2014 Lifespan Research Day PROGRAM 3 November 2014 New Law Building, LT101, University of Sydney 8.45 – 9.20 Registration 9.20 – 9.30 Welcome Cheryl Jones & Richard Lindley - Lifespan Research Theme leaders 9.30 – 10.00 Plenary 1: Christopher Murphy 10.00 – 10.45 Session 1: Reproduction Chaired by Laura Lindsay and Katie Powell O1: Aimee Caldwell Induced features of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) cannot be rescued by granulosa cell specific androgen receptor inactivation in a mouse model O2: Samson Dowland Microvillar dynamics are disrupted by ovarian hyperstimulation in the rat O3: Leigh Nicholson Role for alpha-parvin in uterine receptivity and early pregnancy 10.45 – 11.15 Morning tea 11.15 – 11.45 Plenary 2: Kristine Macartney 11.45 – 12.15 Plenary 3: Ian Kerridge 12.15 – 13.00 Session 2: Child Health Chaired by Adrienne Gordon O4: Yvonne Zurynski Growing up with neuromuscular disorders: experiences of transition from paediatric to adult health services O5: Loretta Lau Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) predicts poor outcome in neuroblastoma O6: Wendy Gold Microtubule dysfunction can be corrected by HDAC6 inhibitors in Rett Syndrome 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch and poster viewing 14.00 – 14.30 Plenary 4: David Le Couteur 14.30 – 15.15 Session 3: Healthy Ageing and Maternal Health Chaired by Jesse Jansen and Brian Lyons O7: Brian Morris FOXO3 genotype increases lifespan by a major effect on cardiovascular mortality O8: Hema Umapathy My Joint Pain: web-based OA management resource improves quality of care O9: Ming Jing Hu Fetal immune changes in Pre-Eclampsia reflect a breakdown in immune tolerance 15.15 – 16.00 Afternoon tea and poster viewing 16.00 – 16.50 Session 4: 5min presentations Chaired by Loretta Lau SO1: Anna Palagyi Barricades and brickwalls − can we successfully reduce polypharmacy in residential aged care? SO2: Lisa Keay A randomised controlled trial evaluating a safe-transport program for drivers aged 75 years and older SO3: Connie Poon EpCAM: potential mechanism for maintenance of mucosal integrity during implantation in the rat SO4: Alison Hey‐Cunningham Dendritic cells in endometriosis: Inflammation and reduced antigen recognition SO5: Tracey Tsang Behaviour in children with FASD: A systematic review with meta-analysis of findings from the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment for school-aged children SO6: Nese Sinmaz Analysis of the binding specificity of antibody to dopamine-2 receptor in paediatric autoimmune movement and psychiatric disorders SO7: Barbara Lucas Gross motor performance in children living in remote Australian communities – a population based study 16.50 – 17.00 Awards ceremony 17.00 Close POSTERS: P1: Kevin Danastas Alterations in VEGF and VEGFR2 in an Ovarian Hyperstimulation Rat Model P2: Laura Lindsay Focal Adhesion Dynamics in Uterine Epithelial Cells during Early Pregnancy in Ovarian Hyperstimulated Rats P3: Sadaf Kalam Role of Syntaxin 3 in Uterine Epithelial Cells During Early Pregnancy in the Rat P4: Vie Nguyen Mucin 1 and 4 Expression in Ovarian Hyperstimulated Rats P5: Razan Asally The Expression and Cellular Localisations of Neurotrophins and Neuronal Guidance Molecules in Peritoneal Endometriotic Lesions P6: Romanthi Madawala Caveolins Redistribute in Uterine Epithlial Cells During Early Pregnancy: Role in Epithelial Polarisation? P7: Narelle Kennedy Ultrasound measurement of subcutaneous fat thickness as an independent predictor for adverse outcome in pregnancy P8: Margaret Rolfe Applying a Rural Birthing Index in Australia P9: Helen Cheng Assessing the risk factors and outcomes of adolescent health and wellbeing longitudinally throughout puberty: the ARCHER study P10: Amy Phu Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease: A Systematic Review P11: Ann‐Katrin Piper Are mini-ferlins the ancestral synaptotagmins? P12: Marie Deverell Diagnostic Delays and Support Needs for Families living with a Rare Disease P13: Marie Deverell Organisation and costs of health services for children with rare lung disease: will activity-based funding match actual costs? P14: Premala Sureshkumar Female genital mutilation in children: prevalence, paediatricians’ knowledge, attitudes and clinical practice P15: Yvonne Zurynski 21 years of surveillance for vitamin K deficiency bleeding in infants: relationship to policy changes on vitamin K prophylaxis in Australia P16: Madeleine Fraser Normality is Shifting – A Child’s Perspective of Living with Type-1 Diabetes P17: Barbara Lucas Motor performance in children living in remote Australia – a population based study P18: Mazen Amatoury The Utility of Salivary Oestradiol and Testosterone Enzyme Immunoassays in Paediatric and Adolescent Clinical Practice P19: Pushpa Suriyaarachchi Differences Between Obese and Sarcopenic Obese Elderly Fallers P20: Mashani Mohamad Liver ultrastructural changes in old age influences hepatic disposition of insulin and metabolism homeostasis P21: Brian Morris Risk‐benefit analysis attests to the importance of neonatal male circumcision to public health and individual well‐being Lifespan Research Day Organizing Committee: Loretta Lau (Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health) Yuyen Chen (Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health) Adrienne Gordon (Central Clinical School) Laura Lindsay (Discipline of Anatomy and Histology) Katie Powell (Kolling Institute) Ann Quinton (Discipline of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Neonatology, Nepean) Margaret Rolfe (School of Public Health) Kevin Yin (Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health) Marta Kremky (Office of Research & Research Training)
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