www.kennedy.edu.hk Dear Parents and Guardians, I look forward to meeting many of you tonight at the PTA Quiz night which I am sure will be a lot of fun. A special thanks to the PTA for organizing this event which helps us raise vital funds for improving the Kennedy School library. Year 6 Camp Our Year 6s returned this afternoon after an action filled four days at camp. I can’t over emphasize the importance of our Year 4 – 6 camping programme, teaching our students real life skills particularly in the areas of collaboration, empathy, diplomacy and challenging one self to improve. It’s hard to learn this in the classroom. Can I also thank the Year 6 teachers and Mr Pedersen for their efforts this week. From sore tummies at 3am, to lost shoes, giving medicine, treating mosquito bites, helping those with homesickness and aids on scratched knees, special chats at special times, hair brushing when needed and generally being with your children on call for the past 96 hours, the staff have been amazing. Please feel free to tell your child’s teacher how appreciative you are! Some photos from Year 6 camp can be found on our Facebook page. 3N Assembly Thank you to 3N for sharing with us their assembly on the importance of national celebrations especially Chinese National Day. It is important for our children to learn about the different cultural events that influence our lives, particularly those of Hong Kong and China. It is fabulous to see our parents and guardians supporting our assemblies and you will see in today’s newsletter that we are now inviting you to some our newly introduced Chinese assemblies. International Celebrations – ‘Eid ul-Adha’ Last Sunday, October 5th our Kennedy School Muslim families celebrated Eid-ul-Adha ('festival of Sacrifice'), also known as the Greater Eid, which is the second most important festival in the Muslim calendar. The festival remembers the trials of the Prophet Ibrahim. I believe it is important for us as an International School to recognize and celebrate the rich cultural and religious diversity of all of our students so please let me know if your family have a special cultural or religious celebration that you would like us to recognize and celebrate together. John Brewster Principal YEAR 6 APA CAMP Year 6 camp at Sai King West Country Park has been full of activities such as rafting building, rock climbing, kayaking and snorkelling. The students have also helped prepare dinner, made their own lunches and looked after their tents. They have been very well behaved - especially at bedtime! The camp leaders and teachers have enjoyed the company of all Kennedy School children. They have left the camp site clean and tidy. It was a great experience. A big thanks to everyone. Bryce Pedersen Vice Principal More photos from Year 6 camp can be found on our Facebook page. INDIVIDUAL NEEDS INFORMATION SESSION Wednesday 29 October, 6.00 – 7.00pm, Hall The Individual Needs team at Kennedy would like to invite you to an information session to find out more about what we provide at Kennedy to support children with a wide range of needs. Sign-up here. We look forward to seeing you there. Emma Navin, Karen Ormerod and Noreen Stone IN Team Supporting Reading and Writing @ Home Workshops I wanted to pass on many thanks from myself and the Year 1 and 2 teachers for the huge turn out for the parent and helper workshops that were held this week. We had over 150 parents and helpers in attendance. The biggest take-away I think is that we now have a shared understanding that reading and writing are developmental and the best thing you can do to support your child is to help build their confidence and encourage them. As promised, for those in attendance and those who couldn't make it, a video of the presentation and a support packet will be posted on the VLE early next week. I will send an email informing all Year 1 and 2 parents when it's available and ready to go. Thank you again for your continued support. If you have any questions or want to chat further, just let me know. Josh Blue Vice Principal/PYPC CHINESE ASSEMBLIES Recently we had our first Chinese assembly where Year 5 students shared examples of their successful learning practices happening in Chinese. A video about the assembly has been uploaded to Chinese VLE page for your information. To provide children with more opportunities to share their interests and talents with their peers from different pathway groups, and to encourage students to pursue activities outside of the classroom, we are planning to run Chinese assemblies for Year 3 – Year 6 once per term. We would like to invite parents and guardians to attend their child’s Chinese assembly. Below is our schedule for Term one. Chinese Assembly Schedule, Term 1 Date Thursday, 30th October Tuesday, 25th November Thursday, 18th December Time Please come at 11:50 Assembly starts at 12:00 Please come at 9:20 Assembly starts at 9:30 Please come at 10:50 Assembly starts at 11:00 Denggao Zeng Head of Chinese dzeng@kennedy.edu.hk Year Venue Year 4 Hall Year 6 Hall Year 3 Hall Congratulations and well done to our Year 5 children who raised $6,811 in their Bake Sale! MESSAGE FROM THE MEDICAL ROOM Headlice There have been a number of cases of headlice reported throughout the school. Please check your child's hair regularly for eggs or lice and treat with medicated shampoo if necessary. Please also email either myself or the child's teacher if needed. No peanuts at Kennedy Kennedy School have a number of children with severe nut allergies. Kennedy School is now a Nut Free School. Irene Wong Health Care Professional nurse@kennedy.edu.hk FROM THE PE DEPARTMENT PMP Introduction and Demonstration Please CLICK HERE to access the presentation from the talk given to Year 1 and Year 2 PMP volunteers this morning to introduce the PMP programme. Many thanks to those parents who attended this info talk. Final week of swimming Next week is the final week of swimming. Please check the schedule below for your child’s swimming days during this week of make up sessions. Inaugural Kennedy School Year 6 Swimming Gala (17th Oct, 9am – 12.30pm) On Friday 17th October from 9.00am to 12.30pm we will be running our first ever Swimming Gala for Year 6 children. Please feel free to come and watch in the viewing gallery above the pool (Stanley Ho Sports Centre). Please ensure that your child comes to school with a hat, towel and t-shirt and their usual swim kit, to ensure they are warm and dry between events as well as protected from the sun. Also please pack one portable snack (a piece of fruit, crackers or similar) for the day as children will need to carry their snack and water bottle to the pool. Games start next week The Kennedy School Games Programme will commence from Monday 13th October. Children in Year 1 - 3 follow a skills programme as shown below. Children need to wear P.E. Kit on their Games day, as well as on their P.E. day. Year 1 Wednesdays Large ball Throwing, catching skills & games. & aiming games. Bat & Ball Skills & games & Skipping. Developing partnerwork. Dance Year 2 Mondays Throwing & catching, inventing individual games Partner games,aiming,hitting, kicking Dribbling,hitting & kicking Group games & inventing Dance rules Year 3 Thursdays Passing & receiving Creative Games Making Net & Wall Games Striking & fielding Dance Year 4 Tuesdays Dragons Lions Phoenix Date/House 14-Oct-2014 28-Oct-2014 4-Nov-2014 11-Nov-2014 18-Nov-2014 Netball Netball Netball Netball Netball Rugby Rugby Rugby Rugby Rugby Hockey Hockey Hockey Hockey Hockey Unicorns Rounders/Cricket Rounders/Cricket Rounders/Cricket Rounders/Cricket Rounders/Cricket Year 5 Mondays Dragons Lions Phoenix Unicorns Date/House 13-Oct-2014 27-Oct-2014 3-Nov-2014 10-Nov-2014 17-Nov-2014 Netball Netball Netball Netball Netball Rugby Rugby Rugby Rugby Rugby Hockey Hockey Hockey Hockey Hockey Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Year 6 Wednesdays Dragons Lions Phoenix Unicorns Date/Class 15-Oct-2014 No Games No Games 29-Oct-2014 Netball Rugby 5-Nov-2014 Netball Rugby 12-Nov-2014 Netball Rugby 19-Nov-2014 Netball Rugby No Games Hockey Hockey Hockey Hockey No Games Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Please ensure your child is wearing the correct kit for their Unit: Hockey - in accordance with the HKHA regulations all Year 4-6 children participating in hockey MUST wear shin pads and a mouth guard. Long socks to hold shin pads are also recommended. All of these items are available from the PTA Office. Rugby - although there is no mandate from the HKRFU we strongly recommend the use of mouth guards when playing rugby. Please ensure mouth guards are moulded in hot water to fit your child's mouth PRIOR to their games lesson. Jewellery in PE, Games and Swimming Lessons In accordance with the Hong Kong Department of Education and the ESF Health and Safety policy please ensure that all jewellery is removed prior to all PE and swimming lessons. Earrings should be studs and not large or hooped as these are unsafe for physical activities. Jewellery should be left in the classroom or at home as we cannot take any responsibility for any valuables left in the gym. Religious bands must be covered with a sweat band and religious necklaces worn beneath an undershirt to prevent the risk of them getting caught in apparatus. Year 5 & 6 Kennedy School Valley Hockey Academy Spaces remain in the Kennedy School Valley Hockey Academy for this term. The sessions are run by former Black Stick (New Zealand International) Kelsey Dunn. Please email office@kennedy.edu.hk to register your child. Kennedy School VLE Wall of Fame The Kennedy School Sports Wall of Fame on our VLE is where you can share your sporting achievements outside of school with the rest of the Kennedy Community. Click on "add a new discussion topic" to start a new thread about your event/sport. Then enter details of your event or sporting achievement along with a photo of you in action, if you have one. Don't forget to celebrate the successes of other children at Kennedy by reading their threads and writing positive comments for them. Follow us on Twitter @kennedyschoolpe for regular updates. Tim Luck Head of PE and Swimming Email: tluck@kennedy.edu.hk Twitter: @kennedyschoolpe Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2015 Once again Kennedy School will be participating in the Hong Kong Young Writers Awards Competition and aiming to continue its proud tradition of success in this, the 6th edition of the event. All children who wish to take part may do so, with participation being purely voluntary. The theme for this year is ‘New Tales of the Pearl River Delta’. Children may choose to write a poem, a story or a non-fiction piece based on this theme. Full details can be found at the HKYWA website: www.hkywa.com which gives writers’ workshop advice on the theme itself, as well as detailed information about how written submissions should be prepared. Children may also create a piece of artwork on the same theme. Again, details can found on the website. All writing entered for the competition needs to be prepared in electronic form and forwarded to Mr. Moore (jmoore@kennedy.edu.hk) by no later than December 19th (last day of term). NB the competition website gives a later submission date than this - this is for schools’ reference only. Children should ensure that their full name and class are indicated in the filename. Good Luck! Jeff Moore 4J Class Teacher jmoore@kennedy.edu.hk Family BBQ Friday 31st October This is a fun family event where there is food and activities for children. Mark the date in your diaries. There will be more information about the night itself in future newsletters. All of our teachers commit to help at our events, but the success of our BBQ does depend on the help of all of our parents – we need help on the night to set up, man and then pack away stalls at the end of the evening. Your class parents will be getting in touch with you to enlist 40 minutes of your time on the evening. To make sure everything goes smoothly and adds to the entertainment for all the children and adults – please do sign up to help. Click here to go to the sign-up sheet, choose a time slot/stall and fill in your name and contact telephone number where it says **VOLUNTEER NEEDED**. [Please note that you can edit this version!] There are many stalls that need your support. Thank you for helping to make the evening an enjoyable event for everyone! Be a stall coordinator: We are also looking for volunteers to coordinate the following activities – please let me know if you would like to coordinate: BBQ – selling of food Curry Stall – selling Entertainer Spooky Stories Sweets stall MESSAGE FROM THE LIBRARY Birthday Book Programme It's been great seeing the smiles and the excitement from the children who have received their birthday book on their special day. If your child has a birthday in October or November and you would like to participate, please send $100 in an envelope marked with your child's name and class, how old they will be on their next birthday and who the book will be from. You can leave the envelope at reception or give it to the class teacher. On the day of your child's birthday they will receive an age-appropriate book for them to read and enjoy at home. The book will be gift wrapped and hand delivered to your child in their classroom on their special day and will have a label inside with a birthday message from the family. Once your child has finished reading the book at home, we would appreciate if you would donate it back to the library within a month for other children to read and enjoy. The label will remain in the book for everyone to see. By participating you will be helping us to continue to add new books to our collection. Thank you to Aman Hotwani (3C) and Haydn Ching (6P) for their book donations. Thank you to all for your continued support. Susan Mifsud and Nina Sehgal Library Assistants Join us for some family fun!!! And help raise awareness for cancer research in Hong Kong. Co-organized by the Canadian Consulate in Hong Kong, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian University Association (Hong Kong) and Renaissance College Hong Kong, the 2nd annual Terry Fox Community Run held in Hong Kong, will happen on Saturday, Nov 8, 2014 from 12 – 4pm at Renaissance College in Ma On Shan. Come join us! ESF students, family and friends are invited to join us at the 3, 5 or 10km noncompetitive, family-oriented run or walk and for some post-run celebration fun! There will be live performances, music, face painting and hot dogs for sale by donation. The event is free! Space is limited! Register now at: http://www.terryfox.org/InternationalRun/Hong_kong.html Who was Terry Fox? Terry Fox was a Canadian activist who founded the Terry Fox Run to raise money for cancer research. It is now in its 4th decade and has inspired people around the world. Funds raised in Hong Kong will be used to support cancer research in Hong Kong. Recipients in the past have included the Chinese University of Hong Kong's Department of Clinical Oncology. Want more info? Check our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/HKTerryFoxRun or visit: http://www.terryfox.org. Questions or concerns? Email us at: info.terryfoxrunhk@gmail.com ESF Sports Camps and Clinics 20-25 October 2014 Join us for our high-energy, fun-filled Autumn Sports Camps. Move your body, play games, make friends, swim, laugh and have fun during our week-long and Saturday programmes. Our activities focus on improving gross motor skills and enhancing fundamental abilities in sport. Camps are available for children ages 3 - 11. Swimming Clinics ESF Swimming will be hosting swim clinics during the October break at Discovery College, Renaissance College and South Island School from 1-4pm. All levels will be accommodated including Adult & Child classes. Basketball Clinics Join ESF Basketball for fast-paced clinics from 1-4pm at Renaissance College, South Island School and Kowloon Junior School. Whether new to the sport or as a veteran looking to build skills on the court, we look forward to seeing you there. Ages 9-15. Football Camp ESF Football will run football camp from 9am-12pm at the incredible KGV artificial pitch in Kowloon. Players will take part in expert skills sessions, as well as mini games and tournaments. Tennis & Gymnastics clinics are also available. See our website www.esf.org.hk for more information and to enroll. ACTIVITIES BY EXTERNAL AGENCIES Click on the following links to view advertisements for after school activities provided by external agencies and ESF Educational Services. ESF Educational Services – Football, Basketball, Tennis, Gymnastics, Kung Fu Beginners Critical Reasoning English and Putonghua Fabric Art; Fabric Fun Chess Lessons; Hoyinping Chess Science Adventures, The Chess Academy; Active Kids Writing and Publishing Workshop; Elephant Community Press Art Lessons (Drawing, Painting etc); Cecilia Art Studio Bricks 4 Kidz Enrollment From Read for Meaning at Glenealy School Russian Ballet School (North Point, Sai Kung) Disclaimer: Kennedy School and the English Schools Foundation do not recommend or endorse any external provider renting the school premises. There is no contractual arrangement between KS/ESF and the club providers, any contractual arrangement that exists is between the parent and the club provider UPCOMING EVENTS & DUE DATES 13th October 14th October 15th October 16th October 17th October 20th – 24th October 28th October 30th October 31st October 3rd November 6th November 7th November 13th November 20th November 21st November 25th November 27th November 28th November 9 – 12 December 10 – 12 December 18th December 19th December 5th January - Games timetable starts this week 4C Assembly, 2.20pm, Hall 6D Food Technology Programme at Ark Eden Year 1 Theatre Trip - ‘Stickman’ 6T Food Technology Programme at Ark Eden Year 2 Theatre Trip - ‘Stickman’ 6R Food Technology Programme at Ark Eden Year 6 Swimming Gala, 9am – 12.30pm Half Term Holiday 6A Food Technology Programme at Ark Eden Year 4 Chinese Assembly, 12noon, Hall PTA Halloween BBQ Meeting for Year 5 parents regarding Year 5 Camp, Hall, 6pm 4J, 4D Bake Sale 6P Food Technology Programme at Ark Eden Year 2 Trip to Wetland Park Parent Teacher Evening, 3.30 – 6.30pm 4S, 4M, 4C Bake Sale Parent Teacher Evening, 3.30 – 6.30pm Kennedy School CPD Day – No school for children Year 6 Chinese Assembly, 9.30am, Hall Year 6 Immunisation Dress Casual Day Year 6 Theatre Trip – ‘Oliver’ Year 5 Camp, Lady Maclehose Holiday Village Year 4 Camp, Sai Kung Recreation Club Year 3 Chinese Assembly, 11am, Hall Term 1 ends at 12noon Term 2 starts Please visit our website to view a more detailed calendar. Disclaimer Notice: Kennedy School does not endorse or represent the accuracy, truthfulness or reliability of these advertisements placed by outside agencies
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