High Potentials Leadership 5-day Consortium Program Develop future leaders for success Aug-Oct 2014 Leading for Success @ HKUST Contents Program Objective 1 Who Should Attend 1 Key Benefits 1 Program Structure 2 Mode of Delivery 2 Participation 2 Upon Completion 2 Program Content and Preview 3-4 Daily Schedule 5 Venue 5 Faculty Profile Program Fee 6-7 8 Application8 Cancellation and Refund Policy 8 Program Administration 9 High Potentials Leadership @ HKUST August – October 2014 A 5-day consortium program for high flyers The School of Business and Management of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST Business School) proudly presents High Potentials Leadership Consortium Program. The program is designed to develop high flyers by improving their leadership capabilities and offering them access to the most current management knowledge. Program Objective High Potentials Leadership Consortium Program develops high flyers in meeting the challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive business environment and provides golden opportunities for networking with executives from diversified industries and background. High Potentials Leadership is built on our extensive experience in offering world-class executive education to senior executives and business owners in recent years. Who Should Attend w “Asia’s Key Benefits youngest but most respected business school” 1 High flyers of leading companies and organizations, typically with 5 to 10 years of working experience. In this program, participants will: EMBA No. in the World (fifth straight year, 2009-2013) leadership capabilities to bring out w Improve the best performance w MBA Program No. 14 in the World (2014), strategic thinking to create value w Foster which is essential for career development w Kellogg–HKUST No. 1 in Asia (fifth straight year, 2010-2014) Financial Times wExtensive experience since 1999 in delivering innovative and high-impact executive programs to major corporations worldwide and from the region. HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST perspectives and benchmarking w Broaden best practices from fellow participants from other leading companies and organizations cquire cutting-edge business and w Amanagement knowledge and skills for implementation in the workplace Page 1 Program Structure Participation The program comprises of three 1-2-day compulsory modules with a total of 5 days of intensive classes over three months. Participants should be high flyers, typically with 5 to 10 years of working experience. They should be chosen by the company based on the needs for development to succeed with increasing responsibilities. Total support and commitment from participating organizations are crucial to the success of the program. Organizations that are committed to management and leadership development will be selected. Places in the program are limited. Each participating organization is expected to register a minimal of 2 participants and not more than 8 participants. A class size of about 20-30 is anticipated for this program. Upon Completion Mode of Delivery A variety of teaching modes will be used – lectures, case studies, interactive workshops, facilitated discussions and exercises. The intensive mode of study enables high-impact learning experiences with minimal disturbance to the busy work schedules of executives. Page 2 Participants should be prepared to devote their time and be focused on learning during the program. To pass the modules, participants have to achieve at least 80% class attendance. A certificate of attendance will be awarded by the HKUST Business School to participants who have completed the program. A closing lunch or dinner will be organized at the end of the program. HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST Program Content and Preview The program comprises of 3 compulsory modules with a total of 5 days of intensive classes over three months. Module 1 Decision Making and Leadership (2 Days) 28 - 29 August 2014 (Thu-Fri) Prof. Bilian Sullivan Quality decision leads the success of leaders and managers. This module is designed to help participants to make better decisions in daily life and professional work. The module is organized around an important distinction in decision making between normative and descriptive approaches. While the normative approach concerns how people or executives should make decisions, the descriptive approach concerns how people or executives actually do make decisions. Both approaches are important for making sound decisions. This module will help participants to be better decision-makers by providing participants with various analytical tools to make reasonable good decisions by introducing the normative decision-making approach and developing participants’ understanding of decision biases in real decision-making situations by the descriptive decision-making approach. Module 2 Effective Team Communications (1 Day) 12 September 2014 (Fri) Ms. Paula Ho It is essential for team leaders to provide feedback and engage team members in order to improve team performance. This module will help participants to improve their communication skills when understanding, influencing, engaging, and motivating their peers and subordinates. Through lectures, personal assessment tool and interactive exercises, this module enhances communication techniques to improve team efficiency, learn personal and others characteristics to help embrace individual differences and discover the ways to work with people of different preferences and improve commitment to enhance team performance. HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST Page 3 Module 3 Leading Teams to Performance (2 Days) 23 - 24 Oct 2014 (Thu - Fri) Prof. Mitya New Organizations in today’s increasingly global and virtual world rely extensively on teams and collaboration to active their objectives. Companies need both more senior leadership teams, who may be together for several years, and strategic account or project teams, who may only work together for a few months, to be successful. However, often teams do not seem to work. Many people feel they take up too much time, cause conflict, add no value and are difficult to manage. This module will focus on understanding and experiencing how teams operate and learning how to transform and lead teams to deliver value and performance. Participants will understand the critical importance of individual and team behavior, as well as of the appropriate team operating system to achieve team effectiveness. It will include personality self-awareness, emotional intelligence, personal conflict styles, how to achieve alignment, clarity and trust across teams and the value of inspirational leadership. The module will use facilitated and team discussion, experiential learning exercises, case studies, team simulations and multi-media tools to help participants both experience the challenge of teams and leadership as well as learn the solutions to overcome these challenges. Program dates, content, choice of faculty and teaching sequences are subject to final adjustments and modifications. Please visit program website for latest details. Page 4 HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST Daily Schedule Classes normally start at 9:30 am and finish at about 5:30 pm at HKUST Business School Executive Education Suite. A typical day comprises of four 1.5-hour teaching sessions with lunch and refreshment breaks in between. 9:30 - 11:00 am Morning session 1 11:00 - 11:20 am Refreshment break 11:20 am - 12:50 pm Morning session 2 12:50 - 2:00 pm Lunch 2:00 - 3:30 pm Afternoon session 1 3:30 - 3:50 pm Refreshment break 3:50 - 5:20 pm Afternoon session 2 5:20 - 5:30 pm Round up HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST Venue Classes will be conducted at the state-of-the-art executive education facilities of the Business School on HKUST’s Clear Water Bay campus. The executive education facilities and the campus setting provide a comfortable, pleasant and efficient environment conducive to the intensive mode of learning in this program. Page 5 Faculty Profile A strong team of HKUST faculty and practitioners who are experienced in executive teaching are selected to teach in the program. Their excellence in teaching are further demonstrated by the popularity that they received from MBA or MSc and executive education program participants. Bilian Sullivan PhD, Stanford University Associate Professor, Department of Management HKUST Business School Professor Sullivan is Associate Professor of Management at HKUST Business School. She is also Academic Director of CEMS Master's Program of International Management at HKUST. She has taught at the undergraduate and MBA levels. Her recent executive education experience is with Sichuan Mobile, Pan Ocean and overseas EMBA/MBA groups. She has also been invited as speakers for conferences. Professor Sullivan's research interests focus on organizational learning and change, organizational and inter-organizational networks, international management and decision making. Her publications have appeared in Organizational Science, International Journal of Strategic Change Management, etc. She is also Member of Editorial Board for Organizational Science and International Journal of Strategic Change Management. Paula Ho MA, George Washington University Executive-in-Residence HKUST Business School Ms Ho has over 30 years of local and global experience in all areas of human resources management, gained from both local and US multinational companies in a wide variety of industries, including Gap Inc., NCR, Chase Manhattan Bank, Levi Strauss, Hutchison Whampoa and MTL Container Terminal. She was the Regional Head of Human Resources at Gap International Sourcing covering 29 offices worldwide with major presence in Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Korea and Turkey. Page 6 LEADING FOR SUCCESS 2012 @ HKUST Since Ms Ho has left Gap and serves as independent consultant since 2005, she has the privilege of working with major companies in a wide range of industries, such as Imperial Tobacco (Asia) Pte Ltd, Danone Group, Li & Fung Trading Ltd., Hysan Development Ltd., Swiss Reinsurance Ltd., The Carlyle Group, Bovis Lend Lease (HK) Ltd., Canon Hong Kong Co., Ltd., Yantian Container Terminal, Salvation Army, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Society for Protection of Children, Asiamedical Specialists, Melco International Development Ltd., Manulife (Intl) Ltd., Swiss Reinsurance Company, Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation, China Southern Fund Management Co., Ltd. and TNT Express (Hong Kong). Ms Ho is also serving as a member on HKSAR Vocational Training Council Import/Export and Wholesale Trades Training Board. Ms Ho specializes in Human Resource Management and Leadership Development. She received her Master of Arts in Human Resource Development from George Washington University. She is also an accredited trainer of Interaction Management, Performance Management, Targeted Selection and Process Management by DDI, Think On Your Feet Program, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), coach of Action Learning, etc. Mitya New MA, Johns Hopkins University Adjunct Professor, HKUST Business School Professor New is currently or has been a consultant for Deloitte, Zurich Insurance, Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC), HKUST Business School, Aegon, Ernst&Young, Saudi Aramco, Lenovo and others in various global locations. He has also been involved in projects with Thomson Reuters and Kraft Foods. Professor New is an established and experienced consultant to multinational and large regional organizations helping them to improve their leadership capabilities and the performance of their leadership teams. He works with senior leadership at the global and regional level. He is currently also working with research faculty at the HKUST Business School on a proprietary model of team effectiveness. Professor New is particularly interested in the systemic or organizational and behavioral drivers of leadership team interaction and performance as well as the growing importance of emotional intelligence in the corporate environment. He is also a certified executive coach and certified practitioner of Myer Briggs Type Instrument (MBTI), Hogan Inventories, and Thomas Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). LEADING FOR SUCCESS 2012 @ HKUST Page 7 Program Fee (Registration deadline: 1 August 2014) Regular program fee HK$29,500 (minimum 2 registrations per company / organization) Early bird rate (register before 27 June 2014)HK$26,500 Corporate rate (3 or more registrations from the same company)HK$24,500 It includes: w Design, development and delivery of the program conducted at HKUST w All course materials, binders, articles, cases, teaching notes and textbooks, if applicable w The use of fully equipped executive education classroom and breakout rooms during the program w Lunchs and refreshments during the program w Certificate of attendance awarded by HKUST Business School Application Please send us the followings by email/fax/mail (on or before 1 August 2014): 1.Completed Company Reply Form 2.Completed Participant Registration Form(s) Fax: (852) 2335 5836 Email: bmcchan@ust.hk Address: HKUST Business School Executive Education Office Room 3011, Lee Shau Kee Business Building The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Attn: Miss Christine Chan Once registration is confirmed, the program office will send you email confirmation and invoice. Please make payment accordingly (cheque payable to “The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology”) to secure the seat(s). Remarks: w Each organization is expected to register a minimal of 2 participants and not more than 8 participants. w Places are available on a first come first served basis. w Places are limited and are subject to availability at the time of confirmation and consideration of the requests already made by other companies. An early confirmation will therefore help us to serve yours needs. w HKUST Business School Executive Education Office reserves the right to make any amendments to the program without prior notice. Cancellation and Refund Policy A 50% refund of program fee available for cancellation received in writing at least 4 weeks prior to the program commencement date. Page 8 HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST Program Administration For enquiries on company and organization participation, please contact: Miss Vian Li Deputy Head, Executive Education Office HKUST Business School Tel: (852) 2358 8927 Email:Vian.Li@ust.hk Miss Christine Chan Program Assistant, Executive Education Office HKUST Business School Tel: (852) 2358 7541 Email:bmcchan@ust.hk www.bm.ust.hk/execed/open_programs/program_hpl.html HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST Page 9 Executive Education Office HKUST Business School The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay • Kowloon • Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2358 7541 / 2358 5054 Fax: (852) 2335 5836 Email:ExecEd@ust.hk Web:www.bm.ust.hk/ExecEd COMPANY REPLY FORM – CONFIRMATION OF PARTICIPATION In order to confirm participation and reserve places in the HKUST High Potentials Leadership Consortium Program, please have the authorized person sign below and send this form to HKUST Business School Executive Education Office by fax at (852) 2335 5836 on or before 1 August 2014. We received this brochure on the HKUST Business School High Potentials Leadership Consortium Program. We would like to confirm the participation of our company/organization. We commit to nominate and send *(number) applicants to the program. Selection of participants will be done by our company/organization, based on the criteria outlined in the brochure. * Each participating organization is expected to register a minimal of 2 participants and not more than 8 participants. Contact person(s) of the company / organization for matters related to the program: Name (Dr/Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs): Job Title: Company / Organization: Tel: Fax: Email: Address: Authorized Signature Company Chop Name:Date: Title: HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION FORM To be faxed to HKUST Business School Executive Education Office at (852) 2335 5836 on or before 1 August 2014 Company/Organization: No. of total applicants nominated Name (Dr/Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs): (first name) (last name) Name to be printed on certificate: Job Title: Division / Subsidary Company (if any): Correspondence Tel: (mobile) Email: (office) Fax: Address: Industry (please tick “✓”in one of the following boxes): Accounting & Auditing Banking & Finance Business Services Education / Training Food & Beverage Hotel & Catering Insurance Manufacturing Property Agency Retail Trading Advertising / PR / Marketing Biotechnology / Chemical Conglomerates Entertainment / Arts / Recreation Government & non-profit Information Technology Legal Service Media / Communication / Publishing Property Management / Security Services Science / Research & Development Travel & Tourism Architecture / Surveying Building & Construction Consumer Goods Executive Search / Personnel Consultants Health / Beauty Care Internet / e-business Logistics / Transportation Medical Services / Pharmaceutical Utilities Telecommunications Others: Job area(s) e.g., Marketing, Strategic Development, HR, General Management Responsibilities in terms of human resources, budget, capital investment, and scope of business Division’s Relation to Total Organization in terms of size, scope and autonomy and to what position does the applicant report to HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST With reference to the program curriculum, which session do you think would be most interesting and useful to you? Please describe key challenges facing you / your unit / company at work. Please assess your knowledge in the following areas: Accounting Little 1 2345High Finance Little 1 2345High Marketing Little 1 2345High Commerce & IT Little 1 2 3 4 5 High Operations & Production Little 1 2 3 4 5 High General Management Little 1 2345High Strategy Formulation Little 1 2345High Total number of years of working experience: Number of years of service at the current company: PositionOrganization Period (list most recent ones) How many subordinates do you have within your department / unit? How many of them directly report to / line-managed by you? Education qualifications (degree / diploma based): Name of Institution Program Name Name: Year Received Date: This is a preliminary registration form. It will be used to select applicants in consideration for a better class mix, especially if registration exceeds allowed class size. Once registration is confirmed, our program team will follow up with your company/ organization and engage participants in preparation for the program. HIGH POTENTIALS LEADERSHIP 2014 @ HKUST
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