcated according to the Strahler’s22 system of stream ordering. The stream order and the total number of stream segments in each order for the watershed are shown in table 4. Based on the Strahler system of stream ordering22, the watershed has been designated as fifth-order watershed (Figure 5). In the present investigation, maximum However, about two decades before, with market fluctuations tea plantation has become popular. Most of the terraces were defaced to plant tea along the slope. Therefore, erosion got accelerated and silted up the Kattery Reservoir that caters to the needs of Defense Cordite factory at Aravankadu. In 1984-85, the reservoir was delisted at a huge cost.6 The base map of the watershed is illustrated in the figure 1. The geology map was collected from Geological Survey of India (GSI). The map was traced, scanned, digitized and then taken to GIS platform. The entire watershed is covered with Charnockite of Archaean age (Figure 2 and table 2). 25 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 frequency is observed in the first-order streams (Table 4). The Aravankadu mini-watershed is of third order stream where as Kateri-1, Kateri-2 and Bhavani watersheds are under fourth order stream. Arayatti, Wellington and Karumpalam watersheds are under fifth order stream (Figure 5 and table 4). Moreover, the presence of large number of streams in the watershed indicates that the topography is still undergoing erosion and at the same time, less number of streams indicates mature topography.17,18 watersheds. These watersheds are having high permeable subsurface material, low relief and are under dense vegetation cover (Figure 5 and table 5). In contrast, high drainage density values are observed in Bhavani watershed. This may be due to the presence of impermeable subsurface material, sparse vegetation and elevated relief. The Basin relief is defined as the differences in elevation between the highest and the lowest points on the valley floor of a watershed. Basin relief is an important factor in understanding the denudation characteristics of the basin and plays a significant role in landforms development, drainage development, surface and sub-surface water flow, permeability and erosion properties of the terrain8. The calculated result matched with Strahler’s system which described that the total number of streams gradually decreases as the stream order increases. Stream length is indicative of chronological developments of the stream segments including interlude tectonic disturbances. The stream length is measured from mouth of the river to the drainage divide near the source. ‘Lu’ has been computed on the basis of Horton’s law of stream length (Table 4) which states geometrical similarity maintained in the watershed of increasing orders. The stream length of various orders is presented in table 4. Generally, the total length of stream segments is maximum in first-order streams and decreases with an increase in the stream order. The results reveal that the first-order streams are short in length and are found in the upstream area. Streams with relatively short lengths are representative of areas with steep slopes and finer texture whereas longer lengths of streams are generally indicative of low gradients.22 From the morphometric study, it should be noted that the maximum relief value of Kattery watershed is 2,518 m (Figure 2 and table 5) and the high relief value indicates the gravity of water flow, low infiltration and high runoff conditions.23 Magesh and Chandrasekar9 noticed similar observations in Kattery watershed because the presence of Western Ghats acts as a common relief-contributing factor. The measurement of drainage density provides a numerical measurement of landscape dissection and runoff potential. Analysis of stream frequency (Fu) shows low values of frequency existing in Aravankadu watershed which is having high permeable lithology and moderate relief. Elevated value of Fu is noticed in Kateri-1 watershed where impermeable sub-surface material, sparse vegetation and high relief conditions prevail. Bifurcation Ratio (Rb): The term ‘bifurcation ratio (Rb)2 is related to the branching pattern of a drainage network and is defined as the ratio of the number of streams of any given order to the number of streams in the next higher order in a drainage basin. It is a dimension less property and shows the degree of integration prevailing between streams of various orders in a drainage basin.19 Rb shows a small range of variation for different regions or for different environments except those where the powerful geological control dominates. The Rb for the Kattery watershed varies from 2.50 to 3.67 (Table 4) with a mean Rb of 2.84. The mean bifurcation ratio (Rbm) characteristically ranges between 3.0 and 5.0 for a basin when the influence of geological structures on the drainage network is negligible23. Drainage Texture (T): According to Smith20, it is a product of stream frequency and drainage density. The ‘T’ depends on underlying lithology, infiltration capacity and relief aspect of the terrain. According to Smith’s classification of drainage texture, the texture value below 4 is designated as coarse; 4–10 as intermediate; above 10 as fine and above 15 as ultra-fine texture. Texture ratio (T) indicates that maximum T values (4-10) are found in Kateri-1, Kateri-2 and Wellington watersheds (Table 5) which indicate intermediate drainage texture and this ratio can be attributed to the presence of high relief in the northern part of the study area. The lowest T values (< 4) are noticed in Aravankadu, Bhavani, Karumpalam and Arayatti watersheds. Thus, T values depend on the underlying geology, infiltration capacity of bedrock and low relief aspects of the individual mini-watersheds. The analysis shows that the Rb is not same for all orders. Geological and lithological development of the drainage basin may be the reason for these variations22. Low Rb value indicates poor structural disturbance and the drainage patterns have not been distorted22 whereas the high Rb value indicates high structural complexity and low permeability of the terrain.5 A low mean Rb value of 2.84 indicates less structural disturbances in Kattery watershed. Form Factor (Ff): It is generally defined as the ratio of the basin area and square root of the basin length2. Longnarrow watersheds have larger lengths and hence smaller form factors. Circular watersheds/basins have intermediate form factors which are close to one. For a perfectly circular basin, the value of the form factor will be greater than 0.78. Short-wide basins have the largest form factors. Bhavani watershed is an elongated watershed with lower peak flows of longer duration due to lower Ff value (0.27) (Table 5). However, if we compare the form factors, Aravankadu is less elongated than the Kattery watershed. Drainage Density (Dd), Basin Relief (Bh) and Stream Frequency (Fu): Drainage density analysis indicates that the low density exists in Arayatti, Wellington, Karumpalam, Kateri-1, Kateri-2 and Aravankadu 26 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 Circularity Ratio (Rc): It is defined as as the ratio of the area of a basin to the area of a circle having the same circumference in the perimeter of the basin12 (Table 5). The ‘Rc’is influenced more by the lithological characteristics of the watershed rather than anything else. The low, medium and high values of the circulatory ratio are indications of the youth mature and old stages of the life cycle of the tributary basins. Kattery watershed is in the youth stage of its development with an average circulatory ratio of less than 1 (Table 5). Circulatory ratio (Rc) values exceeding 1 indicate that the basin shapes are like circular and as a result, it gets scope for uniform infiltration and takes long time to reach excess water at the mini-watershed outlet which further depends on the existing lithology, slope and land cover. Arayatti, Wellington and Kateri-1watersheds are having Rc values more than 1 which support the above concept. with moderate to high drainage density, moderate to high bifurcation ratio and high cumulative length of first, second and third-order streams. Dissected upland, barren plateau, dissected plateau, valley fill and fracture valley fill are analyzed and mapped as landforms of the Kattery watershed (Figure 6 and table 6). Valley fill and fracture valley fill are resulted by the influence of permeable geology, moderate to nearly level plains, moderate to high drainage density, moderate to high cumulative length of streams having first, second and third order streams.18,19 Table 2 Geological and structural features S.N. 1 2 3 4 Elongation Ratio (Re): It is defined as the ratio of diameter of a circle having the same area as of the basin and maximum basin length.19 It is a measure of the shape of the river basin and it depends on the climatic and geologic types. Analysis of an elongation ratio (Re) indicates that the areas with higher Re values have high infiltration capacity and low runoff. Arayatti, Wellington and Kattery-1 are characterized by high Re and Karumpalam, Kattery-2, Bhavani and Aravankadu have low Re values. The watersheds having low Re values are generally susceptible to high erosion and sedimentation load. Class <1600m 1600 – 1700m 1700 – 1800m 1800 – 1900m 1900 – 2000m 2000 – 2100m 2100 – 2200m 2200 – 2300m 2300 – 2400m 2400 – 2440m 2440 – 2460m >2460 Charnockite Dolerite Dyke Fault Mq vein Area in km2/No. 137.32 9 1 1 Table 3 Slope classes and area coverage S.N. 1 2 3 Table 1 Elevation classes and area coverage S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Class 4 Area in km2 0.011 10.94 14.50 15.75 28.43 46.88 10.67 8.29 0.70 0.060 0.019 1.03 5 6 7 Class Nearly surface level (<2°) Very gentle slope (2-5°) Gentle slope (5-10°) Moderate slope (1015°) Moderately steep slope (15-25°) Steep slope (25-35°) Very steep slope (>35°) Area in km2 Area in % 29.10 45.04 39.69 21.20 32.81 28.91 15.93 11.60 6.90 0.50 0.13 5.03 0.36 0.09 Conclusion The study reveals that remote sensing and GIS based integrated approach in evaluation of drainage morphometric parameters and their influence on landforms and land characteristics at a mini-watershed level is more appropriate than the conventional methods. Interpretation of multi-spectral satellite data is highly useful in the evaluation of drainage parameters and delineation of distinct geological and landform units, relief and slope. GIS based approach assists in analyzing different morphometric parameters and to explore the relationship between the drainage morphometry on one hand and properties of landforms and geology on the other hand. Drainage morphometry and its impact on landform characteristics mainly depend upon the underlying geology, exogenic and endogenic activities, drainage morphometry and considerable changes in climate during the quaternary period, influences the genesis and morphology of landforms. In the study area, the dissected upland are observed in all the mini-watersheds covering an area of 60.72% of the Kattery watershed. Bhavani and Kateri watersheds are fully covered by dissected upland only. The barren plateau is found in Arayatti, Karumpalam, Kateri-1 and Wellington watersheds. These landforms are associated Geomorphologically the dissected upland is seen in all the mini-watersheds covering an area of 60.72 % of the Kattery watershed. Bhavani and Kateri watersheds are fully covered by dissected upland. However the barren plateau is seen in Arayatti, Karumpalam, Kateri-1 and Wellington watersheds. Valley fill and fracture valley fill are slope 27 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 associated with moderate to high drainage density, moderate to high bifurcation ratio and high cumulative length of first, second and third-order streams. The Kattery watershed is well drained in nature with the stream order varying from 1 to 5. The basin is dominated by lower order streams and the total length of stream segments is maximum in first order streams. are the prime factors for the morphometric classification of Kattery watershed which manage the runoff pattern, sediment yield, soil erosion and landslide also. Low Drainage density exists in Arayatti, Wellington, Karumpalam, Kateri-1, Kateri-2 and Aravankadu miniwatersheds indicating high permeable sub surface material and low relief. The quantitative analysis of linear, relief and aerial parameters using GIS will be very much useful for soil and water conservation and disaster management. The GIS techniques employed in this study can be extended to the other areas also by the planners and decision makers. Kattery watershed is an elongated basin with high to moderate relief and steep to the high to medium elongation ratio (0.92 to 2.29). Stream frequency and drainage density Figure 1: Kattery Watershed with drainage networks 28 Disaster Advances Vol. 7 (11) November 2014 Table 4 Details of mini-watersheds in Kattery Watershed and Drainage Orders ame of miniwatershed Watershed Length (Lb) (km) Perimeter (P) (km) Drainage Order (in Number) with length L5 Total Number (N) Cumulative Length (L) (km) Bifurcation Ratio (Rb) N1 L1 N2 L2 N3 L3 N4 L4 N5 Arayatti 72.01 32.86 84 39.89 22 12.97 7 3.68 7 10.63 2 4.84 122 72.01 2.87 Wellington 98.80 30.80 89 52.97 35 19.18 19 17.21 4 3.07 3 6.37 150 98.80 2.62 Karumpalam 51.12 20.00 46 31.16 19 9.57 4 1.81 1 1.72 4 6.86 74 51.12 2.86 Kattery-1 75.39 24.64 85 48.35 30 15.63 12 6.55 5 4.86 - - 132 75.39 2.58 Kattery-2 44.28 17.68 59 26.32 16 8.53 6 5.78 3 3.65 - - 84 44.28 2.78 Bhavani 16.01 9.04 15 11.54 6 1.85 3 2.21 1 0.41 - - 25 16.01 2.50 Aravankadu 18.65 13.49 19 11.99 3 1.45 3 5.21 - - - - 25 18.65 3.67 Table 5 Morphometric parameters of mini-watersheds Name of miniwatershed Area (A) (km2) Stream Frequen cy (Fu) Drainag e density (Dd) Textur e Ratio (T) For m Fact or (Rf) Circulato ry Ratio (Rc) Elongati on Ratio (Re) Arayatti 25.86 4.72 2.78 3.71 1.32 1.00 Wellington 35.88 4.18 2.75 4.87 1.83 Karumpalam 18.71 3.96 2.73 3.70 Kattery-1 27.54 4.79 2.74 Kattery-2 15.93 5.27 Bhavani 5.29 Aravankadu 8.09 Minimu m Maximu m Height (m) Height (m) 2.00 1026 2143 1585 1.14 2.29 1532 2503 2018 0.95 0.92 1.85 1474 2034 1754 5.36 1.40 1.12 2.25 1747 2518 2133 2.78 4.75 0.81 0.76 1.52 1479 2040 1760 4.73 3.03 2.77 0.27 0.52 1.04 1043 1979 1511 3.09 2.31 1.85 0.41 0.46 0.92 1756 2182 1969 Table 6 Geomorphological features with area coverage S.N. 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