THE SERVICE OF WORSHIP FOR THE LORD’S DAY Reformation Sunday • October 26, 2014 8:15 and 11:00AM Gathering Around the Word Welcome and Announcements Tim Stewart and Cassie Todd Prelude A Mighty Fortress [Arr. Lani Smith] Joy Toll-Chandler and Lynn Zuck * Call to Worship Leader: This is the greatest and first commandment: People: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind. Leader: A second commandment is like it: People: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. * Hymn of Praise A Mighty Fortress is Our God [all] Prayer of Praise and the Lord’s Prayer No. 151 (red) Liturgical Dancers * Confession of Sin Sovereign God, we confess that we are not ready for your holy realm. You offer us your law of love, but we disobey the simplest command. You offer us your gospel of grace, but we disregard this greatest gift. Forgive us, merciful God, so that we may return to your fold and rejoice in your presence; through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Lamb upon the throne. SERMON NOTES Deuteronomy 34.1–12 Psalm 90 1 Thessalonians 2.1–8 Matthew 22.34–46 After seeing the promised land, Moses dies. The Lord is our dwelling place. Paul: sharing the gospel, sharing ourselves. Love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself. 1. The “most important commandment” comes from two passages in the Old Testament: • ______________________________ • ______________________________ 2. In the language of the Old Testament worship means to ______ ___________. 3. In the language of the New Testament worship means to ___________. 5. It is suggested that in this book we fine the ____________, the _____________, and the _________________ of worship. 6. Worship is coming into God’s presence with ____________. 7. We worship God because _________ is ________, and like him there is no other. (Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.) PERSONAL NOTES * Assurance of Pardon and Sharing the Peace * Glory Be to the Father Arise, My Soul Arise * Call to Worship Leader: This is the greatest and first commandment: People: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind. Leader: A second commandment is like it: People: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. * Songs of Praise Mercy * Prayer of Praise and As It Is In Heaven Liturgical Dancers * Confession of Sin Sovereign God, we confess that we are not ready for your holy realm. You offer us your law of love, but we disobey the simplest command. You offer us your gospel of grace, but we disregard this greatest gift. Forgive us, merciful God, so that we may return to your fold and rejoice in your presence; through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Lamb upon the throne. * Assurance of Pardon and Sharing the Peace The Call for God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offertory Hymn Medley * Response Doxology * Prayer of Dedication Prayers of the People Love Enacted Tim Stewart The Call for God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offertory Take My Life * Response Modern Doxology * Prayer of Dedication Prayers of the People Praise Bells No. 606 (purple) Bearing and Following the Word into the World * Sermon Song The Well * Charge/Benediction Bearing and Following the Word into the World O God We are a Church Reformed Deuteronomy 34.1-12 Matthew 22.34-36 * Affirmation of Faith Tim Stewart * Affirmation of Faith * Sending Song on screen Reprise - Arise, My Soul Arise Tune of: O A For Thousand Tongues to Sing Azmon Variations [Arr. Hal Hopson] Joy Toll-Chandler * congregation standing answers: (1) Deuteronomy 6.4-6/ Leviticus 19.18, (2) bow down, (3) serve, (4) Psalms, (5) what/why/how, (6) praise, (7) God/God, (8) eternity * Postlude Tim Stewart and Cassie Todd Responding to the Word Responding to the Word * Charge/Benediction * Gathering Song Sermon Matthew 22.34-36 Love Enacted * Hymn of Response Welcome and Announcements The Old Testament Lesson The New Testament Lesson Deuteronomy 34.1-12 A Jubilant Song [Pote] Praise Chorale and Praise Bells accompanied by Lynn Zuck Sermon Oh Mary Don’t You Weep The Children Gather [children then continue onto Holy Moly in Room 2] The Children Gather The New Testament Lesson Gathering Around the Word Pre-service Song Proclaiming the Word Proclaiming the Word Ministry of Music 9:40AM * Hallelujah / Amazing Grace No. 581 (purple) The Old Testament Lesson Reformation Sunday • October 26, 2014 4. The “worship instruction book” in the Bible is the Book of ____________. 8. It has been suggested that worship is a rehearsal for _____________. * Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison THE SERVICE OF WORSHIP FOR THE LORD’S DAY CHANCEL FLOWERS Next Communion service will be November 2, 2014 The Chancel Flowers today are dedicated to the Glory of God by Peg Love in loving memory of her husband, Richard Love and by Karen and Frank Bishop in celebration of their anniversary. Next Communion service will be November 2, 2014 SERVICE NOTES Church Wide Memorial Service - today at NOON in our Memorial Garden. Spaghetti Dinner - the MY PLACE youth group is sponsoring a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, November 15 at 5:00PM in the fellowship hall. Tickets are available for a $7.00 donation. Please see a youth member in the narthex or fellowship hall to get your ticket today! Heads Up - We’re Back! Nut lovers and bakers - Ordering early ensures your pecans before Thanksgiving! Bring your order to the pecan table in the narthex before or after any service. Order our mammoth halves, or medium nuts for all purposes or any of our beautiful gift bags for yourself, family or friends. ALL AT LAST YEARS PRICES. Thanks so much for your continued support of Presbyterian Women’s many worthwhile missions. Peace River Presbytery PW Workshop, Saturday, November 1, 9:00AM-1:00PM, Northminster Presbyterian Church in Sarasota. Workshop Sessions are open to everyone—not just PW leaders. Sign up for 2 workshops: “God is Wild About You,” and “Mision Peniel” (in Immokalee). $10 includes lunch. We’ll carpool. Registration deadline: Monday, October 20. Sign up at the carousel, or at the Fall Gathering. 8:15 SERVICE 8:15 SERVICE WELCOMERS LEAD USHER USHERS 9:40 SERVICE 9:40 SERVICE 11:00 SERVICE 11:00 SERVICE WELCOMERS USHERS WELCOMERS USHERS DEACON DELIVERING FLOWERS 8:15 CAROUSEL VOLUNTEERS 9:40 AND 11:00 CAROUSEL VOLUNTEER SUNDAY Creator’s Crafters—An opportunity for fellowship and friendship. October 28, Noon to 3:00PM, in Room 1. Bring a bag lunch—stay as long as you wish. Bring any craft you like, need help with, or just sit and chat. The Food Bank - There is a major need for ANY NON PERISHABLE FOODS (cereal, peanut butter, soups, etc.) at our local food pantry is urgent! Please be sure to bring in non-perishable food every Sunday. Red Kettle Volunteers Needed - Our church will again be supporting the local Salvation Army in their Christmas Red Kettle Bell Ringing Campaign. The Campaign will run from November 7 to December 24 from 9AM to 5PM. We need volunteers to fill 160 two hour time slots as a Bell Ringer. If you would like to be a Bell Ringer, please get a Volunteer Form at the carousel in the Narthex, complete it and place in the Red Bucket on the Information Counter. Please consider volunteering for multiple time periods. MONDAY Have you wished you had a cross to add to the Wall of Crosses to honor someone, recognize an event or remember someone’s passing? There are crosses available for a $5 donation. These crosses are on display in the educational hallway. Choose your cross, put it in the basket in the narthex and place your donation in an envelope in the offering plate marked “Wall of Crosses.” There will be no sign on your cross on the wall, but you will be able to show others the cross you have chosen and share the meaning behind it. WEDNESDAY If you have a birthday in OCTOBER, don’t forget to participate in the Birthday Offering. Envelopes are in the pews. THURSDAY Our next Membership Matters class will be November 9, 16 and 23 on Sundays at 11:00AM in the boardroom. If you are interested in joining the church or just like to learn more, please sign up at the information carousel or call the church office. FRIDAY Boar's Head Festival - Wednesday, January 7 - 7:00PM. This Festival will end our Christmas celebrations, with this traditional Renaissance Epiphany festival, celebrating the birth of Christ, the coming of the Wise Men bearing gifts, and Christ's victory over evil! Participants are still needed to dress in beautiful garments and be a part of the processional! Please see Joy to sign up! ❧ TUESDAY SHIRLEY BRADDOCK BILL THOMSON BRY PFOLSGROF, JOE AND KATHY POTTS JUDY MESSNER AND KAREN COLDIRON CHARLIE AND ANN LONGENBARGER SANDY DUFFIN AND DAWN SEYMOUR MIKE AND JOANIE HUSTON RICHARD AND SIN STEVENS JACK COX AND DUNCAN MACLEAN JAN DEWITT AND NANCY BREWSTER EILEENE FORDHAM ANITA CLEVENGER AND BOB PIETRASANTA CALENDAR OF EVENTS TRADITIONAL WORSHIP [SANCTUARY] 8:15AM HOLY GROUNDS CAFÉ [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 9:15AM - 11:00AM CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP [SANCTUARY] 9:40AM FAITHWORKS - GOD ANTHOLOGY [ROOM 3/5] 9:40AM FAITHWORKS - BIBLE 101 [ROOM 4] 9:40AM FAITHWORKS - HOLY MOLY [ROOM 2] 10:00AM TRADITIONAL WORSHIP [SANCTUARY] 11:00AM FAITHWORKS - GOD ANTHOLOGY [ROOM 3/5] 11:00AM MY PLACE YOUTH GROUP [YOUTH ROOM] 11:00AM - 2:00PM CHURCH WIDE MEMORIAL SERVICE [MEMORIAL GARDEN] 12:00PM SING FOR THE CURE REHEARSAL [SANCTUARY] 2:00PM PASTORS APPRECIATION DINNER [PHIL’S 41] 5:00PM FITNESS N’ FUN [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 9:00AM MISSION MINISTRY [ROOM 3/5] 1:00PM DANCE AND DEVOTION [SANCTUARY] 5:00PM WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 10:00AM WORSHIP MINISTRY [ROOM 4] 4:00PM STEPHEN MINISTRY [ROOM 3/5] 6:00PM STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY [ROOM 4] 6:30PM SUNCOAST STATESMEN [CHOIR ROOM] 7:00PM MEN’S BIBLE STUDY [OFF CAMPUS - SKYVIEW CAFÉ] 8:00AM FITNESS N’ FUN [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 9:00AM CARD EMBROIDERY [ROOM 1] 10:00AM GRIEFSHARE [ROOM 4] 10:00AM STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING [ROOM 3/5] 2:00PM WEDNESDAY NIGHT SHARING (POTLUCK DINNER) [F. HALL] 5:00PM FAITHWORKS - GLORY TO GOD STUDY [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 6:00PM PRAISE TEAM REHEARSAL [SANCTUARY] 6:00PM ADULT DAY CARE [RESOURCE CENTER] 9:30AM AA [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 12:00PM PRAISE BELL REHEARSAL [SANCTUARY] 3:45PM PRAISE CHORALE REHEARSAL [CHOIR ROOM] 7:00PM FITNESS N’ FUN [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 9:00AM LAST WEEKEND’S ATTENDANCE 8:15 – 214 9:40 141 11:00 – 128; FaithWorks - 71 Newsletter available online Get Smoke Signals at (printer friendly version available) BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Holy Grounds Café - Please join us today in fellowship hall for a cup of coffee and pastry! Hours are 9:15AM - 10:45AM. Tim Stewart: Pastor Cassie Todd : Associate Pastor Joy Toll-Chandler: Director of Worship Arts Eric Jordan: Director, Praise Team 11330 Burnt Store Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955.1402 phone: 941.639.0001 fax: 941.639.1069 ... reaching up, making disciples, changing lives
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