www.palmoilexpo.com “ Future of The World’s Largest Palm Oil Industry” 22 OCTOBER 2014 MEDAN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER (MICC) SANTIKA PREMIERE DYANDRA HOTEL & CONVENTION Medan, Indonesia Organized by: In Conjunction with: Exhibition Organizer: TH E6 TH ITION ED OF indonesia c o n f e r e n c e s 4 WELCOMING REMARKS The Indonesian International Palm Oil Conference (IIPOC) 2014, held side by side with the 6th Palmex Indonesia 2014, an international palm oil exhibition organized by PT Fireworks Indonesia in Medan on the 22 October 2014. More than 5,000 industry professionals from more than 10 countries turned up at the last Palmex Indonesia 2013 and the show is highly acclaimed as the World’s largest palm oil technology exhibition. IIPOC 2014 themed “Revealing the new chapter in the world’s largest palm oil industry!” provides a strategic platform for interaction and in-depth deliberation of the many facets of oil palm and the palm oil industry from innovations, challenges and the latest developments especially in Indonesia who is currently the largest palm oil producer in the world. This event is only limited to 100 seats and available on a first-case-served basis. I take this opportunity to invite you to join industry leaders and hear from notable and renowned speakers including world renowned Palm Oil Price Analyst, their views at this notto-be missed 1-days event happening 22 October at Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel and Convention, Medan, Indonesia Susan Tricia Managing Director PT Fireworks Indonesia CONFERENCE PROGRAM “Future of The World’s Largest Palm Oil Industry” 22 OCTOBER 2014 TIME TOPICS SPEAKERS 10:00 - 11:00 OPENING CEREMONY BY GOVERNOR OF NORTH SUMATRA* 11:30 - 12:10 Promotion of ISPO in Marketing of Sustainable Palm Oil 12:10 - 13:10 LUNCH BREAK / VISITING EXHIBITION 13:10 - 13:50 Demand of Indian Market on Sustainable Palm Oil Dr. B.V. Mehta Executive Director, The Solvent Extractors’ Association of India 13:50 - 14:30 The Challenges of Indonesian Bio fuel Industry and Implementation Paulus Tjakrawan Asosiasi Produsen Biofuels Indonesia (APROBI) 14:30 - 15:00 COFFEE BREAK / VISITING EXHIBITION 15:00 - 15:40 Introducing Sustainable Palm Oil Energy in Indonesia associated by Government Regulations Bill Meade USAID Indonesia Clean Energy Development Project 15:40 - 16:20 How Malaysia is Developing The Palm Oil Downstream Industry Datuk Pang POIC, Malaysia 16:20 - 17:00 The Chalenges of Biomass Industry to Promote Energy for The Rural Community *Dr. Ir. Dadan Kusdiana, M. Sc. Energi Sumber Daya Mineral Indonesia *Tentative Updated per 13 May 2014 DR. Rosediana Soeharto Executive Director ISPO, Indonesia SPEAKER PROFILE “Promotion of ISPO in Marketing of Sustainable Palm Oil” Date : 22 October 2014 Time : 11:30 - 12:10 DR. ROSEDIANA SOEHARTO Executive Director ISPO, Indonesia Short Biography of Dr. Rosediana Suharto Dr. Rosediana Suharto is the chairperson in charge of the Indonesian Palm Oil Commission since it was established by the Minister of Agriculture in March 2003. She is a doctorate from the University of Aston in the United Kingdom, and Master of Science fro the Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia – all in the field of Chemistry. As a season diplomat by experience she is been a government for more than 36 years holding such a positions as advisor to the Minister of Trade and Industry and the Head of the Research of Development Agency of Ministry and many position as director. She currently still advises the Ministry of Agriculture, especially the Director General of Estate Crops and represents the ministry in international events. She also has experience in production and marketing of agriculture products (rubber, cocoa, coffee, cashew nut etc), she was engaged with Word Bank and ADB as consultant. She is a chairperson in charge of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Commission (ISPO Commission) 2003-2010, now she chairperson in charge of Indonesian Sustainable Palm oil Commission (ISPO Commission). SPEAKER PROFILE “Demand of Indian Market on Sustainable Palm Oil ” Date : 22 October 2014 Time : 13:30 - 14:10 DR. B.V. MEHTA Executive Director, The Solvent Extractors’ Association of India C.V. of Dr. B. V. Mehta Dr. B.V. Mehta is the Executive Director of The Solvent Extractors’ Association of India (SEA), having over 860 members engaged in Oilseed crushing, Processing of Oilcake, Rice bran and vegetable oils, Import of Vegetable Oils & Export of Oilmeals from India. SEA is today the largest and premier association in the vegetable oil industry and trade and recognized as NGO (Non Government Organisation) by Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry of Commerce has given the Association the status of TPO (Trade Promotion Organisation) in recognition of promotional work undertaken for export of various oilmeals, compound feed for animals, poultry & aqua, castor oil & its derivatives and minor oils. SEA was the first Association in the Vegetable Oil and Oilseeds sector to receive the quality standard of ISO 9001:2000 certification in 2004, which was later upgraded to ISO 9001:2008. Dr. Mehta was instrumental in obtaining ISO Certification for the Association. Dr. Mehta obtained his graduation in Science (B.Sc.) and Master Degree in Law (L.L.M.) from Bombay University and also has Diploma in Marketing Management (D.M.M.). He was awarded Doctorate (Ph.D) for his thesis on “Impact of WTO on Indian (Edible) Oilseeds Sector and Safeguard Measures” in 2008. Dr. Mehta has presented a number of papers related to vegetable oil industry including on Rice Bran Oil at National and International Seminars and has contributed articles in many journals and National Newspapers. He is on the panels of CNBC, ZEE NEWS & ET Now for commodity analysis and regularly contributing his neutral views which are very well appreciated by the trade and industry. Dr. Mehta is representing vegetable oil industry on number of Committees set up by the Government of India. He is also Member of National Oilseed Development Board (NOVOD), the highest policy making body headed by Agriculture Minister as the Chairman and Secretary Ministry of Agriculture Government of India as its Vice Chairman. He is also a Member of “Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) to monitor domestic availability and prices of edible oils”. Dr. Mehta is connected with Indian vegetable oil industry since more than 37 years and has in-depth knowledge of Indian oilseed sector and vegetable oil and rice bran processing industry. He is highly experienced in promotion of International trade and has widely traveled. Contact Details: Dr. B.V.Mehta, Executive Director Tel: 91-22- 22028911, 22021475 The Solvent Extractors’ Association of India Mobile: +91- 98201 28206 142, Jolly Maker Chambers No.2, Fax: 91-22- 22021692 225, Nariman Point,E-mail: solvent@mtnl.net.in Mumbai – 400021, India Web-site: www.seaofindia.com Dt. 11th March, 2014 File:biodata Dr.B.V.Mehta GENERAL INFO THE CONFERENCE Date Time Place Attire : 22 October 2014 : 09.00 – 17.00 WIB : Santika Meeting room 5 & 6, Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel and Convention Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis, Medan, Sumatra Utara : Formal OBJECTIVES • Price forecast and threats and opportunities in the Indonesian Palm oil industry. • To commercialise recent technology findings that will improve the oil palm/palm oil industry • To formulate strategies towards enhanced sustainability, competitiveness, automation, policies, market trends and trade challenges THE VENUE The four-star Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel and Convention Medan, hosting the city’s largest convention center, is located only 10 minutes from the international airport, and a stone’s throw from the central business district, government buildings. The two largest malls, Sun City Mall and Paladium Mall are also conveniently situated nearby. With easy access from all directions, ample parking space for up to 600 vehicles, and other shopping outlets such as Gramedia Bookstore, Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel and Convention Medan has all the ingredients for a most enjoyable stay. THE LANGUAGE English is the official language of the Conference. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? IIPOC 2014 caters for those involved in the oil palm, palm oil and other oils and fats including R&D personnel,scientists, planters, millers, traders, processors, manufacturers, economists, policy makers, academicians,etc. The Conference will be especially useful for networking with your peers in the oil palm industry while exchanging views and sharing new ideas. CONFERENCE PARTNER Contact Phone Fax Email : Ms. Theresia Puspita : (6221) 4290 0030 ext. 302 : (6221) 4290 0191 : marcom@asiafireworks.com indonesia c o n f e r e n c e s OFFICIAL HOTEL Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel & Convention Jalan Kapten Maulana Lubis no. 7, Medan 20112, North Sumatra, Indonesia Tel : (62-61) 451 1999 Fax : (62-61) 421 1999 Contact : Ms. Dewi Sartika Email : dewisartika@medanpremiere.santika.com Website ; www.santika.com Room Type Double Rate (net/room/night) Superior Rp 600.000,- Deluxe Rp 700.000,- Extra Bed : Rp 250.000,- Net (Include 1 Guest Free Breakfast) The above rates inclusive of: * Room rates are inclusive of daily breakfast for 2 person * Tea & Coffee making facilities in the room * Internet access in the room * Free entrance to hotel Swimming Pool, Fitness Center and sauna, excluding massage * All rates quoted in Rupiah and inclusive of 21% goverment tax and service charge Terms and Conditions: * Only Valid for Reservation under the name of “PT. Fireworks Indonesia” SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE Contact Ms. Theresia Puspita at (6221) 42900030 ext 302 or email at marcom@asiafireworks.com Platinum Sponsor USD 35,000,Offered to 1 (one) company with following benefits: 1. Exhibition Space of 3 X 9 m2 in the expo hall 2. As one of the speaker in the Conference 3. 10 (Ten) Complimentary persons to attend the Conference 4. Sponsor’s Plaque 5. Announcement by MC in the Conference 6. Program Book (Full Page Advertisement) 7. Event Title Logo in all promotion material Electronic media: Printing media: 1.Radio 1. Conference Backdrop 2.Website 2. Billboard/Baliho 3. Opening CeremonyBackdrop 4. VerticalBanner/Umbulumbul 5. Welcome Gate 6. Panel Information Backdrop Gold Sponsor Offered to 1 (one) company with following benefits: 1. Exhibition Space of 3 X 6 m2 in the expo hall 2. As one of the speaker in the Conference 3. 5 (five) Complimentary persons to attend the Conference 4. Sponsor’s Plaque 5. Announcement by MC in the Conference 6. Program Book (Full Page Advertisement) 7. Logo in all promotion material USD 25,000,- Printing media: Electronic media: 1. Conference Backdrop 1.Radio 2. Billboard/Baliho 2.Website 3. Opening CeremonyBackdrop 4. VerticalBanner/Umbulumbul 5. Welcome Gate 6. Panel Information Backdrop Silver Sponsor Offered to 1 (one) company with following benefits: 1. Exhibition Space of 3 X 3 m2 in the expo location 2. 2 (two) Complimentary persons to attend the Conference 3. Sponsor’s Plaque 4. Announcement by MC in the Conference 5. Program Book (Full Page Advertisement) 6. Logo in all promotion material USD 15,000,- Printing media: Electronic media: 1. Conference Backdrop 1.Radio 2. Billboard/Baliho 2.Website 3. Opening CeremonyBackdrop 4. VerticalBanner/Umbulumbul 5. Welcome Gate 6. Panel Information Backdrop Conference Goodie Bags USD 1,500,The organizer will provide all the conference delegates with a goodie bag upon registration. Each bag will contain the Show Directory and the Conference Programme. Limited to only ONE sponsor Your contribution entitles you to: 1. 1 x Full Colour Page advertisement in the Conference Booklet 2. 1 x Company Logo on the website on www.palmoilexpo.com 3. Company name & logo to be imprinted on 200 bags. Notepads and pens to be supplied by sponsor. Conference Nametags & Lanyards USD 1,500,- The lanyards are designed to fit around the necks of all conference delegates and will be distributed to all along with the badges. Limited to only ONE sponsor Your contribution entitles you to: 1. 1 x Full Colour Page advertisement in the Conference Booklet 2. 1 x Company Logo on the website on www.palmoilexpo.com 3. Company name & logo to be imprinted on the nametag and lanyards. THE REGISTRATION FORM (photocopies acceptable) Please revert the form back to marcom@asiafireworks.com INDONESIA INTERNATIONAL PALM OIL CONFERENCE (IIPOC) 2014 22 OCTOBER 2014. SANTIKA PREMIERE DYANDRA HOTEL & CONVENTION Name Salutation Organization Address CityPostcodeState CountryNationality Designation I.C./Passport No. TelephoneFaxEmail Remarks (For student, kindly submit photocopy of your studen ID and the university must confirm student status on university letterhead) CONFERENCE FEE (22 OCTOBER 2014) (Please tick one only): LOCAL (Indonesian, KITAS holder) Conference Fee (22 October 2014) Rp 2,500,000 FOREIGNER USD 400 Please remit payment to: PT. Fireworks Indonesia Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Komplek Ruko Bahan Bangunan Blok F4 No. 6 & 7 Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Jakarta 10730 USD Account Number : 888 - 017951 - 117 IDR Account Number : 888 - 017951 - 069 Swift Code : HSBCIDJA, Branch Code : 888 Notes: - Please transfer in full amount. - The customer should pay any charges from the origin bank. - Please fax/email thetransfer copy to (6221) 42900191 or accts@asiafireworks.com - We will send you the letter of participation once we have received the payment. PAX TOTAL PRICE
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