flkpu1Jlic oJ tIie fJliiiippme., :OepaWnent oJ Education .Natimud fapittd ~ DIVISION OF MALABON ~.Maya St.,!Kaunlauut V~,~, CITY .Mala6oneJhj October 22, 2014 Division Memorandum No.5~!1.,s. 2014 2014 NATIONAL WEEK FOR OVERCOMING EXTREME POVERTY To: OlC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Division and District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary School Principals 1. Attached is the Unnumbered Regional Memorandum dated October 17, 2014 from Dr. Luz S. Almeda, Director IV, DepEd-National Capital Region, re: the observance of the 2014 National Week for Overcoming Extreme Poverty, the contents of which are selfexplanatory, for information and guidance of all concerned. 2. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. MAURO C. DE GULAN Assistant Schools Division Superintendent OIC - Office of the Superintendent Repuhlika og Pilipinas (Republic of the Philippines) KAGAWARAN NG BDUKASYON ()2partment of Education National Capital Region (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) PAMBANSANG PUNONG RBHIYON (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION) RfCOROS Ar~O U lICATION UNIT Daang Misamis, Bago Bantay, Lungsod Quezon (Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City) By: ••...•• ---Vr+- _ DateJfCT 2] II MEMORANDUM r TO : Schools Division Superintendents FROM :LU~EDA Director IV SUBJECT : OBSERVANCEOF 2014 NATIONAL WEEK FOROVERCOMING EXTREME POVERTY(NWOEP) DATE : October 17, 2014 1. Attached is a memorandum dated October 15, 2014 of Honorable Mario A. Deriquito, Uadersecretarv for Partnership and External Linkages re: 2014, National Week for Overcoming Extreme Poverty (NWOP) with the theme: "LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND: THINK, DECIDE and ACT TOGETHER, AGAINST EXTREME POVERTY," which is self-explanatory, for information. 2. Immediate dissemination of this memorandum is desired. To: Ft'C'ffl: r Pa9E REPUBLIKA NG PI PINAS REPUBLIC OF THE; PH LIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG E UKASYON DEPARTMENT OF E UCATION DcpED Complex, Meralco e., Pasig City Tanggapan n9 Pangalawang Kallhlm Office of the Undersecretary Partnerships and External Linkages Direet Line Fax Website (-+632) 633-7207 (-+1132) G37 -4211 http://wwVl.depco.goY.ph MEMORANDUM TO ReSJionol Direc tors Schools Divislon/Citv Superintendents Heads, Public and Private Secondary Sch ols All Others Concerned fROM MARl A. DERIQUITO Und srsecrerorv For Partnerships and Externol Linkr;geS~ DATE October SUBJECT; OBSERVANCE 15, 2014. OF 2014 NATIONAL WEEK F OVERCOMING EXTREME POVERTY (NWOEP) 1. The National Week for Overcoming Extreme overly (I\jWOEP)is on annual ooservonce of fight against poverty. U~ mandated by Presidentia Proclamations Nos, 269, s. 1993 and II I, S 2014. 2. Thi~yeC1~,~h~ ~portlllent of Eclucation (Dep ell. in (~Oo~'dinali?r1 with The ~~~Jtiolla!AntiPoverty Commlsslo~~,APCJ and other !Jovernrnent genCies IS enjoined to porficipote In the observance of the 2014 National Week for OVf!rc, ming Extreme Poverty (NWOP) with the theme: "LI2-AVE NO Ot..JE BEHINIJ: TH1NK, DECIDE nd ACT TOGETHER, AGAINST EXTREME POVERTY!'on October 17-23, 2014. 3. The event olms to; a. make the public aware of the week-long co rrnemorntlon and instill in thorn the virtues and principles espoused by the observance hich is the refusal of extrerne poverty end the respect of human rights. dignity, and free om; b. recognize and appreciate various initiatives (LGUs)ill ~)plifting tt1EJlives of poor Filipinos; an c. irwit.3 more stakeholders to join tile fight ClC ins! poverty end build a critical moss to ensure a greoter chonce of effectively erooi 'ltillg poverty at the soonest time. To support the proqrorn. the department 4, poor' communities cnd.oovernmeot units will j in in the folloVving activities: a. Recitation of the Universal Prayer for the Era ication of Extrorne Poverty trom October 17-23; b. Regionoi/Division Offices and schools may h Id mulli-sectorol dialogue, forum, serrunor 111 to create awareness on the need to oddres the need~,of the poor to discuss specific / I issues aftecling the poor; c. C,othering teochers, students and parents for n interfaith dialogue that mov include a moment of silence or prayers to honor the victims ot extreme poverty, hunger and dlscrlmlnoflon: d. School-based-contest or essay writing,. declo lotion, motion, debote. c.irawing. student leader of the year, best news article on e MDGs, best core srootes on poverty reduction, research paper, etc.: and e. Classroom dlscusston shall be undertaken in oclal Studiesl MAPE respectively. MAPEHI Hekos]. Filipino, Englistl one! To: A1 From: 5. Aftached herewith are lrnportont document 6. The report on the said activity shall be pIer for Special Events. Please send your report to: To: MARIO for your perusal. Ired by the Regional/Division Coordinator A. DERIQUITO Undersecretary Attention: for Por ersruos ann External L1nkoges Luzvimindo Dela Rosa PDO III, ole Special [vents Unit( SEU) Roorn 505, rutocio Bldg, Deped Ce rul Office, Memlco Ave, Pasig Cily 1600 Tel: (02) 637 832; 637 .)834 Mobile -It: 0 95164759 E-mail: aseseu@yohoo.com 7. For more information all concerned may can let Director Sern H. Cordiol or Ms. Jennitcr D. tone of tile National Anti-Poverty Cornrnlsslor, (NA C) Secretariat at telephone no. (02)42650 28 locals 142/ 132 or ernoil to jdtorio@grnail.com (jd ria@yahoo.com. 8. Irnmediote dissemination of this mernorondu is desired. To: ·2 From: Universal Prayer Compos' on by Fr. loseph Wrestuskl Founder f ATD Fourth World Movement 17 Octo r 19f17 ill Paris, France For thaso millions of children twisted by the pain no longer able to smile, yet still yearning to Jove. f hunger. For these millions of young people, who have no reason to believe or oven to exist, and who vainly search for a future in this senseles OUt' Page:5 .....-- •..~.~•..... .~-.~ ...~.•...•..•.. -.-- .... ,.~. -~ world. Father we pray to you, Send hands to reap your harvest. For these millions of men. women and children, whose hearts arc still pounding strong to the beat f struggle, whose minds rise in revolt against the unjust fate nposed upon them, whose courage demands the right to priceless digr ty. Our Father we pray to you, Send hands to rea.p your harvest. For these nullions of children, women and men who do not. want to COndH1l1 n, but to love, Lo pray, (0 work and to unite, so that a world of solidarity may be born. A world, our world, in which all people would have given tile best of th mselves before dying. Our Father we pray to YOU; Send hands to reap your harvest. May all those who pray find a hearing in Cod's presence and receive from Him the power to remove misery the hurnantry created in His Image. Our Fa[her we pray to you, Send hands to reap your harvest. 7 om humanity, - ___ ---,_-...-0 Panalanqtn NO Bayan Mga sali ng lptnahayag ni Fr. Joseph wresinskl Tagapa tagngATD Fourth World Movement Noon ik 17 ng Oktubre 1987 sa Paris, France Para sa milyong batang namimlllplt sa gutom, ni hindi na makangiti, subalit handang magmahal Para sa milyong kabataan ria wala nang dahilang yo r Panqinoon, kami ay nanunalanqi . Magsugo Ko ng mga manggogawallB Para sa mllyong bata, kababaihan, B Gpas sa /yong aanihin. kalalakihan, na ang ruga puso ay buong lakas pa ring pumipin na ang mga i~ip ay tumatanggi sa hindl makataru na ang kagttingan ay dapat lamang turnbasan ng sa gitna ng pakikibaka, an kapalarang sa kanila'y iptnataw, di matatawarang karangalan, yo Panqinoon, kami ay nananalanqi Magsugo Ku ng rnqa mangljoOC1.wanB flu apas sa iyong aanihln. Lahar: Sa Para sa mllyongbata, kundi ang rnagmahal, Lahat: Sa , kababaihan, kalalakihan na indi gustong mamuhi magdasal, rnagtrabaho at m buklod tungo sa iisang mundo, an arlng mundo na lahat ng tao ay mag-aalay ng b bago pumanaw sa mundong ito. yo Panqinoon, kaml ng makakaya ay nananalonqi MUBsuBo Ka ng mgu m al1ggaga wang ga, apas sa {vong aantnin. Nawa, ang lahat ng nananalangin ay rnakatagpo n eatugunan sa piling ng Diyos at makatangap ng lakas mula sa Kanya upang mak wala sa karalitaan ng sangkatauhan, ang sangkatauhang nilikhang kawangls Niya. Lahar: Sa 'yo Panqtnoon, komi ay nananalartqin Mugsugo Ka ng mga manggagawung ga~ pas sa {vong aanihtn. Sa libu-libong Pilipinong naapektuhan ng habagat L mga bagyo, gyera sa Zarnboanga, at mga nagdaang lindol: at sa rnagigiting na indibidv ..d na walang hurnpay na tumutulung sa mga bitktima: Nawa'y magkaroon sila ng tapan upang patuloy na maharap ang mga hamong dumarating sa kanlla, sa paggunita sa P gdaigdiBang Araw para Labunan ano Kuhirapan • Nananalangin kaml para sa isang mundong wala n 19 magugutom: na wala nang may sakit na H1V/ AIDS; na wala nan inang marnamatay dahil sa panganganak: wala nang batang marnamatay sa sa t na kaya namang garnutin: na bawat barta ay magtatamasa ng karapatan sa d alidad na edukasyon: na masugpo na ang kahlrapan at kawalang-kataru yo Panqinoon, komi ay nananaionqin. Magsugo Ka ng mga manggagawang gag pas sa Iyong aanihin. Lahat: Sa 8 m ~ UI o amwala 0 mabuhay kaya, at di nagsasawang rnaghangad ngrnagandang bul s sa magulong mundong ito. Lahat: Sa ion
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