The University of Colorado School of Medicine, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and College of Nursing present: Bugs & Drugs: 2014 Saturday, November 8, 2014 UCD Anschutz Medical Campus Education 2 South 13001 E. 17th Place Aurora, Colorado 80045 General information The Bugs and Drugs Symposium focuses on the latest diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. This course is designed for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, and allied health professionals. The symposium includes didactic presentations with audience participation, small group lectures, and case presentations. The goal of the course is to have participants leave with a skill set that will improve their clinical practice related to infectious diseases. Overall Learning goals At the conclusion of this conference, learners should be able to: Block I: Immunization Update and Zoonotic Infections in Colorado ACPE# 0008-9999-14-063-L01-P (1.75 contact hour – knowledge-based) 1) For a given patient, determine which immunizations, if any, would be most appropriate, and explain risks and benefits of the vaccine to the patient. 2) Describe risk factors and diagnostic criteria for common Colorado animal-to-human transmitted diseases and implement appropriate treatment guidelines. Block II: Hepatitis C Screening and Treatment, and Infections of Skin and Soft Tissue ACPE# 0008-0000-14-064-L01-P (1.75 contact hour – knowledge-based) 1) Manage patients at risk for hepatitis C infection, including screening, selection of appropriate pharmacotherapy, monitoring and referral to specialist if needed. 2) Identify and manage clinical scenarios and causative organisms for lower extremity cellulitis and diabetic foot infections. Block III: Inappropriate Use of Antimicrobials and Case Studies in Infectious Disease ACPE# 0008-0000-14-065-L01-P (1.75 contact hour – knowledge-based) 1) List 2-3 sources of information on local resistance trends and implement strategies for appropriate prescribing of antimicrobial agents. 2) Recognize new presentations of “old” diseases such as C. diff, tuberculosis and community acquired pneumonia (CAP), or presentations of new infectious diseases, and outline current recommendations for treatment of these diseases. Workshops Travel-related Infections ACPE# 0008-0000-14-066-L01-P (1 contact hour – application-based) Implement evidence-based guidelines from the CDC and other organizations related to international travel health considerations. HIV Prevention and Treatment ACPE# 0008-0000-14-067-L02-P (1 contact hour – application-based) Assess the suitability of PrEP and other prophylactic measures for people in Colorado living with or at high risk for HIV/AIDS. Update on STDs in Colorado ACPE# 0008-0000-14-068-L01-P (1 contact hour – application-based) For a given patient, assess risk and implement evidence-based strategies to reduce risk; discuss and recommend appropriate testing. Program schedule 6:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast 7:55 AM Opening Remarks Block I 8:00 AM Immunization Update Edwin Asturias, MD 8:45 AM Zoonotic Infections in Colorado Jennifer House, DVM 9:30 AM Questions for Block I Speakers 9:45 AM Break Block II 10:00 AM Hepatitis C Screening and Treatment Lisa Forman, MD; Jennifer Kiser, PharmD 10:45 AM Infections of Skin and Soft Tissue Mary Bessesen, MD 11:30 AM Questions for Block II Speakers 11:45 AM Lunch Block III 12:45 PM Inappropriate Use of Antimicrobials Tim Jenkins, MD 1:30 PM Case Studies in Infectious Diseases Connie Price, MD 2:15 PM Questions for Block III speakers 2:30 PM Break Workshops [each workshop repeated once; 1 hour each program] 2:45 PM Travel-related Infections Steven Johnson, MD HIV Prevention and Treatment Jose Castillo-Mancilla, MD; Peter Anderson, PharmD STD Update Mark Thrun, MD 3:45 PM Transition 4:00 PM Repeat of Workshops 5:00 PM Adjourn without Regrouping faculty CONFERENCE COORDINATORS Ann Froese-Fretz, MS, RN, CNS, CPNP-PC Program Director, Continuing Nursing Education CU College of Nursing Kathleen McCartney, PharmD Coordinator, Continuing Pharmacy Education CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences PRESENTERS Peter Anderson, PharmD Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Edwin Asturias, MD Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics CU School of Medicine Mary Bessesen, MD Associate Professor CU School of Medicine Jose Castillo-Mancilla, MD Assistant Professor CU School of Medicine Lisa Forman, MD, MSCE Associate Professor of Medicine, Section of Hepatology CU School of Medicine Continuing education credit Pharmacy The CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This program has been accredited for up to 7.25 contact hours of CE credit. To receive CE credit for this seminar, participants must complete the online statement of attendance and program evaluation and provide their NABP eProfile ID number and month and day of their birthdate upon registration. CE credit will be uploaded to CPE Monitor within four weeks. Jennifer House, DVM, MPH State Public Health Veterinarian Communicable Disease Epidemiology Program Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Tim Jenkins, MD Assistant Professor CU School of Medicine Steven Johnson, MD Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases CU School of Medicine Jennifer Kiser Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Connie Price, MD Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Disease CU School of Medicine, Denver Health Medical Center Mark Thrun, MD Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases CU School of Medicine, Director, HIV/STD Prevention and Control, Denver Public Health We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the conference coordinators; Pam Welker, administrator for the CU Office of Continuing Medical Education & Professional Development; Benton Westergaard, program administrator for the CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Office of Continuing Pharmacy Education; and Dena Graves, administrative assistant for the CU College of Nursing Office of Lifelong Learning. Nursing The University of Colorado College of Nursing is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Colorado Nurses Association, accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This educational offering for 7.25 contact hours is provided by the University of Colorado College of Nursing Office of Lifelong Learning (Pharmacology credit to be determined). A CNE certificate will be emailed to participants within 30 days after the conference. Medicine This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of The University of Colorado School of Medicine Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and College of Nursing. The University of Colorado School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of Colorado School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of (7.25) AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Location The Bugs and Drugs Symposium will be held at the Anschutz Medical Campus of the University of Colorado in auditorium L281102 (Education 2 South). The Anschutz Medical Campus is located just west of I-225 and Colfax Avenue in Aurora. Parking will be available for $1 in the Ignacio, Kiowa and Georgetown parking lots near Education 2 South, as well as the Henderson Parking Garage. Turn south on Victor Street from E. Montview Blvd, then turn west on E. 19th Avenue to access parking. parking map: registration & Refunds Registration before September 1, 2014 will cost $175. Registration after September 1, 2014 will be $225. Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Please register online at Cancellations received by October 10, 2014 will be refunded minus a $40 processing fee. No refunds will be available after October 10, 2014, although you may send a substitute. For questions please call 303-724-4298 or e-mail out/departments/FacilitiesMa nagement/Documents/AMC.p df Questions educational materials For questions related to continuing pharmacy education, please call: (303) 724-4298. All presenters will compile selected slides and educational materials which will be available for you to download prior to the conference. A link to educational materials will be sent to the email you provide upon registration approximately 2 weeks before the program. Americans with disability act statement Please indicate if you have any need for auxiliary aids or special assistance services upon registration. For questions related to continuing medical education, please call: (303) 724-3555. For questions related to continuing nursing education, please call: (303) 724-6883.
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