ALL INDIA CANARA BANK RETIREES’ FEDERATION (Regd.) (Af f iliate d to All In dia Ban k Re tire e s ’ Fe de ration ) “A.K.Nayak Bhavan”, 2nd Floor, 14, Second Line Beach, Chennai – 600001. Ref:60:2014 Chairman A.K.Bansal October 23, 2014 To: All Affiliates, Office Bearers & Central Committee Members Dear Sir/Madam, President V.K.M.Varma Vice President A.N.Balasubramanian T.T.Raman Y.V.Subba Rao M.C.Katiyar General Secretary S.V.Srinivasan Joint Genl Secretary K.R.Manohar Crediting of Pension for Oct. 2014 & relaxed guidelines on Life Certificate You may be aware that 1st & 2nd November 2014 have been declared as Public Holidays under the Negotiable Instruments Act in the State of Karnataka. With a view to avoid inconvenience to our pensioners, we have taken up the matter with the Pension Fund requesting them to make necessary arrangement for crediting the Pension for October 2014 on 1st of November 2014 itself. We are to inform that the Pension Fund has since acceded to our request and Pension for October 2014 will be credited on 1st November 2014, notwithstanding the fact that 1st November 2014 is a declared holiday. Secretary Also, we are happy to inform that in response to our earlier representation for relaxing procedural guidelines for submission of Life Certificate, the Pension Fund has since modified the same with a view to minimising the inconvenience to the pensioners. As such, Pensioners/Family Pensioners residing in India can visit any branch of Canara Bank with their PPO so as to facilitate the branch to submit Life Certificate. Details of the relaxed guidelines are more fully enumerated in the Vishranthi News Letter Organising Secretary 10:2014 dated 23.10.2014. The same has been uploaded in our Bank’s Website and also in our Website K.Shanmugam M.Krishnappa M.Balasubramanian B.S.Joshi M.K.Saha K.P.Prasad Anil Sood C.R.Venkateswaran R.Sudalaimuthu M.Venugopalan A.P.Raveendranath S.Madusoodananpillai P.Giridharan B.Venkatrao B.S.A.Rao S.K.Madan We deeply appreciate the pensioner-centric steps taken by the Pension Fund in the above matters. For your ready reference, we furnish in the annexure extracted gist of the revised guidelines for submission of the Life Certificate and also the format to be used. With Greetings, Yours Sincerely, Treasurer A.B.Kasturirangan Assistant Treasurer P.Dhanaram (S.V. Srinivasan) General Secretary Encls: 1. Annexure containing Revised Guidelines. 2. Revised Life Certificate Format. Mobile:+91 94442 32867 E-Mail: Landline (O) Ph: 044 – 25220611 Website: 1 ANNEXURE 1. Life Certificate can be submitted at any branch of the Bank. 2. Revised Life Certificate format is made available both in CANNET (HRD > 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Application Forms > Life Certificates) and Bank’s Website ( > Announcements > For Ex-Employees > Life Certificates). A copy of the revised Life Certificate format is also attached herewith. The Pensioner/ Family pensioner shall approach Pension crediting branch or any Canara Bank branch convenient for him/her to submit the Life Certificate in the prescribed format. If submitted at any branch other than Pension crediting branch, he/she shall produce a copy of PPO or any other proof of photo identity to the branch at the time of submission of Life Certificate along with his/her Staff number, his/ her pension crediting account number, the name and DP Code of the branch where the said account is maintained. In case of Family pension, Family pensioner’s name needs to be furnished against staff number of deceased ex employee. The Pensioner/Family Pensioner staying abroad during relevant period shall submit the Life certificate duly attested by an Indian embassy at his place of stay to pension crediting branch through post/ courier so as to reach the branch on or before 30.11.2014. For release of pension, submission of Life Certificate on or before 30th November is mandatory. All Pensioners/Family Pensioners are requested to submit the Life Certificate at the earliest, but not later than 30th November. Hard Copy of the Life Certificate should not be submitted to Pension Fund. Some of the Pensioners are yet to register their mobile number and email ID with the Pension Fund hindering faster communication with them. Hence, Pensioners are advised to furnish Mobile Number and email ID in the Life Certificate, as a one-time measure. INCOME TAX Have you submitted Proof of Investments for Income Tax exemption? If not, please submit the same on or before 20th January 2015 to avoid deduction of Tax during the month of January and February 2015. 2 जीवन माणप / LIFE CERTIFICATE (भूतपूव कमचारी पशनभोिगय / प रवार पशनभोिगय ारा हर वष नवंबर माह के दौरान तुत कया जाना है । To be submitted by Ex-Employee Pensioners / Family Pensioners during the month of November every year) पशनभोगी का नाम / Name of the Pensioner ी / ीमती / Sri/Smt कमचारी सं या / Staff No 13 अंक य बचत बक खाता सं या िजसम पशन जमा क जाती है / 13 digit SB A/c through which pension is credited िजस शाखा म खाता है, उस शाखा का नाम और डी पी कू ट / Name & DP Code of the Branch where account is maintained पशनभोगी के मोबईल मोब / Mobile number of the Pensioner पशनभोगी के ई-मेल आईडी / Email id of the Pensioner पशनभोगी के ह ता र / Signature of the Pensioner मािणत करता ँ क मने िनयिमत / प रवार पशनभोगी / Certified that I have seen the Regular/Family Pensioner.................................................................. कमचारी सं या / Staff No. ……………. को देखा है तथा वह इस तारीख को जीिवत है / and that he/she is alive on this date. अिधकृ त अिधकारी के ह ता र / Signature of the Authorised Officer अिधकृ त अिधकारी का नाम / ी / ीमती / Sri/Smt Name of the Authorised Officer कमचारी सं या / Staff No ह ता र अिधकार सं या / Signing Power No. शाखा शाखा / कायालय / Branch/Office दनांक / Date: मुहर / Seal:
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