TO: GIRLS GOLF COACH FROM: JERRY SCHNIEPP, COMMISSIONER JOHN LABETA, ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2014 (REVISED) RE: 2014 SAN DIEGO CIF GIRLS’ GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS PRESENTED BY FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP 1. PAIRINGS Pairings will be established by the Commissioner’s Office at the pairing meeting to be held at the San Diego Hall of Champions, CIFSDS Office on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. Pairings will be posted on the CIF website by the close of the next business day, October 28, 2014 2. GIRLS’ TEAM PLAYOFF FORMAT, PLAY-IN ROUNDS There would be 20 teams, teams seeded 1 thru 4 will draw byes and teams 5 thru 20 would have a play in match. The CIFSDS advisory will review the possibility of including 24 teams should the differential be close and teams that should be included might be left out in which case all teams will advance to the play in rounds. PLEASE NOTE: SINCE THE SEASON IS TIGHT THE ADVISORY SEEDING GROUP IS REQUESTIUNG THAT ALL SCORES BE ENTERED BY 3:00 P.M ON FRIDAY OCTOBER 24. IF YOU HAVE A MATCH SCHEDULED THAT DAY KINDLY ALERT STEVE BRIDGES OR JOHN MORELLO THAT YOU WILL BE PLAYING THAT DAY SO THEY CAN GET INFORMATION FROM YOU ONCE YOUR MATCDH IS COMPLETED THAT DAY. PLAY IN DATES WILL BE THURSDAY OCTOBER 30 AND FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 TEAMS MUST PLAY THEIR PLAY IN MATCH ON ONE OF THOSE 2 DATES. Coaches/Administrators, by mutual consent, will agree on time, site, and number of holes. CIFSDS recommends 9-hole rounds to minimize school time missed. Team League Champions are guaranteed PLAY-IN Week home matches. Submitted scores for the entire year will be used to verify that a Team League Champion actually played a full league schedule. Winners advance to Round 1 at Admiral Baker golf course on NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Results of PLAY-IN matches must be reported immediately to CIFSDS Office TO CARLTON HOGGARD AT CARLTONCIFSDS@GMAIL.COM OR VIA PHONE AT 858-292-8165 X 11 Seeding meeting for both team and individual qualifiers cannot be completed without these results. The advisory committee, with approval of CIFSDS, will determine FINAL seeding. Individuals on eliminated teams May sill qualify for Individual Tournament if they shoot a qualifying score. Individual League Champions are guaranteed a spot in the CIFSDS Championships at Admiral Baker Golf Course, but will be seeded based on their season differential, provided they meet the minimum CIFSDS requirements. League Champions will be determined by league or conference. 3. TEAM/INDIVIDUAL TOURNAMENT/FINALS Location: Admiral Baker Golf Course South Date & Time: Tuesday, November 4, 2014 First Round - Team and Individual Championship - Shotgun Start – 8:00 a.m. Location’s address: 2400 Admiral Baker Road # 3604, San Diego, CA. 92120 Place: Admiral Baker Golf Course Date & Time: Thursday, November 6, 2014 - Shotgun Start – 8:00 a.m. Final Round of 28 Individuals and ties from Round One and top 8 Teams Range: Because of limited range and practice facilities, there will be an assigned time to use range, putting green and chipping areas. If an athlete or team misses assigned time, that particular area will not be made available for practice/warm-up. 4. PLAYOFF FORMAT FOR GIRLS’ TEAM/INDIVIDUAL TOURNAMENT a. Only teams designated #1 by their league will be guaranteed entry b. At-large team entries will be determined by the Commissioner’s office with input from the Girls’ Golf Advisory Committee based upon handicaps and course ratings. c. All teams shall consist of six golfers with the aggregate score of the best five golfers constituting the official team score. If a team has only five golfers, aggregate score of all five shall constitute the official team score. d. The league individual champion will have automatic entry into the individual tournament if they have played and posted the minimum rounds of golf required. e. Entry fee of $10.00 per athlete; $50.00 per team will be assessed to each school to defray cost of conducting tournament. The school finance office will be invoicing per entries submitted at seeding meeting. Please remit entry by November 12 (school P.O. or school check only). f. Golfers must have participated in all rounds of the league tournament and posted a minimum of 11 rounds on a rated, regulation golf course, and all rounds played must be submitted. If a course is not rated and is the home course for a competing school, the league must establish a rating for the course using acceptable WSCGA standards before the season begins and submit the proposed rating to the Advisory Committee for approval. All scores from all rounds must have been reported; coaches are reminded that the reporting deadline for weekly scores is no later than Saturday evening following the end of the week’s competition for peer review. DEADLINE FOR REPORTING SCORES IS MIDNIGHT ON OCTOBER 24, 2014. The electronic reporting of scores is the responsibility of coaches only. Only golfers with scores reported in accordance with procedures will be considered for individual and team championship play. There will be no exception made for late reporting or failure to report. g. If your athlete has not competed in at least 11 matches the attached waiver form must be submitted and approved for CIF Championships. Form information below: The CIFSDS Permission to Compete in Team and Individual Championships form must be submitted and approved via CIF Home by October 24, 2014 to be eligible. The form may also be found on the CIFSDS website under Girls Golf and Misc. Forms h. Based upon committee recommendation: THERE SHALL BE NO USE OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE, INCLUDING DRIVING RANGE OR PRACTICE AREAS, ON THE SUNDAY (November 2, 2014) BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT BY ANY PLAYER PARTICIPATING IN THE TOURNAMENT. i. Coaches are not to assume that golf carts will be provided and will not individually request accommodation from the course. If a coach is unable to walk the course, the coach must notify the tournament director no later than the seeding meeting of the need for accommodation in supervision assignment. Coaches are reminded that it is their responsibility to supervise athletes and that they are not spectators. j. Galleries: NO SPECTATORS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE GOLF COURSE. k. Golfers are not permitted to carry or use cell phones, range finders and/or any electronic devices at any time during the round; use of or possession of a phone on the person or in the bag or other equipment will result in automatic disqualification from the tournament for the player which may impact the ability of the team to continue to compete. The school’s coaches must remind golfers of the rule and make arrangements for them to store phones in a secure place. The course, the CIFSDS, and its tournament staff are not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced phones. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES OF COACH (will be required) a. Accompany athlete(s) to tournament site check-in and remain at site for the duration of the athlete(s) participation. b. Supervision at place on course designated by advisory committee. c. Monitor and enforce behavior penalties. 6. CIFSDS TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM CIFSDS Travel Expense form is attached to the coach’s copy of the bulletin for reimbursement for State Girls’ Regionals and State CIF Girls’ Championships on November 14, 2014 and November 20, 2014. Forms must be completed and returned to the CIFSDS office within ten (10) days following each event. 7. STATE CIF RULE 307 In accordance with State CIF Rule 307, athletes will not be permitted to check in at the San Diego CIF Team or Individual Tournaments without being accompanied by a coach or supervisor designated by the school principal. The Tournament Director or Match Director will strictly enforce this requirement. The following penalties shall be invoked for failure of athletes or coaches/ (school designated supervisors) to appear on time: Player will not be allowed to compete in the tournament without a designated supervisor. SCHOOL DESIGNATED SUPERVISORS (OTHER THAN HEAD VARSITY COACHES) MUST CHECK IN WITH THE TOURNAMENT OR MATCH DIRECTOR WITH A SIGNED PERMISSION SLIP (ATTACHED TO COACH’S COPY OF THIS BULLETIN). (NOTE: THE PERMISSION SLIPS ARE NOT TO BE FORWARDED TO THE CIFSDS OFFICE.) 8. DRESS CODE Coaches must advise parents and fans of their golfers who qualify that they must be dressed appropriately and must comply with any and all other dress requirements or other requirements including, but not limited to, restricted access of the hosting golf course. The dress code at our 2013 San Diego Section Championship Tournaments will be that of the State CIF and will be strictly enforced: Players must be attired in collared shirts (mock golf shirts are allowed) and slacks, skirts, or Bermudalength tailored shorts (must be no more than 3 inches above the knee), and spikeless golf shoes. SHOES MUST BE SOFT SPIKE; METAL/CERAMIC SPIKES PROHIBITED AND WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. SHIRTS MUST BE TUCKED IN AND HATS WORN FORWARD. THE FOLLOWING WILL NOT BE PERMITTED: T-SHIRTS, TANK TOPS, JEANS OF ANY COLOR, CARGO SHORTS, CARGO PANTS, OR SHORT-SHORTS OF ANY TYPE. Coaches must be attired in collared shirts and slacks, skirts, or Bermuda-length tailored shorts. NO TSHIRTS, TANK TOPS, JEANS OF ANY COLOR, SHORT-SHORTS OR CARGO SHORTSOF ANY KIND PERMITTED. 9. PRACTICE ROUNDS Practice rounds must be arranged with the golf course, by the school. Players must identify themselves to the course. The cost for practice rounds are TBA Monday through Friday and TBA on Saturday. No school team practice permitted on Sunday. Please note: No use of course on Sunday, November 2, 2014 prior to CIF Championships. 10. SCORING Players in fivesomes or foursomes shall exchange cards prior to match. 11. RULES COMMITTEE Steve Bridges will head the Rules Committee for the tournament. 12. TIES Ties will be played-off only as necessary to advance. Ties to determine order of final in Section Tournament for those who qualify to advance will be broken by score at Regional Tournament. 13. STATE CIF TOURNAMENT INFORMATION CIF/WSCGA So Cal Regional Tourney – November 12, 2014, Arrowhead Country Club, San Bernardino two teams and up to next 12 individuals not on a team. CIF/WSCGA State CIF Golf Championships – November 17, 2014, Red Hill CC, Rancho Cucamonga Three six-person teams plus top six individuals not on a team. NOTE: State CIF rules regarding number of contestants will be in effect for State CIF Golf Championships. No substitutions on day of tournament will be permitted. Only next qualified substitutes permitted and must be prior to November 2. Check the State CIF web site for bulletins 14. CIFSDS RECORD BOOK UPDATE CIF Record Book information may be updated through the CIFSDS Home Site under New CIFSDS Records tab. Please visit our website at to log in. Please contact Vanessa Fowlkes at if you have any questions. 15. PLAYOFF PARTICIPATION PATCHES Playoff participation patches may be purchased for $10.00 each. Orders will be accepted via the CIFSDS Home site, please visit our website at 16. RUNNER-UP & CHAMPIONSHIP PATCHES Additional Runner-up and Championship patches may be purchased for $10.00 each. Orders will be accepted via the CIFSDS Home site, please visit our website at 17. OFFICIAL CIF-SAN DIEGO SECTION CHAMPIONSHIP RINGS ARE AVAILABLE FROM JOSTENS Official CIF-San Diego Section Championship rings are now available from Jostens. Rings are available for participants, finalists, and champions. For information/orders, contact Mark Fitzner at 858-4862020 or via e-mail at DISTRIBUTION: Varsity Girls Golf Coaches Athletic Directors Roger Blake, Ron Nocetti - State CIF Steve Bridges - Tournament Director John Morello, CIFSDS/SCGA Liaison Partners, Sponsors of State CIF, CIF San Diego Section Title Sponsor CIF San Diego Section State CIF Sponsors State CIF Presenting Sponsor State CIF Supporting Sponsors State CIF Supporting Sponsors CIF San Diego Section Sponsors, Partners Official Apparel Sponsor Preferred Radio Partner Official Media Partner Supporting Sponsor CIF San Diego Section Official Ball Sponsors CIF San Diego Section Official Restaurant Sponsor CIF San Diego Section Cymer Scholars Sponsor CIF San Diego Section Golf Sponsors CIF San Diego Section Photographer CIF San Diego Section Official Partners CIF San Diego Section Supporting Sponsors Laces Running Co. 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