Provisional acceptance ................................................... 2 Conditional acceptance .................................................... 2 Failed high school courses ................................................ 2 Withdrawing from the College ......................................... 2 Paying your fees ............................................................... 3 Refund policy ................................................................... 3 Omnivox homepage ......................................................... 4 Omnivox services ............................................................. 5 MIO (Messaging in Omnivox) ........................................... 6 Omnivox discussion forum ............................................... 6 Your schedule ................................................................... 7 Dropping courses ............................................................. 8 Adding courses ................................................................. 8 IPESA ................................................................................ 9 Attendance ....................................................................... 9 Class cancellations ............................................................ 9 Academic advising .......................................................... 10 Bookstore ....................................................................... 11 Career & personal counseling ........................................ 12 Computers ...................................................................... 12 Financial Assistance ........................................................ 13 Housing registry ............................................................. 14 ID cards .......................................................................... 14 Learning Centre .............................................................. 15 Library and Media Centre .............................................. 15 Lockers ........................................................................... 16 Parking ........................................................................... 16 Public transportation ..................................................... 16 Elite athletes .................................................................. 17 Students with special needs ........................................... 17 International students .................................................... 17 Students from francophone high schools ...................... 18 Parents ........................................................................... 19 Dear New Student, Starting cégep is exciting – you’ll be attending a new school, meeting tons of new people, learning about new subjects, and creating new opportunities for your future. Along with all this “newness” come a lot of questions – who do I talk to when I need answers? Where can I find the information I’m looking for? How does cégep work? To make a long answer short: READ THIS INFO PACK and TALK TO US! While we hope to have covered most of what you need to know in this New Student Info Pack (and you should read it carefully!), we know that sometimes students have questions that can’t quite be answered in a few printed pages. If that’s the case, don’t be shy about calling us, sending us a message (be sure to read about MIO, our online messaging system, on page 6) or dropping by the College. So who exactly will you be talking to? Well, it depends what you want to know! Contact info for different departments is located throughout this document, but if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can always call the operator at 450-672-7360 ext. 0. Welcome! We’re looking forward to meeting you! -- The Admissions, Recruitment and Advising Team in the Registrar’s Office 450-672-7360 ext. 256 (Come visit us! We’re just to your right when you enter the main doors.) PS. We’d like to ask you for a small favour: if there’s something you wish we had included in this Info Pack, please let us know so we can add it next year – thanks! 1 If your acceptance letter says that you were given “provisional acceptance”, it means that you are automatically eligible to start cégep in the fall as long as you pass all your high school courses and obtain your high school diploma (if you did not pass all your courses, please see the section on “Failed high school courses” below). You do not need to send us your grades. If your acceptance letter says that you were given “conditional acceptance”, it means that you must fulfill the specific conditions indicated on your letter, and you must obtain your high school diploma in order to be eligible to start cégep in the fall. It is your responsibility to provide the College with proof that you met these conditions (i.e. a letter from your high school or the school where you were taking your course(s) indicating that you have passed the course(s) and are eligible to obtain your high school diploma). You must provide this letter as soon as possible by mail, by fax (450-672-8297) or in person in the Registrar’s Office (room F-103). Regardless of whether you were given provisional or conditional acceptance, your acceptance may be revoked (a) if you fail a high school course and do not receive your high school diploma as a result or (b) if you fail a course that is a pre-requisite for your program, even if you still receive your high school diploma. Students who do not meet the pre-requisites for a program but who have a high school diploma may be accepted into another program where space permits. If you failed a course and are re-writing the exam or re-taking the course, it is your responsibility to inform us as soon as possible. You must then provide us with your grades and proof of graduation, once you have received them, by mail, by fax (450-672-8297) or in person in the Registrar’s Office (room F-103). For more information about admissions, please call the Registrar’s Office at 450-672-7360 ext. 256. If you wish to withdraw from the College, you must meet with an Academic Advisor in the Registrar’s Office by September 19 at 4:00 p.m. to complete the appropriate documentation. If you simply stop attending your classes without formally withdrawing, you will receive failing grades that will remain on your permanent record and will be taken into account if and when you decide to re-apply to Champlain or any other college. Failures will also have a detrimental impact on your R-score; the lower your R-score, the lower your chance of being admitted to the university program of your choice. 2 As a first-semester student, you already paid your semester fee ($170) when you confirmed your acceptance to the College. However, you may incur extra fees for Chemistry and Physical Education classes; these fees must be paid online through your Omnivox account or in person at the Registrar’s Office by the first day of classes. In future semesters, all fees must be paid by the first day of the semester as well. Students who do not pay their fees on time will risk having their Omnivox accounts blocked and/or being de-registered from their courses. If you decide not to attend Champlain after paying the fee, you can receive a refund if you cancel before September 19. In order to receive a refund, you must: - cancel in writing - include your signature - submit the cancellation in person (in the Registrar’s Office, room F-103), by mail or by fax (450-672-8297); we do not accept cancellations by email or MIO. Refunds are issued by cheque and sent by mail. Please refer to the Important Dates page under “New Student Info Pack” on our website for cancellation deadlines; see also the section ‘Withdrawing from the College’ on page 2. You will not be issued a refund if you do not make a cancellation, even if you do not register for any courses. After September 19, no refunds will be issued. For more information about fees, please call the Registrar’s Office at 450-672-7360 ext. 256. 3 Once you log in to your Omnivox account, this is what you’ll see (for instructions on logging in, consult the “New Student To-Do List” that we sent you with your acceptance letter; if you misplaced it, you can also access it on our website under New Student Info Pack): These Omnivox services are described in detail on the next page. Deadlines and important dates are indicated here. A quick glance here tells you about new messages, documents & features. You can post questions here; see page 6 for details. News and information about what’s happening on and off campus is described here. You can customize this list to show the websites you visit most often. 4 This is the list you see on your Omnivox homepage under “Omnivox Services” on the left. Read the descriptions to see what each service is used for. Cancelled classes ..................... Check if any of your classes are cancelled; for automatic notification, see page 9. Carpooling .............................. Search for carpooling opportunities. Course schedule inquiry .......... View your current class schedule. Course schedule modification .. View and choose alternative class schedules; also see page 7. Course selection ...................... Indicate your course preferences for the upcoming semester; also see page 7. Documents and messages ....... Obtain information sent to you by your teachers and College staff. Examination schedules ............ Consult the final exam schedule at the end of each semester. Léa, the Omnivox Classroom .... Download assignments; check due dates and grades; participate in online class discussions; view course documents; access related websites; check absences; obtain teachers’ contact info. Lockers ................................... Request a locker; check your locker number and partner; also see page 16. MIO - Messaging in Omnivox ... Send and receive messages; also see page 6. Payment center ....................... Pay your student fees by credit card; also see page 3. Personal file ............................ Modify your contact info and receive automated class cancellation notification; also see page 9. Progression chart .................... View which courses you have completed, which courses you are currently registered in, and which courses you have left to do to complete your program. Teachers directory .................. Look up teachers’ offices and phone numbers. Tuition tax receipts ................. Print your provincial and federal tax certificates each year. 5 Messaging in Omnivox (or MIO for short) is the main way you will communicate with your teachers and other staff members at Champlain. All you need to send a MIO to someone is their name – just type it in and the name of the person you’re looking for will pop up. You don’t need anyone’s email address, and nothing goes to junk mail. And here’s another great feature: you can see whether the recipient has viewed your message! Because it’s so easy and reliable, we often use MIO to communicate with you; for instance, to let you know if you have outstanding fees or if your teacher needs to see you. That means you should check your MIO messages regularly (at least once a day). When you log in to your Omnivox account, the yellow box in the top right corner will let you know if you have new MIOs. You should also use MIO to talk to us! If you have a question about your courses, your program, university or anything else to do with academics, send a MIO to “Academic Advisor” and we’ll get back to you shortly. When you log in to Omnivox, on the right side of the page you’ll see a box called “My Intranet Community.” If you click on the link underneath for “Champlain – Students”, you’ll find the discussion forum where you can post any kind of question you have about being a student at Champlain Saint-Lambert (under “Forum”, click “All Messages” then “New Subject”). We will post a reply soon afterwards. Keep in mind that anything you post here is public, meaning that other students can read your message and see the response. You cannot post anonymously. Therefore, if you have questions you’d rather ask privately (such as questions about your grades, your acceptance, etc.), it’s a better idea to send a MIO to “Academic Advisor.” Students use the discussion forum throughout the year to ask questions about registration, courses, events, exams, programs, bus passes, lockers, the R-score, fee payments – really anything you want to know about Champlain. And don’t forget to look through the discussion forum regularly to see if other students have asked something that may be of interest to you! 6 Obtaining your schedule is a three-step process. You will receive detailed instructions in the mail, but this will give you an idea of the process. STEP 1: Submit your course preferences An academic advisor looks at your progression chart to determine which courses you should take each semester. All new students must log in to their Omnivox account once between the scheduled dates (see Important Dates page under “New Student Info Pack” on our website) to view the courses that have been selected for them by an advisor and, in certain cases, to indicate the subject matter that they would prefer for a particular course (e.g. Phys. Ed.). STEP 2: Confirm your schedule Once you complete Step 1, you will be assigned a schedule. Then, you must log in to your Omnivox account at least once between the scheduled dates (see Important Dates page under “New Student Info Pack” on our website) to view the schedule. Viewing your schedule serves as confirmation that you are registered in the courses on your schedule. If alternate schedules are possible, they will appear below your schedule; you can choose one of those if you prefer it to your original schedule. Other students will also be choosing alternate schedules during this time, so the alternate schedules that are available to you can change throughout the course of the week. You can log in up to 15 times a day during this period to look for (and choose) alternate schedules. STEP 3: Pay your semester fees Click on the Payment Centre module in Omnivox to pay your semester fees. Failure to pay your fees on time will result in your Omnivox account being sealed. If you do not want to take a full course load and/or you have questions about your progression chart, this is the time to speak to an advisor! Call us at 450-672-7360 ext. 256. We will send you detailed instructions on how to submit your course preferences and to confirm your schedule. For more information, please call the Registrar’s Office at 450-672-7360 ext. 256. 7 How and when do I drop a class? Once you have confirmed your schedule, the only way to drop classes is to meet with an Academic Advisor in the Registrar’s Office. The last day you can drop a class is September 19 at 4:00 p.m. You cannot drop a course after this date. If you simply stop going to class, you will be considered absent and receive a failing grade. How many courses can I drop? In order to be considered a full-time student, you must be registered in (and attending) at least 4 courses or 12 hours of class per week (whichever is the lesser) in any given semester. If you drop courses such that you are registered in fewer than 4 courses or 12 hours of class per week, you will be considered a part-time student. As a part-time student, you will have to pay for your classes at the rate of $2.00 per course hour (subject to change). What are the consequences to dropping a class? The consequences vary depending on your individual situation, and may include taking an extra semester or year to complete your program. Speak to an Academic Advisor before dropping a class to make sure you understand the consequences of doing so. The basic rule is that you cannot add courses once you have confirmed your schedule. The exception to the rule is that if you meet all the criteria below, you can come to the Registrar’s Office during the first week of classes to see if a course is available. There is no guarantee that the course you want will be available. The only circumstances in which you may be permitted to add a course are as follows: - you do not have a full course load (as determined by your program grid); - there is still room in the course you wish to take and it fits in your current schedule; and - you have not dropped any courses since the first day of school. You cannot “switch” courses once you have confirmed your schedule. This means that you cannot drop one course and add another, or take the same course but at a different time. If you do not have a full course load and want to be registered in additional classes, it is preferable to make the request before you confirm your schedule. 8 The International Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) will provide you with information which will inform you of the expectations and standards of the College, and your duties and rights with regard to the evaluation of your academic achievement. The policy covers such items as course level evaluation and evaluation criteria, examinations, the grading system, equivalences and substitutions, course withdrawals, incomplete courses, comprehensive assessments, recognition of academic achievement and the English Ministerial Examination. The policy also addresses your academic conduct relating to the submission of work, attendance and absences, behavior in courses and academic integrity. Other areas covered include transcripts, certification, confidentiality, course outlines and academic appeals and complaints. We strongly suggest that you familiarize yourself with this important policy. The complete IPESA document is available for review on the College website’s home page. Please read section 5.2 of the Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) for Champlain’s official attendance policy. As a Champlain student, you are expected to attend all your classes. The IPESA allows for you to miss 10% of the total hours for a given course; you must be careful not to abuse this flexibility. Students who miss 10% of the total hours for a given course without valid reason, and who then expect consideration when they fall ill or encounter other serious problems, may find themselves in jeopardy. In cases where teachers, with the advice of the College’s administration, determine that a student has abused the attendance regulations, the teacher may refuse to accept further work for evaluation. This may occur even if some of the absences were for valid reasons. If a teacher has to cancel a class, you can be notified via voice message to your cell phone. Just log in to your Omnivox account and click on “Personal File” to enter your phone number. Class cancellations are also posted on your Omnivox account under “Class Cancellations”, online and on television screens at various locations around the school. 9 Academic Advisors are the number one resource people for students seeking assistance with anything related to program progression, course selection, academic performance, and university and scholarship applications. For example, Academic Advisors are able to provide assistance and information to students who: - are in poor academic standing; - are considering a change of program; - wish to drop courses, plan their course load for future semesters, or take extra courses; - make a request to receive medical incompletes or who require accommodations for extended absence due to illness or accident; - require permission to take courses at another college (cours commandites); - would benefit from assistance with the course selection process; - wish to register for summer school courses. Academic Advisors also support students throughout the university application process. Advisors maintain up-todate information about universities across Canada and invite university representatives to the Champlain SaintLambert campus to speak directly to students. Students can consult Advisors for questions about university programs, pre-requisites, and application processes, and can also benefit from Advisors’ guidance in composing letters of intent, obtaining letters of reference, and preparing for interviews. Students who are interested in applying for scholarships are also encouraged to consult an Academic Advisor for information pertaining to scholarship availability and eligibility criteria, as well as assistance throughout the application and interview processes. Where appropriate, an Advisor may also sponsor outstanding students for particular scholarships. (For information on government loans and bursaries, please see the section “Financial Assistance” on p. 13). You can consult an Academic Advisor at any time from August to June by making an appointment at the Registrar’s Office or by sending a MIO to “Academic Advisor”. 10 The Champlain Bookstore stocks textbooks, course material, apparel, gifts, magazines, greeting cards and school supplies. Used books are available for some courses and may be purchased at a 25% discount from the regular price. Business hours are Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. throughout the year. To avoid long lineups at the beginning of the semester, you can also order and pay for your books online. They will be available for pick-up at the bookstore within 2 business days. Please note that used books are not available for purchase online. Cash, debit, Visa and Mastercard are accepted. How do I know what books to buy? Once you confirm your schedule, you can check your book list on Omnivox. Do I have to buy my books before classes start? Not necessarily. Many students choose to wait until they have attended the first class of a course to determine when they need to buy their books. You will not be penalized for not having your books on the first day of class. Can I return my books if I drop a class? In order to receive a refund, books must be unmarked, still in their wrapper and accompanied by the sales receipt. Books purchased before the first day of classes are refundable up to 7 calendar days after the first day of classes. Books purchased after the first day of classes are refundable within 2 calendar days of purchase. Textbooks purchased during the last week of classes or during exam periods are non-refundable. How much will my books cost? Books for Science programs cost approximately $600 to $800 per semester. Books for Nursing are approximately $700 in the first semester and $300 in subsequent semesters. Students in other programs can expect to pay approximately $400 to $600 per semester for their books. For more information, please call the Bookstore at 450-923-1056. 11 Our counselors are available throughout the academic year to help you with: - Study skills: time management, motivation, procrastination, note taking, preparing for tests, etc. - Personal concerns: anything at all, such as stress management, changes in friendship patterns, family conflict, anxiety, love relationships, depression, self-confidence, etc. (not limited to items on this list) - Career counseling: career options, aptitude tests, goal-setting, etc. If you would like to meet with a Counselor, make an appointment at Student Services or take advantage of one of the daily drop-in sessions. More info is available on the Counseling webpage. For more information about counseling, please call Student Services at 450-672-7360 ext. 355. Can I bring my laptop to class? Each teacher has his or her own policy about the use of laptops. Be sure to ask each of your teachers on the first day of class whether you’re permitted to use your laptop in their classroom. Where can I access wireless internet on campus? Wi-Fi connectivity is available throughout the main floor of the Library, in the main entrance area, the cafeteria and outside the 2nd floor gymnasium. Are there computers I can use on campus? There are computer labs located throughout the College. You will be required to regularly check your Omnivox account for important information. 12 Who is eligible? All full-time students who are Canadian citizens and residents of Quebec are eligible to apply for financial assistance. Depending on entry classification, permanent residents may also be eligible. How much money will I receive? Students must make a financial contribution to their studies. This contribution is based upon the number of weeks available to work at minimum wage during the summer preceding the start of classes. The contribution of the parent, if the student is classified as "dependent", is calculated by taking into account total family income minus authorized deductions. A mathematical formula then determines the portion of the family resources that should be allocated to paying the student's studies. Special consideration is given to low income households and to families on social assistance. When student and parent contributions are not considered adequate, the government provides assistance in the form of a non-interest-bearing loan and, if this is not enough, then a bursary. How and when should I apply for assistance? Applications for financial assistance are made online. You can contact the Financial Aid Officer at 450-672-7360 ext. 249 if you need help filling out the form. Applications typically require 4-6 weeks to process. It is strongly recommended to apply for aid at least 8 weeks prior to school commencing. You may submit an application at any time during your studies and receive aid for all the months in which you were enrolled. As a matter of fact, you have up to 60 days following the last month of recognized studies to submit an application. Bursaries for students with special needs Students with special needs may be eligible for financial aid to cover transportation and subsistence costs, textbooks and the purchase of special learning aids. If independence is not recognized, the family income is taken into account when calculating the size of the bursary. Application deadlines are the same as for Loans and Bursaries. Emergency student loans Students experiencing financial emergencies should contact Student Services to explore the possibility of receiving a short-term student loan. For more information, please call the Financial Aid Officer at 450-672-7360 ext. 249. 13 Student Services maintains a Housing Registry that will assist you in locating apartments and rooms in the vicinity of the College. Stop by Student Services for a listing of what's available or view the online Housing Registry. Also be sure to check out the local newspaper, Le Courrier du Sud, which has an extensive listing of available lodgings. The facilities in the Registry are not inspected by the College. Therefore, before signing a lease, you should consider this important information. For more information about housing, please call Student Services at 450-672-7360 ext. 355. You must carry your ID card with you at all times in order to identify you as a Champlain student. You are also required to present your ID card in order to gain access to a multitude of services on campus, such as obtaining transcripts, paying your fees, borrowing Library books and audiovisual equipment, writing exams, etc. All new students must come to the Registrar’s Office (room F-103) before classes begin to have their ID card photo taken. Your appointment day is determined according to the first letter of your last name (see Important Dates page under “New Student Info Pack” on our website). You must have another form of photo identification on hand (RAMQ card, driver’s permit, passport). You will also receive a copy of the student agenda and may purchase a parking pass (see p. 18) at this time. If your ID card is lost, stolen or damaged, you must obtain a replacement ID card for $5.00 at the Registrar’s Office. For more information about ID cards, please call the Registrar’s Office at 450-672-7360 ext. 256. 14 Located on the second floor of the Library in room B-301, the Learning Centre aims to enhance students’ success by providing extended access to technological and educational support services. You can visit the Learning Centre to study with a tutor, to work on a computer, or to pick up a handout on study skills. Tutoring Services Peer tutors are available free of charge in just about every subject. Our peer tutors take a course called “To Teach Is to Learn” which focuses on tutoring skills and techniques. All requests for help are carefully evaluated. If a tutor is not currently available, we will try to find a new tutor or we will direct you to alternative sources of help. Peer tutors work with students on general academic strategies (note taking, exam prep, text analysis, time management) and help students identify with their personal learning styles. According to the College's internal statistics, peer tutors help over 90% of the students they were working with finish their courses with grades at or higher than they expected without tutoring. Also, nearly 100% of the students tutored report feeling that tutoring helped them to become more independent learners. If you require tutoring services, just drop by the Learning Centre to make an appointment for assessment. For more information about the Learning Centre, please call 450-672-7360 ext. 222. The Library has plenty of space for quiet study as well as group work. It is open Monday to Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Training in “information literacy” begins with a Library orientation for all students as part of their first Humanities course. In addition, a variety of workshops are offered that are tailored to the needs of particular courses or to introduce new technologies and services. Individualized help from the Library staff is also readily available. The Library’s collection consists of over 80,000 titles (books, periodicals, government publications and videos/DVDs). Over 50 computers are available for students and wireless connectivity is available throughout the Library. The Library webpage links students to a wide range of services including the online catalogue, the Ask a Librarian service, online periodical databases, research tools, style guides and instructional videos. The Media Centre provides students with laptops, projectors, CD players and cassette recorders for in-class use. For more information, please call the Library at 450-672-7360 ext. 221. 15 In order to use a locker, you must request one via your Omnivox account (the “Locker Request” module will become available to you once you have retrieved your schedule). You must share your locker with a partner; if you do not indicate with whom you would like to share your locker, you will be assigned a partner. Students who use a locker that has not been assigned to them will have the lock cut and the contents removed. For more information about lockers, please call Buildings & Equipment at 450-672-7360 ext. 212. Parking passes are available in room E-131 and will continue to be sold while space permits. In order to purchase a parking pass, you must have your Champlain ID card and your vehicle registration with you. You may only purchase a pass for yourself – no one else can purchase a pass on your behalf. You can purchase an annual pass, a semester pass, a monthly pass, or a 10-pass booklet. If you will only be using the parking lot occasionally, you can simply pay at the parking booth each time. Final prices will vary, but for budgeting purposes you will want to set aside a maximum of $200. For more information about parking, please call Administrative Services at 450-672-7360 ext. 229. The RTL (Réseau de transport de Longueuil) holds an on-campus bus pass photo session for eligible students in the fall semester only. Check the Important Dates page under “New Student Info Pack” on our website for the scheduled dates. Be sure to view the regulations for students aged 16 to 25 years. Information and application forms for the STM (Société de transport de Montréal) and the AMT (Agence métropolitaine de transport) may be obtained from Student Services. For more information about public transportation, please call Student Services at 450-672-7360 ext. 355. 16 If you compete in a sport at the provincial, national or international level and wish to benefit from early registration, you must send a MIO (see p.6) to Dayle Lesperance, the Academic Advisor who oversees the elite athlete registration. You will be scheduled for an in-person registration appointment, at which point you must present a signed attestation from your federation attesting to your level. Check the Important Dates page under “New Student Info Pack” on our website for the scheduled dates for early registration. For more information, please call Dayle Lesperance (Academic Advisor) at 450-672-7360 ext. 349. If you have ADD/ADHD, a neurological condition such as Asperger’s or Tourette’s syndrome, a mental health problem such as depression or an anxiety disorder, a learning disability such as dyslexia or dysorthographia, a visual impairment, a hearing impairment, a motor impairment, a physical injury or a chronic illness, and you require special accommodations (e.g., extra time or a separate writing space for exams, peer note takers, study buddies/tutors, computers with reading and writing software, etc.), you must send a MIO (see p. 6) to Marie Pupo, the Coordinator for Students with Special Needs. Supporting documentation from a professional is required. This service is confidential. For more information, please call Marie Pupo (Coordinator for Students with Special Needs) at 450-672-7360 ext. 411. In addition to any specific conditions stipulated in your acceptance letter, international students must also provide the following documentation to the Registrar’s Office before the first day of classes: - Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (C.A.Q.) from the Ministère de l’immigration et des communautés culturelles of the Province of Quebec; - Study Permit from the Federal Government of Canada; and - Proof of enrolment in a comprehensive health and accident insurance plan that is approved by the College. Students may obtain such an insurance plan at a cost of approximately $815.00 per year through the College. More detailed information will be sent to international students in a separate mailing. For more information about required documents, please call the Registrar’s Office at 450-672-7360 ext. 256. For more information about insurance, please call Student Services at 450-672-7360 ext. 355. 17 Can I submit my work in French? Generally speaking, francophone students choose to study at Champlain in order to improve their competency in English. In addition, all students must successfully complete four English Literature courses and the Ministerial English Exit Exam, so the more you practice your English, the better your chances of success. Therefore, all students are required submit their work in English. How long will it take me to adapt to studying in English? The first semester is always the most challenging. Your success will depend on a number of factors, such as your level of English before starting college, how much work you put into your studies, and your willingness to speak in English in and outside your courses. If you’re worried, you can always reduce your course load during your first semester (you will pick up courses in an extra semester; please note that this is not possible in the International Baccalaureate program). Our Academic Advisors are always available to discuss your options and to discuss the consequences of reducing your course load. What can I do to improve my English? Immerse yourself in English: television, movies, books, magazines and websites are a good way to start! You may also have an opportunity to sign up for a two-week English workshop before classes begin in August. More info will be sent to you in a separate mailing. Will my teachers be able to speak French? Although most of our teachers speak French, the language of instruction – and, therefore, the language spoken in the classroom – is English. 18 The transition from high school to college New students will find the passage from high school to cégep to be exciting and challenging. They are looking forward to new academic challenges and personal growth. Outside class time, students will find a host of opportunities through athletics, student activities and clubs to meet new people with different points of view and experience. With this comes growing independence and self-assurance. Parents who have been actively involved in their child’s education may find this transition a difficult one, but it is imperative that parents continue to provide the support and encouragement to which their children have become accustomed. Policy on confidentiality College policy and privacy laws of the Province of Quebec guarantee the confidentiality of every student's file at Champlain. No information can be released to anyone, including parents or any agency, without the express written permission of the student. The only exceptions are certain designated members of the College administration, as well as the parents of a student under 18 years of age. The College encourages all students to keep their parents informed and involved in their education. The Academic Advisors are always available for consultation, for both parents and students, with regard to the subject of confidentiality. Parents’ Night A Parents’ Night is held in early September in the Auditorium; details are sent later in the summer. The purpose of the evening is to familiarize parents about the transition from high school to college as well as provide information on some of Champlain’s academic policies. For more information, please call Student Services at 450-672-7360 ext. 355. 19 Please don’t hesitate to contact us at the numbers provided throughout this info pack if you have any questions. Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 12:00 and 1:00 – 4:00 Contact Information General number 450-672-7360 Registrar’s Office ext. 253 Student Services ext. 355 Financial Aid ext. 249 Bookstore ext. 243 Athletics ext. 359 Learning Centre ext. 222 Library ext. 221 Admissions 450-672-6240 877-929-9197 Please note that between semesters some offices may be closed or operating on reduced staff. Academic Advisors are not available during the month of July. 20
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