GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DIRECTORATE OF REVENUE INTELLIGENCE KOLKATA ZONAL UNIT 8, Ho Chi-Minh Sarani, Kolkata- 700071 Telephone:- (033)-2282 3321, Fax:- (033)-2282 4465 DRI. F. No. 38/KOL/ADMN/AMC/AC/2012/ Date : 22.10.2014 NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF AIR CONDITION (AC) MACHINE IN THE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTORATE OF REVENUE INTELLIGENCE, KOLKATA ZONAL UNIT, KOLKATA. Sealed Tenders are invited for the ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF AIR CONDITION (AC) MACHINES installed in the Office of the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Kolkata Zonal Unit, 8, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Flat No. 16 & 17, Kolkata (herein after called DRI, KZU, Kolkata) for a period of 1 (One) year from the date of commencement of AMC. Number of AC Machines type and model installed at Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Kolkata Zonal Unit, Kolkata are as follows: Sl. No. Type of Machines Model Tonnage 01 Split 15 Pcs of 1.5 ton 02 Window Himgiri-9 Pcs Voltas- 4 Pcs Hitachi-2 Pcs Carrier 1.5 ton No. of Machines 15 2 The detailed Terms and Conditions are enclosed herewith in Annexure “A” to this Tender Notice. In case of any difficulty, tender may contact the Intelligence Officer (Admn.), DRI, KZU, Kolkata on any working day during office hours on or before 14.11.2014 at telephone No. 2282-3321/2720/7656/7655/0659, Extn-212. The interested service providers are requested to submit their Tender documents in the prescribed Quotation form duly signed and stamped, in a sealed cover to the Deputy Director (Admn.), DRI, KZU, Kolkata. The last date of receipt of Tender is 14.11.2014. The tender will be opened on 14.11.2014. The last date of receipt of Tender Tender shall be opened 14/11/2014 17/11/2014 The Tenders/Quotations which are received incomplete and /or submitted after the due date shall be summarily rejected. The Deputy Director (Admn.), DRI, KZU, Kolkata reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. Sd/(VIKRAM CHAND MEKA) DEPUTY DIRECTOR (ADMN.) DRI, KZU,KOLKATA. ANNEXURE-‘A’ TERMS AND CONDITION 1. The Tenderer should be duly registered with the concerned State/Central Govt. authorities and should be well established to provide Non Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of AC Machines to Central Govt. Such service providers should also submit details of other such Govt. Organisations to which they have extended similar service in the recent past as well as the present. 2. The AMC holder shall undertake all types of repairing of electrical components, rewinding of blower motor and starter coil and other mechanical spares. 3. Spare parts repairing / changing i.e thermostat, selector switch, run and start capacitor etc, filter replacement, gas charging chemically washing part to part are included in the AMC. 4. Overhauling the Machines once a year and free check up and servicing every alternate month are included in the AMC. 5. In addition to the preventive maintenance the AMC holder shall attend to any call at any time regarding any malfunctioning of the AC units and redress the complaint within 2 hours of lodging the same. 6. In case of any delay regarding the time limit fixed in condition 4 and 5 above, a penal amount of 1 % of the quarterly amount payable will be deducted for each day after one day delay, which will be adjusted while making quarterly payment. 7. The cost of compressor, Fan and repairing /painting of body, are excluded from the AMC. 8. The Contract can be terminated at one month’s prior notice from either side in the instance of poor service or violation of any of the conditions stipulated. In case the contract is terminated within the quarter, the dues will be paid at the end of the relevant quarter only (Calculated accordingly and adjusted). 9. The contract will not confer any right upon the AMC holder to claim continuation of the contract after the stipulated period is over or in case it is terminated prematurely. 10. There may be addition, deletion, modification in the above conditions in future during the AMC period with mutual agreement of both the parties. 11. A satisfactory performance certificate regarding AMC from at least 2 government Departments shall have to be furnished. 12. The firm should submit the list of Engineers along with their contact numbers, whom they will be able to provide to this office in case they are selected in the tender. 13. Any matter during the period of this agreement which has not been specifically covered by this agreement shall be decided by the Deputy Director, DRI, KZU, Kolkata whose decision shall be final and conclusive. 14. In case of any dispute of any kind and in any respect whatsoever, the decision of the Deputy Director, DRI, Kolkata shall be final and binding. 15. The Deputy Director has the right to amend, rectify, alter and relax any conditions referred above for this tender without assigning any reasons. 16. The service provider should have Service Tax Registration or submit an undertaking that he is not liable to pay service tax. The rates offered shall be considered exclusive of all taxes including service Tax (All taxes may be shown separately). 17. The service provider must have 24 hours working telephone system so that he can be contacted over phone at short notice and at odd hours and on holidays. In case of requirement of any service Engineer it would also be essential for each service Engineer to have a mobile number so that he could be contacted for duty. 18. The department is not liable to pay any other charges in addition to the above 19. The Last date for submission of Tenders is 14.11.2014 upto 13.00 hrs. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:1. The AMC will be for a period of one year. 2. The vendor will provide the Area Service Engineer who will attend to service calls within 1-3 hours after lodging a complaint. If found incompetent by this office, the Engineer shall be changed by the firm immediately. 3. The rates quoted in the contract will remain in force for the full period of the contract. No demand for revision of rate on any account shall be entertained during the contract period. 4. The contract can be terminated by this office at any time without giving any notice or without assigning any reason. If the work of the contractor is found unsatisfactory during the period of this contract, decision of the competent authority of this office shall be final and binding on the firm. 5. This tender is not transferable and under no circumstance shall the successful bidder be allowed to sub-contract to any other person/party. 6. The systems that are not serviceable by the agency due to obsolescence of technology or nonavailability of parts/assemblies/components will be withdrawn from the maintenance contract. The decision of the competent authority regarding non-availability and obsolescence of technology and withdrawal of these items from the main contract will be final. Withdrawal of such systems shall be communicated to the agency and equivalent maintenance charges shall be deducted accordingly. 7. No advance payment would be made in any case. However, payment will be made on quarterly basis. 8. TDS will be deducted as per rules. 9. The Company will not have any legal right to proceed against the department in the event of late payment due to unforeseen reason. 10. Service assurance. Preventive maintenance will be carried out on monthly and special cleaning of the machince from outside with liquid cleaner should be done once in a month. A preventive Maintenance report (Quarterly) and monthly cleaning reports of all the items installed in this office would be submitted along with the quarterly bill of comprehensive AMC, failing which an appropriate penalty would be imposed. The payment on quarterly basis will be made strictly on the basis of the satisfactory report of the user. 11.1 Cleaning of all equipment using air brush, vacuum and soft muslin cloth. 11.2 Checking of power supply source, proper grounding and safety of equipment. 12. Shifting of equipment within the building as and when required. 13. Responding time of a call should be 1-3 hours and in case of failure to respond within the stipulated time a penalty shall be imposed which will be deducted from the payment of the quarter. 14. Vendor should have a proper procedure for complaint registration, follow up etc. and provide traceability of all complaints from registration to call clearance, which will be kept in the Administrative section. The Engineer should report to Intelligence Officer (Hqrs.), who will supervise the maintenance service of the vendor. 15. At the end of the contract period, both the user and the AMC holder shall certify separately that the AC Machine / electronic device is in satisfactory working condition and that no fault or complaint is pending. 16. It may also be noted that in case the contractor backs out of the AMC midway, without any explicit consent of the department, he will be liable for recovery at higher rates vis-a-vis those contracted with, which may have to be incurred by this department on maintenance of machines for the balance period of the contract by alternate means. 17. The above act of backing out would automatically debar the firm from any further dealing with the office. 18. In case the service is not found to be satisfactory, this office will terminate the contract on its own and inform the vendor accordingly. 19. The vendor shall check all the AC Machines within 5 days of signing the contract and submit report to the Intelligence Officer (Hqrs.), DRI, KZU, Kolkata. In case no report is submitted within the stipulated time it will be assumed that all the machines are in running conditions and it will be responsibility of the vendor to maintain the AC Machines. 20. Quotations received without sealed covers or without quoting rates in the specific proforma will not be accepted. The undersigned reserves the right to reduce or increase the number of items offered for maintenance contract, during the term of the AMC. If number is reduced, proportionate amount will be reduced. This office does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and also reserves the right to reject any quotation without assigning any reason whatsoever. 21. For proper evaluations, Technical Bids and Financial Bid may be given separately with documents in support of claim for experience etc. No financial Bids will be entertained if the technical conditions required are not fulfilled by the vendor. 22. The tender notice is also available on the office website Date:- 22.10.2014. Sd/(VIKRAM CHAND MEKA) DEPUTY DIRECTOR (ADMN.)
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