October Dates to Remember Family Promise 1-5 October 2014 Acworth United Methodist Church Rev. James Gwin, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Birchall, Associate Pastor 4340 Collins Circle Acworth, GA 30101 770-974-3312 www.acworthumc.org Carrie Ruff Circle 2 Corn Maze 3 Food Pantry Men’s Breakfast Growing God’s Girls Brothers4Christ Confirmation 5 "Sharing Our Abundance" Bible Study Circle of Prayer 6,13,20, 27 Ladies Bible Study 7,14,21, Girl Scouts 9 & 23 Youth Girls Night Out 10 Homecoming Bonfire/Corn Maze Quest 12 OWLS Fish Fry 13 I was having a hard time coming up with an article for the food pantry this month. The deadline was getting close and nothing was coming to me. Yes, it could have been a list of foods we always need followed by the many thank yous to everyone for their continued support, but that just wasn't working for me. Although, yes, we do need food and yes, we are extremely grateful for all the donations and yes, the past couple months have been challenging , causing us to once again streamline our shelves. But yes, we were able to continue to help nearly 375 families per month. So with the permission of an "unknown" person, I wanted to share this prayer with you all and hope it touches your heart as it did mine. "God our sustainer, we ask you to put your powerful Spirit into all who are empty this day. Fill the hearts of persons who are troubled. Fill the minds of men and women who are confused. Fill the stomachs of families who are hungry. Fill the souls of people who are feeling lost. Fill the lives of all who need you, but do not know you. May your spirit fill us all to overflowing, dear Lord and may it inspire us to share our abundance with others so there will be no more empty hearts and minds, stomachs and souls. We pray all this is the name of Jesus Christ, who fills lives with endless grace. Amen Depression Support 14/28 District Pastors Mtg 16 Pumpkin Patch Emmaus Gathering 18 "It is no trick serving Jesus, it is a treat." Help us fill our pantry buggy by bringing some items to Fall Fest on October 26. I promise, I will be hard to miss! Children/Family Mtg 19 Baskets of Blessings SPR Committee 20 'Rene Finance Committee 21 Celebration Singers to Daybreak Village 22 OWLS Apple Trip 23 One Day Women’s Retreat 25 Fall Fest 26 ACTS Mail Team 29 Missions Committee Worship Committee Jamaica Mission Trip 28 2811/4 Lit n Latte 30 Last Day of Pumpkin Patch 31 One Day Women’s Retreat AUMC Prayer Circle Saturday, October 25, 2014 Gathering Area Mondays, 4 p.m. Two buses will head in Join us as we raise up the concerns of Two DIFFERENT Directions! family, friends and the community. 1-Day Trip to Dahlonega & lunch at Smith House 2-”All Fired Up” Pottery in Alpharetta followed by lunch. Flyers available in the Hall of Memories WE LIFT OUR JOYS AND CONCERNS IN PRAYER Ongoing Concerns… Doug Bennett, Mitch Brooks, Mary Cabe, Lisa Carmean, Andrew Choy, June Dyer, Bob Foster, Frances Frey, Cheryl & Ron Fritze, Grace Justice, Erlene Kendall, Ida O’Malley, Priscilla Mancilla , Hayes Rimel, Carol Sawyers, Zibbi Snarski, Don & Lynn Stotts, those in harm’s way and those unspoken Missionaries: Dorothy Mutambara, Zimbabwe; Inna Mezalumo, Malawi; Local Mission: Blessings in a Backpack, Family Promise-North Cobb, Middle School Outreach Program, Murphy Harpst children & staff, Regional Youth Detention Center, Rome, GA, UM Children’s Home Military Prayer List... Graham Martin, David Sanford MEMORIALS AND HONORARIUMS To the glory of God and the AUMC Faith Foundation Fund In memory of Jean Huggins by the Gwin family To the glory of God and the General Fund In memory of Carolyn & Charles Strawser Sr. by Melanie & Terry Strawser In honor of Margolese & Norris Long Sr. by Melanie & Terry Strawser LIT N LATTE WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB It’s time to catch up on your reading! Come to the AUMC book review club the last Thursday of each month and join the discussion about the current book., Flight Behavior” by Barbara Kingsolver. Our next get together is October 30 at 7pm. Light refreshments will be served. Sr. Adults Fish Fry is October 13, at noon in the Family Life Center. The men will be frying up the fish while the women folk will be setting out the coleslaw, etc. Y’all come now, ya hear?! October is Staff Appreciation Month: AUMC is blessed to have a wonderful staff of dedicated, talented people who serve all of us with true servants' hearts. The Staff Parish Relations Committee invites you to show your appreciation for the many tireless saints of the church staff by sending them notes of appreciation and/or gifts such as baked goods, gift cards for a car wash, a restaurant, Amazon, Starbucks, or anything else you think they could use. Place these items in the offering plate or bring them to the office any time during the month of October. Thank you very much. A list of our current Because we have had a number of personnel changes this past year, here is a list of AUMC staff members and their positions: Rev. James Gwin, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Birchall, Associate Pastor Darlene Soyars, Children’s/Family Director Hannah Stubblefield, Youth Director Joan Bates, Church Secretary Kim Stokes, Finance Secretary Dan Martin, Music Director Sonya Peebles, Children’s Choir Director Vicki Frey, Organist/Handbells Director Ivy Pirl, Chancel Choir Pianist Jody Hornbeck, Property Maintenance Leigh Ann Spencer, Nursery Coordinator Christine Cartwright, Preschool Director FALL FEST & Trunk-R-treat! Sunday, October 26 4:00-6:00 pm Grab your costumes, stock up on candy and decorate your trunk because the dragons, minions, cowboys, princesses and more are coming for candy and fun! Start with Trunk-r-Treating from 4-5pm and stay for carnival games, face-painting, crafts, inflatables and food! Tubs for candy donations will be in the Hall of Memories, Nursery desk and in Darlene’s office throughout the month. This is a family community event! Bring your friends and neighbors! Buy your pumpkin from the youth pumpkin patch! Everything is free except food & pumpkins. There will be lots of fun and surprises for everyone! Youth and adult volunteers can sign up to help with inflatables, games, face painting and crafts. Sign up for parking spaces will begin October 5 in the Hall of Memories. All trunks will receive a tote bag of candy if needed to supplement your own candy supply. Support the AUMC Food Pantry - Bring food donations to Trunk -r-Treat! Thousands are served each year - your donations make this ministry possible! Items needed: Peanut Butter, Jelly, Spaghetti & Sauce, Canned Meat, Cereal, Parmalat Milk, Boxed Dinners, Rice, Beans, Pasta, Corn Muffin/Biscuit Mix, Pancake Mix, Instant Potatoes, Canned Vegetables and Toiletries G3 - Growing God’s Girls - for 4th-6th graders meets October 5 from 11:45am-4:30pm for Merrick’s Walk at Chastain Park. Meet in the FLC at 11:30 - we’ll board the bus and leave at 11:45. Pickup in FLC at 4:30pm. AUMC Medical Release & Permission form and Merrick’s Walk for edin Registration Form are required for participation. Cost is $5 for lunch and $15 to walk. Friends and families are welcome! More information is available via email and at http://www.myedin.org/merricks-walk.html. (Okay to register online) B4C - Brothers for Christ - for 4th-6th grade boys - we’re going to Swift-Cantrell Park on Sunday, October 5! Bring money for lunch at Zaxby’s - we’ll eat lunch then it’s game time! Parents - each child must be signed in with Chris & Ed in the choir room after church. Pickup in FLC at 2:30pm. Dads & friends are welcome! Questions? Contact Chris Derrick at caderrick@comcast.net or Darlene@acworthumc.org. QUEST - for 3rd-6th graders – will go to Cagle’s Farm Corn Maze on Friday, October 3 from 610:30pm! Cost is $20 each. Watch your email for details! QUEST will meet DownUnder only once this month… on October 12 from 5-7pm. QUEST logo choices are being finalized - we’ll vote on the 12th! QUEST will not meet on the 26th - Bring the family and join the fun at Trunk-r-Treat from 4-6pm! Friends are always welcome at QUEST activities! FIRE !!! Acolyte Training for 3rd Grade & up on October 5 at 9:45am in the Chapel. Mark your calendar... Children’s & Family Ministry Team will meet Sunday, October 19 after church for lunch - location TBA. We’ll finalize Fall Fest/Trunk-r-Treat and holiday plans. Everyone is welcome! Call or email reservation to Darlene@acworthumc.org. Got an hour? Serve Mon, Tues, and/or Wed 1-2pm during Playball or Ballet! Just help pick up kids from class, observe activities, and assist with restroom and dismissal. Safe Sanctuary Training is required. Contact Darlene! October Coming in December... 10/3 6-10:00p QUEST to Corn Maze Live Nativity - Downtown Acworth 69:30pm on December 5. Be a part of the nativity or help with popcorn! FREE! 10/5 9:45 Acolyte Training-Chapel 10/5 11:30-4:30p G3 to Merrick’s Walk 12:15-2:30p B4C to Swift Cantrell 10/12 5-7p QUEST - DownUnder Family Activity Night in the FLC on Wednesday, December 10. 10/19 12:15p Children’s & Family planning lunch Children’s Craft Camp - 9:30a-1:30p on Saturday, December 13. Kids ages 2-5th grade create memorable gifts to share and keep! $25 Registration opens November 2. Space is limited. Volunteers needed! 10/26 4-6p Fall Fest & Trunk-rTreat Family Event Looking forward to November: 11/2 11/9 11/23 . 12-2:15p 12-2”30 5-7p 5p 6:30p G3 Lunch & Activity B4C Lunch & Games QUEST- DownUnder UMW Pancake Supper Hanging of the Greens Hann ah S tubblef ie ld S tude nt Mi nis te r Hannah@acworthumc.org HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING: October 2014 www.acworthumcyouth.com Instagram: AUMC_Youth Facebook: Acworth UMC Youth ReMix Sunday Night Program: Oct. 5: Remix. 4:30-7:00pm Oct. 12: MS and HS to Cagle Dairy Farm. 4:00-8:00pm. Oct. 19: ReMix. 4:30-7:00pm Oct. 26: Fall Fest. 4:00-6:00pm. Middle School: “Jesus Freak” High School: “Can I Ask That?” Sunday Nigh Schedule: 4:30-5:00: Fellowship 5:00-5:30: Worship 5:30-7:00: Middle School to The Loft; High School in Attic for games, small groups, and a message. Confirmation Schedule for October Oct. 5: Class: 9:30am-12:00pm Youth: 4:30pm-7:00pm Oct. 11: Taste of Acworth Oct. 12: Class: 9:30am-12:00pm Oct. 19: Class: 9:30am-12:00pm Youth: 4:30pm-7:00pm Oct. 26: Class: 9:30am-12:00pm Wednesday Night Program 5:00pm: Dinner in the FLC 5:45: Fellowship/Study Hall in the Attic 6:30-7:30: Bible Study 6th Grade: E204 7th/8th Grade: The Loft High School: Attic Upcoming October Youth Events: October 10: Girls’ Night Out. 6-10pm. More info coming soon October 12: Middle and High School to Cagle Dairy Farm. $20. Corn Maze, Bonfire, and Dinner. Registration Forms are available. October 18-October 31: Pumpkin Patch Oct. 7: Paulding Co. & Allatoona, 7am. McDonald’s @ Cedarcrest & 92 Oct. 28: Cobb County, 7am Chick-fil-A on Hwy. 41next to O’Charley’s From Senior Pastor Rev. James Gwin Wanted The older you are, the more familiar “Uncle Sam” will be. As represented by their shared initials, Uncle Sam is the human image often associated with the United States. Some say the origins of Uncle Sam go back to the war of 1812. A few think Uncle Sam dates all the way back to the Revolutionary War. While the origins of Uncle Sam are debated, the meaning (and image) has been clear since 1916. “I Want YOU,” is Sam’s message. Mostly used for U.S. Army recruiting, Sam’s desire is clear. As a child, I remember Sam pointing at me outside of the bank in East Point, GA. I still find Uncle Sam’s direct statement compelling. I like to be wanted. I desire my life to have meaning. Jesus makes a very similar request using different words, “Come, follow me.” I picture Jesus pointing directly at me and saying those words. Of course, Jesus would look silly in the tall hat, blue jacket, and white goatee. Jesus probably did not have blue eyes or use the U.S. flag as a backdrop. Still, I imagine Jesus walking up to a group of fisherman, pointing directly at them and saying, “I Want YOU.” Jesus still does this today. Jesus wants you; right here; right now. Now, imagine a pastor looking you in the eye, pointing to your heart, and speaking. This pastor might be “middle aged” and have some apparent male pattern baldness. He might be a bit fluffy around his mid-section and have a propensity for Hawaiian shirts. Imagine this hypothetical pastor is leading a church on a hill and between two lakes. He does not say, “follow me.” “I Want YOU,” is not his demand. Instead, this imaginary pastor say, “I need you!” Since this imagined pastor cannot possibly drive to every home, he writes a compelling note in the most recent newsletter. Yes, this pretend pastor needs your help, but the church he loves needs you even more. I would hope, if an occasion such as this ever happened, you would answer the same way a different Sam did. “Here I am,” is what Samuel said when he heard the Lord speak (1 Samuel 3:4). I pray you would consider such an answer. There are many areas at Acworth UMC where you can help. Ushers, Greeters, Hospitality, Receptionist, Sound Tech, Video Tech, Children’s Sunday School, Choir Member, Handbell Ringer, Mission Team Member, kudzu fighter, nursery volunteer, envelop stuffer, wall painter, carpet cleaner, youth worker, group builder, worship planner, homebound visitor, article writer, money giver, neighbor inviter, pumpkin seller, meal taker, closet cleaner, money counter, bush trimmer, communion taker, phone caller, prayer lifter, hospital visitor, letter writer, retreat goer, bible studier, food giver, present buyer, blood donator, bus driver, meeting planner, life changer, person hugger, vision caster, happy worshiper, new-person welcomer, backpack filler, flower planter, class teacher, and perhaps even a ministry leader. Jesus wants you. Acworth UMC needs you. I’m depending on you. Together, God will do great things through Acworth UMC in order to offer Jesus Christ to all our neighbors who may not be following—or even know him. Your pastor who loves and needs you: Email: james@acworthumc.org Cell: 770-757-0403. …….October Rev. Linda Birchall Bright blue skies, lower humidity, cooler temperatures…aaahhhhh. It must be Fall. October is one of my favorite months. It ushers in the season of better weather (in my book). It also leads toward those wonderful holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. And, I know this will come as a surprise to many of you, but I also like football season, which is in full swing in October. But chiefly, I just love this season of the year. It makes me feel more alive. I feel like I have more get up and go, as my Dad used to say. I feel energized. I love the changing leaves and the beauty of the color that surrounds us everywhere we look. I even like looking at all those pretty pumpkins. This year, we are doing a few new things in the Fall and I am looking forward to them, hoping that I might see some new faces helping out. One thing we will be doing is focusing on Family Promise, Homecoming and Fall Festival this October. We don’t have a booth at Taste of Acworth, but we hope everyone will still support that event. Another thing that is happening is a fun Ladies Day Out on Saturday, October 25. We wanted to offer a time of fellowship and fun which will include two favorite things to do — shopping and eating. I mean, seriously. What’s better than that? And spending that time with some of the wonderful women of AUMC....that’s just about perfect, if you ask me!. We will start the day by eating. Yay! We will gather in the Family Life Center for breakfast at 8:15. We’ll also have a devotional and prayer before we head out to start our day. We will have two groups: one will be invited to go to a local pottery painting and shop and create something perhaps as a Christmas gift, birthday gift or something for yourself. The second group will head for Dahlonega for a couple of hours of walking around and shopping on and near the square in Dahlonega. (If it’s rainy, we’ll stop at the outlet mall hear Dahlonega.) Both groups will end up by — what else? — eating again! Lunch in Dahlonega will be at the Smith House . Lunch for the pottery crowd will be at Nicky’s Diner on Highway 92. Sign-up sheets are available in the Hall of Memories and around the church. We need to know whether you’ll be a pottery maker or a shopper so we can plan accordingly. I do hope everyone will plan to make this a date and participate. What a blessing to fellowship with our Sisters in Christ. Let’s enjoy this Fall and kick it off right with a great Ladies Day Out! Blessings, Linda Sr. Adult Ministry How exciting and educational our spring and summer trips have been while visiting the Cherokee Nation Museums. Both the gals and guys enjoyed the tool room at the Funk Museum at Reinhardt University. We may check out the Indian Mounds in Cartersville next spring. Even as we “speak” your Co-chief Owl, Ruth, is coordinating with the pastors to set up our events for next spring. Our other Co-Chief Owl, Elaine Grey, is taking some time off. October is a fun month for us. The fish fry is on the 13th at noon at the Family Life Center and our trip to Apple Country is on the 23rd. We will lunch at Pat’s Country Kitchen. We have been there before and really enjoyed the food. The cost of $20 will cover lunch and gas. The sign-up sheet is in the Education Hall. This helps us arrange the transportation. AUMC MOVING IN MISSIONS Does your view never change? Do you need a change of pace? Then get out of the building and get Moving in Missions. Come and Connect! at a mission committee meeting - Grow and Go! serving in missions You are invited to attend the Mission Committee Meeting, which is held at 7pm on the last Tuesday of each month. All you need is a heart to serve with the “Love of Jesus” in missions. Please contact Ben Green if you are interested: fbengreen@aol.com or 404-775-2007. Thank You to all who contributed to the Mission Yard Sale In September! The Missions yard sale raised over $2000 for school fees to go to the Hope Center for children in Mutambara, Zimbabwe. Thank you for donating items for sale, for volunteering your time driving pick-up trucks hauling items from storage, setting-up, cleaning up, cooking the fish Saturday for lunch, working the sale during the day, and just for attending, purchasing an item or a fish dinner for lunch. God Bless You! You have blessed the school children in Zimbabwe in the name of Jesus!
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