Week 2 Term 4 22nd October 2014 www.flaxmillps.sa.edu.au 80 Flaxmill Road Morphett Vale S.A. 5162 8382 3057 83829996 SMS 0427016460 Primary Principal: Mike Clark—Michael.Clark342@schools.sa.edu.au Deputy Principal: Peter Cobb—Peter.Cobb16@schools.sa.edu.au School Counsellor: Jess Chappell—Jessica.Chappell203@schools.sa.edu.au Chairperson Governing Council: Helen Fry DIARY DATES TERM 4 Week 2 24/10/14 Pupil Free Day (Maths Training) Week 4 11/11/14 Parent Open Afternoon Week 6 17/11/14 19/11/14 19/11/14 Week 9 10/12/14 11/12/14 12/12/14 Yr6/7 Aquatics 9.30-4.00 Police Excursion Rm 2 & 5 Old Jail & Parliament House Excursion Rms 20/21 Yr 7 Graduation Last Day of Term Pupil Free Day Out of School Hours Care Before School Care $11 6.45am-8.45am After School Care $17 3.05pm-6.05pm GOVERNING COUNCIL MEETINGS Monday 20/10/14 1.30 @ Staffroom 2015 TERM DATES Term 1 27/01/15-10/04/15 Term 2 27/04/15-03/07/15 Term 3 20/07/15-25/09/15 Term 4 12/10/15-11/12/15 Pupil Free Day Friday24th October 2014 (OSHC will not be open on the Pupil Free Day) FLAXMILL SCHOOL P-7 OPEN FESTIVAL Tuesday 11th November 1:50pm Class showcases 3:15pm Class performances 5:15pm Free Sausage Sizzle 5:30pm Allan Sumner performing CONGRATULATIONS CARA! Cara attended Flaxmill Primary school when she was younger . Cara and several students were invited to be involved in an art project at Wirreanda High School. After completion the items would be displayed at an art exhibition held at Wirreanda High School. Invited to the exhibition was family of the students, the Mayor, local MP Amanda Rishworth, also representatives of Katrine Hildyard’s Office. Representatives of Katrine’s office were so impressed with Cara’s artwork they commissioned her to do a surprise painting for Katrine’s office in Parliament House. Cara purchased all her own paints, her ACEO provided her with the canvas and she spent many nights at home creating and painting her canvas. Several Wirreanda teachers and students were invited to tour Parliament House and it was on this occasion Cara was able to make the surprise presentation. School Card Applications 2014 School Card Application for 2014 will close on 1st November 2014. If you are eligible and have not already applied please collect a form from the Front Office and complete prior to November 1st 2014. School Card Applications are required to be completed each year your child attends school. If you have any concerns please come into the front office to see Leanne. 2015 Material & Services Fee $226.00 Leanne Cameron—Finance Officer CRICKET AT REYNELLA OVAL, Old Reynella Reception—Yr 1 Cricket Australia’s national beginners program, in2CRICKET, socialising and learning cricket basics, Saturday, 9-10am, for 6 weeks commencing 18 October. Program costs $77.75 for newcomers, covers Terms 4 and 1 2015—Starter Pack, all equipment and coaching. Register and details www.in2CRICKET.com.au or just turn up. Yr 2-3s: SACA-supported school teams play Kanga cricket Saturdays 8.15-10.00am, 25 Oct to 6th Dec against other schools. Register interest at your school through your sport co-ordinator. Girls only SUPA 6 SMASH: Saturdays 9.00-10.15am coaching/competition for girls Yrs2-7, commencing 18 Oct for 6 weeks, cost $30 includes trophy and women coaches. Go to www.cricketsa.com.au, or just turn up. Contact for any of these programs: Trish Pinder, pinders@internode.on.net or 0411116300
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