connector connecting people to ministry: because every person matters... Office Hours The DBC office will be open on Fridays from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. The office will be open from 8:00 am-5:00 pm Mon.-Thurs. Please leave a message on our voicemail if you call after hours. DBC # 252-1862 Dorrisville Baptist Calendar Vol.10, Issue 5 Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 2014 We are in need of Judgement House Guides and Counselors. If you can help with this ministry, please contact Sheila Dowdy. Monday– Oct. 27 High School Lunch-10:50 am Ministers Team Meeting-2:00 pm Tuesday-Oct. 28 Team Meeting-9:00 am Wednesday-Oct. 29 Judgement House-6:00 pm Thursday-Oct. 30 Judgement House– 6:00 pm Friday-Oct. 31 Judgement House-6:00 pm Saturday-Nov. 1 Single Parents Meeting-4:00 pm Sunday-Nov. 2 Prayer-8:45 am Sunday School-9:00 am Starting Point Group-9:00 am Morning Worship-10:15 am (broadcast on FM 102.3 at 10:15) Youth IMPACT-5:00 pm Cherub Choir-6:00 pm Evening Worship-6:00 pm JUDGEMENT HOUSE 2014 WED., OCT. 29-6:00 PM THURS., OCT. 30-6:00 PM FRI., OCT. 31-600 PM Everyone is welcome, but Judgement House is recommended for 6th grade-Adults. Deacons Of The Week WHERE WILL DISASTER LEAVE YOU? FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 618-499-6328 Nov. 2 Greg Elam-252-3109 Terry Guest-252-0781 Nov. 9 Dwight Pray-994-4297 Dan Pilcher-926-3310 For more information: Address: 1300 South Feazel Street, Harrisburg, Illinois 62946 Phone: 618-252-1862 e-mail: Fax: 618-253-3519 Web Site: Sermons on line at Contact Pastor Dewayne Taylor at Samaritan’s Purse is asking for prayer everyday until collection time for specific needs. Please honor this request. Oct.27-For OCC Project Leaders across the country as they involve many in outreach through this giving season. Oct. 28-For God’s hand and wisdom in recruiting volunteers during National Collection Week to become more involved in OCC. Oct. 29-For safety for OCC staff as they travel to the Processing Centers to serve this season. Oct. 30-For the 2014 Call to Prayer during National Collection Week to engage as many as possible to pray for OCC. Oct. 31-For the children participating in the Greatest Journey discipleship program to have a clear understanding of what it means to have a relationship with Christ as well as how to share what they learned and experienced with others. A new Sunday morning sermon series! SUITE TEMPTATION! Suite: A connected series of rooms to be used together, a number of things forming a series or set.” Beginning Sunday morning, October 26, we are going to take a look at something we all wrestle with: temptation. It comes from all directions and entices us to do all kinds of things--too often harmful and sinful. Join us each Sunday morning for an insightful look at temptation and how we can avoid the catastrophes that “giving in” often causes. Nov. 1-For safety of volunteers who will be working in over 3,800 Collection and Relay Centers around the country. Nov. 2-For the National Leadership Teams to be granted tax-free importation of shoebox gifts from their governments. Nov. 3-For those packing shoebox gifts to be blessed and know the love of Christ. Nov. 4-That OCC will continue to be a strong support to the missions and outreach programs of U.S. churches. October 26: “ Meet the Tempter” Isaiah 14:12-15, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, John 8:44, Ephesians 6:11, Revelation 20:11 November 2: “ Hook, Line and Sinker” James 1:12-15 Nov. 5-For the Global Day of Prayer and Fasting to serve as a powerful reminder of our dependence upon the Lord in everything. November 9: “ Short Cut” Luke 4:1-13 Nov. 6-For the National Leadership Teams as they recruit and train distribution partners. November 16: “ Pride and Prejudice” James 4:4-10 Nov. 7-For the Processing Centers to be set up quickly and safely as the processing season approaches. November 23: “ The Great Escape” 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 Nov. 8-For the National Leadership Teams as they secure financial support to meet ministry expenses within their countries. Nov. 9-For the press events taking place at various Processing Centers, including Orange Country, Denver, and Charlotte. Pray for favor with the media and clear communication of the heart of the ministry. Nov. 10-For the ongoing and effective ministries of local churches where OCC shoebox gifts will be distributed. Nov. 11-For safety for the more than 110,000 volunteers as they travel to the Processing Centers, many from great distances. Nov. 12-for the successful operation of new Collection and Relay Centers. Nov. 13-For the successful world-wide implementation of the discipleship program., The Greatest Journey. Nov. 14-For an efficient logistics plan and for safety of the truck drivers as they transport gifts to the Processing The month of October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Surprise your pastors with Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) and let them know that you are praying for them. Nov. 15-For volunteers to have a positive experience while working in the Processing Centers and to know the eternal impact of their service. Nov. 16-That Operation Christmas child will continue to be a powerful tool for churches and pastors around the world as they share Christ in their communities. We have not met our State Mission goal of $16, 350. You may give to this offering and also, The World hunger Offering throughout the rest of the year. Please mark your offering envelope accordingly. Keenagers: We will have a Thanksgiving Dinner at the Bar-B-Q Barn on Nov. 18 at 12:00 pm. There is a sign up sheet on the Keenager Bulletin Board. You will be responsible for your meal. If you have any questions, please see LaVern Clayton. The Associational WMU Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 28 at Harco Baptist Church, 6:30 pm. Brian Heath and the Harco youth will present the program. The following items are needed for the Choisser Kitchen and may be brought to the meeting: napkins, coffee, spaghetti, canned carrots, paper towels, tea, spaghetti sauce, mac and cheese, sugar, Kool aid and soups. Cookie Dough Orders For Choisser’s Kitchen. Choisser Soup Kitchen has two major fundraisers a year. Marsha Collins has a brochure and order forms if you would like to place an order to help support the Choisser Kitchen ministry. Please contact her at 618499-0309 to place an order or for more information. Orders will be taken through the month of October with payment due when items are delivered prior to Thanksgiving. NICARAGUA We have a mission team preparing to serve in Nicaragua in November. They will be in that country Nov. 4-12. Please begin praying for their ministry and safety for the journey to there and back. They are Michia Boyles, Mollie Wise, Tim & Benna Daugherty, Morgan Denbo, Dan Moutria, Sienna Brown, and Caleigh Maynard. Mark your calendars! We will have a community outreach night on Nov. 9. We will have a special treat of viewing the movie “Mom’s Night Out”. There is no admission and we will have free drinks, popcorn and hot dogs. Plan to bring your whole family and your friends. Sign up nights and evaluations for All Star Basketball and Volleyball will be Nov. 3, 4, and 6. All Star is for 4 years of age thru 9th grade. The registration fee is $50 thru Nov. 10 and $60 after that date. For more information, call Roth Clayton at (618) 841-2600 or DBC office at (618)-252-1862. Rehearsals for the Children’s Christmas musical will be held in the multi-purpose room on Dec. 14, 5-7 pm, Dec. 17, 5-7 pm and Dec. 20, 8:30-11:30 am. The musical will be presented on Dec. 7 in the morning service. Rachyl Clayton, coordinator and leader of the choir, has expressed that the need several items for their presentation. They are: 50’s leather or bomber jackets in kids or adult size small, 50’s women’s neck scarves, sweater cardigans in youth or size 12 or 16, “hippie’ clothing for children, wigs (80’s style….mullets, long hair, boys shirts, bright colored leg warmers, army suits, hats, and dressy gloves. If you have any of these items and are willing to loan them to this presentation, please contact Rachyl Clayton at 926-1020. Safe Families Update by Mollie Wise At this time, all continues to go well with our current placement. A lot of people have been involved in this ministry since we first started about 8 months ago. It has taken many different individuals all with different callings and talents to make this program run within our church. I want to say “thank you” to all of you who have participated in the program in any way and also I want to say thank you to all of those who have supported the program through prayer. So many times we forget how many people it takes to help an individual much less a family. I do know it is totally worth it. Just imagine the difference that has been made in the families and children we have worked with so far. At times we don’t see progress fast enough or the progress we want to see, but we remember it is not our plan or our time table that we are to go by. We must not give up on others due to slow progress and at times even lack of progress. We must allow God to work within them and most of all work through us to show His love to them. Sometimes when we see failure it really is not failure, just ourselves and our plan being put before God’s. We must always seek Him first, be patient second, and all has a way of working out in His timing. If anyone has any questions about Safe Families you can reach me at cell 618-2941394 work 618-273-3326 and email is or Birthdays: Oct. 27-Joe Kennedy, Oct. 28-Jennifer Murphy, Melissa Reed, Oct. 29-Jonathan Duke, Jordan Gould, Donna Hearn, Taylor Michel, Oct. 30-Ella Whiting, Oct. 31-George Glass, Connie Higgs, Heather Griffith, Nov. 1-Wanda Wood, Nov. 2-Tim Church, Morgan Mittl, Mary Patterson Thank you so much to The Family of Dorrisville Baptist Church for supporting and ministering to my family, in such a special way, during the loss of my grandson and sister-in-law. Special thanks to David Higgs and Brent Holloway for their consistent assurance of not only the church’s love but just as importantly, theirs and represented GOD in being a present help in time of trouble. To the ladies that prepared a meal for us, GOD BLESS you and umm umm good! Please know that you all are so greatly appreciated for truly demonstrating “The New Testament Church!” Jacqueline Scott Plan Your Box Today If you are in need of an adult care giver , please call the DBC office.
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