St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 313 East Second Street Jordan, Minnesota 55352 Phone: (952) 492-2640, Fax: (952) 492-5683 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Priesthood Sunday October 26, 2014 Campaign Committee, (front row—left to right) Rebecca Ringsmuth, Francis Schatz, Mary Eckman, Terry Holzer, Jennifer Noyes, Marty Huss, Sue Zimitsch, Miguel Salinas (back row—left to right) John Ringsmuth, Lanny Holzer, Ken Warras, Joe Lopez, Sue Malz, Sharon Menke, Allen Menke, Ken Malz, John Breunig. Not pictured: Father Yanta, Rodney and Denise Andersen, Reanay Becker, Matt Eckman, Marc and Genell Hollahan, Lori Huss, Michelle Lopez, DJ Noyes, Susan Warras and Mark Zimitsch All Saints Day Mass 8:15am Saturday, November 1, 2014 All Souls Day, November 2nd, will be celebrated at the regular weekend Masses with a Special Commemoration of the Faithful Departed at the 5:00pm Saturday Mass of Anticipation on November 1st October 26, 2014 Mission Statement St. John’s Parish family prayerfully worships, studies, teaches and lives our faith in Jesus Christ. A Note from Father Yanta We have received a wonderful response to the Time and Talent portion of our Stewardship drive. Thank you all for giving so generously of yourselves to St. John the Baptist. This weekend is the beginning of our Stewardship Treasure drive. We will be asking you to prayerfully consider increasing by 5 percent your commitment to the annual operation fund. In addition, we will be asking you to make an extraordinary gift to our special mortgage appeal. Based on the feedback from the parish during the campaign planning study, there was a desire to retire the debt as quickly as possible. With that in mind we are conducting a special mortgage appeal. Given that there are 10 years remaining on our mortgage loan, we looked at several options for paying off the debt. If we committed to a threeyear plan, we would likely need a total of three efforts, over nine years, to be debt free. It was decided to move forward with a five-year appeal instead of the typical three-year, with the goal of retiring the entire debt in one final campaign instead of extending it out over three additional campaigns. The asking levels were determined with the goal of retiring our debt in this final five-year appeal. The ask amounts are significant because they are supporting a significant goal we believe we can achieve with your support. In addition, they are based on past personal giving in campaigns and annual offertory. These levels were determined in the utmost confidence so as to retain the privacy of our donors. Over the next week, you will be receiving a packet describing the needs of St. John the Baptist and inviting you to participate. I would like to thank all of you for your ongoing support of our parish and ask you to prayerfully consider giving as generously to both appeals as your situation allows. Welcome to St. John’s We would like to welcome all those visiting with us today. If you are interested in becoming a member of St. John’s, please call Michelle or Miguel at 952-492-2640 or visit our website at to find our registration form. Pray for Our Sick Maureen Halloran (Michelle Bisek’s sister), Evelyn Seifert, Michael Geis, Rosemary Strack, Clara & Walter Kuechle, Gail LaBeau, Inez & Lambert Meuleners, Don Undesser, Jim Klehr, Dellie Breeggemann, Pam Jemmings (Marcy Pauly’s sister), Mary Murphy, Don Jacques (Donna Laabs’ father), Josephine Deutsch, Rhonda Zweber, Viola Stemig, George Martin, Laura Wolf, Ronald Habstritt (Sue Zimitsch’s dad), Sharon Sand, Verena Seifert, Mike Shaw, Marion Pearson and Janet Nemanic. Please call the Parish Office to be included in or taken off the above list. Prayer Line If you have a special prayer need, please call to be included in our prayer line. You may contact Viv Sunder at 492-2964 or Caroline Lehnen at 492-2937. Chapel Coordinators Needed Lisa Ward will be stepping down as Chapel Co-Coordinator November 1, 2014 due to family considerations and a recent move. The parish is in need for one or two generous souls to step forward to help Sue Pieper with these responsibilities. Please prayerfully consider this. If interested, please contact Sue at 492-3340 or Lisa at 612770-1669. Thank you! Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Knights of Columbus Corner THANKS to all of the KC's who helped with the St. John's School Marathon, on Oct. 24th! NOV: Weekend of Nov. 15th and 16th, after all Masses the Knights will be hosts for refreshments in the Gathering Space for all the Parish. This will be in conjunction with our annual membership event. Any man, 18 or older, interested in more info about the Knights of Columbus, please stop by and visit with us. If you would like an open hour, please call Sue Pieper at 952.492.3340. Open Hours: Monday 3:00am Tuesday 9:00am—Winter sub needed for Nov—March Saturday 1:00pm Just a reminder, the chapel is closed and locked on: Saturday 12am-5am, Sunday 1am-4am & Wednesday 12am-9am 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Priesthood Sunday September 2014 Stewardship Report Operations Sept 2014 Sept 2013 Envelope & Electronic Giving + $30,036 $34,238 Plate Giving (Loose Cash) + $1,996 $2,130 Total Monthly Contributions = $32,032 $36,368 *Total Monthly Operations Budget - $39,877 $46,750 Surplus/(Shortfall) Sept = ($7,845) ($10,382) ($5,654) ($15,885) Sept 2014 Sept 2013 $21,740 $78,114 *Surplus/(Shortfall) YTD Mortgage/Debt Payment Collections on Mortgage/Debt Monthly Mortgage Pymt - $28,450 $28,450 Surplus/(Shortfall) Sept = ($6,710) $49,664 $957 $26,417 $2,843,407 $3,066,085 Surplus/(Shortfall) YTD Balance on Mortgage Debt Owed Note: *The Total Monthly Operations Budget for 2014 has been distributed on a monthly basis according to previous budget history. We made some adjustments to the “Surplus/ (Shortfall) YTD” on operations. Please contact the parish office with questions or comments. Families Moving Forward Nov 16-23 Hope Lutheran Church, in partnership with St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, will provide overnight housing for families experiencing temporary homelessness. Because of the generous volunteers during previous hosting weeks, our community has been a vital part of helping families in the program. We are reaching out again for volunteers during the next hosting week of November 16 - 23. Below is the signup genius link to the volunteer positions available. Please select the volunteer slot(s) you wish to fill and click submit at the bottom of the page. Please note: Hope Lutheran Church will be the hosting site -- all volunteer duties take place at Hope unless otherwise noted. For those signing up as dinner host, a menu will be provided. You will receive a confirmation email from Co-Volunteer Coordinator Nancy Stevenson which will include the volunteer date and time you were awarded, other volunteers that will be working with you on that date, and information regarding the families we are hosting. Thank you for your support! We fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor when we exercise good stewardship—joyfully sharing our gifts of life, abilities, and resources to meet our neighbor’s need. St. John’s welcomes Lucas Henry Strack, son of Jeff and Emily Strack, who was baptized here on October 19, 2014 by Father Yanta. All Souls Day Commemoration of our deceased parishioners for the past year will be celebrated at the 5:00pm Mass of Anticipation on Saturday, November 1st. A light supper will be served for the families involved after Mass in Louis Hall. The ceremony of the candles will take place after the homily. Each of the families are invited to come to the front of church and accept a candle in honor of the deceased. They then place the candle by the picture of the deceased, followed by a few moments of silent prayer. Pews on both sides of the middle aisles in front will be reserved for the 24 families involved. Are all welcome to attend this 5:00pm Mass but realize we will have more attending than usual. All parishioners are invited to record names of deceased family members in the Memory Book in front of church. Masses and other prayers will be offered for them during the month of November. Dear Fr. Yanta, I want to acknowledge receiving your parish offering of $257.41 to the Global Solidarity Sunday Collection. Thank you for providing needed aid to the pastoral ministries in Latin America and assisting in the restoration of the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Thank you for showing solidarity with the emerging Church in Africa and providing ongoing support to the most vulnerable served by the efforts of Catholic Relief Services. May you be blessed for your service and solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Deacon Mickey Friesen, D.Min., Director Upcoming Events: • • • • Turkey Dinner, Sunday, October 26, 4:00-7:00pm, at the Shakopee Knights Event Center Jordan Council of Catholic Women meeting in Louis Hall, Tuesday, October 28, 7:00pm 35th Annual St. Nicholas Gala & Auction at the Park Ballroom in New Prague, November 1, 5:00pm New Prague Knights of Columbus Pancake & Sausage Breakfast, November 2, 8:00-12:30pm, KC Hall October 26, 2014 St. John’s School Thank you to everyone who helped with the St. John's School Marathon! We were blessed with great weather and lots of help raking leaves!! You're invited to the Harvest Festival Sun, Oct 26 from 12:30! Come to play games and share some Halloween treats. AND you are invited to Top 20 Parenting Sun, Oct 26 from 6-8pm with Paul Bernabei. You may bring students 4th grade and older to the presentation. Come learn some awesome parenting strategies!! Bonita Jungels, Principal Faith Formation What are families saying about our new Family Formation ministry? "Our lessons are going well! We had a good morning at church today too. Our kids were much more attentive than usual! We really like the home lessons. With our hectic work weeks, it’s nice to have Wednesdays free. We've been doing our home lessons on Sunday afternoons since church is fresh on our minds." October Family Formation Lesson 3 teaches us about "Vessels and Vestments". Your 3D Mass Set will bring to life this lesson. Remind your children to bring their Holy Mass Books to church and follow along. October memory is: "Your word, O Lord, be on my mind, on my lips, and in my heart." Please contact Jennie in the Faith Formation office with questions or helpful hints~she is here to serve your family. Parish Directory Pastor, Rev. Timothy Yanta, Direct: 952-492-4560 Emergency 952-492-2640 (press 3), Parish Office, 952-492-2640 Office Hours: M-Thurs 8am-4:30pm Miguel Salinas, Parish Administrator, Michelle Lopez, Administrative Assistant, St. John’s School and Pre-School, 952-492-2030 Office Hours: M-F 8:00 am-3:30 pm Bonita Jungels, Principal, Lisa Wolf, Administrative Assistant, Faith Formation Tonya Beck, Director of Faith Formation, 952-492-5827, Jennie Hjerpe, Faith Formation Coordinator, 952-492-5730, Music Ministry Teresa Schmidt, Director of Sacred Music 952-492-2640, Lay Leadership Positions Trustees Joe O’Brien, Lynn Worm, Parish Council Claire Robling, Donna Laabs, Finance Council Mark Zimitsch, Pregnant? Need Help? Call Parish Office or Deb Pauly at 952-492-2745 Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission tickets are now available Dr. John Wood, author and speaker of the best-selling book Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission 5 Steps to Winning the War Within will be at St. John's on Saturday, December 6th from 9am-1:30pm. Start off Advent with this blessing! Mass will be offered at 8am for those wishing to attend. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased after all Masses November 1/2, at the parish/ school office or online at Sacraments Confession Tuesday 5:45-6pm, Friday 8:45am, First Saturday at 7:45-8am, Saturday 4-4:40pm Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sunday of the month. Please contact the parish office for more information. Marriage Contact Parish Office at least eight months in advance. Pre-marriage preparation required. Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office anytime. Development of the Unborn Child This is the journey Jesus took while he was growing in Mary’s womb. Youth Group Rosary Walk Week #32 - Layers of fat are growing under my skin to make my skin soft and smooth! 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Priesthood Sunday Liturgical Ministers, November 1 & 2, 2014 Weekly Schedule Greeters (Andrea Feist 492-2182)) 5pm Reaney Becker, Mark & Sue Zimitsch 8am Brian & Myah Mollenhoff, Linda Stemig, Betty Morinville 10am Yvonne & Abby Sopata, Donna & Melissa Laabs Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Karen Umpress ( 5pm Lector: Kathy Colling Ministers: Mary Pekarna, Tonya Beck, Bruce Ahlbrecht, Gloria Ahlbrecht, Jan Hartman 8am Lector: Bill Rutz Ministers: Jim Schwingler, Sue Malz, Sue Zahler, Al Busch, Tom Robling 10am Lector: Haley Kreuser Ministers: Barb Simonson, Keith Wolf, Anne Wolf, Joe Hernandez, Vernon Wick, Gary Simonson (Choir) Schule Haus Mary Johnson Homebound Mark & Ann Holzer Friendship Mnr/St. Gerts George & Kathy Colling Valley View/Oak Terrace Loren & Brenda Boeckmann Ushers (Michael A. Hennen 492-6912) 5pm Tom Klehr & Dave Worm 8am Greg Zahler & Geno Taddei 10am Lance Chambers & Harlan Segler Mass Servers 5pm Farrah Dresen, Ruby Holzer, Madi Kes 8am Kade Noyes, Calvin Menke, Cheylub Schmitt 10am Caden Bruzek, Zach & Riley Schmit Sacristans 5pm Tom & Mary Ann Klehr 8am Bryan & Lois Baker 10am Dave & Nan Brandtner Mass Intentions Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:00am Parish 10:00am † Leo Mornson (DA) Tuesday, October 28, 2014 6:15pm † Allen Lambrecht & Holy Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, October 29, 2014 8:15am † Curt Kochlin 10:30am Residents of St. Gertrude Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:15am † Rev. George Wertin Friday, October 31, 2014 8:15am † Carol Hogan O’Keefe Saturday, November 1, 2014 8:15am † Ed & Jean Hennen 5:00pm † Jerry Bendzick & † Merv Hennes, All Our Faithful Departed Sunday, November 2, 2014 8:00am † Frances Jandl & † Nicole (Jandl) Goldman 10:00am Parish Sunday, October 26, 2014 Donut Sunday hosted by the Stewardship Committee 8:00am Mass 10:00am Mass 11:00am Anointing of the Sick after 10am Mass 1:00-2:30pm Fall Harvest Festival 6:00-8:00pm Top 20 Presentation for parents and students 4th grade and older Monday, October 27, 2014 No School 12:30pm Quilting 6:00pm Fall Festival Meeting Tuesday, October 28, 2014 9:30am Adult Bible Study 2:50-3:50pm Boys Music Challenge (Church) 5:45pm Confessions 6:15pm Mass 6:00pm GROW Meeting (School Conference Room) 7:00pm JCCW Meeting (Louis Hall) 7:00pm Momnipotent (Parish Library) 7:00pm Ave Maria Cenacle of Prayer (Chapel) Wednesday, October 29, 2014 8:15am Mass with School Children 10:30am Mass at St. Gertrudes 2:50-3:50pm Girls Music Challenge (Church) 6:30pm Choir Practice (Parts Choir) 7:30pm Grades 7-12th Faith Formation Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:15am Mass 6:00pm Choir Practice (Sunrise Choir) 6:30pm Adult Bible Study (Parish Library) 7:00pm Mass Rebroadcast on Jordan Cable Friday, October 31, 2014 8:15am 1st Friday Mass 9:00am Confessions Saturday, November 1, 2014, All Saints Day 7:45am Confessions 8:15am All Saints Mass 4:00pm Confessions 5:00pm All Souls Mass with Families of Faithfully Departed Sunday, November 2, 2014, All Souls Day 8:00am Mass 10:00am Mass 6:00-9:00pm Youth Group Readings for the Week READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Eph 4:32 -- 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 MARC HOLLAHAN Chard Tiling & Excavating, Inc. Parishioner Sales & Leasing Consultant DIVISIONS OF CHARD SIBLEY AGGREGATES IDEAL PAVING AHLBRECHT MASONRY INC. Jordan Dental Care Quality Cement Work Bruce Ahlbrecht Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 301 El Dorado Drive Jordan, MN 55352 952-492-6543 26239 State Hwy 25 • Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Office: 952.873.6152 • Fax: 952.496.0024 18986 Pueblo Ave. • Jordan, MN 55352 LeRoy & Connie Chard 952-239-7089 JOE & SONS SHEET METAL (952) 445-2916 Owner / Operator Commercial/Industrial/Residential • Heating • Air Conditioning 112 1st St. W • Jordan 952-492-7799 952-492-6309 952-492-3232 115 So. Broadway Jordan “Newly remodeled & expanded” (952) 492-2397 FREE to St. John Parishioners First Month — with this ad 6171 - 190th Street West Jordan, MN 55352 (952) 492-2021 SHAWN O’HERN 1/3 of a mile south of Hwy. 41 on Hwy. 169 MATT SAXE CHEVROLET BUICK INC. Custom Fertilizer Specialist • Melt-Mor Delcer Belle Plaine, MN 56011 909 Enterprise Drive al ompanion n o s r Pe rC Your Praye through 2030 952-492-3377 512 N. Broadway • Jordan, MN CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. MATT SAXE 952-403-0058 John Hennes K NIGHTS OF COLUMBUS M EMBER $7.00 OFF Any Oil Change Not valid with other coupons • Expires 12/31 “BUTCH • REMODELING • GARAGES • FINISHED BASEMENTS MAMER” LIC NO 1582 952-428-1200 PK-6th grade $39.95 Call 952-492-2030 for a tour. Come grow with us! 2237 Valley View Rd Shakopee, MN 55379 • Full Service Pharmacy • Greeting Cards & Gift 255 Creek Lane S. Jordan 952-492-3334 PRAIRIE FARM SUPPLY 952-873-4234 115 W. Church, Belle Plaine Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. RIDGES AT SAND CREEK 952-492-2549 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Banquet Facilities from 50 to 500 952-492-2644 Jim • Chris Schwingler DECKS Faith-Based Education, Strong Academic Curriculum, Athletic Program, All Day Preschool, Before & After School Care Available Join us for Sunday Brunch Year Round carpet and upholstery cleaning residential • commercial member U.C.C.I. • I.I.C.R.C certified • St. John the Baptist Catholic School 800-566-6150 • Hennes Septic Pumping & Service 952.873.2234 NEW HOMES Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers Radermacher Foods, Inc. Ph: 952-492-2044 500 W. Second St. Fax: 952-492-3171 Jordan, MN 55352 MAMER CONSTRUCTION Saint Margaret Sunday Missal In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Quality - Freshness - Convenience CELL 612-209-5978 Elizabeth M.Thelemann, D.D.S. Clancy’s Serving great food for over 30 years Creative Landscapes 952-492-3160 nc He n El ectric ne ,I n 952-492-2199 220 Triangle Lane, Jordan Established 1968 952-492-2750 700 SEVILLE DRIVE JORDAN PEKARNA’S MEAT MARKET Specializing in Homemade Sausage & Bar-B-Q Ribs Jordan, MN 952-492-2744 Steve & Rick Hennen - Parishioners ST. GERTRUDE’S HEALTH & REHABILITATION CENTER 1850 Sarazin St. • Shakopee, MN 55379 952-492-6101 (952) 233-4400 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Morgan & Theresa Lloyd- Parishioners WHY IS IT ELITE METAL WORKS A man wakes up after sleeping PLUMBING & HEATING “Family owned & operated since 1948” • Plumbing • HVAC • Water Softeners David Wolf, Owner Jordan, MN 952-492-6933 WOLF MOTORS under an ADVERTISED blanket Jct. Hwy. 169 & 282 • Jordan, MN on an ADVERTISED mattress “Investing in Lifetime customers for over 50 years” and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas (952) 492-2340 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? 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