Indiana Thoroughbred Fall Mixed Sale

Indiana Thoroughbred Fall Mixed Sale
Fall Mixed
Oct. 27th, 2014
2 pm
Indiana State Fairgrounds
Sale Manager/Auctioneer
Dan Mahaney
(317) 432-6267
Powered By (ITOBA) Indiana Thoroughbred Owners/Breeders Association
Indiana Thoroughbred
Fall Mixed Sale
Monday, October 27th, 2014
2 PM
Indiana State Fairgrounds
Sale Manager/Auctioneer
Dan Mahaney
(317) 432-6267
Powered By (ITOBA)
Indiana Thoroughbred Owners/Breeders Association
Sale Day Service Providers
Vet Services
Monrovia Equine and Small Animal Clinic
(317) 996-2116
Dr. Lee
Feed & Hay Services
Fedor Feed & Grain, Inc.
(317) 769-5552
*Please call ahead to pre-order
Blacksmith Services
Dennis Tenery
(317) 345-1830
*Please call ahead to schedule appointments if possible
Shavings/Bedding will be available for purchase from
McCarty Services on site
Sale Location
Champion’s Pavillon
Indiana State Fair Grounds
1202 E. 38th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Approximately four miles North of downtown Indianapolis
The State Fair Grounds charges a $5 parking fee
Enter at Gate #6 for best access
Sale Accommodations
Homewood Suites
Danny Coffin, Director of Sales
2501 E. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Office (317) 253-1919
Direct (317) 202-3451
15% off normal nightly rates for our sale
Approximately 4-5 miles from the Indiana State Fair Grounds
Please book early
Sale Management & Auctioneer
Dan Mahaney AU10400162
(317) 432-6267
Shelby Mahaney
(317) 752-5694
Sale Terms & Conditions
1) The State of Indiana requires the collection of 7% sales tax on all tangible
property, including horses. The only exemption is for registered tax
exempt/non-for-profit organizations. Sales tax will be collected on all
sold horses.
2) All horses are sold AS IS, WHERE IS
-some consignors may provide potential buyers with repository radiographs and scopes
-there will be licensed veterinarians on site the day before and on sale day
for pre-purchase examinations
-horses without pre-sale radiographs and scopes are sold AS IS with no
warranties, neither expressed nor implied
3) By signing below, as a registered bidder you hereby agree to make payment
on any purchases immediately following the conclusion of the sale.
payment can be made in the form of either a business or personal check.
Horse registration papers will be mailed to all buyers upon buyer payment clearance, normally 14-30 days after the sale date
4) Should any buyer not make satisfactory payment, the buyer agrees to reimburse the seller or auctioneer, for any collection costs, damages, as well as
reasonable legal fees
5) Buyer assumes all responsibility in validating any State foaling registration, any State Sired engagements, any racing stake race engagements
and acknowledge holding the auctioneer and sale manager harmless. We
recommend you call the Indiana Racing Commission (317) 233-3119
with any questions.
Buyer Registration
Bidder #________________
Name: _____________________________________________
Address: ________________________
Phone: _____________________
City: __________________ State:____ Zip: ________________
Driver’s License # _________________ State of Issuance: ______
By Signing below I hereby accept and acknowledge the provided Conditons of Sale.
X _____________________________ Date: _______________
Printed Name of signing party
Consignors’ Index
No. Name
Year of
and Sex
...................................... 2013 ch.f............ Indygo Shiner ................Presumed Innocent
...................................... 2012 dkb/b.g. .... Drewman.......................Miss Aspen
B B and K K .................. 2013 gr/ro.g. ...... Mondavi ........................Alec’s Lil Angel
...................................... 2013 dkb/b.f. ..... Lost Victory ...................Forbid the Queen
Buddythejawbreaker ...... 2013 ch.c. .......... Star Cat..........................Lyric Praise
...................................... 2013 dkb/b.f. ..... Skylord...........................Ultimate Princess
Weekend Melody .......... 2013 dkb/b.f. ..... City Weekend ................Lost Her Tune
Peyton’s Pass.................. 2013 b.f. ............ Pass Rush .......................Colorado Song
Tocha ............................ 2002
...................................... 2013
...................................... 2013
...................................... 2013
Una Cantada ................. 2009
dkb/b.m. ... Indian Charlie................Known Class
dkb/b.f. ..... Star Cat..........................Leaving Virginia
b.c............. Star Cat..........................Morgan Lane
dkb/b.c...... Star Cat..........................Nuggets
b.m. .......... Aeneas............................Rhythm N Vogue
...................................... 2013
...................................... 2013
...................................... 2013
...................................... 2013
...................................... 2013
...................................... 2013
dkb/b.f. ..... Artemus Sunrise .............Lighting Bopers
dkb/b.c...... Artemus Sunrise .............Plenty O Lady
dkb/b.f. ..... Artemus Sunrise .............Valid Sweetheart
dkb/b.f. ..... Artemus Sunrise .............Countessa
ch.f............ Artemus Sunrise .............Dame Near Even
ch.f............ Artemus Sunrise .............Five Bells
Mondavi’s Dream.......... 2013 dkb/b.f. ..... Mondavi ........................Saddle Your Dreams
Lord of Storms .............. 2013 ch.c. .......... Skylord...........................Storm Caper
Consignors’ Index
No. Name
Year of
and Sex
Brave Lady..................... 2004 ch.m.......... Stalwart ..........................Pretty Sonnet
Calm Bay....................... 2006 b.m. .......... Stormy Atlantic..............Falling Leaves
...................................... 2013
...................................... 2014
...................................... 2013
...................................... 2013
Gabby Road .................. 2011
...................................... 2014
b.f. ............ Ocean Indy ....................Gilded Rose
ch.f............ Sangaree .........................Lady Francine
dkb/b.g. .... Article of Faith ...............Maggie’s Dream
ch.g. .......... Article of Faith ...............Senora Soldar
b.f. ............ Article of Faith ...............Shadow Vale
ch.c. .......... Sangaree .........................Ama de Casa
Terrific Cookies............. 2013 b.f. ............ Glasnost .........................Laud and Cookies
American Trooper ......... 2013 ch.c. .......... Glasnost .........................American Grown
Top Is the Cream .......... 2013 b.c............. Glasnost .........................Cream and Sugar
...................................... 2013 dkb/b.c...... Star Cat..........................Miss Chaucer
Tenzing ......................... 2010 ch.g. .......... Tenpins..........................Virch
...................................... 2013
Miz Macy ...................... 2008
Honeymoon Hotel ........ 2007
Lil Mis Ouba ................. 2013
...................................... 2013
ch.f............ Deer Lake.......................High Gale
dkb/b.m. ... Mizzen Mast ..................Knotty Knickles
gr/ro.m...... Vindication ....................Prenuptial Plans
b.f. ............ Lantana Mob .................Saltwater Silence
dkb/b.f. ..... Deer Lake.......................Well Known
Lure of Victory .............. 2013 dkb/b.g. .... Charging Indian.............Doll Lure
Get Permission .............. 2013 dkb/b.c...... Skylord...........................Goosie B
Consignors’ Index
No. Name
Year of
and Sex
Fearless Justice ............... 2011
Martini Justice ............... 2013
Ranhandle Justice .......... 2013
Fancy Justice.................. 2012
Sheza Fine Justice .......... 2013
Do It Justice .................. 2013
Golden Justice ............... 2013
Silver Justice .................. 2013
Holly Justice .................. 2012
...................................... 2013
Stormy Justice................ 2013
Slicktrickjustice.............. 2013
Sleepy Justice ................. 2013
b.g............. Zanjero ..........................Kid Justice
dkb/b.c...... Lantana Mob .................Thendara
b.f. ............ Lantana Mob .................Art’s Sugar
b.f. ............ Lantana Mob .................Novograd
ch.f............ Regal Ransom ................Even Tempo
dkb/b.f. ..... Spanish Steps .................Moon Beamy
b.f. ............ Lantana Mob .................Fly Gold Air
b.f. ............ Lantana Mob .................Future Answer
b.f. ............ Lantana Mob .................Future Answer
ch.f............ Munnings ......................Through the Clouds
dkb/b.f. ..... Regal Ransom ................Exciting Avenue
b.f. ............ Spanish Steps .................Sister Crimson
dkb/b.f. ..... Cowboy Cal ...................Super Seller
...................................... 2013 ch.f............ Rock Pulpit ....................Ray of Happiness
...................................... 2013 dkb/b.f. ..... Rock Pulpit ....................Smart Way
Pass Interception............ 2013 dkb/b.c...... Pass Rush .......................Jazzical
Catch N Run ................. 2013 ch.c. .......... Pass Rush .......................Corkiella
...................................... 2013 dkb/b.f. ..... Elite Squadron ...............Soco Creek
...................................... 2013 b.f. ............ Five Star Day .................City in the Clouds
Money Shot................... 2012 ch.f............ Domestic Dispute ..........My Golly Molly
Norman’s Conquest ...... 2013 b.f. ............ Century City (IRE) ........Slam n’ Sugar
Noble Attack ................. 2014 ch.c. .......... Forest Attack..................Village Voice
Consignors’ Index
No. Name
Year of
and Sex
Kit Kat........................... 2012
Lucy .............................. 2013
Twiggy .......................... 2013
Bombay Soul Baby ........ 2012
Stormy........................... 2013
dkb/b.f. ..... Kitalpha .........................Matthew’s Cookie
b.f. ............ Zanjero ..........................Matthew’s Cookie
dkb/b.f. ..... Kitalpha .........................Moonlit Rose
dkb/b.f. ..... Perfect Soul (IRE) ..........Bombay Betty
ch.f............ Parading.........................Elkhorn
Index to Sires
Aeneas: 32.
Artemus Sunrise: 12, 26, 44, 56, 58, 62.
Article of Faith: 15, 35, 36.
Century City (IRE): 38.
Charging Indian: 59.
City Weekend: 13.
Cowboy Cal: 68.
Deer Lake: 3, 47.
Domestic Dispute: 23.
Drewman: 18.
Elite Squadron: 41.
Five Star Day: 53.
Forest Attack: 45.
Glasnost: 9, 51, 57.
Indian Charlie: 7.
Indygo Shiner: 28.
Lost Victory: 63.
Mizzen Mast: 6.
Mondavi: 33, 48.
Munnings: 65.
Ocean Indy: 1.
Parading: 60.
Pass Rush: 4, 54, 55.
Perfect Soul (IRE): 52.
Regal Ransom: 30, 66.
Rock Pulpit: 31, 39.
Sangaree: 8, 49.
Skylord: 2, 42, 43.
Spanish Steps: 37, 67.
Stalwart: 29.
Star Cat: 11, 14, 19, 22, 25.
Stormy Atlantic: 61.
Tenpins: 46.
Kitalpha: 16, 21.
Vindication: 27.
Lantana Mob: 10, 20, 24, 34, 40, 50,
Zanjero: 5, 17.
Index to Dams
Alec’s Lil Angel .
Ama de Casa . .
American Grown
Art’s Sugar . . . .
Bombay Betty . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
City in the Clouds
Colorado Song . .
Corkiella . . . . . .
Countessa . . . . .
Cream and Sugar .
Dame Near Even . . . . . . . . . . 58
Doll Lure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Elkhorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Even Tempo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Exciting Avenue . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Falling Leaves . .
Five Bells . . . .
Fly Gold Air . .
Forbid the Queen
Future Answer . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
Gilded Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Goosie B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
High Gale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Jazzical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Kid Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Knotty Knickles . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Known Class . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Lady Francine . .
Laud and Cookies
Leaving Virginia .
Lighting Bopers .
Lost Her Tune .
Lyric Praise . . .
Maggie’s Dream .
Matthew’s Cookie
Miss Aspen . . .
Miss Chaucer . .
Moon Beamy . .
Moonlit Rose . .
Morgan Lane . .
My Golly Molly .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
Novograd . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Nuggets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Plenty O Lady . . .
Prenuptial Plans . .
Presumed Innocent
Pretty Sonnet . . .
Ray of Happiness . . . . . . . . . 31
Rhythm N Vogue . . . . . . . . . 32
Saddle Your Dreams
Saltwater Silence . . .
Senora Soldar . . . .
Shadow Vale . . . . .
Sister Crimson . . . .
Slam n’ Sugar . . . .
Smart Way . . . . . .
Soco Creek . . . . .
Storm Caper . . . . .
Super Steller . . . . .
Thendara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Through the Clouds . . . . . . . 65
Ultimate Princess . . . . . . . . . 43
Valid Sweetheart . . . . . . . . . . 44
Village Voice . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Virch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Well Known . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Index to Names
American Trooper: 51.
B B and K K: 48.
Bombay Soul Baby: 52.
Brave Lady: 29.
Buddythejawbreaker: 14.
Miz Macy: 6.
Mondavi’s Dream: 33.
Money Shot: 23.
Noble Attack: 45.
Norman’s Conquest: 38.
Calm Bay: 61.
Catch N Run: 55.
Pass Interception: 4.
Peyton’s Pass: 54.
Do It Justice: 37.
Ranhandle Justice: 20.
Fancy Justice: 24.
Fearless Justice: 5.
Sheza Fine Justice: 30.
Silver Justice: 50.
Slicktrickjustice: 67.
Sleepy Justice: 68.
Stormy: 60.
Stormy Justice: 66.
Gabby Road: 36.
Get Permission: 2.
Golden Justice: 40.
Holly Justice: 64.
Honeymoon Hotel: 27.
Kit Kat: 16.
Lil Mis Ouba: 34.
Lord of Storms: 42.
Lucy: 17.
Tenzing: 46.
Terrific Cookies: 9.
Tocha: 7.
Top Is the Cream: 57.
Twiggy: 21.
Una Cantada: 32.
Weekend Melody: 13.
Lure of Victory: 59.
Martini Justice: 10.
Index to Covering Sires
Deer Lake: 6, 27.
Irish Road: 32.
Sangaree: 29, 61.
Indiana Thoroughbred
Fall Mixed Sale
Hip Numbers 1-68
Hip No.
Consigned by Elliott Farms, Agent
Bay Filly
Ocean Indy . . . . . . . .
Bay Filly . . . . . . . .
May 2, 2013
Gilded Rose . . . . . . . .
A.P. Indy . . . . . . . . . . .
Soundings . . . . . . . . .
Richter Scale . . . . . . .
Carrena Rose . . . . . . .
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Mr. Prospector
Ocean’s Answer
Habitony (IRE)
Devine Pet
Carr de Naskra
Rose Play
By OCEAN INDY (2003), winner at 4, $17,515. Half-brother to black type winners Pas de Reponse [G1] (champion), Green Tune [G1] ($472,166), etc.
Sire of 4 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014, 20 winners, $730,486, including Hoosier Neighbor (at 3, 2014, $69,891, ITOBA Stallion Season
Colts and Geldings S.), black type-placed Indy Pie (to 5, 2014, $137,553).
1st dam
GILDED ROSE, by Richter Scale. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $52,332. Dam of 3 foals of
racing age, one to race.
2nd dam
Carrena Rose, by Carr de Naskra. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $78,568, 2nd Cavalier Cup S.-R (CNL, $6,000). Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, incl.-Gentle Moment. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $138,050.
3rd dam
ROSE PLAY, by Fast Play. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including-Play It Out. 4 wins at 3 and 6, $176,961, 3rd Tejano Run S.
Carrena Rose. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Play Approval. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $122,350.
4th dam
ROSEDON, by Vice Regent. 2 wins at 3, $16,750. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-BENBURB. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $1,159,949, horse of the year in Canada,
champion colt at 3, Molson Export Million S. [G2], Prince of Wales S.
[R] (FE, $107,700-CAN), Durham Cup H. [L], 2nd Eclipse H. [G3], etc.
LADY ALOMA. 3 wins at 3, $110,359, Ontario Colleen H. [R] (WO, $43,440), 2nd Canadian Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (WO, $21,695). Dam of-CHOPININA. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $613,696, champion grass mare in Canada, Royal North H. [G3] (WO, $131,430-CAN), 2nd Atto Mile S. [G1]
(WO, $200,000-CAN), Nassau S. [G2] (WO, $65,640-CAN), etc. Dam of
Merkabah (3rd John Henry S., EVD, $5,500, Total: $135,442).
DESPITE THE ODDS. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $261,429, Hill Prince S. [G3]
(BEL, $65,400), 2nd Long Branch S. [L] (MTH, $35,000), etc.
KARRA KUL. 8 wins, 3 to 8, $286,205, Geri S. [L] (WO, $42,060-CAN),
3rd Play the King H. [G3], Japan Racing Association S. [L].
Areydne. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $273,029, 2nd Ontario Damsel S. [R] (WO,
$22,440-CAN), etc. Producer. Granddam of SCHOONER BAY (Total:
$301,516, dam of INDIAN POND, Total: $266,122), Bairds Village (Total: $226,095), Hwangnyongsaji (champion in Republic of Korea).
Rosekris. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $8,350. Dam of BOUNTEMPO ($46,403).
Amynteon. Unraced. Dam of MY GIRL LISA ($188,943, dam of Explosive
Lady, at 2, 2014, 3rd Juddmonte Princess Margaret S. [G3], etc.).
Elusive Rose. Unraced. Producer. G’dam of LEGACY (3 wins at 4, 2014,
$151,300, set ntr), Brilliant Future (4 wins, $204,393).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Rick G. Jordan
Get Permission
Skylord . . . . . . . . . . . .
Get Permission . . .
Dark bay/br. colt;
February 17, 2013
Goosie B . . . . . . . . . .
Sky Mesa . . . . . . . . . .
Skyscape . . . . . . . . . .
Yankee Victor . . . . . . .
Rakida B . . . . . . . . . . .
Emley’s Hill
Saint Ballado
Highest Carol
Mari’s Book
Another Notch
By SKYLORD (2008), winner at 2 and 3, $50,220. Half-brother to Sky Cape
($452,208, La Jolla H. [G2], etc.). Son of Sky Mesa [G1], $633,076, sire
of 40 black type winners, including General Quarters ($1,226,655, Blue
Grass S. [G1], etc.), Sky Diver [G1] ($484,000), Skylighter [G2] ($489,892), Skyway [G2] (at 2, 2014). His first foals are yearlings of 2014.
1st dam
GOOSIE B, by Yankee Victor. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, including
a 2-year-old of 2014, two to race, both winners-Clear Board (g. by Eye of the Tiger). Winner at 4, $22,707.
Lord Unbridled (g. by Unbridled Express). Winner at 3, 2014, $14,670.
2nd dam
Rakida B, by Mari’s Book. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $362,841, 2nd Fairway Fun S. [L]
(TP, $20,000), Fairway Fun S. [L] (TP, $15,000), Wintergreen S. [L] (TP,
$15,630), 3rd My Charmer S. [L] (TP, $6,000), Wintergreen S. [L] (TP,
$5,000). Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners-Keda B. Winner at 3 and 5, $21,916. Producer.
Al Dasawi. 4 wins at 2 and 3, 53,100 new sol in Peru. Total: $18,632.
Blabby B. Placed at 3, $24,490. Dam of 4 winners, including-DANCIN’ LIL (f. by Fusaichi Pegasus). 7 wins, 3 to 5, 2014, $238,383,
Saylorville S. [L] (PRM, $60,000).
Victory Pete (c. by Five Star Day). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 348,295, 2nd
Daytona S. [G3] (SA, $20,000), 3rd Strub S. [G2] (SA, $30,000), San
Antonio S. [G2] (SA, $24,000), Prairie Meadows Cornhusker H. [G3]
(PRM, $30,000), Sham S. [G3] (SA, $24,000), California Derby [L], etc.
3rd dam
ANOTHER NOTCH, by Cox’s Ridge. Winner at 3 and 4, $35,423. Dam of-Rakida B. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Yahk Forty. Winner at 2, $45,804, 3rd Busanda S. [L] (AQU, $9,169).
Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, including-Urban Flight. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $131,638.
Another Quest. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $100,501.
4th dam
HOPE OF GLORY, by Mr. Leader. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $168,421, Alcibiades S.G3, Falls City H.-G3, Kentucky Cardinal H., 3rd Santa Margarita Inv’l
H.-G1, Matron H.-G2. Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race, all winners, including-Grab the Glory. 19 wins, 2 to 5, $247,367, 3rd Jersey Belle Breeders’ Cup
S. (GS, $3,087). Dam of 8 foals, 7 winners, including-Excuse My French. 14 wins, 3 to 7, $203,945.
Extra Grouse. Winner at 4, $18,425. Producer. Granddam of RAGGIDY
ROWE (3 wins, $23,871 in N.A./U.S.; 7 wins, $113,608 in Canada, Harry
Jeffrey S., ASD, $24,000, etc., Total: $123,341).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Hancock Farm
Chestnut Filly
Deer Lake . . . . . . . . . .
Chestnut Filly . . . .
May 14, 2013
High Gale . . . . . . . . . .
Meadowlake . . . . . . . .
Dorothy Dear . . . . . . .
Future Storm . . . . . . . .
Kids n’Kites . . . . . . . .
Hold Your Peace
Suspicious Native
Foolish Pleasure
Outward Sunshine
Storm Cat
Sea Sands
Gold Stage
Special Key
By DEER LAKE (1999), black type wnr of 9 races, $356,980, Holiday Cheer
S., 2nd Marfa S., Forego S., 3rd Mr. Prospector H. [G3], Arlington Sprint
H., Texas Glitter H. Son of Meadowlake [G1], $308,580, sire of champion
Meadow Star [G1] ($1,445,740). Sire of 3 crops, including 3-year-olds of
2014, $116,457, including winners Mr Rooster (to 5, 2014, $57,070), etc.
1st dam
HIGH GALE, by Future Storm. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $85,860, Tiara S.-R (PHA,
$18,240). Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-Ride the Gale (f. by Candy Ride-ARG). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $63,570 in N.A./
U.S. Total: $64,344.
2nd dam
KIDS N’KITES, by Gold Stage. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $36,953. Dam of 8 foals, 7
to race, all winners, including-HIGH GALE (f. by Future Storm). Black type winner, see above.
Magic Midas (g. by Gold Meridian). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,670, 2nd St.
Cloud S. (CBY, $5,655).
Reel Easy. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $109,250.
3rd dam
SPECIAL KEY, by Key to the Mint. Unraced. Half-sister to PALACE DANCER
(sire), Chrysippos (2nd Champagne S.). Dam of 4 winners, including-PRINCE OF BIRDS. 3 wins in 4 starts at 2 and 3, 190,686 euro in Ireland, champion miler, Airlie Coolmore Irish Two Thousand Guineas [G1],
Dermot McCalmont Tetrarch S. [G3]. Total: $249,608. Sire.
CENTAVOS. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $139,733, Dessie Sawyer Futurity, 2nd Sari’s
Song S.-R, Numbered Account S., Cutarusty H. Dam of-SPECIAL HAPPENING. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $429,280, Alcibiades S.
[G2], Pasadena S. [L] (SA, $49,500), Crowning Glory S. [L] (SA, $33,450), 2nd Arlington-Washington Lassie S. [G1], 3rd Hollywood Starlet S. [G1], 4th Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Filles [G1]. Producer. Granddam of SUDAN (IRE) (Gran Premio di Milano [G1], etc., Total: $476,323), RED TRINKET [G3]; SARABIA, Stalingrad [G3]; etc.
Red Soul. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $87,568, 2nd Sweetest Chant S. [L] (GP, $10,000). Dam of Coronado’s Vision [G3] (2 wins, $90,101).
Tavos Connection. 2 wins at 3, $45,273. Dam of WITTENBERG (5 wins,
$196,443, Monmouth Beach S. [L], MTH, $30,000, producer).
Special Coin. Unraced. Dam of STARSHIP MISS (6 wins, $179,553,
Jasmine S., GP, $16,080, 2nd OBS Sprint S.-R, OTC, $10,000, etc.).
Spinet. Unraced. Dam of Stanislavsky ($75,300, 3rd Bay Shore S. [G3],
AQU, $16,500, Withers S. [G3], sire). Granddam of PIANIST (6 wins
to 4, placed at 5, 2014, $508,700, Athenia S. [G3], BEL, $120,000,
Gallorette H. [G3], etc.), Sunday Sonnet (at 2, 2014, $84,800).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of John and Sue Small
Pass Interception
Pass Rush . . . . . . . . .
Pass Interception .
Dark bay/br. colt;
April 22, 2013
Jazzical . . . . . . . . . . .
Crown Ambassador . .
Profitable Knight . . . . .
Conscience Clear . . .
Corkiella . . . . . . . . . . .
Storm Cat
Rare Mint
Profit Island
Gotta Wear Shades
Well Decorated
By PASS RUSH (1999), $594,603, San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S. [G2],
etc. Sire of 5 crops, 24 winners, $2,187,058, including black type wnrs
Facey’s Spirit (to 6, 2014, $396,858, Ellen’s Lucky Star S., etc.), Pass
the Crown (to 6, 2014, $300,919, Brickyard S., etc.), Short Round (to 4,
2014, $164,810, Snack S., etc.), Mack the Slew ($126,571), Passed Due.
1st dam
JAZZICAL, by Conscience Clear. Winner at 5, $17,764. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
CORKIELLA, by Well Decorated. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 5
to race, including a 2-year-old of 2014, two winners, including-Swift Road. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $31,829.
3rd dam
BALLYGALLY, by Coastal. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, one winner-Dawnsetta. Winner at 4, $7,260.
4th dam
AN IRISH COLLEEN, by Singh. Unraced. Half-sister to QUEEN EMPRESS
(15 wins, $431,428, champion filly, Vagrancy H., Correction H., etc.,
dam of HAIL EMPEROR, 8 wins, $260,451, sire; Royal Dilemma;
g’dam of SILVER FLING, hwt on European Free H. at 5-7 fur., Total:
great-g’dam of POWDER BOWL [G2], Total: $455,043; GERRIE SINGER [G3]; GRANGEVILLE, Total: $445,309; PALANA, etc.), LAND OF
EIRE (5 wins, $184,033, Widener H.-G1, etc., sire), KING EMPEROR
(13 wins in 23 starts, $453,918, Pimlico-Laurel Futurity, Cowdin S., etc.,
sire). Dam of 6 foals to race, including-Thatsafact Pete. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $74,274, 3rd El Conquistador S. (LAD,
Super Flash. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $47,498.
Brother Flash. Winner at 5.
C. C. Me. Placed at 4, $3,700.
Magestlin. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals, one to race-Isobella Bay. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $38,422.
Austique. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 3 foals to race-Red Ravine. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $38,707.
Gorge Girl. Placed at 2 and 3.
Shampine Austique. Placed at 4.
Engagements: 2016 Indiana ITOBA Stallion Season Stake.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Fearless Justice
Zanjero . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fearless Justice . .
Bay gelding;
foaled 2011
Kid Justice . . . . . . . . .
Cherokee Run . . . . . .
Checkered Flag . . . . .
Storm and a Half . . . .
Jovan’s Lady . . . . . . .
Runaway Groom
Cherokee Dame
A.P. Indy
Shawnee Creek
Storm Cat
At the Half
Hold Your Tricks
Mabel Faire
By ZANJERO (2004), black type winner of 6 races, $1,620,786, Indiana
Derby [G2], Ky. Cup Classic S. [G2], WV Derby [G3], WV Governor’s S.,
2nd Remsen S. [G2], etc. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
52 winners, $1,572,613, including Johnny Handsome ($137,565, Crescent City Derby, etc.), black type-placed R S Watson (to 4, 2014), etc.
1st dam
KID JUSTICE, by Storm and a Half. Dam of 1 other foal of racing age, a 2year-old of 2014, which has not started.
2nd dam
JOVAN’S LADY, by Hold Your Tricks. Unraced. Sister to CLASSY TRICKS.
Dam of 16 foals to race, 14 winners, including-RICHIE THE COACH (g. by Maudlin). 14 wins, 2 to 6, $466,176, Annapolis S. [L] (LRL, $45,000), Congressional H. [L] (LRL, $45,000)-ntr, Cedar
Key S. (LRL, $23,115), Charles Staats Memorial S. (DEL, $22,530), St.
Brendan S. (LRL, $19,320)-ntr, Hail Emperor S. (LRL, $18,600), 2nd Congressional H. [L] (LRL, $20,000), Walter Haight H. [L] (LRL, $10,655)
twice, Owner’s Day H. [L] (DEL, $10,000), Norristown H. [L] (PHA, $10,000), Cedar Key S. (LRL, $7,680), Blarney Stone S. (LRL, $6,275), 3rd
Polynesian S. [G3] twice, Congressional H. [L] (LRL, $9,438), etc.
Sand Trick (f. by Line In The Sand). 6 wins, $142,923, 3rd Autumn Leaves H. Dam of Winningdistinction (f. by With Distinction).
Count On Mark (g. by Jeblar). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $73,380, 2nd Floyd Duncan
Memorial S. (RKM, $5,000).
Chelino (c. by Czaravich). 4 wins in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Cuauhtemoc.
3rd dam
Mabel Faire, by Assagai. Winner at 2 and 3, $26,188, 3rd Marica H. Half-sister
to Miss Quote. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners, including-CLASSY TRICKS. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $175,972, Princess Rooney H. [L]
(CRC, $32,040) twice, Azalea S. (CRC, $30,410), etc. Dam of Mystical
Tricks (7 wins, $154,096, dam of Wind Energy, 5 wins, $218,930),
Wedding Jitters (dam of Saint Bernadette [G2], 2 wins, $145,900;
granddam of Social Inclusion [G1], at 3, 2014, $384,400; Quinnkat,
at 3, 2014). Granddam of RULING CLASS (13 wins, $311,994).
Royal Tuneup. 20 wins, 2 to 8, $214,936, 2nd Calder Derby [G3].
Runaway Mabel. 2 wins at 3, $41,470. Dam of WORLDLY VICTOR (3
wins, $91,899). Granddam of I’m Not Gray (to 4, 2014, Total: $90,420).
Faire Trixie. 3 wins at 3, $25,934. Dam of KIPPER KATZ (7 wins, $103,290), Our Girl Joyce. Granddam of FOUND CODE ($218,011). Greatgranddam of OUTTA TUNE [G3] ($449,333), Royal Tramp (at 3, 2014).
Poonim. Unraced. Granddam of Hold the Game (3 wins, $154,445).
Race Record: At 2, one win, once 3rd; at 3, 2014, one win. Earned $41,395.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Hancock Farm
Miz Macy
Mizzen Mast . . . . . . . .
Miz Macy . . . . . . . .
Dark bay//br. mare;
foaled 2008
Knotty Knickles . . . . .
Cozzene . . . . . . . . . . .
Kinema . . . . . . . . . . . .
Muhtafal . . . . . . . . . . .
Knotty Question . . . . .
Caro (IRE)
Ride the Trails
Mrs. Peterkin
Mr. Prospector
Polite Lady
Pine Circle
Day Lily
By MIZZEN MAST (1998), [G1] $554,146. Sire of 9 crops, 33 black type wnrs,
$31,971,359, including Flotilla (FR) (to 4, 2014, $1,066,282, hwt, Breeders’
Cup Juv. Fillies Turf [G1], 1,000 Guineas [G1]), Mizdirection ($1,719,621,
Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint [G1], etc.), Mast Track [G1]-ntr ($928,835), Ultimate Eagle. Sire of dams of black type wnrs Ready to Act, Texas Air, etc.
1st dam
KNOTTY KNICKLES, by Muhtafal. 4 wins at 5 and 6, $49,850. Dam of 1 other
foal of racing age, a 3-year-old of 2014, which has not started.
2nd dam
KNOTTY QUESTION, by Pine Circle. 6 wins, 2 to 7, $61,390. Dam of-Knotty Knows. 8 wins, 3 to 8, $68,399. Producer.
Acceptaburl. 2 wins at 4, $12,886.
3rd dam
DAY LILY, by His Majesty. Unraced. Dam of 8 other foals, 7 to race, 6 winners-Ripped. Winner at 3, $11,135. Dam of 7 winners, including-PISGAH. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $296,423, Mo Bay S. (DEL, $32,700), 2nd
Hockessin S. (DEL, $11,580), 3rd Turf Monster H. [L] (PHA, $11,000).
Set ntr at Delaware Park, 6 furlongs in 1:07.92.
Cantora. Winner at 3, $32,260, 2nd Wide Country S. (LRL, $10,000).
Volatile Heir. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $29,729.
Acclaim. 3 wins at 3, $29,194.
Day Cannon. 2 wins at 3, $15,442.
Majestic Lily. Winner at 4, $6,180. Producer.
Kiss Kiss. Winner at 4, $3,163.
4th dam
CLOVER BLOOM, by Hail to Reason. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $47,994. Sister to
GOOD COUNSEL (6 wins, $246,554 in N.A./U.S., Widener H., Longfellow H., Rosemont S., etc.; placed in 2 starts in Ireland, sire), halfsister to CAPITOL SOUTH (3 wins, $116,550, Hopeful S.-G1, etc., sire),
POWER RULER (2 wins, $35,225, Hyde Park S., etc., sire). Dam of 7
foals to race, all winners, including-First of April. 5 wins at 3 and 5, $28,693.
Do You Love Me. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $24,531.
Till Tomorrow. 6 wins at 5 and 6.
Nautical Lover. 2 wins at 4, $10,404.
Race Record: At 2, unraced; at 3, unplaced; at 4, unplaced in 2 starts. Earned
Last mated March 30, 2014 and BELIEVED TO BE PREGNANT to-DEER LAKE (1999) (Meadowlake--Dorothy Dear), black type winner of
9 races, $356,980, Holiday Cheer S., 2nd Marfa S., Forego S., 3rd Mr.
Prospector H. [G3], etc. Sire of 3 crops, including 3-year-olds of 2014,
$116,457, including winners Mr Rooster (to 5, 2014, $57,070), etc.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Consigned by Cove Springs LLC, Agent
Hip No.
Indian Charlie . . . . . . .
Tocha . . . . . . . . . . .
Dark bay/br. mare;
foaled 2002
Known Class . . . . . . .
In Excess (IRE) . . . . . .
Soviet Sojourn . . . . . .
Known Fact . . . . . . . .
Club Class . . . . . . . . .
Siberian Express
Leo Castelli
Political Parfait
In Reality
Queen of the Sky
By INDIAN CHARLIE (1995), [G1] $616,120. Sire of 13 crops, 73 black type
wnrs, 7 champions, $59,384,568, including Indian Blessing ($2,995,420,
Breeders’ Cup Juv Fillies [G1], etc.), Fleet Indian [G1] ($1,704,513), Uncle
Mo [G1] ($1,606,000). Sire of dams of black type winners Biofuel, Samraat, Tu Endie Wei, Gypsy Robin, Marchman, Go Vivian Go, China, etc.
1st dam
KNOWN CLASS, by Known Fact. Placed. Dam of 12 foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old of 2014, nine to race, 7 winners, including-Tocha (f. by Indian Charlie). Black type-placed winner, see below.
2nd dam
Club Class, by Roberto. Placed at 3 in England, 3rd Cheshire Oaks-G3; 4
wins at 3 and 4, $46,683 in N.A./U.S., 3rd Penelope S. Sister to RODWELL. Dam of 2 winners, including-Classic Green. Winner at 3, 26,040,000 yen in Japan. Total: $214,361.
Crown Class. Dam of Wasee Albana Yed (horse of the year, champion).
Alleged Royalty. Great-g’dam of MISS GABRIELA (f. by Miner’s Lamp).
3rd dam
QUEEN OF THE SKY, by Bold Ruler. Unraced. Sister to SUCCESSOR (7
wins, $532,354, champion), BOLD LAD (14 wins, $516,465, champion),
BEAUTIFUL DAY ($160,007), BOLD CONSORT, The Heir, half-sister
to SUNRISE FLIGHT ($380,995, sire). Dam of 10 winners, including-RODWELL. Winner at 2 and 3 in France, Prix de Pontarme; winner at 4,
$39,675 in N.A./U.S., 2nd Ascot H.-L. Sire.
Halcyon Queen. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $56,547, 2nd La Scala H., 3rd Chapman H. Dam of Sea of Serenity (11 wins, $291,124, granddam of DESERT SEA, Total: $202,726), Double D. Pleasure. Granddam of
ON A SOAPBOX [G1] ($685,916, dam of SOAPY DANGER-GB [G2]).
Club Class. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Foreign Missile. Winner at 2, 3rd Torrey Pines S. Dam of SQUAN SONG
[G3] (18 wins, $898,444, dam of Quinpool [G1]; Comic Genius; g’dam
of OMEGA CODE [G3]; SYMBOLI INDY, Total: $1,852,450; TEMPEST
FUGIT, $469,912; etc.), HERON BAY-G3; Wadood [G3].
Race Record: At 2, one win, twice 2nd, once 3rd (Lady Luck S., LAD, $5,000);
at 3, one win, 3 times 2nd, twice 3rd; at 4, unplaced; at 5, unplaced in 1
start. Totals: 2 wins, five times 2nd, 3 times 3rd, earned $51,395.
Produce Record:
2008 Tio Tio, g. by Aeneas. Placed at 2 and 3, $4,679.
2009 Apache Springs, g. by Aeneas. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $29,122.
2010 Memory, f. by Aeneas. Winner at 3, $11,002.
2011 Vamanos Bebe, f. by Vamanos. Unraced.
2012 no report; 2013 c. by Irish Road; 2014 no report.
Not in foal.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Consigned by Elliott Farms, Agent
Chestnut Filly
Sangaree . . . . . . . . . .
Chestnut Filly . . . .
March 15, 2014
Lady Francine . . . . . .
Awesome Again . . . . .
Mari’s Sheba . . . . . . .
Quiet American . . . . .
Francine Nolan . . . . . .
Deputy Minister
Primal Force
Mari’s Book
Sheba Little (GB)
Ascot Knight
By SANGAREE (2005), black type winner of 4 races, $365,710, Joe Hernandez S., 2nd Triple Bend H. [G1], Californian S. [G2], Mervyn LeRoy H.
[G2], Hal’s Hope S. [G3], Bold Ruler H. [G3], Birdstone S. Half-brother to
Congaree ($3,267,490, Hollywood Gold Cup [G1], Swaps S. [G1], Carter
H. [G1], Cigar Mile H. [G1] twice, etc. His first foals are weanlings of 2014.
1st dam
LADY FRANCINE, by Quiet American. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $24,938. Dam of 3
foals of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-Lord Kyle’s Quest (g. by Sam Lord’s Castle). 6 wins to 8, 2014, $169,475,
3rd Rise Jim S.-R (SUF, $5,000), Last Dance S.-R (SUF, $5,000).
Marina Nolan (f. by Slew City Slew). 7 wins, 2 to 7, $86,301, 2nd Northern Lights Debutante S.-R (CBY, $11,000), 3rd Minnesota Oaks-R
(CBY, $6,600).
2nd dam
FRANCINE NOLAN, by Ascot Knight. 2 wins. Dam of 5 winners, including-Indy’s Ahyoka. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $91,714.
3rd dam
PROVINETTE, by Private Account. Placed at 2 and 3, $24,360. Dam of 3 foals
to race, all winners, including-HAZEL’S HONOR. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $111,131, Kattegat’s Pride S. [L]
(LRL, $45,000), Valdale S. (TP, $24,800), etc. Producer. Granddam of
WEST SIDE BERNIE (2 wins, $408,860 in N.A./U.S., Kentucky Cup
Juvenile S. [G3], TP, $60,760, 2nd Wood Memorial S. [G1], AQU, $150,000, Boyd Gaming’s Delta Jackpot S. [G3], DED, $150,000, 3rd Holy
Bull S. [G3], GP, $15,000), OLE’S MISS (3 wins to 3, 2014, $114,840
in Canada, Boulevard Casino S., HST, $30,000, etc.; winner in 1 start at
3, 2014, $27,500 in N.A./U.S., Kent H., EMD, $27,500, Total: $134,596).
4th dam
DEVINETTE, by Secretariat. Winner, $16,368. Half-sister to ARCHREGENT
($178,630, sire), HIGH VOLTAGE SPORT. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-HEY HAZEL. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $874,238, Molly Pitcher H. [G2], Arlington
Matron H. [G3], Carousel S. [G3], Ontario Lassie S. [R] (GRD, $67,473CAN), etc. Producer. Granddam of Gipsycom (Total: $93,575).
My Sweet Country. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $82,104. Dam of RILEY TUCKER (8
wins, $667,116, Aristides S. [G3], CD, $66,229, etc.), PATRIOT LOVE
(4 wins, $359,053), DEPUTY COUNTRY (Total: $341,143, sire). G’dam
of DISPOSABLEPLEASURE (4 wins, $535,460, Demoiselle S. [G2],
Sixty Sails H. [G3], etc.), ROMANTIC HIDEAWAY ($128,520).
Secret World. Winner at 2 and 3 in Brazil. Dam of PURA CLASSE [G1];
SECRET RIDGE (BRZ) [G1]; Secret Affair.
Engagements: ITOBA Stakes.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Wanda Garst
Terrific Cookies
Glasnost . . . . . . . . . . .
Terrific Cookies . .
Bay filly;
April 3, 2013
Laud and Cookies . . .
Awesome Again . . . . .
Rabiadella . . . . . . . . .
Fiscal . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Don’s Lucky Cookie . .
Deputy Minister
Primal Force
Crystal Goddess
Private Account
French Legionaire
By GLASNOST (2002), unplaced in 2 starts. Half-brother to black type winners Diadella ($563,274, Canadian H. [G2]-ntr, etc.), Say a Novena ($329,870), El Kingdom. Son of Awesome Again [G1], $4,374,590, sire of 54
black type winners, including champions Ginger Punch [G1[ ($3,065,603),
Ghostzapper [G1]-ntr. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014.
1st dam
LAUD AND COOKIES, by Fiscal. Unraced. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
DON’S LUCKY COOKIE, by French Legionaire. Placed at 3, $6,680. Sister to
Dr. D. S. D. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners-Power in the Blood. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $38,491.
Prospectaire. Winner at 4, $8,375.
3rd dam
LUCKYFORTUNECOOKIE, by Aloma’s Ruler. 2 wins at 4, $4,900. Dam of 2
other foals, including-Dr. D. S. D. 3 wins at 3, $67,625, 2nd Horizon S.-R (RD, $7,000).
4th dam
BRADLEY’S COPY, by Cahasa. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $61,531, Winsham Lad H.,
2nd Las Ninas S. Fillies, Las Senoritas S., 3rd Golden Harvest H.-G3,
Aspen S., Festos H. Half-sister to BRADLEY’S KUNUMERA ($74,800,
Ruidoso Sprint Championship H., etc.). Dam of 3 other foals, 2 winners-Whitehead Firstpro. 14 wins, 2 to 7, $69,431.
Whiteheads a Ruler. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $67,778. Etr.
Whitehead’s Copy. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-Navagatior. Winner at 2, $29,834.
Whitelaunch. Winner at 6, $23,293.
Glass and Glow. Winner at 4, $13,636.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Martini Justice
Lantana Mob . . . . . . .
Martini Justice . . .
Dark bay/br. colt;
February 11, 2013
Thendara . . . . . . . . . .
Posse . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lantana . . . . . . . . . . .
Sekari (GB) . . . . . . . . .
Cornish Runner . . . . .
Silver Deputy
Sea Art
Polish Precedent
Secret Seeker
Cornish Prince
Gunner’s Runner
By LANTANA MOB (2005), black type winner of 6 races, $420,411, Sapling
S. [G3], Hirsch Jacobs S. [G3], Tyro S., Bachelor S., 3rd Carry Back S.
[G2], Gallant Bob H., Favorite Trick Breeders’ Cup S. Son of Posse [G2],
$662,841, sire of 22 black type winners, including Kodiak Kowboy [G1]
(champion). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners.
1st dam
THENDARA, by Sekari (GB). Unraced. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 4 to race,
3 winners, including-Classic Justice (f. by Bandini). Winner at 3, $36,040.
Genuine Justice (g. by Honour and Glory). Winner at 2, $30,468.
2nd dam
Cornish Runner, by Cornish Prince. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $112,224, 2nd Rosetown S. Dam of 8 winners, including-CARR DE NASKRA (c. by Star de Naskra). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $831,672,
Travers S.-G1, Jim Dandy S.-G2, Carry Back H. [L], [Q] at Aqueduct,
2nd Marlboro Cup Invitational H.-G1, Suburban H. [G1], Monmouth H.
[G1], Whitney H. [G1], Pegasus H.-G2, Governor’s Cup H.-G3, 3rd Carter H. [G2]. Sire.
UNDER ORDERS (c. by State Dinner). 11 wins, 2 to 6, $241,373, Woodchopper H. [O], Louisiana H. (FG, $16,395), Tenacious H., etc. Sire.
Pink Tomato (f. by Vanlandingham). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $72,355, 3rd Honeybee S. [G3], etc. Dam of Tiger Kids (Total: $392,655), etc.
Lake Chase. Placed at 3, $3,550. Dam of 3 winners, including-Powerful Package (f. by Star de Naskra). 4 wins, $243,730, 2nd Monmouth Beach S. [L] (MTH, $10,000), etc. Dam of DERWIN’S STAR (f.
by Wildcat Heir) 7 wins, $603,330 in N.A./U.S., Bed o’ Roses H. [G3],
BEL, $90,000, Charles Town Oaks [L], CT, $232,800, 2nd Ballerina S.
[G1], SAR, $100,000, Jostle S. [L], PHA, $40,000, 3rd Delaware Oaks
[G2], etc.; winner in 2 starts, $36,220 in Canada, Total: $639,070.
3rd dam
GUNNER’S RUNNER, by Royal Gunner. 3 wins at 3, $8,261. Half-sister to
WINGED WISHES (6 wins, $85,242, Ashland S.-G3, Schuylkill S.-G3,
etc., dam of TRUE WISH, granddam of Mike’s Emma Rose, Ann
Accolade). Dam of 5 foals to race, all winners, including-GALLANT GUNNER. 3 wins at 4, $15,296 in N.A./U.S.; winner in Dominican Republic, Premio Aniversario.
Cornish Runner. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Do It Darling. Winner at 2, $13,800. Producer. Great-granddam of PERFECT PLAN ($93,180), PERSONAL DECISON, Personal Plan.
How Fortunate. Unraced. Dam of MOMENTS OF FORTUNE, Tik Fa
[G3]. Granddam of MOON’S DUSTY STAR ($192,890), Mystery Star.
Registered Ohio-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Consigned by Cove Springs LLC, Agent
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Filly
Star Cat . . . . . . . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Filly .
March 10, 2013
Leaving Virginia . . . . .
Storm Cat . . . . . . . . . .
Ashado . . . . . . . . . . . .
Crafty Prospector . . . .
Secretaridge . . . . . . .
Storm Bird
Saint Ballado
Mr. Prospector
Real Crafty Lady
Castle Ridge
By STAR CAT (2007), unraced. Son of Storm Cat, $570,610, Young America S. [G1], 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juv. [G1], etc., leading sire twice, sire of
177 black type winners, 8 champions, including Giant’s Causeway [G1]
($3,078,989), Storm Flag Flying [G1] ($1,951,828). His first foals are 3year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners Purrpurrpurr (to 3, 2014, $59,751), etc.
1st dam
LEAVING VIRGINIA, by Crafty Prospector. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, 2 to
race, including a 2-year-old of 2014, one winner-Leavin Early (g. by Aeneas). Winner at 3, $5,887.
2nd dam
SECRETARIDGE, by Secretariat. 6 wins, $120,234, Illinois Oaks [LR] (HAW,
$30,990), 3rd Inverness H. (AP, $5,313). Dam of 4 winners, including-CHICAGO SIX (c. by Wild Again). 16 wins, 3 to 6, $733,347, National Jockey Club H. [G3]-ntr, Sportsman’s Park Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (SPT, $62,000), Prairie Meadows H. [L] (PRM, $60,000), Milwaukee Avenue H.-R
(SPT, $45,000) twice, Illinois Coronet H.-R (HAW, $45,000) twice, Western Playboy S.-R (AP, $31,170), Cisk S., etc. Set ntr. Sire.
Traffic Jammer. Dam of WAVE ME BY (g. by Untuttable) $111,422.
3rd dam
CASTLE RIDGE, by Riva Ridge. Winner at 2 and 3, $21,960. Half-sister to
GAY STYLE ($175,275 in N.A./U.S., Santa Barbara H.-G1, etc., greatgranddam of EISHIN DEPUTY [G1], Total: $4,004,176; LENNYFROMALIBU, $442,165; HEAT DU JOUR, to 4, 2014, $256,998), CoiffureG3 (dam of SPIT CURL-G1; etc.; g’dam of HOOKIPA WAVE, Total:
$1,731,966; etc.; great-granddam of MARUKA PHOENIX [G2], Total: $2,748,776; HIRABOKU ROYAL, Total: $952,641; CRAFTY BEAR,
$321,230; etc.), Ivory Hunter. Dam of 5 winners, including-SECRETARIDGE. Black type winner, see above.
Boat in a Moat. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, all winners, including-NATIVE BOAT. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $191,913, Marigold S. [L] (TP, $33,865), etc. Producer. Granddam of Father Wayne (7 wins, $144,076),
Ooey Gooey (to 3, 2014, $69,086), Boat’s Ghost.
DOUBLE DEVILS FOOD. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $170,677, Misty Isle S.
(AP, $28,080), etc. Dam of Dear to All (to 4, 2014, $111,774).
Diamond Affair. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $104,488, 3rd Mountaineer Park HBPA
H.-R (MNR, $6,308). Producer.
Bradford Bay. 5 wins, $85,589, 3rd Wilma C. Kennedy S. (ELP, $3,503).
Carolsails. Winner, $16,568. Dam of Pampered (5 wins, $158,498).
Royal Skiff. 4 wins, $22,909. Dam of Lord de Ville (10 wins, $126,647). Granddam of CROTON ROAD (9 wins, $248,449).
Boat House. Unraced. Dam of Vinny V. (11 wins, $196,872).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Blaine Davidson
Dark Bay or Brown Filly
Artemus Sunrise . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Filly .
April 2, 2013
Lighting Bopers . . . . .
Tale of the Cat . . . . . .
Eggs Binnedict . . . . . .
Cape Storm . . . . . . . .
Liltin Jill . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storm Cat
Mlle. Liebe
Storm Cat
Club Class
Armed Bupers
By ARTEMUS SUNRISE (2001), black type winner of 8 races, $361,130,
Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3]-ntr, 2nd West Virginia Governor’s S., Michael G. Schaefer Mile S., Texas Glitter H., 3rd Governor’s H.
Half-brother to Hash It Out. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
5 winners, $167,930, including C J’s Sunrise (at 4, 2014, $53,206).
1st dam
LIGHTING BOPERS, by Cape Storm. 5 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 3, $178,455,
Miss Indiana S.-R (HOO, $62,100), Vincennes S.-R (HOO, $32,760),
Frances Slocum S.-R (HOO, $31,770), Merrillville S.-R (HOO, $31,740).
Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-SEAPOPS (g. by Le Casque Gris). 5 wins, 4 to 8, $170,167, William
Henry Harrison S.-R (IND, $51,708).
C J’s Sunrise (f. by Artemus Sunrise). Winner at 4, 2014, $52,666.
2nd dam
LILTIN JILL, by Verbatim. Winner at 4, $7,593. Dam of 4 winners, including-BEBOPPIN BABY (g. by Hatchet Man). 13 wins, 3 to 8, $842,540, Washington Park H. [G2], Prairie Meadows Cornhusker Breeders’ Cup H.
[G3]-ntr, Demetri’s Boy H. [R] (HAW, $31,200), 2nd Precisionist H. [L]
(PRM, $15,000), Milwaukee Avenue H. [R] (SPT, $13,000), 3rd Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G3] twice, Milwaukee Avenue H.-R (SPT, $8,250)
three times, Illinois Coronet H.-R (HAW, $7,051), etc.
LIGHTING BOPERS (f. by Cape Storm). Black type winner, see above.
Lady From Lima. Winner at 3, $11,259. Dam of Prohibitive (g. by E
Dubai) 4 wins, $135,843; Appoint (f. by Point Given) $80,009.
Jill’s Hill. Unraced. Dam of Seattle Hill (g. by Slew City Slew).
3rd dam
ARMED BUPERS, by Bupers. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $17,446. Half-sister to Hungarian Venus. Dam of 9 foals, 8 winners, including-Arm the Natives. Winner at 4, $60,115, 2nd Bourbonette S. [L] (TP,
$10,640), etc. Dam of It Is (21 wins in N.A./U.S., Total: $323,498).
Rog ’n’ John. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $42,619, 3rd Isaac Murphy Memorial S.-R.
Tellarm. 2 wins at 3, $20,083. Dam of 5 winners, including-MR. HATCH. 4 wins, $103,938, Balmoral Illinois Heritage S. [LR], etc.
Outta My Way Man. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $220,561, 3rd Knickerbocker H.
[G3], Fourstardave S. [G3], OBS Championship S. [R] (OTC, $11,000).
Fun Talk. 4 wins, $86,832, 2nd Violet S. [LR], etc. Producer.
Miss Tattletale. Unraced. Dam of Padre Tio (7 wins, $74,642), Claimjumper’s Gold. Granddam of Hesluckytoo (5 wins, $122,798).
Another Jo. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $110,625. Dam of Labar (6 wins, $271,558).
Nak. Placed at 3. Dam of WINNING ACTRESS (2 wins, $105,968, granddam of Bet the Power. 10 wins to 5, placed at 6, 2014, $323,942).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Crystal Chapple, DVM
Weekend Melody
City Weekend . . . . . . .
Weekend Melody .
Dark bay/br. filly;
April 26, 2013
Lost Her Tune . . . . . . .
Carson City . . . . . . . .
Weekend Storm . . . . .
Lost Soldier . . . . . . . .
Yesterday’s Tune . . . .
Mr. Prospector
Blushing Promise
Storm Bird
Weekend Surprise
Lady Winborne
Parisian Tune
By CITY WEEKEND (2002), $270,273, 2nd Vincent A. Moscarelli Memorial
S. Half-brother to Court Vision [G1] ($3,746,658), Smart Surprise [G3],
etc. Sire of 4 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014, 31 winners, $1,239,348, including Lena Love (at 3, 2014, $68,485, ITOBA Stallion Season Fillies S.), black type-placed Clyde Park (to 4, 2014), Downtown Kid, etc.
1st dam
LOST HER TUNE, by Lost Soldier. 2 wins at 3, $18,271. Dam of 3 foals of
racing age, all winners, including-Cantico (f. by City Weekend). Winner at 3, 2014, $31,980, 3rd ITOBA
Stallion Season Fillies S. (IND, $8,085).
2nd dam
YESTERDAY’S TUNE, by Premiership. 2 wins at 3, $35,480. Dam of 8 foals
to race, all winners, including-DELTALICIOUS (f. by Teton Foret). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $108,705, Louisiana Cup Juvenile Fillies S.-R (LAD, $45,000), 2nd Opelousas S. [L]
(EVD, $15,000), 3rd D. S. Shine Young Mem. Futurity-R (EVD, $13,910).
Little Rich. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $193,820.
3rd dam
PARISIAN TUNE, by Tunerup. Winner at 2, $5,960. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-PARISIAN FLIGHT. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $535,833, Genuine Risk S. [G2],
Garden State Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. [G3], American Beauty S. [L]
(OP, $35,100), Carousel H. [L] (OP, $33,150), Victoria Lass Breeders’
Cup H. (FG, $25,050), Moccasin H. (LAD, $21,000), Pan Zareta S. (FG,
$18,960), 2nd Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S. [G3], Azalea H.
[L], Gay Matelda S. [L], etc. Dam of Spitfire Man ($161,680), etc.
CONCORDE’S TUNE. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $242,585, Great Falls S. (MED,
$21,000), Mendham S. (MED, $21,000), Thomas Edison S., etc. Sire.
Broadway Tune. 4 wins, $99,653, 2nd Medieval Victory S., etc.
Parisian Zeal. Winner. Dam of Le Cordon Bleu [G3] (5 wins, $219,854).
Parisian Deputy. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $150,694. Dam of Anaan (to 8, 2014).
Houston Tune. Placed at 3. Dam of 5 winners, including-BOLD DECISION. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $188,052, Say Florida Sandy S.-R
(BEL, $36,450), 2nd Jaipur H. [G3] (BEL, $22,300), etc. Set ntr.
Capote’s Tune. Placed. Dam of Camptown Tune (4 wins, $103,041), etc.
Granddam of Whomping Willow (at 3, 2014), Dancing Elliebelle.
4th dam
PARIS OR BUST, by Francis S. Winner at 3. Half-sister to PARIS REVIEW-G3; BACK IN PARIS ($154,366), JOANS PARIS, NEVER IN
PARIS, Voler-G3. Dam of 6 winners, including Home in Paris (9 wins,
$74,745, 2nd Hallandale H., sire). Great-g’dam of Bust the Record
(13 wins, $121,362, 2nd Chick Lang Jr. Mem. H., RET, $7,000).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Breakway Farm LLC
Buddythejawbreaker . . . .
Chestnut colt;
February 22, 2013
Star Cat . . . . . . . . . . .
Lyric Praise . . . . . . . .
Storm Cat . . . . . . . . . .
Ashado . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flatter . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lyric Poem . . . . . . . . .
Storm Bird
Saint Ballado
A.P. Indy
Golden Gear
Lyric Opera
By STAR CAT (2007), unraced. Son of Storm Cat, $570,610, Young America S. [G1], 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juv. [G1], etc., leading sire twice, sire of
177 black type winners, 8 champions, including Giant’s Causeway [G1]
($3,078,989), Storm Flag Flying [G1] ($1,951,828). His first foals are 3year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners Purrpurrpurr (to 3, 2014, $59,751), etc.
1st dam
LYRIC PRAISE, by Flatter. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 2 foals of racing age,
including a 3-year-old of 2014, one to race-Break Away Bull (g. by Holy Bull). Placed at 4, 2014, $3,525.
2nd dam
LYRIC POEM, by Golden Gear. Placed to 3, $24,780. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-Lonely Whistle (g. by Say Florida Sandy). 8 wins, 3 to 7, placed at 8,
2014, $170,574, 2nd Woodlawn S. (PIM, $10,000), 3rd Henry S. Clark S.
Good Going Darl (r. by Freud). 2 wins at 3, $98,174, 2nd Wanderkin S.-R.
3rd dam
LYRIC OPERA, by Cormorant. Placed at 4, $17,380. Sister to PRINCESS
SYBIL. Dam of 3 winners, including-Lyre. 5 wins to 6, $175,555, 3rd Ellis Park Juvenile S. [L] (ELP, $8,250).
4th dam
DAME SYBIL, by Elocutionist. Unraced. Half-sister to MENIFEE (5 wins,
$1,732,000, Haskell Invitational H. [G1], etc., sire), DESERT WINE (8
wins, $1,618,043, Hollywood Gold Cup-G1, etc., sire), ARSAAN (dam
of Hanarsaan [G3], $437,870; granddam of ROSA DELLE ALPI),
Excavate [G2] ($201,089, sire), Dupree (granddam of IRISH FURY).
Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners, including-ALANNAN. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $581,141, Commonwealth Breeders’ Cup S.
[G2], Lane’s End Churchill Downs H. [G2]-ntr, Rumson S. [L] (MTH,
$45,000), 2nd Aristides H. [G3], 3rd Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.
PRINCESS SYBIL. 14 wins, $256,110, Iroquois S. [R] (AQU, $41,220),
Mill Race H., etc. Dam of Multiple Wins ($283,316 in N.A./U.S.).
NEVER SPEAKING. 13 wins, $246,100, Lafayette Futurity, etc.
La Sarto. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $91,480. Dam of LES ARCS (12 wins, 527,591
pounds in England, hwt on English Free H., Darley July Cup [G1], Golden
Jubilee S. [G1], etc., Total: $959,662), WHITE MOUNTAIN BOY (4
wins, $167,470), SARTO (4 wins, $141,083), Oxford Charley [G3] (to
5, 2014). Granddam of Chief Outsourcer (4 wins, $132,966).
Sybil’s Conquest. 2 wins at 3 in Japan. Total: $341,613. Dam of Dancing
Color (Total: $826,156). G’dam of Various Moon (Total: $461,231).
Verse. Unraced. Dam of Estrela Brimer [G2] (2 wins in Brazil). Granddam
of CATCHER IN THE SKY [G2] (5 wins in Brazil).
Damson. Unraced. Granddam of School Captain [G2] (in South Africa).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Consigned by Elliott Farms, Agent
Dark Bay or Brown Gelding
Article of Faith . . . . . .
Dk Bay/Br. Gelding
March 9, 2013
Maggie’s Dream . . . . .
Storm Cat . . . . . . . . . .
Nany’s Sweep . . . . . .
Philadream . . . . . . . . .
Black Lana Jane . . . .
Storm Bird
End Sweep
Nany’s Appeal
Terrible Terri T.
Ski Racer
Lana Jane
By ARTICLE OF FAITH (2004), unraced. Half-brother to She’s Indy Money
[G3] ($342,314). Sire of 4 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014, $1,550,647, including Joint Tenant (3 wins to 4, 2014, $181,497, Governor’s S.),
Slacker (9 wins to 5, 2014, $151,622, Indiana Stallion S.), black type-placed Consumed ($109,120), Tricia’s Trama (to 3, 2014), Deliver, etc.
1st dam
MAGGIE’S DREAM, by Philadream. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $183,341, Merrillville S.R (HOO, $26,250), Madison County S.-R (HOO, $25,980), Richmond S.R (HOO, $25,500), 2nd Indiana Stallion S.-R (HOO, $10,650). Sister to
HERESYOUR CHICKEY, Lana’s Dream. Dam of 2 foals of racing age-Maggie’s Best (g. by Article of Faith). 4 wins, 3 to 5, 2014, $87,063.
Tax Breaker (f. by Article of Faith). 3 wins at 2 and 4, 2014, $43,516.
2nd dam
BLACK LANA JANE, by Ski Racer. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-MAGGIE’S DREAM (f. by Philadream). Black type winner, see above.
HERESYOUR CHICKEY (f. by Philadream). 7 wins, 2 to 6, $137,290,
Richmond S.-R (HOO, $25,860), 2nd Frances Slocum S.-R (HOO, $8,620), Merrillville S.-R (HOO, $8,590), 3rd Madison County S.-R (HOO,
$5,957). Dam of 3 foals, all winners, including-MADE YOUR MOVES (g. by Mt. Livermore). 2 wins at 2, $37,234, Hillsdale S.-R (HOO, $27,000).
Lana’s Dream (g. by Philadream). Winner at 3, $50,567, 2nd Indiana Stallion S.-R (HOO, $20,000).
3rd dam
LANA JANE, by Lanyon. Winner at 2. Dam of 2 other foals, one to race.
4th dam
MARTHA JANE, by Grip Ball. Unraced. Dam of 5 other winners-Ole Crip. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $28,806.
Brother Slim. 2 wins at 3, $6,993.
K. K. Lad. Winner at 4.
Lanyon Gal. Winner at 2. Producer.
Ronda Jane. Winner at 3. Producer.
Lanyons Trick. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, one winner-LANYONS STAR. 21 wins, 2 to 11, $450,915, Mathis Brothers Remington Futurity [L] (RP, $158,448), Woodlands Juvenile S. (WDS, $16,440), 2nd Remington Park Derby [L] (RP, $50,000), Spanish Moss S.
(LAD, $8,000), 3rd Independence H. [L] (LAD, $6,270), Woodlands
Derby [L] (WDS, $5,500), South Regional Final Fourteen S. [L] (RP,
$7,000), Fifth Season Breeders’ Cup S. (OP, $4,680), Best of the West
H. (RP, $4,968). Set ntr at Woodlands Park.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of
Rachelle Steiner-Wexler/Good Hope Stables
Kit Kat
Kitalpha . . . . . . . . . . .
Kit Kat . . . . . . . . . .
Dark bay/br. filly;
March 23, 2012
Matthew’s Cookie . . . .
Mr. Prospector . . . . . .
Miesque . . . . . . . . . . .
Desert Secret (IRE) . .
Kona Lady . . . . . . . . .
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Sadler’s Wells
Hula Chief
Lady Aristocrat
By KITALPHA (1999), unraced. Brother to Kingmambo [G1], etc. Leading
sire in Zimbabwe twice. Sire of 9 crops, 20 black type winners, including
Killaridge (champion, Sport 2,200 [G3], etc.), Rebecca’s Fleet (horse of
the year twice, champion twice), Frogwatch (champion), Moroccan [G2],
Unbelievable Dream (to 4, 2014, $173,105, Appalachian S. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
MATTHEW’S COOKIE, by Desert Secret (IRE). 5 wins at 3 and 5, $41,410.
Dam of 2 other foals of racing age, one to race-Moon Over Michigan (f. by Reserch). Winner at 3, $18,207.
2nd dam
Kona Lady, by Hula Chief. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $81,973, 3rd Black Letter H. Dam
of 9 foals to race, all winners, including-BONITA CHICA (f. by Turkoman). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $299,522, Peach of It
H.-R (SPT, $45,000), Violet S.-R (SPT, $39,000), Darley Dancer H.-R
(SPT, $31,950), 2nd Darley Dancer H.-R (HAW, $10,680), 3rd Little
Sucker S.-R (HAW, $10,341), Colfax Maid S.-R (AP, $6,160). Dam of-BORROWING BASE (f. by Personal Flag). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $515,421,
Ladies H. [L] (AQU, $49,260), Power Lunch S. (AQU, $40,350), 2nd
Saratoga Dew S.-R (SAR, $16,300), Donor S. (BEL, $13,740), etc.
Call Me Kona Too (f. by No House Call). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $36,539, 3rd
Illinois Stallion S. [R] (HAW, $2,545).
Kenneth. 12 wins, 3 to 12, $273,890.
Jacque Rock. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $168,628.
3rd dam
LADY ARISTOCRAT, by Aristocratic. 3 wins. Dam of 9 winners, including-Kona Lady. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Aristocratic Dawn. 3 wins, $18,600. Granddam of Our Ravishing Baby.
Lady Ruler. 15 wins, 2 to 7, $231,313. Producer.
4th dam
JAY LADY, by Double Jay. Winner at 4, $4,535. Dam of 9 winners, including-LOU ROSENBUSH. 14 wins, 2 to 7, $210,277, Constellation H., etc.
Redwing Blackbird. 2 wins. Dam of Proud Emilia [G3] (broodmare of the
year), Northern Black, Vaez. Granddam of DOMINGO (champion, Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), LUCKY EMILIA [G3]; SAINT EMILIA (PER) [G3]
(dam of THUNDERING EMILIA [G3], Total: $140,963).
Queen’s Ballad. Unraced. Dam of Charlie’s Angel. Granddam of JACK’S
STORM, Sox On Top ($331,520), etc. Great-g’dam of Cart’s Linda.
Swinging High. Unraced. Dam of Blue Eyed Ike. Granddam of NOZTREM
(17 wins, $332,821, Pelleteri H. [L], FG, $61,320, etc.).
Race Record: At 2, 2014, has not started.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Property of
Rachelle Steiner-Wexler/Good Hope Stables
Hip No.
Zanjero . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lucy . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bay filly;
April 22, 2013
Matthew’s Cookie . . . .
Cherokee Run . . . . . .
Checkered Flag . . . . .
Desert Secret (IRE) . .
Kona Lady . . . . . . . . .
Runaway Groom
Cherokee Dame
A.P. Indy
Shawnee Creek
Sadler’s Wells
Hula Chief
Lady Aristocrat
By ZANJERO (2004), black type winner of 6 races, $1,620,786, Indiana
Derby [G2], Ky. Cup Classic S. [G2], WV Derby [G3], WV Governor’s S.,
2nd Remsen S. [G2], etc. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
52 winners, $1,572,613, including Johnny Handsome ($137,565, Crescent City Derby, etc.), black type-placed R S Watson (to 4, 2014), etc.
1st dam
MATTHEW’S COOKIE, by Desert Secret (IRE). 5 wins at 3 and 5, $41,410.
Dam of 3 foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old of 2014, one to race-Moon Over Michigan (f. by Reserch). Winner at 3, $18,207.
2nd dam
Kona Lady, by Hula Chief. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $81,973, 3rd Black Letter H. Dam
of 9 foals to race, all winners, including-BONITA CHICA (f. by Turkoman). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $299,522, Peach of It
H.-R (SPT, $45,000), Violet S.-R (SPT, $39,000), Darley Dancer H.-R
(SPT, $31,950), 2nd Darley Dancer H.-R (HAW, $10,680), 3rd Little
Sucker S.-R (HAW, $10,341), Colfax Maid S.-R (AP, $6,160). Dam of-BORROWING BASE (f. by Personal Flag). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $515,421,
Ladies H. [L] (AQU, $49,260), Power Lunch S. (AQU, $40,350), 2nd
Saratoga Dew S.-R (SAR, $16,300), Donor S. (BEL, $13,740), etc.
Call Me Kona Too (f. by No House Call). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $36,539, 3rd
Illinois Stallion S. [R] (HAW, $2,545).
Kenneth. 12 wins, 3 to 12, $273,890.
Jacque Rock. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $168,628.
3rd dam
LADY ARISTOCRAT, by Aristocratic. 3 wins at 3, $14,202. Dam of 11 foals, 10
to race, 9 winners, including-Kona Lady. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Aristocratic Dawn. 3 wins, $18,600. Granddam of Our Ravishing Baby.
Lady Ruler. 15 wins, 2 to 7, $231,313. Producer.
4th dam
JAY LADY, by Double Jay. Winner at 4, $4,535. Dam of 9 winners, including-LOU ROSENBUSH. 14 wins, 2 to 7, $210,277, Constellation H., etc.
Redwing Blackbird. 2 wins. Dam of Proud Emilia [G3] (broodmare of the
year), Northern Black, Vaez. Granddam of DOMINGO (champion, Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), LUCKY EMILIA [G3]; SAINT EMILIA (PER) [G3]
(dam of THUNDERING EMILIA [G3], Total: $140,963).
Queen’s Ballad. Unraced. Dam of Charlie’s Angel. Granddam of JACK’S
STORM, Sox On Top ($331,520), etc. Great-g’dam of Cart’s Linda.
Swinging High. Unraced. Dam of Blue Eyed Ike. Granddam of NOZTREM
(17 wins, $332,821, Pelleteri H. [L], FG, $61,320, etc.).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of
Allie Racing Stable/Scooter Arnold
Dark Bay or Brown Gelding
Drewman . . . . . . . . . .
Dk Bay/Br. Gelding
May 3, 2012
Miss Aspen . . . . . . . .
Unbridled . . . . . . . . . .
Lucky Soph . . . . . . . .
Bianconi . . . . . . . . . . .
Classical Code . . . . . .
Gana Facil
Lucky Spell
Fall Aspen
Lost Code
Genie’s Tune
By DREWMAN (1998), black type-placed winner of 5 races, $188,852, 2nd
Diplomat Way H., 3rd Iowa Derby. Sire of 8 crops, 106 winners, $5,288,335, including black type winners Cigar Man ($426,923, All American S.
[G3], etc.), Too Experience ($218,330), Taylors Irish ($204,223), Lisa’s
Booby Trap ($182,440), Just Playin Around (to 9, 2014, $196,974).
1st dam
MISS ASPEN, by Bianconi. Winner at 2, $18,110. Dam of 2 other foals, 2 to
race, including-Ur Up Zip (g. by Mancini). 2 wins at 4, placed at 5, 2014, $26,706.
2nd dam
CLASSICAL CODE, by Lost Code. Placed at 3. Dam of 4 winners, including-Campo de Maniobras. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $94,718.
3rd dam
GENIE’S TUNE, by The Minstrel. 2 wins, $51,422. Dam of 3 winners, including-Masse’. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $115,931, 2nd Remington Park Oaks [L] (RP,
$10,000), Redbud H. (RP, $5,420), etc. Dam of 4 winners, including-Runaway Runaway. 2 wins at 3, $43,931, 3rd Oklahoma Classics Turf
S.-R (RP, $4,453), E. L. Gaylord Memorial S.-R (RP, $4,300).
4th dam
T. V. Genie, by T. V. Commercial. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $63,996, 2nd Eatontown H., 3rd Little Silver H.-G3. Half-sister to KELSO ($1,977,896, horse
of the year 5 times, champion 5 times, Washington D.C., International,
etc.), Pure Flight (sire). Dam of 7 winners, including-BUSTED STITCHES. 8 wins in 15 starts at 3 and 4, $107,801, Lyrique
H. [L] (LAD, $30,000), Cornucopia H. (LAD, $16,800), Azalea H. Producer. Granddam of Bengal Lore (11 wins, $208,531).
Foreign T. V. Winner at 3. Dam of AWESOME DEAL (Total: $126,306).
Genie’s Flight. Placed. Dam of SILVER ON SILVER ($150,768, sire).
K. B. Genie. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including-JETSTAR GENIE. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $182,813, Belle Isle S. (DET, $16,125), etc. Dam of Jet Trial (11 wins, $154,600, 2nd Snow King S.).
Anxiety. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $44,068, 3rd Inkster H. (DET, $3,080).
Comox Genie. Winner at 2, $26,514, 2nd Jack Diamond Futurity-R (EP,
$19,004-CAN), 3rd Lassie S. (EP, $4,510-CAN).
Michelky. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 8 winners, including-SCUDAN. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $409,475, Red Earth Derby [L] (RP, $60,000)ntr, Thistledown Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (TDN, $93,728), Long
Branch Breeders’ Cup S. (MTH, $39,300), 3rd Haskell Inv. H. [G1].
Lord Michel. 5 wins, 71,340,000 yen in Japan. Total: $617,430.
Sansho O. 3 wins, 58,494,000 yen in Japan. Total: $513,284.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Anthony and Jody Guida
Dark Bay or Brown Colt
Star Cat . . . . . . . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Colt .
April 28, 2013
Miss Chaucer . . . . . . .
Storm Cat . . . . . . . . . .
Ashado . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lure . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exotic Moves . . . . . . .
Storm Bird
Saint Ballado
Syrian Dancer
By STAR CAT (2007), unraced. Son of Storm Cat, $570,610, Young America S. [G1], 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juv. [G1], etc., leading sire twice, sire of
177 black type winners, 8 champions, including Giant’s Causeway [G1]
($3,078,989), Storm Flag Flying [G1] ($1,951,828). His first foals are 3year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners Purrpurrpurr (to 3, 2014, $59,751), etc.
1st dam
MISS CHAUCER, by Lure. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old
of 2014, five to race, including-Enticement (g. by Richter Scale). 2 wins at 4, $8,691.
2nd dam
EXOTIC MOVES, by Miswaki. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $221,854, Lady Ladbroke H.
(DET, $15,000), etc. Dam of 3 winners, including-TAP YOUR FEET (f. by Dixieland Band). 3 wins at 3, $125,930, Illini Princess H.-R (HAW, $45,000), etc. Dam of 2 winners-DIAMONDRELLA (GB) (f. by Rock of Gibraltar-IRE). 8 wins, 3 to 5,
$825,808, Just a Game S. [G1], First Lady S. [G1], etc.
BONNIE BLUE FLAG (f. by Mineshaft). 3 wins at 3, $259,270, Cinemine S. [L] (LS, $60,000), 2nd Test S. [G1], 3rd Prioress S. [G1].
Scarlet Slipper. Unraced. Dam of NIKKIS SMARTYPANTS (f. by Smarty Jones) Royal North S. [G3], etc., Total: $264,907.
Leisurely Kin. Placed at 3 and 4, $18,798. Dam of 4 winners, including-SECRET KIN (f. by Sea of Secrets). 8 wins to 6, $416,041, Governor’s
Lady H.-R (HAW, $51,857), Lady Hallie S.-R (HAW, $52,920), etc.
Hoodwinked (g. by Successful Appeal). 7 wins, 3 to 7, 2014, $202,427,
3rd Addison Cammack S.-R (AP, $7,304).
3rd dam
SYRIAN DANCER, by Damascus. Unraced. Sister to BAILJUMPER, HONORABLE MISS, SYRIANNA. Dam of 10 winners, including-EXOTIC MOVES. Black type winner, see above.
ANGEL IN THE NIGHT. 13 wins in 17 starts, 2 to 5, $192,000, New York
Oaks-R (FL, $45,000), Lady Fingers S.-R (FL, $30,000), etc.
Windedawler. 5 wins, $93,236, 3rd Twin Lights S. (MTH, $4,200). Producer.
Great-granddam of Masnow Back (3rd Premio Pedro Chapar [G3]).
Reluctant Dancer. Winner, $40,835. Dam of Valliant Dancer ($155,425).
Dabir. Winner. Dam of Wild Wedding ($150,730), Milligram ($103,685).
4th dam
Court Circuit, by *Royal Vale. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $39,260, 2nd Pucker Up
H. Dam of 8 winners, including BAILJUMPER-G2 (5 wins, $119,363,
sire), HONORABLE MISS-G2 (19 wins, $437,973, granddam of MR.
FRITZ [G1]; TALLON [G1]; MISS DANCE [G3]; Nassau Square), SYRIANNA. Granddam of LADY D’ACCORD [G2] ($590,138), etc.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Ranhandle Justice
Lantana Mob . . . . . . .
Ranhandle Justice
Bay filly;
February 27, 2013
Art’s Sugar . . . . . . . . .
Posse . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lantana . . . . . . . . . . .
Louis Quatorze . . . . . .
Sugar’s Image . . . . . .
Silver Deputy
Sea Art
Sovereign Dancer
On to Royalty
Valid Appeal
Sugar Del
By LANTANA MOB (2005), black type winner of 6 races, $420,411, Sapling
S. [G3], Hirsch Jacobs S. [G3], Tyro S., Bachelor S., 3rd Carry Back S.
[G2], Gallant Bob H., Favorite Trick Breeders’ Cup S. Son of Posse [G2],
$662,841, sire of 22 black type winners, including Kodiak Kowboy [G1]
(champion). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners.
1st dam
ART’S SUGAR, by Louis Quatorze. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals of racing age,
including a 2-year-old of 2014, three to race, including-Samgwan Pilseung (c. by Put It Back). Winner at 3 in Republic of Korea.
2nd dam
SUGAR’S IMAGE, by Valid Appeal. 18 wins, 2 to 6, $381,093, First Lady H.
(GP, $29,736), Poinciana H. [O], Miami Beach S. [O], Candy Eclair S.,
etc. Sister to SUGAR’S APPEAL. Dam of 4 winners, including-HALO’S IMAGE (c. by Halo). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $549,891, Tropical Park H.
[G3], Broward H. [G3], Calder Derby [L] (CRC, $90,000), Spectacular
Bid Breeders’ Cup S. [L] (GP, $44,811), Thanksgiving Day H. [L] (CRC,
$30,000), Manatee H. (CRC, $15,855), 2nd Ben Ali [G3], Creme Fraiche H.
[G3], Preview S. [L] (GP,$15,000), Thanksgiving Day H. [L] (CRC,
$10,000), 3rd Florida Derby [G1], King’s Bishop S. [G2], etc. Sire.
Sugar Is Gold. Winner at 3, $5,770. Dam of 10 winners, including-SHOT OF GOLD (c. by Jolie’s Halo). 21 wins, 3 to 6, $515,033, Rushaway S. [L] (TP, $37,200), Coca-Cola Sprint H. (FON, $18,000), Minnesota HBPA Classic H. (CBY, $15,270), 2nd Lone Star Derby [L] (LS,
$45,000), Claiming Crown Jewel S.-R (CBY, $25,000), etc.
Mud Shark. 7 wins, 3 to 8, $213,940.
I Love Sugar. Placed at 3. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners, including-Gran’s Halo (c. by Jolie’s Halo). 4 wins at 4, $92,575, 2nd Cradle of
Jockeys Invitational S. (EVD, $6,000). Sire.
Wildwife. 3 wins, $43,148. Dam of R LOYAL MAN (c. by More Than
Ready) 5 wins, $179,888, Pasco S., TAM, $30,000, Inaugural S., TAM,
$27,000, 2nd Bashford Manor S. [G3], CD, $35,250, etc.
3rd dam
Sugar Del, by Crozier. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $36,630, 2nd Ruddy Belle S., Vizcaya
S. Dam of 8 winners, including-SUGAR’S IMAGE. Black type winner, see above.
SUGAR’S APPEAL. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $33,825, Regret Visitation S., etc.
Sugar Too. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $53,406, 3rd Melaleuca S. Dam of-SUNSHINE JEAN. 8 wins, $125,826, Cacapon S.-R (CT, $25,050).
Dance With Del. Placed. Dam of Dyna Del (6 wins, $170,220).
Believe in Sugar. Dam of Saint Believe It (4 wins, $94,615). Granddam
of SWEET REPENT [G3] (10 wins in 20 starts, $637,175).
Registered Ohio-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Property of
Rachelle Steiner-Wexler/Good Hope Stables
Hip No.
Kitalpha . . . . . . . . . . .
Twiggy . . . . . . . . . .
Dark bay//br. filly;
April 29, 2013
Moonlit Rose . . . . . . .
Mr. Prospector . . . . . .
Miesque . . . . . . . . . . .
Military . . . . . . . . . . . .
Match the Cache . . . .
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Wavering Girl
Lac Ouimet
By KITALPHA (1999), unraced. Brother to Kingmambo [G1], etc. Leading
sire in Zimbabwe twice. Sire of 9 crops, 20 black type winners, including
Killaridge (champion, Sport 2,200 [G3], etc.), Rebecca’s Fleet (horse of
the year twice, champion twice), Frogwatch (champion), Moroccan [G2],
Unbelievable Dream (to 4, 2014, $173,105, Appalachian S. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
MOONLIT ROSE, by Military. Winner at 4, $8,279. This is her second foal. Her
first foal is a 2-year-old of 2014, which has not started.
2nd dam
MATCH THE CACHE, by Lac Ouimet. Unraced. Dam of 1 other foal to race.
3rd dam
TORELIA, by Torsion. Dam of 8 winners, including-DR. KIERNAN. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $298,266, Bowling Green H. [G2], 3rd
Man o’ War S. [G1], Sword Dancer H. [G1], Seneca H. [G3].
MAJESTY’S TIME. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $240,790, Albany H. [LR] (SAR, $51,120), 2nd West Point H. [R] (SAR, $19,701), etc. Sire.
Champagne Cakes. Winner at 3 and 5, $34,400. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-WAUPACA. 14 wins, 2 to 7, $558,816, Woodchopper H. [L] (FG, $45,000),
Independence H. (LAD, $30,000), etc.
Burn Rate. 7 wins, 3 to 7, 2014, $124,294.
Palace Lady. Winner at 3, $22,750. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners-LORD LANGFUHR. 9 wins, 3 to 8, $420,633, Alex M. Robb H.-R (AQU,
$50,400), 3rd Saratoga Sunrise S.-R (SAR, $8,275), etc.
South Wing. 3 wins at 3, $203,432, 2nd New York Stallion Statue of
Liberty S.-R (SAR, $50,000), Montauk H.-R (AQU, $16,655), etc. Producer.
Duchess of Rokeby. 2 wins at 3, $112,499, 2nd New York Stallion
Staten Island S.-R (AQU, $15,000).
Lord Burleigh. 16 wins, 3 to 10, $268,410.
Torelia Deauville. Unraced. Dam of Windsor One O One ($22,540).
4th dam
MONELIA, by Mongo. Sister to Sunny Lad, half-sister to M’LLE. CYANNE
($116,675), Double Rhythm, Sentica. Dam of 13 winners, including-ROCK’N ROLLICK. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $136,677, E. Palmer Heagerty S.-R,
Find H.-R, 2nd Senatorial S.-R, Dragoon S., King Neptune S., etc. Sire.
COMMAND CONTROL. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $100,692, Maryland Futurity-R,
2nd Timonium Futurity, 3rd Playpen S.-R, Senatorial S.-R. Sire.
Here’s Your Hat. Winner at 2. Dam of HERE’S YOUR SILVER ($257,773,
dam of Tap Three Times; g’dam of DOUBLE ACTION, $241,635; KOTA),
Supreme Silver. G’dam of BIRR ($357,832, dam of Biorra), Harvey the
Rabbit. Great-g’dam of BRANDON’S MARFA ($273,713), KWIK, etc.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Consigned by Cove Springs LLC, Agent
Bay Colt
Star Cat . . . . . . . . . . .
Bay Colt . . . . . . . . .
April 29, 2013
Morgan Lane . . . . . . .
Storm Cat . . . . . . . . . .
Ashado . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chester House . . . . . .
Morgan J. . . . . . . . . . .
Storm Bird
Saint Ballado
Mr. Prospector
Strawberry Road (AUS)
Fay Morgan
By STAR CAT (2007), unraced. Son of Storm Cat, $570,610, Young America S. [G1], 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juv. [G1], etc., leading sire twice, sire of
177 black type winners, 8 champions, including Giant’s Causeway [G1]
($3,078,989), Storm Flag Flying [G1] ($1,951,828). His first foals are 3year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners Purrpurrpurr (to 3, 2014, $59,751), etc.
1st dam
MORGAN LANE, by Chester House. Winner at 4, $50,120. This is her second
foal. Her first foal is a 3-year-old of 2014, which has not started.
2nd dam
Morgan J., by Strawberry Road (AUS). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $214,382, 2nd
CERF S. [L] (DMR, $14,230), 3rd Bay Meadows Dash H. [L] (BM, $7,500). Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners, including-Lady On Fire. Winner at 2 in Russia; 4 wins at 4, $37,296 in N.A./U.S.
3rd dam
FAY MORGAN, by Cox’s Ridge. Unraced. Dam of 7 winners, including-TOREY RIDGE. 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, $56,970, Ascot Graduation S.
[L] (HST, $33,710-CAN), 2nd Juvenile Breeders’ Cup S. [L]. Sire.
Morgan J. Black type-placed winner, above.
Mt. Ouray. 5 wins, 2 to 7, $136,076, 3rd S. W. Randall Plate H. twice.
Willow Valley. Winner at 2, $26,240, 2nd Fantasy S. (HST, $8,840-CAN).
Dam of Stalwart Tee (21 wins to 9, 2014, $192,290, set ntr), etc.
4th dam
Fabulous Salt, by *Le Fabuleux. Winner at 3 in England, 3rd Playboy Pretty
Polly S.; winner, $39,925 in N.A./U.S. Half-sister to BALLARE (dam
of BALLADRY, $218,295; GOLD SEAM [G3]; Yellow Metal; granddam of BALLISTIC [G1], horse of the year in Chile twice, champion
3 times; AFTERNOON AFFAIR). Dam of 4 winners, including-KNOOSH. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2 and 3, 57,288 pounds in England, William Hill Trial S., etc. Total: $104,436. Dam of All Our Hope (3rd Sun
Chariot S. [G2]), Nooshman. G’dam of SAPHIRA’S FIRE [G2]. Greatgranddam of HARD TO RESIST (to 6, 2014, $284,538), MILADY, etc.
Illusive Icicle. Winner at 3 and 4 in Norway, 3rd Peugeot Pokallop; winner in Denmark. Dam of FEDERICO, Hero’s Tribute (Total: $122,741).
Sheza Rahy. 2 wins at 3, $49,357. Dam of Whispertoascream (2 wins,
$94,916 in N.A./U.S.; 2 wins, $210,088 in Canada, 3rd Whimsical S.
[L], WO, $15,180, Belle Mahone S. [L], Total: $275,496, producer).
My Reem. Unraced. Dam of WILLARD STRAIGHT (7 wins, $297,965 in
N.A./U.S., Troy S.-R, SAR, $40,080, etc., Total: $302,029), JESSE’S
JUSTICE ($177,226, dam of Shea Darby, at 4, 2014, $101,177).
Sudden Storm Bird. Unraced. Dam of Suborneuse (3rd Prix de Royaumont
[G3], dam of Mohicane), Councellor (Total $171,604).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Property of Chris Teagle and Lisa Teagle
Hip No.
Money Shot
Domestic Dispute . . . .
Money Shot . . . . . .
Chestnut filly;
March 30, 2012
My Golly Molly . . . . . .
Unbridled’s Song . . . .
Majestical Moment . . .
Tejano Run . . . . . . . . .
Vicky’s Slew . . . . . . . .
Trolley Song
Olay Monique
Royal Run
Windy Glady’s
By DOMESTIC DISPUTE (2000), $703,115, Strub S. [G2], Santa Catalina
S. [G2], 2nd Hollywood Futurity [G1], etc. Sire of 7 crops, 150 winners,
$8,402,328, including Fersmiley ($344,933, Banjo Picker Sprint S., etc.),
Daydreamin Gracie ($268,042, Shine Again S., etc.), black type-placed
Weeper ($252,340), Domestic Bliss ($182,690), Couldashuddawooda, etc.
1st dam
MY GOLLY MOLLY, by Tejano Run. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 4 other foals of
racing age, 3 to race, all winners-Holly and Fir (f. by Doug Fir). 4 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 7, 2014, $81,036.
Golly Wally (g. by Leelanau). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $76,804. Set ntr.
Polly the Dolly (f. by Frisk Me Now). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $46,446.
2nd dam
VICKY’S SLEW, by Muztagata. 6 wins, 3 to 7, $34,112. Dam of 2 other foals,
one to race-Al Bakers Boy. Winner at 3, $3,625.
3rd dam
WINDY GLADY’S, by Vanceburg. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $26,969. Sister to Love
Dunce. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race, both winners-Major Blow. Winner at 3, $5,718.
Winds of Fall. 2 wins at 3, $5,712.
4th dam
WENDI D., by Bookkeeper. Winner at 2 and 3. Dam of 6 other foals, 5 to race,
3 winners-Love Dunce. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $54,073, 3rd Coronation S.-R. Dam of 6 foals
to race, 4 winners-Ni Jack. 8 wins, 2 to 4 in Mexico.
Jacobina. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Mexico.
Sassari. Winner at 2 and 3 in Mexico.
Fast And Easy. Winner at 2 in Mexico.
Cassini. Placed at 2 in Mexico.
Lirio. Placed at 3 and 4 in Mexico.
Wendi Leap. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $16,774.
Canada Kid. Winner at 3.
Race Record: At 2, 2014, has not started. In training at Indiana Downs.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Fancy Justice
Lantana Mob . . . . . . .
Fancy Justice . . . .
Bay filly;
April 1, 2012
Novograd . . . . . . . . . .
Posse . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lantana . . . . . . . . . . .
Gentlemen (ARG) . . . .
Reluctant Guest . . . . .
Silver Deputy
Sea Art
Robin des Bois
Elegant Glance
Vaguely Royal
By LANTANA MOB (2005), black type winner of 6 races, $420,411, Sapling
S. [G3], Hirsch Jacobs S. [G3], Tyro S., Bachelor S., 3rd Carry Back S.
[G2], Gallant Bob H., Favorite Trick Breeders’ Cup S. Son of Posse [G2],
$662,841, sire of 22 black type winners, including Kodiak Kowboy [G1]
(champion). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners.
1st dam
NOVOGRAD, by Gentlemen (ARG). Unr. Dam of 2 other foals of racing age-Dhania (g. by Gulch). Placed at 3 and 4, 4,549 pounds in England; winner
at 4, 44,240 euro in France. Total: $67,519.
Rhinestone Justice (f. by Notional). Placed at 3, 2014, $6,840.
2nd dam
RELUCTANT GUEST, by Hostage. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $800,975, Beverly Hills
H. [G1], Wilshire H. [G2], Beverly D. S. [L] (AP, $300,000)-ncr, Louis
R. Rowan H. [L] (SA, $53,250), Senorita S. [L] (HOL, $50,200), 2nd
Ramona H. [G1], etc. Half-sister to DOWERY-G3 ($398,677, dam of
MINISTER WIFE [G2], $318,217; granddam of METER MAID [G3],
BLUE [G3], $533,100; EFFECTUAL [G3]; LEMON MAID [G3]; INNER HARBOUR), ENTERTAIN. Dam of 8 winners, including-P. T. INDY (c. by A.P. Indy). 2 wins at 3, $173,933, Pirate Cove S.-R
(SA, $43,400), 2nd Will Rogers H. [G3], Cinema H. [G3], etc. Sire.
Honestly Darling (f. by Kingmambo). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $152,260, 3rd
Dahlia H. [G2] (HOL, $18,000). Dam of 4 winners, including-Irrefutable (c. by Unbridled’s Song). 4 wins to 5, $286,980, 2nd Ancient
Title S. [G1], Smile Sprint H. [G2], Vernon O. Underwood S. [G3].
Sun Regalo. 3 wins to 4, placed at 6, 2014 in Japan. Total: $618,144.
Nikiya. 3 wins at 3, 22,333 euro in France. Total: $28,490. Dam of-GORSKI (c. by Neo Universe). 8 wins, 2 to 7, 2014, 244,840,000 yen
in Japan, Nigishi S. [G3], Perseus S., etc. Total: $2,764,199.
GOLD ALLURE (c. by Sunday Silence). 8 wins in 16 starts, 2 to 4,
410,376,000 yen in Japan, February S., etc. Total: $3,383,297. Sire.
NIRVANA (c. by Sunday Silence). 6 wins, 2 to 5, 141,038,000 yen in
Japan, Kokura Nikkei Open, etc. Total: $1,299,008.
Orient Charm (f. by Sunday Silence). 4 wins, 2 to 5, 92,240,000 in Japan, 3rd Mermaid H. Total: $823,751. Producer.
Nataraja (c. by Dance in the Dark). 2 wins in Japan, 3rd Wakaba S.
La Bayadere. 3 wins, 36,111,000 yen in Japan. Total: $317,496. Dam of
SOLOR [G3] (c. by Symboli Kris S) to 4, 2014, Total: $1,422,457.
Engagements: ITOBA 2015 3-year-old Stallion Season Stakes.
Race Record: At 2, 2014, unplaced in 1 start. Earned $340.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Consigned by Cove Springs LLC, Agent
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Colt
Star Cat . . . . . . . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Colt .
May 3, 2013
Nuggets . . . . . . . . . . .
Storm Cat . . . . . . . . . .
Ashado . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deep Gold . . . . . . . . .
Marshmellowfudge . . .
Storm Bird
Saint Ballado
Distinctive Review
Hot Fudge Hy
By STAR CAT (2007), unraced. Son of Storm Cat, $570,610, Young America S. [G1], 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juv. [G1], etc., leading sire twice, sire of
177 black type winners, 8 champions, including Giant’s Causeway [G1]
($3,078,989), Storm Flag Flying [G1] ($1,951,828). His first foals are 3year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners Purrpurrpurr (to 3, 2014, $59,751), etc.
1st dam
NUGGETS, by Deep Gold. 2 wins at 2, $14,454. Sister to One Good Reisen.
Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 2 to race, including-Irish Nuggets (f. by Irish Road). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2014, $26,961.
2nd dam
Marshmellowfudge, by Garthorn. Winner at 2 and 3, $33,516, 2nd Oklahoma
Thoroughbred Association Futurity-R (RP, $9,517). Dam of-DA CANDY MAN (g. by Chimes Band). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $208,920, Pepsi
Cola H.-R (SUN, $75,000), 2nd Copper Top Futurity-R (SUN, $43,213),
New Mexico Cup Championship Colts and Geldings S.-R (ZIA, $37,620).
One Good Reisen (g. by Deep Gold). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $123,433, 3rd Ruidoso Thoroughbred Sale Futurity-R (RUI, $13,442).
Smorz. Winner at 2 and 3, $45,206. Dam of 3 foals to race, including-Fast a Nuff. 4 wins, 3 to 6, placed at 7, 2014, $93,073.
Rolo Cat. Winner at 2, $22,940.
Sister Twix. Winner at 4, $11,438.
Karmelkizz. Placed at 4, $4,313.
3rd dam
HOT FUDGE HY, by Tasting. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $23,766. Dam of 5 foals to race,
4 winners-Marshmellowfudge. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Starburst Slew. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $76,312.
Vaquera. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $37,763.
Cowboy Boots. Winner at 2 and 3, $14,044.
4th dam
HY LUCKY GRAY, by Hy Lucky Jay. Dam of-No Leep Charley. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $6,921.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Blaine Davidson
Dark Bay or Brown Colt
Artemus Sunrise . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Colt .
April 1, 2013
Plenty O Lady . . . . . . .
Tale of the Cat . . . . . .
Eggs Binnedict . . . . . .
Devil His Due . . . . . . .
French Lady . . . . . . . .
Storm Cat
Mlle. Liebe
Devil’s Bag
Plenty O’Toole
French Deputy
Lookin Like a Lady
By ARTEMUS SUNRISE (2001), black type winner of 8 races, $361,130,
Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3]-ntr, 2nd West Virginia Governor’s S., Michael G. Schaefer Mile S., Texas Glitter H., 3rd Governor’s H.
Half-brother to Hash It Out. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
5 winners, $167,930, including C J’s Sunrise (at 4, 2014, $53,206).
1st dam
PLENTY O LADY, by Devil His Due. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $97,081. This is her first
2nd dam
FRENCH LADY, by French Deputy. Placed at 2 and 3, $10,776. Dam of 6
foals to race, all winners, including-DEPUTY G (g. by Matty G). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $175,597, Bashford Manor
S. [G3] (CD, $109,275), 3rd James C. Ellis Juvenile S. [L] (ELP, $8,050).
On the Loose Again (g. by Jump Start). 6 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 5,
2014, $213,871, 3rd Fred W. Hooper H. [G3] (CRC, $9,500).
Gentleman John. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $156,346.
Stan the Tap Man. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $135,883.
3rd dam
LOOKIN LIKE A LADY, by Skywalker. 2 wins at 3, $51,128, Alki Breeders’
Cup H. (LGA, $35,503). Sister to CINEFILA, Takeagiantstep. Dam of
7 foals to race, 6 winners, including-SHAY. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $122,694, Arches of Gold H. (GG, $26,280),
King County H. (EMD, $19,250), etc. Dam of-Getback Time. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $384,050, 2nd Torrey Pines S. [L]
(DMR, $21,700), B. Thoughtful S.-R (HOL, $30,000), etc.
Undressed. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $126,838. Dam of 2 winners, including-BESTDRESSED. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $435,743, On Trust H.-R (HOL, $48,450), 2nd Tiznow S.-R (HOL, $30,000), 3rd Tiznow S.-R, etc.
Untaxed. Unraced. Dam of Unquiet (Total: $90,001).
Far Sighted Sal. 3 wins in 6 starts, 3 to 5, $104,222. Dam of-Ocean Princess. 5 wins at 3, $136,324, 2nd Alison McClay S.-R.
4th dam
TENEDORA, by Knoll. 2 wins at 3, $9,071. Half-sister to CUCHILLO (sire),
SOLAMENTE UN VEZ. Dam of 7 winners, including-CINEFILA. 4 wins in 4 starts at 2 in Mexico, champion filly at 2, Clasico Cuauhtemoc, Clasico Anahuac; winner, $30,500 in N.A. Dam of-El Malicia. 6 wins, $135,808, 2nd Fort Springs S. [L] (KEE, $16,005).
LOOKIN LIKE A LADY. Black type winner, see above.
Takeagiantstep. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $30,744, 3rd Evergreen H. (LGA, $4,500).
Pontook. Winner. Dam of Over the Counter (2 wins, Total: $98,675).
Glorita. Placed. Dam of GASTON ($164,041), Must Acquit ($122,134).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Hancock Farm
Honeymoon Hotel
Vindication . . . . . . . . .
Honeymoon Hotel
Gray or roan mare;
foaled 2007
Prenuptial Plans . . . . .
Seattle Slew . . . . . . . .
Strawberry Reason . . .
Runaway Groom . . . .
Miss Alethia . . . . . . . .
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Strawberry Road (AUS)
Pretty Reason
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
T. V. Commercial
By VINDICATION (2000), undefeated in 4 starts, $680,950, champion,
Breeders’ Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire of 5 crops, 20 black type wnrs,
$23,432,817, including Broadway’s Alibi ($521,500, Forward Gal S. [G2],
etc.), Dust and Diamonds [G2] ($496,260), More Happy [G2], Free Judgement. Sire of dams of black type winners Shakin It Up, Dunkin Bend, etc.
1st dam
PRENUPTIAL PLANS, by Runaway Groom. Placed. Dam of 6 other foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old of 2014, four to race, all winners, incl.-Star Up in the Sky (f. by Speightstown). 5 wins at 2 and 4, 2014, 17,727
pounds in England. Total: $28,935.
2nd dam
MISS ALETHIA, by T. V. Commercial. Winner at 3, $37,488. Sister to IT’S A
RERUN. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, including-SHOWING UP (c. by Strategic Mission). 7 wins in 10 starts, $1,660,500,
Hollywood Derby [G1] (HOL, $300,000), Secretariat S. [G1] (AP, $240,000), Coolmore Lexington S. [G2] (KEE, $201,500), Jamaica Breeders’
Cup H. [G2] (BEL, $180,000), Colonial Turf Cup S. (CNL, $600,000)ncr, 2nd Maker’s Mark Mile S. [G2] (KEE, $50,000), 3rd Man o’ War S.
[G1] (BEL, $50,000). Set ntr at Gulfstream Park. Sire.
GIMMEAWINK (c. by Elusive Quality). 9 wins, $531,090, Larry R. Riviello
President’s Cup S. [L] (PHA, $60,000), Sophomore Sprint Championship
S. [L] (MNR, $46,800), Francis "Jock" LaBelle Memorial S. [L] (DEL,
$45,000), Nick Shuk Memorial S. [L] (DEL, $45,000), Miracle Wood S.
(LRL, $30,000), Paterson S., 2nd Pennsylvania Derby [G2], etc. Sire.
3rd dam
Shoosh, by Traffic Judge. 2 wins at 3, 3rd Senorita S. Half-sister to WITHIN
HAIL (5 wins, $109,250, Volante H.-G3, etc., sire), Jazziness (14 wins,
$193,478), Ice Cream Soda (granddam of PRESIDENTIALAFFAIR
[G3], $765,168; etc.). Dam of 12 foals to race, 10 winners, including-IT’S A RERUN. 14 wins, 2 to 9, $179,513, Shecky Greene H., etc.
DOT O’ SPICE. 18 wins, $126,700, Ontario County S. [R] (FL, $12,960).
Muffled. Winner at 2, 2nd Mermaid S.-G3. Producer. Granddam of BIG
TWISTER (11 wins, $347,377, Tri Crown S. [R], AP, $25,080, etc.),
CHANNEL FORTY SIX (dam of Coastal King, Total: $183,102).
Please Be Quiet. 5 wins. Dam of DANCING DOUGLAS (11 wins, $284,184).
Race Record: At 2, unraced; at 3, one win; at 4, three wins; at 5, one win,
4 times 2nd, 3 times 3rd; at 6, once 3rd in 2 starts. Earned $46,086.
Last mated April 5, 2014 and BELIEVED TO BE PREGNANT to-DEER LAKE (1999) (Meadowlake--Dorothy Dear), black type winner of
9 races, $356,980, Holiday Cheer S., 2nd Marfa S., Forego S., 3rd Mr.
Prospector H. [G3], etc. Sire of 3 crops, including 3-year-olds of 2014,
$116,457, including winners Mr Rooster (to 5, 2014, $57,070), etc.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Alderson Farms
Chestnut Filly
Indygo Shiner . . . . . . .
Chestnut Filly . . . .
February 10, 2013
Presumed Innocent . .
A.P. Indy . . . . . . . . . . .
Navarra . . . . . . . . . . .
Shuailaan . . . . . . . . . .
Restless Julie . . . . . . .
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
El Gran Senor
Image of Reality
Lassie’s Lady
Restless Restless
Witches Alibhai
By INDYGO SHINER (1998), $444,066, Jefferson Cup S. [G3], 2nd Grey
Breeders’ Cup S. [G1], etc. Leading sire. Sire of 9 crops, 22 black type
wnrs, $13,326,398, including Indy Point (ARG) [G1] ($959,061, horse of
the year, champion), Tecla Shiner (ARG) (champion, Arg. Derby [G1],
etc.), Miss Match (ARG) [G1] ($621,614), Mi Amiguito [G1], Garatero [G1].
1st dam
PRESUMED INNOCENT, by Shuailaan. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $315,190, Jersey Lilly
S. (HOU, $30,000), 2nd A.P. Indy S. [L] (KEE, $17,130), Pleasant Temper S. (KD, $9,000), 3rd Eatontown H. [G3] (MTH, $11,000), Dr. A. B.
Leggio Memorial H. (FG, $6,600). Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 5 to
race, all winners, including-Missbauer (f. by Broken Vow). 6 wins, 2 to 6, placed at 7, 2014, $152,490.
Angel in Heaven (f. by Smart Strike). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $127,645.
Innocent Affair (f. by El Corredor). Winner at 2 and 3, 2014, $56,185.
Yes He’s Innocent (g. by Yes It’s True). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $44,114.
2nd dam
Restless Julie, by Restless Restless. 2 wins at 2, $30,074, 2nd American
Beauty S., Florida Horse Championship S., 3rd Pontalba S., Poinsettia S. Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, all winners, including-RESTING MOTEL (c. by Bates Motel). 8 wins at 2 and 3 in Mexico, champion sprinter, Clasico Beduino, Clasico Velocidad, Handicap Cristobal
Colon; winner at 4, $46,873.
PRESUMED INNOCENT (f. by Shuailaan). Black type winner, see above.
Power to Pass. 8 wins at 3 and 6, $114,057.
Refax. 3 wins at 3, $61,765. Dam of 2 winners, including-Scotchontherocks. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $172,194.
3rd dam
WITCHES ALIBHAI, by Your Alibhai. Winner at 3 and 4, $73,832. Dam of 5
winners, including-Restless Julie. Black type-placed winner, see above.
4th dam
DOWITCHER, by Decidedly. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $51,924, Politely S., 2nd Patricia A. S. Half-sister to Dusk to Dawn. Dam of 11 winners, including-Birthday Witch. 4 wins, $115,348, 2nd Iroquois S.-R, etc. Dam of BOLD
SPECTACLE ($156,308), STOP THE VIBES. Granddam of POTRA
Dowloy. 2 wins, $22,954. Dam of DOCUMENTADO [G1]; Doga [G3]; etc.
Sorciere. 2 wins, $30,105. Dam of DADDY REX (16 wins, $248,833).
Fly to the Ridge. Winner at 3, $17,450. Dam of RIVA RANGER ($80,100).
Salty Pepper. Winner at 3, $15,240. Dam of Salt Free (13 wins, $94,729).
Hail Louise. Unraced. Dam of Edge of Wisdom (5 wins, $138,862).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Amy Elliott
Brave Lady
Stalwart . . . . . . . . . . .
Brave Lady . . . . . .
Chestnut mare;
foaled 2004
Pretty Sonnet . . . . . . .
Hoist the Flag . . . . . . .
Yes Dear Maggy . . . .
Stop the Music . . . . . .
Gay Sonnet . . . . . . . .
Tom Rolfe
Wavy Navy
Iron Ruler
Yes Dear
Hail to Reason
Gay Rig
By STALWART (1979), $528,595. Sire of 22 crops, 44 black type winners,
488 winners, $29,563,608, including Cedro Blanco (champion), Things
Change ($330,188, Spinaway S. [G1], etc.), Kingpost [G2] ($598,966),
Stalwart Charger ($536,400). Sire of dams of black type winners Sweet
Talker, Pyramid Peak, Friendship, Stalwart Member, Swamp, etc.
1st dam
PRETTY SONNET, by Stop the Music. Dam of 19 foals of racing age, 19 to
race, 16 winners, including-PLENTY CHILLY (c. by It’s Freezing). 16 wins, 2 to 8, $353,251, Manitoba
Budweiser Derby [L] (ASD, $60,000-CAN), etc.
Pretty Melody (f. by Fit to Fight). 4 wins at 2 and 4, $66,145. Dam of-Sharon Wolf (f. by Wolf Power-SAF). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $44,888, 2nd
El Paso Times H. (SUN, $9,290).
2nd dam
GAY SONNET, by Sailor. 2 wins at 3, $7,230. Sister to GAY SAILORETTE,
half-sister to Let’s Be Gay. Dam of 6 winners, including-SWEETEST CHANT (f. by Mr. Leader). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $414,410, Matron
H.-G2, Orchid H.-G2, Arlington Oaks, Stroh’s H.-ntr, etc. Dam of-DANZIG’S BEAUTY (f. by Danzig). 3 wins at 2, $205,806, Gardenia S.
[G2], etc. Dam of DISTORTED HUMOR (c. by Forty Niner) 8 wins,
$769,964, Churchill Downs H. [G2]-ntr, etc., sire; DANCING GULCH
(f. by Gulch) 7 wins, $215,753. G’dam of LIAM’S DREAM [G3] (f. by
Saint Liam), HoldontoYourdream [G2] (f. by Proud Citizen).
Miss Importance (f. by Forty Niner). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $127,154, 2nd
Seaway S. [L] (WO, $13,260-CAN), etc. Producer.
Chanting Sweetly. 2 wins at 3, $22,190. Dam of ALY’S VOW (f. by
Broken Vow), Aly’s Sweet Sheba (f. by Twining). Granddam of PROMISE ME MORE (f. by More Than Ready) to 4, 2014, $171,866.
Lisieux (f. by Steady Growth). 4 wins, $111,474, 3rd La Prevoyante
S. [R]. Dam of NEVER RETREAT [G1] (f. by Smart Strike) horse of
the year and champion in Canada, Total: $1,298,769.
Race Record: (In Canada) at 2, unplaced in 2 starts. Earned $1,054. (In N.A)
at 3, three wins, 4 times 2nd, twice 3rd. Earned $18,864. Total: $19,791.
Produce Record: 2011 no report.
2009 River Rich, g. by Yankee Gentelman. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $36,931.
2010 Lady R, f. by Killenaule. Unplaced.
2012 c. by Fusaichi Pegasus; 2013 no report; 2014 c. by Kodiak Kowboy.
Last mated May 12, 2014 and BELIEVED TO BE PREGNANT to-SANGAREE (2005) (Awesome Again--Mari’s Sheba), black type winner of
4 races, $365,710, Joe Hernandez S., 2nd Triple Bend H. [G1], Californian S. [G2], Mervyn LeRoy H. [G2], Hal’s Hope S. [G3], Bold Ruler
H. [G3], Birdstone S. His first foals are weanlings of 2014.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Sheza Fine Justice
Regal Ransom . . . . . .
Sheza Fine Justice
Chestnut filly;
March 17, 2013
Even Tempo . . . . . . . .
Distorted Humor . . . . .
Kelli’s Ransom . . . . . .
Stephen Got Even . . .
Saratoga Rhythm . . . .
Forty Niner
Danzig’s Beauty
Red Ransom
Musical Minister
A.P. Indy
Saratoga Six
Dancing Blade
By REGAL RANSOM (2006), black type winner of 4 races, $1,894,835 in
NA and UAE, hwt. at 7-9 1/2 furlongs, Super Derby [G2], UAE Derby
[G2], 2nd Alysheba S. [G3], UAE Two Thousand Guineas [G3], Sir Shackleton H. Half-brother to Devil May Care [G1] ($724,000). Son of Distorted
Humor [G2], $769,964, leading sire. His first foals are yearlings of 2014.
1st dam
EVEN TEMPO, by Stephen Got Even. 5 wins, $127,916. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
SARATOGA RHYTHM, by Saratoga Six. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $88,057. Dam of 8 winners, including-SARATOGA’S MAGIC (g. by Tactical Cat). 14 wins, 2 to 8, $373,998 in
N.A./U.S., Governor’s H. [L] (SAC, $45,100), Alamedan H. (PLN, $30,550),
2nd Bull Dog S. (FNO, $10,100), 3rd All American S. [G3] (GG, $24,000),
etc.; 2 wins in 4 starts, $7,422 in Canada. Total: $381,656.
Six Numbers (c. by Polish Numbers). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $219,840, 3rd Pomona Derby [L] (FPX, $12,000).
Galoshes (f. by Storm Boot). Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including-AWESOME RHYTHM (g. by Toccet). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $376,111 in Canada,
Victoria Park S. [L], Marine S. [L], Wando S. [L], 2nd Autumn S.
[G2]; 7 wins to 8, 2014, $155,417 in N.A./U.S. Total: $481,621.
3rd dam
DANCING BLADE, by Blade. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $136,342, Villager S., Good
Life H., Pocahontas S., etc. Dam of 10 winners, including-Dancing Code. Winner at 2, $9,195. Dam of 6 winners, including-PRETTY IMAGE. 7 wins at 2, $174,409, champion imported filly at 2
in Puerto Rico, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua, etc. Producer.
MY DOCTOR WALESKA. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $97,603, Clasico Ano Nuevo.
Dancing Calling. 23 wins, 3 to 8, placed at 9, 2014, $169,278.
I’m Nonchalant. 2 wins at 3, $31,998. Dam of State Street Dori. Granddam of
DON COTE (in Venezuela), Financiero (in Venezuela).
4th dam
CALISTA, by Sword Dancer. Unraced. Half-sister to CLOUDY DAWN ($194,550, sire), HEDEVAR ($164,294, sire). Dam of 6 winners, including--DANCING BLADE. Black type winner, see above.
KNOWN FOR STYLE. 2 wins at 3, $43,800, Golden Bear S. Sire.
Pretty Is. Winner at 2, $23,660, 3rd Mid-Peninsula S. [O]. Dam of GREEN
PERFUME [G2] (hwt in Germany, sire), SALTY PERFUME [G2]; Doo
You [G3]. G’dam of GUNFIGHTER (to 7, 2014, Total: $454,237), etc.
Telly’s Aunt. 7 wins, $61,164. Dam of Shebatim (dam of SHEBATIM’S
TRICK; granddam of TRICKY’S TICK TOCK, Ruba Dub Dub).
Margaritaville. Unraced. Dam of TOP ISSUE, Sensitive Steph.
Registered Ohio-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Jeff McGuire
Chestnut Filly
Rock Pulpit . . . . . . . . .
Chestnut Filly . . . .
April 27, 2013
Ray of Happiness . . . .
Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wind River . . . . . . . . .
Turkoman . . . . . . . . . .
Looking for a Win . . . .
A.P. Indy
Storm Cat
Taba (ARG)
Crafty Prospector
Delightful Spring
By ROCK PULPIT (2004), winner of 3 races, $32,449. Son of Pulpit [G2],
$728,200, sire of 68 black type winners, including Pyro [G1] ($1,673,673), Rutherienne [G1] ($1,298,671), Corinthian [G1] ($1,267,273), Mr.
Speaker [G1] (to 3, 2014). Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
including winners Rockaroo (2 wins at 3, 2014, $54,832), Pulp, etc.
1st dam
RAY OF HAPPINESS, by Turkoman. 3 wins at 3, $110,386. Dam of 7 foals of
racing age, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-Sally Belle (f. by Honour and Glory). Winner at 2 and 3, $37,650.
Turue Lover (f. by Friendly Lover). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $29,086.
Happy Moro (g. by Moro Oro). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2014, $22,334.
2nd dam
LOOKING FOR A WIN, by Crafty Prospector. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $126,164,
Weekend Surprise S. [L] (AQU, $31,160), 2nd Moon Star Miss S. (AQU,
$11,726), 3rd Comely S. [G2], etc. Dam of 10 winners, including-HOLY FASHION (f. by Holy Bull). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $83,030, Aspen Cup
Thoroughbred S. (RUI, $24,000), etc. Producer.
Mandarin Marsh (c. by Sea Hero). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $174,786, 2nd Jamaica
H. [G2], 3rd Pete Axthelm H. [L] (CRC, $8,250).
Daguerreotype (f. by Silver Deputy). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $86,342, 3rd Iowa
State Fair S. (PRM, $5,000). Producer.
Sealedwithapproval. Winner at 3, $18,500. Dam of 3 winners, including-CUVEE UNCORKED (f. by Cuvee). 3 wins at 3, $149,200, Poker Night
S. (AQU, $40,950), 2nd Sometime Thing S. (BEL, $13,350), 3rd Top
Flight H. [G2] (AQU, $15,000), Barbara Fritchie H. [G2], etc.
Looking for a Star. Dam of Tapit’s Brew (to 8, 2014, Total: $375,855), etc.
3rd dam
DELIGHTFUL SPRING, by Francis S. Dam of 11 winners, including-LOOKING FOR A WIN. Black type winner, see above.
A Day to Remember. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $283,811, 3rd Mount Vernon H. [R]
(BEL, $5,936). Producer.
Miss Pure Delight. Placed at 2. Dam of Run Don’t Pleasure ($36,527).
4th dam
Dancing Lark, by Native Dancer. 3 wins, 2nd Duchess S., etc. Dam of 10
winners, including SONNY SAYS QUICK (24 wins, $271,678, hwt., dam
of Grand Rivulet [G3]; Shushin; granddam of Fifth Business; greatgranddam of champion Potra Dancer), GUSTOSO (9 wins, $181,452),
CREEQUE ALLEY (dam of Spouting Creeque), Broadway Baron,
Free to Fly (dam of FLY SO FREE [G1], 12 wins, $2,330,954, champion; DON’S CHOICE [G3]; Grande Jette). G’dam of DANCING GIRL
(VEN)-G2; HEDGEABOUT, Breezing Dixie [G3]; Michanba (VEN), etc.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Consigned by Cove Springs LLC, Agent
Una Cantada
Aeneas . . . . . . . . . . . .
Una Cantada . . . . .
Bay mare;
foaled 2009
Rhythm N Vogue . . . .
Capote . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gone to Venus . . . . . .
Rhythm . . . . . . . . . . . .
Noble Aglae . . . . . . . .
Seattle Slew
Too Bald
Gone West
Rokeby Venus
Mr. Prospector
Dance Number
*Vaguely Noble
Princesse Aglae (FR)
By AENEAS (1999), $434,485, 2nd Washington Park H. [G2], Gulfstream
Park H. [G2], Philip H. Iselin Breeders’ Cup H. [G3], 3rd Hawthorne Gold
Cup H. [G2], Clark H. [G2], etc. Half-brother to Saudi Poetry [G2] ($596,972). Sire of 6 crops, 31 winners, $815,156, including Capote’s Charm (to
5, 2014, $61,888, 3rd Enchantress S., New Mexico Breeders’ Oaks).
1st dam
RHYTHM N VOGUE, by Rhythm. Dam of 6 other foals of racing age, 4 to race,
3 winners, including-Stop That Jive (f. by Deep Gold). Winner at 2, $26,790.
2nd dam
NOBLE AGLAE, by *Vaguely Noble. Unraced. Dam of 7 winners, including-Makdir (f. by Woodman). Winner in 4 starts at 2 and 3, $39,740, 3rd
Selima S. [G3]. Producer. Granddam of Insure (f. by Menifee).
Tonadillera (f. by Alydavid). 4 wins, 2 to 4 in Venezuela, 2nd Premio Arturo Michelana. Dam of REY ALEJANDRO (c. by Striding Out).
3rd dam
PRINCESSE AGLAE (FR), by Crowned Prince. 3 wins at 2 in Italy, 2nd highweighted filly at 2 on Italian Free H., Premio Delleana, Premio Novella;
2 wins in 4 starts at 4, $25,150 in N.A./U.S. Dam of 2 winners, including-Toss Your Curls. Winner at 3, $13,078.
4th dam
YOUR GRACE, by Sicambre. Half-sister to SOLTIKOFF (2nd hwt), Agrippa
(sire), Aigle Gris, Ananas. Dam of 3 winners, including-PRINCESSE AGLAE (FR). Black type winner, see above.
Exactitude. Winner at 3 and 5 in France. Dam of-EXACTLY SO (IRE). Winner at 3 in France, 2nd Prix de la Calonne,
etc.; 2 wins at 4, $93,366 in N.A./U.S., Gallorette H.-G3, etc. Dam
of EXACTLY SHARP [G1] (hwt at 9 1/2-11 fur, sire), Ron Stevens
[G3] (4 wins, $192,600). Granddam of Simud (CHI) [G2].
Exactly Right (FR). 2 wins, 2nd Grand Prix de Paris [G1], etc. Sire.
Exbury Grace. Unraced. Dam of No Disgrace (IRE) (dam of NO PASS
NO SALE, Poule d’Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas
[G1], etc., sire; ONCE IN MY LIFE-IRE [G3]; NO LIES-IRE; granddam
of RYEHILL DREAMER-IRE [G2], Total: $310,307; MACAW-IRE [G3],
Total: $797,410; Loulan Genereux, Total: $888,953), Boy Fire. Granddam of ANSHAN (GB) [G2] (Total: $797,416), CHAMPS ELYSEES.
Race Record: At 2, unraced; at 3, two wins, once 2nd; at 4, once 3rd. Totals:
2 wins, once 2nd, once 3rd, earned $19,228.
Last mated March 20, 2014 and BELIEVED TO BE PREGNANT to-IRISH ROAD (2000) (Unbridled’s Song--Twin Propeller), winner of 5 races,
$128,910. Son of Unbridled’s Song [G1], $1,311,800, sire of 103 black
type winners. Sire of 6 crops, 19 winners, $1,177,219, including Major
Highway (to 5, 2014, $393,192), It’s Time to Laugh (4 wins, $121,284).
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Easy Way Ranch
Mondavi’s Dream
Mondavi . . . . . . . . . . .
Mondavi’s Dream .
Dark bay/br. filly;
May 6, 2013
Saddle Your Dreams .
Maria’s Mon . . . . . . . .
Senate Appointee . . .
Pride of Burkaan . . . .
Gold Shirley Gold . . . .
Wavering Monarch
Carlotta Maria
Storm Cat
Alomas Belle
Golden Act
Talk to Me Shirley
By MONDAVI (2003), winner, 3rd Iroquois S. [G3]. Son of Maria’s Mon [G1],
$507,140, champion, sire of 54 black type wnrs, including Wait a While
[G1] ($2,181,917, champion), Super Saver [G1] ($1,889,766). Sire of 5
crops, 6 winners, $307,496, including How’s the Weather (4 wins to 4,
2014, $81,072), Woodys Night Watch ($54,125), Lady Monavi, etc.
1st dam
SADDLE YOUR DREAMS, by Pride of Burkaan. Unraced. This is her second
foal. Her first foal is a 2-year-old of 2014, which has not started.
2nd dam
GOLD SHIRLEY GOLD, by Golden Act. 6 wins, 4 to 6, $36,925. Dam of 1
other foal, which is unraced.
3rd dam
TALK TO ME SHIRLEY, by Shirley’s Champion. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $60,050.
Dam of one foal, above.
4th dam
TALK TO ME HONEY, by Tell. Dam of 2 other foals to race, including-Beyond the Wall. 7 wins, 5 to 9, $95,310.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Hancock Farm
Lil Mis Ouba
Lantana Mob . . . . . . .
Lil Mis Ouba . . . . .
Bay filly;
May 14, 2013
Saltwater Silence . . . .
Posse . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lantana . . . . . . . . . . .
No Louder . . . . . . . . .
Miss Tidal Wave . . . . .
Silver Deputy
Sea Art
Captain’s Gig
By LANTANA MOB (2005), black type winner of 6 races, $420,411, Sapling
S. [G3], Hirsch Jacobs S. [G3], Tyro S., Bachelor S., 3rd Carry Back S.
[G2], Gallant Bob H., Favorite Trick Breeders’ Cup S. Son of Posse [G2],
$662,841, sire of 22 black type winners, including Kodiak Kowboy [G1]
(champion). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners.
1st dam
SALTWATER SILENCE, by No Louder. 3 wins at 3, $16,151. Dam of 11 foals
of racing age, 11 to race, 10 winners, including-Silent Exploit (g. by Exploit). 7 wins, 2 to 6, $84,348, 3rd Palo Verde H.
Mis Greely Express (f. by Mr. Greeley). Winner in 2 starts at 3, $11,715.
Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 3 to race, including-Whispering Express (c. by Cactus Ridge). 3 wins at 3, $85,020, 2nd
California State Fair Sprint H. [L] (SAC, $15,100).
Miss Stone Express (f. by Sorcerer’s Stone). Winner at 2 and 3, $66,800,
2nd Azalea S.-R (DED, $15,000).
2nd dam
MISS TIDAL WAVE, by Captain’s Gig. 3 wins. Dam of 9 winners, including-PLAY THE HORNPIPE (g. by Vice Regent). 10 wins, 3 to 5, $180,348,
Bold Venture H., Sir Barton S., 2nd Highlander S., etc. Set ncr.
SEA REGENT (f. by Vice Regent). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $58,697, Ontario
Damsel S.-R, etc. Broodmare of the year. Dam of 11 winners, incl.-DESERT WAVES (g. by Alysheba). 15 wins, $1,241,295, King Edward
Breeders’ Cup H. [G2], Niagara Breeders’ Cup H. [G3] twice, etc.
DUCKPOWER (g. by Quack). 17 wins, 2 to 8, $447,253, Heresy S. [L]
(WO, $35,190-CAN), Marine S. [L] (WO, $33,180-CAN), etc.
WAVE WISE (g. by Smarten). 10 wins, $409,019, Cup and Saucer S.
[LR] (WO, $88,905-CAN), Maryland Turf S. [LR] (PIM, $60,000), etc.
SPINNAKERS FLYING (f. by *Grey Dawn II). 7 wins, $237,019, Wonder Where S. [LR] (WO, $69,900-CAN), etc. Dam of FLY SMARTLY
[G3] (g. by Smart Strike) $329,772; SEE THE WIND (f. by Sky Classic) Total: $229,096; Longship [G2] (g. by Smart Strike). Granddam
of Swift of Flight [G3] (f. by Sky Classic) 2 wins, $133,056.
SEARCH THE SEA (f. by Seeking the Gold). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $176,635,
Ontario Damsel S.-R (WO, $50,400), etc. Dam of ATLANTIC FURY
(f. by Wild Again) $274,389; Terra Nova (f. by Mt. Livermore). Granddam of SILVER OCEAN [G3] (g. by Silver Train) champion, Total:
$163,382; OVER THE OCEAN [G3] (c. by Rockport Harbor) to 4, 2014.
Black type-placed wnrs: Dawn At Sea (g. by *Grey Dawn II) $362,029;
Ocean Secret (g. by Secretariat), Mystery At Sea (f. by Capote).
French Tide. 2 wins. Dam of OUR NAUTIQUE (NZ) [G3] (g. by Pins) Total:
$313,040. G’dam of TULLAMORE (g. by Savabeel) Total: $661,589.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Consigned by Elliott Farms, Agent
Chestnut Gelding
Article of Faith . . . . . .
Chestnut Gelding .
January 31, 2013
Senora Soldar . . . . . .
Storm Cat . . . . . . . . . .
Nany’s Sweep . . . . . .
Lost Soldier . . . . . . . .
Kitsch . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storm Bird
End Sweep
Nany’s Appeal
Lady Winborne
Vice Regent
By ARTICLE OF FAITH (2004), unraced. Half-brother to She’s Indy Money
[G3] ($342,314). Sire of 4 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014, $1,550,647, including Joint Tenant (3 wins to 4, 2014, $181,497, Governor’s S.),
Slacker (9 wins to 5, 2014, $151,622, Indiana Stallion S.), black type-placed Consumed ($109,120), Tricia’s Trama (to 3, 2014), Deliver, etc.
1st dam
SENORA SOLDAR, by Lost Soldier. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 2 to race-SLACKER (f. by Article of Faith). 9 wins, 2 to 5, 2014, $151,622, Indiana
Stallion S.-R (HOO, $49,634).
Pokey (g. by Article of Faith). Winner at 3, 2014, $15,323.
2nd dam
KITSCH, by Vice Regent. Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including-Princess A A (f. by Miswaki). Winner at 3, $30,580, 2nd Lady Sponsors’
Breeders’ Cup S. (AKS, $10,420). Producer.
3rd dam
SNOBISHNESS, by *Forli. Winner at 2 and 3 in France, Prix des Chenettes,
3rd Prix de la Nonette-G3. Half-sister to WARD MCALLISTER-G3 (sire),
(dam of Our Happy Warrior, Bag of Music, Great Turnout), HASTY REPLY, Queen’s Gambit (dam of CHESS MOVE; granddam of
PRAIRIE BAYOU [G1], $1,450,621, champion; FLITCH [G2], $628,796), Benefit Performer. Dam of 4 winners, including-OH SO SNOBISH. 12 wins in Italy, Premio d’Estate [G3], Premio Resegone.
OH SO CHOOSY. 3 wins in 5 starts at 3 in England, Ebbisham H., Fern
Hill S. H.; 2 wins at 4, $13,685 in N.A./U.S. Producer. Great-granddam
of Selectabook (champion filly at 3 in Jamaica).
Top Snob. 4 wins, $194,038, 2nd Breeders’ Futurity [G2], Alysheba S. [G3],
3rd Round Table H. [G3], 4th Arlington-Washington Futurity [G1]. Sire.
Quexine. Placed at 3 in England. Dam of-QUEXION. 17 wins in Italy, Premio Alessandro Sambruna, etc.
QUEXIOSS. 4 wins at 3, 19,605 pounds in England, Metropole July Trophy, 3rd General Accident Jockey Club S. [G2]; 2 wins in Italy, Premio Duca d’Aosta, 2nd Premio Roma Vecchia [G3], Coppa d’Oro di Milano [G3]. Total: $30,990.
Pretty Special. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 9 winners, including-MY BIG BOY. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $1,046,087, Bernard Baruch H. [G1],
Pan American H. [G2], Japan Racing Association H. [L]-ncr, etc.
FOREVER COMMAND. 7 wins, $181,969, Ocean Bound S. [L], etc. Dam
of For Mog [G3]. G’dam of FUJINO CONDOR (Total: $841,823).
Pretty City. Unraced. Dam of LEAR’S PRINCESS (4 wins, $491,870,
Gazelle S. [G1], Tweedside S., 2nd Alabama S. [G1], etc.).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Consigned by Elliott Farms, Agent
Gabby Road
Article of Faith . . . . . .
Gabby Road . . . . .
Bay filly;
foaled 2011
Shadow Vale . . . . . . .
Storm Cat . . . . . . . . . .
Nany’s Sweep . . . . . .
Beautiful Indy . . . . . . .
Assombrie . . . . . . . . .
Storm Bird
End Sweep
Nany’s Appeal
A.P. Indy
Beautiful Bid
Timeless Moment
By ARTICLE OF FAITH (2004), unraced. Half-brother to She’s Indy Money
[G3] ($342,314). Sire of 4 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014, $1,550,647, including Joint Tenant (3 wins to 4, 2014, $181,497, Governor’s S.),
Slacker (9 wins to 5, 2014, $151,622, Indiana Stallion S.), black type-placed Consumed ($109,120), Tricia’s Trama (to 3, 2014), Deliver, etc.
1st dam
SHADOW VALE, by Beautiful Indy. Unraced. Dam of 3 other foals of racing
age, all winners-Evolving (g. by Greatness). Winner at 2 and 4, $40,186.
Brookston Brat (f. by Article of Faith). 3 wins, 3 to 5, 2014, $38,732.
Hay Little Bit (f. by Article of Faith). Winner/1 start at 2, 2014, $20,400.
2nd dam
ASSOMBRIE, by Timeless Moment. 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 32,929 euro in
France, Prix Herod; placed at 2 and 3, $41,300 in N.A./U.S., 2nd Santa
Ysabel S. [R] (SA, $15,000), 3rd Althea S. [LR] (HOL, $7,500). Total:
$78,171. Sister to ALL FIRED UP. Dam of 5 winners, including-BRUSHING BULLY (g. by Broad Brush). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $359,778,
Display S. [L] (WO, $65,760), 3rd Col. R. S. McLaughlin H. [G3], etc.
NAVAJO PEARL (f. by El Prado-IRE). 2 wins at 2, $140,255, Princess
Elizabeth S. [R] (WO, $94,680-CAN), etc. Producer.
Is Kylie Good. 2 wins at 2, $31,849. Dam of YAWKEY WAY (f. by Grand
Slam) 3 wins, $127,400, Anne M. Clare S.-R, SAR, $42,000, etc.
3rd dam
ANJELICCO, by Angle Light. 5 wins at 3, $26,525, Carmi S., 2nd Goddess
S., Whirlaway S. Set ntr. Dam of 5 winners, including-ALL FIRED UP. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $450,015, Arlington-Washington Futurity-G1, Ak-Sar-Ben Juvenile S.-G3, 2nd King’s Bishop S.-L, etc. Sire.
ASSOMBRIE. Black type winner, see above.
ANGEL LIGHT. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $67,871, Flora S.
Cox’s Angel. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners, including-RULED OFF. 10 wins to 5, $140,453, Tecumseh S. [R] (HOO, $31,710).
BINGO TIME. 8 wins, 2 to 8, $130,320, Home Grown H. [R], etc.
HORNS GRAY. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $118,015, Al Swihart Memorial H.
(FON, $15,000), etc. Dam of AWESOME HUMOR [G1] ($848,950, dam
of Keep Me Informed, to 7, 2014, $320,070), Dignified Donovan
(Total: $459,483). G’dam of EMCEE [G1] ($479,900), SPRING PARTY.
All Fulla Fire. Unraced. Dam of Neverbeendancin’ (9 wins, $239,247).
G’dam of Harmonic Miss (5 wins, $134,687).
Synformer. Dam of WILD SYN [G2] ($358,174). G’dam of Magdalena’s
Chase (dam of COMPETITIVE EDGE [G1], at 2, 2014, $259,800), etc.
Race Record: At 2, unplaced in 1 start; at 3, 2014, once 2nd. Earned $5,300.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Do It Justice
Spanish Steps . . . . . .
Do It Justice . . . . .
Dark bay/br. filly;
March 15, 2013
Moon Beamy . . . . . . .
Unbridled . . . . . . . . . .
Trolley Song . . . . . . . .
Malibu Moon . . . . . . .
Beamy . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gana Facil
Caro (IRE)
Lucky Spell
A.P. Indy
Forty Niner
Lazer Show
By SPANISH STEPS (2001), unraced. Brother to Unbridled’s Song (5 wins,
$1,311,800, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile [G1], etc.). Sire of 7 crops, 7 black
type winners, $9,644,809, including Little Mike (to 7, 2014, $3,543,012,
Arlington Million [G1], Turf Classic S. [G1], etc.), El Suri (to 7, 2014, $253,061), Lydia’s Last Step ($236,881), Slim Shady’s Lady ($210,407).
1st dam
MOON BEAMY, by Malibu Moon. Unraced. This is her second foal. Dam of-Daddy Justice (g. by Lantana Mob). Winner at 2, 2014, $36,720.
2nd dam
BEAMY, by Forty Niner. Unraced. Sister to MARKED TREE. Dam of-LASERSPORT (c. by Gilded Time). 3 wins in 4 starts at 2 and 3, $135,470, San Miguel S. [G3], 2nd San Vicente S. [G2]. Sire.
Beam Us Up. 11 wins, 3 to 5, $188,877.
Yukon Lady. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including-LOGAN’S PEAK (f. by Teuflesberg). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $271,088 in
Canada, Algoma S.-R (WO, $75,000), 3rd Star Shoot S. [L] (WO,
$22,000). Total: $265,399.
Indian Annabelle. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $77,790.
Can’t Use Nellie. 2 wins at 3, 2014, $55,955 in Canada. Total: $52,480.
3rd dam
LAZER SHOW, by Apalachee. 14 wins in 25 starts, 2 to 4, $849,446, Sorority H. [G2], Chicago-Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (AP, $93,360),
Garden State Park Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (GS, $91,500), Philadelphia Park Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (PHA, $92,610), Churchill Downs-Budweiser Breeders’ Cup [L] (CD, $102,473), Chicago Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. (AP, $46,275), Colleen S. [O], Brown and Williamson S. (CD, $26,442), La Troienne S. (CD, $24,817), Farmington S.
(CD, $21,450), 2nd Suffolk Downs Sprint H. [G3], Commonwealth Breeders’ Cup S. [L] (KEE, $31,080), Majorette H. [L] (LAD, $25,400), Meadowlands Breeders’ Cup H., etc. Dam of 4 winners, including-MARKED TREE. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $393,470, Remington Park Derby [L]
(RP, $180,000), Great West S. [L]-ntr (RP, $60,000), Budweiser S. [L]
(RP, $30,000), 2nd Allegheny Breeders’ Cup S. (PHA, $9,830), 3rd
Wood Memorial Invitational S. [G1]. Sire.
Gharayib. Winner at 3, $28,800. Producer. Granddam of KHEBRAAT (3
wins at 2 and 3 in South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal Breeders’ 1,600).
Lazer Eye. 2 wins at 3, $70,300. Producer.
4th dam
LA DISCOTHEQUE, by Bold Bidder. 3 wins at 3, $17,425. Dam of 2 foals-LAZER SHOW. Black type winner, see above.
Racy n Regal. Winner at 2, $10,000.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Norman E. West II Estate
Norman’s Conquest
Conquest . .
Bay filly;
March 8, 2013
Century City (IRE) . . .
Slam n’ Sugar . . . . . . .
Danzig . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alywow . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grand Slam . . . . . . . .
Sugar Lane . . . . . . . . .
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Triple Wow
Gone West
Bright Candles
Known Fact
Sugar Slew
By CENTURY CITY (IRE) (1999), $678,892, Arcadia H. [G2], Goffs Int’l S.
[G2], Tetrarch S. [G3], Turf Paradise Breeders’ Cup H., 2000 Guineas
Trial S., 2nd 2000 Guineas [G1], Loughbrown S., 3rd Breeders’ Cup Mile
[G1], etc. Sire of 8 crops, 53 winners, $2,297,974, including black typeplaced Oculuna (6 wins, $136,077), Miami Ali ($55,295, 3rd Hatoof S.).
1st dam
SLAM N’ SUGAR, by Grand Slam. Winner at 4, $9,859. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, one to race, a 3-year-old of 2014, which is unplaced in 2 starts.
2nd dam
SUGAR LANE, by Known Fact. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-Sugar Exchange. 2 wins at 3, $26,215.
3rd dam
SUGAR SLEW, by Seattle Slew. Winner at 2, $23,214. Sister to CYRANO.
Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, including-Gold ’n Sugar. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $226,428, 2nd Montauk H.-R (AQU, $16,245), Grecian Flight S. (MED, $9,000). Dam of-Erin Enchanted. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $164,884, 2nd Shot Berry S.-R.
A Zero Trap. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $122,032.
Christina B. Winner at 3, $12,060. Dam of 4 winners, including-Vintage Class. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $143,441.
Christina’s Fan. Unraced. Dam of Coleman Barricks (to 5, 2014).
4th dam
SUE BABE, by Mr. Prospector. 3 wins in 4 starts at 2, $103,756, Domino
S., Fashion S., 2nd Sorority S.-G1. Sister to NORTHERN PROSPECT
(sire), half-sister to SHARP BELLE (dam of Robert Le Diable, Regal
Feeling, Lady Chatterley; granddam of GRAND CHARMER [G3],
$210,087; Get Smarter). Dam of 7 winners, including-SIR HARRY LEWIS. Winner at 3 in Ireland, highweighted colt on Irish
H., Budweiser Irish Derby [G1]; 2 wins at 3 in England, Dee S., 2nd
Lane’s End John Porter E.B.F. S. [G3], etc.; winner at 4, $129,165 in
N.A./U.S., 3rd Rothmans International S. [G1]. Sire.
SIR RICHARD LEWIS. 4 wins to 3, $442,374, New York Stallion S. [LR]
(AQU, $120,000), New York Stallion S. [LR] (AQU, $60,000), 2nd Hopeful
S. [G1], Long Branch S. [L] (MTH, $11,220), 3rd Travers S. [G1], etc. Sire.
CYRANO. 2 wins at 2, $68,815, Bertram F. Bongard S. [R] (BEL, $32,430), 3rd Hollywood Juvenile Championship S. [G2]. Sire.
Flattery. 3 wins, $80,131. Producer. Granddam of Mr. Bourbon Street (10
wins, $246,974, set ntr), Cajun Best (3 wins, $55,346).
Champagne Babe. Placed at 3, $10,090. Dam of CHAMPAGNEFORASHLEY (5 wins in 6 starts, $352,980, Nashua S. [G3], etc., sire).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Jeff McGuire
Dark Bay or Brown Filly
Rock Pulpit . . . . . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Filly .
March 7, 2013
Smart Way . . . . . . . . .
Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wind River . . . . . . . . .
Ordway . . . . . . . . . . . .
Western Smart . . . . . .
A.P. Indy
Storm Cat
Salt Lake
Priceless Countess
Gone West
Smartly Styled
By ROCK PULPIT (2004), winner of 3 races, $32,449. Son of Pulpit [G2],
$728,200, sire of 68 black type winners, including Pyro [G1] ($1,673,673), Rutherienne [G1] ($1,298,671), Corinthian [G1] ($1,267,273), Mr.
Speaker [G1] (to 3, 2014). Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
including winners Rockaroo (2 wins at 3, 2014, $54,832), Pulp, etc.
1st dam
SMART WAY, by Ordway. Unraced. Sister to WESTERN RIDGE. This is her
second foal. Her first foal is unraced.
2nd dam
WESTERN SMART, by Gone West. Winner at 2, 7,622 euro in France. Total:
$9,640. Dam of 2 other foals, including-WESTERN RIDGE (g. by Ordway). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $93,274, Tres Rios
Juvenile S. (SRP, $21,797), Tempte H. (TUP, $16,000).
3rd dam
SMARTLY STYLED, by Cox’s Ridge. Placed at 2, $11,250. Sister to Sparkling Wit. Dam of 9 winners, including-Smart Caller. 15 wins, 2 to 6, $197,965. Producer.
4th dam
SMART HEIRESS, by *Vaguely Noble. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $154,999, Garden
City S., The Very One S., Martha Washington H., 2nd Cotillion S.-G3,
3rd Poinsettia S.-G3, Pucker Up S.-G3, etc. Half-sister to SMART ANGLE ($414,217, champion filly, Selima S.-G1, etc.), SMARTEN ($716,426, Ohio Derby-G2, etc., sire), QUADRATIC ($233,941, Cowdin S.-G2,
etc., sire). Dam of 9 winners, including-HOMEBUILDER. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $1,172,153, Fayette H. [G2], Baltimore
Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. [G3], Ben Ali H. [G3], Tropical Park Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (CRC, $93,000), etc. Sire.
AZTEC EMPIRE. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $308,229, Queens County H. [G3], 2nd
Stymie H. [G3]. Sire.
Sparkling Wit. 3 wins at 3, $73,671, 3rd Daryl’s Joy S. [G3].
Early Report. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $218,195.
Azhaar. Placed at 2 and 3 in England. Dam of 6 winners, including-CAUGHT OUT. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $299,563, My Dear S. [L] (WO, $69,000), Firecracker H. [L] (MNR, $47,791), etc. Dam of STRONG RETURN (7 wins, 310,995,000 yen in Japan, Yasuda Kinen [G1], etc.,
Total: $3,779,716), Red Oval (3 wins to 4, 2014, 131,157,000 yen
in Japan, 2nd Oka Sho-Japanese One Thousand Guineas [G1], etc.),
Daiwa Mach One (to 9, 2014 in Japan, Total: $1,278,963).
Bullet Points. Dam of Louie Nekia (5 wins, $227,399 in Canada, 3rd
Woodstock S. [L], WO, $13,750; 23 wins in 6 starts, $27,995 in N.A./
U.S., Total: $225,350).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Golden Justice
Lantana Mob . . . . . . .
Golden Justice . . .
Bay filly;
April 22, 2013
Fly Gold Air . . . . . . . .
Posse . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lantana . . . . . . . . . . .
Tactical Advantage . .
Festive Mood . . . . . . .
Silver Deputy
Sea Art
Forty Niner
Bering (GB)
French Flick
By LANTANA MOB (2005), black type winner of 6 races, $420,411, Sapling
S. [G3], Hirsch Jacobs S. [G3], Tyro S., Bachelor S., 3rd Carry Back S.
[G2], Gallant Bob H., Favorite Trick Breeders’ Cup S. Son of Posse [G2],
$662,841, sire of 22 black type winners, including Kodiak Kowboy [G1]
(champion). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners.
1st dam
FLY GOLD AIR, by Tactical Advantage. Winner at 2, 25,101 pounds in England.
Total: $36,693. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old of
2014, six to race, 3 winners-Aeromon (g. by Maria’s Mon). 4 wins at 4 and 5, $47,571.
Gold Master (g. by Mizzen Mast). Winner at 3, $12,370.
Empiric (f. by Aptitude). Winner at 3, $6,668.
2nd dam
FESTIVE MOOD, by Bering (GB). Placed at 3. Sister to PETER DAVIES. Dam
of 6 foals, 4 winners, including-Falcon Lair. 19 wins, 3 to 9, 177,972 euro in Italy. Total: $199,887.
3rd dam
FRENCH FLICK, by Silent Screen. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $118,358, Fairway Fun
S., 2nd Poquessing H., 3rd Heirloom S. Dam of 7 winners, including-PETER DAVIES. 5 wins in 9 starts at 2 and 5, 196,287 pounds in
England, Racing Post Trophy [G1], Sommerville Tattersalls S.; placed in
South Africa. Total: $348,056. Sire.
Normandy Belle. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $70,139, 3rd Salem County S. (MED,
$4,400). Dam of Waypoint (6 wins, $90,429), etc.
Kinkaku. Winner at 2, 15,333,000 yen in Japan. Total: $136,032.
Texas Cinema. Placed at 2. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, including-CINEMINE. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $506,681, Thoroughbred Club of America
S. [G3], Walmac International Lone Star Oaks S. [L] (LS, $90,000),
Wild Flower S. [L] (LS, $60,000)-ntr, etc. Dam of Outrageous Limit
(7 wins, $106,816 in N.A./U.S.; placed, $19,556 in Canada, 2nd Jim
Coleman Province H., HST, $10,000, Total: $124,367).
FLICK. 2 wins at 2, $86,705, Pontalba S. [L] (FG, $36,000). Producer.
Big American Force. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $168,906 in N.A./U.S.; placed at
5 and 6, $29,058 in Canada. Total: $193,438.
Sharp Flick. Dam of 7 winners, including-Scifi Flick. 3 wins at 3, $50,908, 2nd Kachina S. (RUI, $15,137). Dam
of DADDY O. (9 wins, $315,583, New Mexico State University H.-R,
SUN, $75,000, New Mexico State University H.-R, SUN, $66,000).
Fly Fishing. 9 wins, 3 to 7, 216,630 euro in France; placed at 2, 1,361
pounds in England. Total: $242,042.
Registered Ohio-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Paul Tackett
Dark Bay or Brown Filly
Elite Squadron . . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Filly .
April 6, 2013
Soco Creek . . . . . . . .
Officer . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sweet Mama . . . . . . .
Yonaguska . . . . . . . . .
Adena’s Girl . . . . . . . .
St. Helens Shadow
High Brite
Misty Mom
Cherokee Run
Marital Spook
Personal Flag
Queen’s Gambit
By ELITE SQUADRON (2004), black type wnr of 5 races, $507,059, Churchill Downs S. [G2], Labor Day S., 2nd Triple Bend Inv. H. [G1], Commonwealth S. [G2], 3rd Richter Scale Sprint H. [G2], Aristides S. [G3]. Son of
Officer [G1], $804,090. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014, 18
winners, $588,192, including Draw Nigh (at 2, 2014, 2nd Hoover S.).
1st dam
SOCO CREEK, by Yonaguska. 2 wins at 2, $55,050. Dam of 3 foals of racing
age, including a 2-year-old of 2014, two to race, including-New York Minute (f. by Seattle Fitz-ARG). Placed at 5, 2014, $10,150.
2nd dam
ADENA’S GIRL, by Personal Flag. Winner. Dam of 7 winners, including-Ready and Tough (f. by Good and Tough). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $181,262, 2nd
Ohio Valley H. [L] (MNR, $15,000), Gowell S. (TP, $10,000). Producer.
3rd dam
Queen’s Gambit, by Bold Ruler. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $55,629, 3rd Barbara
Ann H. Sister to WARD MCALLISTER. Dam of 6 winners, including-CHESS MOVE. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $118,038, Phoebe’s Donkey S., 3rd Liberation H., Margate S. Dam of Night Moves (12 wins, $110,103), etc.
Whiffling. Winner at 3, $27,900. Dam of 7 winners, including-PRAIRIE BAYOU. 7 wins in 12 starts at 2 and 3, $1,450,621, champion colt at 3, Preakness S. [G1], Jim Beam S. [G2], Blue Grass S.
[G2], Whirlaway Breeders’ Cup S. [L] (AQU, $66,030), etc.
FLITCH. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $628,796, National Museum of Racing Hall
of Fame S. [G2], Lawrence Realization H. [G3], Seneca H. [G3], Fort
McHenry H. [L] (LRL, $67,470), 2nd Arkansas Derby [G2], Saratoga
Special S. [G2], Stuyvesant H. [G3], Riggs H. [L], etc. Sire.
4th dam
SO SOCIAL, by Tim Tam. 3 wins at 3, $14,170. Half-sister to COMIC (sire).
Dam of 12 foals to race, 10 winners, including-SOCIAL BUSINESS. 5 wins, $128,850, Queen’s H. [G3], etc. Dam of
WARD MCALLISTER. 4 wins, $62,094, Bernard Baruch City H.-G3. Sire.
BANNER GALA. 4 wins, $161,159, Rare Perfume S., etc. Dam of Our
Happy Warrior, etc. G’dam of GOOD LUCK KENY [G3] (champion).
HASTY REPLY. 2 wins in France, Prix Djebel, 3rd Two Thousand Guineas-G1; 4 wins in Brazil, 3rd Premio Prefeito de Municipio de Sao
Paulo-G2; placed in Italy, 2nd Premio Tevere-G2.
SNOBISHNESS. 2 wins in France, Prix des Chenettes, etc. Dam of OH
SO SNOBISH [G3]; OH SO CHOOSY, Top Snob [G2]. Granddam of
MY BIG BOY [G1] ($1,046,087), FOREVER COMMAND, etc.
Black type-placed winners: Benefit Performer, Queen’s Gambit (above).
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Easy Way Ranch
Lord of Storms
Skylord . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lord of Storms . . .
Chestnut colt;
May 29, 2013
Storm Caper . . . . . . . .
Sky Mesa . . . . . . . . . .
Skyscape . . . . . . . . . .
Crowning Storm . . . . .
Carnival Caper . . . . . .
Emley’s Hill
Storm Cat
E. A. ’s Delight
By SKYLORD (2008), winner at 2 and 3, $50,220. Half-brother to Sky Cape
($452,208, La Jolla H. [G2], etc.). Son of Sky Mesa [G1], $633,076, sire
of 40 black type winners, including General Quarters ($1,226,655, Blue
Grass S. [G1], etc.), Sky Diver [G1] ($484,000), Skylighter [G2] ($489,892), Skyway [G2] (at 2, 2014). His first foals are yearlings of 2014.
1st dam
STORM CAPER, by Crowning Storm. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, including
a 2-year-old of 2014, which have not started.
2nd dam
Carnival Caper, by Carnivalay. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $64,773, 2nd Blue Mountain
Futurity-R (PEN, $9,965). Dam of 6 winners, including-Golden Carousel. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $133,013. Producer.
3rd dam
E. A. ’S DELIGHT, by No Robbery. Placed at 2. Dam of 7 foals to race, all winners, including-First Gleam. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $112,387, 2nd White Rose S. [R] (PEN,
$6,540), 3rd Blue Mountain Futurity [R] (PEN, $4,807), Pistol Packer
H. [R] (PHA, $4,361), etc. Dam of 6 winners, including-Ironville Pike. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $106,880.
Edenton. Unraced. Dam of Kaoma ($105,016, 3rd Clasico Bold Forbes).
Carnival Caper. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Every Wednesday. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, all winners, including-IMALLKEYEDUP. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $95,480, Blue Bonnet S. [R] (PEN,
$19,695), White Rose S. [R] (PEN, $19,515), etc.
Heavy Medal Man. 11 wins, 4 to 7, $147,298. Set ntr.
4th dam
RIZ, by Errard. 15 wins, 2 to 5, $41,570, Bold Venture H. Half-sister to FLIGHT
HISTORY (12 wins, $127,760), Strong Ruler (sire). Dam of 11 foals, 10
winners, including-DYNA DRILLER. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $79,994, British Columbia H., etc. Sire.
HOLY STONE. 14 wins, 4 to 7, $42,212, Billy the Kid H., etc.
RULING LARK. 6 wins in 11 starts, 2 to 4, Winnipeg Futurity S., etc.
PRIDE (sire), Mr. Winnipeg. Granddam of EXPLOSIVE JEFF (13 wins,
$279,628), LADY ELLEN (3 wins, $93,304), Lovely Annette ($82,265),
Johann Sebastian ($85,009). Great-granddam of SIREN LURE (15
wins, $994,244, Triple Bend Invitational H. [G1], HOL, $180,000, etc.),
STRIKING MOVE (6 wins, $182,941), PITTANCE.
Reina Mia. Winner at 2. Dam of RAMIS (Clasico Ano Nuevo, etc.).
Swinging Summer. 10 wins. Dam of Swinging Linda (g’dam of Powerfull
Force, 15 wins, $321,920, 2nd Bunty Lawless S.-R, WO, $22,400-CAN).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Breakway Farm LLC
Dark Bay or Brown Filly
Skylord . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Filly .
April 25, 2013
Ultimate Princess . . . .
Sky Mesa . . . . . . . . . .
Skyscape . . . . . . . . . .
Iroquois Park . . . . . . .
Jodi Z. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Emley’s Hill
Chief’s Crown
Am Capable
Hard Work
Bionic Nurse
By SKYLORD (2008), winner at 2 and 3, $50,220. Half-brother to Sky Cape
($452,208, La Jolla H. [G2], etc.). Son of Sky Mesa [G1], $633,076, sire
of 40 black type winners, including General Quarters ($1,226,655, Blue
Grass S. [G1], etc.), Sky Diver [G1] ($484,000), Skylighter [G2] ($489,892), Skyway [G2] (at 2, 2014). His first foals are yearlings of 2014.
1st dam
ULTIMATE PRINCESS, by Iroquois Park. Winner at 2, $13,397. Sister to ULTIMATE WARRIOR. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 4 to race-Move Me Up (f. by Mutakddim). Winner at 2 and 3, $69,155.
Purrpurrpurr (f. by Star Cat). Winner at 2 and 3, 2014, $54,051.
Class Queen (f. by Mutakddim). Winner at 4, $22,760.
At the Post (f. by Mutakddim). Winner at 3, $5,916. Dam of-Indiana Express. Winner at 3, 2014, $20,331.
2nd dam
JODI Z., by Hard Work. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $76,407. Dam of 7 foals, all winners,
including-ULTIMATE WARRIOR (g. by Iroquois Pak). 11 wins, 2 to 6, $547,221,
Gallant Bob H. [L] (PHA, $90,000), Hoosier Juvenile S. [L] (HOO, $47,940), Skip Away Sprint S. [L] (TDN, $45,000), Great Navigator S. [L]
(GP, $32,460), Holiday Cheer S. (TP, $31,300), Rexson’s Hope H. (CRC,
$16,314), 2nd Swale S. [G3], Hirsch Jacobs S. [L] (PIM, $15,000), Turfway Prevue S. [L] (TP, $12,000), 3rd Panhandle H. [L] (MNR, $8,629),
Bet Twice S. [L] (AP, $7,397), Hansel S. [L] (TP, $6,000).
Braggin Rights. Winner at 4, $12,591. Dam of 4 winners, including-VITO FILITTO (g. by Mutakddim). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $118,986, Minstrel S. (LAD, $30,000), 2nd Lafayette S. [L] (EVD, $15,000), Old Hickory S. (FG, $12,000), Black Gold S. (FG, $12,000).
3rd dam
Bionic Nurse, by Plastic Surgeon. 2 wins at 2, $22,621, 2nd Durazna S. Dam
of 7 foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-Whiskey Fever. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $90,845.
4th dam
FIVE PLUS, by Gushing Wind. Unraced. Dam of 9 winners, including-Bionic Nurse. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Lady Five. Winner at 2. Dam of 6 winners, including-Ducks On the Pond. 3 wins, $27,293, 4th President’s Cup [G3].
Masterpiece in Oil. 24 wins, 2 to 7, $79,914.
Sassy Ruffles. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $40,456. Dam of 8 winners, including-Ritzy Ruffles. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $30,296. Producer. Granddam of Daring
Julie (15 wins, $247,380, 3rd Likely Exchange S., TP, $5,000).
Man O. Work. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $36,860.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Blaine Davidson
Dark Bay or Brown Filly
Artemus Sunrise . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Filly .
April 25, 2013
Valid Sweetheart . . . .
Tale of the Cat . . . . . .
Eggs Binnedict . . . . . .
Valid Appeal . . . . . . . .
Nusweetheart . . . . . . .
Storm Cat
Mlle. Liebe
In Reality
Desert Trial
Well Decorated
Old Sweetheart
By ARTEMUS SUNRISE (2001), black type winner of 8 races, $361,130,
Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3]-ntr, 2nd West Virginia Governor’s S., Michael G. Schaefer Mile S., Texas Glitter H., 3rd Governor’s H.
Half-brother to Hash It Out. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
5 winners, $167,930, including C J’s Sunrise (at 4, 2014, $53,206).
1st dam
VALID SWEETHEART, by Valid Appeal. Placed, 2 to 4, $19,836. Dam of 10
foals of racing age, 7 to race, including a 2-year-old of 2014, five winners, including-Angels Trace (f. by Bellamy Road). 3 wins at 3 and 5, 2014, $153,821,
3rd Indiana First Lady S.-R (IND, $20,680), Ellen’s Lucky Star S.-R (IND,
Valid Mecke (g. by Mecke). Winner at 3 and 4, $64,333.
2nd dam
NUSWEETHEART, by Well Decorated. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $83,685, Minnesota
Breeders’ Oaks [LR] (CBY, $36,150). Dam of 2 winners-Hizzoner. 7 wins, 4 to 7, $111,661.
Raise a Miesque. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $107,775.
3rd dam
OLD SWEETHEART, by Our Michael. Placed at 2. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8
winners, including-VALID ROMEO. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $144,542, Manatee S. (CRC, $23,772),
2nd Bahamas S. [L] (HIA, $10,000), Surfside S. (HIA, $5,720), Joseph
M. O’Farrell S. [R] (HIA, $5,770), 3rd Manalapan S. [L] (CRC, $11,000).
B. L.’S SWEETHEART. 3 wins at 2, $97,741, Princess Futurity (LAD,
$41,820), 3rd Silver Spur S. [L] (LS, $16,500), TTA Sales Futurity-R (LS,
$18,496). Dam of B L’s Love (winner at 3 and 4, $24,289).
NUSWEETHEART. Black type winner, see above.
4th dam
SWEET SIMPLE GIRL, by Jaipur. 2 wins at 4, $11,174. Half-sister to BUMPY
ROAD (26 wins, $116,011, Pilgrim H., Lafayette S.-ntr, Phoenix H.,
2nd Sport Page H., John Alden H., Christiana S., etc.), Big Bend (9
wins, $52,281, 2nd Lake Erie Turf S., Cradle S., 3rd Michigan Derby Trial
H., International H.). Dam of 6 winners, including-OUT OF HOCK. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $311,996, Sapling S.-G1, Sierra Madre
H.-L, Royal Palm H., Tyro S., 2nd Hopeful S.-G1. Set 2 ncr’s at Belmont.
Laamada. Placed at 2. Dam of 10 winners, including-Spots in White. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $87,303, 3rd Jameela S. [LR].
Smile Sweetie. Unraced. Dam of 7 winners, including-HANDSOME SMILE. 15 wins, 2 to 9, $376,783, Florida Thoroughbred
Charities S.-R (OTC, $21,000)-etr, 2nd Florida Charities S.-R, etc.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of West Farms
Noble Attack
Forest Attack . . . . . . .
Noble Attack . . . . .
Chestnut colt;
March 23, 2014
Village Voice . . . . . . .
Forestry . . . . . . . . . . .
Joy Valley (BRZ) . . . . .
Petionville . . . . . . . . . .
Marra Jane . . . . . . . . .
Storm Cat
Shared Interest
Belle Valley
Seeking the Gold
Vana Turns
Miss Sensitive
By FOREST ATTACK (2004), black type winner of 7 races, $192,989, Dust
Commander S., 2nd Tejano Run S. Half-brother to Riboletta (BRZ) (8
wins, $1,467,086 in NA/US, champion, Beldame S. [G1], Vanity H. [G1],
etc.; [G2] in Brazil), Super Power (BRZ) [G1] (horse of the year, champion
twice), Tamara Princess (BRZ). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014.
1st dam
VILLAGE VOICE, by Petionville. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $29,031. Dam of 2 foals of
racing age, one to race-Weekendinthecity (f. by City Weekend). Winner at 4, $4,413.
2nd dam
MARRA JANE, by Pembroke. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $20,215. Dam of 3 other foals to
race, 2 winners-Western Jane. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $22,303.
Majestic Jane. Winner at 3, $17,288.
3rd dam
MISS SENSITIVE, by Sharpen Up (GB). Dam of 5 winners, including-Nagger. 4 wins to 5, $50,175, 2nd Miss Fairmount S. (FP, $4,420). Dam
of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-Lenny the Lender. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $435,336 in N.A./U.S., 2nd Sky
Classic H. [G2] (WO, $55,050-CAN), Sky Classic H. [G2] (WO, $54,350),
etc.; placed, $104,155 in Canada, 2nd Halton S.-R (WO, $25,000),
3rd Sky Classic H. [G2] (WO, $36,135), etc. Total: $523,495.
Artemis. 5 wins, 2 to 6, $48,488, 2nd Mount Royal H. (STP, $5,000).
Tiro Fijo. Placed at 2, 3rd Patrick Wood S.-R (GLD, $4,950).
Kelty Lynn. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, including-Moja Lynn. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $67,173, 3rd Blue Mountain Futurity-R (PEN,
$7,268). Producer.
Mr Resistencia. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $90,708.
4th dam
ABORDAGE (IRE), by Luthier. Winner at 3 in England. Sister to *ASHMORE
(champion in France, Prix Jean de Chaudenay-G2, etc., sire), halfsister to ART BLEU (Prix La Coupe [G3], etc., Total: $117,674, sire),
ACOMA (Prix de Minerve-G3, dam of AGENT BLEU [G2]; granddam
of Kruguy [G3]), Albertine (3rd Prix de l’Opera-G2, etc., dam of
ARCANGUES [G1], hwt, Total: $1,981,423, sire; AGATHE [G3]; ALAMO BAY; granddam of AQUARELLISTE [G1], hwt, Total: $972,957;
ANGARA-GB, Total: $1,101,700; CAPE VERDI-IRE [G1]; ACTRICE
[G2]; ARTISTE ROYAL-IRE [G3], Total: $997,790; ANNENKOU, Total:
$484,537; etc.). Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners, including-Grand Marche. 11 wins, 2 to 8, 126,605 euro in France. Total: $155,166.
Comely Dancer. 3 wins in England; 10 wins, $113,016 in N.A./U.S. Set ncr.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Anthony and Jody Guida
Tenpins . . . . . . . . . . .
Tenzing . . . . . . . . .
Chestnut gelding;
foaled 2010
Virch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Smart Strike . . . . . . . .
Maid’s Broom . . . . . . .
Wavering Monarch . . .
Shawnee Doll . . . . . . .
Mr. Prospector
Classy ’n Smart
Deputy Minister
Majestic Light
Shawnee Rose
By TENPINS (1998), $1,133,449, Washington Park H. [G2]-ntr, Cornhusker
Breeders’ Cup H. [G3], etc. Sire of 7 crops, 7 black type wnrs, $10,576,735, including Big Red Mike ($859,280, Canadian champion, Queen’s
Plate S., etc.), Coco’s Sweetie (7 wins, $365,332), Figpenn (7 wins to 5,
2014, $211,458), Tenmor ($199,616), Our Commander ($125,225).
1st dam
VIRCH, by Wavering Monarch. Dam of 2 other foals of racing age, including a
3-year-old of 2014, which have not started.
2nd dam
SHAWNEE DOLL, by Verification. Winner at 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, incl.-Shawnee Chopin. Winner at 3, $7,612.
Hay Doll. Placed at 3, $5,643.
3rd dam
SHAWNEE ROSE, by *Indian Chief II. Dam of 4 other winners-MAR DEL NORT. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $57,722, Penelope S., Sadie Hawkins H.
Secretaria. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $23,206, 3rd Clasico Tite-G2.
Five Under Par. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $24,731.
Quadramatic. 3 wins at 4, $19,544.
Roseland. Placed at 3 and 4, $15,500. Dam of 3 winners-Million of Roses. 3 wins at 5 and 7, $21,368.
Demetri’s Mistake. Winner at 4.
Honest Patricia. Winner at 3.
Holy Tara. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 2 winners-Tararise. Winner at 3, $3,820.
Amen Again. Winner at 3.
4th dam
LADY’S MAID, by Prophets Thumb. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $52,785, Kent S., 2nd
Maryland Derby. Set ntr. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners-Bobsledder. 2 wins at 2, 3rd Clarendon S.
Tom Landry. Winner at 3 and 4, $18,557.
Chateau Maid. Winner at 4, $6,560. Dam of-AND MORE. 14 wins, 2 to 7, $262,974, Faneuil Hall H., Mayflower S.,
Governor’s H., Gettysburg H., 2nd Bold Lad H., 3rd Tom Fool S.-G2,
Oceanport H.-L.
Race Record: At 2 and 3, unraced; at 4, 2014, has not started.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Hancock Farm
Dark Bay or Brown Filly
Deer Lake . . . . . . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Filly .
June 5, 2013
Well Known . . . . . . . .
Meadowlake . . . . . . . .
Dorothy Dear . . . . . . .
Known Fact . . . . . . . .
Sparkling Novel . . . . .
Hold Your Peace
Suspicious Native
Foolish Pleasure
Outward Sunshine
In Reality
By DEER LAKE (1999), black type wnr of 9 races, $356,980, Holiday Cheer
S., 2nd Marfa S., Forego S., 3rd Mr. Prospector H. [G3], Arlington Sprint
H., Texas Glitter H. Son of Meadowlake [G1], $308,580, sire of champion
Meadow Star [G1] ($1,445,740). Sire of 3 crops, including 3-year-olds of
2014, $116,457, including winners Mr Rooster (to 5, 2014, $57,070), etc.
1st dam
WELL KNOWN, by Known Fact. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $100,810. Dam of 5 foals
of racing age, 4 to race, all winners, including-Stonemill (g. by Mingun). 2 wins at 5, $51,789.
2nd dam
SPARKLING NOVEL, by Manila. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $76,917. Dam of 8 foals to
race, 7 winners, including-Sparkling Humor (f. by Distorted Humor). 3 wins, $144,232, 2nd Autumn
Leaves H. [L] (BM, $15,000), London Lil S. (CRC, $8,000). Producer.
Our Last Novel. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $183,115.
3rd dam
Novelette, by Fluorescent Light. 4 wins at 3, $63,152, 2nd Prismatical S.
(MTH, $6,980). Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-Light Up the House. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $109,679.
4th dam
FIRST CHAPTER, by Disciplinarian. Unraced. Half-sister to ANCIENT FABLES-G3 (dam of NATIVE FABLE; granddam of BE EXCLUSIVEIRE [G3]), SPARTAN FABLES. Dam of 8 winners, including-Shiny Circles. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $68,457, 3rd Real Delight H. Producer. Granddam of Mother Bear (dam of MOTHER’S MEETING,
3 wins in 6 starts, $120,645, Boo La Boo S.-R, SA, $65,640). Greatgranddam of Old Man River (9 wins, Total: $253,513).
Novelette. Black type-placed winner, see above.
With Patience. Winner at 3, $4,434. Dam of DOC’S LEADER (9 wins,
$494,325, West Virginia Derby [L], MNR, $60,000, Heritage S. [L], PHA,
$41,460, Slewpy S., MED, $24,000, Neshaminy H., etc., sire).
My First Word. 4 wins, $33,625. Dam of ROLE ON FORLI. Granddam of
COUNT THE TIME (12 wins, $677,499, Fairmount Derby [G3], etc.,
sire), MISS TIMEBANK (dam of Forest Native, Hawkish), Overbrook
(5 wins, $219,850), Timebank (4 wins, $155,150, 2nd Bel Air H. [G2],
etc., set ntr, sire). Great-granddam of THROBBIN’ HEART.
Clamoring. Dam of MILLERS STATIONERY (10 wins, $218,475). Granddam of FRANKLY MY DEAR (8 wins, Total: $350,547), LETTERHEAD
($218,701), TOSS THE BAG, Smooth Senorita (10 wins, $217,471).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of
Allie Racing Stable/Scooter Arnold
B B and K K
Mondavi . . . . . . . . . . .
B B and K K . . . . .
Gray//roan gelding;
March 17, 2013
Alec’s Lil Angel . . . . .
Maria’s Mon . . . . . . . .
Senate Appointee . . .
Expelled . . . . . . . . . . .
Raawiyeh . . . . . . . . . .
Wavering Monarch
Carlotta Maria
Storm Cat
Social Lesson
Raja Baba
By MONDAVI (2003), winner, 3rd Iroquois S. [G3]. Son of Maria’s Mon [G1],
$507,140, champion, sire of 54 black type wnrs, including Wait a While
[G1] ($2,181,917, champion), Super Saver [G1] ($1,889,766). Sire of 5
crops, 6 winners, $307,496, including How’s the Weather (4 wins to 4,
2014, $81,072), Woodys Night Watch ($54,125), Lady Monavi, etc.
1st dam
ALEC’S LIL ANGEL, by Expelled. Winner at 4, $14,859. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old of 2014, one to race.
2nd dam
RAAWIYEH, by Raja Baba. Placed at 2 in England; 2 wins, $45,390 in N.A./U.S.
Sister to Svarga. Dam of 11 foals to race, all winners, including-Eastern Lily (f. by Eastern Echo). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $69,779, 2nd Queen
S. (TP, $10,000). Dam of 3 foals to race, all winners, including-Sound of Guns (f. by Acclamation). Winner at 2 in England, 2nd St.
Hughe’s S., 3rd Polypipe Flying Childers S. [G2]. Total: $29,601.
Prematurely Gray. Winner at 3, $24,600. Dam of 6 winners, including-EASY TEE (f. by Lil E. Tee). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $220,903, Florence Henderson S.-R (IND, $30,000), Frances Slocum S.-R (HOO, $27,000)
twice, 2nd Merrillville S.-R (HOU, $20,000), Florence Henderson
S.-R (IND, $9,000), 3rd Frances Slocum S.-R (HOO, $11,000).
LIL E ROSE (f. by Lil E. Tee). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $175,742, West Mesa
H. (AQU, $27,000). Producer.
BLUESBREAKER (c. by A. P Jet). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $172,145, Damon
Runyon S.-R (AQU, $49,560). Sire.
QUEEN’S TRIOMPHE (f. by Cure the Blues). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $162,193, Montauk H.-R (AQU, $49,725), 2nd Ladies H. [G3]. Producer.
Decoding the Gray. 19 wins, 2 to 8, $216,360.
Betwineyouandme. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $192,706. Dam of 3 winners, including-Early Response (g. by Hook and Ladder). 8 wins, 2 to 4, placed at
8, 2014, $194,958, 2nd Ontario County S.-R (FL, $10,000).
Kachina Lady (f. by Icy Atlantic). Placed at 2 in Panama, 3rd Clasico
Jose A. Perez y Bernabe Perez.
Pammer. 2 wins at 3, $12,389. Dam of Big Crescendo (g. by Chopin).
3rd dam
UNFURLED, by Hoist the Flag. Winner at 2, $5,390. Half-sister to WAGEKO,
Lanyon. Dam of 9 winners, including SHAADI [G1] (Total: $482,514,
leading sire), PLEASURE CAY-G3 ($380,599), Svarga (dam of Mystical Path, Miss Quote; g’dam of COTTAGE GARDEN, $326,167;
CZARINA), Unbiased. G’dam of BRUSH OVER (dam of MADRILENA,
$220,925), REGAL ROSE, Brushed On [G3] ($424,514), etc.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Consigned by Elliott Farms, Agent
Chestnut Colt
Sangaree . . . . . . . . . .
Chestnut Colt . . . .
March 17, 2014
Ama de Casa . . . . . . .
Awesome Again . . . . .
Mari’s Sheba . . . . . . .
Grand Slam . . . . . . . .
Gold Ransom . . . . . . .
Deputy Minister
Primal Force
Mari’s Book
Sheba Little (GB)
Gone West
Bright Candles
Red Ransom
Flaming Gold
By SANGAREE (2005), black type winner of 4 races, $365,710, Joe Hernandez S., 2nd Triple Bend H. [G1], Californian S. [G2], Mervyn LeRoy H.
[G2], Hal’s Hope S. [G3], Bold Ruler H. [G3], Birdstone S. Half-brother to
Congaree ($3,267,490, Hollywood Gold Cup [G1], Swaps S. [G1], Carter
H. [G1], Cigar Mile H. [G1] twice, etc. His first foals are weanlings of 2014.
1st dam
AMA DE CASA, by Grand Slam. Winner at 3, $27,291 in N.A./U.S.; placed at 2
in England. Total: $30,233. Sister to Grandelena. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, 3 to race-Diego (g. by Article of Faith). Winner at 3, 2014, $44,998, 2nd Sagamore
Sired S.-R (IND, $16,750).
Indecisive (f. by Article of Faith). Winner at 3, $21,090.
Avoidable (f. by Article of Faith). Placed at 2, 2014, $14,280.
2nd dam
GOLD RANSOM, by Red Ransom. Unr. Sister to LULU’S RANSOM. Dam of-Grandelena (f. by Grand Slam). 2 wins at 2, $65,830, 2nd Meafara S. [L]
(HAW, $22,480).
Rosie’s Ransom. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $52,595. Dam of 5 winners, including-Rosie My Rosie (f. by Purge). 4 wins at 3 and 4, 2014, $103,217, 3rd
Bungalow S.-R (FP, $5,225).
Condo Closing (c. by Offlee Wild). Winner at 2 and 3, 2014, $79,100,
3rd Gazebo S. (OP, $10,000).
My Boy Jo. 5 wins, 2 to 7, placed at 8, 2014, $142,744.
Inspeightofthegold. 6 wins, 3 to 5, 2014, $72,411.
3rd dam
FLAMING GOLD, by Storm Bird. Unraced. Dam of 8 winners, including-LULU’S RANSOM. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $196,350, Tropical Park Oaks [L]
(CRC, $30,000)-ecr, Herecomesthebride S. [L] (GP, $30,000), Patricia
S. [L] (HIA, $30,000), Prom S. (MED, $21,000), 2nd Miss Grillo S. [G3],
Sweetest Chant S. [L] (GP, $10,000).
Golder Than Gold. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $151,160.
Flame Song. 3 wins, 4 to 6, $113,488. Dam of 3 winners, including-Bear’s Pearl. 6 wins, 2 to 4, 2014, $195,451 in Canada. Total: $190,857.
4th dam
MOLALLA, by *Gallant Man. 4 wins, $54,500. Dam of 8 winners, including-ARMIN. 11 wins, $405,753, Vallejo Day H. (SOL, $22,340), etc. Sire.
Gallant Response. Winner at 3 and 4, $21,820. Producer. G’dam of Devoted Magic (8 wins, $229,340, 2nd Palos Verdes H. [G2], SA, $30,000).
Gallant Effort. Unraced. Dam of PRESS CAMP (4 wins, $130,300).
Bold Stunner. Unraced. Dam of EVANS TALORY (6 wins, $115,454).
Engagements: ITOBA Stakes.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Silver Justice
Lantana Mob . . . . . . .
Silver Justice . . . .
Bay filly;
March 10, 2013
Future Answer . . . . . .
Posse . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lantana . . . . . . . . . . .
Copelan . . . . . . . . . . .
What a Future . . . . . . .
Silver Deputy
Sea Art
Tri Jet
Susan’s Girl
By LANTANA MOB (2005), black type winner of 6 races, $420,411, Sapling
S. [G3], Hirsch Jacobs S. [G3], Tyro S., Bachelor S., 3rd Carry Back S.
[G2], Gallant Bob H., Favorite Trick Breeders’ Cup S. Son of Posse [G2],
$662,841, sire of 22 black type winners, including Kodiak Kowboy [G1]
(champion). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners.
1st dam
FUTURE ANSWER, by Copelan. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $129,615. Dam of 8 foals of racing
age, 8 to race, including a 2-year-old of 2014, four winners, including-Reed and Rite (f. by Notebook). Winner at 2, $20,720. Dam of-GATOR PROWL (f. by Roar of the Tiger). 5 wins in 9 starts to 3, $106,000,
Marshua S. (LRL, $30,000), 3rd Wide Country S. (LRL, $5,500). Set
ntr. Dam of Gator Heat (c. by Southwestern Head) placed in 2 starts
at 2, 2014, 3rd George Maloof Futurity-R, ALB, $10,733.
Cause and Effect. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $102,466 in Canada; winner at 6
and 7, $10,329 in N.A./U.S. Total: $105,075.
Jumping Justice (f. by Doneraile Court). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2014,
2nd dam
WHAT A FUTURE, by Roberto. Placed at 3. Half-sister to JOURNEY AT SEA
($564,950, Swaps S.-G1, etc., sire). Dam of 5 winners, including-WHATA BRAINSTORM (c. by Honor Grades). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $623,090,
Pan American H. [G2], Calder Derby [G3], Mecke S. [L] (CRC, $60,000),
2nd Gulfstream Park Breeders’ Cup H. [G1], Lawrence Realization H.
[G3], Saranac H. [G3], 3rd W. L. McKnight H. [G2].
Future Guest. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $77,220. Dam of 8 winners, including-RULER’S COURT (c. by Doneraile Court). 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and
4, $235,900, Norfolk S. [G2] (SA, $150,000), 3rd Hollywood Juvenile
Championship S. [G3] (HOL, $12,300). Sire.
WISE RIVER (c. by Belong to Me). 7 wins, 2 to 7, $493,842 in N.A./
U.S., Robert f. Carey Memorial H. [G3] (HAW, $87,300), Dallas Turf
Cup H. [L] (LS, $90,000), 2nd Tropical Park Derby [G3] (CRC, $20,000),
Miami Mile H. [G3] (CRC, $19,000), etc. Set ncr. Total: $499,337.
Yasou Sarah Rose. 2 wins, $15,980. Producer. G’dam of Aviddiva (f.
by Wilko) at 3, 2014 in N.A./U.S. and Canada, Total; $60,736.
Yasou Niko. 11 wins, 2 to 8, $135,733.
Future Question. 2 wins at 3, $87,105. Dam of 9 winners, including-Bernie B (c. by Marquetry). Winner at 2 and 3, $78,631, 3rd Gravelines
S.-R (GP, $9,026), Fabulous Frolic S. (CRC, $3,620).
Copelan’s Ridge. 8 wins, 2 to 5, placed at 9, 2014, $135,017.
Kisses and Hugs. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of WALL STREET WONDER [G3] (c. by City Place), COASTAL SUNRISE (f. by Congrats).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Wanda Garst
American Trooper
Glasnost . . . . . . . . . . .
American Trooper
Chestnut colt;
April 30, 2013
American Grown . . . .
Awesome Again . . . . .
Rabiadella . . . . . . . . .
Pride of Burkaan . . . .
Nero’s Matron . . . . . . .
Deputy Minister
Primal Force
Crystal Goddess
Alomas Belle
American History
Centurian Lady
By GLASNOST (2002), unplaced in 2 starts. Half-brother to black type winners Diadella ($563,274, Canadian H. [G2]-ntr, etc.), Say a Novena ($329,870), El Kingdom. Son of Awesome Again [G1], $4,374,590, sire of 54
black type winners, including champions Ginger Punch [G1[ ($3,065,603),
Ghostzapper [G1]-ntr. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014.
1st dam
AMERICAN GROWN, by Pride of Burkaan. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals of racing
age, including twin 3-year-olds of 2014, one to race-Love Tobe American (f. by Plenty Chilly). Winner at 3, $13,120.
2nd dam
NERO’S MATRON, by American History. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $156,854. Dam of 2
foals to race, including-Sara’s Secret. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $27,792.
3rd dam
CENTURIAN LADY, by Sinister Purpose. 3 wins at 3, $10,293. Dam of 2 other
foals to race, one winner-Centurian Gal. 5 wins, 3 to 8, $26,212.
4th dam
TRICKY PAL, by Maser Bart H. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $13,455. Half-sister to Regent Gal ($31,236, 2nd Nandi S., etc.). Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race,
all winners-Nero’s Woman. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $45,215.
Strong Pal. 8 wins, 2 to 7, $18,875.
Mr. Amerigo. Winner at 2 and 3, $12,915.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of
Rachelle Steiner-Wexler/Good Hope Stables
Bombay Soul Baby
Bombay Soul
Baby . . . . . .
Dark bay/br. filly;
February 23, 2012
Perfect Soul (IRE) . . . .
Bombay Betty . . . . . . .
Sadler’s Wells . . . . . . .
Ball Chairman . . . . . . .
Bartok (IRE) . . . . . . . .
Sue’s Lucky Jewel . . .
Northern Dancer
Fairy Bridge
A Status Symbol
Fairy King
Something Lucky
Soaring Jewel
By PERFECT SOUL (IRE) (1998), $1,527,764, champion, Keeneland Turf
Mile S. [G1], etc. Sire of 7 crops, 5 black type winners, $12,318,138, including Perfect Shirl (4 wins, $1,390,729, Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare
Turf [G1], Lake George S. [G2], etc.), Perfect Shower (3 wins, $419,448),
Check Your Soul (4 wins, $247,075), My Perfect Ten (5 wins, $238,871).
1st dam
BOMBAY BETTY, by Bartok (IRE). This is her first foal.
2nd dam
SUE’S LUCKY JEWEL, by Something Lucky. Dam of 3 other foals to race,
including-Topper’s Gem. 3 wins at 3 and 6, $49,714.
Poca Nota. Placed at 3, $4,909.
3rd dam
SOARING JEWEL, by *Golden Eagle II. Winner at 4. Dam of 4 winners-I’M A JEWEL. 7 wins, 2 to 7, $251,495, California Derby [G3], 2nd Wearin
’O the Green H. (BM, $9,600).
Midnight Excess. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $81,557.
Elusive Jewel. 2 wins at 3, $15,481.
Neverenough Jewels. Winner at 2 and 3, $12,149.
Excessing. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 2 winners-SWEET MARINI. 3 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2014, $276,030, Fleet
Treat S.-R (DMR, $117,200), 2nd Melair S.-R (BHP, $47,500), 3rd
Rancho Bernardo H. [G3] (DMR, $18,000).
Tempesta Gato. Winner at 2, $16,675.
4th dam
Dazzlingly, by Decidedly. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $130,025, 2nd Tulare S. Dam
of 7 other foals, 6 to race-Semantics. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $151,003, 3rd Curragh Stock Farm H. (BM,
Sparkling Coleen. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $44,173, 2nd Camellia S. [R] (SAC, $2,850). Producer.
Forty Sixer. 7 wins, 3 to 8, $32,408. Set ntr.
Jenny’s Prize. Winner at 3, $11,091. Producer.
Dazzle Maker. Winner at 4, $8,325.
Celestial Stuff. Placed at 3.
Race Record: At 2, 2014, has not started.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Paul Tackett
Bay Filly
Five Star Day . . . . . . .
Bay Filly . . . . . . . .
April 2, 2013
City in the Clouds . . . .
Carson City . . . . . . . .
Reggie V . . . . . . . . . .
Good and Tough . . . .
Champagneforlisa . . .
Mr. Prospector
Blushing Promise
Regent’s Walk
Carson City
Amy Be Good
Changeable Queen
By FIVE STAR DAY (1996), $575,365, A. G. Vanderbilt H. [G2], etc. Sire of
10 crops, 25 black type wnrs, $20,416,874, including Eternal Star [G2]
($605,920), Dance Daily (Santa Ynez S. [G2], etc.), Starforaday [G3] (to
11, 2014, $578,771), Eve Giselle [G3] ($288,620), Day Pass [G3], Just
Louise [G3], Sweet Cassiopeia ($641,079), Rod’s Five Star ($427,350).
1st dam
City in the Clouds, by Good and Tough. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $262,649, 2nd New
York Stallion Park Avenue S.-R (AQU, $20,000), 3rd New York Stallion
Cupecoy’s Joy S.-R (BEL, $7,500). Dam of one foal of racing age-Fast ’n’ Firm (f. by Elite Squadron). Winner in 1 start at 2, $17,220 in Canada. Total: $31,014.
2nd dam
CHAMPAGNEFORLISA, by Champagneforashley. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $158,793.
Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including-CHAMPAGNE RUBY (f. by Utopia-JPN). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2014, $142,335, Shesastonecoldfox S.-R (FL, $30,000), Niagara S.-R (FL, $30,000),
2nd New York Stallion S.-R (AQU, $20,000), East View S.-R (AQU, $20,000), 3rd New York Stallion Series S.-R (AQU, $15,000).
City in the Clouds (f. by Good and Tough). Black type-placed wnr, above.
Its Goodtobeking. 5 wins, 3 to 9, 2014, $97,227.
3rd dam
CHANGEABLE QUEEN, by Noble Nashua. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $139,140. Dam of
10 foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-Watchmenow. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $190,300. Dam of 3 winners, including-Lady Elaine. 6 wins, 3 to 7, $153,349.
D J’s Girl. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $135,920. Dam of 3 winners, including-Ziptronic. 10 wins, 3 to 8, 2014, $412,080.
Free to Fly. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $116,169 in Canada. Total: $106,585.
Brisk Breeze. 3 wins, 4 to 6, $120,760. Producer.
Who’s Livin Bettor. 8 wins, 3 to 11, $111,827.
4th dam
QUEENS QUARTERS, by Quadrangle. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of-In With the Queen. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $10,747.
Detente’s Daughter. Placed at 3. Dam of 2 winners, including-Triodet. 25 wins, 3 to 8, $230,555, 3rd King’s Point H. [R] (AQU, $6,684), At the Threshold S. [R] (FL, $3,390). Sire.
Queen’s Boudoir. Dam of 4 winners, including-Ocala Night. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $84,231, 2nd Wine Country H. [R] (FL,
$5,000), 3rd Frattare S. [R] (FL, $2,750).
Win by Decision. Winner at 3, $78,670. Producer.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Crystal Chapple, DVM
Peyton’s Pass
Pass Rush . . . . . . . . .
Peyton’s Pass . . . .
Bay filly;
April 16, 2013
Colorado Song . . . . . .
Crown Ambassador . .
Profitable Knight . . . . .
Pine Bluff . . . . . . . . . .
Tomorrow’s Song . . . .
Storm Cat
Rare Mint
Profit Island
Rowdy Angel
By PASS RUSH (1999), $594,603, San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S. [G2],
etc. Sire of 5 crops, 24 winners, $2,187,058, including black type wnrs
Facey’s Spirit (to 6, 2014, $396,858, Ellen’s Lucky Star S., etc.), Pass
the Crown (to 6, 2014, $300,919, Brickyard S., etc.), Short Round (to 4,
2014, $164,810, Snack S., etc.), Mack the Slew ($126,571), Passed Due.
1st dam
Colorado Song, by Pine Bluff. Winner at 2 and 3, $164,928, 2nd Princess
S. [G2], Sandy Blue S.-R (DMR, $12,260), 3rd Del Mar Debutante S. [G2],
Sorrento S. [G2]. Dam of 10 foals of racing age, 6 to race, including-Sage d’Oro (f. by Medaglia d’Oro). Winner at 2 and 4, $77,841.
Zidane (g. by Elusive Quality). 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, $34,140.
2nd dam
TOMORROW’S SONG, by Apalachee. Winner at 2, $60,650. Dam of 10 foals
to race, 8 winners, including-TOMORROWS SUNSHINE (f. by Silver Deputy). 7 wins at 3 and 4,
$296,308, Time To Leave H. [R] (SA, $39,450), Cascapedia S. [R] (SA,
$36,435), 2nd Las Flores H. [G3], etc. Dam of-Brilliant Sunshine (f. by Smarty Jones). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $185,550,
3rd My Juliet S. [L] (PRX, $27,500), etc.
Colorado Song (f. by Pine Bluff). Black type-placed winner, see above.
Datttsdawayilikeit (f. by Forestry). Winner at 3 and 4, $57,850, 3rd P.
G. Johnson S. (MED, $6,050). Dam of Revocation (g. by Broken Vow).
Tomorrows Destiny. Winner, $34,440. Dam of Daymaker (f. by Fusaichi
Pegasus) 3 wins, $110,742 in Canada; placed in N.A., Total: $110,135.
Kirkela. Winner at 3, $48,000 in Canada. Total: $42,555. Dam of Kenai
King (g. by Harbor the Gold) to 3, 2014, $42,823.
3rd dam
DANTINA, by Gray Phantom. 3 wins at 2, Starlet S. Dam of 9 winners, incl.-PASS THE TAB. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $463,652, Ohio Derby-G2, etc. Sire.
TOMORROW’S CHILD. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $483,229, Pasadena S. [L] (SA,
$46,250), etc. Dam of TOMORROWS CAT (4 wins, $516,090, Buick
Pegasus H. [G2], etc., sire), TETON FOREST (3 wins, $222,000, Jerome
H. [G2], etc., sire). G’dam of LITTLE ALEXIS (at 3, 2014, $117,710).
ITALIAN RULER. 18 wins, 2 to 10, $98,117, Riley Allison Thoroughbred
Futurity, 2nd Land of Enchantment Futurity, Sandia H.
Tomorrow’s Spirit. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $164,322, 2nd Lawrence Realization
S. [G3], Newbury H. [L] (AP, $15,000).
Danrullah. 2 wins. Dam of A GYPSY SAYS (8 wins, $112,420).
Deed a Double. 4 wins at 3, $10,775. Producer. G’dam of WILD WILD
WEST (in N.A./U.S. and Canada, Total: $305,404).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of John and Sue Small
Catch N Run
Pass Rush . . . . . . . . .
Catch N Run . . . . .
Chestnut colt;
June 1, 2013
Corkiella . . . . . . . . . . .
Crown Ambassador . .
Profitable Knight . . . . .
Well Decorated . . . . .
Ballygally . . . . . . . . . .
Storm Cat
Rare Mint
Profit Island
Raja Baba
Paris Breeze
An Irish Colleen
By PASS RUSH (1999), $594,603, San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S. [G2],
etc. Sire of 5 crops, 24 winners, $2,187,058, including black type wnrs
Facey’s Spirit (to 6, 2014, $396,858, Ellen’s Lucky Star S., etc.), Pass
the Crown (to 6, 2014, $300,919, Brickyard S., etc.), Short Round (to 4,
2014, $164,810, Snack S., etc.), Mack the Slew ($126,571), Passed Due.
1st dam
CORKIELLA, by Well Decorated. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 5
to race, including a 2-year-old of 2014, two winners, including-Swift Road (g. by Kandaly). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $31,829.
2nd dam
BALLYGALLY, by Coastal. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, one winner-Dawnsetta. Winner at 4, $7,260.
3rd dam
AN IRISH COLLEEN, by Singh. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-Thatsafact Pete. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $74,274, 3rd El Conquistador S.
4th dam
IRISH JAY, by Double Jay. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $216,075, Spinaway S., Acorn
S., Fashion S., Demoiselle S., Schuylerville S., Comely S., 2nd Matron
S., Frizette S., etc. Set ntr at Belmont. Half-sister to Irish Ruler (sire),
Supernatural. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including-QUEEN EMPRESS. 15 wins, 2 to 4, $431,428, champion, Vagrancy H.,
Correction H., Astoria S., Colleen S., Frizette S., etc. Dam of-HAIL EMPEROR. 8 wins, $260,451, Native Dancer H.-L, etc. Sire.
Royal Dilemma. 2 wins at 3, 2nd Milady H. Dam of SILVER FLING [G1]
(hwt on European Free H. at 5 - 7 fur, Total: $464,312), IMPERIAL DILEMMA, IMPERIAL FLING, SILVERDIP, Snowbowl. Granddam of
POWDER BOWL [G2] (Total: $455,043), GRANGEVILLE (Total:
$445,309), PALANA, STRIDENT, SNOW KEY, Silver Desert [G3];
Western Bowl, Silla, Snow Cove, Robellino Miss, Unzipped.
Call the Queen. Winner at 3, $14,340. Dam of Tumbler, Fabulous
Prince, Say What You Mean. Granddam of GERRIE SINGER [G3]
(19 wins, $360,211), Sugar Hill Chick ($125,930), React (GB).
Empiracle. Unraced. Dam of SILVER GEM. Granddam of DIABLENEYEV (sire), Empireneyev, Tender Morn, Private Empress.
Frau Stark. Unraced. Granddam of GESTURE [G3] (Total: $318,419).
LAND OF EIRE. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $184,033, Widener H.-G1, etc. Sire.
KING EMPEROR. 13 wins, $453,918, Pimlico-Laurel Futurity, etc. Sire.
Really Bold. Winner at 3. Dam of Invigorating. Granddam of Queen
of Screen ($90,573), etc. Great-granddam of DANCING SOLO.
Engagements: 2016 Indiana ITOBA Stallion Season Stake.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Blaine Davidson
Dark Bay or Brown Filly
Artemus Sunrise . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Filly .
April 25, 2013
Countessa . . . . . . . . .
Tale of the Cat . . . . . .
Eggs Binnedict . . . . . .
Lord At War (ARG) . . .
Sa Marche . . . . . . . . .
Storm Cat
Mlle. Liebe
General (FR)
Luna de Miel
Rollrights (GB)
By ARTEMUS SUNRISE (2001), black type winner of 8 races, $361,130,
Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3]-ntr, 2nd West Virginia Governor’s S., Michael G. Schaefer Mile S., Texas Glitter H., 3rd Governor’s H.
Half-brother to Hash It Out. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
5 winners, $167,930, including C J’s Sunrise (at 4, 2014, $53,206).
1st dam
COUNTESSA, by Lord At War (ARG). Winner at 4 and 5, $82,500. Dam of 7
foals of racing age, 7 to race, 4 winners, including-Twinbucktu (g. by Our Emblem). Winner at 3, $23,856.
Sunrise Countess (f. by Artemus Sunrise). Winner at 2, 2014, $18,315.
2nd dam
SA MARCHE, by D’Accord. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $90,840. Sister to YESTDAY’S
KISSES. Dam of 7 foals, all winners, including-Follow the Flag. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $126,378.
3rd dam
Rollrights (GB), by Ragstone. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, 2nd Ribblesdale
S.-G2, Galtres S., Playboy Pretty Polly S.; winner at 4, $24,170 in N.A./
U.S., 3rd Chrysanthemum H.-G3. Sister to Rollfast (GB). Dam of 4 other
foals, 3 winners, including-YESTDAY’S KISSES. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $229,614, La Prevoyante International H. [G2], Martha Washington H. [G3], 3rd Sheepshead Bay H.
[G3], My Charmer H. [L] (CRC, $6,600). Dam of 7 winners, including-OUTLAW. 13 wins, 2 to 7, $173,543, Sleepy Hollow S. [R] (BEL, $45,000),
3rd Mike Lee H.-R (BEL, $6,105).
INLAW. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $101,951, Lady Fingers S.-R (FL, $44,160),
2nd New York Stallion Fifth Avenue S.-R (AQU, $20,000). Granddam
of GIRLFRIENONTHESIDE (3 wins, $128,490, Crank It Up S., MTH,
$36,000, 2nd Astoria S. [L], BEL, $21,900, 3rd Schuylerville S. [G3].
Sawa’s Song. Winner at 2, $31,640, 2nd Bloomfield College S. Producer.
Mille. de Paris. Unraced. Dam of Mlle. Minuit (to 3, 2014, $108,999).
4th dam
Skiboule, by Boulou. 6 wins, 2 to 4 in Belgium, 3rd Prix Baron Emile Braun.
Sister to Boulak, half-sister to Dandy, Bouldor (producer). Dam of 8
winners, including-Rollrights (GB). Black type-placed winner, see above.
Rollfast (GB). 3 wins at 3 in England; placed at 4 and 5 in N.A., 3rd
Memorial Day H.-L. Dam of RAGTIMER ($74,845), Raggle (sire).
Castle in the Air. Winner at 3 in England; winner at 4 in France. Producer. Granddam of Quinquin the King (FR) (4 wins, 114,490 euro in
France; placed at 4, $36,610 in N.A./U.S., 3rd San Juan Capistrano Invitational H. [G2], SA, $30,000, Total: $175,755).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Wanda Garst
Top Is the Cream
Glasnost . . . . . . . . . . .
Top Is the Cream .
Bay colt;
May 2, 2013
Cream and Sugar . . . .
Awesome Again . . . . .
Rabiadella . . . . . . . . .
Fiscal . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tommy Lee’s Lass . . .
Deputy Minister
Primal Force
Crystal Goddess
Private Account
Rich Cream
By GLASNOST (2002), unplaced in 2 starts. Half-brother to black type winners Diadella ($563,274, Canadian H. [G2]-ntr, etc.), Say a Novena ($329,870), El Kingdom. Son of Awesome Again [G1], $4,374,590, sire of 54
black type winners, including champions Ginger Punch [G1[ ($3,065,603),
Ghostzapper [G1]-ntr. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014.
1st dam
CREAM AND SUGAR, by Fiscal. Placed at 4. Sister to Cream of Accounts,
Best Be Rich. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old of
2014, which have not started.
2nd dam
TOMMY LEE’S LASS, by Rich Cream. Placed in 2 starts at 3. Dam of-Cream of Accounts (g. by Fiscal). Winner at 3, $26,188, 3rd ITOBA Stallion
S.-R (HOO, $3,806).
Best Be Rich (g. by Fiscal). Placed at 2 and 3, 3rd Indiana Stallion S.-R
(HOO, $3,300).
3rd dam
GUYANDOT, by Torsion. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals to race, 9 winners, incl.-TALK ABOUT HOME. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $54,186, Regaey Island H., 2nd
Bourbonette S., Soft Touch S. Dam of 10 winners, including-Talk About Cold. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $61,490, 3rd Bassinet S. [L].
Silver Torque. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $125,770. Dam of ROSE ROSENBAUM,
INDIA BONITA, Exotiko. Granddam of Rey del Sol (to 5, 2014).
Sommergate. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $101,897.
4th dam
STOLEN GLANCE, by Spy Song. Placed at 2. Half-sister to GO LIGHTLY
($143,497), Morning After. Dam of 8 winners, including-PRINCE TERRELL. 8 wins, 4 to 6, $54,547, Sun Beau H.
Long Term. 6 wins at 3 and 5, $50,795, 3rd Baldwin S.
Miss Roman Song. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $8,836. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-SING QUICK. 2 wins at 2, $33,525, Glamour S.-R. Dam of SMITHQUICK (2 wins, $49,860, Pioneer S., LAD, $18,000, etc.).
Sandy Nichols. Placed at 2. Dam of Sharp Sandy (3rd Mount Palliser H.).
Great-granddam of Savage Slew (4 wins, $119,184).
Popaway. Unraced. Dam of 10 winners, including-STOP THE RAIN. 4 wins at 2 and 3, Youthful Endurance S., 2nd Somethingroyal S., Geisha S., 3rd Starlet S., Rosie o’Grady S.
Sarasota Bay. 12 wins, 2 to 6, $78,008, 2nd Hawthorne Derby H., 3rd
Michigan Derby, Round Table H., St. Louis Derby. Sire.
Prince Ro Mar. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $42,016, 3rd Highlander H.
Mrs. Mansfield. Winner. Dam of Honey Man. G’dam of Mimi’s Cherub.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Blaine Davidson
Chestnut Filly
Artemus Sunrise . . . . .
Chestnut Filly . . . .
March 18, 2013
Dame Near Even . . . .
Tale of the Cat . . . . . .
Eggs Binnedict . . . . . .
Even the Score . . . . . .
Classy Dame . . . . . . .
Storm Cat
Mlle. Liebe
Unbridled’s Song
Sky Classic
Madam Ask Us
By ARTEMUS SUNRISE (2001), black type winner of 8 races, $361,130,
Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3]-ntr, 2nd West Virginia Governor’s S., Michael G. Schaefer Mile S., Texas Glitter H., 3rd Governor’s H.
Half-brother to Hash It Out. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
5 winners, $167,930, including C J’s Sunrise (at 4, 2014, $53,206).
1st dam
DAME NEAR EVEN, by Even the Score. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $24,165. This is
her second foal. Dam of-Almostevenwithevan (f. by Artemus Sunrise). Placed at 2, 2014, $11,580.
2nd dam
CLASSY DAME, by Sky Classic. Winner at 5, $31,706. Dam of 3 other foals,
including-Ghostly Apparition (g. by Silver Ghost). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $62,565, 2nd
OBS Sprint S.-R (OTC, $10,000).
3rd dam
MADAM ASK US, by Damascus. 3 wins at 4, $65,625, [Q] at Santa Anita
Park, 2nd Miss Universe H. [O]. Dam of 10 winners, including-Mobile Phone. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $127,875. Dam of 5 winners, including-Phone Prospector. 10 wins, 5 to 8, $167,004.
Toomuchinformation. 7 wins, 4 to 6, $92,756.
Hollywood Honey. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $110,590.
Madam’s Reply. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $62,728.
4th dam
ALENCON (IRE), by Northfields. 2 wins at 3, $20,785. Set ncr. Sister to OATS
(Jockey Club S.-G3, etc., sire), half-sister to Regent’s Garden. Dam of
10 foals, 9 winners, including-MADAM ASK US. Black type winner, see above.
FINE DINING. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $42,117, Chancy Dance S. [R] (PHA,
$9,960). Dam of 10 winners, including-TOWER FULL. 14 wins, $332,729, Vernon O. Underwood S. [G3], etc.
CARRY OUT. 18 wins, 2 to 7, $221,167, Presidents S. [L] (TP, $34,661), 3rd Florence S. [L] (TP, $5,213).
DINNERS ON ME. 7 wins at 3, $201,654, Edgewood S. [L] (CD, $34,873), etc. Dam of Sweet’n Bitter (Total: $293,665), Via Cavate.
Reservation. 4 wins at 4, $72,375. Dam of Curule (winner at 3, $117,040 in N.A./U.S., 2nd Jim Dandy S. [G2]; 3 wins, 1,888,421 dirhams
in U.A.E., 2nd Jebel Ali Hotel & Resort Godolphin Mile [G3], 3rd Godolphin Mile [G2], U.A.E. Derby, etc., Total: $631,248).
State n Ale. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $91,080. Dam of 2 winners-Telescam. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $115,385, 3rd Withers S. [G3].
Bourbon N Code. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $115,998.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Pat Haney
Lure of Victory
Charging Indian . . . . .
Lure of Victory . . .
Dk bay/br. gelding;
March 3, 2013
Doll Lure . . . . . . . . . . .
Indian Charlie . . . . . . .
Charging Water . . . . .
Lure . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Colonial Fighter . . . . .
In Excess (IRE)
Soviet Sojourn
Fit to Fight
Colonial Runner
By CHARGING INDIAN (2002), winner of 4 races, $124,824. Son of Indian
Charlie [G1], $616,120, sire of 73 black type winners, 7 champions, including Indian Blessing [G1] ($2,995,420), Uncle Mo [G1] ($1,606,000).
Sire of 3 crops, including 3-year-olds of 2014, $128,533, including winners Erin’s Charge (at 4, 2014, $73,128), Charlie Rose ($32,140), etc.
1st dam
DOLL LURE, by Lure. 8 wins, 3 to 9, $45,081. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
COLONIAL FIGHTER, by Fit to Fight. Unraced. Sister to Fit and Fleet. Dam
of 3 other winners-Fightin Sixty. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $56,646.
Lexster. Winner at 2 and 5, $26,964.
San and Fight. 5 wins, 3 to 6, $26,062.
3rd dam
Colonial Runner, by Pleasant Colony. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $110,770, 2nd
Harbor Place S. [L] (LRL, $13,765), Tropical Park Oaks [L] (CRC, $11,630), 3rd Nijana S. [G3], Union County S. (MED, $3,850). Dam of 6 foals
to race, 4 winners, including-Fit and Fleet. 3 wins at 3, $59,915, 3rd Bridal Flower S. (DEL, $4,169).
Dam of 5 foals to race, all winners, including-Another Gear. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $120,449.
Accountable. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $86,882.
Scott’s Choice. 2 wins at 4, $64,616.
4th dam
RUN ROBERTA, by Roberto. Placed at 2, $6,820. Half-sister to FULL OUT
(11 wins, $357,660, Sapling S.-G1, etc., sire), Full Partner (2 wins,
$51,082, 2nd Patriot S.-G3, etc., sire), Running Around (9 wins,
$91,678, 2nd Queenstown S., etc., granddam of COMARCTIC, 17
wins, $511,238; SILVER STOCKINGS, 6 wins in 12 starts, $162,443;
CALL ME CRYSTAL), Karelina (2 wins in 3 starts in Ireland; in 1
start in England, 3rd Princess Royal S.-G3, dam of Karelia; granddam of SNOW PRINCESS, hwt on Italian and French Free H.; Gopak,
2nd Craiglee S. [G2], etc.). Dam of 6 winners, including-SOUTHERN RUN. Winner at 2 and 3, $52,821, Junior Champion S. (MTH,
$17,760). Producer.
Colonial Runner. Black type-placed winner, see above.
Pleasant Pursuit. Winner at 3 and 4, $18,613. Dam of-PRECISEPURSUIT. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $54,174, Finger Lakes Juvenile
Fillies S. (FL, $30,000).
Big Testa. Placed in Venezuela, 3rd Clasico Hipodromo La Rinconada.
Garden City. Placed in Venezuela, 3rd Clasico Hipodromo La Rinconada.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of
Rachelle Steiner-Wexler/Good Hope Stables
Parading . . . . . . . . . . .
Stormy . . . . . . . . . .
Chestnut filly;
April 8, 2013
Elkhorn . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pulpit . . . . . . . . . . . . .
On Parade . . . . . . . . .
Cryptoclearance . . . .
Personal Fighter . . . . .
A.P. Indy
Storm Cat
My Flag
Naval Orange
Personal Flag
I’m a Fighter
By PARADING (2003), black type winner of 7 races, $530,046, Dixie S. [G2],
Ben Ali S. [G3], Volponi S., 2nd Fayette S. [G2]. His first foals are 3-yearolds of 2014. Sire of 21 winners, $864,296, including Blew by Too (at 3,
2014, 3rd City of Anderson S.), Stephania My Love (to 3, 2014, 3rd Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua S.), Nanchinnon (to 3, 2014, $239,037).
1st dam
ELKHORN, by Cryptoclearance. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $129,630. This is her second
foal. Her first foal is an unplaced 3-year-old of 2014.
2nd dam
PERSONAL FIGHTER, by Personal Flag. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $113,528. Dam of
2 other winners-Nicki Jo. 3 wins at 4, $57,675.
Miss South Slope. Winner at 2, $19,280.
3rd dam
I’M A FIGHTER, by Fit to Fight. 2 wins at 3, $17,935. Dam of 9 winners, incl.-Miss Vesuvio. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $110,700. Dam of 6 winners, including-MISS HOCKADAY. 10 wins, 3 to 6, placed at 7, 2014, $249,834, Holiday Spirit S. (RP, $30,000), 3rd Wild Rose S. (PRM, $6,000).
Miss Park Place. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $252,512.
Mr. Amano. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $218,395.
Acarpian. 6 wins at 3 and 4, 2014, $80,983 in N.A./U.S.
Covert Mission. 4 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 6, 2014, $50,030.
Romolo’s Fritzi. 11 wins, 2 to 9, $192,740. Sire.
Donna’s Sandee. 4 wins at 3 and 8, $135,337.
Romolo’s Brush. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $115,825.
4th dam
Imarebel, by His Majesty. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $172,322, 2nd Grey Flight H.,
First Flight H. Half-sister to IN FROM DIXIE (11 wins, $275,963, Paumonok H.-L, 2nd Westchester H.-G3, 3rd Gravesend H.-L twice, Sporting Plate H., etc., sire), I’M A SOUTHPAW (5 wins, $121,818, [Q] at
Aqueduct, 2nd Busanda S.-L, 3rd Searching S.-L). Dam of-Is a Secret. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $127,780. Dam of 4 winners-Imnxcelentdriveray. 10 wins, 3 to 8, $140,930.
Heather’s Award. 13 wins, 2 to 6, $119,498.
My Aunt Lizzy. 16 wins, 2 to 7, $97,246.
Majestic Secret. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $87,941.
I’m No Yankee. 2 wins at 4, $74,421.
Imarebelrowser. 6 wins, 4 to 6, $54,801.
Interested Party. Winner at 3 and 4, $47,160.
Chancalu. Winner at 3, $9,945.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Amy Elliott
Calm Bay
Stormy Atlantic . . . . . .
Calm Bay . . . . . . . .
Bay mare;
foaled 2006
Falling Leaves . . . . . .
Storm Cat . . . . . . . . . .
Hail Atlantis . . . . . . . .
Deputy Minister . . . . .
Autumn Leaf . . . . . . . .
Storm Bird
Seattle Slew
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Gone West
By STORMY ATLANTIC (1994), black type wnr. Sire of 13 crops, 87 black
type winners, $70,844,604, 4 champions, including Up With the Birds
[G1] (to 4, 2014, $1,335,909), Leonnatus Anteas [G3] ($600,074), and
Get Stormy [G1] ($1,606,812), Stormello [G1] ($700,100). Sire of dams of
of black type wnrs Comma to the Top, Atlantic Hurricane, It’s Me Mom, etc.
1st dam
FALLING LEAVES, by Deputy Minister. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 5 foals
of racing age, 4 to race, all winners, including-Forever Spring (c. by Brother Derek). 4 wins at 2 and 3, 288,690 pesos
in Argentina, 3rd Premio Japon. Total: $48,713.
Patriot Miss (f. by Quiet American). 2 wins at 3, $47,550, 3rd Brookmeade
S.-R (CNL, $5,500).
2nd dam
AUTUMN LEAF, by Gone West. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 2 winners, incl.-Judge. Winner at 2, 6,055 pounds in England. Total: $10,770.
3rd dam
Fineza, by Lypheor (GB). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $128,239, 3rd Cape May County
S. (MED, $4,400). Dam of 10 winners, including-KEEPER HILL. 4 wins, $1,661,281, Kentucky Oaks [G1], Spinster S.
[G1], Las Virgenes S. [G1], 2nd C.C.A. Oaks [G1], Mother Goose S. [G1],
Santa Anita Oaks [G1], etc. Dam of KEEP UP [G3] (7 wins, $300,545).
GOLDEN GEAR. 12 wins, $634,009, Commonwealth Breeders’ Cup S.
[G2], Equipoise Mile H. [G3], Phoenix S. [L] (KEE, $67,456), etc. Sire.
Chasm. Winner at 2 and 3, $96,669, 3rd Cicada S. [G3]. Producer.
Mancha Negra. Winner at 4, $33,318. Dam of Black Spot ($181,589).
Golden West. Placed at 3, $20,760. Dam of Shining Sea ($184,340).
4th dam
JEDINA, by What a Pleasure. 6 wins, $120,324, High Voltage S., etc. Halfsister to FAPPIANO-G1, TORRENTIAL [G1]; PORTROE [G3]; ROYAL
TROON, Lambros [G3]. Dam of CLABBER GIRL [G1] ($1,006,261,
dam of Running Dog), FAMOUSLY FREE, Lola Montes, etc.
G’dam of ELIZABETH ROSE (Total: $1,201,226, dam of LIMITLESS
BID, Total: $5,072,764; AGNES GOLD, Total: $1,118,810; FUSAICHI ZENON, Total: $768,157), etc.
Race Record: At 2, unraced; at 3, one win in 2 starts. Earned $16,680.
Produce Record: 2011 Tiago Bay, f. by Tiago. Unraced.
2012 not pregnant; 2013 f. by Ocean Indy; 2014 f. by Ocean Indy.
Last mated May 20, 2014 and BELIEVED TO BE PREGNANT to-SANGAREE (2005) (Awesome Again--Mari’s Sheba), black type winner of
4 races, $365,710, Joe Hernandez S., 2nd Triple Bend H. [G1], Californian S. [G2], Mervyn LeRoy H. [G2], Hal’s Hope S. [G3], Bold Ruler
H. [G3], Birdstone S. His first foals are weanlings of 2014.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Blaine Davidson
Chestnut Filly
Artemus Sunrise . . . . .
Chestnut Filly . . . .
March 8, 2013
Five Bells . . . . . . . . . .
Tale of the Cat . . . . . .
Eggs Binnedict . . . . . .
Gilded Time . . . . . . . .
Press My Five . . . . . . .
Storm Cat
Mlle. Liebe
Timeless Moment
Gilded Lilly
Media Starguest (IRE)
Lisada Key
By ARTEMUS SUNRISE (2001), black type winner of 8 races, $361,130,
Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3]-ntr, 2nd West Virginia Governor’s S., Michael G. Schaefer Mile S., Texas Glitter H., 3rd Governor’s H.
Half-brother to Hash It Out. Sire of 3 crops, including 2-year-olds of 2014,
5 winners, $167,930, including C J’s Sunrise (at 4, 2014, $53,206).
1st dam
FIVE BELLS, by Gilded Time. Winner at 3, $24,085. Dam of 4 foals of racing
age, including a 2-year-old of 2014, two to race, both winners-Bell Got Even (f. by Stephen Got Even). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $104,213.
Bell of Buddha (f. by Buddha). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $80,426.
2nd dam
PRESS MY FIVE, by Media Starguest (IRE). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $171,870, Illini
Princess H. [R] (HAW, $31,830), 2nd Little Sucker S. [R] (HAW, $18,774). Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-Via Zavata. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $62,307 in N.A./U.S.; placed at 6 and 8,
2014 in Canada. Total: $65,421.
3rd dam
LISADA KEY, by Key to the Mint. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $10,048. Dam of 7
winners, including-JAGUAR KEY. 8 wins, 2 to 7, $203,404, Land of Lincoln S. [R] (HAW,
$45,000), Sun Power S. [R] (HAW, $29,565). Set ntr.
PRESS MY FIVE. Black type winner, see above.
Lake Lisada. 12 wins, $285,664, 2nd Springfield S. [R] (AP, $11,100).
Ten to Zen. 12 wins, 3 to 6, $243,122.
4th dam
FLORDELISADA, by Drone. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $56,525. Half-sister to Lava
Jet (3rd Contra Costa S.). Dam of 10 winners, including-Illinois Storm. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $64,963, 3rd Chief Illiniwek S. [R] (HAW,
$5,668), Honest Pleasure S. (AP, $4,620). Sire.
Duke of Paducah. 3 wins, 2 to 5, 30,987 pounds in England, 2nd Feilden
S. Total: $53,246. Sire.
Cafe Mocha. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $47,040, 3rd Honest Pleasure S. (AP,
$3,564). Sire.
Shardelisada. Winner, 3,016 pounds in England; winner, $21,647 in N.A.
Total: $26,713. Dam of Da Nunz (3rd Manila S., AP, $4,048, sire).
Green Queen. Placed in 1 start at 3, $3,300. Dam of 3 winners-SCAT DANCER. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $120,856, Iowa Stallion S.-R (PRM,
$57,168), 3rd Ralph Hayes S.-R (PRM, $9,445).
Queens Point. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $112,674, 2nd Iowa Breeders’ Oaks-R
(PRM, $14,800), Bob Bryant S.-R (PRM, $12,620).
Nitak. 4 wins, $104,320, 2nd Iowa Stallion Auction S. [L] (PRM, $23,058).
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Richard Anderson
Dark Bay or Brown Filly
Lost Victory . . . . . . . .
Dark Bay/Br. Filly .
April 2, 2013
Forbid the Queen . . . .
Victory Gallop . . . . . . .
Lost Creek Slew . . . . .
Forbidden Apple . . . .
Cresta Queen . . . . . . .
Victorious Lil
Slew City Slew
Pod Pa Raja
Pleasant Colony
North Of Eden (IRE)
Cresta Rider
Fifth Dimension
By LOST VICTORY (2007), unraced. Son of Victory Gallop, $3,505,895,
champion, Belmont S. [G1], etc., sire of 50 black type wnrs, including
Dreaming of Victory (champion), Prince Will I Am [G1] ($429,084), Jaycito [G1] ($384,020), Eishin Dover [G2] ($2,757,165), Anak Nakal [G2]
($1,047,214), Kettleoneup [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014.
1st dam
FORBID THE QUEEN, by Forbidden Apple. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $54,723. This is
her first foal.
2nd dam
CRESTA QUEEN, by Cresta Rider. Winner at 3 and 4, $22,036. Dam of 7
foals, 6 winners, including-Special Champagne. Winner at 2, $11,822. Dam of 8 winners, including-SPECIAL EXPRESS (g. by Jungle Express). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $155,787,
William Henry Harrison S.-R (HOO, $32,610), Fort Wayne S.-R (HOO,
$31,890), Gus Grissom S.-R (HOO, $26,040), 2nd William Henry Harrison S.-R (HOO, $8,520), Indiana Stallion S.-R (HOO, $8,450).
Peter the Pilot (g. by Jungle Express). 4 wins, 3 to 7, $76,296, 2nd
Indiana Stallion S.-R (HOO, $6,600), 3rd William Henry Harrison S.-R
(HOO, $5,979).
His Special Guy. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $167,368.
3rd dam
FIFTH DIMENSION, by Sir Gaylord. Placed at 3. Sister to MADAM GAYLADY. Dam of 3 winners, including-Kimball Road. Winner at 3, $4,578.
4th dam
Skylair, by *Khaled. 2 wins at 2, 2nd Junior League S., etc. Half-sister to
Plush Horse. Dam of 7 winners, including-MORE MEGATON. 17 wins, 2 to 5, $160,280, Malibu S., etc. Sire.
MADAM GAYLADY. 5 wins at 3, $63,925, Torrey Pines S., etc. Dam of-MADAM FORBES. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $241,045, Revidere S.-L, Miss
Musket H., 2nd Railbird S.-G3, etc. Dam of Battle Creek (6 wins,
$144,516). Granddam of Jeep Shot (9 wins, $110,684).
BLOOMER GIRL. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $40,200, Junior League S. Dam of-BLOOMER MISS. 3 wins, $32,000, Juan Gonzalez Mem. S., etc. Dam of
COTTON BLOOMERS, Cotton’s Butterfly. Granddam of DOOLEY.
My Concubine. Unraced. Dam of Petrone’s Pass. G’dam of Congenial Pet.
Heirlair. Unraced. Dam of BIG COUGAR ($133,088), Eighty Lady (granddam of ROAD AFLEET, 8 wins, $216,855; ZEE LADY, $124,660).
Stubborn Streak. Unraced. Granddam of ORG (11 wins, $171,849), YOU
DARLING YOU ($70,808), Runinhi Lookngood (dam of LOOKIN GOOD
D., $87,128), Kruggarin (dam of El Cachimbon).
Foaled in Indiana.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Holly Justice
Lantana Mob . . . . . . .
Holly Justice . . . . .
Bay filly;
March 10, 2012
Future Answer . . . . . .
Posse . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lantana . . . . . . . . . . .
Copelan . . . . . . . . . . .
What a Future . . . . . . .
Silver Deputy
Sea Art
Tri Jet
Susan’s Girl
By LANTANA MOB (2005), black type winner of 6 races, $420,411, Sapling
S. [G3], Hirsch Jacobs S. [G3], Tyro S., Bachelor S., 3rd Carry Back S.
[G2], Gallant Bob H., Favorite Trick Breeders’ Cup S. Son of Posse [G2],
$662,841, sire of 22 black type winners, including Kodiak Kowboy [G1]
(champion). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners.
1st dam
FUTURE ANSWER, by Copelan. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $129,615. Dam of 8 named
foals of racing age, 8 to race, 4 winners, including-Reed and Rite (f. by Notebook). Winner at 2, $20,720. Dam of-GATOR PROWL (f. by Roar of the Tiger). 5 wins in 9 starts at 2 and
3, $106,000, Marshua S. (LRL, $30,000), 3rd Wide Country S. (LRL,
$5,500). Set ntr at Laurel Park.
Jumping Justice (f. by Doneraile Court). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2014,
2nd dam
WHAT A FUTURE, by Roberto. Placed at 3. Half-sister to JOURNEY AT SEA
(8 wins, $564,950, Swaps S.-G1, etc., sire). Dam of 5 winners, incl.-WHATA BRAINSTORM (c. by Honor Grades). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $623,090,
Pan American H. [G2], Calder Derby [G3], Mecke S. [L] (CRC, $60,000),
2nd Gulfstream Park Breeders’ Cup H. [G1], Lawrence Realization H.
[G3], Saranac H. [G3], 3rd W. L. McKnight H. [G2].
Future Guest. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $77,220. Dam of 8 winners, including-RULER’S COURT (c. by Doneraile Court). 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and
4, $235,900, Norfolk S. [G2] (SA, $150,000), 3rd Hollywood Juvenile
Championship S. [G3] (HOL, $12,300). Sire.
WISE RIVER (c. by Belong to Me). 7 wins, 2 to 7, $493,842 in N.A./
U.S., Robert F. Carey Memorial H. [G3] (HAW, $87,300), Dallas Turf
Cup H. [L] (LS, $90,000), 2nd Tropical Park Derby [G3] (CRC, $20,000),
Miami Mile H. [G3] (CRC, $19,000), etc. Set ncr. Total: $499,337.
Yasou Sarah Rose. Winner at 2 and 3, $15,980. Producer. Granddam of
Aviddiva (f. by Wilko) at 3, 2014, Total: $60,395.
Yasou Niko. 11 wins, 2 to 8, $135,733.
Future Question. 2 wins at 3, $87,105. Dam of 9 winners, including-Bernie B (c. by Marquetry). Winner at 2 and 3, $78,631, 3rd Gravelines
S.-R (GP, $9,026), Fabulous Frolic S. (CRC, $3,620).
Kisses and Hugs. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of WALL STREET WONDER (c. by City Place) 6 wins, $289,141, Toboggan S. [G3], AQU,
$60,000, etc.; COASTAL SUNRISE (f. by Congrats) 3 wins, $79,555.
Race Record: At 2, 2014, unplaced in 2 starts. Earned $2,040.
Engagements: ITOBA 2015 3-year-old Stallion Season Stakes.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Chestnut Filly
Munnings . . . . . . . . . .
Chestnut Filly . . . .
May 10, 2013
Through the Clouds . .
Speightstown . . . . . . .
La Comete . . . . . . . . .
Sky Mesa . . . . . . . . . .
Ethyl Mae . . . . . . . . . .
Gone West
Silken Cat
Holy Bull
La Gueriere
Diane Suzanne
By MUNNINGS (2006), black type winner of 4 races, $742,640, Woody
Stephens S. [G2], Tom Fool H. [G2], Gulfstream Park Sprint Championship S. [G2], 2nd Champagne S. [G1], 3rd Haskell Invitational S. [G1],
Vosburgh S. [G1], Netjets King’s Bishop S. [G1], Carter H. [G1], Hopeful
S. [G1]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2014. Sire of winners.
1st dam
THROUGH THE CLOUDS, by Sky Mesa. 4 wins at 2 and 5, $58,344. Dam of 2
foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old of 2014, one to race.
2nd dam
ETHYL MAE, by Woodman. Winner at 2, $68,001, Staten Island S. [L] (BEL,
$50,760), etc. Sister to Doc Martin. Dam of 8 winners, including-Pacific Peace. Winner at 3, 96,610 rands in South Africa. Total: $14,024.
Dam of Ace Antonius (g. by Antonius Pius) 2 wins at 2, placed at
4, 2014, 756,650 rands in South Africa, 2nd Umkhomazi S. [G2], 3rd
Godolphin Barb S. [G3], Total: $75,331.
3rd dam
DIANE SUZANNE, by Compliance. 2 wins, $133,405. Sister to FOURSTARS
ALLSTAR, FOURSTARDAVE. Dam of 8 winners, including-MYSTIC LADY. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $1,170,390, Cotillion H. [G2], Fantasy
S. [G2], Honey Bee H. [G3], Herecomesthebride S. [G3], Jersey Derby
[G3], Boiling Springs Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (MED, $120,000), Hollywood
Wildcat S. [L] (CRC, $60,000), Banshee Breeze H. [L] (GP, $45,000), 2nd
Fair Grounds Oaks [G2], Louisville Breeders’ Cup H. [G2] (CD, $66,540),
Delaware Oaks [G3], Turfway Breeders’ Cup S. [G3] (TP, $40,000), Miss
Grillo S. [G3], Turnback the Alarm H. [G3] (AQU, $21,600), NTRA Great
State Challenge Distaff Invitational S. [L] (HOU, $40,000), 3rd Lady’s Secret Breeders’ Cup H. [G2] (SA, $26,100), Lake Placid H. [G2]. Producer.
ETHYL MAE. Black type winner, see above.
Doc Martin. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $210,720 in N.A./U.S., 2nd Queens County
H. [G3], Garden City S. [L] (BEL, $16,635); 6 wins in Saudi Arabia.
Barrymore. 3 wins at 4 and 5, 2014, $98,038.
4th dam
BROADWAY JOAN, by Bold Arian. Unraced. Dam of 10 winners, including-FOURSTARS ALLSTAR. 13 wins, $1,386,626 in N.A./U.S., Bernard Baruch H. [G2] twice, Elkhorn S. [G2], Pilgrim S. [G3], won or placed in
23 other stakes; winner in 1 start at 3, 170,653 euro in Ireland, Airlie
Coolmore Irish 2000 Guineas [G1]. Total: $1,596,760. Sire.
FOURSTARDAVE. 21 wins, $1,636,737 in N.A./U.S., St. Paul Derby [G2],
Daryl’s Joy S. [G3] twice-once in ncr, Poker S. [G3] twice, etc.
Black type-placed winners: Astor Place (IRE) [G2]; Broadway Lady.
Chauncy Lane. 2 wins in Ireland. Dam of BEST ALIBI (IRE) [G2].
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Stormy Justice
Regal Ransom . . . . . .
Stormy Justice . . .
Dark bay/br. filly;
April 13, 2013
Exciting Avenue . . . . .
Distorted Humor . . . . .
Kelli’s Ransom . . . . . .
Avenue of Flags . . . . .
Exciting Gal . . . . . . . .
Forty Niner
Danzig’s Beauty
Red Ransom
Musical Minister
Seattle Slew
Beautiful Glass
Master Willie (GB)
Eastern Prancer
By REGAL RANSOM (2006), black type winner of 4 races, $1,894,835 in
NA and UAE, hwt. at 7-9 1/2 furlongs, Super Derby [G2], UAE Derby
[G2], 2nd Alysheba S. [G3], UAE Two Thousand Guineas [G3], Sir Shackleton H. Half-brother to Devil May Care [G1] ($724,000). Son of Distorted
Humor [G2], $769,964, leading sire. His first foals are yearlings of 2014.
1st dam
EXCITING AVENUE, by Avenue of Flags. Unraced. Sister to AVENUE SHOPPER,
Goldenflag. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old of
2014, four to race, all winners, including-EXCITING JUSTICE (f. by Glitterman). 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, $81,377,
Weekend Delight S. (TP, $45,462). Dam of-Make My Saturday. 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2014, $106,490.
Foxy Boss (f. by Street Boss). Winner at 3, $74,930.
2nd dam
EXCITING GAL, by Master Willie (GB). Unplaced in 2 starts. Sister to MASTER CHRISTOPHER. Dam of 8 foals, 7 foals to race, 6 winners, incl.-AVENUE SHOPPER (f. by Avenue of Flags). 6 wins at 3 and 5, $279,204,
Linda Card H.-R (SA, $47,790), 2nd Valkyr H.-R (HOL, $22,280), Fleet
Treat S.-R (DMR, $15,000), etc. Dam of 5 winners, including-LAURAFINA (f. by Cozzene). 3 wins at 3, $167,118, Frances A. Genter
S. [G3] (CRC, $60,000), 2nd Sands Point S. [G3] (BEL, $22,240), Endeavour Breeders’ Cup S. [L] (TAM, $25,000). Producer.
BEAUTIFUL VENUE (f. by Came Home). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $388,203,
West Virginia Senate President’s Breeders’ Cup S. [L] (MNR, $75,000)-ncr, Decoration Day H. [L] (MNR,$45,750), etc.
Goldenflag (f. by Avenue of Flags). Winner at 2 and 3, $75,440, 3rd
Generous Portion S.-R (DMR, $9,600). Producer.
Exciting Fandance. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $57,103. Dam of 6 winners, including-FAN CLUB’S MISTER (c. by Mr. Greeley). 5 wins at 3, $389,700, American
Derby [G2], Canterbury Park Breeders’ Cup Derby [L], etc.
Exciting Fanfare (g. by Quintillion-IRE). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $210,084,
2nd Illinois Coronet H.-R (HAW, $13,440), etc.
3rd dam
EASTERN PRANCER, by Northern Dancer. Unraced. Sister to Norwegian-G2
(2nd Premio Vittorio de Capua-G2, etc., sire). Dam of 10 winners, incl.-MASTER CHRISTOPHER. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $160,755, Choice H. [G3], Camden County S. (MED, $24,000), Militia S. (PHA, $23,850), etc. Sire.
Royal Bravo. Winner at 2 and 3 in Japan, 3rd Hansnin Sansai S.-G1.
Street Party. 5 wins, $203,835, 2nd King Edward Gold Cup H. [G3], etc.
Kooky Aunt Alice. 4 wins, $61,166. Dam of PAL JOEY (15 wins, $447,668).
Rosy’s Lorna. Winner, $19,121. G’dam of Green Briar Kitty (to 5, 2014).
Registered Ohio-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Slicktrickjustice . . . . .
Bay filly;
March 24, 2013
Spanish Steps . . . . . .
Sister Crimson . . . . . .
Unbridled . . . . . . . . . .
Trolley Song . . . . . . . .
Sky Classic . . . . . . . . .
Marianna’s Girl . . . . . .
Gana Facil
Caro (IRE)
Lucky Spell
Nijinsky II
No Class
Marianna Trench
By SPANISH STEPS (2001), unraced. Brother to Unbridled’s Song (5 wins,
$1,311,800, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile [G1], etc.). Sire of 7 crops, 7 black
type winners, $9,644,809, including Little Mike (to 7, 2014, $3,543,012,
Arlington Million [G1], Turf Classic S. [G1], etc.), El Suri (to 7, 2014, $253,061), Lydia’s Last Step ($236,881), Slim Shady’s Lady ($210,407).
1st dam
SISTER CRIMSON, by Sky Classic. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $88,023. Sister to
CRIMSON CLASSIC. Dam of 8 foals of racing age, 7 to race,
including a 2-year-old of 2014, four winners, including-Storm Boot Larry (g. by Storm Boot). 10 wins, 3 to 8, placed at 9, 2014,
Oh Juliet (f. by Shakespeare). 3 wins, 2 to 4, 2014, $101,749.
Frenzo (g. by Honour and Glory). 3 wins, 4 to 6, placed at 7, 2014, $44,233.
2nd dam
MARIANNA’S GIRL, by Dewan. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $202,538, Linda Vista
H. [G3], 2nd Pucker Up S. [G3], Fleur de Lis H. [L] (CD, $22,020), etc.
Set ncr. Half-sister to BOLD STYLE-G2 ($523,140, sire), SET FREE
(sire), Juanita’s Girl (dam of GAUNTLETT BOY, $285,593; SPANISHINQUISITION, $208,954; granddam of EARTH POWER, $303,003; etc.), Benton Collins (sire). Dam of 13 winners, including-MARASTANI (g. by Shahrastani). Winner at 3, 14,402 pounds in England;
10 wins, 4 to 7, $476,680 in N.A./U.S., Stars and Stripes H. [G3], John
B. Connally, Jr. Turf Club H. [L] (HOU, $45,000), etc. Total: $499,665.
CHRISTINE’S OUTLAW (c. by Wild Again). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $351,359,
Poker H. [G3] (BEL, $67,560), 2nd Leonard Richards S. [G3] (DEL,
$50,000), Long Branch Breeders’ Cup S. [G3] (MTH, $20,000), etc. Sire.
CRIMSON CLASSIC (c. by Sky Classic). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $559,286, Bosselman/Gus Fonner H. [L] (FON, $60,000), etc. Sire.
AMANSARA (f. by War Chant). 3 wins at 3, $140,584, Without Feathers
S. (MED, $33,000), 2nd De La Rose S.-R (SAR, $16,700), etc. Producer.
FORET NOIRE (f. by Time for a Change). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $118,163,
Decoration Day H. Dam of STRIKE IMPACT (g. by Smart Strike) to 10,
2014, Total: $708,383.
Sacred Feather (f. by Carson City). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $187,177, 3rd HBPA
City of Ranson H. (CT, $5,654). Producer.
Chief Red Sky (c. by Kingmambo). 2 wins, $76,536, 3rd Seattle Slew S. [L].
Smile n Molly. 2 wins, $54,065. Dam of DONT TELL THE KIDS (g. by
Carson City) 10 wins, $292,696, Sapling S. [G3], etc.; Smart Instinct
(c. by Smart Strike). Granddam of Wando Redd (c. by Wando) $113,142.
Rocket Elaine. 2 wins, $11,400. Dam of Kicks (f. by Honour and Glory) 5
wins, $128,875; Capriccio Blue (f. by With Distinction) to 4, 2014.
Registered Indiana-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Hip No.
Property of Justice Farm
Sleepy Justice
Cowboy Cal . . . . . . . .
Sleepy Justice . . .
Dark bay/br. filly;
February 21, 2013
Super Seller . . . . . . . .
Giant’s Causeway . . .
Texas Tammy . . . . . . .
Came Home . . . . . . . .
Freedom of Speech . .
Storm Cat
Mariah’s Storm
Seeking the Gold
Hot Novel
Gone West
Nice Assay
Fantastic Find
By COWBOY CAL (2005), $1,037,810, Strub S. [G2], San Pasqual H. [G2],
Oak Tree Mile S. [G2], Bryan Station S. [G3], Tropical Park Derby [G3],
Laurel Futurity, 2nd Blue Grass S. [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds
of 2014. Sire of 39 winners, $1,581,892, including Mr. Ninja (Clasico La
Copa [G2], etc.), black type-placed Pancha Mancha (champion), etc.
1st dam
SUPER SELLER, by Came Home. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 3 foals of racing
age, 2 to race, both winners-Pour One More (g. by Alumni Hall). 2 wins at 3, $28,052 in Canada. Total:
Action Item (f. by Aragorn-IRE). Winner in 1 start at 3, $10,208 in N.A./
U.S. Total: $12,447.
2nd dam
FREEDOM OF SPEECH, by Danzig. Unraced. Sister to Teasure Island, New
Way. Dam of 10 winners, including-T. D. VANCE (g. by Rahy). 8 wins, 2 to 7, $497,701 in N.A./U.S.,
National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S. [G2] (SAR, $90,000), Bryan
Station S. [L] (KEE, $93,000), etc.; winner in 1 start at 3, $96,750 in
Canada, Toronto Cup H. [L] (WO, $96,750). Total: $576,959.
Bergerac (g. by Rahy). 5 wins, 3 to 6, placed at 7, 2014, $245,396 in
S. (KD, $9,600); placed in 1 start at 5, $16,500 in Canada, 3rd Bold
Venture S. [G3] (WO, $16,500). Total: $261,698.
Philippe (c. by Mineshaft). Winner at 2 and 3, $127,267, 2nd Speightstown Kentucky Cup Sprint S. [G3] (TP, $18,800), etc.
3rd dam
FANTASTIC FIND, by Mr. Prospector. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $335,410, Hempstead H. [G1], etc. Half-sister to DANCING SPREE [G1] ($1,470,484,
sire), FURLOUGH [G1] ($671,844, dam of HAPPY HUNTING [G3];
PARDON; g’dam of Flores Island, to 4, 2014), DANCING ALL NIGHT
[G2] (g’dam of GUNG HO, to 5, 2014), Home Leave [G1] (dam of
EXTEND, $436,856; g’dam of WE CAN SEEK-CHI [G1], champion;
WEEKEND TRIP [G2], champion; WARNING ZONE, etc.). Dam of-FINDER’S FEE. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $708,128, Acorn S. [G1], Matron S. [G1],
Gallant Bloom H. [G2], etc. Dam of Receipt ($72,580).
Black type-placed winners: Treasure Island [G2] (sire), New Way.
Indy Pick. Winner at 2 and 3, $65,330. Dam of 2 winners, including-OPTIMIZER. 5 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, 2014, $967,622, Kent S.
[G3] (DEL, $120,000)-ncr, Fair Grounds H. [G3] (FG, $90,000), Colonel
E.R. Bradley H. [G3] (FG, $75,000), 2nd Woodford Reserve Turf Classic
S. [G1] (CD, $107,095), Woodford Reserve Manhattan H. [G1], etc.
Registered Ohio-bred.
The Auctioneer and ITOBA does not validate nor assume liablity of the
State foaling registration, nor any stakes race engagements. Please
verify these prior to bidding. Your bid acknowledges the above statement.
Monrovia Equine and Small Animal Clinic is a new state of the art facility
located in Mooresville, Indiana. The clinic is equipped with an outpatient suite
with stocks, a surgical suite with padded recovery room, and an eight stall
hospital barn.
Veterinary Services:
Lameness evaluations with multiple
joint therapy options (IRAP, HA,
corticosteroids, etc)
Digital Radiographs
Upper airway endoscopy
24 hour emergency services
8 stall hospital barn
Ambulatory services– Dr. Lee is
licensed at Indiana Grand and can
service your horse trackside
Reproductive and Rehabilitation
Associated training facility includes 60
stall barn
Full rehabilitation services with indoor
arena and round pen, caged hot walker,
and treadmill.
Full reproductive services include mare
care, stallion station, and foaling
Dr. Emily Lee
Dr. Kelli Cobler
8906 North State Road 39
Mooresville, IN 46158
(317) 996-2116
Breakway Farm LLC
“ Horses are not just our business, they’re our life.”
Our Services:
Stallion Care
Year-round Boarding
Sale Prep
10887 Racing Lane
Dillsboro, IN 47018
Office: (812) 584-6028
Farm Manager: Janice Jordan
Cell: (812) 584-1967
Home: (812) 432-3221
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Pedigree Compilation and Catalogue production by
Pedigree Productions, Inc.
P.O. Box 1207
Versailles, KY 40383
(859) 873-0444
Fax: (859) 873-0448
Post Printing Company
1033 Trotwood Dr.
Lexington, KY 40511
(859) 254-7714
Fax: (859) 233-2384