Successful Verification of EU Funded Projects in the New Programming Period 2014-2020 23rd – 24th October 2014, Berlin Brochure Advanced Seminar With focus on: • New legal requirements for administrative and on-the-spot checks • Dealing with personnel costs • Record keeping and documentation issues • Handling irregularities correctly 1 ADVANCED SEMINAR Successful Verification of EU Funded Projects in the New Programming Period 2014-2020 Enhance your verification methods – Avoid failures and reimbursement of funding In the new Programming Period 2014-2020 Article 13 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 that stipulates certain procedures and requirements for verification will be repealed. Managing Authorities and Intermediate Bodies will have to meet new standards regarding the implementation of administrative and on-the-spot verifications. Until now, Who is this seminar for? Directors, Heads of Unit or Department, Managers, Auditors, Controllers and other experts dealing with verifications, especially from: they do not only have to verify eligibility of expenditure as well as compliance with State • Managing Authorities of ERDF (including ETC), ESF and CF aid and public procurement regulations, but also need to ensure correct record keeping, • Intermediate Bodies documentation and reporting. In addition, double financing, irregularities and fraud have to • Certifying Authorities be detected and prevented. • Audit Authorities As a result, as a first level controller responsible for administrative and on-the-spot verifications you carry a high responsibility and you need to assure efficient control procedures as well as reliable control executions. It is therefore crucial for you to be informed about new regulations for first level financial control as soon as possible. • National and Regional Audit Institutions • Beneficiaries implementing EU funded projects Specialised Consultancies and External Auditors working with EU Funds “Valuable use of my time that will allow me to implement change and strengthen systems.” Louise Long, Staff Officer, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, United Kingdom “Useful, professional, brilliant.” “Good inputs for the programming period 2014-2020.” 2 What will you learn at this seminar? Your benefits • What are the changes in first level control in the Programming Period 2014-2020? • How do you prepare yourself best for new verification rules? • What are the lessons learnt from the Programming Period 2007-2013? • How can you avoid errors and pitfalls in the implementation of administrative verifications and in particular the checking of payment claims? • What are the best strategies to prevent double financing and the reimbursement of same expenditures by different sources? • How should you deal with personnel and overhead costs? • Learn about the requirements of the European Commission – Become familiar with the exact roles of the Managing Authority and the Intermediate Body regarding verifications in the new Programming Period 2014-2020 • Receive concrete advice and checklists for verification, on-thespot visits and public procurement – Be best prepared for your practical work • Have a look at previous audit findings – Benefit from lessons learnt • Boost your knowledge on sampling methods, simplification of costs and prevention of double financing – Feel confident with respect to all your duties and responsibilities and make processes more effective • What do you need to consider for correct record keeping and for reporting irregularities? • Know how to check key areas properly – Avoid corrections and fund cancellation due to incorrect and ineligible project financing • Which documents are necessary for a proper verification file? • Be best prepared for on-the-spot checks and reporting of irregularities • What are the different options for applying simplification of costs? • What do you have to take into account regarding public procurement rules? • How can you improve the effectiveness of on-the-spot checks? • How can you cope with the specific compliance challenges with infrastructure projects? • Exchange your knowledge with experts and colleagues from other Member States Optional Course for the „Master of Management in EU Funds“ This European Seminar is also an optional Course for the „Master of Management in EU Funds“ For further Information, please click here. “Excellent” Tommi Multala, Resource Officer, European Environment Agency 3 PROGRAMME DAY 1 Successful Verification of EU Funded Projects in the New Programming Period 2014-2020 8.30-9.00 Registration and Handout of Seminar Material 9.00-9.05 Opening Remarks from the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law 9.05-9.30 11.30-12.15 Welcome Note from the Chair and Round of Introductions Strategy for Improving Desk based Checks Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 9.30-10.15 Overview of Legal Requirements from the Common Provisions Regulation Coming from the New Common Structural Funds (CSF) Regulation •Management Control Systems and responsibility of Member States •European Commission powers and responsibilities •Governance •The role of a Managing Authority and Intermediate Bodies •The role of the Certifying Authority •Audit and the role of the Audit Authority •Eligibility of expenditure •Developing an effective strategy to gain and provide assurances •Developing a systemic approach to conducting checks •Getting the timing and intensity of verification right •Using the right tools to record and report findings •Checking financial and compliance aspects of expenditure •Limits of desk based checks – Making use of intelligence and risk assessment Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 12.15-13.00 Strategy for Improving On-the-Spot Verifications Nicholas Suggit, ERDF Strategy and Policy Manager, ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 10.15-10.45 Administrative Verification of Expenditure •Legal requirements (Article 114) •Desk based checks •On-the-spot verification •Record keeping by beneficiaries •Selecting the appropriate methodology for verifications •Key financial checks to make on the eligibility of expenditure •Key compliance checks to do for meeting EC requirements •Using the right tools to record, monitor, and maintain a reliable audit trail •Purpose of selecting a sample of projects •Various options for selecting a sample •Being smart – Using risk assessment to prioritise visits •Ensuring adequate coverage of expenditure categories •Ensuring adequate coverage of beneficiaries •Adopting a smart approach by using checklists fit for purpose •Staying in control by having a good monitoring system Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 13.00-13.15 Discussion Round 13.15-14.15 Lunch Break and Networking Opportunity Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 10.45-11.00 Discussion Round 11.00-11.30 Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity “A must for all personnel working on EU funds as first-level controllers!” “Very useful and practical for my job. Thank you for everything!” Diana Dimitrova, Ministry of Regional Development, Bulgaria 4 Ca Stu se dy 14.15-15.00 Developing Strategies for a Robust Management and Control Environment •Background to England ERDF Programme and the management and control systems •Different strategies for administrative checking and on-the-spot verification •Working with Auditors and the European Commission Nicholas Suggit, ERDF Strategy and Policy Manager, ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom Focus Costs 15.00-15.45 How to Deal with Different Types of Costs Correctly •How to apportion personnel costs •Key principles for claiming overheads •Options for using flat rates, unit costs, and lump sums •Changes from the 2007-13 Round •Practical examples of each option •Verification and audit issues for each option Maeve Hamilton, Head of ERDF Managing Authority, Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Central Government Department, Northern Ireland 17.00-17.30 Public Procurement – Requirements and Key Verification Checks 15.45-16.00 Discussion Round 16.00-16.20 Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity 16.20-17.00 Impact of Simplified Cost Options on Verification •Overview of SCOs considered in Northern Ireland ERDF •SCO options adopted in Northern Ireland •Impact of SCOs on verification – change in approach •Risks in using SCOs Maeve Hamilton, Head of ERDF Managing Authority, Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Central Government Department, Northern Ireland • • • • Background on EC requirements Public sector responsibilities Private sector responsibilities Key checks on compliance Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 17.30-18.00 Other Areas for Management Verification: Double Financing •Prevention •Detection Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 18.00 End of Day One “An opportunity to learn about strategies for improving administrative and on-the-spot-verifications.” Georgeta Birău, Counselor, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania 5 PROGRAMME DAY 2 Successful Verification of EU Funded Projects in the New Programming Period 2014-2020 9.00-9.05 Welcome Note from the Chair 13.45-14.15 9.05-9.45 •Common mistakes detected in verification visits and other audits •Analysis of type of irregularities found in previous rounds •Examples of frauds detected in structural funds •Improving guidance, training and controls to minimise recurrence Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom Improving Verification Effectiveness •Use of checklists and tailored checks depending on the nature of expenditure •Risk assessment and sampling •Nature of verification – timing, frequency etc. •Desk check vs. on-the-spot verification •Documentation retention and quality Maeve Hamilton, Head of ERDF Managing Authority, Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Central Government Department, Northern Ireland 9.45-10.00 Common Mistakes and Lessons Learnt from Previous Structural Funds Rounds Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 14.15-14.30 Discussion Round 14.30-15.00 Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity Practical Workshop Discussion Round 10.00-10.30 Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity 10.30-11.15 Specific Compliance Challenges with Infrastructure Projects Ve r Inf ifica ras tio Pro truc n of jec ture ts •Eligibility of expenditure •Compliance with specific EC regulation requirements •Major projects requirements •Compliance with public procurement •Taking account of revenue generation •Publicity requirements Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 15.00-16.15 Using a Number of Case Studies to Check •Compliance with procurement rules •Apportionment of indirect costs •Staff cost - Real and standard scales •Infrastructure development •Group Discussion and Questions & Answers Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 11.15-11.30 Discussion Round 11.30-12.15 Correct Procedure for Handling and Reporting of Irregularities •What encompasses an irregularity? •Difference between irregularities and fraud •Record keeping of cases and monitoring recovery •Application of financial correction due to irregularities and its impact •Reporting irregularities to the relevant authorities (Certifying Authority, OLAF) Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom 12.15-12.30 Discussion Round 12.30-13.45 Lunch Break and Networking Opportunity 6 16.15 End of Seminar and Handout of Certificates SPEAKERS Successful Verification of EU Funded Projects in the New Programming Period 2014-2020 Amarjit S. Narain Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom Amarjit S. Narain has been working on the management of ERDF 2007-2013 programme since 2007. He played a key role in setting up of the management and control systems and getting them approved by the European Commission. Currently, he is also responsible for the confirmation of first level controllers for INTERREG programmes and the conduction of quality assurance checks of first level controllers’ work on three programmes. Before joining the ERDF management, he worked on managing public finances and on delivering major regeneration and housing projects by the Central Government in partnership with local governments. Nicholas Suggit ERDF Strategy and Policy Manager, ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom Nicholas Suggit has worked for the Managing Authority for five years leading on ERDF strategy and policy. He has managed a number of significant change programmes, redesigning the management and control systems in response to changes in structure of government and EC interruptions in payments and then overseeing the design of the business process for the 2014-20 ERDF and ESF programmes. His previous role was as a consultant on public policy, strategic thinking and change management at the National School of Government. Maeve Hamilton Head of ERDF Managing Authority, Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Central Government Department, Northern Ireland Meave Hamilton has been working with EU funding for almost 15 years. She is currently the Head of the Managing Authority for the ERDF Competitiveness Programme (2007-2013) in Northern Ireland and will also be Head of the Managing Authority for the ERDF Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme in the Programming Period 2014-2020. Maeve Hamilton is a fully qualified Internal Auditor through the Institute of Internal Auditors UK and has professional qualifications in computer audit as well as in fraud investigation. “Clear topics and precise presentation. Very useful to any professional on EU Funds.“ Marios Savvides, Procurement Counsellor, European Funds Unit, Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus 7 ORGANISATIONAL MATTERS Successful Verification of EU Funded Projects in the New Programming Period 2014-2020 Date of Event 23 – 24 October 2014 rd th BOOKING E-mail: Fax: Booking Number S-848 MC Event Language +49 (0)30 802080-250 Phone: +49 (0)30 802080-230 For online booking please visit our website: The event language is English. Event Price 1.289,- Euro excl. German VAT (19%) The above price covers the following: • Admission to the seminar • Hand-out documents • Seminar certificate, if seminar fully attended • Soft drinks and coffee/tea on both event days • Lunch on both event days Upon request you can receive a digital version of the seminar documents after the event for 60,- Euro excl. German VAT (19%) in addition to the seminar. Contact European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law at Potsdamer Platz, Leipziger Platz 9, 10117 Berlin Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 230 Fax: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 250 E-mail: Internet: Your contact persons for the programme: Regina Lüning, M. Sc. econ. Head of Marketing and Sales Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 246 Fax: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 259 E-mail: Laura Hentz M.A. Conference Manager Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 244 Fax: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 259 E-mail: (Programme is subject to alterations) Event Location Arcotel John F Werderscher Markt 11 10117 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 (0)30 2888 6578 95 E-mail: Internet: Please contact the hotel directly and refer to the “European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law” if you wish to benefit from a limited room availability-contingent. Of course you can always look for an alternative hotel accommodation. 8 BOOKING E-mail: Fax: +49 (0)30 802080-250 Phone: +49 (0)30 802080-230 For online booking please visit our website: European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law at Potsdamer Platz Entrance: Leipziger Platz 9 10117 Berlin / Germany BOOKING BOOKING NUMBER: S-848 MC (PR) 23rd – 24th OCTOBER 2014, BERLIN Herewith we register the following persons for the Practical Seminar: “Successful Verification of EU Funded Projects in the New Programming Period 2014-2020 “. Delegate 1 Ms. Mr. First name Your organisation Department Unit Job position Street Postcode / City Country Delegate 2 Ms. Last name Ms. Mr. Last name Phone Fax E-mail I hereby order the digital version of the seminar documents (fee required) in addition to the seminar. Mr. First name Your organisation Department Unit Job position Street Postcode / City Country Invoice Organisation Phone Fax E-mail I hereby order the digital version of the seminar documents (fee required) in addition to the seminar. First name Your organisation Department Unit Job position Street Postcode / City Country Delegate 3 Ms. Last name Phone Fax E-mail I hereby order the digital version of the seminar documents (fee required) in addition to the seminar. Mr. First name Your Organisation Department Unit Job Position Last name Street Postcode / City Country Phone Fax E-mail With my signature I confirm my registration and accept the General Terms and Conditions as legally binding. I herewith agree to receive further information from the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law In case of registration of more than one delegate do you prefer: single invoice? collective invoice? NOTE Only Valid with Signature and Stamp. Place, Date Authorised Signature and Stamp 9 European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law Brauner Klingenberg GmbH | Leipziger Platz 9 | 10117 Berlin | Phone +49 (0)30 80 20 80 230 | Fax +49 (0)30 80 20 80 259 Terms & Conditions for Conferences, Seminars and other Training Courses 1. Area of Application The following terms and conditions settle the contractual relationship between conference participants and the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law Brauner Klingenberg GmbH [referred to as “European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law” in the following]. Differing terms and conditions, as well as, other settlements and/or regulations have no validity. 2. Registration / Confirmation of Application A registration can be made via internet, mail, fax, or email. The registration is considered granted and legally binding if not rejected by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law in writing within seven (7) days after receipt of registration. The registration will be supplemented by a booking confirmation via email. Partial bookings are only valid for seminars designed in modules. 3. Service The course fee covers the fee per participant and course in € net, subject to current German VAT. It includes training course documents as per course description, a lunch meal/ snack and refreshments during breaks, as well as, a participation certificate. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law has the right to change speakers/instructors and to modify the course program if and where necessary while maintaining the overall nature of the course. All registered participants will be notified in case of a course cancellation due to force majeure, due to speakers’ preventions, due to troubles at the chosen location or due to a low registration rate. Course cancellation notification due to a low registration rate is issued no later than two (2) weeks before the course date. Course fees are reimbursed in the cases listed above; however, reimbursement for travel expenses or work absenteeism is only granted in cases of intention or gross negligence by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law. Any reimbursement of travel expenses are to be considered as an exceptional goodwill gesture and form no future general obligation. In case of disturbances and/or interruptions, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law commits itself to solve or limit any problems that might occur in order to maintain and continue the course as planned. 4. Payment Date and Payment, Default of Payment Payment of the course fee is payable immediately upon receipt of invoice. Where payment is not received or lacking clear assignment to a participant prior to commencement of the course, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law may refuse the relevant participant’s participation in that course. The course fee, however, is still due immediately and can be claimed as part of a dunning procedure or legal action. In accordance with BGB §247 (1), in case of default of payment within the stipulated time period, default interest on arrears of at least 5% above the ECB base rate is due and payable. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law can claim higher damage for delay if and where proven. Equally, the participant may prove that a damage has not occurred or has had less effect than estimated by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law. Payment shall be made by cashless bank transfer; cash or cheques will not be accepted. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law is not liable for any loss of means of payment. The participant may only offset such claims against the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law’s as are undisputed, legally recognized or recognized in writing by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law. The right of retention is only acceptable in accordance with a counterclaim based on the same contract. 5. Cancellation Cancellations need to be issued in writing. Cancellation by the participant will be subject to cancellation charges as follows: • 30 days or more prior to commencement of the course: service charge of 80,00 € net, subject to current German VAT, payable immediately, course fee will be reimbursed, • two (2) weeks to 30 days prior to commencement of the course: 50% of course fee net, subject to current German VAT, payable immediately, • non-attendance or cancellation less than two (2) weeks prior to commencement of the course: 100% of course fee net, subject to current Germany VAT, payable immediately The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law gladly accepts without additional costs a substitute participant nominated in case of a cancellation if the substitute participant is registered at least three (3) days prior to the commencement of the course. Neither cancellation of a specific module/part of the course or substitution per module/per day is possible. 6. Copyright Seminar/course documents are protected by property rights and may not be duplicated, processed, amended, circulated or published in any other way without the written consent of the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law reserves all rights. 7. Liability All seminars and courses are prepared and presented by qualified speakers and instructors. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law accepts no liability for the upto-dateness, correctness and completeness of the seminar documentation, as well as, presentation of the seminar. 8. Applicable Law, Place of Jurisdiction, Place of Performance All cases shall be governed and construed in accordance with German law to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention. 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If and where personal data needs to be transferred to countries lacking appropriate data protection schemes, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law shall grant alternative adequate protection. Furthermore, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law will use personal data as far as participants have granted respective permission. When collecting personal data, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law will always ask for permission regarding email information about offers. The participant may, at any time, express their objection to data collection for the purpose of advertisement or address via email or fax. Any data provided to the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law will be processed for reservations and bookings, as well as, for information about other seminars. Names and company names will be published in a participants’ list and forwarded to the mailing company. 10
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