T r i n i t y B e l l s November 2014 A Publication of Trinity United Church of Christ Inside this issue: The Pastor’s Thoughts: The Pastor’s Thoughts 1 Dear Friends: WI Conf. Capital Campaign 2 All-Event Planning Meeting 2 Did You Know… 3 This Month at a Glance 3 Keep those Cans Coming 3 Lay Academy Reporting… 4 Thanksgiving has always been set aside as a time when we give thanks for the blessings in our lives. It is not a religious holiday, but a national holiday that carries with it the connotation that we should be thankful that we live in the United States of America. Altar Flowers 4 Sussex Outreach Thanks 4 Helping Hands 5 Beyond the Commitment 5 Dartball News 5 Birthdays & Anniversaries 6 Craft Fair Success 6 Special Care Call List 7 Sign in, Please! 7 Calendar/Volunteers Insert What’s Happening Insert We are entering the month when the end of the year holidays will start with the celebration of Thanksgiving. But each year as our national politicians become more engaged in their own personal futures than the future of this country, it seems that people are becoming more and more frightened about their futures and the future of this country. People are concerned about jobs, social security, nutrition for children and education. In a country that once set the standard for education and hope, it seems that we are seeing more hopelessness. But is it really the fault of our country, or is it the fault of too many individuals being allowed to act in inappropriate ways, and no one stepping up to the plate to make them accountable? Isn’t it really the fault of individuals who have been allowed to be greedy and unethical for so long that they believe they are entitled to their wealth, their jobs, their benefit and their own brand of ethics? And aren’t the rest of us partly to blame for not holding them more accountable? Should we then say that our country is no longer great? Should we say that we no longer have faith in our government officials? There are probably many of us who want to blame the government and the politicians for unethical behavior, lack of concern, and back room deals. But look at the poverty, the drought, the lack of food, the lack of adequate housing in so many other countries in the world. We have tremendous blessings that many people in other countries can only strive to achieve. We have food, clothing, shelter, and a standard of living way beyond that in many other countries. A recent NBC news report stated that if you have $3,650 of savings, you are richer than most of the people in the world! On this Thanksgiving, let’s focus on what we have, not on what we think we do not have. Let’s be thankful for those in public office who really believe in ethics, ideals and fairness for all. Let’s be thankful that we can worship where we want, say what we want to say, and still pursue our dreams. And if we do not like what we see happening in our country, let’s dedicate ourselves to work to change it. (continued on next page) An “Open and Affirming” UCC Church Hear Ye, Hear Ye Page 2 - Nov. 2014 The Church in Review: (continued from previous page) Trinity United Church of Christ Church: 4435 North Calhoun Road Office: 4440 North Calhoun Road Brookfield, WI, 53005 (262) 781-9378 Complaining never changed anything; action changes situations and can make lemons into lemonade. I am thankful for the freedoms I enjoy as a citizen of America. I am thankful for the opportunity to worship each Sunday in the church of my choice. I am thankful for the rights guaranteed to us in the Bill of Rights. I am thankful that I know in my heart that God loves me. But most of all, I am thankful that I will never have to face an uncertain future alone because I also know in my heart that God is with me always, even unto the end of THIS age. Church Email: contact@trinitybrookfield.org Web Site: www.trinitybrookfield.org Office Hours: Monday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Sunday Worship: 10:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour follows service. Holy Communion: First Sunday of the Month Sunday School: Every Sunday from the first week of September through first week of June. (exceptions are noted weekly.) Pastor: Reverend Janis Doleschal Director of Music & Organist: Mike Hetzel Administrative Assistant: Karl Kay Cleaning Custodian: Jodie Gerard Maintenance Custodian: Eric Dahm Ministers of the Church: All Members of Trinity United Church of Christ Submitting Articles: Trinity Bells is published monthly. The editorial cut-off deadline is the twelfth of each new ensuing month. Please submit all items for publication! - Pastor Jan Capital Campaign For the next ten months, Outdoor Ministries for the United Church Camps of the Wisconsin Conference are conducting a Capital Campaign. They have set three goals – a minimum goal of $3,000,000, an intermediate goal of $5,000,000, and a challenge goal of $8,000,000. All of the monies raised will be used to upgrade or build new facilities at Pilgrim Center and Moon Beach. Families as well as congregations are encouraged to prayerfully consider donations to this campaign. The Councils/Boards of all Wisconsin Conference UCC churches will be contacted during November regarding this campaign. After churches have determined their levels of giving, individuals in all congregations will also be asked to consider personal donations. The Council will keep you apprised of this campaign and the methods that you can use to donate once we have received more information. All-Event Planning Committee Meeting for 2015 Special Events: Monday, November 3, 7:00 p.m. in the Dining Hall - All persons responsible for events in 2015 should attend - Looking Back to Our Future... Did You Know… …what historically significant religious event took place in the United States eighty years ago, and had an important effect on the history of Trinity Church? While 1934 was the critical date in the merger of the Evangelical Synod (which Trinity Church was part of) and the Reformed Church, the mediated plan of union, which started eight years earlier, took another six years before it was finalized in 1940. As we all know, changes in the Christian church sometimes occur slowly and arduously. Early in the twentieth century, a ecumenical movement of cooperation and unity was emerging. But, while there was a lot of talk, there was little action. In 1926, the Evangelical Synod and the Reformed Church started serious discussions looking toward union. These two religious bodies shared a German-language heritage, a similar form of Church organization, and evangelical enthusiasm. In 1933, leaders of the two denominations approved plans to form a union. Finally, after EIGHT years, the final consummation of the historic union took place in Cleveland on June 26, 1934. On that day, 800 delegates of the Evangelical Synod and the Reformed Church attended the national meeting to sanction a union that had been approved the previous year. All day the church delegates participated in final meetings within their own denomination, until to each session came official notification from the other of sanction of the union. After the official declaration of the union was read, Dr. P. Press, St. Louis, president of the Evangelical Synod and Dr. H. J. Christman, Dayton, Ohio, president of the Reformed Church clasped hands to symbolize the merger’s completion. This simple handclasp signaled the birth of a new denomination with more than 700,000 communicants – the Evangelical and Reformed Church. Of all the major denominations in America (as of June 1955), the Evangelical and Reformed Church was the only one that carried the word “and” in its name. However, this merger was far from completion. The decision to unite was based on trust and faith in the power of the Holy Spirit, with the mechanics of the union – a constitution, revised organization, doctrine, and worship – to be worked out later. FOUR years later (in 1938), the final constitution and by-laws were formally adopted. TWO years later (in June 1940), The Evangelical and Reformed Church became a fully established legal entity during the business session of the General Synod. Trinity Church Nov. 2014 - Page 3 waited another TWO years (in 1942) before it started using Trinity Evangelical & Reformed Church as its name. Again the wheels of progress moving slowly in the Christian church. - Bob Rohrig (Sources: www.ucc.org website; A History of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, The Pilgrim Press, 1990; The Evangelical and Reformed Church, General Council of the Congregational Christian Churches and General Council of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, June 1955.) This Month (and more!) at a Glance: Sunday, November 2 All-Saints Theme in Sunday Worship Sunday, November 9 Veterans’ Day Theme in Sunday Worship Saturday, November 15 Indoor Clean-up 9:00 a.m. Sunday, November 23 – Thanksgiving Theme in Worship Sunday, December 7 – Christmas Decorating in the Dining Hall Sunday, December 7 – ABCs of Trinity Sunday, December 14 – Children’s Program in Worship Sunday, December 21 – Celebration Singers Concert Worship Wednesday, December 24 – Christmas Eve 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Worship Keep Those Cans Coming... Thanks to all who are bringing their aluminum cans, aluminum pie tins, and rinsed metal (tin) cans to church for recycling/resale. The price of aluminum is now $.70 cents per pound. That is up from the last visit to the recycling place. My trunk, back seat, and front seat were filled with bags of cans this last trip. Keep up the good work! PLEASE REMEMBER ALLUMINUM AND TIN CANS MUST BE SEPARATED. Let it Be Known to All... Page 4 - Nov. 2014 “...And now from Kathryn Dierbeck, at Lay Academy...” I've attended my first session of Faith Formation. I’m on my way! It was a wild 24 hours. I came home with all my thoughts swimming around in my head. By the end of Friday, I thought I might be in over my head, but I felt better on Saturday. I’m not sure of the number of classmates I have, It’s either 62 or 64. Either number has shattered all the records of the last 20 years. And ages running from the 30s to 70s. I made new friends. We opened the night with games, then settled down to an opening worship. Then our guest lecturer took over. I ended up learning quite a bit about how to think theologically. My homework was complete, and I did it right, so I didn’t embarrass myself! Ha! Now I have more homework to do before our next session in November. More reading, and reading, and reading, and a paper to write. Thanks to Pastor Jan and Marlene for answering all my questions & listening to my ideas as I start to explore and even challenge my preconceived notions. Keep me in your prayers! - Kathryn Dierbeck Altar Flowers It’s always nice to receive flowers on our special days. They decorate our houses by bringing freshness and beauty into our lives. Why not consider bringing flowers to decorate our altar to celebrate someone’s special day, or simply to say “thank you” to God for special blessings in our lives? Flowers need not be store -bought. Many of us have beautiful flower gardens and what more appropriate gift than giving back a bouquet of flowers to say “thank you” to God for the beauty that graces our properties? As we approach the celebrations of Thanksgiving and the Advent and Christmas seasons, let’s remember that God’s house would look a little bit better with flowers on the altar. The sign-up for flowers is posted in the Gathering Place. Thank you for your support in hosting Coffee Hour. Each committee has been assigned a month. This does not mean your committee must take over and serve that month, but you can seek others to fill in the empty spots. With your help, all weeks will be assigned. The sign-up sheet is located by the kitchen. Feel free to contact a Christian Nurture & Fellowship member with questions. From Sussex Outreach Services — Trinity’s “A Craft Fair For All Seasons” Partner: “Marlene: Thank you so much for a great afternoon! The kids obviously had a wonderful time. $231 was raised with the fee at the door, so a total of $351, is fantastic! I can let you know how much food was collected also. We can always use hangars at the pantry, thanks! I really appreciate your choosing SOS to benefit from your craft fair. I hope that the event only continues to grow! Thank you.” Jennifer Waltz Executive Director Sussex Outreach Services www.sussexareasos.org Coffee Hour Hosting Month November Hosting Schedule Business & Office December Open to Trinity Members For Your Interest... Trinity's Helping Hands “Caught in the Act” Eric Dahm – hauling compost from Pastor Jan’s house to Trinity and spreading it on the grounds – looks awesome! Eric and Sarah Dahm – continuing to work on the lawn at Trinity – your diligence is appreciated! Randy Farchmin – repairing the trellis in the small planter at the east entrance – this is looking good! Jan Frank – who writes press releases whenever we need to advertise an event in the newspaper – it would be very difficult without your knowledge and experience – what a writer! [Editor’s note: Many people donate their time making Trinity Church a better place. Listed above are but a few — please let the church office know when you see someone “caught in the act” so we can list them, too!] Trinity will be honoring all Veterans in Worship on Sunday, November 9. Invite and bring your veteran family members and friends/neighbors to share in this special annual recognition. Dartball Trinity has a Dartball team (with both men and women) that plays in a church league from September to March. The team plays home and away games on Monday nights (except the second Monday of the month), against other United Church of Christ Dartball teams. Dartball is actually a form of baseball, played with darts and a multicolored baseball diamond design board. Players toss the darts, underhanded, at the target board twenty feet away. Like baseball, players get three strikes (an out), four balls (a walk), hits, sacrifice hits, outs, or double plays (two outs). Each team gets three outs per inning. The games last nine innings, or until one team wins. Each game night consists of three 9-inning games and refreshments are served between games. Trinity’s Dartball team welcomes new players or cheerleading fans. Nov. 2014 - Page 5 Beyond the Commitment!! Do you know: many members supply items that the church needs and uses during the year at no cost to the church? Recent examples: Food for the Craft Fair café was gifted Gifts to the Craft Fair for door prizes and raffle baskets were gifted by many Supplies used at the Craft Fair have been gifted Would you like more information about underwriting some costs? Would you like to find out how “gifts-in-kind” work? Please contact Don Immekus or Marlene Helinski. Birthdays this Month: Pam Kosanke 11/11 Bob Nuszbaum 11/16 Tori Rieves 11/17 Donald Immekus 11/23 Donna Brill 11/26 Anniversaries this Month: Sharon & Mark Burbey 11/13/1982 The Church Office is updating Trinity’s files for members & friends’ contact information. Please notify the office if your phone, address, e-mail, or other contact information has recently changed. Thank you! Page 6 - Nov. 2014 For Your Consideration... Craft Fair a Huge Success How do we say “thank you” to all the helpers, Trinity members and friends, who worked many hours to accomplish this most successful first-time-ever “A Fair For All Seasons” craft fair? Well, dear friends, we will try as we offer sincere thanks to: ♦ Boy Scout troop members from Troop #21 and leaders who helped crafters unload and carry their craft items to their booths on Friday night and Saturday morning, popped and sold popcorn, and then assisted the crafters at the end of the event by toting and loading crafters’ cars. The crafters absolutely loved having these young men being available to assist them ♦ The many bakers who made bakery to sell at the craft fair ♦ Trinity volunteers who directed traffic outside; helped unload and transport crafters’ wares; directed crafters to their booths; welcomed everyone; assisted the public as they came to the event; manned the Café and did waitressing duties; sold raffle tickets; sat in for crafters at their booths when they needed to get up and move around or shop; directed shoppers to parking areas; assisted vendors at the end of the day with loading; traffic control; mark the booth layouts; set up the tables/chairs for vendors; wrap door prizes and raffle baskets; created signs and put them around the church, inside and outside; and many other tasks as they came up. These people were available to help on Thursday evening, Friday all day, and all day Saturday. See the list below to acknowledge the workers. If we have forgotten anyone, please let us know. ♦ The SOS workers who helped welcome, thank, and talk about the Sussex Food Pantry and the services that the organization offers; Executive Director, Jennifer Waltz, her two children, her coworker, Trish, and special SOS volunteers Pat and Judy. ♦ Special thanks to crafter Carol Conaty, who assisted the Growth and Outreach Committee with her knowledge of craft shows and the organization of events. ♦ All who donated items for the door prizes, raffle basket sales, and food for the cafe ♦ The Brookfield Police Department, for their suggestions and placing no parking signs on Calhoun Road ♦ Karl Kay, Trinity’s Administrative Assistant, for his help in creating communication lists and forwarding advertising ♦ Jan Frank, for all her work on Public Relations and advertising ♦ Nick Dennis, for all his work in getting our registrations on the web site and handling all technical situations ♦ Lori Hays, for creating an outstanding flyer that was used Here is the list of the volunteers in no particular order – these men, women and youngsters were diligent in all areas and we are extremely grateful to all: Mark Burbey, Dave Mielke, Eric Dahm, Wendy Rieves, Dan Dierbeck, Kathy Dahm, Nancy Korslin, Jan Glasenapp, Kathryn Dierbeck, Diane Siebold, Jean Gichert, Mindy Wirth, Lori Krueger, Hope Marusic, Judy Taylor, Lynne Mielke, Judy Marchant, Lee Lannan, Jan Wolff, Carol Conaty, Kathy Immekus, Janice Garens, Naomi Stewart, Ralph Zahn, Whitney Zahn, Connie Ruehmer, Don Immekus, Murlyn Dietze, Sarah Dahm, Bob Thomas, Meghan Dahm, Sharon Thomas, Pastor Jan, Marlene Helinski MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR NEXT YEAR’S FAIR – OCTOBER 10, 2015 - Growth and Outreach Committee, Janice, Kathy, Marlene, and Pastor Jan And for this Month... Nov. 2014 - Page 7 Our Special Care Call List Your cards, thoughts, and special prayers are requested for these members of Trinity’s church family, especially for the weeks of: November 2 Glenn Siebert 4665 Meadow View West Brookfield, WI 53005-1328 November 9 Eleanor Wirth 18255 Bolter Lane Brookfield, WI 53045-3439 November 16 Marge Gichert The Arboretum Apartment D219 W180 N7890 Town Hall Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 November 23 Dorothy Buchholz 4415 North 187th Street Brookfield, WI 53045-1012 November 30 Jan Wolff c/o Tom Wolff 1421 Breeze Terrace Racine, WI 53406 (Jan would appreciate a phone call! 262-770-4288) Please Call the Church Office: Worship Attendance: September 3 = 65 September 10 = 62 September 17 = 61 September 24 = 63 This makes for an average attendance of 63 for Sunday morning worship services. Average worship attendance in September a year ago was 73. Sign In Please Is there someone you would like to remember or wish to honor, and also beautify the sanctuary at worship time on a Sunday? Please consider signing up on the Flower Calendar that you will find on the bulletin board in the Gathering Place. As our gardens continue to bloom, you can share your flowers and your green thumb with us all at worship time. It’s a wonderful way to share this talent. Any and all bouquets are welcome anytime of the year. If you need any help in doing this, or have any questions, please see or contact Lynne Mielke (“The Flower Gal”) at 262547-0109. when there is a birth when you want to volunteer when someone has died when you have a question when someone is ill when you would like a visit when you need someone to talk to Don’t Forget — ANY time events happen at Trinity, please send .jpg format pictures to the church office for posting on the church website. Let’s show the internet world what is going on at Trinity! What’s happening at Trinity… Post on your refrigerator, mark the dates on the calendar, and invite friends, neighbors & families to attend. Sunday, November 2 All-Saints Theme in Sunday Worship Sunday, November 9 Veterans’ Day Theme in Sunday Worship Saturday, November 15 Indoor Clean-up 9:00 a.m. Sunday, November 23 Thanksgiving Theme in Sunday Worship Sunday, December 7 Christmas Decorating in the Dining Hall ABCs of Trinity Sunday, December 14 Children’s Program in Worship Sunday, December 21 Celebration Singers Concert Worship Sunday, December 24 Christmas Eve 4:00 p.m. “Family” Worship Christmas Eve 10:00 p.m. “Candlelight” Worship Remember to “Save the Dates!” www.trinitybrookfield.org Remember: ...God Is Still Speaking!... Don’t forget — the Next BELLS deadline is November 12 Christian Nurture & Fellowship 7:00 pm YR Council 7:00 East Wing Quilters 9:00 - 4:00 DH Dartball @ Greendale UCC 24 Quilters 9:00 - 4:00 DH Dartball @ Christ UCC Celebration Singers 8:30 Worship & SS 10:00 am 23 Celebration Singers 8:30 Worship & SS 10:00 am Thanksgiving Theme Boy Scout Committee 6:30 - 7:30 pm DH Worship 10:00 am (No Sunday School) 30 (NO Celebration Singers) 25 18 17 16 B & O 11:15 Ed W Boy Scout Troop #21 6:30 pm DH Worship & Arts 7:00 pm Ed W Quilters 9:00 - 4:00 DH 11 10 Dartball @ Calvary UCC AA 7:30 - 9:30 pm DH 26 AA 7:30 - 9:30 pm DH 19 AA 7:30 - 9:30 pm DH 12 Church Office Closed Thanksgiving Day 27 29 22 Indoor Cleaning 9:00 am 15 8 1 Outdoor Cleaning Backup Date Sat Key to Locations: DH = Dining Hall Ed W = Education Wing of Church EW = “East Wing” 4440 Building GP = Gathering Place YR = Youth Room Church Office Closed 28 21 14 7 Hope Center Meal, Waukesha Fri (2 6 2 ) 7 8 1 - 9 3 7 8 B ro o k f i e l d , W I 5 3 0 0 5 4 4 4 0 N o r t h C a l h o u n R o a d (o f f i c e ) 4 4 3 5 N o r t h C a l h o u n R o a d (c h u rc h b u i l d i n g ) Property 7:00 pm EW 20 13 Missions & SC 3:15 DH Cup of Life 9:00 am EW AA 6:30 - 9:30 pm DH 6 5 4 Potawatomi Area Cub Scout Council 6:30 8:30 DH & Ed W Thu Wed Tue Veterans’ Honor Theme Worship & Sunday School 10:00 am 9 Celebration Singers 8:30 All-Saints Theme Boy Scout Troop #21 6:30 pm DH All-Event Planning Meeting 7:00 pm DH Quilters 9:00 - 4:00 DH 3 2 Celebration Singers 8:30 Communion Worship & Sunday School 10:00 am Mon Sun Sunday School continues each Sunday this month EXCEPT November 30. Celebration Singers Sunday rehearsals continue throughout this month. November 2014 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST November 2014 Volunteers ANNOUNCERS November 2 Christian Nurture & Fellowship November 9 Property November 16 Council President November 23 Worship & Arts November 30 Mission & Social Concerns December 7 Business & Office PROJECTIONISTS November 2 Judy Marchant November 9 Mark Burbey November 16 Eric Dahm November 23 Don Immekus November 30 Judy Marchant December 7 Mark Burbey COFFEE HOUR HOSTS November 2 Judy Nelson & Joann Shue November 9 Edith Heins November 16 (volunteers needed; please sign up) November 23 Stewardship Committee November 30 (volunteers needed; please sign up) December 7 (volunteers needed; please sign up) READERS November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 December 7 FIRST RESPONDERS November 2 Whitney Zahn November 9 Kathy Dahm November 16 Jean Gichert November 23 Jan Glasenapp November 30 Joe Halvorson December 7 Lola Krainer GREETERS November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 December 7 USHERS November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 Sharon & Bob Thomas Donna Brill Arlene & Jay Preston Kathy Haass Pam Jones Naomi Stewart OFFERING COUNTERS November 2 Chris Lorenzen & Dan Rieves November 9 Sharon Burbey & Ralph Zahn November 16 Dan Dierbeck & Jay Preston November 23 Chris Lorenzen & Dan Rieves November 30 Sharon Burbey & Ralph Zahn December 7 Dan Dierbeck & Chris Lorenzen — VOLUNTEERS — Thank you for your willingness to serve Trinity church! If you cannot make your scheduled date, please try to find a substitute and then call the church office to inform us of the changes. Thanks! November 30 December 7 WELCOMERS November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 December 7 Eric Dahm Lou Frank Lori Krueger Mindy Wirth Bob Thomas Sharon Thomas Ralph Zahn, Diane Siebold, Kahney Rohrig, Bob Rohrig Joe Halvorson, Kathy Haass, Eric Dahm, Sharon Burbey Roland Perschon, Dan Dierbeck, Jerry Krainer, Diane Siebold Bob Thomas, Sharon Thomas, Kahney Rohrig, Bob Rohrig Lou Frank, Jan Frank, Eric Dahm, Sharon Burbey Jean Schuster, Janet Schuster, Dan Dierbeck, Jerry Krainer Lynne Mielke Kathy Immekus Jan Schuster Eric Dahm Jean Schuster Lori Krueger WORSHIP LEADERS November 2 Lori Krueger November 9 Lynne Mielke November 16 Judy Marchant November 23 Christina Matthews November 30 Edith Heins December 7 Peg Zahn
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