Saint Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church “An Ancient, Contemporary and Eternal Community of Faith” Street Address 676 Kearny Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032 Mailing Address Office Hours Monday through Friday Saturday and Sunday 9:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Phone: 201-998-3314 Web: Saint Stephen C.C.D. Phone: 201-991-3271 or 201-991-0236 141 Washington Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032 FAX: 201-998-4924 E-mail: 131 Midland Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032 October 26, 2014 ~ The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Worship & Sacramental Schedule The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Saturday: 5:00 P.M. (Anticipated Mass for Sunday) Sunday: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M., 12 Noon, 7:00 P.M. Monday-Friday: Saturday: 7:00 A.M., 8:30 A.M. 8:30 A.M. Holy Days refer to Bulletin The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:15 P.M. - 4:45P.M. Sunday: 7:30 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 11:30 A.M. Or anytime by appointment Parish Staff: Fr. Joseph A. Mancini, K.H.S., Pastor Fr. Richard J. Kelly, In Residence Fr. Louis A. Pereira, In Residence Msgr. Anthony Kulig, K.H.S. Weekend Assistant Rev. Mr. Hermes Diaz Vargas Deacon Herbert R. Gimbel Deacon Robert C. Millea Deacon Earl W. White Mrs. Martha Lane, Director of Religious Education Mr. Robert Maidhof, Director of Music Ms. Patricia Sherwen, Youth Minister Christopher Manley, Confirmation Coordinator Michael Pego, Youth Activities Matthew Schirm, Technology & Youth Activities Mrs. Theresa Zaccardo, Parish Secretary PARISH & SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Welcome! The Archdiocese requires that all Roman Catholics be registered in a parish. Those who desire to be godparents for Baptism or sponsors for Confirmation must be registered and actively practicing the faith. We cannot certify your eligibility for these roles if you are not registered and if we do not know you. To obtain a census and registration form, please call the rectory or visit our website. BAPTISM – The Church asks that children be baptized soon after birth. Baptisms are scheduled once a month on Sunday afternoons. Please call the rectory office in advance of your desired month for baptism. Parents and godparents will attend a special catechetical session before the baptism. Godparents must meet all of the Church’s eligibility requirements. R.C.I.A. – This is a process for those adults (18 years and older) who desire to become Catholic or complete the initiation sacraments (Eucharist and/or Confirmation). It is also intended for those baptized in another Christian denomination who wish to join the Catholic faith. Call the rectory and speak to Deacon Bob Millea for further information. MARRIAGE – The Roman Catholic Church affirms the belief that marriage is designed for the union of one man and one woman. Roman Catholics are bound by the Church’s law to marry in a Catholic Church and have that marriage witnessed by a priest or a deacon. The Common Policy on Marriage in the State of New Jersey requires the couple to prepare for one year prior to entering into marriage. Please call the rectory for more information. ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Please notify the rectory in the event of a serious illness. A communal Mass of Anointing is offered once a year. Visits to the homebound, upon request, can be made. Please notify a priest when a loved one is near death so the appropriate prayers may be administered. HOLY ORDERS – Any Catholic male, regardless of age, who feels the Lord calling him to the happy and fulfilling life of a priest is asked to speak to one of the parish priests or to call the Vocations Office at 973-313-6190. You can also visit #628 Page Three THE SUNDAY READINGS The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Exodus 22: 20-26 1 Thessalonians 1: 5-10 Matthew 22: 34-40 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 Isaiah 25:6-9 Romans 5:5-11 Mark 15:33-39, 16:1-6 Our liturgical traditions reflect their origins in the northern hemisphere. From pre-historic times, the waning of the winter sun has prompted reflection upon life’s end and what lies beyond the grave. In the closing weeks of the liturgical year, the Church has wisely taken account of these old traditions. After celebrating All Saints, we remember All Souls - all those who have died and gone before us. What a contrast there is between the outlook of those who join in these celebrations united in Christian faith and its certainty of sharing in the risen life of the Lord, ‘the first-fruits of all who have fallen asleep’ (1 Cor 15:20), and the uncertainty of those who have no hope, or who turn to other human traditions to understand what lies beyond the grave. The ‘Communion of Saints’, one of the articles of Catholic faith, assures us that our shared life ‘in Christ’ establishes a fellowship that overcomes the limits of space and time. On All Souls Day, this sense of being united in God’s family is a very real part of our celebration. In this awareness of family bonds, ‘Purgatory’ has loomed large in our Catholic outlook. For a renewed faith, the Church’s teaching on Purgatory should be a source of encouragement. Emphasis upon Purgatory as a state of punishment was misleading. As the name itself indicates, the Church’s belief is in a blessed renewal that makes those who have died ready to enter finally into God’s friendship, to share all things with God. Given our human frailty, few of us die with hearts ready for this. If this mysterious transition involves the pain of the final roots of our selfishness being removed, it must also be a joyful experience for those who know that they are about to know God’s self-giving in eternal happiness. The readings, therefore, bring us the message of Christian hope. The first reading, from the prophet Isaiah, promises that God ‘will destroy death for ever’, and that the family of God will gather rejoicing around one table. Or ‘hope is not deceptive’, Paul assures us, grounded as it is in ‘the love of God poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit’ – a love demonstrated to the world by the fact that ‘Christ died for us’, an astounding fact, that ‘fills us with joyful trust’. Mark’s account of the death that Christ died for us is a masterpiece – a wealth of meaning expressed in so few words: creation stands still as the earth is covered with darkness; the old order passes away as the Temple veil is rent; and the pagan centurion is the spokesman of a world about to find faith in what God has done. It is important to recognize that the words of Jesus, ‘My God, why have you deserted me?’ – a cry, certainly, that gave expression to the anguish of one going to his death in the darkness of a lost world – are the first words of a psalm (Ps 22) that ends with a magnificent expression of hope and confidence in the God who ‘has listened to the cry for help’. ‘And those who are dead’, it continues, ‘their descendants will serve him, will proclaim his name to generations still to come’. ~Emmaus Series POPE FRANCIS The Holy Father's Prayer Intentions For 2014 FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER Universal: That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. For Evangelization: That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Glimmer of Light Always bear in mind as a safe general rule that while God tries us by His crosses and sufferings, He always leaves us a glimmer of light by which we continue to have great trust in him and to recognize His immense goodness. ~American Catholic #628 Page Four Dear Parishioners, Can you believe we are at the last weekend in October already? Time certainly flies by…I hope we’re having fun! This coming Friday is, of course, our celebration of Halloween. In reality, the ancient celebrations of this holiday have roots in Christian tradition. The former spelling of the holiday puts it into proper context: “Hallow e’en”, literally, “the evening of the Holy”. Just as December 24th is the Eve of Christmas, October 31st is the Eve of All Saints’ Day. We remember the saints, the holy men and women of our faith who, having achieved their heavenly glory, now intercede for us before the throne of Almighty God. Popular culture has downgraded this Christian observance and emphasized witches, devils, ghosts and ghouls. In some ways, the way we celebrate Halloween helps us to confront our own fears. Of course, from a Christian perspective, our celebration of Halloween and, more importantly, All Saints Day, should help us confront the reality that awaits us in heaven. Consider how best to celebrate all the saints, especially your patron saint or a saint to whom you have a close and prayerful attraction. Since November 1st falls on a Saturday, the obligation to attend Mass for the holy day in honor of all the saints is not in effect this year. However, it is always a good practice to go to Mass even when we are not obliged to. Mass for the All Saints holy day will be offered at 7:00 p.m. on Friday night and at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. The 5:00 p.m. Mass on November 1st satisfies the Sunday obligation and not All Saints’ Day. +++ Next Sunday, November 2nd, we will offer our annual Mass of Remembrance at twelve noon. We will remember, by name, those who have died and were buried from our parish this past year. A candle will be lit for our beloved dead. These candles will join the candles that are being offered in memory of our loved ones. Please consider joining us for the twelve noon Mass next weekend to remember the members of our parish family. +++ Have a great week! Father Joe #628 Page Five Sunday, October 26th 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 P.M. Thomas J. Parry 8:00 A.M. William J. Boos 10:00 A.M. Anthony Masters (deceased) Mary Masters (living) 12:00 P.M. Albertina Rebimbas 7:00 P.M. People of the Parish Monday, October 27th 7:00 A.M. MaryJane Searls 8:30 A.M. Deceased Members of... The Spear & Kaminski Families Tuesday, October 28th 7:00 A.M. Andrew F. Angioletti (1st Anniversary) 8:30 A.M. Marie O’Brien Wednesday, October 29th 7:00 A.M. Ann Harris 8:30 A.M. David & Mary McNamara Thursday, October 30th 7:00 A.M. Wesley & Erica Chriswell (living) 8:30 A.M. Robert Thrunk Friday, October 31st 7:00 A.M. Mercedes Cardenas 8:30 A.M. Rose Marie Howarth 7:00 P.M. People of the Parish Saturday, November 1st 8:30 A.M. Walter McNamara ^^^ VIGIL MASS FOR SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. Rocco & Filomena Minervino Sunday, November 2nd The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 8:00 A.M. Louise Rose 10:00 A.M. Frances Lutkus 12:00 P.M. All Souls 7:00 P.M. People of the Parish ^^^ If you wish to bring forward the Offertory Gifts of Bread and Wine at a Sunday Mass, please come to Church 15 minutes early and notify one of the ushers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ “To everything there is a season and time for every purpose under heaven.” Ecc. 3:11 “...a time to be born...” The Sacrament of Baptism Eian Milias Veigo “ be healed...” Pray for... Sharafat Ali, Alcides Alvarez, Joseph Attanasio, Jimmy Balatsos, Louise Balestreiri, Giovanna Barbagallo, Brian Beler, Sharon Blevins, Rev. Alex Borsos, Patricia Burke, Roseanne Cornell, Hugh Clark, Jeanie Clark, Jim Cunningham, Anthony Derogatis, Marlene Dillon, George Dock, Pamela Doffont, Chris Duhm, Rose Durr, Jean Evans, Mimi Evans, Raymond Evans, Paul Fadeski, Baby Sophie Isla Fallows, Mary Feury, Eddie Fonseca, Alexander Forfar, Kathleen Fudali, Maria E. Gillespie, Margaret Hacker, Owen Hogan, Justine Irvine, Maria Jeri, Olga Kolis, Helen Kurszwicz, Kathleen Lally, Samantha Lowes, Paul Marks, Mary Masters, Mary Mazewski, Helen McDonough, Anita McGinnes, Paul McGinnis, Paul McKenna, Rose McLafferty, Chris Mertz, Mary Mossey, Caragh Murphy, Stephen Nolan, Tere & Thomas Nolan, James O’Neill, Doreen Pace, Teresa Patino, Mafalda Pellegrino, Jose Perez, June Picillo, Linda Protomastro, Patty Petrula, Jenny Quispe, Brian Raferty, Edward Ratyniak, Richard Rodgers, Carrie Rogan, Ines Rojas, Rose Russomano, Sylvester Sanzari, Heather Seiden, Steve Slashkey, Marie Smith, Nicole Socci, Caden Stoll, Paula Tomasheski, Diana Velazquez, Baby Rose Valente, Victor Villalta, Rosita Walton, Shelly Wandling, Marilyn A. Watson, Martha Wierzbicki, Michelle Zacca rd o, Joe Zarragoicoechea. “...a time to love...” ^ “...a time to die...” Rose Lyons “...a time of war and a time of peace...” We pray for all our national leaders and world leaders. We also pray for the safety of all men and women who serve in the armed forces of the United States. Mauricio Barrantes, Major Thomas W. Burns, Adam Campbell, Anthony Cicchino, Petty Officer Master at Arms, Edward T. Glospie, Jr., Sergeant Stephen Hacker, Cpl. Mark Isabella, Jr., Specialist Thomas Jessy, Major Timothy P. Kelly, Major Joseph P. McNamara, Major Vivien Escolona McNamara, Evan Pilot, PFC Alex Potvin, Adam Richards, Major John P. Rudio, Sgt. Shawn Salerno. STEWARDSHIP ^^^ “Whoever sacrifices to any god, save to the Lord only, shall be utterly destroyed.” EXODUS 22:20 ^ The Sanctuary Lamp In Memory of...John & Freida Madden ^ Votive...The Shrine of the Blessed Mother In Memory of...Andrew & Marion Angioletti ^ Rose for Life In Memory of...Andrew & Marion Angioletti ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status or some personal pos-session greater than your love for God? If so, you may want to pay attention to the scripture reading because you are not going to like the outcome. The good news – it’s not too late to put God first in your life. October 19th World Mission $7,589.00 $1,756.00 #628 Page Six PARISH EVENTS ST. STEPHEN’S SENIORS ^ Our next members meeting in Hedges Hall is Tuesday, November 4th, 2014 at 1:00 P.M. Cake and Coffee at 12:00 P.M. Annual Membership for 2014 is $10.00 SCHEDULED EVENTS Hunterdon Christmas Show West Chester Theater-Glen Miller Orchestra November 10 December 9 For Club info call: For Tours call: For Sunshine/Condolence: 201-998-8258 201-998-3578 201-991-8345 Tom Joan Vicki ^^^ The Rosary Society will meet on November 3rd for the recitation of the Rosary and their Corporate Meeting at 7: 00 P.M. in Hedges Hall CHURCH CLEANING The next Church Cleaning will be Saturday, November 8, 2014 Immediately following the 8:30 Mass St. Vincent de Paul Society ^ The St. Vincent de Paul Society will meet on Wednesday, November19, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. in Hedges Hall. We will be tagging Ornaments for the Giving Tree. Take our brochure from the front vestibule of the Church to find out who we are and what we do! We always welcome new members!! Saint Stephen’s Religious Education 131 Midland Avenue/Kearny, NJ 07032/201-991-3271 Mrs. Martha Lane Director of Religious Education Mon Oct 27th Mon Oct 27th class class Tues Oct 28th grades 1- 5 3:30 - 4:45 pm grades 6 -8 6:15 - 8:00 pm HEDGES HALL NO CLASS Mon Nov 3rd Tues Nov 4th class class grades 1- 5 grades 6 -8 3:30 - 4:45 pm 6:15 - 8:00 pm Mon Nov 10th Tues Nov 11th class class grades 1- 5 grades 6 -8 3:30 - 4:45 pm 6:15 - 8:00 pm Mon Nov 17th Tues Nov 18th class class grades 1- 5 grades 6 -8 3:30 - 4:45 pm 6:15 - 8:00 pm St. Stephen’s Church Hedges Hall 676 Kearny Avenue/ Kearny, NJ 07032 BINGO Come join us!!! Every Tuesday!!! Doors open at 6:00 P.M. Games start at 7:15 P.M. You must be 18 years of age to play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bingo Volunteers Needed! St. Stephen’s holds Bingo on Tuesday nights. The doors open at 6:00 p.m. and calling begins at 7:15 p.m. The evening is finished around 9:30 p.m. We are in need of parishioners, aged 18 and older, to volunteer for a night. Some of the responsibilities include: selling boards, calling back winning numbers and serving food in the kitchen. Our Bingo games are a good source of fund-raising for the parish. There are currently five teams that rotate weekly so your participation will be once every five weeks. If you are interested or would like more information, please call the rectory (201-998-3314) and speak to Mary Lynn Morrison. “Lumen Fidei” ^^^ This encyclical helps us see at a deeper level. It enriches our lives. Reflections conducted by Father Louis will help you experience the deep joy of a faith-filled life. Next Session: Thursday, November 13, 2014 ATTENTION GARDENERS e are looking for volunteers to help with a Fall cleanup of the parish grounds on Nov. 1 at 9am. We will also be planting bulbs that day. Bring whatever gardening tools you have at home and work gloves. We would like to put together a gardening ministry of people who enjoy gardening and can help us, also, water altar flowers at Christmastime and Easter. Please call the rectory 201-998-3314 if you would like to be included. Any thing you can help with would be appreciated. W #628 Page Seven Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained S ymbolon opens up the “big picture” of the Catholic faith in a way that helps us know it, live it and articulate it to others. Through beautifully crafted teaching and state-of-the-art video, author, speaker and theologian, Dr, Edward Sri leads a team of dynamic teachers who provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of the Catholic faith. Faith Formation for the entire Parish is being offered here at Saint Stephen’s this Fall On the following Wednesdays from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. in Hedges Hall October 29 Who is Jesus November 5 November 12 The Paschal Mystery The Holy Spirit December 3 Why do I need the Church December 10 Mary and the Saints December 17 The Last Things Any questions, please contact Cathy Buchanan @ 732-552-8039 IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN TURN ALL YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR NOVEMBER 2nd AT 2:00 A.M. Here’s some background information about Daylight Saving Time, a system to reduce electricity usage by extending daylight hours. Beginning in 2007, Daylight Saving Time starts in the United States on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. Timeline: ! 1784 – The idea of daylight saving is first conceived by Benjamin Franklin. ! 1914-1918 – Britain goes on DLS during World War I. ! March 19, 1918 – The Standard Time Act establishes time zones and daylight savings. Daylight savings is repealed in 1919, but continues to be recognized in certain areas of the U.S. ! 1945-1966 – There is no federal law regarding Daylight Saving Time. ! 1966 – The Uniform Time Act of 1966 establishes the system of uniform Daylight Saving Time throughout the U.S. The dates are the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October. States can exempt themselves from participation. ! 1974-1975 – Congress extends DLS in order to save energy during the energy crisis. ! 1986-2006 – Daylight Saving Time begins on the first Sunday in April and ends on the last Sunday in October. ! August 8, 2005 – President Bush signs the Energy Policy Act of 2005 into law. Part of the act will extend Daylight Saving Time starting in 2007, from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November. ! 2007 – Under the new laws, all of Indiana now observes Daylight Saving Time, where only certain areas of the state did before. ! Exceptions in the U.S.: In the US, Hawaii and most of Arizona do not follow DLS. The U.S. territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and American Samoa also do not observe DLS. ! What countries follow Daylight Saving Time? About 70 countries around the world observe DLS. Many countries near the equator do not adjust their clocks for daylight saving. Neither China nor Japan observe DLS. ! Some countries refer to “Daylight Saving Time” as “Summer Time.” #628 Page Eight Saint of the Week Blessed Thomas of Florence (d. 1447) October 31 he son of a butcher in Florence, Thomas led such a wild life for a time that parents warned their sons to stay away from him. A rich man in town befriended him and led him deeper into depravity. Accused of a serious crime that he had not committed, Thomas went to his friend for protection. The man would not even see him and told him to stay away. Crushed, Thomas wandered the streets until he met a priest who listened to his story and took Thomas into his home. Ultimately, he was able to get Thomas declared innocent of the crime. T Thomas broke off his former associations and began to lead a life of prayer and penance. Filled with grace, he asked to be admitted to a Franciscan friary as a lay brother. He went on to become a model friar, fasting, keeping vigils, disciplining himself. He wore the cast-off clothes of his brothers. He was frequently wrapped in ecstasy. Though he was never ordained a priest and remained content to serve as a lay brother, Thomas was appointed novice master. Many young men followed in his path of holiness. Thomas founded numerous convents of friars in southern Italy. And Pope Martin V called upon him to preach against the Fraticelli, a branch of heretical Franciscans. He was also asked to go to the Orient to promote the reunion of the Eastern and Western Churches. There he was imprisoned and expected to receive the crown of martyrdom. But the Pope ransomed him for a large sum of money. Thomas returned to Italy and died on a journey to Rome, where he had hoped to receive permission to return to the Orient. Comment: When Thomas needed a compassionate listening ear, he found one in a stranger. Had the priest not heard him out, he might never have achieved a place among the blessed. Who knows what God has in mind for the person who wants to bend our ear and find a compassionate listener? ~American Catholic #628 Page Nine All Souls Day Remembrance Memorial Candle Offering Remember your loved ones who have died ~ parents, grandparents, spouses, children ~ with a candle in their memory. The candles will burn from Saturday, November 1 until Saturday, November 8 An offering of $20 is appropriate for each candle. Each candle will contain a label with the name of the person it is being offered for. __________________________________________________________________ Name of Donor: ____________________________________________ Phone number of Donor: _____________________________________ Name(s) to inscribe on the labels: (use a separate sheet if necessary) The candles are for the deceased only. 1.______________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________ Amount enclosed ($20 per candle) $____________________________ Please return this portion to the rectory by October 28, 2014. Please DO NOT use the All Souls envelope that came in your mailing. That is a separate intention and donation. #628 Page Ten November 2014 Saint Stephen's Parish Sunday Monday Tuesday S 5 12 19 26 2 12:00 PM All Souls Mass of Remembrance 5:00 PM Confirmation Session (HH) 9 5:00 PM Confirmation Session (HH) 16 3 3:30 PM CCD (1-5 School) 7:00 PM Rosary Society (HH) 10 3:30 PM CCD (1-5 School) 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus (HH) 17 1:30 PM Baptisms 3:30 PM CCD (1-5 School) 5:00 PM Confirmation Session (HH) 7:30 PM Parish Leadership Meeting (HH) 23 5:00 PM Confirmation Session (HH) 24 3:30 PM CCD (1-5 School) 6:15 PM CCD (6-8 Church) Oct 2014 M T W T 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 F S 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 4 Wednesday S 7 14 21 28 M 1 8 15 22 29 5 7:00 PM "Symbolon" Series (HH) 6:15 PM CCD (6-8 School) 7:30 PM RCIA (RMR) 7:30 PM Bingo (HH) 6:15 PM CCD (6-8 School) 7:30 PM Bingo (HH) 18 12 19 7:00 PM St. Vincent De Paul Society (HH) 7:30 PM RCIA (RMR) 26 ALL S AINTS DAY 7 8 9:00 AM Church Cleaning 7:30 PM Adult Choir 7:00 PM Scouts (HH) 9:00 AM Confirmation Retreat (HH) 13 4:00 PM Children's Choir 6:15 PM CCD (6-8 School) 7:30 PM Bingo (HH) 1 7:00 PM Holy Hour 7:00 PM "Symbolon" Series (HH) 7:30 PM RCIA (RMR) Saturday 4:00 PM Children's Choir 9:00 AM Faith Study (HH) 3:30 PM Altar S erver Traini ng 25 6 3:30 PM Altar S erver Traini ng 1:00 PM Seniors (HH) 7:30 PM Bingo (HH) Friday Dec 2014 T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 1:00 PM Seniors (HH) 11 Thursday 14 7:00 PM Scouts (HH) 15 11:00 AM Anointing Mass 7:30 PM Adult Choir 20 4:00 PM Children's Choir 21 22 7:00 PM Scouts (HH) 7:30 PM Adult Choir 27 28 29 9:00 AM Mass THANKSGIVING DAY 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus (HH) 30 1:30 PM Adven t Wreath Making A ctivity (HH) 5:00 PM Confirmation Session (HH) Giving Tree Be gins #628 WILFRED ARMITAGE & WIGGINS FUNERAL HOME 596 BELGROVE DRIVE, KEARNY, NJ Mark G. 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FINCH, JR., President • HELEN FINCH, Office Manager Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 • 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 628 St. Stephen, Kearny, NJ (inside) UPS Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • Proud To Be Family Owned and Operated For Four Generations Pre-Need Planning Available CONDON FUNERAL HOME BARBARA ANN CONDON, MANAGER - NJ LIC. NO. 3577 684 Kearny Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey 201-428-1872 will be donated to the Parish 1of only 14 Board Certified Prosthodontists in NJ Specializing in Implants • Smile Makeovers 790 Kearny Avenue, Kearny, NJ 07032 Ask for Akin or Zay • Fax 201-428-1885 312 Belleville Turnpike, Suite 3B No. Arlington Call me for all your Real Estate needs!! Argyle Restaurant Sirlene Oliveira Catering For All Occasions Tue., Wed., Thur. 11:30-8:30PM • Fri. 11:30-9PM Sat. 11:30-9PM • Sun. 2-8PM 212 Kearny Ave., Kearny Sales Representative Harrison’s Resident C: 201.600.3587 Clifton Office 973-779-1900 Portuguese and Spanish Spoken We Buy Old Gold & Diamonds Diamond Setting • Diamonds • Watches Fine Jewelry & Low Sensible Prices Imported 14K & 18K Gold Jewelry 36 Ridge Rd., N. Arlington, NJ (201) 998-5036 TJM CUSTOM CLUBS LLC COMPLETE CUSTOM GOLF CLUB REPAIR “Shop Local” 169 Midland Ave. Kearny, NJ Real Estate Insurance Appraisals Home/Auto Package Discounts 201-991-3900 Dr. John P. BranwellP COMPLETE MEDICAL & SURGICAL FOOT CARE Medicare / Most Insurance Accepted 37 Seeley Ave., Kearny, NJ • 201-998-9700 130 Midland Avenue, Kearny 201-991-0905 ARLINGTON PHARMACY SURGICAL RENTALS & SALES Jim Muller, Owner/ Owner/Parishioner Parishioner 136 Pleasant Pl Kearny, NJ 07032 201-345-3054 ~ Retired Kearny Police Officer ~ Free Est. • Lic. & Ins. • No Job Too Small your Smile Design Specialist 10% OFF Labor with ad EXPERT JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIRS Decks • Tiling • Masonry • Framing • Drywall Painting • Hardwood Floors • Windows & Doors General Carpentry • Finish Carpentry 201-286-3113 • Lic. #13VH06576900 Dr. Richard Ekstein... ASE Certified Technicians ARLINGTON JEWELERS 201-991-1568 ELLIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS 1-844-DOCTOR-E It’s not what we do it’s how we do it! 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We Specialize in Repast, Anniversaries, Communions, Christenings, Retirements, Christmas Parties, Office Meetings, Rehearsal Dinners, Bridal Showers, Baptism, Birthdays, Etc. 11-35 River Rd., North Arlington NJ • 201.246.0100 • Parishioner the angry coffee bean Since 1974 AUTOMOTIVE & TOWING, INC. 24 Hour Towing • Specializing Hauling • 65 Ton Lo-Boy Trailer Complete Automotive Repairs • Computer Diagostics Air Conditioning Specialist • Heavy Duty Recovery Specialists ASE Certified Car & Truck Technicians • ICC MC#238345 34 ARLINGTON AVE. / KEARNY, NJ 07032 201-991-4660 Fax: (201) 991-8716 628 St. Stephen, Kearny, NJ (back) UPS coffeehouse & cafe new sunday brunch buffet! Seatings at: 10am, 11:30am & 1pm ~ reservations recommended ~ see you after Mass for brunch! catering for all occasions 89 ridge rd., north arlington 201.772.5554 free wifi John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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