Assignment Questions M.Com. Part I (Sem. II) (Repeater) Distance Mode. Last Date for Assignment Submission: - 3rd Nov.2014 These assignments are to be submitted only by those students who have been registered for the Course M.Com.Part I (Sem.II) (Repeater) through Distance mode. Sr. No. Page o. Description 01 Instructions for Submission of Assignments. 2 02 Cover page format 3 03 M.Com. Part I Distance Mode (Semester II) Assignments Page 1 of 16 4-16 Instructions for Assignment Submission Please note following instructions for submission of Assignments: 1 These assignments should be submitted only by those students who have registered for M.Com.Part I (Sem.II) (Repeater) Distance mode, the examinations to be held in Nov.2014. 4. For each subject’s assignment the maximum marks obtainable are 20. For each subject’s assignment: There will be three main questions for 10 marks each. Students have to answer any two main questions for a maximum of 20 marks. 5. For each course/paper/subject, assignment should be Hand Written on a separate sheet. Only Blue Colored ink Pen is to be used for Assignment Writing. 6. Only A4 / Journal / Assignment paper should be used for the Assignment Writing. 7. A separate set should be made for each subject. 8. A cover page as per the format given below on page number 3 should be attached on the top of the set for each subject. 9. Finally for a particular semester, one file should be made for all subjects. 10. Submit assignments to the Centre Coordinator of the respective study centre where you had taken admission 2014. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the assignments reach the concerned study center on or before the due date. No excuses of any kind for late or non-submission of assignments will be entertained. If a student is unable to submit the assignment(s) in person, the student may at his / her own risk submit the assignment(s) through an acquaintance, fellow student. In case of any query contact the Shri. Dattatray K. Kamalakar Course Coordinator, Commerce. Centre for Distance Education, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Telephone: - (0231) 2693771 E-mail:- Last Date for Assignment Submission: - 3rd Nov. 2014. Page 2 of 16 Centre for Distance Education, Shivaji University Kolhapur M.Com.Part I / II Semester- I /II/III/IV Exam Seat No.Assignment for the Subject of Subject Code:- Paper Number: - 1. Name of Study Centre:- __________________________________________ 2. Name of the Candidate:- 3. Address: - __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Pin: - __________ Mobile No: - ________________ 4. Exam Seat Number: - PRN Number:- 5. Course: - M.Com. – I (Semester II) (R) Distance Mode. 6. Date of Submission of Assignments: - ________________________________ 7. Signature of Student: - __________________________________________ 8. Marks obtained out of 20:- __________________________________________ 9. Signature of Evaluator of Assignment: - ______________________________ Page 3 of 16 Shivaji University, Kolhapur M.Com-Part-I Semester- II General Instructions for all subjects 1. All question carry equal marks, 10 each. 2. Attempt any 2 Questions out of 3 from each paper. 3. Total Marks 20 for each paper. M.Com-Part-I Semester- II Compulsory Paper Management Concepts and Organizational Behavior Paper-II (Organizational Behavior) Q.No.1 Explain the relationship between management and organizational behavior. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Explain the process of group development. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write Notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Corporate Social Responsibility II) Stress Management M.Com-Part-I Semester- I Compulsory Paper Managerial Economics Paper-II Q.1 What is meant by Perfect Competition? And explain the characteristics of perfect competition. (10 Marks) Q.2 Explain the phases of business cycle. (10 Marks) Q.3 Write Notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Oligopoly II) Multiple Pricing. Page 4 of 16 M.Com. Part-I Semester- II Group – a Advanced Accountancy paper-III Q.1. Define accounting for Lease. State Difference between Operating Lease and Financial Lease. (10 Marks) Q.2. The Position of Two companies is as followsBalance Sheets Liabilities Authorised Capital Share of Rs.10 each Issued and Paid up Capital Share of Rs.10 each Profit & Loss A/c 5% Debentures Creditors A Ltd. B Ltd. Assets (10 Marks) A Ltd. B Ltd. 500000 1000000 Goodwill 100000 350000 Fixed Assets 300000 500000 500000 700000 Stock & Debtors 350000 100000 150000 Bank Balance - 100000 100000 - Profit & Loss A/c 150000 300000 200000 900000 1050000 900000 1050000 B Ltd. Agreed to absorb A Ltd. Upon the following terms:i) The Share in A Ltd. Are to be considered as worth Rs.6 each (of which the shareholders are to be paid one quarter in cash and the balance in shares in B Ltd.) and the shares in B Ltd. At Rs. 12.50 each. ii) The Debentures in A Ltd. Agreed to take Rs. 95 of 7% Debentures in B Ltd. For every Rs. 100 of 5% debentures held in A Ltd. Show the journal entries in the books of A Ltd. And draw up a Balance Sheet of b Ltd. after Absorption. Costs came to Rs.6000 which were paid by B Ltd. separately. Q.3. Short Notes: - (any two) (5 Marks each) a. Social responsibility accounting b. IRDA Regulations Page 5 of 16 M.Com. Part-I Semester- II Group – a Advanced Accountancy Paper-IV (Taxation) Q.No.1. Explain any four provisions relating to exemptions from income tax. (10 Marks) Q.No.2. Explain the concept of clubbing of income with suitable example. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write Notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Carry forward of losses II) VAT M.Com. Part-I Semester- II Group – b Advanced Costing Paper III Q.No.1 What do you mean by Break Even Analysis? What are its assumptions? (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Explain the reporting requirements for various levels of management. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write Notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Relevant Cost II) Cost Reduction Page 6 of 16 M.Com. Part-I Semester- II Group – b Advanced Costing Paper IV Q.No.1 What do you mean by Activity Based Costing? Explain. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Explain the meaning and objectives of uniform costing. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write Notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Cost Audit II) Types of Standards M.Com. Part-I Semester- II Group – c Taxation Paper-III (Income Tax) Q.No.1 Explain the provisions of TDS under the Income Tax Act. (10 Marks) Q. No.2 Explain the provisions relating to appeals under the Income Tax Act. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write Notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Tax Collection at Source II) Advance Tax Page 7 of 16 M.Com. Part-I Semester- II Group – c Taxation Paper-IV (Income Tax) Q.No.1. Explain the provisions of ‘Survey and Search’ under the Income Tax Act. (10 Marks) Q.No.2. Explain the provisions relating to tax audit under the Income Tax Act. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write Short notes. (5 Marks each) I. Interest u/s 234 A, B and C of Income Tax Act II. Relief u/s 89 of Income Tax Act M.Com. Part-I Semester- II Group – d Advanced Banking and Financial System Paper-III (Law and Practice of Banking in India) Q.No.1 Explain the salient features of the FEMA, 1999. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Write a note on financial sector reforms. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write Short notes. (5 Marks each) I. Capital Account Regulations II. Limitations of Tribunals Page 8 of 16 M.Com. Part-I Semester - II Group – d Advanced Banking and Financial System Paper-IV (Bank Management) Q.No.1 Explain the departmental set up of banks. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 What are the steps involved in establishment of an ATM ? (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write Short notes. (5 Marks each) I. Limitations of Internet Banking II. Advantages of Telebanking M.Com. Part-I Semester- II Group –e Cooperation and Rural Development Paper-III (Principles of Cooperation) Q.No.1 Explain the problems of cooperative marketing. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Explain the objectives of NABARD. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write Short notes. (5 Marks each) I) NCDC II) Functions of PACCS Page 9 of 16 M.Com. Part-I Semester- II Group –e Cooperation and Rural Development Paper-IV (Rural Economy of India) Q.No.1 Explain the recommendations of Rangarajan Committee on sugar cooperatives. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Write a detailed note on Panchayat Raj System. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write notes on. I) IRDP II) Self Help Groups (5 Marks each) M.Com. Part-I Semester - II Group f Business Administration Paper-III (Introduction to Business Administration) Q.No.1 Explain the concept of corporate governance. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Describe the process of strategic management. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write short notes. (5 Marks each) I) Advantages of merger II) Levels of strategies Page 10 of 16 M. Com. Part- I Semester - II Group f Business Administration Paper-IV (Functional Areas of Management: Marketing and Finance) Q.No.1 Distinguish between marketing and selling. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Explain the scope of financial management. (10 Marks) Q.3 Write notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Service Marketing II) Credit Rating M.Com. Part-I Semester-II Group - g Secretarial Practice Paper – III Q.No.1 Describe various types of companies. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 What are the sources of finance for a company? (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write short notes. (5 Marks each) I) Forfeiture of shares II) Interim dividend Page 11 of 16 M. Com. Part-I Semester-II Group g Secretarial Practice Paper - IV (Corporate Correspondence) Q.No.1 Explain the statutory books to be maintained by a company. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 As a company secretary, prepare minutes of Annual General Meeting of XYZ Ltd. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Notice of Meeting II) Importance of Agenda M.Com. Part-I Semester-II Group: h Small Business and Entrepreneurship Management Paper-III (Entrepreneurship Management) Q.No.1 Explain the impact of globalization on entrepreneurs. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Describe the limitations of women entrepreneurship. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Business Ethics II) Corporate Social Responsibility Page 12 of 16 M.Com. Part-I Semester-II Group: h Small Business and Entrepreneurship Management Paper-IV (Management of Small Business) Q.No.1 Explain the role of FDI in SMEs (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Describe the marketing policies adopted by MSMEs. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Entrepreneurial Traits II) Career Dilemma M.Com. Part-I Semester-II Group- i Organized Markets and Transportation Paper-III (Organized Markets) Q.No.1 Explain the meaning and need of organized markets in India. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Explain the problems of Stock Markets in India. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Market Segmentation II) Commodity Markets Page 13 of 16 M.Com. Part-I Semester-II Group- i Organized Markets and Transportation Paper – IV (Transportation) Q.No.1 Explain the nature and characteristics of Road Transport in India. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Explain the performance of private air lines in India. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Determination of railway rates and fares II) Economics of air transport M.Com. Part-I Semester-II Group j Insurance Paper- III (Fundamentals of Insurance) Q.No.1 Explain the salient features of the Insurance Act, 1938. (10 Marks) Q.No.2 What are the functions and duties of IRDA? (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write short notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Reasons for privatization of insurance industry in India II) Powers of IRDA Page 14 of 16 M.Com. Part-I Semester-II Group j Insurance Paper-IV (Principles & Practice of Life & Health Insurance) Q.No.1 What is the need for calculating reserves in an insurance company? (10 Marks) Q.No.2 Explain the premium computation methods. (10 Marks) Q.No.3 Write notes on. (5 Marks each) I) Surrender Value II) Purpose of Valuation in Insurance M.Com. Part-I Semester –II Group k Advanced Statistics Paper-III (Operations Research) Q.1. Solve the following linear programming problem by Big-M method (10 Marks) Minimise z=5x1+6x2+3x3 Subject to x1+x2+x3≥10 3x1+2x2+x3≥24, x1, x2, x3, ≥0 Q.2. solve the following transportation problem and find the minimum total transportation cost. (10 Marks) D1 O 1 6 O2 5 O 3 8 Rqmt 35 D2 5 11 9 28 D3 8 9 7 32 Page 15 of 16 D4 5 7 13 25 Capacities 30 40 50 Q.3. Short Notes: - (any two) (5 Marks each) a. Scope and limitations of O.R b. Simplex method c. Assignment problem. M.Com.-I Semester-II Group k ADVACED STATISTICS Paper –IV (Sampling Techniques) Q.1. Describe the advantages of sampling method over census method. (10 Marks) Q.2. Explain the advantages and limitations of stratified random sampling method. (10 Marks) Q.3. Short Notes: - (any two) a. Simple random sampling with and without replacement b. Systematic sampling c. Principle steps in sampling Page 16 of 16 (5 Marks each)
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