CALL ME LATER Technical Rider English – CALL ME LATER – Technical Rider Band • • • • • Dana Lenk – Main Vocals Oliver 'Zampano' Irmer – Guitar 1 (Stage Right) Stephan 'Doc' Hiller – Guitar 2 (Stage Left) Andreas Weimer – Bass Christoph Jordan – Drums • • Martina Alband – Add Vocals (not always available) Andreas Oeter – Audio Engineer Contact Info: Management Oliver 'Zampano' Irmer 0151 4642 3787 Booking Stephan 'Doc' Hiller 0172 3583 041 Homepage, Techrider Andreas Weimer 0176 2487 2288 – CALL ME LATER – Technical Rider Stage Plot – CALL ME LATER – Technical Rider Microphone input list • • • • • Drums – Christoph ◦ 1x Kick ◦ 2x Snare (Top, Btm) ◦ 3x Tom ◦ 2x Overheads (if necessary) Guitars ◦ Zampano ▪ 1x Guitar Amp Mic ▪ 1x Vocal Mic ◦ Doc ▪ 1x Guitar Amp Mic ▪ 1x Vocal Mic Bass – Andreas ◦ 1x BassCab Mic or DI Out ◦ 1x Vocal Mic Vocals – Dana, Martina ◦ 2x Vocal Mic Whole Band 16 Mics Total Monitoring • • • • • Drums – Christoph ◦ 1x Mono / Stereo Headphone Mix or Mono Monitor Guitars ◦ Zampano ▪ 1x Mono Monitor ◦ Doc ▪ 1x Mono Monitor Bass – Andreas ◦ 1x Mono / Stereo Headphone Mix or Mono Monitor Vocals ◦ Dana ▪ 1x Mono Monitor ◦ Martina ▪ 1x Mono / Stereo InEar Mix Whole Band at least 6 Mono or ideally 9 monitoring channels – CALL ME LATER – Technical Rider Miscellaneous on stage • • • • Drums – Christoph ◦ Carpet ◦ Drumstick Quiver ◦ InEar Headphones and extension cord Guitars ◦ Zampano ▪ Marshall Guitar Amp and Cabinet ▪ Boss-GT10 Guitar Multieffect ▪ Wireless Guitar Transmitter ▪ Candlestand on top of the Amp ▪ Carpet ◦ Doc ▪ Marshall Guitar Amp and Cabinet ▪ Boss-GT10 Guitar Multieffect ▪ Wireless Guitar Transmitter Bass – Andreas ◦ Hartke 7000 Bass Amplifier ◦ Bass Cabinet 4x10“ ◦ ART HeadAmp6 Pro - Headphone Amp ◦ InEar Headphones and extension cord Vocals ◦ Dana ▪ Sunflower on Microphone Clamp ▪ Her own Microphone stand ◦ Martina ▪ Wireless InEar Set What we provide 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Audio engineer Instruments and Amplifiers 1x Microphone Stand and 1x SM58 for Main Vocals 1x InEar Monitoring device 1x 6 Channel Headphone Amp and two Headphone Extension cords for Drums and Bass 6. All on-stage instrument cabling 7. All on-stage power distribution (three-way Schuko 230 Volt / 16 A) 8. We can provide a sound and light system for smaller venues if necessary – CALL ME LATER – Technical Rider What we need 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. at least three seperate connections to power supply on Stage FOH Snake with at least 16 female XLR connectors available on Stage at least 6 / ideally 9 auxiliary outputs for Monitoring at least 2 effect channels, one for reverb, one for delay (Vocals) 4 Microphone Stands for Vocals and 2 for Overheads (if necessary) 1x 2m table for merchandise (unless merc area already exists) Approximately 5m * 4m clear stage area minimum 12x 0,5L bottles of still mineral water 4 clean towels 10.Logistical Informations: (a) Whats your policy with the selling of merchandise? (b) What time is load in and sound check? (c) What time do doors open? (d) What is the line-up of acts / times? (e) How long and what time is our set? (f) What time is our load out? (g) Please describe the parking available. (h) Is there a backstage / green room available? (i) Is there road case storage available? (j) Details on food and beverage provisions or directions to what's nearby. (k) House manager's contact info. 11.Venue system details: (a) Type of FOH mixing console (b) Type of compressors (c) Type of EQs (d) Type of loudspeaker system (e) Mid / Hi Boxes and Subs (f) Amplifiers and power (g) Loudspeaker management processors (h) Lighting System and Console –
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