EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR COMPUTERIZATION OF PRIMARY AGRICULTURE CREDIT COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES (PACS) IN MADHYA PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF COOPERATION VINDHYACHAL BHAVAN, BHOPAL-462 004 GOVT. OF MADHYA PRADESH Ph: 0755-2551130 Fax: 0755-2551134 Email: rcs_mp@yahoo.co.in URL: http://www.cooperatives.mp.gov.in October, 2014 Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 1 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 EOI Notice EOI for Computerization of Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperative Societies (PACS) in Madhya Pradesh Department of Cooperation, Government of Madhya Pradesh invites response for Expression of Interest (EOI) from qualified and experienced firms for Computerization of Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperative Societies (PACS) in Madhya Pradesh. Interested Bidders who qualify as per the criteria mentioned in the document may submit their response to the EOI latest by 11 November 2014 till 4 pm. The proposal must accompany a non-refundable amount of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) towards EOI Document Fees at the time of submission of the proposal. The fees should be in the form of DD or Pay Order in favour of “Commissioner Cooperation & Registrar Cooperative Societies, Bhopal, M. P.” The detailed EOI document http://www.cooperatives.mp.gov.in can be downloaded from our website: (Registrar Cooperative Societies) Department of Cooperation, GoMP Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 2 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 Table of Contents Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Essential Information .............................................................................................................................. 5 CHAPTER - 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1.1 Information Provided .............................................................................................................. 6 1.2 Disclaimer................................................................................................................................ 6 1.3 Costs Borne by Respondents .................................................................................................. 6 1.4 No Legal Relationship.............................................................................................................. 6 1.5 Recipient Obligation to Inform Itself ...................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER – 2............................................................................................................................................ 7 3. 2.1 Introduction of PACS ............................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Objectives of PACS .................................................................................................................. 8 2.3 Department Structure ............................................................................................................ 8 2.4 Desired system characteristics ............................................................................................. 10 Project Requirement ..................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Scope of Work ....................................................................................................................... 11 4. Eligibility Criteria ........................................................................................................................... 13 5. General.......................................................................................................................................... 14 6. Submission of Proposal ................................................................................................................. 16 Annexure-1 Format of Application Form .............................................................................................. 17 Annexure -2 Bidder Profile.................................................................................................................... 18 Annexure -3 Experience ........................................................................................................................ 19 Annexure -4: List of PACS ...................................................................................................................... 20 Annexure -5: Checklist .......................................................................................................................... 21 IT Roadmap for PACS Computerization: ...................................................................................... 22 Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 3 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 Acronyms GoMP EOI Government of Madhya Pradesh Expression of Interest PACS Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperative Societies DCCB District Central Cooperative Bank DoC Department of Cooperation PS Principal Secretary RCS Registrar Cooperative Societies JR/ DR/ AR SoW NABARD Joint Registrar/ Deputy Registrar/ Assistant Registrar Scope of Work National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development CAS Common Accounting System MIS Management Information System HO/HoD/HQ IT Head Office/Head of the Department/Head Quarter Information Technology RFP Request for Proposal LAN Local Area Network WAN Wide Area Network KCC Kisan Credit Card ST/MT/LT loan Bidder Short Term/Medium Term/Long term Loan “Bidder” means any an Information Technology Service based Company/ Society/Firm registered in India submitting EOI along with prescribed documents in response to EOI and intending to provide services. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 4 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 Essential Information Sr. No. Information Details 1 EOI Inviting Authority Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh 2 EOI Processing Fees Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees One Thousands) in the form of DD or Pay order in favor of: “Commissioner Cooperation & Registrar Cooperative Societies, Bhopal, M. P.” 4 Date of Pre-bid meeting 28/10/2014 at 15:00 hrs. Venue: Conference room, Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies Ground Floor, Vindhyachal Bhavan, Bhopal- 462004, Madhya Pradesh. The interested bidders submitted their queries on rcs_mp@yahoo.co.in on or before the pre-bid meeting date. 5 6 Last date for submission of EOI Response in sealed cover (with one CD containing soft copy of Response) 11/11/2014 up to 16:00 hrs. Address: Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies Ground Floor, Vindhyachal Bhavan, Bhopal- 462004, Madhya Pradesh Place, Date and Time to 12/11/2014 up to 15:00 hrs. open the EOI Response Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies Ground Floor, Vindhyachal Bhavan, Bhopal- 462004, Madhya Pradesh 7 Place, Date and Time of Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies Technical Presentation Ground Floor, Vindhyachal Bhavan, Bhopal- 462004, Madhya Pradesh (The date and time shall be indicated to bidders) Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 5 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 CHAPTER - 1 1.1 Information Provided The Expression of Interest (EOI) document contains statements derived from information that is believed to be true and reliable at the date obtained but does not purport to provide all of the information that may be necessary or desirable to enable an intending contracting party to determine whether or not to enter into a contract or arrangement with Department of Cooperation (DoC) in relation to the provision of services. Neither DoC nor any of its officers, employees, agents, representative, contractors, or advisers gives any representation or warranty (whether oral or written), express or implied as to the accuracy, updating or completeness of any writings, information or statement given or made in this EOI document. 1.2 Disclaimer Subject to any law of the country, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, DoC and its officers, employees, contractors, agents, and advisers disclaim all liability from any loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) suffered by any person acting on or refraining from acting because of any information, including forecasts, statements, estimates, or projections contained in this EOI document or conduct ancillary to it whether or not the loss or damage arises in connection with any negligence, omission, default, lack of care or misrepresentation on the part of DoC or any of its officers, employees, contractors, agents, or advisers. 1.3 Costs Borne by Respondents All costs and expenses incurred by Recipients / Respondents in any way associated with the development, preparation and submission of responses, including but not limited to attendance at meetings, discussions, demonstrations, etc. and providing any additional information required by DoC, will be borne entirely and exclusively by the Recipient / Respondent. 1.4 No Legal Relationship No binding legal relationship will exist between any of the Recipients / Respondents and DoC until execution of a contractual agreement. 1.5 Recipient Obligation to Inform Itself The Recipient must conduct its own investigation and analysis regarding any information contained in the EOI document and the meaning and impact of that information. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 6 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 CHAPTER – 2 Department of Cooperation (DoC) invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from qualified and experienced firms for Computerization of Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperative Societies in Madhya Pradesh. The objective of this EOI is to invite Expression of Interest (EOI) from reputed & potential “Bidders” for carrying out smooth transition from manual record keeping to computerized software, thereby reducing redundancies and duplicity and thus making the functioning and monitoring of PACS more easy and accountable. For better understanding of the Department objective and vision, the IT Roadmap for PACS Computerization is given at the end of the document which will help the bidder to propose the solution according to department requirement. 2.1 Introduction of PACS The Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperative Societies (PACS) are organized at the rural level in M.P and are federated to the respective District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCB). The PACS is the bottom-tier of the 3-tier Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure functioning in the rural area. These Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperative Societies are owned by farmers, rural artisans etc. and formed to promote thrift and mutual help among the members; cater to their credit requirements and provide credit-linked services like input supply, storage and marketing of agricultural produce etc. These are also formed for catering to the need of disposing of various governments sponsored citizens' welfare services such as procurement of Food Grains, Public Distribution System (PDS) etc. and supply of agricultural inputs. In Madhya Pradesh, there are 4522 PACS federated in respective 38 DCCBs. In addition to disbursement of short term agricultural loans, the PACS are involved in other business operations too. There are multiple expectations from the PACS. Some of them are enumerated here as follows: The PACS should be capable of ensuring good governance as an independent business entity. The accounting process of PACS should conform to the Indian Accounting Standards and the treatment of financial entities should be uniform. The maintenance of books of accounts and the formats for the Management Information System should be uniform across the PACS. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 7 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 2.2 Objectives of PACS To cater to the credit need, mostly, farm credit and income generation activities of farmers, artisans and other members. The PACS recover the loans from the farmers on specific due dates. To implement Kisan Credit Card (KCC)/Rupay KCC scheme for providing timely and adequate farm credit to members. To extend selected financial services to members like current deposits, recurring deposits, loans etc. To take up marketing of agricultural produce of member farmers. To cater to the consumer needs, mostly, essential commodities for members. To create awareness among farmers to adopt improved farming practices. To provide the agriculture related inputs to farmers. Formed for catering to the need of dispensing of various governments sponsored citizens' welfare services such as procurement of food grains, Public Distribution System etc. Business of selling fertilizer, seed, pesticides etc. To deal with other agriculture business such as supply of agriculture machinery to farmers etc. Interface with Core Banking Solution implemented in DCCBs 2.3 Department Structure Government Dept. of Co-operation, RCS, JR, AR and other Govt. Offices Banking APEX BANK, DCCBs SOCIETIES PACS and other societies Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 8 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 Ministry of Cooperation Department of Cooperation BANKING Administrative E-Governance RCS Other Department, Markets, Agriculture, Land Record, Food etc. APEX BANK JR DCCBs (District level) DR AR PACS The Department of Cooperation has following structure:1. Principal Secretary (Department of Cooperation) and Registrar of Cooperative Societies – entrust with framing of overall policies etc. and ensuring governance of cooperative system as per existing rules and laws. 2. The Cooperative District with the Assistant Registrars (ARs), Deputy Registrars (DRs) and division with Joint Registrars (JRs) - enforce, monitor and control the policy laid down by the Government/RCS and also coordinate and control the overall cooperative structure in their respective division/district. 3. The APEX Bank and DCCB -They offer banking and credit facilities to the cooperative and commercial entities. 4. The Cooperative Societies including the PACS- The PACS is formed by members with an elected body of the Board of Directors. The PACS are managed administratively. The secretary maintains the books of accounts and enforces the PACS business processes. The PACS are registered under the Cooperative Society Act with the Deputy/ Assistant Registrar of cooperative societies of the district concerned. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 9 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 2.4 Desired system characteristics Since PACS is the most important service delivery points of the 3-tier Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure functioning in the rural area, Dept. of Cooperation has decided to automate the entire functionalities of PACS as below: 1. To streamline the processes and establish standardized accounting and business practices across the 4522 PACS in Madhya Pradesh and improve the efficiency at grass root level. 2. Offer services of credit and allied financial services to the members/farmers of the respective PACS with greater accountability and transparency as per CAS (Common Accounting System) and MIS (Management Information system) standard given by NABARD. 3. Automate all the workflow processes of the PACS and capability to transfer the relevant data to DCCB (District Central Cooperative Bank) and other stakeholders. 4. Linkage of PACS software with e-Uparjan software of food department. 5. Integration with PDS related services and other processes. 6. Direct money transfer from Govt. fund to beneficiary for implementation of various rural citizen welfare schemes through SAMAGRA portal/other channel 7. Linkage/interface for Insurance business 8. Interface with core banking solution implemented in DCCBs/Apex Bank. The core banking solution is already implemented in 38 DCCBs and their 892 branches on ASP model on rental basis. NEFT services are provided through CBS and in near future ATM services will be also started. Bidder will have to co-ordinate with ASP vendor for necessary interface of PACS software with core banking solution implemented at DCCBs and Apex bank. 9. Interface with eCooperative portal of the department for various report required from the societies such as balance sheet, member list, AGM (Annual General Meeting) proceeding, audit compliance etc. 10. Interface with various delivery channel 11. Software should be bilingual (Hindi and English) and highly user friendly 12. Software should work in offline as well as online mode. 13. MIS report generation Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 10 EOI- Computerization of PACS 3. Project Requirement 3.1 Scope of Work 2014 1. The broad Scope of work includes design, develop, Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Customisation, implementation of PACS Software that meets the norms of CAS (Common Accounting System) and MIS (Management information System) of NABARD, Computer hardware and related peripherals, provide connectivity at each PACS, legacy data digitization work, manpower deployment, training to users at PACS, handholding support and Operation & Maintenance Phase. Project duration is 5 years and implemented in 3 phases. 2. DoC is in planning to automate the entire PACS functionalities. The PACS software proposed is able to carry out below mentioned functionalities: Membership & Share functions Agriculture short terms loan function & KCC function Saving Counter Financial Accounting Functions Medium Term, Long Term & Other Loan Function Physical business like Trading (Business of selling fertilizers, seeds pesticides etc.) & Public distribution system (PDS) related functions Common Facility Centre (CFC) related business in Rural Area for benefit of farmer. Audit & Inspection related various financial & other reports generation. Reporting & MIS for NABARD and Cooperation Department Other services related business such as PACS can act as insurance agent, sim card agent in rural area. Act as Business Correspondent unit to DCCB/other Banks Business Development Plan: Annual/biannual PACS development plan can be prepared. Proposed software should be web enabled in which Centralized MIS can be obtained. Should work in both offline & online mode. Bilingual support (Hindi & English) Log generation and audit trail for every transaction/views Data Integrity & Security i.e. validation check at each and every stage, Role based permission given to users, maker and approver concept Ensure uniformity in accounting system for every PACS Creation of alerts and escalations on an automated timeline basis for specified activities. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 11 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 3. Bidder should propose the BoM (Bill of Material) & required minimum specification of the hardware at PACS level according to their solution proposed in respond to EOI. Bidder should proposed entire solution should be redundant and adequate provision of power supply and backup should be mentioned in their solution. 4. For Connectivity at PACS, Bidder should propose cost effective solution (medium of connectivity, network equipment etc.) in their response. Small LAN/WAN (in case of multiple locations) should be created at PACS level. MPSWAN connectivity is already established up to Block level. Bidder may propose connectivity to the PACS from block level through MPSWAN in their proposal. Technical document on approach & methodology to provide connectivity should be submitted along with response. 5. Data Digitization: Scope includes capturing the data of membership, Loans, deposit and other related transaction data at each PACS. Digitization/Data Entry would be done from at least last one year. Bidder has to submit the methodology for digitization of old record in their proposal. 6. Bidder has to submit the manpower deployment plan for this project, approach & methodology for imparting training. 7. Data Aggregation and Consolidation: All 4522 PACS has been federated in 38 DCCBs as shown in Annexure 4. Proposal should include the detail plan for aggregation of related data of PACS at DCCB head quarter at district level. Required software/tool and hardware at DCCB level is to be proposed by the bidder in their data aggregation plan. 8. The core banking solution is already implemented in Apex Bank and their branches & all DCCBs and their branches. The related data of PACS aggregated at 38 DCCBs head quarter will to be consolidated at State level Servers. The data consolidation may be done at MP State Data Centre, MAP_IT in Bhopal. Proposal should also include the detail plan to establish the full-fledged Data Warehouse for data consolidation at State level servers. Required software/tool and hardware at State Data Centre is to be proposed by the bidder in there data consolidated plan. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 12 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 4. Eligibility Criteria 1. The Bidder should be an Information Technology Service based Company/ Society/Firm registered in India. Incorporation/Registration certificate should be furnished as documentary proof along with MOA/AOA/By-Laws. 2. The bidder should be a profit making company with total turnover of Rs. 5 Crore or more for the last 3 years and it should be from software development/deployment. As documentary proof, Copies of audited accounts with balance sheet, profit & loss A/c, Statutory auditor’s certificate should is to be submitted. 3. The bidder having experience in implementation of similar kind of projects will be allowed to participate in the EOI however experience of company in Cooperative banks/societies in India will be given additional weightage. Copy of work order/ PO along with experience certificate should be enclosed with proposal. 4. The bidder shall not have been black listed by any State Government, Central Government or any other Public Sector undertaking or a Corporation as on the date of publication of EOI. An undertaking to this effect should be submitted by the bidder on its letter head. 5. Technical quality parameters in the software development, deployment/System integrator experience as to be listed as per Annexure -2, shall be used to evaluate the bidders. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 13 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 5. General 1. This is not a Request for proposal (RFP) and commercial bids SHOULD NOT be submitted with EOI. 2. DoC reserves the right to examine / verify the supportive documents / reports furnished by the bidders. 3. DoC would constitute an evaluation committee that will evaluate the responses in detail in order to determine whether they are substantially responsive to the requirements set forth in the EOI. The decision taken by the committee in this regard is final and binding on all the bidders of EOI. 4. DoC shall shortlist the vendors based on the requirements and the responses submitted. DoC reserves the right to call only vendors for a technical presentation / demo/meeting of their proposed solution on the date and time decided by DoC. The decision taken by the committee in this regard would be final and binding on all the bidders of EOI. 5. The Technical presentation should have following contents: a. Previous experiences of the similar project implemented & Challenges faced during implementation b. Requirement of the department/client for which the project was executed. c. Demonstration of software solution along with all the proposed modules. d. Details of the hardware & related peripherals proposed. e. Manpower deployment plan for the project f. Methodology and Approach for training g. Digitization- Plan & Methodology h. Connectivity- Approach & Methodology i. Data Aggregation & Consolidation – proposed solution j. Project implementation Plan & timelines k. Understanding on Department of Cooperation, GoMP requirement l. Operation & Maintenance phase – proposed plan m. Redundancy of system n. Any other relevant information 6. The vendor presentation / demonstration of the product shall be held at Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies, Vindhyachal Bhavan, Bhopal or any other place as decided by DoC. The venue will be communicated to bidders in advance. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 14 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 7. If any information or document provided in the response to this EOI is found to be misleading subsequently, the bidder will be disqualified. 8. DoC may reject any or all the responses received / cancel the entire process at any stage without assigning any reason whatsoever. 9. DoC shall have absolute discretion to issue Request of Proposal to eligible bidders shortlisted under EOI or to go for open tender later as per the requirement of Department. DoC reserve the right to modify the eligibility criteria and scope of work in RFP. 10. DoC also reserve the right to modify the quantum/number of PACS/number of phases and project duration in the RFP. 11. The applicants who wish to submit responses to this EOI should note that they should abide by all the terms and conditions contained in the EOI. If the responses contain any extraneous conditions put in by the respondents, such responses may be disqualified and may not be considered for the empanelment / selection process. 12. The information exchanged between the bidders and DoC as part of this EOI shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed without the prior written consent of the DoC. 13. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, in case of any dispute, claim and legal action arising out of this EOI, the parties shall be subject to the jurisdiction of courts at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh State, India only. 14. If the “Bidder(s)”, at any point of time, wishes not to participate in this EOI, the same information may be communicated to the ‘DoC’ within one week of the receipt of this EOI by the “Bidder(s)”. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 15 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 6. Submission of Proposal This EOI is advertised through select newspapers and is also posted on website http://www.cooperatives.mp.gov.in , Department of Cooperatives, Government of Madhya Pradesh to give wide publicity and invite a large number of eligible “Bidders” who have the capability to deliver such services, for their participation in the process of Expression of Interest. The information provided by the “Bidder(s)” will be used by the ‘DoC’ to select potential “Bidder”. The format for submission of EOI application is enclosed as Annexure 1 to Annexure 3 and check list is provided on Annexure-5. Bidders qualifying as per the criteria mentioned above and who are interested in providing the services detailed above may submit their response to this EOI as per formats given in annexure along with relevant documentary evidence latest by 11 November, 2014 till 4 PM. Any response not containing information for all the parts of Annexure may be rejected. The proposal must accompany a non-refundable amount of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) towards EOI Document Fees at the time of submission of the proposal. The fees should be in the form of DD or Pay Order in favor of “Commissioner Cooperation & Registrar Cooperative Societies, Bhopal, M. P.” The EOI response should be submitted in a sealed cover (with one CD containing soft copy of Response) duly superscripted “Expression of Interest – Computerization of Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperative Societies (PACS) in Madhya Pradesh” at the following address: Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies, Vindhyachal Bhavan Bhopal, M.P. Pin Code- 462 004 Phone no: 0755-2551130 Fax: 0755-2551134 E-mail: rcs_mp@yahoo.co.in Website URL: http://www.cooperatives.mp.gov.in (Registrar Cooperative Societies) Cooperation, GoMP Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 16 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 Annexure-1 Format of Application Form (On Applicant Organization's Letterhead) To, The RCS, Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies, Vindhyachal Bhavan, Bhopal- Madhya Pradesh Subject: Expression of Interest for – Computerization of Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperative Societies (PACS) in Madhya Pradesh. Dear Sir, This has reference to the advertisement published in <give the name of the Newspaper, Edition and the date> pertaining to the above captioned subject. We are interested in submitting our Expression of Interest for the same. We are enclosing demand draft No. <________> dated <________> drawn on <Name of Bank> for Rs.5,000/(Rupees One Thousand Only) drawn in favour of “Commissioner Cooperation & Registrar Cooperative Societies, Bhopal, M. P.” as application fee for participating in this EOI. We would like to clearly state that we qualify for this work as our organisation meets all the pre-qualifying criteria indicated by you and our organisation is not under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent practices. We understand that if the details given in support of claims made by us are found to be untenable or unverifiable or both our EOI will be rejected without any reference to us. We further clearly understand that DoC is not obliged to inform us of the reasons of rejection of our bid. Yours sincerely Authorized Signatory <<Name, designation, contact address, telephone number, email & seal of authorized signatory >> Note: Bidder has to submit the Authorization letter/Power of Attorney of the authorized person to sign to the Application form and other documents submitted in response to EOI on behalf of bidder. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 17 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 Annexure -2 Bidder Profile S/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 Particulars Response Company Name Date of incorporation Company Head Office Address Registered office address Contact person Name Address Telephone no. Mobile No. Fax No. e-mail ID Number of year experience in implementation of similar kind of projects. Whether company has been blacklisted for service deficiency in last 3 years. If yes, details thereof. Turnover for Financial Years 2010-11 Turnover for Financial Years 2011-12 Turnover for Financial Years 2012-13 Net Profit (after Tax / Depreciation) for 2010-11 Net Profit (after Tax / Depreciation) for 2011-12 Net Profit (after Tax / Depreciation) for 2012-13 Any Quality Certifications obtained (i.e. ISO, CMM, PCI DSS/PA DSS certification etc.). Submit details. Office & Service Centre detail in Madhya Pradesh (if any) Size of the projects implemented in term of project value, no. of location, scope of work etc. Detail of the manpower proposed for this project i.e. no. of manpower/Resources their Qualification/ experience etc.) 22 Existing Staff strength of the Company 23 Whether ready to bid as primary bidder and undertake to provide the products and services indicated in the scope of EOI. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 18 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 Annexure -3 Experience Submit following details separately for each of the implementation site (one duly filled format for each client.). S/N Particulars 1 Organization in India where the proposed solution is already implemented by the bidder & running successfully. 2 Address of a contact person at above Organization 3 Name 4 Designation 5 Mobile No: 6 Email 7 Contract date 8 Number of Societies/Cooperative Banks/other banks/locations 9 Time taken for implementation of the solution from the date of Purchase Order / signing of contract 10 Whether the scope for this engagement covered all the modules indicated in Scope of this EOI. If not, list the modules implemented. 11 Customer satisfactory letter/client certificate if any. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Response Page 19 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 Annexure -4: List of PACS SI. No. NAME OF DCCB BALAGHAT CHHINDWADA JABALPUR MANDLA NARSINGHPUR SEONI BHIND TOTAL NO. OF PACS 126 145 121 87 104 57 168 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DATlA GUNA GWALIOR MORENA SHIVPURI KHARGONE DHAR INDORE JHABUA KHANDWA 80 148 76 136 86 183 93 120 72 159 18 19 20 21 22 23 BHOPAL BETUL RAISEN RAJGARH VIDISHA HOSHANGABAD 34 91 113 140 154 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 24 SEHORE 25 REWA 26 SATNA 98 148 158 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 100 93 178 102 88 87 113 172 124 103 172 SHAHDOL SIDHI SAGAR DAMOH PANNA TIKAMGARH CHHATARPUR UJJAIN DEWAS RATLAM MANDSAUR 38 SHAJAPUR TOTAL Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh 146 4522 Page 20 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 Annexure -5: Checklist The bidder has to submit the following documents as a part of proposal: SI. no. Documents/Response 1 Application Form (Annexure 1) 2 Bidder Profile (Annexure 2) 3 Experience (Annexure 3) 4 Incorporation/Registration certificate should be furnished as documentary proof along with MOA/AOA/By-Laws. Submitted (Y/N) (Eligibility Criteria no. 1) 5 Audited Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss A/c (Eligibility Criteria no. 2) 6 Copy of work order/ PO along with experience certificate (Eligibility Criteria no. 3) 7 An undertaking regarding blacklisting as per (Eligibility Criteria no. 4.) 9 10 Technical document as per scope of work covering the following: Application Software Computer hardware Connectivity Digitization Manpower deployment plan Training Handholding support Operation & Maintenance Data Aggregation and Consolidation plan Any other document if required Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 21 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 IT Roadmap for PACS Computerization: 1. Introduction A people' movement to tallying a 100 years of development signifies the strength of Indian democracy. Cooperatives have extended across the entire country and there are currently an estimated 230 million members nationwide. The cooperative credit system has the largest network in the world and cooperatives have advanced more credit in the Indian agricultural sector than commercial banks. Formally Cooperatives were introduced to India in 1904 when the Indian Cooperative Societies Act was promulgated. Initially, these were just to provide credits to the farmers in and gradually evolved themselves into working in other fields such as banking, procurement, processing and marketing, business of Fertilizers, Seeds, Pesticides, PDS distribution also. The meager funds of farmers were pooled in to run cooperative and to solve their financial problems. After independence, role of cooperative societies grew to take care of socio-economic development on one hand and eradication of poverty in rural India on the other. Soon it became an integral part of five year plans. With this scenario, the co-operative societies began playing a basic and strategically important role in strengthening our economy. Cooperatives in State Of Madhya Pradesh The period from 1904 to 1911-12, was the period of experimentation in the History of Cooperative movement in M.P. The first Co-operative credit society was organized at “Piparia in Hoshangabad District”. During the year of 1905, 9 rural societies were organized of which 6 were in Hoshangabad district and the rest in Betul district. Societies were allowed to be organized in Betul, Hoshangabad, Akola and Balaghat districts in their own way and with different characteristics. The Process of experiment continued and by the end of year 1909, 87 rural societies were formed in the State. By the end of year 1912, the period of experimentation was over and it was felt that the time was ripe to undertake the expansion of movement on broader perspective. There were 361 primary credit Societies in the year of 1920. By 1932, however, there were as many as 1135 societies spread over the state. The first Central co-operative bank “Crosthwaite Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Sihora” was registered in India, on 22nd June, 1907. By 1911-12 as many as 20 Central banks were in existence in the State. At the close of 1911-12, there were 20 Central banks, 5 had not started functioning and 7 others had only negligible business. In 1916, 29 Central banks were existing in the State. Before State of Madhya Pradesh was bifurcated in the year 2000, Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 22 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 total 45 Central banks were existing out of them 38 central banks are in M.P. and 7 central banks are in Chhattisgarh. At present, the number of DCCBs in this state is same, i.e. 38. Primary Agriculture Credit Co-operatives The Co-operative movement which the new state of Madhya Pradesh inherited from the covenanting states was predominantly a credit movement. The bulk of the societies were the small sized Primary Agriculture credit Co-operatives though they existed under different names in different parts of the state. PACS is known as Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperative Society. The Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperative Societies (PACS) are organized at the rural level, and are federated to the respective DCCBs. Presently; there are 4522 PACS at Rural level associated with farmers all over Madhya Pradesh. The PACS is the bottom-tier of the 3-tier Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure functioning at the grassroot (Rural) level. These Primary Societies are owned by farmers, rural artisans etc. and formed to promote thrift and mutual help among the members; cater to their credit requirements and provide credit-linked services like input supply, storage and marketing of agricultural produce etc. These are also formed for catering to the need of disposing of various governments sponsored citizens' welfare services such as procurement of Food Grains, Wheat/paddy, Public Distribution System (PDS) etc and supply of agricultural inputs. PACS are a pivotal institution for providing rural credit for marginalized farmers. On an average, every sixth village in India has a PACS and hence its presence in terms of reach cannot be sidelined. In Madhya Pradesh, there are 4522 PACS. In addition to disbursement of short term agricultural loans, the PACS are involved in other business operations too. According to the recommendations of the Task force on Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure (STCCS), the government had infused funds into PACS in order to improve their financial sustainability. However in return, there are multiple expectations from the PACS. Some of them are enumerated here as follows. The PACS should be capable of ensuring good governance as an independent business entity. The accounting process of PACS should conform to the Indian Accounting Standards and the treatment of financial entities should be uniform. The maintenance of books of accounts and the formats for the Management Information System should be uniform across the PACS. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 23 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 2. Objective of PACS As mentioned in CHAPTER -2 (clause 2.2) 3. Need for computerization of PACS As mentioned in CHAPTER -2 (clause 2.4) 5. Department Functions 5.1. Department of Cooperation The following are the functions are performed by the Dept. Of Cooperation Policy Control and Coordination Budget Approvals 5.2. Administrative Segment The following functions are performed by RCS, JR, DR, AR across the state operating from their respective division/district under the overall control of RCS: 5.3. Policy implementation Society Registration and liquidation Cooperative society information Revenue Collection/tracking Loan distribution/repayment tracking Audit and Petitions Budget Monitoring Personal and administration Banking Segment Functions performed by Apex Bank and DCCBs Saving Bank and Current Bank Account Terms deposit Clearance (Inward/outward) Remittances (DD/Banker’s cheque/Pay Order) Inter Branch accounting and reconciliation Office Account Security and Audit trail Advances and Term loans Overdraft/Cash credit Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 24 EOI- Computerization of PACS 5.4. 2014 Reports: Bill Guarantee Decision support systems Stock invest EFT/Anywhere banking PACS 1. Based on the norms laid down by NABARD, each PACS is eligible to borrow a maximum of “n” times (Policy based) of its shares capital, contributed by the members, from the District banks. 2. Sanction & recover the money from the farmers on specific due dates. 3. PACS does a wide range of businesses such as sales of Fertilizer, seed and pesticides, running of Ration Shops (PDS), credit business with saving deposits and Pigmy deposit, Micro credits and Thrifts, Super Market and other allied rural businesses. Broad functions performed by PACS: Loans Shares Guarantees/Loan Clearance (LCs) Remittances Deposit accounts Bank Borrowing/investments Stores Control Payroll Human resources (HR) Establishment Asset Management Trading business of fertilizer, seed, Pesticides etc. Public Distribution System (PDS) used for Sale of Government controlled commodities like Oils, pulses, sugar etc. Uparjan/procurement of Food Grains, wheat/Paddy at minimum support prices from farmer & maintaining the stock register for the same. Provide Agriculture inputs Other business 6. Problem with the existing System The main problem listed out stakeholder-wise in underlines as below: Problem faced by Farmers: 1. There are delays in sanctioning credit. 2. Difficulties in determining which member to get the loan. 3. Farmer buying from the open market adulterated inputs like seed, fertilizer, pesticides ration etc. Problem faced by Societies 1. Complexity of the book-keeping in terms of dynamical and regular changes in policies. Inability to have standard book keeping practices resulting in fraud and embezzlement cases. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 25 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2014 Irregular reporting to DCCB/Apex Bank. In absence of authentic book keeping practices, the reports generated for policy making are mostly erroneous. Information as required by other institutions from the societies is in non-standard format hence are time consuming and cumbersome. Inability to do multiple businesses different from basic activities which otherwise can enhance profitability of the societies. Difficult to maintain the Stock inventory manually for Fertilizers, seeds, Pesticides, Food grains, wheat/Paddy etc. Societies following different business practices resulting in the lack of consistency in the system. Problem faced by institutions and Government 1. Not knowing where the money is going on and how the policy is being implemented. 2. Inability to recover the loan in absence of conducive environment. 3. Inability to enhance the membership base in order to increase the credit facilities and to control, monitor and correct the functionalities of Societies. 4. PACS is single business unit at rural level, yet unable to take the advantage of various opportunities in the rural area. 5. Not able to maintain the Stock inventory at PACS level for fertilizer, pesticides, seeds, food grains etc. 7. Desired Solution In order to address the various problems stated above, IT could be used as a facilitator in achieving the following: 1. Ensure the application of standard business process and practices. 2. Increase efficiency and thus reduce inherent delays. 3. Facilitate in integrating wide range services. 4. Bring transparency and accountability 5. Support in establishing MIS for governance. 6. Monitor, determine and prevent leakage and imbalance in the system. 7. Ability to maintain the stock inventory at PACS level. It is proposed to implement following initiatives to achieve the aforesaid objectives for computerization of PACS:1. Create Grass root level Farmer accessible infrastructure a) Each of the PACS to be equipped with Computers, Power Backup, Connectivity, Printer and Scanner with the necessary applications for managing the various businesses (Credit, Banking, Trading etc.) b) Connectivity at PACS (Through LAN or WAN in case of Multiple locations) Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 26 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 c) The PACS related data of its members in terms of share capital, loans, and deposits; input purchases etc. to be digitized. d) The PACS incumbents and core team members are provided with the necessary training to operate and deliver the wide range of services. 2. District level data aggregation by using DCCB Servers a) The district center maintains related data at the 38 DCCB servers of its members in terms of Share Capital, Loans, Deposits, input purchases etc. of entire district. b) The district center with the help of DCCB Servers monitors and maintain the intranet of all these PACS. c) The data from the PACS under the particulars district to be consolidated at DCCB Servers. 3. State level data consolidation a) To establish the Data Warehouse for data consolidation at State level servers. b) The relevant and required data from the 38 DCCBs only is to be consolidated at State level Servers. The Data consolidation may be done at Apex Bank. 8. Scope: The proposal for Total Computerization of the PACS includes following: a) Design, Develop or procure an existing solution deployed and running successfully that meets the norms of CAS (Common Accounting System) and MIS (Management information System) of NABARD. That includes the delivery, commissioning and maintenance of Application Software at PACS according to their functionality. b) Supply, installation, Commissioning of computer hardware & related peripherals and Installation of Operating System, Antivirus Software, Office Suite (Open Source) etc at each PACS. c) Hardware and software support and maintenance, post installation of the Hardware and System Software d) Connectivity at PACS- through LAN or WAN in case of multiple locations. e) Data Digitization for each PACS. f) Provide Facility Management (FM) Support, Deploy manpower & User training for PACS Orientation, Basic Computer Training, Process Training and Application Training. g) Provide Handholding support to the users regards the usage of the software application for an agreeable amount of time. Following is the activity list: Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 27 EOI- Computerization of PACS 8.1. 2014 Execution 8.1.1. Application Software at PACS Feature of the Software: a) Ensure uniformity in accounting system for every PACS. b) Software should be web enable with availability of centralized MIS. c) Work in both offline and online mode. d) Ease of use with Workflow, Picture & icon driven Operations. User friendly. e) Bilingual language support system (Hindi and English). f) Log generation g) Data Integrity & Security i.e. validation check at each and every stage, Role based permission given to users, Maker and approver concept. h) Provides a single window access to all the members' financial and other Information at a single point (e.g. Loans View and Accounts Information) i) High Level Tiered Security Mechanism (Role, Activity, Transaction). j) Provides Statutory Reports at a single Point (Loan Ledger, DCB, Common Demand) k) Follow the NABARD's specified Common Accounting System. l) Complete Banking System (Savings, Fixed Deposit and Recurring Deposit) m) Robust system for KCC loan disbursement & collection. n) Separate ledgers for each member against individual loans. Functions: 1. Membership & Share Functions a) Membership & Share Capital details (Deposit, Credit & Share information, KYC, Photo) b) Membership data- Name, Age, Family details etc. c) Share allotment, share transfer and share management d) Capturing Land detail 2. Agriculture Short Terms Loans Functions a) Maintenance of Loan Ledger details b) Capturing scale of finance c) Generation of credit limit d) CLA (Credit Limit Amount) e) Capture of LSO (Leveraged Sell Out) f) Drawl Process g) Generation of NOC (No Objection Certificate) and Non-overdue cover h) Demand Collection and Borrowing i) Loan Disbursal Memo (LDM) j) Maintenance of Insurance k) Adjustment of remittance l) Foreclosure of Loan Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 28 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 m) MIS Report generation n) Insurance on loan/Crop insurance etc Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Functions a) Maintenance of Loan ledger details b) Capturing Scale of Finance c) Transactions d) MIS Report Generation 3. Medium Term (MT) Loan & Long Terms (LT) Loan Functions a) Maintenance of Loan Ledger details b) Conversion of ST (Short term) Loans c) Rephasement of MT or LT Loans d) Rescheduling of rephrased MT/LT Loans e) Processing the loan application f) Drawl Process g) Generation of NOC and Non-overdue cover h) Demand Collection and Balance i) Demand letter generation j) Adjustment of remittance k) Foreclosure of Loan l) MIS Report generation Other Loans a) Loan Application Processing b) Sanctions c) Demand, Collection and Balance d) Legal Action Detail 4. Financial Accounting Functions a) Maintenance of ledgers and sub ledgers b) Cash and transfer scroll c) Generation and Posting of Vouchers d) Day Book Maintenance e) P &L account and Balance Sheet 5. Management & Act Compliance a) Detail of Board members meeting b) HR & Payroll related functions c) Asset register d) Office management e) Govt. Dues & loans Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 29 EOI- Computerization of PACS 6. 2014 Saving Bank Functions- Saving Counter a) b) c) d) Account Opening Pass Book Maintenance Interest Calculation Account Closure 7. Common facility Centre (CFC) Business: Different activities for benefit of farmers 8. Business Correspondence module: For saving account of farmers in the DCCB, PACS could act as business correspondence to DCCB. 9. Business Development Plan: For the development of PACS, annual/biannual business development plan can be made. 10. Audit & Inspection module: Various financial & other reports can be generated for these purpose. 11. Other Service related business: PACS can act as insurance agent, sim card agent etc. 12. Other Physical business like Trading & Public distribution system (PDS) The trading activity is required for purchase and sale of farming related commodities like fertilizer, pesticides, seed etc. The trading module should take care of all these functions including inventory control, stock balance and alerts on stocks and expiry data alerts on perishables etc. This trading module should provide for data analysis tools for stock valuation, inventory control and monitoring. The main features of Trading Module are: a) Raising of Purchase order b) Automated generation of Sales Invoices c) Generation of sales returns d) Monitoring purchase returns e) Generation of daily, weekly and periodic report of purchase and sales f) Categorization of Goods g) Generation of Sales and Purchase register h) Generation of Stock Register i) Generation of reports i.e. Stock register, sales Register, Purchase register, Purchase order list, Daily sales Report, Sales Price List, Stock Report; Stock Valuation Report; Stock transfer Report; Daily Purchase Report; Monthly Sales Report Public Distribution System (PDS) The Public Distribution System is essentially used for Sale of Government controlled commodities like Oils, pulses, sugar etc. The key features of this module are given below. a) Ration Card Wise Details b) Details of members of PDS, pink and white card members. c) Generation of Release orders. d) Automated Sales and Purchase Register. Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 30 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 e) Stock Register. f) Details of Purchases and Sales Inventory g) Generate reports i.e. Card Holder Detail, Daily Sales Report, Purchase Register, Sales Register, stock register, Stock report Linkage with e-Uparjan Software developed by NIC. 13. Interface with Samagra Portal: linkage with Samagra portal for direct benefit transfer 14. Interface with DCCB Core Banking Software and department eCooperative portal. 15. Reporting & MIS Report can be generated on demand & MIS is to be maintained for each module. Consolidation of the PACS Data Consolidate Data from the PACS at the DCCB Connectivity to the DCCB HO server Data Entry in the Application Software Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 31 EOI- Computerization of PACS 2014 8.1.2. Tentative Software Modules: Membership & Share Capital details (Deposit, Credit & share information, KYC, Photo) Agricultural Short term Credit, insurance on loan/crop insurance, KCC functions Other Physical business (PDS, selling of Fertilizer, Seed, Pesticide) and Linkage with eUparjan. Reporting and MIS Saving Bank FunctionsSaving Counter Audit & Inspection Management and Act compliance (Board meeting & Compliance, HR, Asset Register, office Mgmt. Govt. Dues & Loans) Financial Accounting Functions Medium Term (MT) & Long Term (LT) Loan Function Other Service Business Business Development Plan (B.D.P) Department of Cooperation, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Page 32 Interface Specification DCCB Core Banking Software Interface Specification with Samagra portal for Direct Bank Transfer Common Facility Centre (CFC) Business Business Correspond ence (B.C.) EoI for Computerization of PACS 2014 8.1.3. Hardware The scope of work with respect to the hardware is given below:1. Supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of required hardware at PACS level for at least 2 users. 2. Provide the separate servers with require software/tool at every DCCBs (38 DCCBs) to aggregate the respective PACS data at District level & at State level for Data Consolidation. 8.2. Data Services & Digitization work a) The following data services would be offered to each PACS capturing the data of membership, Loans, deposit and other related transaction data. i. Data Entry, Capture, Compilation ii. Data Verification and validation iii. Database Backup/Database Management b) Coordination and data Capture, entry, check-lists, Application software loading c) Backup Maintenance and data management d) Integration into DCCB Servers. 8.3. Connectivity at Every PACS: For Connectivity at PACS, Bidder should propose cost effective solution (medium of connectivity, network equipment etc.) in their response. Small LAN/WAN (in case of multiple locations) should be created at PACS level. MPSWAN connectivity is already established up to Block level. Bidder may propose connectivity to the PACS from block level through MPSWAN in their proposal. Technical document on approach & methodology to provide connectivity should be submitted along with response 8.4. Training & Helpdesk a) Awareness Training- Exhaustive training to be provided to a group of 2 members at each PACS for a duration of 5 days on the overall usage of Computers- Basic Operational training of Computer Hardware b) Software Usage and Installation- Exhaustive training to be provided to a group of 2 members at each PACS for the duration of 15 days on overall usage of Application software and its functionalities c) Administration- Training to be provided to a group of 2 members at each PACS for the duration of 5 days on overall administrative aspects of the solution. d) Training to be provided to DCCB Centres in collaboration of DCCB to group of PACS not exceeding 30 members per batch. e) Refreshment training to be given to PACS users once in a quarter. f) Training Material to be provided coupled with availability of Helpdesk support at each district. Department of Cooperation, GoMP | Page 33 of 34 EoI for Computerization of PACS 2014 8.5. Manpower Deployment: Bidder has to submit the manpower deployment plan for this project, approach & methodology for imparting training. 8.6. Maintenance a) Maintenance of Application software for a period of 5 year from the date of Final Acceptance Test. Maintenance of the supplied computer hardware for a period of 5 years b) Change request given by the User during this period is also included in Maintenance period. No extra cost to be charged for such charge request come through user during the maintenance period. The entire work defined in this section would be taken up in phased manner. The strategy for implementing the solution is defined in the following phases: SI No Phase No. of Location 1 Phase I 500 PACS 2 Phase II Replicate the process in next 1500 PACS 3 Phase III Replicate the process in next 2522 PACS End of Document Department of Cooperation, GoMP | Page 34 of 34
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