. St. Agnes Catholic Community A Perpetual Adoration and Stewardship Parish Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Thank you to Kathleen Hieb and all the volunteers for their support for the visit of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. October 26, 2014 PARISH OFFICE 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Office Hours: 9:00am - Noon * 1:00PM - 4:30pm, M-F Website: www.stagnesparish.net * E-Mail: stagnesoffice@comcast.net 1 . MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5PM Sunday: 7AM, 9AM, 10:45AM & 5PM Daily Mass in the Chapel at 8AM Monday - Saturday (Communion Service on Wed.) Confessions: Saturday 3:30PM PASTORAL STAFF Parochial Administrator Rev. Fr. Johnson Abraham chemans@gmail.com Business Manager Marlene McCann marlene.stagnesparish@gmail.com Director of Religious Education Lila Rutkowska lilar.stagnesparish@gmail.com Secretary-Religious Education Donna Cassianos donna.stagnesparish@gmail.com Director of Music Ministry May Hembrador may@stagnesparish.net Liturgical Musician Lily Melendrez Youth Ministry Coordinator Linda D’Souza lindastagnes@gmail.com Dear Friends, The central theme of today’s readings is the greatest commandment in the Bible, namely to love God and express that love in action by loving Him in our neighbor. In the Gospel today, Jesus combines the commandment to love God with the commandment to love one’s neighbor and gives the result as one commandment of supreme importance in Christian life. Jesus underlines the principle that we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, because as God’s children both of us bear God’s image, and to honor God’s image is to honor Him. Love for God and our neighbor is a commitment, not a feeling. Feelings are important, but feelings are not decisive; convictions and commitments are. More often than not, acting on our feelings leads us down wrong paths and into trouble. Jesus is telling us here that love is something we do. Love is a choice, a decision, a commitment to do things for God and our neighbor. Sometimes our “neighbor” may not be worthy of our love, but still we are commanded to love them. In Calcutta, India, there is a children’s home named Shishu Bhavan (Children’s Home), founded by Mother Teresa. The home continues to be operated by her community, the Missionaries of Charity. On the wall of the home hangs a sign which reads: “People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered, LOVE THEM ANYWAY. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives, DO GOOD ANYWAY. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies, SUCCEED ANYWAY. Office Secretary Cecilia Humann cecilia.stagnesparish@gmail.com The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow, DO GOOD ANYWAY. Pastoral Council President David Wood david@koc15344stagnes.org Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable, BE HONEST AND FRANK ANYWAY. SCHOOL OFFICE 3886 Chestnut Ave., Concord Tel.: (925) 689-3990 Office Hours: 7:30 - 4:00 M-F Principal: Jill Lucia jlucia@csdo.org Secretary: Ana Kelley akelley@csdo.org What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight, BUILD ANYWAY. People really need help, but may attack you if you help them, HELP PEOPLE ANYWAY. Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth, GIVE THE WORLD THE BEST YOU’VE GOT ANYWAY.” Blessings, Fr. Johnson 2 . The Book of Remembrance Wheelchair Sunday The Book of Remembrance will be in the church during the month of October. Parishioners are invited to enter the names of their loved ones to be remembered on All Souls Day and the Mass of Remembrance. Chris Lewis, President of the American Wheelchair Mission, and the Knights of Columbus, will be here at all Masses on “Wheelchair Sunday,” Saturday November 8th and Sunday November 9th, to explain how you can answer the prayers of the poorest of the poor, and help them gain mobility, hope, and freedom. Join them and Fr. Johnson, for this very inspirational and moving presentation. Any Parishioner who has experienced the death of a family member, loved one or friend whose service WAS NOT held at St. Agnes Church AND would like their name added to our Mass of Remembrance Scroll, please call Sharon Ouimet at 685-1361. Today after Mass members of the St. Agnes Knights of Columbus will be in the back of the church with information about who the Knights are and how you can join. If you are not able to stop by our table today, please join us, Thursday, October 30th at 7 pm in Cauchi Hall to learn more about the Knights of Columbus. Please bring your family with you. Refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP to: David Wood at: david@koc15344stagnes.org (925) 207-0270. Or, Ron Artale at: spazz1643@yahoo.com (925) 827-3713 All Souls Day Remembrance Envelopes During the month of November, masses will be celebrated in our parish for the souls of all the departed, especially those whose names are mentioned on the All Souls Day Remembrance envelopes or in the Remembrance book, located in the back of the church. All Souls Day envelopes are available in the vestibules and in the parish office. Our Parish Mass of Remembrance will take place November 8 at 10 am. Mass of Remembrance Our Parish Mass of Remembrance will take place on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 10:00 am. This special liturgy is for all members of St. Agnes community who have experienced the death of a family member, a loved one or friend. FAIR TRADE SALES TODAY! Fair Trade Coffee, Tea and Chocolates are for sale after Mass today. Please visit our table at the back of the church. Your purchases help small farmers in third world countries make a decent living. Thank you for your support. Your are invited to bring a photograph, holy card or memorial folder of your loved one to be placed on one of the memorial tables. Giving Tree Once again this year the St. Agnes Parish family will be making Christmas a little brighter for the needy families of our community and diocese. The Giving Trees loaded with ‘stars’ will be in the front of church and in vestibules on both sides of church the weekend of November 8/9. A simple reception will follow in the parish hall. If you have any questions, please call Sharon Ouimet at 685-1361 or Pat Weisinger at 685-2394. THANK YOU… Thank you to everyone who bought goodies and supported the Vinnie's Little Helpers bake sale. Proceeds from that sale will be used to buy Christmas gifts for children of families that the St. Agnes adult St. Vincent de Paul Conference supported during the year. Stewardship Corner Sunday Collection for October 19, 2014 ~ $ 9,713 Building Improvements Sunday Collection for October 19, 2014 $6,464. 3 . CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK SUN Oct 26 MASS INTENTIONS 7:00AM Carmine Pacchetti - Repose Fair Trade Sales After All Masses 9:00AM Eleni Giannoutsos Kassianos - Repose Sofia Veran - Special Intention Shepherds Field Olive Woodcrafts All Sales after Mass 10:45AM For the Judilla Family - Special Intention Elaine Tuazon - Repose Conchita Norona Diaz - Repose 5:00PM For the people of St. Agnes, living and deceased 8:00AM Dick & Kaaren Duckart - Special Intention Ernest Cornella - Repose MON Oct 27 8:00AM 1:00PM 5:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Mass Venture Forward Faith Formation Class Faith Formation Class Edge Chapel G.P. Classrms. Classrms. Cauchi Hall TUE Oct 28 8:00AM 7:00PM Mass Life Teen Chapel Cauchi Hall 8:00AM Tess Belizario - Special Intention WED Oct 29 8:00AM 7:00PM Communion Service Jim Gill Band Practice Chapel Church 8:00AM Ana Milward - Special Intention Richard Newton - Repose THU Oct 30 8:00AM 9:00AM 6:00PM 7:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Mass Scripture Sharing Mtg. Children's Choir Prac. Adult Choir Practice LifeTeen Core Mtg. K of C Membership Chapel A.R. Music Rm. Church G.P. Cauchi Hall 8:00AM Stephen Cox - Repose John & Geraldine Van Nieuwburg - Repose FRI Oct 31 8:00AM 6:45PM Mass Divine Mercy Chalet Chapel Chapel 8:00AM Louis Ferrari - Special Intention SAT Nov 1 8:00AM 8:30AM Mass Lector Practice Chapel Church 8:00AM Josh Belmonte - Repose Galicano Talosig - Repose 5:00PM Louis Ferrari - Special Intention Ralph Garcia - Repose Andrea & Maria Moresco - Repose 7:00AM Tom Walsh - Repose 9:00AM Carolina Belmonte - Special Intention Jose Quinto - Repose SUN Nov 2 3:00PM Confirmation Session Classrms. 10:45AM For the living members of the Frisbie family For the deceased members of the Pastor Penaranda family Cy & Peggy Coenen - Repose 5:00PM 4 For the people of St. Agnes, living and deceased . PLEASE PRAY FOR HEALING Ron Artale Camille Bainbrigde Betty Baltazar John Bedecarre Maureen Brophy George Conlow Lynda Conlow Nancy Cotter Nancy K. Cox Henry De Graca Sal Escano Junita Estrellas Louis Ferrari Brooklyn Foley Francisco Garcia Theresa Gartner Josephine Grove Jax Grundmann Ed Jaoquin Magnificat ~ JoAnn Lee Trevor Ludlow Joseph Mallon Evelyn Martin Mathew Ouimet Ed Palma Andrew Palmer Gelacio Pangilinan Rose Potavin Amador Rodriguez Gina G. Rubin Stella Ruybalid Stan Rygh Maria San Miguel Louie Sison Fred Taylor Connie Torrisi Juner Valencia Ronald Yancey eGiving with Faith Direct This month we are introducing a new and exciting way for you to support our parish offertory: Faith Direct. Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your Church contributions through either direct debit from your checking/savings account or through your credit/debit card. No more writing checks or searching for envelopes on the way out the door. Now you can apply the convenience of direct debit to your parish offerings in much the same way as you may now use it to make your mortgage, car or tuition payments. Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the collection basket. Please join me in enrolling by responding to the mailing you will receive or visit www.faithdirect.net to enroll securely online. Our parish code is CA646. God Bless You! A Ministry to Catholic Women Prayer Breakfast Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:30am - 12:30pm Concord Hilton ~ 1970 Diamond Blvd., Concord Magnificat is honored to welcome Most Reverend Michael Barber of the Diocese of Oakland. To make your reservation or for any questions, please call Maribel at 925-788-7762 or send an email to MagnificatSOTI@yahoo.com Rev. Johnson Abraham COME JOIN US AS WE BUILD HOMES AND A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY! There is still time to join our high school and college age youth and adult sponsors as we plan for our homebuilding trip to Tijuana April 4-11, 2015. Our next meeting is Mon., Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m., St. Agnes Church Hall. For more information, contact Jack & Donna Walton at jdwalton@astound.net or 925 212 7679 or 925 825 7931. Catholic Daughter of America The Catholic Daughter's of America Court #1934 St. John Baptist de la Salle invites all women to come and join them. The CDA meet on the 2nd & 4th Thursday’s of each month. For more information, contact Eiko Asselin at: egasselin@yahoo.com or 925-825-3982 Golden Jubilee Memorabilia is available for purchase at the Ministry Center office during regular weekday hours. TAKE JUST TWO MINUTES to write our elected officials about a new bill, the “Feed the Future Initiative.” Here is a chance to put Pope Francis’ hope that we reach out to our brothers and sisters in our own country and across the world. Stop by the table at the back of the church and we will have everything you need to do your part in stopping hunger! Memory Books Wine Glasses Coffee Mugs T-Shirts S-XL 5 $35.00 $5.00 $6.00 $10.00 . SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNTIES FOR PRAYER De La Salle High School DAILY MASS IN THE CHAPEL A Quality Education Awaits Monday - Saturday at 8:00 AM. (Communion Service on Wed.) OPEN HOUSE PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Chapel 24/7 Contact Dick or Kaaren Duckart 925-676-8248 for scheduling. Día Para Visitar La Escuela Sunday, November 2, 2014 10:00 a.m. - Noon Financila Assisitance Available FOR ADULT LEARNING SCRIPTURE SHARING - Thursday mornings at 9:30 in the Ministry Center. “Asistencia Financiera Disponible” Applications Due (Entregar Solicitudes De Admision) FOR MINISTRY Monday, December 1, 2014 PRAYER TREE - a ministry of people who pray specifically for those who are ill. Please notify the parish office if you or a member of your family are in, or going into, the hospital. Apply online at www.dlshs.org - Aplique en www.dlshs.org ENTRANCE EXAM (Examen de Admisión) Saturday, January 10, 2015 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. HELPING HANDS: Please call Marie Frisbie (925) 676-6028 MARTINEZ SHELTER MEALS Please call Yvonne Mennel: 925-200-6716 or ymennel@yahoo.com Carondelet High School Invites Prospective Students ST. VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY Please contact the Waltons at (925) 825-7931 or jdwalton@astound.net. Built on a legacy of academic excellence and a recognition of each student's unique gifts, Carondelet High School prepares confident young women to serve and lead in the 21st century. Come and find out what the school is all about. Visit www.carondelet.net/admission/ to register for our upcoming open house on Sunday, November 2, from 2 to 4 p.m., or to arrange a visit to the school. Our applications deadline for the coming school year is December 1. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Please call Naomi (925) 798-5592 We would like to invite all the children that participate in the St. Agnes CYO Basketball program and wish to participate in the CYO Mass on November 9th at 9am to please email Maricela & Gary Veran at: maricela.veran@gmail.com no later than 11/3/2014. The first and only practice will be on 11/6/2014 from 3:15-4pm at St. Agnes Church. We also wish to invite all the families to join us in the CYO Mass and blessing of the players/ coaches even if you don't want to be part of the mass. The next meeting of the St. Agnes Retired Seniors will take place on Tuesday, November 4, in the church Hall. Socializing begins at 11:00 a.m., with lunch at 11:30. This a Pot Luck luncheon and attendees are asked to bring a main dish, a side dish, a salad or a dessert of their choice. All retired seniors and guests are invited to attend, and to join STARS. There are no fees or dues for membership. Shepherds Field Olive Woodcrafts FOR SALE TODAY! A group from the Holy Land, Bethlehem & Jerusalem, will be selling religious articles after Masses on behalf of the Christian Catholic families in Bethlehem. These families work in small shops to produce religious articles from olive wood that represent the Christian Art of the Holy Land. Sales will be used to help and support the Catholics in the Holy Land and to encourage them not to migrate. Feed the Future Initiative Send a postcard to your senator or congressman asking for help to pass a new bill which will greatly help reduce hunger in the world. Watch for post cards and suggested notes on October 25 & 26 provided by the Just Faith committee as we celebrate Bread for the World Sunday. 6 . 523253 St. Agnes Concord (925) 689-0838 Marlene McCann or Cecilia Special Instructions: Gentle reminder. Please allow the ink to dry before folding. Colors need to not look washed out. Please make sure track or rolling marks are not visible. Thank you. Ads are on Page 7; 7 Page 8 is color. . St. Agnes School Teacher's Ice Bucket Challenge 8
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