MAY 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS AT FINLANDIA VILLAGE ISSUE 06 F IN LA N D IA LI VING M O N T H LY N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E F I N L A N D I A V I L L A G E C O M M U N I T Y SENIOR FITNESS AND WELLNESS EXCITING NEWS FOR FINLANDIA VILLAGE Planning is underway to purchase new and improved exercise equipment to replace and supplement the existing equipment we already have at Finlandia Village. This will bring an exciting time for individuals who want to stay active with a healthy lifestyle of physical activity. WWW.FINLANDIAVILLAGE.CA 233 FOURTH AVENUE SUDBURY, ON P3B 4B3 As well, the Palvelukoti Sali has been identified as a location to relocate the exercise equipment from its current location. We expect these improvement to take place by June 2015. Stay tuned for updates! EXERCISE WELLNESS FOR SENIORS THE BENEFITS OF OF A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FINNISH EXCHANGE STUDENTS BY KRISTIINA SKOGBERG SUPPORT SERVICES NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTS ACCREDITATION NEWS Our next survey is June 2016. and we are preparing by opening our first TWO surveys for staff: Resident Safety and Staff Satisfaction. Please take some time to participate and let us know how we are doing! MAYFAIR PARKING Finlandia Village will be hosting our 25th Annual Mayfair on Saturday, May 09th, 2015 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. In preparation for our crowdpleasing event, we are advising all staff members, residents and visitors to park in Lepokoti and Hoivakoti rear parking lots between 7am and 3pm. Staff and visitors may use Lepokoti entrance; additional entrance for staff is at the rear of Hoivakoti that leads to the basement staff area. Aging accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle, is very much like a long version of being bedridden. Decreases in muscle mass, flexibility, strength, range of motion, heart/lung function and balance are accelerated. In addition, the body is left more susceptible to illness and various chronic lifestyle diseases. Movement, when appropriately adapted, is a powerful antidote. Start moving and your ability to move improves. Walk, dance, stretch, build strength, play games that require physical motion and the impacts due to inactive aging slowly reverse. Along with this improved ability to move, many other positive changes take place. Insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels regulate and become more stable, stored fat is reduced, blood pressure comes down and the heart gets stronger. The vascular system starts building collateral arteries around blocked vessels, improving blood flow to the heart, the brain and other organs. The body’s repair mechanisms speed up, healing time improves, the immune system gets stronger; one gets sick less often and recovers more quickly. Add to this, the positive impact that graduated exercise has on mental, emotional, social and even spiritual health and one can readily appreciate the role that Adaptive Exercise plays in contributing to the well-being of Aging Adults. We believe that no matter what age or stage in life, fitness and wellness programs contribute to quality of life and bring a more positive culture to the Finlandia Village residents and to the Greater Sudbury seniors’ community. Donations to the new proposed fitness and wellness centre are being accepted through the Finlandia SISU Charitable Foundation. Reetta-Kaisa, Roosa Mäkelä, Marjo Sivula and Katja Korkiakoski. Marjo and Katja arrived on March 13th and are here for a 10-week placement. Katja is doing her placement with Betty Parcher and Marjo with Tiina Koskela. Both girls practical nursing. Reetta-Kaisa and Roosa arrived at the end of March for their 3-month placement. Both study elder care / gerontology in Finland and are spending much of their stay with Hoivakoti residents. You may find them feeding residents, having a discussion group in Finnish, leading music & painting activity, portering residents to various activities etc. Every Wednesday evening all four run our popular Suomi-kerho (Finnish Club)! We at Finlandia are fortunate to have these young people from Finland to share their time, energy and talent with our residents. Katsoisitko minua? Jos katsoisit minua hetken, hiljaa, keskittyen, Näkisitkö minut kiireesi keskeltä, näkisitkö minut näiltä rypyiltä, näkisitkö minut ilman vaikeuksia.. ihmisenä vailla kankeuksia? Jos katsoisit minua hetken, hiljaa, keskittyen, kanssa eläen, rinnalla kulkien…. Näkisitkö sen mitä en osaa sanoiksi pukea? Näkisitkö sen missä tarvitsen tukea? Näkisitkö tarpeeni lukea, luovuuteni teoiksi pukea? Jos katsoisit minua hetken, hiljaa keskittyen, tarinaani kuunnellen, ehkä hiukan udellen… voisinko kertoa sinulle unelmistani, vielä vanhana haaveistani, voisinko jakaa ajatuksistani, jotain elämän viisauksistani… Voi katso minua lempeästi, hymyile minulle pehmeästi sillä usein maailma on raskas, samea ja elämän tilani kovin kapea.. Tahdon olla enemmän kuin olemassa, tahdon olla rakentamassa, siipiäni, vaikka olen vanhenemassa.. on sydämeni vielä pamppailemassa, kauniille sanoille, hellille käsille ja hyville katseille.. Tälle elämälle olemassa ololle rakkaudelle joka hehkuu sisälläni… sydämelle sykkii sydän, vanhankin sydän. Reetta-Kaisa Parviainen © FINLANDIA CATERING UPCOMING EVENTS Every Tuesday from 2 to 4pm in Voima A —Finlandia Café, home baked treat and specialty hot beverage for $3.00. May 29—Movie Night “The Imitation Game” with Benedict Cumberbatch. Admission is free. Snacks available. Doors open at 12:30 pm in Voima A. Licensed by the LLBO. Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch May 10 served in Voima A from 10am to 2pm. $16.00 per person, $9.00 for children under 12. Tickets can be purchased from the Hoivakoti Main Office or Kesti Tupa Dining Room. Licensed by the LLBO. Brunch will also be available on May 17.
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