2014 ZATOPEK:10 When: Thursday 11th December, 2014. Where: Lakeside Stadium, Aughtie Drive Albert Park, VIC 3220. (Melway Ref: 2K D7) Car Parking: Ticketed parking can be found in the car park along Aughtie Drive and also along Albert Rd. Event Meet: 5:45pm– 8:40pm Gates open 4:00pm Entry Points: Gate 1 – Public entry, ticket purchases Gate 2 – Athlete, Coach and VIP accreditation pick up and entry only. Warm Up Gate – Pass out only Timetable: A timetable can be found and from the Athletics Victoria website here. Uniform: It is preferred that Athletics Victoria registered members compete in club uniform. Men’s & Women’s Open 4x400m Relay teams must wear their club uniform and Athletics Victoria registered bib numbers. Bib Numbers: Athletes can collect their bib numbers from the TIC upon check-in. Men’s & Women’s Open Relay teams must wear their Athletics Victoria registered bib numbers. Athletics Victoria Inc. ABN 47 382 664 821 Athletics House Level 1, 31 Aughtie Drive Albert Park, VIC 3206 Telephone: +61 3 8646 4500 Facsimile: +61 3 8646 4509 Email: info@athsvic.org.au Web: www.athsvic.org.au Spikes: At Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park: The part, which projects from the sole or heel, must not exceed 6mm for track events and 9mm for field events. Conical, Pyramid and Christmas tree (compression tier) spikes are permitted. Needle or pin spikes are not permitted. Event Accreditations: Competing athletes and nominated coaches of a competing athlete must collect their accreditations from Gate 2 (Gate closest to Albert Park Lake). Accreditations will give access into and around the stadium for athletes and coaches. Athlete Check-In: All athletes will need to check in at the TIC, located next to Gate 2, underneath the main grandstand. Bib numbers will also be here for collection for all athletes except for those competing in the relay events. Call Room: There will be two call rooms in operation at this event. Timings for both will be posted at TIC and in the warm up area and athletes must check these for latest reporting times. Personal equipment including phones, music devices, electronic devices etc can be stored in lockers or given to coaches. However if such items are brought into the Call Room they will be confiscated and can only be collected from TIC 60 minutes after the event. All athletes are required to report to the call room. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. Closing time for reporting are as follows: o Pole Vault 70 mins o Long Jump 35 mins o All other track & relay events 25 mins o ONLY ATHLETES and approved OFFICIALS will be allowed in the Call Room. Clash of events – notify the Call Room at time of reporting in for first event. Electronic Devices No electronic devices (mobile phones, music devices, pagers etc) are to be used in Call Room, TIC or on track. An athlete can be suspended from competition by the event referee for an infringement of the rule above Athletics Victoria Inc. ABN 47 382 664 821 Athletics House Level 1, 31 Aughtie Drive Albert Park, VIC 3206 Telephone: +61 3 8646 4500 Facsimile: +61 3 8646 4509 Email: info@athsvic.org.au Web: www.athsvic.org.au Own Equipment: Athletes may bring their own equipment to use at the event. Please note that if you do bring your own equipment it needs to be checked by the technical official at least one hour prior to the event. Personal equipment must be made available to all competitors for general use during the event. Pole Vault Starting Heights: Women’s Pole Vault – 3.20m Men’s Pole Vault – 4.20m *Please note that Pole Vault will operate as a team competition and entries will be at the discretion of Athletics Victoria. *Please note that your entry does not guarantee your selection, athletes will be informed of their selection following the closing date. Protests: Any protest regarding the competition, shall in the first instance be made orally to the appropriate referee by the athlete or by a person acting on his/her behalf, within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the result. The referee may decide on the protest or may refer the matter to the Jury of Appeal. If the referee makes a decision, the athlete may appeal to the Jury of Appeal within 30 minutes of the Referee’s decision. The appeal must be in writing, on the appropriate form signed by the athlete or a responsible official on behalf of the athlete and submitted to the Competition Secretary/Administration Manager. The protest must be accompanied by a deposit of $50, which will be forfeited if the protest is not upheld (IAAF Rule 146). Protest forms are available from Administration. Medals: Medallions will be presented to competitors placed first, second and third for the following events: Men’s Zatopek:10 Women’s Zatopek:10 Men’s Open 4x400m Relay Women’s Open 4x400m Relay Men’s 100 yards Women’s 100 yards. Athletics Victoria Inc. ABN 47 382 664 821 Athletics House Level 1, 31 Aughtie Drive Albert Park, VIC 3206 Telephone: +61 3 8646 4500 Facsimile: +61 3 8646 4509 Email: info@athsvic.org.au Web: www.athsvic.org.au Victorian Championship medallions shall be reserved for the best three placed Victorian competitors. Invitation medals will be awarded if a non-Victorian places in the top three of a Victorian Championship. Athletes should make themselves available for presentations following their events. Relay Final Teams: Team entries need to be submitted at least 90mins prior to the start of the event. Substitutions can be made up until 45mins prior to the event start time. Please note: After this time no change can be made unless with a doctor’s certificate. Forms must be submitted to Administration in the Grandstand. Crowd: During the Men’s and Women’s 10km races, part of the track will be sectioned off for the crowd to view the race from the four outside lanes. These areas will be accompanied by security. There will be no reserved seating on the night. All seating in both stands will be General Admission. General Information: If you require any further information please contact travis@athsvic.org.au Athletics Victoria Inc. ABN 47 382 664 821 Athletics House Level 1, 31 Aughtie Drive Albert Park, VIC 3206 Telephone: +61 3 8646 4500 Facsimile: +61 3 8646 4509 Email: info@athsvic.org.au Web: www.athsvic.org.au
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