Pantiles Week Sunday 26th October 2014 News from Pantiles Baptist Church

Notes for Today’s Messages
Morning Service: Luke 1:57-80
Evening Service:
#:1: Praise
Pantiles Week
News from Pantiles Baptist Church
Sunday 26th October 2014
WELCOME! We warmly welcome you today. If you are a visitor
please introduce yourself to a steward and ask for an introduction booklet. Our services include a mixture of both traditional and contemporary
elements so that we may benefit from the wealth of both old and new.
10:15 am Prayer Meeting for today’s services in the Church Office
10:30 am Morning Service with refreshments served afterwards.
Our Pastor, Rev. Gareth Jones will preach.
Euclid Jones and Andy Burgess at the door.
During the second part of the Morning Service we have
Junior Church in the Green Hall for those in school years 1 to 8
and a crèche for younger children in the hall.
6:20 pm Pre-service singing led by Mike Mercer.
Audio Ministry: Audio Recordings are made of all our services.
If you wish to borrow a CD then please see the audio team at the back.
Sermons can also be downloaded from
Our Evening Services are also streamed at
A loop system is available in the Church.
73 Frant Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 5LH
Pastor: Rev. Gareth Jones -
Community Support Worker: Becca Burgess -
6:30 pm Evening Service with refreshments served afterwards.
We welcome Pastor Ken Slater from Sandhurst Baptist
Church as our guest preacher.
Jonathan and Marjorie Brunker at the door.
This evening Gareth is preaching at Swanfield Chapel,
2014 MOTTO TEXT - Galatians 2:20
“I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and
gave Himself for me”
Becca on holiday this week
Gareth’s day off
Since we have had to postpone
Holiday Club, pray that God will
guide us with our youth work
and show us how we can be effective in reaching children.
Let us give thanks to God for His
blessings to us Sunday by Sunday. May we also pray for those
we have not seen recently at
our Services.
7:30 pm - Prayer meeting led
by Gareth
11:00 am - Thanksgiving Service for the life of Mary Williams.
10:30 am - Gareth preaching
from Luke 3:1-21. Service will
include communion.
6:30 pm - Andy Hannan.
There is no Pandas today (half
term) so please pray for the
staff. May they be strengthened
as they serve week by week.
Holiday Club: Our Holiday Club
has had to be postponed (most
probably until May). We apologise
for any inconvenience .
Mead School Choir will be joining us for a coffee morning on
Thursday 6th November 10:00 am
to 11:30am. Invitations are available for you to use.
Stewarding / welcoming ministry. At a recent deacons meeting
we saw the importance of this ministry and would like to arrange a
meeting for those who steward or
would like to steward. The proposed date is Wednesday 12th
Nov, 6:15 pm. Please let Andy B
know if you can or cannot come.
Continue to pray for those who
are unwell or those who are recovering from treatment. Pray
also for those awaiting appointments, tests, etc.
CCM Focus Day on Saturday
15th November (St Johns Wood
Road Baptist Church). Find out
about the work of CCM. More details on the noticeboard.
Please pray for the arrangements for today’s service. Pray
also for the family - may they
know God’s strength and love at
this time.
Making Conversations count for
Christ workshop on Saturday
22nd Nov, 9:30 to 11:00 am at
Pembury Road Baptist Church,
Tongbridge. Speaker: Daphne
Ross. See Becca for more details.
As a new month starts today,
pray that the Lord may provide
for our financial needs and also
our staffing needs. A few activities need more volunteers.
Brian Walpole will be coming to
PBC on Tuesday 25th Nov, 7:30
pm to speak about his life as a
Concorde captain and as a Christian. Please invite friends to hear
his testimony.
Pray that the Lord may be
blessed and exalted through our
worship this day. Pray also for
Jonathan speaking at Milward
House this afternoon (3:30pm)
Items for Pantiles Week should be
submitted by Friday morning.
t: office on 01892 521903
Electronic versions are available.
Please e-mail above address.
Highbury Baptist
We have been learning
that each local church
is to be construction
site where people are being built
together to become a temple for
God's praise.
- Much building work happens behind the scenes. Pray for us as The
Lord works in us to cause us to
grow more like him.
- Construction sites can be dangerous places. Pray that we would follow God’s procedures as we grow
- We rejoice that we are now able to
employ Maria for 8 hours each
week doing discipleship work
amongst the women in the church.
- We have been holding parenting
seminars. Pray for the wider group
attending and talking together about
God's wisdom in parenting.
- We are thankful to have 2 new
theological students placed with us
this year and pray that we will care
for them as they serve amongst us.
- Pray that the Lord will use our
summer outreach to draw people to
Home Mission
Saved2Serve March 27-29 2015
Praise God for the planning team:
Jim Sayers, Dan Bryant, Chris
Hawthorne, Ryan King, Greg Tarr,
Paul Spear and Nigel Hoad; give
thanks for all the work already done
for 2015
Pray that The Lord would bring
many young adults to consider the
subject : Revolution - the work of
the Holy Spirit in conversion.
Pray that the publicity would be effective.