Page One SNUG HARBOR MASTER BOARD BUSINESS NEWSLETTER October 2014 BOARD MEETINGS Master Board October 23,2014 @ 7PM Snug Harbor Village October 21,2014 @ 7PM Snug Harbor Lakes October 16,2014 @ 7PM BOARD MEMBERS The following is a listing of the various Boards: Master Board: President: Jules Poiret Vice President: Vacant Treasurer; Carol Keller Corresponding Secretary: Barbara Leah Director: Doris Legere Recording Secretary: Lorraine Spinney Condominium Board President: Rita Poiret Vice President: Lorraine Spinney Corresponding Secretary: Robert Keller Treasurer: Susan Loyacano Director: Don Kammer Recording Secretary: Loretta Loyacano Village Board President: Edith Atwell Vice President: Joan Libonati Treasurer: Barbara Leah Secretary: Shelly Hodgson Director: Marlene DeSantis Village ARC Cliff Smith, Douglas Anderson, Pat Reed, Chester Jones, William Hurd Condo ARC Jan Lawrence, Barb Smith, Valerie Bemazzani, Diane Cantrell, Bill Tulloch MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the previous Master Board meeting and Condominium Board meeting will no longer be read at the meetings. They will be posted in the Clubhouse the week before the monthly meeting. Treasurer reports will be posted upon approval at the meeting. If you desire a copy of them, you can request them from the office. OFFICE HOURS Snug Harbor office hours are 9:00AM till 1:00PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, or by appointment. The office is closed all day Thursday. Our Administrative Assistant, Deb Dalton, is available to help with any of your needs. Phone 663-5832. The e-mail address for the office is MASTER BOARD Introducing a new face. There is a new face at the window of the office. She is very friendly and has a terrific smile. Her name is Deborah Dalton, commonly called "Deb". Deb is a resident of Barefoot Bay, a daughter, a mom and a grandmother. She's had years of experience in large and small offices. She is well versed in the Quick Books program that our office uses to keep track of the community's money. The Boards, all three, are happy to have her behind the desk, and at the window. The Boards request that you stop and say "Hi", when you come in. Also give her a little time to learn all of your names, and where you live. We are certain that you will come to look to her for the answers of all your questions. A BIG Thank You!!! It's not often that a community has a person that can step right in and keep our business running without a lot of chaos. Snug Harbor was really lucky when Lorraine Spinney stepped up and volunteered to keep the office open and functioning, while we searched for a new employee. But she did, and we THANK YOU! All of us have special talents that we contribute to the community. But for five weeks, Lorraine kept the lights on, the phone answered, the questions from the realtors, and the queries from our neighbors all taken care of in a professional and friendly manner. When you see Lorraine, it might be nice to let her know that we appreciate the job she stepped in to fill. We couldn't have gone through this period without her help. Again, many Thanks. Pool Handrails After many requests for a second hand rail at the pool, it's installed. The pool water level was lowered for about a week and the work was performed by G & J Pools. That was the contractor that did all ofthe pool renovations. Hope this demonstrates that the Master Board does listen to the requests of the residents. New Stove Weare the grateful recipients of a second new stove for the clubhouse kitchen. The Social Seniors purchased and donated them for the benefit of all that use the kitchen for their functions. This generous gift was made possible by all the residents that volunteered and those that attended the events put on by the Social Seniors. Again Thank You. NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2014 MASTER BOARD (cont.) Emergency Management Knock on wood; we have been very lucky with the weather so far this year. There has been a LOT of rain, but no violent weather. There is still more than a month left in the official hurricane season, but we have had some really bad weather after that so, don't let your guard down. Events The Snug Harbor community holds an event almost every month. These are usually hosted by the Social Seniors or the Party Planers. We also have monthly functions like a coffee social put on by the Friendship Group on the first Saturday of the month and a breakfast on the third Saturday ofthe month put on by the men of the Social Seniors. It is wonderful to see so many familiar faces at these events and it would be even better if they were joined by their new neighbors. So wouldn't it be nice to invite the new people on your street to an event and introduce them to the wonderful people that live in Snug Harbor. Water Exercise. There is a Zumba class being held at the pool every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at lOAM. There are about 20 people attending these classes, yes there is an instructor, no there is no commitment, you come when you can. Once you come and see how much fun it is you probably won't want to miss any sessions. If you don't want to get in the water you can still participate on the pool deck. Safety Item If you notice any problems at any of the facilities in Snug Harbor that may constitute a safety hazard please report them to the office. We will make every effort to correct them as quickly as possible Guest Registration Form Residents are reminded to register any guests staying more than three days or that will be using the facilities. There is a new guest registration form that clearly states which tags shall be issued. The forms can be picked up at the office during regular business hours. There is a $5.00 deposit that you get back when the pass is returned in a timely manner. Page Two CONDO BOARD Swales and Drainage There appears to be some confusion regarding the swale areas in the community. RESIDENTS in Snug Harbor Lakes Condominium Association are responsible for the care of their easements; however, the swale areas cannot be changed in any way that may affect the flow of storm water run-off. Residents cannot lay sod, stones or plant anything within the swale area that will affect the flow of the storm water. Swale areas that have been altered or removed will cause drainage problems. Unit owners who have altered their swale areas have the responsibility to restore their swales to the original terrain to ensure proper drainage to the retention ponds. Pursuant to our Declaration of Documents, Chapter 7.2.6: Non-Interference with Easements. No structure, planting, or other material shall be placed or permitted to remain on a mobile home unit which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance of utilities or drainage facilities located within the condominium. Chapter 7.2.12: Drainage. No change in elevation of any mobile home unit shall be made which will cause undue hardship to adjoining property with respect to natural runoff of rainwater. Any change in elevation of a mobile home unit shall be approved by the ARC. There is also the misconception of some unit owners who believe the condominium is responsible for their driveways that accumulate water after a storm. We all purchased and own our lots here in Snug Harbor. The property owned includes our driveways. Inverted driveways will always have standing water after a storm. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to care for his/ber own driveway. BREVARD OUTLAWS SUMMER FERTILIZERS Brevard County commissioners have approved a ban on fertilizer use from June first to September 30. The measure is an effort to slow down the pollution of the Indian River Lagoon. In many recent newspaper articles there have been numerous stories about sick and dying dolphins and manatees, as well as algae blooms and the loss of sea grasses. Please do your part and adhere to the ordinance. Also do not use fertilizer containing phosphorus without first testing the soil to see if it is needed. Those of you living on the lakes keep fertilizer at least 15 feet from the water's edge. New Residents The Condo Board had a busy summer, interviewing about 14 new residents who have since moved into their Florida Paradise homes. It has been a quiet summer. NEWSLETTER OCTOBER CONDO BOARD (cont.) Condo Dues are $39.00 per month We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Association Dues are $39.00 per month this year. Your dues are due the first of every month. In order to keep our costs down, we would appreciate your timely payments. At the March Condo meeting it was decided that fines would be instituted for those residents that were late with their assessment payments. ARC The ARC had a busy summer. Many of the applications submitted requiring ARC approval came from new residents of Snug Harbor. With many residents returning we expect more in the next several months. All applications that are submitted to the Snug Harbor Office by Tuesday at noon will be on our Thursday Agenda. Recently it has come to our attention that a number of Pole Lights are out. It is the responsibility of every unit owner that Pole Lights must be on from dusk to dawn. This is the only lighting we have to illuminate our roadways. For those residents that do not go outside after dark, a peak out a front window will let you know that your pole light is ont. If you have trouble replacing a bulb, perhaps a neighbor or family member could replace it for you. Parking of boats, trailers and motor homes in your driveway or in the street at your home for more than twelve (12) hours per day is prohibited. Any alterations or additions (decks etc.) need ARC approval BEFORE work commences. Watering of lawns. Homes with odd numbered addresses are restricted to Wed & Sat Homes with even numbered addresses are restricted to Thurs &Sun Water only when needed - no watering between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The restrictions apply to water from public utilities as well as private wells. Restrictions are in place from March until the 1st Sunday in November. 2015 Elections The first mailing for the 2015 Condominium elections will be mailed to you soon. This first mailing solicits candidates for the Condo Board, ARC, and representatives for the Master Board. If you want to get involved in the community'S future, this is the place to be. There will probably be several vacancies, so you won't be stepping on people's toes by submitting you name for nomination. I would suggest that you read your documents and see what is required of our Board members. 2014 Page Three VILLAGE BOARD We are starting to welcome back our residents. We're so glad to see you. While many of our houses were empty over the summer months, there was still a lot going on for the Board - foreclosures, bankruptcy, house sales, rentals, auctions, etc. BOARD APPOINTMENTS At our September meeting two Board appointments were made. Barbara Leah will be Treasurer and Shelly Hodgson will be Secretary. GOLF Please roads. Board CARTS be advised that Snug Harbor Village has county These roads are not designated for golf cart use. The assumes no responsibility for this violation. RULING The Village Board has ruled that no cash will be accepted for any payments. As of this date, the Master Board will accept cash, only for guest tags. LEASING Article 7.15. No rooms may be rented and no transient tenants shall be accommodated on any lot within the Subdivision . ASSESSMENTS Current payment of assessments will only be accepted through December 2014. Assessments for 2015 will not be determined until all budgets are approved. ENTRANCE Volunteers are needed to clean the Snug Harbor Village entrance sign. If you can help, please see a Board member. Two new flags will be purchased for entrance. VANITY PLATES Snug Harbor Village vanity plates are still available in the clubhouse office for $2.00 each. VILLAGE THOUGHTS Jim and Karen Muntz of Blackhawk Road had a house fire. They are repairing their home and Snug Harbor wishes them well in the ordeal they are going through. Snug Harbor Village sends our deepest sympathy to the families of Marion Snyder, Earl Frederick and Barbara Howard. Our next Board meeting will be on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you there. Page Four NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Friendship Committee News A coffee social is held at the Clubhouse the first Saturday of each month. It starts at 9 AM. Please come join us and meet your neighbors. Just a reminder. When you are cleaning out your pantry, check the due dates on your non-perishable items. If the dates are getting close, drop them off in the boxes that are located in the Clubhouse lobby. The local food pantry will appreciate it. The social activities that are available in the community are many and varied. We will add this section of the Newsletter to help spread the word about these groups and their offerings. None of these groups have a formal structure as we do not have a social director, as some of the other larger communities have. If anything interests you, please contact someone involved in that activity to participate. Some ofthe groups are; Social seniors Monthly Breakfasts - the Snug Harbor men have had a very successful season of breakfasts for the residents on the third Saturday of each month. The breakfasts will continue on October 18 and November 15. They will go on vacation for December, January, and February, and will start again on March 21. Breakfast includes scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage, pancakes, orange juice and coffee for a mere $4.00. Tickets are sold at the door; a maximum of 110 tickets will be available. The guys, under the direction of Bill Spinney, have done a great job of cooking and providing sociability for the residents. Their goal of purchasing a second stove for the kitchen has been realized; they will now start raising funds for further enhancements in the kitchen. THANK YOU GUYS!!! "Men who would like to participate and join the "chefs" in the kitchen, just call Bill Spinney at 663-1677." Harvest Fling - the next dance featuring "Sax on the Beach" will be held Friday, November 21, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. You are encouraged to bring snacks and beverages of your choice (ice will be provided). Tickets at $6.00 each will be sold at the clubhouse from 10:00 am to noon on November 10,11, and 12. Tables of8-10 may be reserved. Dave and Maria provide great music for dancing and listening, and Dave is fantastic on the sax. Come and enjoy the first social evening of the season. Friendship - Joan Libonati Social Seniors - Lorraine Spinney Shuftleboard - Peg Kelley (Mon. & Thurs. 9 AM) Horseshoes - Cliff Smith (Tues. & Thurs. 8 AM) Quilting - Judy LeFevre (Wed. 10 -12) Bocci - John Whitcomb (Mon. 9 AM) Stretchercize - (m-w-f 9 - 10) Billiards - ????? Water Exercise - Joan Warnock Art Class - (Thurs 2 PM) Nickles -Joan Wuillamey (Mon. 12:30) Tennis - Bill LeBlanc (m-w-f7 AM) Poker - Bill LeBlanc (Sun 7 - 9) Pinochle - Dollie Beller Bunco - 2nd Sat. 7: 15 PM Euchre - August Kovacic (Wed. 7PM) Ladies Luncheon - Sign-up sheet in lobby Party Planners - Rita Poiret If you attend a group that is not listed here and you want residents to know about it, please contact Bob Keller so it can be included. The Friendship Group has food donation boxes in the Clubhouse lobby. They are requesting help in filling them a little more than has been lately. The food that is donated stays here in the Micco area. If you are cleaning out your pantry (going north or just organizing), consider putting your non-perishables in the box. WEBSITE The Snug Harbor website address is; Party Planners Diane and Ken Austin hosted the 4th of July picnic by the pool. There was about 30 residents in attendance. The charcoal grill was fired up for anyone wishing to cook their burgers, steaks and hot dogs. Other dishes and drinks were shared with each other. The weather was warm but we had an ocean breeze making the day very pleasant and enjoyable. Thanks to everyone who pitched in to make this day perfect. If you have not visited it, you will be surprised at the information that it contains. If you think some other information needs to be added, contact a Masterboard member, and they will discuss it. Articles I (the editor) am looking for articles promoting our social activities. If someone in an activity (euchre, Bocci, shuffleboard etc.) would be interested in promoting that activity, I would be glad to help get your attendance and participation up. Send your article to, and I will edit it for grammar and then publish it. If you want to get more players, this may help. NEWSLETTEROCTOBER 2014 NEWSLETTERARTICLES If anyone has business information that can be used in this newsletter, please forward that information to the following individuals; Village Coordinator: Joan Libonati 7590 Agawam Rd. 664-1960 Email: Editor: Bob Keller 5427 Bannock Street 664-2049 Email: Any articles MUST be of a professional nature. There will never be any articles with a personal or rumor basis. Your input is always welcome and desired. That is the only way that this newsletter can grow and improve! PageFive EDITORS NOTE The newsletter now goes out electronically. Beginning immediately. we want to send the majority of the newsletters electronically. There will be some paper copies available in the clubhouse for those that do not have e-mail. The newsletter will also be available on the website We will no longer deliver the newsletter to each household. If you wish to receive the newsletter electronically, send your name and e-mail includes those who received the newsletter this way in the past. That way I can confirm my present list. For those afraid of a loss of privacy, I send it out to you as a blind carbon copy recipient. Only your address and my e-mail addresses show up on the document. I presently have over 140 on the electronic list. I hope this will swell to several hundred. Making all those copies and hand delivering them has gotten expensive. If you have a question about policies, procedures, responsibilities, or conditions in general, please submit them to me (preferably) in writing. I will research the topic and publish it in the newsletter. I will not accept anything on personalities, politics, or anything of a personal nature. I am sure that you have questions about the community that you would like to get a straight answer about. No names will be published. You can submit your questions either bye-mail, pbone or in person. - October 2014 - ~"iJ2'">I': Sund:.y Tuesday Monday _ Caiand:ar of Evants ~nu9 J·b.rbor LakasNilla.g'" '.0.2914 !" Wednesday Friday Thursday :I 2 1 Saturday 4 7645 Kyak Court Mla:o. FL 'j297fi.7900 PMng: 772663_5832 FlOC 'nZ.M3_!11!33 Coffee Social 9:00AM E-moil: kyokoouri7645@.H,nol WQD: ! 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ua<I<!, Boord Hudoc! Meetino RouMTa!>1e Ml!<!tioo 2PM 13 12 14 15 Condo Budoet MeetinO 2PM 19 20 27 26 21 Villaae Meetina 7PM 22 28 29 16 Condo Meetina 7PM 17 23 24 VNAClInic 11Amto1PM 30 POICERGROUP MEN'S TUESDAY SHUFFLEBOARD 8:30AM 7:00PM SAM LADIES BOCCI WATER 9AM BILLIARDS NICKEL512:30PM POKER lOAM SEWING 7PM CARDS GAME 6PM 9AM Snug Harbor - Cakmdar 10AM CARD BILLIARDS CARD lADIES BOCCI MEN'S MEN'S 8:30AM SHUFFLEBOARD WATER EXERCISE 10Al 8:30AM GAul; STR~TCHI:RCIZ~ 9AM 7PM GAME oec 2'0-:4 ••. Saturday Fnday Thursday 1 of Events Micro. Fit 32976-7900 Caffee Social 9:00AM Phone, 772_663_5832' FlOC n2Jj(j3_5833 E·mall: Web: SHUFFlEBOAR[ 8:30AM 2014 - Wednesday Tuesday 9AM SATURDAY SAM TENNIS :>0'':' 6;ooPM 7PM Monday LakcsNillagc I-W>JOIFOOT 7PM - November 7t\45 K)'i'Ik Court. 8:30AM EXERCISE BIWAROS7PM -<cC'rl20 •.! FRIDAY ART CLASS 2PM IOAM_UPM 7PM BIUIARDS Sunday WATER ";"'r'. "0 ~4 SI-IUFFlEBOARD 8:30AM NIGHT .-\~ {:C".', HORSESHOES STRETCHERCIZE DOMINOES PLAYERS lADIES EXERCISE BOCCI .- THURSDAY TENNISBAM 9AM SHUFFLEBOARD STRETCHERCIZE WEDNESDAY 8:30AM HORSESHOES 25 31 ,n-_ MONDAY SOCialSeniors Breakrast 8AM-l0AM Master Board Meetina7PM , /0_, «: oe .'CI-"G:!;e'·" SNUG HARBOR ACTIVITIES SUNDAY 18 kyakcourt704!j@allnet 3 2 4 6 5 1 8 FriendShio Grouo 10AM 9 10 11 13 12 Bunco 7PM 15 14 Round Table Meetina Meetina 10 AM 16 19 18 11 21 20 Cando Meetina 7PM 23 24 30 ""'" 25 27 26 j;. .::.. v, r: 22 Seniors Social Dance 60m to 90m 29 28 :~ '" Social Seniors Breakfast 8AM-l0AM ' >0:_, "'~!i SNUG HARBOR ACTIVITIES MONDAY SUNDAY MEN'S SHUFfLEBOARD ."""" 7:00PM HORSESHOES 9AM eocci SAM NICKELS 12:3UPM ~OI(I:R u.oll:::~ PLAV!;RS 6PM CAJ::mS. 7PU BILLIARDS 6:30AM SHUFFLEBOARD STRETCHERCIZE LADIES WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 7PM WATER EXERCISE BlWARDS7PM DOMINOES s.-.M 10AM TENNIS THURSDAY HORSESHOES SAM BOCCI 9:30AM STRETCHERCIZE SEWING GAME 9AM lOAM·12PM NIGHT OtLLIAt'(OO 7f'M n-M S'3OAM SI-ruFFLEBOARD WATER HANDIf'OOT CLASS TENNI5MM QAU EXERCISE ART lOAM 2PM CARD SATURDAY FRIDAY <3I\ME O.OOI"M BILLIARDS7PM lADIES CARDGAME MEN'S BOCCI8:3lAM MEN'S O,JQAM SHUFFLEBOARD 8ClOAM STRE'fCHkRCI2C SHUFFLEBONU OAM WATER EXERCISE 10A1 rAn ~LJ ~[jtJ D[fg THEREISA TRAIN DERAILMENT WITH TOXIC MATERIAL <0,Lbll rt0.@\)V ~w<:S~ )0\)V 5\<:§)<:S@ @® ~<:S@@ r%f0~\r:> <:f]J<:§)~~ o.
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